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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1913)
TIIE MORXTS'G OREGOXIAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1913. HEALTH BUREAU IS SCORED REPORT Municipal Researchers Se verely Criticise Depart ment's Methods. INEFFICIENCY IS CHARGED Portland's Low Death Kate Due to Climatic Conditions and 'ot to Work of City Officials, Is Opinion of Investigators. That Portland s unusually low death rats is due to climatic conditions and not to the work of the ty Health Department Is the statement of H. Allen, of the New York Bureau of Municipal Research, who completed a report on the department yesterday after an investigation into Its word ings. The department Is described as Inefficient. . "The Health Department, reads the report. "undertakes too little, spends too little for health protection and health education: does too little for what It now spends: needs Increased efficiency In usina- present powers and present funds; but also needs additional funds for the more extensive health programme which Is imperative if Portland would avoid a progressively Increasing nuisance rate, sickness rate and death rate. -The city's low actual death rate is not due to Health Department effi ciency, but primarily to Its location, topography, climate and distribution , of population. Time Records t Kept. -Until January 1. IMS. there was for this city of 356.000 but one sanitary Inspector, also but one market inspec tor. Part-time service only Is riven to health, work by the three appointed members of the Board of Health and by other health officers. drawinK 11,700 per year. "Just how much time the part-time officers and employes give is not a matter of record, nor is there record of time spent by the II employes who are expected to give full time service. The Health Officer himself plans -to be at the Health Office between i and 8:30 and 10:30 ami 'In and out' at different times of the day. Some health work is done In the field and at his -private office bow much is not a mat ter of record. The city bacteriologist receives $7S a month for work "in mornings"; but for full time and over time service, the corresponding an alyslst known as the milk chemist, re ceives $125 a month two-thirds more for at least three times as many hours. Exsmlutloii (1 Each. ' "tn March the city bacteriologist re ceived $73 for making 75 examinations of diphtheria- cultures, sputum, water and blood. The milk chemist in the same month, using the same room. .made 231 chemical and bacterio logical analyses, besides Inspecting 'dairies and milk shops, attending to -numerous office duties and keeping- up records, typewriting, etc. The city dentist and his attendant are supposed to work Saturdays from to 6. How long they work, how much, if any. over-time they give, is not a matter of record. "If the visits to the Health Offi cer's private office or contagious cases, particularly of children wishing to be permitted to return to school, are ex ceptions, they are exceptions which should not be permitted, and which represent not only an ineffective way f checking contagion, but a menace to public health. "The clerical work of the Health Of fice Is done by one woman clerk, re ceiving $100 a month. This clerk Is working without short cuts, which jroper blanks and records would furnish." SEATTLE MEN. WILL COME I legates to World's Citizenship Conference Are Named. Prominent Seattle men. members of the various Methodist churches of that city, have been named as delegates to the World's Christian Citizenship Con ference, to be held in Portland June :-July C. Dr. James S. McGaw. Na tional field secretary of the conference, has received from Hev. J. P. Marlatt. district superintendent of the Puget Sound Conference of the Methodist Episcopal church, the following names as delegates: Judge J. F. Ronald, of the Superior Court: Lester E. Kirkpatrick. legislator and reformer; Kverett Merrill Hill, D. IX, missionary in Mexico City; E. L. Blaine. City Councilman; Otto L. Lu ther, principal of high school: W. D. Lane, attorney: Kev. K. A- La Vlolette, pastor Green Lake Methodist Episcopal Church; Kev. A. Y. Leonard, pastor First Methodist Episcopal Church, and 11. P. Fisher. SUICIDE BILLJS VETOED Missouri Governor Opposes Reliev ing Accident Companies. JEFFERSON CITT. Mo. April 17. Governor Major vetoed today a bill re lieving accident insurance companies of liability for deaths from suicide. The Governor said such a law would place on beneficiaries of accident pol icies the burden of proof as to cause of deaths and would relieve accident com panies from paying In the case of the dupth of insane persons who committed suicide. Governor Major also vetoed a bill preventing police officials from taking photographs for the rogues' gallery on less the persons photographed have been convicted of a felony. GARMENT STRIKERS WIN Massachusetts Men Get 38-Houi Week and Higher Wages. BOSTON". April 17. The last of the strikes that have paralyzed the gar ment workers' Industry In this city for ten weeks was settled tonight when the J500 members of the men's gar ment workers onions voted to accept the terms of an agreement reached today. The strikers won practically all their demands. A working meek of S8 hours is provided In the agreement and an Increase tn wages of at least $1 a week is given to each worker. SUIT ON FOR WIFE'S COST Man Wants Money Alleged raid His Fathcr-ln-Law. SALEM. Or.. April 17. Special.) All.glne that ha paid A. M. Brows, a second-hand dealer in Independence, $1000 for his 17-year-old daughter, whom he says he married last Fall. Dick Arslanian. a contractor of that town, this afternoon retained Carey F. Martin, a Iocal attorney and had him prepare for a suit to recover the sum. The papers will be filed in the Circuit Court at Dallas tomorrow. Arslanian is commencing the suit now because, he says, his golden dream of matrimonial happiness has been shattered. Several weeks ago the first break came, he says, the wife return ing to her parents. A reconciliation was effected. He says he took his wife to Portland and purchased her glad rags." and then they Journeyed home ward to continue their happiness. When they 'reached Independence, however, his wife, "glad rags" and all disap peared, he asserts, and he has not seen her since. Another unique feature of the case, according to his story. Is that he was a married man when he married the Brown girl, and of this fact he declares his father-in-law was aware. He at tributes his marital troubles to the ac tivities of his father-in-law, and not only wants his money back, but saysi he will begin a suit for divorce. Mr. Brown, on the other hand, asserts. It is said, that he did not receive any money for his daughter, but that Ar slanian owes him for furniture pur chased after his marriage. Mr. Brown formerly resided at Port land, where it is said he studied to be come a Methodist minister. Since leaving- Portland, it is said, he occupied country pulpits from time to time, but has devoted most of his time to his second-hand business. Arslanian Is an Armenian. ow LINE NEABS COMPLETION CLACKAMAS ROAD TO RKACH BEAVER CREEK IX MONTH. Southern Railway to Be Put Into Operation as Soon as Possi ble, Says Official. OREOO.V CITT. Or- April 17. (Spe cial.) "Grade work and track-laying on the' Clackamas Southern Railway will be completed to Beaver Creek within a month, if the present good weather continues, and the road will at once be put in operation to haul out cordwood and timber," said Grant B. Dimlck, secretary and chief counsel of the road. Thursday. "Grading and track laying' will be resumed Friday, and we will keep five or six teams and a full crew of men busy from now on In the Maple Lane country and on to Beaver Creek. "It has been estimated that Oregon City consumes annually between 30. 000 and 40,000 cords of wood, and Port land takes from this district about 150. 000 or 200.000 cords. As soon as the road is completed into Beaver Creek we will commence hauling out a prac tically unlimited supply of cordwood. ties and timber, and this will be sup piled to Oregon City and Portland mar. kets. Our ties will practically all be sent to the Portland market, while the timber we bring out will be divided be. tween the Oregon City mill and river shipments for Portland mills." Initial service on the ciaexamas Southern will be maintained by steam locomotives, though the electrification of the line will be hastened. It is un likely, however, that motors will re place engines on the road until after the line has", been extended beyond Beaver Creek. The line Is being laid wltn heavy standard material and will bear both heavy traffic and high speed. With the completion of the road to Beaver Creek, a passenger service alst will be inaugurated between that town and Oregon City. AT THE THEATERS "TUB BACHELOR'S BABY" By Francis WUms. Presented M the lteillg Theater. CAST. Thomas Beach Henry Buckler Martin Dale Louis Shea Theodore RarJes.O. Barron Hubbard Colonel John Calvert. .Henry Herbert Forbes Sydney H. Sully Hn Brookfleld Wert. Lena Lorraine y Mrs. Emily Streator.. .Stella Wilson Winifred West Vera 'lownsend Martha Calvert Beach Babr Ednamae Wlleon BT LEONE CASS BAER. ONE inevitably calls to mind the oro midlon about "extenuating circum stances" when a thing Is a bit or a disappointment or doesn't measure up to expectations. The extenuating cir cumstances to be remembered In com paring "A Bachelor's Baby" with other Helll? attractions that have preceded it this season are that It is a "popular priced" offering and that no press agent has heralded It as the best or even near best show of the season. Every once in awhile, toward the end of a season, when the theater will be dark otherwise, the management will book something not of the high caliber of its predecessors In amusement. That is what has happened in tne instance of "A Bachelor's Baby." It opened, last night and playa again tonight. Francis Wilson, never a playwright though alwaya a very splendid actor. wrote "A Bachelors Baby ror nis own histrionic exploitation, after he had passed the greater part of two seasons playing in mediocre plays other folk wrote for him. It never had any par Hcular drawing' power other than Mr. Wilson's own excellent acting- and the novelty of the child's role. ubtract. then, Mr. Wilson, give tne other roles Into "the keeping of poor actors, and the result Is not happy. Little Ednamae Wilson Is easily tne most natural and talented member of the small cast. She is the bachelor's baby and plays with the unaffected charm and sincerity of any little girl who might be put in a similar position in real life. Ednamae Is blonde ana dainty; a reg'lar and genuine girl. The story is not big enough nor has It enough value to hi been stretohefl out over three long acts It would go nicely In playlet form. Tha bachelor has an everslon to ba bies and suddenly finds himself the guardian of a 6-year-old baby niece. The child mistakes him for her father and in two acts he is won over by her wiles and graces. There's a love story, of course, and the advent of the baby opens the bachelor's eyes to the fact that bis home needs a housekeeper and the baby a mother. So he weds. For comedy the Kirl's mother is dragged in' and the almost taboo mother-in-law Jokes, not de rlgeur in even vaudeville any -more, are tossed carelessly from lip to lip. There's the necessary family executor, who, as Jerome K. Jerome says, never transacts business in his office, but comes at all hours of the day or night to chat about "the legacy" and "the papers" In the best parlor of the client. A butler who hurries up and down stairs as no butler who ever buttled hurried, a club friend who runs in when conver sation languishes tn say "Why, hello, Tom; how are you?" and en aunt who mothers the baby are the rest of the cast. One scene, the library of the bache lor's home In Gramercy Park, is shown for the three acts. The bill will close tonight. fV TORN SLAIN BY QUiMBY Deputy Sheriff's Last Aim Proves True and Bodies of - Three Found Dead. QUIMBY EXPLAINS ACTION Fearing That Deranged Desperado Was Resorting to Rnse to En tice Him, Official Takes to Heels and Sounds Alarm. Continued From Flrt Page.) for bringing out the bodies of the out law and his victims tomorrow. Giles Quimby, slayer of Tornow. and the only man to face the terrible ma niac within the past year and one-half and live to tell the tale, was among the first to view the body of the man he had laid low. It Is thought that he will receive the reward of 13000, $2000 of which Is offered by the cdunty and $1000 by the state, without any trouble. Quimby accidentally met up with Blair and Lathrop, who were hunting for Tornow on their own responsibility and did not want to accompany them when they decided to walk up to the little cabin which they saw standing on' the shores of a lake lying between sections 31 and 19. township 21, range 7 west. The scene of the triple killing was not over a mile from the. famous Ox Bow country, where Deputies A. V. Elmer and Colin McKenzie were slain by Tornow In March, 1912. Lathrop and Blair were shot with an automatic re volver, probably the Lueger which Tor now took from the -body of McKenzie. Heniloek Tree Is Fort. Tornow yesterday opened fire from hehind a hemlock tree. Blair and Lathrop had no chance. Neither was able to bring his gun Into action. Blair fell at the first shot. Lathrop at the MinnH Anri third. From behind his sheltering tree. Tornow fired shot af ter shot, while Quimby was directing flro at the outlaw from another di rection. Tornow paid no attention, however, to Quimby, who fired every t!m Tornow thrust his head from be hind the tree to take aim at the bodies. At his last and seventh shot, Quimby ulH thin mornlnir. he saw Tornow's head drop to one side and that no more shots came from the tree. Quimby remained at the scene of it... . n i i ir -to n f ie mlnutAH after the last shot had been fired by himself and Tornow, and then, detecting no sieno, beat a retreat to summon help. As ha passed out of sight he heard La throp's and Blair's dogs howling dis mally by the bodies of their masters. thihah in tti niMM are De mi 1 1ft a Quimby, A. L Fitzgerald. Con Elliott. Frank Cole ana rea noDiumo, (juiara policeman. T- n. AnV, lllfA tL Vl 1 1 TY1 H Tl be ing, says Quimby, but more nearly resembles a gorilla, his nair is juns. Is hla beard. His face Is almost black. He Is a wild beast, says Quimby. yuimDy ana mo two men were out scouting when late . k - ofunnnn vAAterdav thev stum bled across the carcass of an elk. The animal had evidently been killed about a week ago. At once their suspicions were excited, says Q nimby, and they began to press on the trial. They finally came to tne snore i . small lake. There In the snow they saw the Imprint of a calked boot A glance around the place showed a .n..nhiv.h.wn low wicklun about 30 rods away. After the first Bhot Quimby threw his rule to nis snouiaer uuu opened fire on Tornow's head. At the seventh shot, the last In his rifle maga i nuimhv RflvR. Tornow's head dropped, but he wasn't sure he had killed his man. Twenty-three men were In the posse t,ioh fmiTwt the bodies. It is believed It will take three days to cut away the brush and bring the bodies to tne logging camp. Pane Takes Precaution. TO..- h nnaos UiKMlchMl TomOW'S cabin at noon today they moved with uttAn nntfl thev saw the bodies of Lathrop and Blair lying near a log. They had Deen unaisiuroea ana hub was taken as an indication that Tor now was dead. Searcn 01 tne vicinny was begun at once and behind the windfall in front of which lay the . r 1ia tm'A trnnnprn was ' the body of Tornow. He had used the fall en timber as an ambusU and had fired point blank at the unfortunate woods- n who -nrmri with I Ft eifiht feet Of him and never had a chance to fight for their lives. Except for his hat and a sew pair of hvn,a TnmnV WAA dreftIMl In TUdS clothing made of gunny sacks. The hat he wore was ine one no iuu nuui Deputy Sheriff McKenzle's body a year ago. How he obtained the boots is not known. Some are Inclined to the belief that he killed some prospector i. K . niAimtiln f a a tn eeS- while Oth ers think he stole them from some camp In the forest. Me had two riries by his side. One belonged to the dead rY.-..iA ,ia Athi fn AT rTCeriKle's companion, Elmer. One Title was empty and tne otner naa onjy one ranrniBo left, the last of Tornow's store of am munition. With his matted hair, black, unkempt beard and reeking with filth, Tornow's body presented a horrible sight. It was evident he was In desperate straits when yesterday's fatal meeting oc curred. There were no provisions in his cabin, but there was evidence that he had been eating frogs taken from a nearby pond and squirrels caught in two rude traps made of old tin cans. p.nrthlno aiKnut the rjihln showed .'" - that the outlaw had been living a prim itive lire in tne mountain wiwciucoo. A.imnV BrUll f Oil r TMTI in the i . cafA Armv Ann1 war stationed . - .--j at Benlcla Barracks during the fapan- Ish-Aroerican war. PRINCIPALS ARE INVITED East S!de Business Men Call Con ference 'on Children's Parade. The East Side Business Men's Club last night decided to invite the prin inniu c,f ah the nubile schools to a conference Monday night at Hotel Clifford. East aiorrison ana oixiu streets, on the question of the chil dren's parade. Letters setting ronn tne oojeci m the meeting will be sent to each prin cipal today. A resolution was adopted thanking rrffnth of tha Fort- land Railway. Light A Power Company, for the promise 01 a cpjiiwrwn uruui iM..Mwa it. J III) Today's Beauty Recipes By Mine. D'Mllle, "Many good faces are spoiled and look characterless because the eye brows and lashes are not well defined. Thin and straggly eyebrows will be Improved In color and grow longer and more evenly if gently massaged with pyroxln. Pyroxln has the same good effect- If massaged into the eyelash roots. "Women detest superfluous hair on the face and forearms because it gives them a masculine appearance and de tracts from true feminine charm. Iff remove superfluous hair cover the sur face with a paste made by mixing a little powdered delatone with water; leave on two minutes, wipe off, wash the skin and the hairs will be gone. "Aches and pains cause the face to contract and form wrinkles. Mother's Salve, which can be bought In prepared form In any neighborhood, gives al most instant relief from pains and aches in back, or Joints, sore muscles, rheumatism and neuralgia "The Vaucaire home treatment Is de signed to round out angular lines of women with scrawny shoulders and flat bosoms. It is made by dissolving H4 cupfuls sugar in a pint of hot water, to which Is added an ounce ot grail ol. Take two teaspoonfuls before each meal. "The Springtime is the season of youth, when every girl desires to look her very best For a comijlexlon of lilies and roses, apply each morning a solution made by dissolving an original package of mayatone in a half-pint ot witch hazel. It corrects blotched, pim ply and sallow complexions and leaves the skin smooth, white, soft and lovely. "A shampoo that merely washes the head Is not sufficient. The parasites that cause falling, dull, faded and brit tle hair must be removed. Mother's Shampoo does this and leaves the scalp in a condition to encourage the growth of hair. It prevents baldness and makes the lialr .Iowt, fluffy and fine. Adv. and urging upon him the need of ex tending this line to connect with the Alberta district. The club went on record as opposed to letting the contract for the paving of the Terwllllger boulevard at this time. GLASS OF 53 INITIATED DEGREE OP HONOR PREPARES FOR DISTRICT CONVENTION. 500 Delegates and Visitors Expected at Session in Hall on Fourth Street at 10 A. M. Today. As a preliminary to the Degree of Honor district convention which will open at Degree of Honor Hall, 128 Fourth street, at 10 o'clock this morn ing, a class of S3 candidates was ini tiated at a meeting held last night. Four Portland lodges took part In the ceremonies. Evergreen Lodge opened the meeting. Port-Indus Lodge con ducted the balloting. Fidelity Lodge .ntltiated the candidates. Tabor Lodge closed the meeting. The Initiation of this large class was the culmination of a campaign, which has been made for new mem bers under the leadership of Mrs. Mar garet E. Herrln. grand chief of honor for Oregon, and Mrs. J. Leach, deputy grand chief of honor, in charge of Portland. Since October 1 165 appli cations have been received for mem bership. Fully 500 Portland members and vis itors from other lodges are expected to be present when the convention opens this morning. Arrangements for the convention and for the enter tainment of the guests have been made by Mrs. Sadie Moore, past grand chief of honor The work of the convention will In clude a discussion of ritualistic, work and the adoption of resolutions' for presentation to the next meeting of the grand lodge. Lunch will be served at noon and the afternoon will be devoted to business. There will be a reception this evening; for 'Mrs. Francis Buell Olson, superior chief of honor, of St. Paul. The re ception Is open for all members of the Degree of Honor and their friends. It will be followed by dancing. RANSOM IS HALF MILLION Cananea Mining Officials Held, Either by Rebels or Strikers. EL PASO. Tex., April 17. J. B. Doug las and S. W; Applewhite, respectively president and secretary of the Cananea Consolidated Copper Company, are held for ransom in Mexico, say private advices here tonight. , They are captives of either Insurgent state troops or striking miners of Cananea, an American mining1 and smelting center below the Arizona bor der. The ransom demanded Is said to be $500,000. Douglas recently was made president and general manager of the company. He Is a son of Dr. James Douglas, bead of the Phelps-Dodge in terests In Arizona. Barracks Prisoner Escapes. VANCOUVER BARRACKS. 'Washing ton, April 18. (Special.) A prisoner named Anthony broke away from the guard yesterday and ran up the river road. The gruards shot at the fugitive three times, but did not hit him, and he made good his escape. At 9:30 last night the escaped prisoner returned to the corral at the barracks and at tempted to steal a horse. The sentry fired at him, but again he escaped un hurt. Guards have been sent out to watch, the depots and other points, but so far the fugitive prisoner has not been found. Dr. Yotuigson Arrives. Rev. W. W. Voungson. of East Orange, - N. J., new pastor of the Rose City Park Methodist Church, arrived yesterday, and will preach his first sermon Sunday at S P. M. in the clubhouse, corner Sandy boule vard and East Fifty-sixth street. Dr. Youngson is a son-in-law of F. Farrell. of this city. He comes to a newly-organized Methodist Church. Until a church building is erected the clubhouse will be the meeting place of the congregation. A public recep tion will be given Dr. Youngson next Tuesday night in the clubhouse. Rose City Church Fund Growing. The funds being raised for the erec tion of a Protestant community church in Rose City Park are growing in pro portion. The six-day campaign to raise 115,000 was half over Wednesday night and about $5000 had been raised. A committee of 100 men is working daily and plans are discussed nightly at a supper in the present church at East Forty-fifth street and Sandy road. Rev. Boudinot Seeley, Jr., Is pastor of the congregatlon- E. Li. Mills Speaks to Clnb. The Political Eqality Club, of which Mrs. M. L. T. Hidden is president, met in Ellers Hall yesterday afternoon. E. u. Mills was the chief speaker. He recited the history of the public school system of Portland and of efforts that had been made to improve them. p. E. O. Chapter to Meet. Chapter C. pTe. O. Society, will meet! at the home of Mrs. Carter, li'98 East Seventeenth street today at 3:30 P. M. PETER O'BRIEN III A Prise Winner at the Better Babies Show at Denver ' XA MERICAN women have Started a revolution by judging babies at the State Fairs ju as carefully as hogs are judged. They measure and teft babies and award prizes to the healthiest and brightesV And now a National Campaign for " Better Babies" is sweep ing across the country. THE Woman's Home Companion is'lielprng. ' tt offers iwo prizes of $ 1 00.00 in gold to every State Fair Baby Show condudted on the -"Better Babies" plan of The Woman's Home Companion. The May number now on sale has pidures and score cards of the prize winners of the remarkable "Better Babies" Content at Denver, with an inspiring article about these perfectly healthy, splendidly formed, prize winning babies. Your Summer Clothes The May Woman's Home Companion is aglow with a wonderful array of the very clothes you'll need when warm days come. You'll find ideas for everything, from baby's first short clothes to grandma's afternoon dress, in the May Cc Woman's Home Companion What About Vacation? If you don't know what to do, or where to go for happiness and health, and if you want to hnd out how you can afford it read the prize winning letters from readers who tell of "Delishthd Vacations at 1 E?c 1 "The Heart's Country" A wonderful new novel by Mary Heaton Vorse begins in May the life of a lovely girl who asks only to give herself and her sweetnesswithlavishhands. Alsostoriesby Georgia Wood Pangborn, by Zona Gale, by David Lloyd. All this in the 1 ffc May Woman's Home Companion Dessert for Warm Days Try a Marshmallow Pudding or a Pine apple Jelly to-night Delicious recipes tor these and other quickly made warm weather desserts nave been prepared by the best cook in the world for the May Woman's Home 1 Cc Companion XJ Kute Little Kewpies that Fly Cut out the Kewpies this month and these paper dolls will fly for any little boy or girl. There's a marvelous story too of these onderiul playrellows with pictures and verses by tose 1 Cc I'NeiL It's in the May Woman's Home Companion ' woi o Six stories fourteen Special Articles Seven features for Children and Fourteen Household Departments -4 Splendid Features in ALL. ALL for 15c in the May aA .JO. m i . . HI (LOlMpaillLOla I Mr. Tlbbltts, for th Parks and Play grounds Association, will talk on parKB and playgrounds. DELEGATES ARE SELECTED Olympla- Presbytery to Be Represent ed; Here and at Atlanta. OLTMPIA. Wash., April 17. (Spe cial.) The Olympla Presbytery today closed its semi-annual session here with tsie election of delegates to represent It at the National assembly at Atlanta, Gu May 18. and at the World Chris tian Citizenship Conference at Port land, Juno 2 to July . Tha following are the men chosen to go to Atlanta: Rev. Milo B. Longhlen, of Puyallup: Dr. Murdock McLeod, of Tacoma; J. B Stentz, of Olympla. and E. B. Creary. of Aberdeen. Dr. R. M. Hayes, of Olym pla, will go to Portland. Rev. D. A. Thompson, of this city, will be the rep resentative of the National Reform As. sociation at the Portland meeting. MISS NELL GRANT ENGAGED Grand da tighter or Famous General to Be Bride or Navy Officer. SAN FRANCISCO, April 17. The en gagement of Miss Nell Grant, of San Francisco and Santa Barbara, a grand daughter of General Ulysses S. Grunt, to Lieutenant-Commander William PiR gott Cronan, of the United States Navy, was announced here today by Mis Grant's mother. Lieutenant-Commander Cronan com mands the destroyer Jouett now in Hampton Roads. Miss Grant is the daufrh.r of Jcts-o R. Grant, second son of the late Pies'- f dent. "Bernard Shaw," Is Topic. Dr. C. H. Chapman, will deliver a lec ture on "Bernard Shaw." at 3:15 o'clock this afternoon before the Portland Woman's Club.