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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1912)
TITE ttOTtXTXG OREGONIA!?. THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1912. Every Style of Eastman Kodak and Camera Is Here Develop ing & Printing Done in 24 Hours Enlarging, Etc., by Experts "How to Cook With Paper Bags" 25c and Soyer's Paper Bag Cookery, 60c, in Book Store Free Rental Bureau, 4th Floo ts. I THE MEIER & FRANK COMPANY, ESTABLISHED 1857. WEATHER REPORT: SHOWERS TODAY. THE MEIER & FRANK CO., 5th, 6th, Morrison and Alder Sts. CO The $4000 Scholarship Contest Feature of 55th Anniversary SURELY every person in Portland knows of some young man or woman whom they would like to sec win one of these splendid $1000 Scholar ship Prizes in any University or College of America T Spores of organizations and societies have already chosen a contestant to work for. In all, there are 12 Scholar-hips to be awarded, amount ing to over $4000, in this wonderful Scholarship Contest to commemorate o;ir 55th Anniversary. Voting in Contest to 5 P. M. Wednesday -w u ; lock, no Il-n rTsrk. Xrtrth TwrntlMh 71 Kt pjwh l'olu:nbia X nlrenMty. int rmr. or Jam" Patn. Uw -hon . . . WH'tmm f.urrk. Lincoln Hh , I T. O ftrin, T"nlvTauy ef 0n. ... . , lanl A 'lam. Washlncton High ......... . A ifrJ Orndirm, A Hn Prep. Mmvwell Hull. Allan Vrp f.ilf Rtnhsrt t hrt Hhi, Fu'tnp f"ort Wttnan. Hoi Id my School Harry rarn. TM14 Kity-ihlrd avenue. , F.dit1! HiTi. Whit avnu. r;nvte fourtnev. Ilftc rnlvemitr . . . . " Ma'-rhearsnn. Washington Htb.. . Mr Pa vies. Washington High a I FMna Mrra!f. A.V Conch. .14 ' rr Halv. t. Mry" A'i4.-nr.- I Ft1 J. Barber. WaJiititton Htirh "10"; j Mawd l.oey. 40 Km at .Summer ! Ifl.'t? 1 trh Brrh"r. UK: Kmat Tanth IO ! F"-eivn ;(rI. Allen fri I Vv Ho-tan M. IJnbetaier . ft ..IT a f I., gentry. Th'r?y-lxth arena.. . 3 ft ! . Keller. 173 Sixth etret . tVM ' Hirrv Fnarty. Twentv-four h and Irvine-. a JIM 1 A AMI r la via. WaMmctori Hirh I i;j Krnent rtra-n. nfir. Kat Thirty-ninth.... S44M Srr)a plotra. :9 Ford ?'fto Nettle Prow. .V'7 Kat Thirty-. th ! t.lS Anna Rnoit, :t Bae Twenty-ninth '. I !wM) It. 4. Montgomery. .HI Roas , 1.JWHI t frank Wilt. Tamniii. l.&Mt I John lllalar. 4 Rodney... mm J T : : 1 ' t " : . 1 .. ' ; . ' " - " t is. ;i "K'tirVr r - s U i Mfllt 1 1 l T 11 1 Ml lilAHHMUIP 60 IIOBLI, WOt'9 DORMITORY, STANFORD l.MVKRSITT. HOW VOTES WIlI BE CAST. Votoe will be (riven with all cash or credit pur chases of 25c and over. Retain your duplicate sales checks and present them at the Special Con test booth, first floor, where they will be re deemed for ballots: Purrbatie. of 25e to S5c call for 25 vote.. rnrrkaif of 38c to 65c call for W) vote.. of B0 to S3c call for 75 vote.. Purchase, of 8c to (1 call for 100 votes. And ao on In corresponding multiple.. URAXD DOrBlR iCHOlARSHIP PUI7.E. A 10OI scholarship, all expense paid for a. vear In uiv American college Yal. Harvard. Trinceton, etc. to man securing greatest number of votes. A 100 Scholarship, all expenses paid for a vear In any American collewre Vassar. Wellsly. Prvii Mawr. etc. to woman securing greatest number of votes. The Second Prise ;A $10 Scholarship to one or woman, m huycibuj vi. v,aiuwiua v man Stanford, wmch Includes a year's expenses. The Third Prise A $500 Scholarship to one man or woman, in Oregon fniversity, Oregon Agricultural College or Willamette university, which Includes a year's expenses. Fourth Prl.e $100 Tuition Scholarship to one man or woman In Reed College. F1fh Prise $120 Tuition Scholarship In Port land Academy to one man or woman. Slsth Prise $100 Tuition Scholarship in Co lumbia University. Portland, to one man. Seventh Prise $130 Tuition Scholarship In St. Helen's Hall, to one girl. Klghth Prise $120 Tuition Scholarship In Hill Military Academy, to one boy. Math Prise $120 Tuition Scholarship in Allen's Preparatory School, to one boy or girl. Tenth Prise $50 Tuition Scholarship In St. Mary's Academy, to one girl. Eleventh Prise $30 Tuition Scholarship for commercial course in Christian Brothers' College, to one boy. If Wl I ii : , I Lot ; H If ! $20,. $22.50, $25 Coats at $ 1 8.45 SMART new Coats at $18.45 and variety the feature of the lot ! Not a few, but many attractive styles. Of handsome Spring fabrics and cloakings twilled serges, tweeds, mottled and diagonal weave worsteds and mannish mixtures. Cut full len$rth semi-fitted with loose backs. Collars and revers of ev ery late fashion. Larpc. round and small notched styles. Revers of every width and lenjrth including jaunty deep-cut styles that fasten in wrapped effect at extreme left side. Deep cuffs to match of velvet, moire and ratine. Plain and novelty buttons add to the attractiveness of them. They are our $20, $22.50 and $25 Coats in every particular. For the Anniversary Attractive and Neat Are These House Dresses at Only $1.85 It's an exceptionally low price for such well made House Dresses a these. Made of percales and chambrays. In solid colors, stripes or checks. With large pointed plain-colored round or sriuare collars to match. Also of white pique. They're trim and exceptionally good value r $18. $1.85 Cream Wool Dress Goods Reduced aTNX the threshold of the createst " Season .of White" in years, our entire stock V of beautiful eream white wool Dress Goods is materially reduced for the Anniversary Sale. All new weaves Whipcords, Serges, Cheviots. Ratine, S1.33. $1.47, S1.77. 81.89. S2.49. S2.98. etc. Sale prices today, yard, 982. Natural Pongee Silh Genuine hand-loomed Chi nese Pongee Silks in the natur al color. For waists, coats and dresses and suits. The 36-inch at 7Hfi. 98d. S1.29 and S1.39. New Tailor Suitings Handsome 54-inch Suiting3 in the favorite Scotch weaves. Anniversary Sale prices range as follows: $1.25 grade, 98d; $1.50 at S1.29; $2 grade at only S1.77. 85c Foulard Silks 59c A new lot of pretty Silk Fou lards in dots and small figure designs, 24 inches wide. Blues, rose, tan, brown, etc. Also $1 fancy Silk Suitings, specially priced at, yd. Linens and Sheetings Big Values THE savings quoted here are real reductions from our staple, year-around prices on Linens, Sheets, Sheeting, etc. With the Elks' Convention, Rose Fes tival and other events, bringing thousands of visitors to Portland this Summer, few homes that will not need additional supplies Big Display of Den nison Paper Goods Till Dcnmson Company hnve sent a woman ex pert to demonstrate the many pretty tuble decorations and fancy ornaments which can be made from tissue and crepe paper. Saturday morning an elaborate booth f Icnnison I'nper Ooods will be readv in the Stationery Section. We will show for the first time in Portland this fad of fancy 1'aper Ta ble Decorations, which ha taken the Kast bv storm. Crepe Paper Hope, Paper Flowers and other pretty con ceits, shown in their makintr. Orders taken for sjecial work. Klrat floor, ew Rnlldl.c 'J The Linens fl.25 Linen Damask Heavy all linnn bleached quality. J1 CC 70 inches wide. Yard P.iU ?2.50 Pattern Cloths, QO all-linen. 70x78 size, at J'0 $3.00 Pattern Cloths, CJO AQ all-linen, 70x78 size, at P'0 S5c Huck Towels, all linen, 21x40-inch special today, each. extra heavy Bed Furnishings 70c Sheets Extra heavy bleached muslin, seamless, 81x90 size, CQ offered for this Sale. only,'C 15c Pillow Cases Splendid qual ity muslin, 42x34-inch "J O size, special price, each t S2.25 Bed Spreads Extra, heavy crochet style, with fringe and cut corners. These $2.25 JJ1 QO Bed Spreads, special at P70 The White Goods- $1.75 Long Cloth Fine, soft fin ish, ideal for women's and chil dren's undergarments, 36 inches wide. Bolts of 12 yards, d 1 OC special Salo price, only P A.nVisJ $1.00 Imported Beau tiful quality, pretty woven-in pat terns, 32 inches wide. Of- 7Q fcred special, a yard, only Any Man's $20 Fancy Suit at Only $16.50 TILTS means a saving on the identical Suits which have created such talk amonj; men at $20! Scores of beautiful patterns West-of-England worsteds, homespuns, Scotch effects and a multitude of the popular hairline and pin stripes in gra3-s, browns, tans and fancy blues. Ever- Suit is hand tailored and all-wool. Nothing withheld every $20.00 fancy Summer Suit, in sizes for men of every build, todaj' 16.50 Boys' $5 Suits $3.85 Mothers, profit by this offering today. We have taken 200 of these splendid Knickerbocker Suits from our regular $5 line for an Anniver sary Sale special at $3.85! robby prays, browns, tans and even blue serges. All sizes, 6 to 17 years. Today only Third Floor. w Bulldlna Mall Order. Filled l U II?, IClil lllt-l $3.85 mm mm May Muslin wear Event ABOVE all remember that every garment that fills the tables and cases of our second floor sec tion is fresh, new and immaculate. No unsightly, old-styled under wear takes a place in this splendid May event. The Gowns 75c Gowns, special for 53 $1.25 Gowns, special at 93 $1.50 Gowns, special, 91.22 $1.75 Gowns, special, $1.43 $2.00 Gowns, special, 91.57 $2.50 Gowns, special, 91.98 $3.00 Gowns, special, 92.67 $3.50 Gowns, special, 92.87 $4.00 Gowns, special, 93.08 $6.00 Gowns, special, 93.05 The Combinations $1.50 Combinations, . 91.29 $2.00 Combinations, 91.47 $2.60 Combinations, 91.95 $3.00 Combinations, 92.47 $3.50 Combinations, $2.89 The Undershirts $1.60 Underskirts only 98 $2.00 Underskirts at 91.47 $2.50 Underskirts at 91.83 $3.50 Underskirts at 92.47 Anniversary Sale of Trunks Ft Dress Fitting Made Easy WIIAT woman who sews hasn't been fretted with the , problem of proper fitting of garments the wrin kles that have appeared, the ungraceful hang of the skirt, all because "there was no way to see. ' ' Dress Forms make fitting easy and are now considered just as indispen sable to the equipment of the sewing-room as the sewing machine and tape measure. Portland's best and most complete stock is here. The Perfect "Princess" Adjustable Only $16.50 Of all Dress Forms, Hall & Borchert's Princess takes first place. As illustrated. Simply constructed, though adaptable to any shape or size. Each part is adjustable independently of any other part, so irregularities of figure can be produced as well as a figure of average lines fl-! ? C" and proportion. Our price for the No. 25 "Princess' is only?'' Bust and Hip Forms The No. justable stand, 92 extra. Iflf 11 A non-adjustable, at 3. With ad- First Floor, Main BulldinK. New Fiction for First Time at 50c SLENDID new titles and put out for the the firsf time today at 50c. For merly sold at.. $1.18 to $1.50. Aside from these we've hun dreds of other popular novels on our table of 50c, Books. "Mr. Crewe's Career" Church ill. "The Depot Master" Lincoln. "The Mettle of the Pasture" Allen. "Goingf Some" Rex Beach. "No Man's Land" Vance. The Book Store, Ranemcnt Annex. TRUNKS built to withstand the tests of travel. Heavy canvas-covered and waterproof painted, with strong angle-iron ede, top and bottom. Brassed corners. Two large, cloth-lined trays and two leather straps all around. AH sizes at these Anniversary Sale re ductions: $15.25 Tiunks, 32-inch. Anniversary Sale, 912.45 $16.00 Trunks, 34-inch, Anniversary Sale, 913. IO $16.75 Trunks, 36-inch, Anniversary Sale, 913.75 $17.50 Trunks, 38-inch, Anniversary Sale, 914.40 $18.25 Trunks, 40-inch, Anniversary Sale, 915.05 $10.00 Genuine Cowhide Suitcases 24xi:ix7. - inch Mr, mil linen-nnei. wan rowhide strap "7 QC brat Special today $4 Keratol Suitcases linen-lined, with shirt-fold. 24xl2V2sVi-iii. size, straps all around. An- QC ,1C mversarv $3 Keratol Suitcases-24x 12'2X(i-in. size, linen-lined, with shirt-fold; with 6trar all around. An- tO OR niversary Sale Pi.-iJ rtk IW, Mala RalUla. Mall OraVrra Filled. Sugar Today, 17 Lbs. $1.00 A$l PUIICHASE of other goods today in the Pure Food (iro eer" entitles )-ou to share in this spe- 1 ft II T 1 ial Anniversary Sale Sugar offer today' of p A Cube Sugar, special 3 pounds at 23d Cross & Blackwell's Lucca Oil, large bottle, 76 Ivory Soap, 4 10-cent bars at 30d Light House Cleanser, 5 cans at 24 d Armour's Sail Soap, 8 bars only 25 Blue Label Catsup, bottle at only 18c 25c Wadco Baking; Powder, can 17c .Fancy Prunes, 2Y2 pounds only 25c Maine Corn, special 2 cans only 23d Holly Milk, special, 4 cans for 30 Shredded Cocoanut, pound only 15d Eastern Succotash, 2 cans for 23 d 25c Shrimps, 2 cans for only 35c Fels Naptha Soaps, 10 bars at 4oC Mixed Pickles, large bottles only 10d Pare Kead fctxef f . Basesaeat Store. Mill Purchase of Sweaters For Men, Women and Children WE had them shipped by ex press in order to arrive for the first week of our Great 5oth Anniversary Sale! They are a big mill's surplus of fine Wool Sweater Coats for men, women and children, including the popular "Ruff-Neck" style. The entire purchase goes on sale this morning. You 11 want a new Sweater Coat for beach and outing wear this Summer. Men's, Women's $6.50 Wool Sweaters $4.89 We have been hardly able to secure enough of these splendid all-wool Ruff-neck Sweatori at any price: fieavy onaKer ami, win larjro roll-collars and knit-in pockets. Oxford gray, cardinal, navy and white. Sizes tl CQ 34 to 4t, for men and women, at P" Boys' and Girls' $4 Ruff-NecK Sweaters at $2.98 Ideal for school wear. Collar can be turned up to protect the throat or laid down outside the coat. Ages, 5 to 13 years, in assorted colors. A tO QO regular $4.00 grade, offered for the Anniversary Sale, each, only r"''0 Light, Downy ComfortsSave IF there's aiiy season of the year when light, fresh, downy Com forters are enjoyed, it's at the Spring and Summer time. Score of splendid savings in this end-of-theseaon sale today. Well-made Comforters of sheeted cotton, covered with good quality silkoline. All full size. $2.75 Comforters at 92.20 $3.00 Comforters at 92.65 $3.50 Comforters at 93.05 $4.00 Comforters at 93.25 Men's & Women's $5 Sweaters $3.29 All-Wool Sweater Coats, "V" na.-k with two patch pockets. . Plain weave in oxford, cardinal, navy, brown, white, and golf red.' Colors guaran teed fast. Regular $5.00 J?0 OQ i sweaters, m tins dale ior yw," v " Boys' and Girls' $1.50 Sweaters 98c "V"-neek style, with two patch pockets. Splendid medium weight Sweaters for beach and outinrr wear. Good variety of colors oxford with cardinal or nary trimmings, QQ. and other combinations, at O 1 00 Ways of Telling Time Alarm Clocks, dozens of styles, 55 to 92.50. Beautiful 8-Day Mantel Clocks bronze, marble, iron and wood, solid brass, real ma hogany and oak, 94.50 to 925. Mission Clocks for the den, in all styles. Parisian Ivory Clocks for the desk. Dresser and Drawing-Room Clocks Or molu gold and silver, gold plate, crystal and drop pendulum Clocks in French models, 98 to 935. PORTLAND'S most complete Clock Store is located in the basement of the new building. Every style in reliable, guaranteed timekeepers, from the 35e Alarm Clocks to the elegant Solid Ma hogany Grandfather Hall Clocks at $375. Seth Thomas, Ansonia, New Haven, Waterbury and finest imported French makes. See the big display this week in our Sixth-street window. Big Ben Clocks the National rouser. Only department store in Portland which has them, $2. 50. Grandfather Hall Clocks, from Mission style at $5.98 to solid mahogany at 9375 Chime Clocks in rrenuine mahogany and oak casinps. Beautiful Sonora and West, minster chimes. Ship's Bell Clocks, which will delight the heart of many an old seafarer. Automobile Clocks for your machine. $1.25 Comforters at 91.05 $1.50 Comforters at 91.27 S2.00 Comforters at SI. 65 $2.25 Comforters at 91.89 Sheet Blankets, of white, grav and tan cotton. Priced at 90S 91.10, 91.40 and 91.65. Tklrd Floar. Mala Bnlldlag. PHONES PACIFIC, MARSHALL 4600; HOME A 6101 Our New $3.50 and $4 Pumps Oxfords $2.65 AKOTHER opportunity today for women to heed this extra ordinary saving on dainty new Summer Footwear! Our own regular $3.50 and $4 lines Chic Pumps of . tan Rus sia, velour calf and pat ent colt leathers with silk bows. Also Colonial Pumps of gun-metal calf and black velvet. And patent colt Oxfords, blucher and button. Every pair new and perfect, with genuine Good year-welt soles. All sizes and widths m each -style. Today they are placed on sale in the 55th Anniversary Sale at the verv special low price of only, the pair Third Floor, Nrw Rullrtlns. ) r.xi -v t il suii'.. $2.65 jtlli $r M'- W n