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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1912)
11 TITE MOTtXINO OREGOXIAX. SATURDAY, MAY 18. 1912. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF osutooxiAjf tniwom . CUT Orco.etloa ' A lltUfla. twite ''.Jl'.Slii r. Ma-s to.; A itliidat Kalldias1 . taa ibib A eaaaj HE'LIO THataTM eestB ul TarlorV The. come-lr. "jrr Nnhf This afler- aoua at 2 11 and umsht at t 1. B.4k..R THEriK-l" SO- MrrV mo a Pater StM.k 'ofi.oenr : ! P " --Tha iiri of the 0ldi w..t. Thll ari l"vin al 2.1Z aa toaicbt at B.1S doc. CUPHEI V THEATETl tMarrleoa. lull ud .ntl( Vaud.vll.a Th! er taraaoa al t II aad tool at at I II e eleeB. tKPKE.O TmTt-lftf and WMh.,B.V laa Ven-eilUe. Tbla arteraeoa at 1:1a, laalai at I SO aad s'cawCB. VAXTAOrs THEATER Seth aad A r Vaudeville. Tbla aftersowO a Wa eslskt at I M aad a' clock. Itmf THEATER (Votarta aad .r Kat'r. Flood Com parr l "Hsrem Saarm.- This afternoon at S.w aca te al at at T SO and o'clock. K'H.rt STAR. ARCADE. OH JOT. TIVOL4 AMD mitli-flnt-tM tana, II A. kt -11 r. at. .CREATION PARK tTwente-feunb and Vaiathnt Portland T s.aU.e. baaabaiL Tn. anraoon at S Aaraa ad far UM C Hews i mat a alia) Br BltROP BBTPOOCt. AHITfl. Bishop Bryfosjel. of the ETanelleal Associa tlon. arrived yesterday from Titom, whero ha presided at tha annual Ore von and Wiihlnninn conference. Ha passed tha dsy vlsltlns; tha Lents dls trlrt. at Mount Srott. studying tba needs of thia suburb. Last nlht ha orrupled tha pulpit In tha Flrat Kran ellcal Church of Salem, ami will ra lura to Portland today, and maka fur thar Inspections of Portland. On Sun day morning ha will preach In tha First Carman Church. Tanth and Clay streets. Sunday aftarnoon ha will speak at man meatlns; at 1:41 o'clock In tha Drat Knarllah Church. East Hum and East Market atraata. Re. r. C. I'ollna. ropresentstlre of tha general assembly of tha t'nlted Ein Bellral Church oa nrnanlc union, will aaaiat In this meetlns Sunday night lha bishop will leava for California. Mocrt Tabcb School not Orsxro. Tha naw reinforced concrete school house, erected oa Kaat Sixtieth and Km Ash streets, at Mount Tabor, waa thrown open to tha Inspection of the public yesterday afternoon. A atream of people flowed throuah tha butldlns;. admiring tha new structure. Tha naw part Is of concrete. A programme waa given and the Parents-Teachers' Circle held a meeting In tha assembly halL City tiuperlntendent dellvared an ad irena on school problems. Boys In the manual-training- department were seen t work by the visitors and work of (he rarlous classes waa displayed In tha rooms. Principal W. M. W1.1t and the a-rade teachera welcomed tha visitors and explained tha work In tha nanual and other departments of tha aullrltn;. Work Starts o Bui Crrr Tirr-hoi-sr. The contractor yesterdsy tarted on the erection of tho new (lrehoue for Rose City Park on tha lie selected near Sandy boulevard. (Mans were prepared by Battalion ;hirf llolden. It la announced that work will slo start soon on tha fire tattons at Kenton and Woodlawn on practically tha same plans. These lira tatlons are teelaned so that they can be made the quarters of horse or motor nre engines. Plans are to ba drawn for an enntne-bousa to bo erected In Irvlnarton. There Is some opposition to the erection of an engine-house In Irvlnaton. but others favor it. Tha plana of a house In keeplna; with this residence section are to be prepared if t Is decided to construct one there. St. Roes Cot-RT oruakixro. St Rose Court. Women Catholic Order of Foresters. was orvantsed In St. Stephens' parish. Sunnyslde. Thursday ilarht. Mrs. Rose Rittman. bleb chief ranger, came to Portland few days a so. and completed the organisation of court, assisted by Miss Elisabeth Mc Mahon. deputy rantter of Portland, Members of Msrte Stuart Court. St. Andrew's Court and the Vancouver Court. Washington, were present to honor the chief officer of the society. There waa large attendance of mem bers and remarks were made by Mrs. Rittman and others, Assor-iATtoit Will Keep River Cleam. Tba Willamette River Sanitary Asso ciation, which has for Its object the em ployment of a man to prevent the con tamination of the Willamette River by dead fish, and tha dumping of refuse In the river, has been formed with B. C. Bronsuejh as president. John Hamp ton as vice-president and Frank Day ton as secretary-treasurer. Funds are be Ire: aoliclted to accept an offer made by R. K. Clanton. master Ash warden, oho haa screed to station a man at the falls to destroy all carcasses for IJi'O during the next couple of month Mrs. HErrsHtr to B Bi-rird Today. The funeral of Mrs. Samuel Haltsbu. who died Thursday, will ba held tbla afternoon at t o'clock, from the resi dence ot her daughter. Mrs, John A. Shrpsrd. Twenty-first and Everett streets. The servlcea wll ba conducted by Dr. A- A. Morrison, rector of Trinity Church. The servlcea at tha crema torium will be private. Tha pallbearers will be: W. H. Dunckley. B. M. Lom bard. Morton H. Insley. George Taylor, Frank A. Knapp. Russell Sewall. Civil, SrRvn-B Exams to Bb Held. The I'nlted States Civil Service Com mission announces that the following examinations will be held to secure ehslbles and fill vacancies In the dif ferent departments: Computer n tha Aatrophysical Observatory. June : chief of drainage Investigations. June t. Further Information concerning these examinations ran ba secured from Z. A. Leigh at the Portland rostofflce. I.AWTCBS to Mbbt Todat. A gen eral meeting of tha lawyers of Mult nomah County will ba held In Judge Kavanaugh's courtroom (his morning at :J o'clock. Resolutions will be adopted on tha death of the lata Judge Mar quam. Charles II. Carey. Itufua Mal- lorv. W. P. Fenton. F. B. Watson. F. V. Holmsn and Charles J. Schnabel will apeak. A large attendance of tba bar Is expected. QfARTER BtXHTt BHIWII ll.. Jorn O. Thomassen. of Pells, la., h purchased a quarter block. I0xli0 feat. at the northwest corner or cast six teenth street and Hawthorne avenue from Margaret E. Frasler for It 0.00 Mr. Thomassen announcea that he will erect a combination building for busi ness and flats on tha site. Dt-nrno the month of Mav wa will French dry-clean gents' suits for II. ladies suits for li s and any skirt for 7 cents. All work guaranteed. Call ua up. I". S Ijtundry Company dry cleaning department. B lis. East First Co.-.R-tosTiortAU Cm; Rots, Dr. I.nther R. Pvott. the minister, preaches tomorrow. Themes: At 11 A M.. Look On the Other Side": 7:4 P. M. "When Political Candidates F'ght What Should Practical Patriots Dor ' For Sale. Excellent Inside business property, near the Post office; great bargain on quirk deal. Gua C. Moser, to Yeon bug. phones: Main till. A U41. ' Sl'KPAY ExiTRStOR TO CASTADB LOCKS on steamer Bailey Oatxert; leave Alder- street dock at t A- M returns. :S P. M. Fare, tl round trip. Phones: Main 14. A HI. New. Moperx. Six-Room Cottaob, ocean view, for aale at Gearhart; easy terms. 10V Fourth street. e VacATtov Time Is Cosmo If you have no Summer home buy a lot and build one at Gearhart "By-t he-Soa." e kAtuia iocs. all auvj, OaJta fclafc TowirstarD la Rbcaixbo. B. t. Towasend. special assistant United States Attorney, waa expected to re turn to Portland yesterday from Wash ington t D. C. but after reaching aa far west aa Chicago waa recalled. Ha Dsa been at the National capital for fie past two montha appearing bafora a Congressional commutes that haa In charge tha bill to relieve tba In nocent purchasers In the Southern Pa ciBc land grant caaa. All tha depart ments of tha -Government. Interasted In tho matter, favor tha passage of the bill and as Mr. Townsend la prosecut ing tba case tha committee la relying largely on bis advice In tha matter, which Is favorable to the paaaage of tha bill as ba considers It a Just and equit able way to aettle the case. Bio Sister rood Report Read. Re ports covering the work of the Big Sisterhood, a society organised a year aao to co-operate with the Juvenile Court, department of public safety for women, and People's Institute, read at tha annual meeting yesterday, showed that in that period SI young girls were cared for by tbe members. Each wo man enrolled pled see herself to assist some girl during the year. It I planned to hold a Joint meeting with tha Big Brotherhood aome tlm thla Fall to consider the question of establish ing social club in various part of the city. Episcopal Diocesb Adopt New Cawoss. At Its concluding session yesterday morning In Trinity parish bouse tha 14th annual convention of the Eplacopal diocese of Oregon gave further consideration to proposed canons and amendments to canons which had been under discussion. The convention passed a canon providing for a uniform constitution for every psrlsh admitted Into union with the convention. Another article passed provides that the rector shall be a legal corporate officer and ex-offlclo presi dent of the vestry- Realty Board to Visit Moi'RT Tabor Park. The Portland Realty Board will visit Mount Tabor Park and Mornlng stde Addition this afternoon. The Board will be the guest of the Mount Tabor Improvement Association and Hartman Thompson. Tbe members of the Board will first visit the section covered by Mcrnlngslde Addition and then go Into the park, where they will be shown the Improvements under way. Also the new reservoirs will be Inspected. The party will take the o'clock car. PORTTUAKD VISITORS COMB BaCB, O. r. and P. C Alexander, attorneys and eons of Congressman Alexander, of Missouri, who passed two months on the Pacific Coast last Summer, were so favorably Impressed with Portland that upon their return to the East they Im mediately began preparatlona to make this city their home- They returned last week and will remain her per manently. Mia Pric-bard TO Oo East. Ml i- i . -n.L.hint of tha PeoDle'a In stitute, leavea next week for the East t remain tor tne ouramer. Prlchard will attend the convention of charltlea and correction at Cleveland, having been appointed by Governor Will She will alio attend tha Recrea tion Congresa to ba held at the same place. She will pass her vacation In New England. - . . - it., nrtt Preihv- terlan Church, the pastor. Rev. John H. UOyO 1 1 will firmvn wn, Ing and evening. At the 10:30 morn ln eervtce the subject will be "The Work of Christ and tbe World' Need. At the T:4 evening service the topic will be. "Jonah: tha Meanest Man In the Bible." a "resetting of an old picture. To both these servlcea tha publlo la most cordially Invited. Postmaster Appoint Majl. arribhs. .Pnatmaater Merrick has appointed the 1 1 . . nnrm mall carriers. tuiivwiua "i.., -, , . . it. anKatltuta Hat: rnoosms - - Clyde L. White. Cecil O. Ward. Marton T. Mortlmore and noma n. iouhb- has also appointed aa substitute car- . . .ii-tkltt Hat Mania P. Jones. George W. Jorgensen. Rosa Snail and Frits H, Pleper. Resol-ctiok Did Not Pa. A reso lution Introduced by L. M. Lepper con demning the location aelected by the tral Library at the meeting of the t- rn'a Cluh. Thure- r. oiw - day. waa laid on the table on motion of Walter seaoerg. wno new wb. was rightly located. Maxama Wi ul. Till TRAMP. i no aia- - 1 1 1 m w m lS.mila trans to morrow, going from Barton down the Clackamaa Klver to lie junction wim -w, ti -1 1 1 - . - r . . raftirntne- to Portland by launch. The start for Barton will be made on tne uregon nwr line at :4 a. returning - .i i ll V. M Harvey Sullivan. United State Marshal . . - i -i 1 1. .l. aprivMi in Portland yesterday with a young Indian, who had been aojuosea mwui . Alaska federal court. He wa taken to the Mount Tabor oanavtoriuni wr m.nL Ckarttt 6bat Sals Larob. The at the Helllg Theater Sunday night. lor tne eoy s r iiiii-ah . i -Tha anlnlata are: Mr. Dvau - " " - Rose Bloch Bauer, aoprano: Susie Fen nel fipes, vioiiniat, - 111 -- -- - Montleih. baritone. -pH p4m ae At. Uaris The preachers at St. Mark' Episcopal Church tomorrow wilt be Rav. William . i m.., r,r rir. nt, Pau In the morning, and Archdeacon W. Horsfall. of Marsnneia, in tne eui..s- Cajcpy Special, Regular (0-cent chocolate creams. It cents a pound. Robe's. 404 Washington, between Tenth . A triavanth. D. I ... ln.U Will ba here! Have you a place to goT uear. hart -jjy-ine-eea uuera r Rbal Wapple. the light, orlsD kind can only ne us it asra, fu, Wella-rargo piag. BOOSTING OREGON GOODS Home M&nnfrttired Product Tak ing the Place) They D-sewi-v. The advertising and promotion sale of "maJe la Oregon" cloth and cloth ing Rt tha Brownsvtlle Woolen M1U Store haa achieved marvelous result In It work of acquainting the peo ple with the quality of home-made pro ducts. Over 10.000 suit were prepared In the most perfect manner to be ued In thl sale. Tha regular price, fit. Ill and 10 were remarkably low owing to the elimination of the middleman' profit by the Brownsville method of manufacturing and selling direct. So, therefore, the sale price of IlltO for all-wooL. hand-tailored suits Is a mer chandising event of more than ordinary economic importance. The movement for the use of state msde goods has aroused considerable enthusiasm, and the success of the Brownsville Woolen Mills promotion sale marks an epoch In the annala of home industry. The sale will last a week or two longer, and no doubt will be the means of acquainting many more people with the splendid quality of Oregon cloth and clothing. ANNOUNCEMENT. Dr. C. W. Cornellu takee thla mean of refuting the report that h la as sociated directly or incirectiy wnn any hotel In Portland other than the Hotel Cornelius where he 1 located, and where ha will be glad to welcome his friends. tSlfned) C. W. CORNEUUa" VIAL'S WIFE SUES Cruelty and Threats Against Life Are Charged. MODEL HUSBAND CHANGES Divorc-B Complaint Accuse Husband of Misconduct From Ten Dbvb After Marriage Alimony and Attorney' Fee Aaked. Charging that Leon L. Vial, her hu- t .-ii a Mfarai although Sli Dtanu. la'icu aw . . . - . withdrew one divorce complatnt on his earnest promise to do o. Anna H. Vial yesterday again filed suit In Circuit i. . ... i a.i. , rntirth Interest In the quarter block at the northeast cor ner of Sixth and wasningion iirmv. --.a .a.. ..... .1 rhnlra Washington a 11 u av. w w. - - County lsnd. according to the com plaint. Mrs. Vial aeciarea inai husband gets 3!0 a month revenue . ,K. .law npnnartr alone. She 1 will iiiv -. "a- - -f want 11500 for suit money and attor neys' fees and Ii-u a montn ain.iu,., pending the determination of the ault. Her attorneys are W. H. Pratt and Beach. Simon 4 Nelson. In the complaint Mrs. Vial review the hltory of her wedded life. She became the bride of Vial In Tacoma. Wash, In December, 10, h declarea. and ever ilnce ha been eubjected to extremely cruel and Inhuman treat ment at the hand of her husband, her life being several times In danger. Ilaabaad Start Htckt. a- aw. aha'aava. theV WOnt to live on the Washington County property and started raising chickens. For 10 daya after their marriage, the wife says. Vial waa an Ideal husband. After that hi conduct changed and i a,inal disagreeable. ea On one occasion, according to the complaint, ba came nome t t o ciocs. In the morning and awoke her from slumber with a blow from an artificial limb. She does not know how It came Into hi possession. At anotner mu-j a.- ii an K.ww. Ihraatanid her with a butcher knife, a revolver and a carving knife. Mr. Vial states mat ner . i a... I. . mom for hour! . 11L . awvaaww . without food or clothing: that he fired a rifle bullet tnrougn tne tioor iiuuv dlately behind her chair, and Oiat one night abe fled to tha Young Women's Christian Association for protection. . Ot fleer Held at Bay. On November 11. Mr. Vial charges, the husband threatened her life. She fled from the house and summoned a policeman, whom her husband held at bay with the rifle. While the police man wa gona for reinforcement. h state. Vial escaped and waa not cap tured until two day later. Of late, Mr. Vial ya, he ha been living In a public hotel In order that he might readily aummon aid If at tacked. She professes to be In fear of her Ufa. The court Is aaked to Issue an order restraining- Vial from selling or transferring hla property. DR. EQUI GALLS FOR AID RIOT" IX OFFICE BTJILDIXG BRINGS POLICE, Early Morning- "Soiree" Arojiscs Superintendent Who I Accused of "Beatlna; Up" Woman. Responding to a riot call from the Medical building. Wet Park and Alder tree's, early yeterday. Patrolmen Evana and Oouldstone found Dr. Maria . . ... r f avaltamanL tvqui in a. gia - complaining that he had been beaten by teorge . rnnijiii.m ent of tho building. She demanded hi a...- .. aa.. A'lna,a had not seen the offense, they advised her that it would be necessary ror ner to to a complaint and obtain a warrant. She had not done o yeeterday. The offlcor were at a lo when first called, as they could find no ona about the building. They returned to the station, and In a few minute Dr. Equl telephoned again, giving the number of a room In which h could be found. They report that he showed m hiwln haan assaulted. no eiKUS wa . ... a " " Prettyman say that Dr. Equl and a woman rrtena oi ner nave ween Ing him a great deal of trouble, and . tk,.at An tha among nmar .I.... a- a...- - - - floor and persistently rang tbe elevator bells. . .i .11. aff-a. tiatw.en the same parties some month ago. wa reported but did not reach the police. At that time. It Is ald. a revolver wa brought Into plaT OF tne, at t ae'-, wa which Prettyman did her bidding. SERVICE COUNCIL MEETS Garbage Question Discussed and Conatltutlon Adopted. At tha meeting yesterday of the Po- clal ervloe Council, comprising aw -kii.nthroDic charitable and social or ganisations, a committee from the Women's Club appointed to Investigate the question of garbage collection re ported that Mayor Rushlight had In structed garbage collector to provlds rover for their wagon. It wa re ported that bonda had been authorled to purchase garbage wagone. The spe cial committee was requested to ascer tain what had been done with these bonda Mrs. Robert H. Tate, representing the Oregon Congress of Mothsr, wa requested to bring the subject of a cane Fourth" before the Congress and other organisations. The Young Men's Christian Associa tion and the Women's Christian Tem perance Union were yesterday admitted to membership. tk. CnunFil adopted a constitution. The purpose of the Council Is to enable philanthropic and charitable societies to know what each Is doing In order to permit them to consider measure common to an- MRS. TRIMBLE IS BURIED Maea Chanted at Catholic Cathe dral for Widow of Judge. . man was chanted solemn ,-mw.ww at the Catholic Cathedral yesterday morning at o'clock over the remains i... A TrtmhU widow Of Jndee W. F. Trimble. Mrs. Trimble died at Oakland. Cel.. last Monday. Hne . a. xi..... Hotel with her daughter. Miss May Trimble, having gone to uasianti to -e'fct Mrs." Trimble was th dauihter of : MICROBE ( . May work havoc with your health the tiny flaw In the title may work havoc- with your real estate investments. To avoid annoyance and possible loss, secure a guaranteed Certificate of Title. Investigate. Call for booklet.. Title & Trust Co. Fourth and Oak Fatrlck and Mary Louise Raleigh. She waa born In Iew lorK tity. ptmu .a i ocn ..a i.a ...r, later came to Oregon with her parents. She married Judge Trimble In Portland In 1871. Her husband died In 1888. Rev. E. V. O'Hara preached the fu-...-.i ..t-mnn at the cathedral yester day morning, and officiated at the mass. being assisted by Rev. A. u. iirimitr and Rev. j". Berne. There were many beautiful floral offerings and a large attendance of Mrs. Trimble's pioneer friends. The pallbearer were: J. F. n'Miaa Cnlnnel D. M. Dunn. M. Q. Munly. Judge Henry E. McGinn. Wil liam N. Gaten and Edwin Boyce. D. F. Campbell and Frank Hallinan. Inter ment wa at calvary cemetery. PIONEER OF 1852 DIES Mrs. Elisabeth Dart Johnson Will Be Burled Today. v. tT-llvaHaH-h Dart Johnson. an Oregon pioneer of 1852. died Thursday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Kate E. Thew, 77 Johnson street. Mrs. Johnson was 81 years of age and was a native of Delta. N. Y. Arriving In Oregon with her father, the late An son Dart, the family home was made at Mllwaukie. Deceased is surviveo. ii two sons C. B. Johnson, of Chlco, Cel.; 8. S. Johnson, of Norton. laano and a daughter. Mrs. Kate xnew. of Portland. TV, . f..r,l aarvlces will be held this afternoon from the East Bide under taking parlors, with interment in n City Cemetery. THE ARCADIAN GARDEN. SB. la. A esaabaa si I as est 1 a tA a, fl ft f fh HOtftl Multnomah is more popular than ever aa a meeting; place (or business men at the noon nour. Ita. ia s-a4srt I at rkft1 AFIfi COITI f OrtA bl and the beat ot service and cuisine is assured. For dinners and after-theater parties 1 1 IB UUwA-cmru. .-- ...Ino- a. TV aBVra.11e.Tat tTlllSiral progrramme ia renaerea wmva wn pemi iv 1 1 1 vj in-"' - All Shrlners ar invited to Inspect .. a ... . . - - a H inis oeauuxui Rnuc. 1 1 Fishermen Still Milsslng. m-rnRTi nr. Mav 17. (Special.) No trace hs yet Deen tounu ot Kuljls and hi boatpuller. John Banko- 1 ,. V. wht.a. araaollna flshboat came asho're yesterday morning near the II- i:oi-oei4 coffee GpssettcdeM PORTLAND n lj Golden West Steel Cut 1 Coffee starts the day tl Ho-nt. It nuts the entire -O - A family in the best of spirits. You know the de liciousness of a really j good j Wes eood cup of coffee. Golden West has it. List of Prominent People Registered 'at Hotel Multnomah New Tork Dave TU Braesteln. T. U Lyons, la. W. Whitlow, J. Davis. Francis DBattle Creek. Mich. Mllea Bryant and wife. Miss There Robinson, Miss Ruth Robinson. Edmonton P. Burrows. Superior P. E. Bradshaw Miss M. Bradshaw, Miss U Bradshaw, a Q. Pake Salt Ste, Marie W. K. Mosea and wife Philadelphia Edward McGulre. Toledo F. U Oeddea and wife. Prlnevllle Oscar Hyde, a Locks Clarke Thompson. y.ctoria-H.T.Raui and family beaitie vernun piiiiitt, .. - Inson. H. P. Burroughs. H. U Fanning and wile. C. J. t-asey, ow-umvii oiuaau. ChcaSo-W. M. Cov, J. P. Love, C A. Nathin and wife William Elliott Ban Francisco F. C. Smith. Milton Pollack, Theo. Peters. F L. Whltton. Astoria J. W. GUbaugh. Tacoma A. A. Cook. MeachamF.E. Davis. Victoria H. T. Hau and wife. Kverett, vVas. H. V. Clark Mlnneapolla. Minn. W. 8. Parker. Dallas. Or. Mrs. Charlos Gregory. Ppokane William G.' Ripley. Kelso. Wash. George Sicar. Seattle U F. LAptng. J. R. NageL Spokane H. J. Darby. Salt Lake H. A. Nelson. Miss Kate Nei?Inn'Franclscw P. F. Wilson and aCt'tL-i-v.!. ra V. A. Phemlster. San Francisco. Cal. John K. Bulger. Rac ne Mrs. ana r"j 1 u Omaha J. A. Howard. H. H. Kru ger. H. M. Solding. gsglnaw M. S. Brown and wife, Marehfield Mrs. W. F. Squire. Lowell J. J. Blakeley and wife, Albany George H. Crowell and wife. Lebanon W. D. Hill. silt Lake W. H. Cunningham. Victoria H. N- SP"-'""', Cincinnati A. Zeckendorf. Seattle A. Chandler. Toronto S. B. Tetens. Hartford. Conn. H. J. Bloomer. Vancouver. B. C Captain J. la. Foth-wlc- ' White Temple Pulpit Walter Beawetl Hlnaon. Minister. Twelfth snd Tsylor Streets. Sunday Services at 11 A. M- and 7:30 P. - ... y - . s .Ay- (.-. ' & .. " :- Morning Topic. x "WHO IS COD? Revelation 6erlos. Number Three. Evening Topic. "WHAT YOU LOOK I.IRJ5" Baptism at Aftermeetlng. . Sunday School at :45 A- M. A Cordlsl Invitation to All. B. T. P. V. Lower Temple at :15 P. M. Topic "WHT AND HOW TO PLBASB CHRIST." Descon C. A. Lewis. Leader. Prayer Sleeting Thursday at 8 P. M. Topic "IN WHAT ARE THE BAPTISTS PKCV1J.VR?" DON'T MIPS THE REVELATION SERIES waco beach life-saving- station and It Is now generally conceded that the men were lost. Little Is known of Banko vlch. excepting that he was an Aus trian and had a cousin residing- In Se attle. CHICKEN CROQUETTS, Club sausage, creamed potatoes, cold veal loaf, smoked tongue, stuffed to matoes, orange and nut salad, prune pie, whipped cream: caramel custard, whipped cream: strawberry Ice cream. Woman's Exchange, 188 6th at. Sawdust, Cord wood. Coal. Rolman Fuel Co., successors to Bas-fleld-Veysey Fuel Co. M. 68. A .35a. Bring Your Razor. Have It Honed FREE I I I I I AT THE COLIMBIA HARDWARES 104 Fourth St To Advertise the Perforated Razor Hone I Cabs Vi a WT i-ml A tk f f II 1 nAW h CTttt I See the wonderful new hone I demonstrated. Get the free dook let on Shaving Secrets. I Hundreds of Perforated Hones are being sold. It's the easiest, most satisfactory bone to use, be- I cause It prevents wire edge and over-honing. a v -V ff I St I I 111 s nu iu luc uuico a At drus; and hardware; stores or I "it s All m the. Holes' At drus; and hardware stores or oy vn ictciyi vi fi, I Perforated Hone Company I by mall on receipt oi si. I Portland Branch, Phoenix Bldg., Portland, Oregon TONIGHT After the Theater Gastronomic Joys Will Feature at the New Imperial Hotel Grill Kason's String Orchestra. Miss Leona Francis, Soprano. Mr. Roy Dietrich, Tenor In New Musical Numbers. New Imperial Grill Use Stark-Street Entrance. Foster & Kleiser aUsb Craas) Cwsamerclal and KUeeirte SIGNS Bawt Beveath and Kast Bverett txeeSB rkasM Baa aula 2334. DIABETES treated with greatest success without re stricted diet. Ph-slo-nutritlve 8al-Sano removes all symp toms of the disease, produces sain In welfht. tnusrles and nerva power ano snar.y. At leading drugjlsts. AlSAXO CO, ew York. 9 W. BiwSdway. Wrlt tot Booklet, WB HAVIH.K CIAUI8 fr.r personal Injury and property damase. II you have a claim, aea us; li years experi- 'KiARnc'4EET CLAIM AC-TSCV, MarahaU las. 07 xeoa Bid.. Cffl3MD aaBBeBsaj and Passed That means good, pure, wholesome, healthy meat that you can safely give to the children. It is inspect ed by Uncle Sam's trained experts and must pass a severe test or bo rejected. When it comes to you, bearing this stamp, it insures your family sanitary meat. It costs no more than uninspected meat. You owe it to your family to buy only meat bearing Uncle Sam's stamp. TfRTST f dealer KJ "C" J: .1. GOVBBUM-KT oTAMF on ail ui Uncle Saxc'S guaransoo w. wi . . a. .1 e. w xne-kieS. UNION MEAT COMPANlf . . , n-ianK PACIFIC nDREEH raiioj-M rTodosars of "Columbia rrodocts CSatsop Beach PACIFIC OCEAN SEASIDE GEARHART On for the Season SATUKDAY SPECIAL AT 2:00 P. M. Returns Sunday Evening DAILY TRAINS, 8:00 A. M. AND 6:30 P. M. Additional Fast Trains will be placed in service early in June Clatsop Beach is the only ocean resort enjoying daily and special weekend trains -which permit business men to send families to the seashore and join them for Saturday evening and Sunday without loss of time. Parlor cars and modern coaches on all trains to Clatsop Beach. Parlor car and rail tickets at CITY TICKET OFFICIO. FIFTH AND STARK STS. NORTH BANK STATION, ELEVENTH AND HOVT STS. when you rough, high-proof, strong, whiskey when flavor, delicacy and age no longer appeal to you cut out drinking. Cyrus Noble is pure, old and palatable Bottled at drinking strength. Costs no more than any other good whiskey. W. J. Van Schuyver & Co., General Agents, Portland. SOLID CAKE-NO WASTE SAP0LI0 Cleans when others fail and requires less effort NO DIRT CAN RESIST IT GPNN'S lsiimel lA-rrr PILL. ' arnPLI bavins Indlsaatlou, bilious spells failhsttsraXtar Mine, thsm, One tor a do drugjlsu or br matt. For S?pl. write Dr. BJ itai VIJ.K sx- gmi.anKT.rHiA. ta. "European Resorts' ENGIAND SAVOY HOTEL LONDON. rba werlA's most famous Hotel de Laxe and tha rendesrous ot dlstlnsulsbed amerlcana In London. HARROGATE EDBtaad's Greatest Health aad Rest Resort Booklet Free From Towm aad Conatry asa Fifth Ansae, IS aw York. 5. Inspected 17 138 ahowinir you it's n w ""' U. tTwin vnA Mfirnii ' the ramous Brand Round Trip Fares $4 Daily. Season Limit. $3 Saturday to Monday. $15 Five Round Trips. begin craving TOOLS --V Ism. U. y aW CUTLERY Stiletto Tools are made for the mechanio who wants the best. They are manufactured from the best Tool Steel, are prop erly made to fill his every requirement, and every one ia warranted. Sold by All Hardware Dealer PARKER'S ua its ntl CAM Icieanaaj awObeaoslal tha hsat rra Vails to Barters Ond Sale SO tCS IODUUU aywawaa, Prerenta hair falllny. w