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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1913)
the MQBKINO OKEUOAIAJV. THUK8DAY. MAT V'Z, 1913. FOR RENT 1 TT. 1 - FOB BENT. , B OPPOBmW, BUSINESS OTtS Tl " Money tocal EsTc I 1 1 OTTR rREE AlTOMObttB AT YOUR SERVICE WIIES HUNTING APARTMENTS. from to i rooml, from $15 to 30 par - . . . . . . . . . . .. , tlnhnns Mala 2013 Sunaav or A 2ui3 Evenings rail Mr. Balden. Marshall 2-':0. Out automobile will call at any address with our ssent. who will be gld to inow these apartments. RetCTtnwi required. We own or control the following: Cecilia. Had and Gliaan t- , Claypool. illh and Ciay sta, ( Ford ham. 170 Ford su Hanlhom, 251 12th sU. near Main. Hanover. 1H5 King at., near Washington. Xnickeri-ocker. 410 Harruon. near lltn. Orderlelgh. 2 Grand ave. St. rroii. t7i) Su C.air at., near Waan, St. Francis, 21 and Hoyt eta Wellington. 15lh and Evitt st. MOROAN. KLEIDSSK BOYCE. 5u3-.V) Aolnglon Bids- A beautiful apartment I vacant (unfurnished) At the B RETNOR. 10th and Lovejoy ata, BARRETT BROS.. AGENTS. JOJ Board of Trade Bide. OR APPLY ON PREMISES. ' THE WHEELDOX. Corner Park and Taylor St. THE TVHKELDOX ANNEX. Corner Tenth and Salmon Street. Walklni Distance. Furnished complete. 2, S and 4-room aparunenta; building new and trictiy modern; service Ural class. CARMEL1TA. Jefferson and I3tb Sta. 4 and 6-room unfurnished apartments; exceptionally well arranged; walking dis tance. Rates Reasonable. Modem. References. New. TRINITY PLACE APARTMEXTa The House of Tone. Larjeat and finest apart ment on the Pacific Coast. In heart or aD art meet -ho use district. New and mod ern In every particular. Apartments fur nished and unfurnished; exclusive bachelor Quarters with club-room In south wlnfl sleeping-porches In every apartment; hlgh class service: refined clientele;, no dlssp pearinr furniture; terms reasonable: In spection Invited; references required phone Marshall 1101. THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sts. This new four-story hnck now open; fur nished and unfurnished In 2, 8 and 4-room suites; reception hall: electric automatic elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built in buffet and writing desk, gas range, ice box. plentv of closet roamm; both phones, vacuum cleaner free to patrona If you want something nice, com to tha Barker. Phore A 1744. Marshall 2lfll. WELLESLET COURT. East 15th and Belmont. W block of Slor. risoa. Biggest and beat on East Bide; 4 story. modern, louxloo; furnished and un furnished; walking distance. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Meat modern apartments en the Pacific Coast. Furnished Complete. Roof garden In connection. Walking Distance. References. THE MORDAl'NT. JTuroished or unfurnished four rooms and reception hall; all large, outside and sunny; easy walking distance; reasonable rent; look at these before locating. Ith and Everett, opposite Christian Science Church. DiHiiRAbLE 4-room apartment, furnished or unfurnished; arranged for 2 bedrooms; beat la city, considering rent, location, service, etc.: outside rooms, private bath, direct phone. f HEFt'IELD Aparunenta 172 Broadway, cor. Jefferson. ORDERLEIGH t2 Grand Ave.. 8 -room apartments, completely furnished, private baths: new management; modern and con venient walking distance, best of service, rates 813 to S30. JULIETTE APIi. 2d and Montgomery 2 rooms, modern, furnished and unfurnished. THE DAYTON 6 large rooms, apt., porches. every convenience; low rent. 65a Flanders. Flats. FIVE-BOOM modern flat for only 818-80, with all Improvements; furnace, gas and electric fixtures, fine bathroom, cement cellar. large clothes closets: fine location at 803 H.sey street. Get the key next door or phone daytime East 72$ or Mar shall 4022 or B 4!H. FOR RENT. Nice J-room flat, with bath, fireplace, electric lights, gas range, disappearing bed. laundry tubs. $20 month. V. It. SAUTEU, 32d and Lelmont. k home in strictly modern ft-room flat on bth st.. West Side: elegant furniture, ln i tuding piano, lawn in front and rear; on carline and within w'alking distance; adults only: give reference, phone during business hours. Vain 878-S. TWO new, modern 5-room flat; furnace, .oils, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, gas stove and heater; block to car. 14 H East 2Mb nrar Burns kit. East 2235; residence. East 17 7. k-ROOM flat. 710 QUean St.. near 13d st. rar; new, modern, convenient, hardwood floors, fireplace and furnace, select neigh borhood. Morgan, FUedner Boyce, all Ablngton b!dg. sis MODERN 5-room, nice residence lo cation. West Ride, front and baiut yard and porches, gas and electricity, gas range and water heater and linoleum. Marshall :1'.7 4 ROOMS. 812. 4 rooms, bath, solid oak floors, mirror floors, etc. vail ana see mis list loaay. J0a E. 44th St.; lake WW Car. get off E. 40th su. cor, flat. Phone Main 7637. TWO 8-rooro. flats, K. Morrison St.. valued taoDO. will take $3!0u if sold this week. Going East; a snap: rented for 845 mouth. Owner, b-'l Hawthorne ave.. East Sol?. $25 WEST blDS -room flat, furnace, fire place, every convenience and In fine or der. 725 Kearney st. . rhoue Main 2433, A 1434. So MODERN D-rooiu upper flat, furnace, fireplace, etc. hard surface streets, gsr agv desirable neighborhood. Phone East 4X a, rilf'K large rooms, modern, newly tinted, vsmished; good location, ready Thursday. 2 Northrup. M 8473. N"EW modern 5-room flat. Just finished tint ing 360 Park su. corner Mill. Key at 8KS park su ROOM modern flat, choicest location. West Side. Inquire 17S lvth, corner Yamhiit UNFLKNIbllED 8-room modern flat, choice location. West bide. Inquire e29 Everett, eomer Ifilh. FLAT of four rooms, water, heat and phone, furnished. Apply M Lucretia Place, near Washington and 23d sts Marshall 8510. For RENT 832.M. o-room mooeru uppir ft; furnare. flroplac-. shada awniuga '.'W N. l!h. Phone Msrsh. 1215. S-KOOM flat, furnace, firepiace, gas. elec tricity. Special price for the Summer. M 3441. 408 Spalding bldg 318 TURKS newly tinted rooms. bath, water and gaa free- Large porch, walk ing distance. 621 Overton. C 1874. I'i-olHAHl.E furnished and unfurnished; reasonable rent: references. Phone from to .-. Main 732. 7KMI, IRVING, near 23d 6-room modern fl.iv Key et corner grocery. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath; 731 Hoyt st. Inquire 131 6:h St. Phone Main 6278. Ft 1 Et KENT 5-room flat, batu, cellar, 315. o 2d st. 6-KOOM fiat, suitable for office and living rnoma looo Hawthorne ave. 312 MODERN 4-room flat, close In, good location. a,ast il.'H. 1ULI.AIAY ADD.. rRiKlng distance, near I carimes. tUS Masco st. Haul 0s iTKAJl-HK.lttn 5-rooiu modern West srde at 1.'.'. 17th st. jj. WrT StrB M.xierri 5-room lower flat, corner 2d and Gnmt: rent $22.5' 4-ROOM modern flat, frja East Pine. Fornishetl Flats 4-ROOM modern furnished flat, new and clean, tl?. tncinoing water and eleetrio lights, phone. Woodlawn zoi or Wood lawn lst. VERT desirable 4-room furnished r.nt with sleeping porch; choice location; walk ing distance: ariti'ta East dn41l. W EL1.-"T"KNLSHED flat. .1n. Five rooms, unfurnished at 120. References. 74 Qll san. HIGH-CLASS. 6-room furnished fiat for rent for Summer. Miin 44 Mi. JIOPERN 3-room flat, walking distance. piano. rnoDt iaim .uxa. k House kreplnx Rooms. THE BEAVER. 12lh and Marshall sts. Furnished for housekeeping; gaa range, electric lights, hot water, bath, laundry free; 312 per month up: a clean place; best In the city for the money; short distance from Union Depot. Take S or loth-et. cars north, get oit at Marshall. No dogs. 31.50 TO 32.73 week; clean, furnished house keeping rooms, suitable for 2 or 4: fr heat, laundry, bath, yard. gas. Phone E. 603. 404 Vancouver, 203 Stanton. "U" car. 461 EAt'.T MORRISON, comer East 8th.; nicely furnished J-room housekeeping suites, also single housekeeping rooms. THE UPSHUR. 40i 26th St., furnished 2 room apla, steam heat, llBki; 317 up. Main Pol, iake zju, or "v car u NEW furnished housekeeping rooms, heat, iig-nt. patns. ato. iitt'a mu. CAMBRIDGE bldg.. 3d and Morrison, fur. and unfur. h. k. rooms. 31-f'O week up. tjINGLE housekeeping and sleeplng-rooini, 31.23 week, 32.25 en suite. 211 2d su TTon keeplng-Rooms In Privata Family. SINGLE housekeeping rooms and 2-room ultea. 31 per month up; newly fur nished; modern dwelling; best apartment district; clean, light rooms; everything In cluded: walking distance. tli5 r landers, near 2th. TWO front housekeeping-rooms, walking dis tance. Private family. $13 per month, . . ii n-k. ....... -,t.(.na cnolrlnir cas. lnciuuing i. ua-t, , - East 232. A F INGLE room on 2d and 8d floor, heat, light and bath; phone and cooking 8" furnished, rent very reasonable, walking ... e eiwa igi c lvtri niltftjva r-m. . u . TWO, three and 4 well furnished housekeep ing rooms, homelike, heat, bath and nlo yard; walking distance. 620 East Ash. t'none r.. ioo. TWO front suites of two rooms each com pletely furnished, housekeeping, upper and lower. Modern. fl and 320 month. 03 Lovejoy, corner a. in. ji-p" " NEWLY furnished three-room housekeeping apartmeats. aia hwiuu " J children. 64! Alblna ave., cof. Biandena. L. car. . NEWa.Y-FU3tNISHED housekeeping rooms, bath, gas and wood stove, 310 and i per month. 1S9 17th, near yamhllL 103 20TH. corner Flanders, neatly furnished housekeeping rooms; large grounds and trees. 3-RUOM suite, hot and oold water, phone. . . . . I . . 'J CO a WAHlf. ligui. iieai. uiu (.uttAtui r t - - CHOICE location at Mount Tabor: 8 house- aeepina rooms, luniiBiioy, e . ' phone, etc.: rent 313. Phone Tabor 2i8. VERY neat suite of two front rooms, also extra sleeping-room, if desired, reasonable. Phone and bath. ow union ave. . 1STH ST.. 4 rooms, completely furnished, . . 1 1 . . 1 1 .1 1- n b. moooru, puone, vmiie nisi iim.'i . .Mcr arianu. jvy leou dips 114 Four furnished h. k. rooms; gas plate, steel range. t!4 7lh St. Main 462U. 82.6(1 A WEEK. 2 nice, clean furnished houseKeeping rooms, close in. aa .in. 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, bot iwr Drill. 101 tifmcf. S12 Two One, larjre housekeeping-rooms: monern; waisirrg onmncc. i"" SAVE searching, nicely furnished bay win dow. H. K. rooms, modern. 407 Jefferson. J H. K- rooms, also lodging room. Stout st. Car, walking distance, 305 Madison, NEATLY furnished housekeeping-room, 215 Uth St. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, 317; modern. 6!o B. Burnsme st. THREE or four furnished housekeeping rooms, ground floor, zoa E. 40tn. a un. veniences. walking distance. 44S Columbia. FRONT room, alcove, furnished housekeep ing; gas range, porch, modern. 473 Clay. FURnTsHED housekeeping suite. 310 per . .1 . . . u.l. 911!l NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 67 A FURNISHED 3-room apartment, rent rea sonable, large yaru. -o a,, cmrn. Bol FOR RENT. Suburban, home of 2 : acres, with a comfortable 6-room house; several chicken-houses, good family orchard, about 8 minutes' walk from streetcar; there are also several dosen chickens can be bought at market value: Otto A Harkson Realty Co.. 133 v First U: rent 1130 per year. MoliERN 8-room house, head of Johnson su Fine view, beautiful lawn and flow ers: unfurnished or partly furnished; two servants' rooms: reasonable to responsible tenant; long lease If desired. Wakefleid. Kries Co., k: 4tn su 7sl YORK 6T. Modern bouse of T rooms ana reception nsu, dbiii, iwiiw, 1 j . furnace, electrlo light, etc; half block to 23d st. car; will, lease at attractive figure. The Western Securities Co., 730 unamoer vi viunn.v.. 430 OREGON ST., between East 6th and 7th sta North 7-room modern house, furnace, good basement, fireplace, every convenience: accessible to several carllnes. Oall up owner. Tabor 1800, or call around corner. 1 East 7th SU North for key. NEW. modern 8-room home, Mt. Tabor Heights, large grounds, garage, furnished or unfurnished, for Summer, to reliable j'arty furnishing good reference. Phone Tabor 173. NEWLY tlnlshed 8-room home in Laurei hurst; hardwood floors. Imported tile man tel' everything first-class; desirable ten ants only, 323 per month. See trustee, 73(1 Chamber of Commerce bldg. MODERN 7-room house at 755 York su, bath, furnace, fireplace, electric lights, half block to 23d-U car; phone The West ern Securities Co. or call at 730 Cham ber of Commerce. BEAUTIFUL, strictly modern S-room bunga low, hardwood floors, conservatory, etc Also privately furnished elegant 6-room apartment. .od jii.i. .ti.... u llll l.lUIV.l JIDJI1..1 - . . - -" - - - 330. 133. 40. i5. -r0. 1100. R. T. STREET. Henry Bldg.. The lrvlngton Real Estate Man. 7 ROOMS, West Side, walking distance; nice yard, cement basement, porcelain plumbing. M0 Market su, near 11th. Phone Main 243 or A 4832. HOUSES AND FLATS FOR RENT. HACKER & THERKEUSEN.CO.. 306 Spalding bldg. Main 7i!2. TWO-STORY house, small bam, three lota, with plenty fruit, a corner. 87 W. Skid more, 316 per month. Careful tenanu Phone Marshall 242. - FOR RENT 7-room modern house at 73 East 10th St. North, cor. Everett: newly kalsomined: rent (25. Inquire at 75 East loth st. North. FOR KENT 6-room house on Beacon su, near Brooklyn schvl; price 118; near 2 c arllnes. Apply to E. Willis. 663 East 0th st. Phone Sellwood 873. EIGHT-ROOM house, all conveniences. Phone Main 31. Key 1101 Thurman, Willamette H-ight. NEW and modern 6 and 7-room houses, 120 . - . 1 1 1 t.Ra. aaia aferniinns ana 1 'i 1 ov . FOR RENT 4-room house, 3-5 P"r month. Corner 14th and Salmon, West slide. Ta bor 1448. FOR RENT 6-room house. In good con dition. 200 w nitaaer h. n"r Front St. HOUSE and acre of ground at Lents: also a - . hnnH nn the eu Johns carline. J. E. Smith. -41 4 Chamber of Commerce. ID THREE unfurnished rooms. ground floor, at 305 E. Uth. Main 6030 or E. 163. FOR RENT Good 7-room house. Walnut park, furnace, fireplace. 130. A. H. Bir rell Co.. 2112 McKay bldg- 3d and Stark. YOU will like this dellglitful new. modern 6-room house and grounds at Mount Ta bor, close to rnr; rent 330. Call Tabor 2-1. IHVINGToN Beautiful new 8-room resi dence, very choicest location, 350 por month. Phone Marshall 2 IPS. FOR RENT Two good bouses. For par ticulars Inquire room 301. The Dekum wiws. hi' I r H N 7-room house. West Side; full basement, furnace with water colL Phone bldg. Main 4007. A 4!"il. , HOUSE of 3 rooms and bath. OD E. 18th X. inquire iov 010 i- au S2 H ALL ST.. cor. 14tli 6-room house moaein piumoing, lu.oae, mm ic-. FOR RENT Modern 6-room house. 823 Wasco su, near East FirsU FoK RENT New 8-room house, 737 East 41st su Inquire for key next door. $1 7-ruomhouse. 310 E. Clay st. Main voO or B. . ll-ROOM house, suitable for roomers. 474 East Wsshlngton sU. cor. Ninth. $16 B-ronm house, in good condition. In quire f'-T East Stark st. NEW 0-1 00m bungalow; furnace, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, buffet 35th and Clinton. 2.V 41 ROOMS on East Sth, near Everett Smith-Wagoner Co.. .112 Iwls bldg. (IS MODERN 6-room house on 11 U Tabor, phone Tabor 829. 4-ROOM house, toilet, sink, light: newly pa pered. FOR REN'T 10-room house, large yard. 81a Mllwankee st. Phone Sellwood 802. rxTTAGE, walking distance, rent reason able. 5116 Hooh st. Phone Msrshall 134. VO RENT Houses and fiats. National Real Iv Investment Co. Main 3129. COTTAGE. IMi E. 7th st. 5 rooms, balh, full iwc, near Stephens School, fie. 2 k ACRES and attractive 4-room bunga low to rent for 317.50 or lease for year or more; six blocks from Multnomah on Oregon Electric; chicken-house and yard, small barn, finest opportunity to get your children out of town. See our agent at Multnomah or call at 730 Chamber of Commerce . CALL AT THE OFFICE for one of our PRINTED RENTAL LISTS. That's the Best Way to FIND A LOCATION. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO Main 6S0i. 203 Washington SU A 0267. Furnished Houses. ELEGANTLY furnished private home for rent, account of leaving city; 8 rooms, den, bath and pantry; roses, etc; hot ana cold water up and down stairs; rent very reasonable to right party. 1108 Ellsworth ave., cor. 37th. NICELY furnished 4-room apartment with two bedrooms; private bath, piano, phone, gas and electric lights, furnace heat, hot and cold water, nice location, reasonable to adults; from owner, West Side. 16th su N., corner Flanders. COMPLETELY furnished 7-room house with large sleeping porch, beautiful grounds, near car; will rent for 8 months to begin June 1. Phone C 2137 or call 881 E. 61th North. FOR RENT Juno 1 to Oou 1. one of the most attractive residences close In on xiie West Side; 11 rooms; will rent only to responsible party at a reasonable price. AO 85. Oresonian. S2(J Five rooms, bath, wood range, gas plate; large yard; nicely furnished. 35 six rooms, bath; well furnish oa; piano: large yard, fruit and berries; 43tn and Hawthorne. Call 201 FronU vnnr.av new s.rnnm bunealow. furnished. piano garden, to responsible party without . , . . ' . . , .v.. i1. 11 U 7 r. I. . cnuaren tor 3 or s nivu.uo. ... 37th x. Rose City car. FOR RENT for tlie Summer 6-room cottage, with all modern conveniences; will rent furnished or unfurnished; no children. 954 Enst lUth St. North. Take A car. FURNISHED COTTAGES FOR RENT. 3 rooms. Peninsula. 310; 6 rooms. Wood stock. 815. Fred W German Co., 632 C. of C. Both phones. MODERN furnished cottage. B rooms, also 3-room apartment, private bath, telephone convenient to S. P. shops. 614 East, 21st su WRear. 8-ROOM furnished house for four or. five months. Most desirable distriot. West Side, Phone Marsnau -up BEAUTIFUL furnished modern 5-room bouse, walking distance. Main 69i0. East 5702. . MAN and wife to take charge of partly fur nished house for board and room of the owner. N 75. uregoman. NICELY furnished modern 6-room bunga low, after June 1; No. 124 20th su North; . T,I I.'.. . 1 11(1 reference. rin'iiu .cue. 322.50 TO responsible party, my nicely fur nished modern 6-room home, 2 blocks of Broadway pnogq. w mi;-""'" ISO Mortem S-room house. Nob Hill; Turk ish rugs, mahogany furniture, grand piano. .11. .n Main 7&?fl. PORTLAND HEIGHTS 7-room cottage, with sloeplns porch, all newly furnished. A 401. FURNISHED house for rent through the Summer, 7 rooms, modern; fine view; gooa neighPornoou. Jim"" .. - .. - - MODERN 6-room bungalow. Rose City Park, 320. rhone Main 2U13. SIX rooms, modern, bath, electric lights, on river. West Side, 330. Main 4748. Summer Resorts. "GEARHART BY THB SEA" Three two room apartments in new borne; furnished kitchen and living-room; folding bed in each room; new home-made bedding; bath tolleu lavatory, hot and cold water, electricity; by month or season; make res ervations nOW. JiaiBlian MODERN cottages on river, Jennings Lodge, Oregon City car, consisting of 3 and 4 rooms; water, bath, electric lights. Phone Farmers 1SL Emmons or Main 478. 1 . . - iml 4-room cottage, completely furnished, 1 . I ...... . U.ln Pi 1 11 water ana eiectriii.j'. j vj.,q THE PERGOLA, oue of the prettiest cot tages at Seaside, completely furnished. Phone Main 3174 after 4 o'clock. tores. EXCELLENT STORE LOCATION. On best part of Morrison su, 10x60, sult ablo for shoe store, trams' furnishings, florist. Oriental goods, tea; rent only JloO. GARAGft. A 70-foot front on the best street, close In on East Side; cheap if taken at once. 20x00, let St., S. Portland, prtg. shop. 3 20 2oi3o. Fourth st., near Taylor iu 50x100, Fourth St., near Morrison 300 71xl00, Fourth at., near Alder 1" 25x53 Fifth St., near Washington.... 4.iO 5oxC5. Fifth su, near Yamhill 400 15x33. Sixth St., Burnsido 100 S.-.X10O. Sixth su. near Oak basement l.0 15x50, Sixth St., near Washinston. . . . 4n0 20x30, Sixth it, near Washington.... 200 20x35, Sixth su, near pine loo '22x75, Park su, near Yamhill........ l'-'o 47x25. Park sU. Yamhill i5 17x05, Tenth .su. near Washington... loO 17x5X Tenth St., near Morrison 12o lexoO. Tenth su, near Morrison 150 2ox50, Tenth St., near Morrison 130 20x5o, Eleventh su, near Morrison.... 45 2i-x50, Eleventh su, near Washington. 17o 22x75, Morrison, near 3d 300 tJ3xH'0. Morrison, near Broadway...,. 300 17'ix4S, Hawthorne, near Front 23 35x48, Hawthorne, near Front 80 20x40 tith and Lincoln 25 13Vx35. First, near Clackamas 13 R. H. GOODKIND CO.. INC., 401-2-3 Wilcox bldg. Ask for Mr. Grlebel COR. 10th and Washington sts, beautiful storeroom. 16x40, cheap renu 360; store room, Washington St., between ldth and lUh, 10x110; low rent, 350. Upstairs storeroom. 16th St., near Washington, JiOx 40, suitable for light manufacturing, plen ty of light, $15. Four storerooms, cor. Grand ave. and Belmont, in 4-story brick building, rent very cheap, J20 to 363. E. J. Daly. 22-3 Falling bltig. WASHINOTON-ST. store near lUth, splen didly fitted for delicatessen, fancy gro ceries and liquors. Has tile floor and mahogany woodwork. Is surrounded by hotels and apartments; very reasonable renu Morgan, Flledner 4 Boyce, 603 Ab lngton Lbldg. ONE-STORY' trick building, 100x100, cement floor, no posts, formerly used as garage, 20th sU, ISO feet from Washington St.; will make good stores; long lease. Apply manager Baggage Company, Park 4 Davis sts. FOR RENT. 2 storerooms. 25x76 each, all class front, on best corner town 1000. For sale, 2 farms, 40 and 100 acres each, 31000 worth of mdse. and fixtures at a price. Box IPS Slayton. Or. SPACE in modern basement, ventilated and well lighted, N. W. corner 4th and Alder sts., suitable for cafeteria, printing shop, etc. Morgan, Flledsar & Boyce. 508 Ab lngton blug BEST established location In district for furnishings and shoes, cheap renu Call at 1044 E. 18th et, N. FOR RENT Stores, Nos. 243 and 250 Haw thorne ave., east end of bridge. Apply Hawthorne Dock Co. Phone East 2008. STORES. STORES. STORES. W. H. VEBB, 401 Yeon bldg. Main 4913. STORE 310 montn, suitable for any busi ness. P&5 Alblna ave., cor, Biandena. Office. FOR RENT. Rooms, Sterns bldg., corner 6th and Morrison sts., suitable for musical or art studios, offices or sample salesrooms. In quire office Sherman, Clay A Co. CONNECTING otflcea, overlooking Morrison su for rent In Tilford bldg., reasonable terms; ask at elevator any hour. Phone Marshall 318 between B and 6. MOST centrally located office: very reasonable- all-night elevator service. 808 Swet land bide. Fifth and Wsshington sta LARGE double front rooms, modern ; phy sician' or office. 121V4 Grand ave Phone E. 4731. DESK ROOM Heat, light, both phones. 9 iv I1" ... - - FINE location for light manufacturing, tail or or offlcea. AS 845, Oregonlan. DESK room In fine, ground-floor office. 4 knilway Excnange. PART of offlae on ground floor. 4 Railway Exchange. Warehousea. STORAGE. large or small quantities: 60.000 ft floor space, on S. I'. R. S, E. Morrison and 1st st. East 8227. BUSINESS OPPOKTCNTTTES. FOR SALE On of the best cash groceries In th city. West Side, fixtures half price. $1100 Will nanuie. jciii"i ........ AUTOMOBIIJ3 business, garage and repair shop', centrally located. West Side. AE 76. Oregonlan. TAILORS' SHOP for sale. P. O. box 137. Prlnevllle. Or. FOR SALE Half interest In good-paying saloon, i. 67. Oregonian. CIGAR candv store with soda fountain, eheao. unable to attend it. 104 8th sU N. T3UNN 4 CO., Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. Investigate and advise in all investments. -.on KIISIN'KSS CARDS. SL ROSP! 'ITY PR1NTERY. l2t, 3d St. FOR SALE cheap, tailor shop, doing good business. Samet, Forest Grove. Or. BAKERY Brl'-k oven; rent 320: big shop trade: price $45'V 303 Lumber Exchango. SEAT barber shop for sale cheap, next to th-ater. 3411 E. 7:'d St. S. E. RESTAURANT ior sale, 226 Burnsld sU SALOON FOR TRADE. Owners of this saloon wish to Tetire and will take in exchange for same, well lo cated lots or acreage They have a well established business, have been In their present location for a number of years, are doing a good business now and have alwavs done a good business. They have Independent license, good stock, safe, cash reglrter, pool table, etc Price 33000. It Interested call Main 4381. A-7259. . - t DBTLJCATESSEN. GROCERY" AND BAKERY. Cash sales averaged 144 day since Jan. 3. Finest West Side location: rent 333 month. This Is an old-established busi ness and has never been offered for sale before. Price 31400. "RALPH ACKLET IAXD CO., 204-3-6 Failing bldg., 3d and Washington. SOUNG MAN Consult Advisory and Em ployment Department of the Y. M. C. A, before Investing. We never tell WHERa but frequently are able to advise where NOT to invest so as to save money. Y. M. C. A. members also have the privilege of securing- rooms at reasonable rates in the fireproof association building; use of gymnasium, swimming pool, shower baths ana tuu omer icaimca .I-" . J x M. u.l.-. ...... A money-maker In a hay, grain, clover seed warehouse; capacity for hay 1000 tons, filled every year; 110,000 bu. grain can be handled easily: 6 car loads clover seed cleaned last year; machinery excel lent shape, run by motor power; 3H acres land goes with buildings;, best location; any reasonable price considered. Address BanK ot Amity, Amny. luijn urruftii'1' FOR SALE: An up-to-the-minute, well established dry goods, shoes and ready-to-wear business, located In one of the best towns In Eastern Oregon. It will take 313,000 to 318,000 to handle 1U WU1 stand the closest Investigations as to Its wonder ful merit. Good reasons for selling; no Uriflers need answer, but one that means V t. aIT DTT nr.i.inllin. A good paying grocery In Seattle, Wash.. will Invoice about 32S00. I want a home lor my family in Portland. The next two years I must spend In Alaska, The prop erty must be of fair value and free fro:a every kind of debt. Address box 313, Ballard atatton, peatwo. GOOD opportunity for butcher with a lfttl money, good location, rent reasonable, re frigerator counters and meat, racks fi nished; basement under entire building; established, trade; an Al opportunity to get Into paying business for yourself. - K. Bland. Orlando Apts., Portland, Or. Phone Mar. ib4 and A 7104. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL with high-grade expert teachers. Complete 310.O0O equip ment to train for this coming vocat.on. Not run to make money, but for the good of men. See or write bupu of the All the Year Round Y. 31, C A. Day uiui Night Schools, corner Cih and Taylor sta FOR SALE at reat sacrifice. If taken at ones, bakery, doing good wholesale and retail business In thrifty section of city; reason for selling. Ill-health and must leave city; splendid opportunity for any one looking tor such a business. P 85, Oregoniun. YOUNG lady wants party with 300 to buy half interest In movtng-plctuie show busi ness; experience not necessary; she knows the business, but cannot do all the work alone. Full particulars 212 Railway Ex change bldg., ask for De Young or Evans. ONE-STORY brick building, 100x100, ce ment floor, no- posts, formerly used as garage, 2uth St., 150 feet from Washington su; will make good stores; long lease. Apply manager Baggage Company, Park and Davis sis. CAUTION BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called Inter ests In established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board. F. L. PURSE. Secretary. 818 Chamber of Commeroo. RESTAURANT Excellent opening for fam ily restaurant In fast-growing town on electric line 20 miles from Portland: 5000 people to draw from. Address Frost, Pleasant Home, Or. p. O. Gresham, R. F. D. No. J. box 130. COAL and general transfer business; 6 horses. 5 sets double harness, 4 wagons, piano,- truck and all things needed to run the -business; all horses young and sound. 101 Hurnside st. Call and buy of owner. FOR SALE or trade, drugstore, bulhllng, stock and fixtures, and residence; value 37500, Incumbrance 32300. payable 347.52 per month. Address or call W. S. Harris, Buhl, Twin Falls County, Idaho. EMPLOYMENT office; owner wants a steady, sober partner; profits are very large. 311? Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. MANAGER for first-class little restaurant, salary and division of profits; small In vestment required. Inquire De Young, 212 Railway Exchange bldg. OPPORTUNITY for active business man who can Invest some money In local man ufacturing business. Position to right party. Particulars 248 Stark St. ' FOR SALE Butcher shop in country town with large payroll; 3500 will handle; busi ness 3400 to $500 a week. W 71, Ore sonian. THE best 6-table pool room money will buy; town of 8000; price J1900, 2-3 cash; don't answer unless you have the money. W. C. Kahle, Forest Grove, Or. OPENING in brokerage business for right party, handles rooming-houses, real estate, etc., $200 required. Particulars, 248' Stark st. GROCERY. confectionery, etc; 4 living rooms; rent for all 325; waiting-room st tached; price $050 ouly. 303 Lumber Exchange.- EXPRESS business, owner obliged to selj account of sickness, business will pay $0 day; 3350 required. Particulars, 248 'i Stark st. RESTAURANT FOR SALE. Best location In St. Johns, lease, rent $12.50, living-rooms. Price $300. By own er, 122 Philadelphia st. DENTAL office for sale, old-established lo cation and splendid for transient trade; price much less than cost of outfit. Phone during business nours. niaiu. oiuu. WANTED Loan ol S.'iOO for short time; well insured; legitimate business; profits enormous to party making loan, AS 72, Oregonian FOR SALE Small, fully equipped mater nltv hospital, going business, fine oppor tunity for trained nurse with small capi tal. M 72. Oregonlan. SOLID cash grocery with living rooms and paying $150 month over all expenses, 37UO. Room 323 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. AUTO garage and repuir shop; has all latest machinery; clearing $300 month; price 3 1400. 303 Lumber Exchange. PICTURE SHOW Partner wanted to be cashier, etc: can draw salary and share of profits.- Call 319 Lumber Exchange, BARBER SHOP. 1 chaira; long leaae. cheap rent: between 3d and 4th, 205 Morrison su Owner must leave for South. HAVE you $150 to Invest and are you will ing to work 8 hours a day for $126 month? Then Call at 300 X.UIiiuer wuumiBe, FIRST-CLASS cigar store that to paying $156 month over all expenses, $500. Room 323 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. BEST-PAYING weekly in Portland at great sacrifice on account of death of owner. K 74, Oregonian. SALOON in good location, out of high-rent district, for sale cheap If taken at once. Phone Main 2600. A 2(190. A GOOD paying butcher shop; In thickly settled neighborhood. . cheap ; must ell; have other .business. - i 1. urpguiimn. GROCERY Invoices $1760; 10 per cent off for cash; tine location; doing, nice cash business. 803 Lumber Exchange. SUBURBAN grocery and confectionery store, with living-rooms, rent $7 month for all. A bargain, particulars. 10 am at. CASH grocery with living-rooms; rent 320 month: good trade; will sell very cheap. 819 Lumber Exchange. COAL and express business paying $ dally over ail expenses, 3350. 323 Lumber Ex change. Id and Stark. CLEANING and pressing shop, established; snap for right party; leaving city. 18 12th su RESTAURANT for sale or half interest to good cook. See owner, 104 KJUlngsworth ave. OPPORTUNITY for energetic man used to farm produce; pay $125 month. 319 Lum ber Excnange. mm WILL exchange my grocery store, 100 daily , , .... c L 1 , W 1 Knmn elear of indefot- e.lness. N 73. oregonlan. I H tVE a market to sell; good locations your own price at your own terms. Frank L. Smith, 228 Alder. CLEAVING, dye shop. 2 furnished rooms, light housekeeping; very cheap on account leaving cny. , w vTZTTi Tr FOR SAU. Lnw, j ,fi rooms and dining-room, doing good business. Y 75. Oregonian. bIntUIIAXT, West Side; doing big busi ness; only $135; worth $500. 303 Lumber Exchange. CONFECTIONERY, claars, light r groceries; bargain it taken this week. 648 Wash ington st. NEW remodeled restaurant; - must soil at once. 16'.s N. 6th. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO., 61 a Yeon bldg-., 6th and Alder. POOL HALL. A-l location, no competition: 50x100 room, no posts; 20 pool and billiard tai.ea, cork floor all new; best of reasons for selling; price $7000, or will sell Inter est. Small amount of cash will handle or will consider good trade. What have you? CAFETERIA AND DAIRY LUNCH. Close-in location: 6 living rooms; re ceipts overage $45 to $55 a day; A-l equlp menu If you want a cafeteria, call about noon tomorrow and wa will show you a place that is making money. MOVING-PICTURB SHOW. Seata 200; best of equipment and Is clearing $40 a week; rent only $50, with lease; $500 will put you in possession. BAKERY. Fully equlpoed; business averages $930 a month; large store with full cement basement; largu cash register, safe, 3 show cases, 2 counters, two horses and wagons; owner leaving town and must sell at once. PLUMBING SHOP. Established 5 years; doing a fine busi ness; price $1350; $800 cash and balance terms or trade. CONFECTIONERY AND CIGAR STORE. Located In fine district, close In; 23 to $35 a day business; will sell at Invoice. If you wish to get Into business, call ajid see our "Exoluslve" listings, as we hanule only the 'oesu' 1 ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO.. 618 Yeon Bldg.. 6th and Alder. OWNER'S SACRIFICE. Modern store building in rapidly devel oping central residence district; can show an attractive Income on the Investment or would be an Ideal opening for one wish ing to go Into business and own the build ing; capital required $3500, balance three and five years. For interview with owner address B 72, Oregonlan, IF YOU have energy and ability and can Invest $150 or more, we want to see you. We have a high-class business proposition to present to men and women. The best money-maker on the market today; goods used by the largest firms in the EasU also in this city. Palace Hotel, ask for Mr. Blecnner or Mr. riugnes. FOR SALE At discount, men's clothing and furnishing store, neat, clean stock, best location, good room. This is a good chance to get into business, one of the best towns In the state; good reason for selling: stock about $7000. Address Box 2S5, McMlnnvllle, Or. INTEREST In good sawmill; lota of tim ber and plenty of orders for lumber; 'a good money-maker; about $5000 required; don't answer unless you mean business and have the money. Call or address tii)2 Glisan su, Portland. SOLID cash business; opening for a steady man; mostly outside work and will pay you $5 day; very little money required which will be -secured. Call 319 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark! FARMER with money can have permanent position at good salary on runch near Portland; state how much you can InvesU AR 73. Oregonlan. CIGAR STORE, West Side, close in; big transient trade; price only $600. 803 Lum ber Exchange, 2d and Stark. RESTAURANT, seats 64. Lease 8 years. 213 Fourth street. ROOMING-HOUSES. FOR SALE. Hotel of 32 roums. newly furnished, full to capacity with boarders; good oarn, or chard bearine- fruit enough for hotel use For further information write or call on Mrs. Mane Lareen, ewis uo Wash. TAKE LOT, 5500 to $000, for small ROOMING-HOUSE, income enough for small family; or take same on large place In business district, with little cash; mort gage, $350; terms. O. C R. Ellis & Co., 300 Board 01 A raae. 26 BEDROOMS, dining-room and kitcheni neat and clean; large number of roomers and boarders: factory district; lease three years: rent S30; big snap for quick sale; make an offer; will exchange for cheap lot or equity. Yett. Marshall 4200. S ROOMS, beautifully furnished, close-in corner, rent $30, Income $60, leaving 2 swell rooms for home; modern house, large yard; this must be sold; It will suit you. l'rice $350, your terms. Call 88 10th, near Stark. 17 ROOMS; nice modern dwelling; near 20th and Washington sts., one of the best small places on the market; cheap rent, receipts $108; price $1050; teTms or part trade. 0. C. R. Ellis & Co., 309 Board of Trade ROOMING-HOUSE 16 rooms, all outside rcfoms on one floor and rented, good fur niture and location. Low Rent. A splen did buy at $650. See E. J. Geiser, 420 Chamber ot uommerce. HOTEL, well furnished, fine location, cheap lease; present owner for 1 years never cleared less than $200 per month; price SlilOV. Ati Ol. vicaunwi. FOR SALJ3 10-room house, well furnished, close In, West Side; rooms full; $350 if quick sale. Owner must leave city, phone Main 4tti3. ROOMING-HOUSE. 16 r., fine location, cneap rent, lease, well-furnished, clean, clears 37o mo. Modern nouse, pnws in, Will be sold, sec Call 191 4th sU tSO NICE, clean, 10-room housekeeping. West Side, good furniture, good for $71 per month and your own room. -HIGLEY & BISHOP. 201 Hamilton bldg. ROOMING-HOUSE, 11 rooms, well fur nished, close in, v est Hide, caen iu day. AF 73. Oregonlan. FUItNITURE of nice, clean 12-room house, close In, good business, cheap renu Phone Main 61S3. - CLASSY rooming-house, swell location; must be sold within a week; cheap for cash; no a gen ts. X IV. oregonian, I WILL sacrifice 10 rooms dandy furniture u.m riit-. v cir,n rash and terms. EVANS. 212 Railway Exchange bldg. 20-ROOM fine lodging-house, newly remod eled, 1st sU, between Columbia and Clay. 12-ROOM house, reasonable cash offer will be accepted. 443 jenersun su 12 MODERN rooms, well furnished, all full. good location, cneap. zx 9-ROOM house to lease, furniture for sale; must be Bold this week. Main 1547. SPECIAL NOTICES. Miscellaneous. MY wife. Linda Bashaw, having left my bed and board at Wlllamlna. Or., I hereby warn all persons from trusting her on my accounu Horace Bashaw A N V. one having any claims against Work man & Fergonla, The Mecca. 302 Oak St.. present same within 6 days from date as partnership has been - dissolved. jfrouosals Invited. NOTICE OF BANKRUPT SALE In the United 8tates District Court for the Dis trict of Oregon In the matter of R. Rogoway. Marc Rogoway and William Ro goway, partners, doing business as R. Rogoway & Sous, bankrupts. I will re ceive sealed bids for a stock of goods, wares and merchandise, consisting of fur niture, crockery, stoves and ranges, sit uated in the storeroom formerly occupied by R Rogoway & Sons, on Second and Broadalbm streets, Albany, Or., up to 12 o'clock noon on Saturday, May 31. 1913. the Inventoried value of said stock being $3526.96. Certified check for 10 per cent of amount of bid must accompany the bid. Sale will be subject to the approval of the couru Inventory of the property may be seen at my office and the property may be Inspected at the storeroom above named. Dated at Albany. Or., May 20. 1913. 1 G. Lewelllng, trustee, Albany, uregon. IN the matter of A. iL Lara Co., of Bend, Oregon, sealed bids will be received by me up to 12 o'clock noon of Tuesday, June 3, 1913, for a stock of merchandise and fixtures located at Bend, Oregon, of an Inventory valuation as follows: Shoes, ID0SU.70; men's wear. $5030.21; dry goods, $3317.20; toys. 3158.14: hardware. $578.01; groceries $645.2(1, making total merchan dise $13,024.58, together with dry goods, shoe and grocery fixtures amounting to $2345.69. Terms cash and a deposit of 10 per cent of amount offered must accom pany each bid and the right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. Inventory may be seen at my office and property may be in spected at Bend. K. U. bAMA. 4, rim """I. Dated at Portland. Oregon. May 17. 1918 SEVLED proposals will be received at the office of the undersigned. 402 Tilford bldg.. until 12:00 M., Wednesday, June -4. 1913. for the heating and ventilating and plumbing of the Kenton SchooL Plans and specifications may be obtained at the of fice of F. A. Naramore, superintendent of properties. 408 Tilford bldg. A deposit of 33 is required for each set of plans and specifications. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of the proposal, payable to R. H. Thomas, school clerk, roust accompany each proposal. Board of Directors re serves the right to reject any and all pro posals. R. H. THOMAS. Dated Slay 21. 1913. School Clerk. OFFICE CONSTRUCTING -QUARTERMASTER Fort Worden, Washington, May 20. 1913. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, for furnishing and laying approximately 59!o lineal feet of 2 and m -inch galvanized water pipe at Fort Flagler, Wash., win be received In this office until 11 A. M-, June 9, 1913. and then publicly opened. A deposit of $5 will be required for return of olans. Information, etc, upon applica tion to Captain P.. F. Woods. Constructing guHriurnutaiBi . TJ. S. ENGINEER OFFICE, Portland, Or., April 9, 1913. Sealed proposals for con structing and erecting eleven pairs ot metal lock-gates for Dal leselilo Canal wtll be received here until 11 A. M. May 24 1813. and then publicly opened. In formation on application. Jay J. Mor row, Maj. Engrs. c 1 t c oe riTv wnvnf: Dalles City, Oregon, hereby calls for bids for the bonds of the city In the sum of $12,000. consisting of 12 bonds al One Thousand Dollars ($1000.001 each. These bonds bear date of July 1, 1913. and will bear Interest at the rato of 3 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, principal and interest payable In United States gold coin at the fiscal agency of the state ot Oregon In the city and state of New York, and will mature on the 1st day of July, 1933. A complete certified transcript of all pro. ceedings on the part of the Council of Dalles City in reference to the lssuunce and sale of said bonds may be seen upon application to the Recorder of Dalles City. A copy of said transcript has been for warded to Story, ThorndlUe. Palmer & Dodge, 735 Exchange building, Boston, Mass., who have been employed by Dalles City to render their opinion as to the reg ularity of all proceedings ou the part of the city In the Issuance of these bonds, and as to th validity and legality of the bonds, and the city's power to levy and collect sufficient taxes to pay the princi pal and interest thereof at maturity, and as to whether there 1b any local law or regulation of taxation and exemption with in Dalles City or the county in which said city la situated which affects or Impairs the city's rights to levy a sufficient tax for the payment of the principal and Interest of said bonds at maturity. All bids may be subject to the uncon ditional and unqualified opinion of said attorneys upon all matters submitted to them, and no bidder will be held bound by hls bid unless and until said attorneys have rendered their unqualified and un conditional opinion in favor of the regu larity, validity and legality of said bonds, and as to all other matters submitted to them as above mentioned. In ail other respects the bids must be unconditional. The bonds will be furnished by Dalles City and will tie prepared under the su pervision and direction of the said at torneys and approved by them as to their form, regularity and validity. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for not less than 5 per cent of the amount of the bid. to be tor- felted to Dalles City In the event mat said bid Is accepted and the bidder shall refuse to complete the purchase of the bonds. All bids must be sealed and filed with the Recorder of Dalles City on or before 12 o'clock noon the 10th day of June, 1913. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Further Darticulors will be furnished upon request. Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, this 2d aay ot May, i-jio. GEORGE F. ROSS. Recorder of Dalles City. LOST AND FOUND. THE following Is a list of articles found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company and turned in at the different division points. Owners may se cure same by applying at barns as Indi cated: Ankeny barn. May 20 1 pkff. clothes pins, 1 picture, 1 pltg. collars, 1 glove, 1 pkg-. overalls, i hoe, 1 can of oil, 1 lunch pall. Savier-st. div. 3 suitcases, 1 large bas ket, 1 purse, plumber's vise and thread cutter Piedmont barn Phone A 6131 2 um brellas, 1 baskcu 1 bucket, 1 hand bag, 1 knife. 1 book. 6 nitsc articles. Sellwood barn Phone A 6131 1 book. 1 umbrella, 1 key, 3 gloves. 2 purses, 1 pair of overshoes, 1 package of cloth. 1 valise, 2 lunch boxes. LOST Man hired rig at Lents Livery Bain Tuesday to go to Montavllla; did not re turn it; dark brown horse. 6 years, top black buugy, red stripes: xto reward for Information leadifig to recovery. A. Coop, Lents, Oregon. IF THE party who took furs and jewelry from the Beryl Apartments will return same, a liberal reward will be paid and no questions asked. Phone A 1193 LOST AIREDALE dog, brown and black; East Side Call evenings. Tabor 3U0t. Reward. LOST Envelope containing valuable papers at Crescent Pool Hall Sunday. G. L. Allen. 212 Selling blag., regaro LOST A pair of glasses in green case Woodlawn 4S7, 7oo Gantenbeiii. LOST A black and white bulldog. Phon A 5063. Reward. ITNAJJCIAL. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL, ESTATE OR FOR BUILDING PURPOSES. VERY FLEX IBLE CONTRACTS. NO COMMISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO.. 910 SPALDING BLDG. WE will furnish the money at a low rate of interest and save you more than the brok erage of 2 per cent if we do the planning and building for you. It will pay you lo see us. L. R. BaUey Co.. lnc, 524 Ablng ton. TO LOAN. I HAVE PLENTY OF MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE SECURITIES AT 5 TO 8 PER CENT. EDWARD P. MALL. 800 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. WE BUILD ON EASY PAYMENTS. We furnish plans and money and build vour home or apartments, etc Taylor Building Co., 504 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark sts. LOANS from $1500 to $10,000 on good Port land security. HACKER & THERKELSEN, 306 Spalding Bldg. Main 7u92. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Or sellers' equity in contracts of sale on real estate in Washington or Oregon. II. E. Noble, Lumbermen bldg Loans. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Western Bond & Mortgage Co., 416 Commercial Club Bldg. $7500 FIRST mortgage for sale: value of property $20,000; owner needs money; will give liberal discount. Address Room 634 Portland Hotel. B'IRcIT and second mortgages and building contracts buught. E. B. Miller, 410- Ab lngton bldg FOR SALE at a discount, $2100 S and 7 per cent bonds. Provident Trust Co. AL 75, Oregonian. MORTGAGE LOANS, notes, contracts, mort gages (1st and 2d), equities purchased. F. H. LEWIS & CO.. 3 Lewis Bldg. MONEY to loan on farm and city property, no delay. Nelson Bros.. c't4 Lewis bldg. REAL ESTATE contracts and mortgages bought. 422 Chamber of Commerce Money to Loan Real Estate. $1000 TO $100,000 TO LOAN. Portland City and Farm Property. Current Rates. MALL & VON BORSTEL, I04 Second SU, near Stark. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE S3(H and up. HARTMAN-THO.VIPsON BANK $300, $400 AND $1000 to loan on Portland real estate, Interest 8 per cent; submit your security at 730 Chamber of Com mere bldg. WE have money to loan on your real es tate; first mortgages only. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423 Chamber of Commorce. BEE US TODAY for loans on improved city property. 6 to 8 per cent, $300 and up. CELLARS-MURTON CO., 825 Yeon bldg LOANS on improved and unimproved city and suburban real estate, mortgages bought. W. ii. isunn, 443 bnenoca oiug. WANT TO BUY MONTHLY PAYMENT Second mortgage or sellers' contracL Smith-Wagoner Co.. 812 Lewis bldg. HAV E $5000 to loan on Improved city prop erty; no agents need apply. C 79, . Ore gonlan. TO LOAN $30,000 OR LESS. r Atininuxu.i. COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG. jIuniuAuo ...... .... . Real estate security, current rates. Tim. 10-12 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest . XT T3l,.,ll frt Pil1. M.-U'-JW lllld. . rates, a. i niru mm PLa. , s"iio OOO TO loan in sums to suit; building - . . w n xi.i-.qii: loans; iuw.i ... . T-'oiHrii. hldir. S1O00 TO LOAN on improved city property, 'vii. VZ. xi.. M 42 Mammon bide. MONEY to loan on Improved city property . .. n rates. l.uwver's Abstract V Trust Co., room 0, Board of Trade bldg. MORTGAGE loans on real estate security. ' - . :i1i.. KIM, t,rCV blllff MONEY to loan on good security. F. VV. Torider. 100, Sherlock bldg. MONEY to loan on residence or business property. Phones Wood. 1561. C 2457. SHORT-TERM loans on real or collateral security. 207 Oregonlan bldg. LOANS on real estate, diamonds and Jow- elry. Wm. Holl, room 9 Washington bldg. S65.OO0 OR part to loan on downtown in come real estate. Main 1166. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. H. HARDING, 313 Ch. of Com. MORTGAGE LOANS at current rates. L. H. MAXWELL, 816 Chamber of Commerce. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort gafres. H. Mlley. room 204 Gerlinger, bids. STATE FUNDS. 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas agent Multnmnah County. 400 Ch. of Com. MONEY, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. W. H. Seltz & t.o.. 010 gpanung puis. Henry C. Prndhomme, SOS WHc.ctx bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON, 229 STARK ST. ON Improved city property or for bulldiiii, purposes. 3 to 8 years' time; liberal pay ment privileges; money udvancud ;is building progresses. The Equitable Sav ings & Loan Association, 2-io Stark si. MONEY to loan on Improved city and farm property; first inortabe. R. Buetlkol'er. 2t!5 Salmon. Money to Loan Chuttels and Salaries. WE WILL LOAN YOU S10 to 20il TODAY. On Your SALARY, PIANO, AUTOS. STORAGE RECEli'TS, FURNITURE OR LIVESTOCK. NEW RATES. $ .30 Weekly Pays a $10 Loan. $ .70 Weekly Fas a $25 Loan. $1.1( Weekly Pas a 350 Loan. Other sums iu proportion. Full Rebate Allowed. RECEIPT IN FULL TJIVEN in case of Death or Total Disability. PORTLAND LOAN CO., 413 Macloay Bldg. Bet. 4th and 5th, 011 Wash. MONEY MONEY MONEY. We have plenty of money on hand which we are authorized to loan to sal aried people la amounts of $10 to $100. Loans may be paid In Installments a best suits your convenience. We solicit a call and Invite you to investigate our confidential methods. We assure you of courteous treatment and quick service. All we ask Is a fair return for our services. Call, telt'phonii or write STATE SECURITY CO., 308 Failing Blilg- PRIVATE PARTY" LOANS. On furniture, pianos, storaito receipts, watches, diamonds. Jewelry, kodaks. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. 320 Lumber Exchange. EL BY COMPANY. SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. You caii get $5 to $100 today at cheap est rates, best and must private terms in Oregon. Tr. D. Drake. 32S Henry bldg MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE, and others, upon their own names; cheap rates; easy payments; confidential. D. H. Toiman, room 317 Lumber Exchange A DESIRABLE place for ladles and gentle men to borrow money ou diamonds and Jewelrv at Eastern rates. Diamond Pal ace, 334 Washington, opp. Owl Drugstore. IMMEDIATE and confidential loans on fur niture, pianos, autos. warehouse receipts; mortgages bought. Bauer. 206 Alder. WE LOAN money on diamonds and Jewelry at half the rates charged by brokers. Marx it Bloch, 74 3d st. MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jeivolry; strictly confidential. 141 'i 3d, near Alder. MONEY sold on Installments; confidential; salaried people. F. A. Newton. Henry Mdg. " Loans Wanted. W ANT $7000 East Sldo property, valued al $15, 000. Interest 7 per cent. $3500 Willamette Heights residence, val ued at $S500. Interest 7 per cent. (3000 Residence and 2 lots, valued at S7000. Interest 7 per cent. $1500 Sunnyslde residence, valued at $32(10. Interest & per cent. HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK. Chamber of Commerce bids. Mortgage Loan Department. Main 2uS, A 2do0. MONEY WANTED. $1500 on $:i.00 house. S12U0 on $.;ouO house. Buth close-in properties. F. M. PHELPS. 204 Falling blrtg. Main 7141. WANTED Loan of $5000 at 7 per cent, on West Side small apartment property now bringing $100 net per month and ot $15 -000 value. Principals only need apply. -19 Lumbermens Bank bldc WANTED From private party, loan of (J000 for term of years on highly Im proved country property. House Insured for $2500. 8 per cent Interest and all expenses. M u. uregoman. WANTED $2000 at S per cent for three years on new house, close in. East side, value SI250. Call 318 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. A 4401 WANTED From prlvute party, $2500 J years. 8 per cent, on business property In the course of construction, costing $0000. Apply 207 Oreganian oiug. W AN T K Ii II orri first hands, at once, $5000 to $SimjO. 3 to 6 years. Al real estate se curity. A."V II. VJiu.miiiL. WANTED $2000 at 8 per cent for 6 months, Kood security and rcterences. L 74, Ore gonian. $45o WANTED for 1 year, good security; will pay 10 per cent interest. L iJ. Ore gonian. WANTED, from private party. $1000 one year, 10 per cent, on touring car worth. $5000. AT 11, meijoiiw. $100 WANTED for 1 year, 20 per cent. M A, uiregoiuuri. 3O00 3 YEARS, 8 per cent, on Improved form, valuu 814.000. 722 Yeon bldg. WANTED $4r00 on close-In East Side prop v erty. Main 1160. PERSONAL. HAIR HAIR HAIR HAIR. 112 34-lnch switches $4.4? $6 26-inch switches Halrdressing Face musaaise ............... Shampoo Manicure, 25c. 3 for 1.115 1.01) . . 5.00 Superfluous hair removed by electric needle; guaranteed not to return. Cut hull- In any shade; switches any length Prices half. Sanitary Parlors. 400-412 Di-ltum bldg., 3d and Washington. ' ROSE CITY SANITARII.M. STRICTLY MATERNITY. 1S1 N. 23D ST. Low rates to ward patients. SCALP SPECIALIST. We positively guarantee to cure al scalp diseases; one treatment will con vince you. OltlCe 004 pwenmio. nm. GERMAN TRAINED NURSE AND MAb&tlj.--t.. Long experience best references, treat ments for rheumatism and lumbauo, ., massage and baths. 22H 13th st.. between Main and Salmon. Marshall 503. Open Sunday. . SCIENTIFIC cloctro-maKnellu tieattn'nls for all nervous diseases, paralysis. lime and stomach troubles, rheumatism, fistula ; n'-rvous headache cured In a few mlnuui; one free treatment ; consultation free. n Ti u c h a n a 11 bldg. , 2SSV Wa shin gton s'. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Hi'lslngf'." graduate rheumatism, nervous and simil ar!, allmpnta under physician's rtii-.-i-tions; baths, ma-eam-. No. 7 East 11 in st., second door south from East Ank-ny i-ai-llne. Phono 2W. H 1s3. FEB VET & 11 A. NE HUT. leading wltr and; fluent stock "f human half kooiIh: switches from 95c up- hulrdressIiiB. manicuring, faro suit scalp treatments; combings niado up to order 147 7th, near Morrison. Mum i-4". EIGHT years of uiu-tirpahsi-d success III treating sick men and women of Portland. I use radium. Ilclit. heat, every known electrical treatment. baths. massage, manipulations and adjustments Dr. W E, Mallury. naturopath, 312 Rotliclilld bids. REV EUG15NE HELLMAR. spiritual me dium and healer, readings and hcaliugs dally, circles Monday, Wednesday. Jr'rtiij at 8 P. M. Consultation free; hours tt to . . 4V6 Alder St.. near 11th. Main ISO. ANYONE knowing the whereabouts of WI1 "liam If. Whlsler will confer a great favor by writing to A. Smvtbe 517 hast 2; h st Tacoma. Wash. Mrs. A. Smj the. ol7 r.nai .j" - - " Mis. StevciiH. IS yrs. Portland's leading palm- 1st. nci . .. Easy." on sale. S7te Williams ave .or. Knott. Office hours. 10 A. M. to H P. M DRESS SUITS for lent Keep your clotlus cleaned, pressi-d. buttons sewed on. lip- repaired: $1.50 month; prompt culls and ..n..riM. I nlnue Tailorlnc I'o.. llOOSIark. A SPECIALIST on beauty culture gUes treatments 10 ladles al their home, .lar- . shall 57S1. DR Olga Nechvba. chiropractor, steam bains, ..' ri .i!.v..... ,,.,il linen Stlll- lavs. 412 Northwest bldg. Main 3i'' LORE.N'Z Nerve Tablets restore lost vilalliv 2.1c per box. n oxfo i.... cm,.-.., urtiff t o., .1'" mb-jii p.. SPIRITUAL medium. Rev. May Price Read ings, healingF daily. Circles Tues. 2. W ...1. and Sun. 8. 304A Montgomery. Main 1--'. DIVORCES. - jr.o $1 DOWN. $1 week. Free advli . Wood, 439 rhamber of Commerce. MRS. S. C. MOItitlsiiN steam ouiiib massage for rheumatism, nrai" K33 Madison. A 447C Marshall 3l".i l-tc. .........,- ..I..., mirsiv RHiiltarinm tr t- ments. medi'-nl gymnastics. 2S7 St., up one ' M VDE OK YOUR I OMBlMiJ. Switches. 95c: curls and puffs. 7 ; ; San itary Beauty Parlors, 40O Dekum bldg. in R-; SOPHIA B. SE1P, mental and spiritual S'rntW dally; offl'ce S2 Allslty hid. Main 6K4. Meetings Wednesday, S P. M. EASTERN trained operator gives massage 125 filh St., room 2. MOLES, superfluous uair ieui". "''''" D. II IU, 420 FUedner bldg. Main o 173. r: ,. , . , 11,. jf TRAINED nurse; best ref i. : rheumatism cored- scalp treatments. 3-'l Goodnongli. MR"? nr. WRENN, spiritual adviser; read Ing's dallv. 34 N. 16th. Mar. 4239. A 7tiU. BU.M OF FIGS. Compound Royal Ton 1 11 Tablets, 006 Davis et. Phone Main 3-1.