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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1912)
t . TUT: MOItXIXC. OKEGOMA MONDAY. AmiX 29, 1012. ; I . fi.rn.T,nv. AVTrn-utTK i FOR RENT. I FOR REM. f FOR BE XT. FOR HtLE. M-rlljM0. Ilor-. Ifhklf. Kie. n!l w or k ii.ic and d -uttt. i ru to j u 1 snd w... . 1 1 T vl!b new St b. . jt in k Ii am ml tu tsk b. rid truo to pun. rk horf. 1 old (m nj try hlnu. srs old. will trl d ! n IE. n-iy mir to rsrf 1 foal, weight l fru $1H. im tak fimi'r horse, gentle fr an bo-iy to drive. 'l h"ws ro-rntcc a represented. b' - work nni. .1.14 Front. "an? vri w;i-Nrok burroi : r-" .md hf iar be " a. O. 73, Portland. Or. VK I I.I. h arrive .un lv fr Mmidav annthrr . of frh firm hr. S'l snd pn.r. we i;t v pld rhi ni Psoitis Mahlr.v Joth aud Iurn j :!-. M-ntavil a. 1 imto Ore ! Vulrl InMrvnifDll. 'IK v-ino. iwt VT5 n". Vr..-ic off jit-o f.-r quick cssii. Lu:n r m h I c V KKT tonl Kimball piano for sa'.e rh.sp Il M"r-'rtfi st 1 .I. iuy amaii rntl f.v Wiihinftnn F'hnne 11 i o. Eaat fiTA NIAItI make unr.aSt piano fr t .!,. nm! .'il. I'lin Min ltiVI. A ttt mo( ii Ira. "sAi.K-pr.syrKn. Fori f.ii:r ititppd and m f!rt-r(a con-ittlon hrmiihwu! ; if amount able rtrn : elri rtr llchtt. irto-it. upedometer : trunk r,-k : wirdftlitrld: ritrt rtin : !' Tht tr muit b aolil thi ek and a b'; M'-nfire in pn.-P. We will accept jour oid car a part pnvmenf MRK.IO.V ALT KXCHANCR. New IocaUon. 435-Ji Alder t Vain 11C1 A 437 M.IOIITI.V IrJfcl A L'TOM HI LKM. If tou wteh to bur. w bare the car too want at the rtcht price. If you wlab to aeii. we wtu pa you pjt eaan. Call or write far price. V art - cluai ve deatT of us d automoMlea. OR&UON AUTO EXtHANGK. New Location. 43-4t$ Altler St. FOR barsaina In used crs ua flr: writ f,-r lit; we buy anl CLTU M - HOCS K A L'TO CO.. Cor. E. 13th and Hawthorne are. T-PASSENOKU FREMIER. flun leaa tnn 4o milt, looks and run l!ke new; a bargain. T 1. Orca-nian. or t-h-'Tio East "-vJ'-fJ t AI'HJ-Ai 5-pajnicr. lt':i. d-a rot how any wear. bet of contlltlon all around. w'.Jl aeii for caah very chap. Ad- r!r-e AH 12. Oricnun. HAVE Tour automobile repair--! at hom at low -ot and become ftnuimr w;th your r-a-n mahme: wUl iioin all point p. van East Vll The lt Standard 4 ii. V. 7-pMnitrr car In Portland. l'.t make, murt be ui Wii wk. For demuna: ration addria A !- IS. reroman! l;.V ll t'K lilthl delivery, been ud as dmoatrator. for ca?h or time. Ad dr-s owner for partlrulara. AC 11. Ore aonian. . pASei aul- an. I aome cash ent nw I'ledtnont hm for rt rooms. . 1J.VJ llight I'll t-Al-K Inter j ery automobile. ' ard IniK To. iAti-nl lia-v-etr ilellv ruh t'P. iarke. ood- oAl.K- cash rrtdit of on je w a..Mio ail Tom t a d.-ounL. K ri. p. 4-PAS.t:N Kit oir!tnl. fully qtilj'I'e-l. A 1 i or.(ln!-ii. ery cheap. -ni ah.ipe; UvO; u h bids;. a barc-i m. owner. -I" SAl.t auto. i u Ti:IR 4-c:. :-pawn-TI Kn.-i Kt. O V9. pntat rr4S'' fr nnt. J PA.-tS'IKi: ('ha'niTi. - .V hourlj. It, x Auto to. Ahler. Ma'n 's'-' Io. bird. I'et Woek. WHITR I-rshorn baby chirks; b't selected utility tk; bred to lay; bealthr chirks, rMtrinticil, 17 i pr 1 '0. durtna April and May. Tbe Hatchery. Lot . Iti!uma. f'al 1 fRATTS Anin-at Reaulator fr sale by J J. Itutaer. H. Front iL (r:N sIil';il-;iAlc suua When you buy a suit of me u ste the etri prof t t hat goea in t -ie landlord's po-ket. M y li4 7A Suits woud coat you tJ.'.'H to 3 -'-i tn a Ptore on the street. iMinn. room Jli. Ureonin bluf. Takt r lere tor. KEWINd marhln". fine machine. s-me of th li Mtirrrt. N w ll mf hlta and Iom-tle and ot h-r: drpheada and up. bov top (a and up. Alt auarwn td; aro sold f r storage ITV- St. 1R S UK. CAC1 A fine assortment of cacti, rollccled by ti Imte Hubert Coillrr. The f!nt-t private collec tion on tbe t aat. AdJrrs Mrs. Foo eri tni:t-r. care the Hill. Portland. Or. 1 S'i-H. P. FEKHO motor. :mft nrw. com with pr.,:rr. rrjiiy r.;aif. will -:i rhMp: uein; more p.w. r. Altr-es H. liyard. laiaAd Station. 1'hooe iillwaukle Kd 4 AIKN'a THul'SKUA Men. save the hiKh-rent profit n your pan:. pants for 4--."VO. 1 pant a I J 14 trousers f 4 iO. Jimmy Dunn, room Oreconian bl'la. OK hALK cheap. 3 safe. tandln tiv. nion ripsaw, cut -orr m. piu wt.d pal eya abaft and hancer belta. etc. in yjlr Ifarr. Trunk Q-. 13" bth stJ SAFS Oenuine Halt awlea. new sad se-nd-har.d. low pr ay lerma; aa.'a apened and rv pa: red. Parcel gaf Co. aad parUand aie Co. 3 5tb C blata 4 LIC. KTLT used caah reiter credit latere compuUnar scale, etc. bought aa4 o.d Tbe Pacific btore teerrlce c, Al fetark at Va:n77ll. NATIONAL CAall KEOISTEKS. JO and up. We buy. s:i and repair car reatatera. W. J. kiacauley. aa;ea aseot National Casta reristera. Humaide st.. cor, of Mb. OK fiALK Cash rectster. ecaje cote mill, cbveae cutter, credit reenter, :ia siieer. et& The Portland Store upfj e ;a 2d at. Marshall 4Mi anaHrs tvpewrttere rented, 13 a meat. MKTHWE-T TYPEWR1TEM CuV. 262 Stark Bt. i r.i.ECTHIC National eaj tao-e, very ravnabla. X or r ton. h realster: 1 pool Itcsiaurant. PI KT- I.A8 moi-.r I nr;'or enatne; Main .T'"i. bMtt eay mil house. o terma. phone ( f'V 1 ' 'E furt.lture for a. w r, etc. CV.l 414 Ab'.ngton -ks. da type- too p.CfINESS card. l. a bara:a. Rum City iTintery. 1WJ ad. corn Taylor. T f rer cowa, allow per da. in ft-yelloo Tabor llVi and one 3- f3M FATS at sacrifice price, cash or part paymenta. I TO N. ttthst. safe and wall caaea for safe or es nanf. H 1 ora-onian. Ehl'- tewth. TcWphone I 3Ul W A X T E ! Ml C r L L. X K O C ?i. WANT furniture Hit 4 a ree good vai v lanJ. w:li take (umiture A te A rooma; mitt t fuuJ Hae fne lots with all Improvements In a r..i paid . want 1 f arnitur for l n can be included Lm Fum. Main P I A L W I U W E l. O'd p:umc u.ade In Uo. otir knot t a ..trail t.i . .i-p.y for 3" cnt lr.. b; alo o'.iin am! --i ith at.. Apt. I n ne Marh 1 -J MA PL CLOTHINu. FwUNrii TOOL Hi beet prir paid for men's aod ladie ceat-uoT clothlnc. aboee. furniture. toia ar.ecftaat- Call aiaia uie 24 lt St.. The Olobe W tuy lunk ana second-hand macbtaery e( every d :ri; t loo. Call (or our buyer. M. 1 rn suna. 140- H rront at., t&e l -uie of a iu.tUou baxaina. ala Ml. a 1 . WANTPI .l-end peanut ard r dt'r. rombtnr. In yvxd order, Krfp. lorwb'n. Of. V a.ter V K buy furniture, M n 47 T 1. clot bins;. toia or an y Call 'or bu r. Phone U E tay the biQat caa price for eecoad bead fu'nttuf. etr Martin. Pbeaa a i.t .-4 a Hawthorne avc. Till T. eah reauter. cohTe mill, r rutter. credit r itr and meaA rr pbna MarhaU '-' -4- t A TH' ii: n. very low. fiBro at iL'i sick, aewds im- th '. North li n: rooms e up . do paintica; at rt m :' price. Kf el - WANTED Moir.-pl'?ure outfit. Xe.d g t-naira. ec. A I I1. rtfnln. hT)riAir M VTTKI'.T wanted at use A 4- ' Ore iit Auction CO- Pa r ef f r4(Tu-e 1 i most ewah for aay in Ol. 2 .tp r a l i,y ia.v p ' i -n , mi. 9 vd. . ere JUtao. Rinr.Fu t t:rin:c UOL'fiS T0 fc. Morrison, phone E. IOlX Peys hUhet rsh price for furniture wT:;n apto tn for runabout, ini 4th. HFf-P WAXTKII MUE. INCIDENT. (One of Many.) Office Secretary Kmptoynient Department, r. M. C A- t Tour man. iirant-r. out or w "f his lou t-a a!at If X ps you I. apertai mp!n ni nt rmbcrshlp, I w hse only lt between ine and star- SJ-.-rrtarr If 5"u P7 1 for P'r,a, employment membership, you 111 T M. i A., wltn Ita resources. o- ln vju and star . atio. Result: Young man Joined sssoelatlon. In irsa than, a week be bad aatiifatory Hto.J f.,r three rntntba endin Mar. : rr!' f,r rn-n I'o-ltlnni nilrd Kmp'ovmr n momhrrahip ruaranle,e m-n.hT wlil a4x-ure rmpi ment or r'funa of nTnbThip f; ptven two montha full mrmbrhlp prIvil-R-a. 10 month' eorial prlviIKPA and un.lf-rtakra to kcrp party fmplojfd iliiriri th full term of mem ber hip wtthour further rhar. e hat f ronsiant demand for "'"2 arad. iprlnrd men. Are you fltt fur a bur ooulon T Se rrnary employment department, T. M f. A a OK 4 he 1"miii a ho want 1 K''t Jn n a big mone-makvr: quirk return; f yu ar a lue one catch this; $1 down, m lnterrt. $ p-r wek. no taa. 1 the propo-it ion we arr nf fertnj ; 1 bte to be pold on this bt and thee til TO 1'ilrk: one of the f,ret auldivl9lon on the mnrk't fn portlnnd; onlr per lot: blc roimnllon if o-i cm ' deliver the rood. aM toda btwen iw and 12 A. M. F. F. Taylor't'o.. 4'H-405 Lewis bldg. YOI'NG man who U a ood penman and who baa a Jtood know led it of city for per manent office portion ; small sat arr to start, but excellent -; banco for advance ment; prefer younir man IS or 1 year of c ; must have a clenn record and A-X r.-f rnee. M 7. Orp.n!an. FX PFTt I EM'F.D and f;rt-i.ta travellnB COCr PAT. steady employment.- p.easant work, with an old reliable company. The work la selling hlrh-grada nursery stock, and we have aome 'od territory open, b'tat what territory you would Ilka and write at once for particulars to Lock Box 430. Portland. Oreion. . rnn for Oregon and Wahlncton; salary to arart. ;i pr week and transportation; prefer sltiffie iiin. Addreo. alvtns; partic ular, a to w here last employed. D . r Ionian. WANTKD DENTIST; must be flrat-claas operator and gold worker; must hae Ore gon llrene; permanent position to right man; jrod salarv. Alveolar Dental Co a bin: ton bide. WANTED brlicht and active ofllre bov on looking for clianee to bet fer him self for a hlhr position in office. Ap- p;v I A. M. office of the Eiiers Music Hon e WANTED Chinaman to wait on tablea and m.ik beds in boarding-house of 2o men: S tiary ,r and board . rati rood f are paid to Eugvtie; work easy. Address Box 571. Eucne. Or. Yoi'N man to Icnrn the cJothlnr business nrMt-cla chance for advancement; waxes $.. to start ; no cigarette smokers con si lercd. HrownsvllV Woolen Mill Store. WANTED J. H Voltua please enl address .- ca:l at '' Hucnanan ft.. jonn". b tter waiting at Portland orflce. Im portnnt. bri;tN voting man to work in orchard; foreigner preferred; $:. and found: lino ehnnee to learn the apple business. Apply to to it at '3 KalltHK bhlg. THE Munblpal Free Employment KureaJ w.mts laborers for out-of-town work, fac tory and mill; no fees charged. 213 Sec ond street, corner Salmon. W A N TED Young man who will help with Janitor work 't apartment house for fn- room rert : line location. Cull tM1 Yeon b'. totny. il .Mi tuen t i-ain the tUitbliiK Iuci'ih; $.; to sidered. start ; no cigarette f irownsvllle Woide sinoket tr.jn MH !prr. EST A Ft T.ISH ED real estate offiee wants live enerwetic and experleneed salesman for general real estate, rommlnsion basis, give particular. J 15. Oregoniam URN 1SH IN! ;wDS man: steady place; must lx thorciughiy es pericnced- Brownt- lite Woolen 1 ill Ht ore. V" A N TEI First -r lass lad lea tailors, h Ig h- est wag paid to good mechanic. 8. Weiss. 117 loth st F i ' K N 1 S H I N i J I S man ; steady pl. e; must be t h orotic hi v ex rlenced. Prowns- Hie Wooi.-n Mtil Store. EX PER 1 KM'KD alver Using solb-iiors. con tract easned. lie tied It line Kress. .t.H Madi- W A N TED Urrmer w ho ! n.-rfj fruit land i ..! Oxk st wants to par for tin work. Room AN'THD Stent. fc-rsbher. in raiiroad" Office; m-it give rrfi-reiic. Addros ix. Jl. t'rrt.iniur. A NTED Young man to learn barber trade, fine ch.- nee . three -chair shop. KJJ l'MPIl ae. MAN' to oi en up ami lake charge of eant- tary tl-ill : must o tnoruguy competent. Addre A J II. Orraontnn. MAN WANTED t Ictrn lnaurance businesa: no csperirn-o nc-rry. i. inccot at Co.. Chamb-r of i"onimrf bldg. A Lli.-MAN anteU to Bell be, L h lot: Cham ber eral iim;aion pa:a. 4. t Hmnirrce. C.i M RJf printer for one-man enri. aieady IitieTto reliable. ii-mptni man; wages 'ft. The Staniard. tanMeld. or. EX I'E i: I EN' " ED automobile wood worker. Columbia Carriage Auto Works. V Front t. A NTED Jood reliable man to illrit f- f in-, ,y liquors; onl rinTh-ni el nt-l sp ply. Eastern I.lquoe Co. tiih and loUiri WA.N'l Kl l"ii n. capatile of handling wniky In twnd on commission. Merchant, MAHRIED MAN. ro children, to take care f hor. Apply East ith St. North. WASTED1 f Traoe Call eax.y BRIGHT, eiprien-d oung man. bldg ll ime. ..u-.M" t.erunge WANTED Hlgh-c:e salemsn. Ask tut Mr Burton. 4- Yeon b I d c. X AT vout.g man pmno player, good lght reader. Sort Wan:ngton, A. M. BOY w anted for delivery purposes; one with abeel preferred 4 4th St. PHOTO coupon: beat ever oflrl; aaa ta tfbt ciiiDnn studio fkun butg. W ANTKl " round mm -atin-tker or a go,d. steady. Chrit Wurst. Hi!;iro. Or. BENCH men an:d. Oregon Pltning Mills. I.'tn and Mill. HEir WAXTKIs 1EMAIA. WANTED Man and wife for general house- w ork and yard . colored preferred. H 15, OregoniatL " AMBITIOt'H. energetic woman, over 26. for poaiUoa wit ii w tioiesale house, experience not required. O iHv regonian. W A NT ED Girls to learn the manufacture of hais and cap: good wages. Apply at l- Flrt St.. d floor WANTED Young gill, general housework, washing sent out, small family. ellwood 1U.V o 1 4 East th t. V AM b Ktnnl. upaote wonaa t.- . . Sponsible position. iar Co., 6o R ent d eidg.. 4ih and Uashingioa. GOOD maaseuse wanted: Swedish. Danish or Oermaa preferred, one with good cx po rter e. So Hoiiaday ave. k ANTED Olrl for general housework. Good cook. Wages tit. fall mornings. w Schuyler St. Telephone E. Ml S1CA1 ladles for military band now or ganlzicg ; experience unnecessary. E 8. . Tenor, tan. WANTED Experi land restaurant, ver. W'an. need wait re in Port IIS W. em at., Vancou- ulKL wanted for houaework for amall 3 room house and assist with cooking, fall he i iwood 17 i. morn in tta r Tter A a. M. MKH. HOWES LADIES' AGENCY. WaaMngion bldg. I Washington at., ear 4'H. Ma'n -" or 3.'od. A NVED trong glri for reneral houe wvrk. bet. age of and Call 3ll Stark st-. al:r U o'clock. STR N' roung girl to assist w ith care of two rMMrtn, wage $1 Call East 4 or O 1H. WAl7KK-r.K wanted.. People's Onaurint, 41 t Washington st. WANTED Nel younc girl to help in housework. App'y E. :Htb North. WA ITRESja. f lrt -e:aa. must have counter Vlevep. .H Washington pt. WANT experienced eharnbermald rMm at house. 131 t loth st WANTED A girl to asit in g wo-t. ppiv M-s. . Pofirg. 'at house- Dav la. WANTED A girl fr lirM H-mwh ork . ftin. Ily of J App.'yMon.i.ty. '4 t t. W NTET Ai.nan for rrkom. N. 1..:h corre. M'itnb'e. V A NTr.l- - "omp b'iuew ork. 4 t TKf-J adT" Ask for sa; t for e a n a rs Siiagvr- at 31 3d sU WANTED TOfNO LADIES FOR TELB PHOKH OPEHATINO. WITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE. APPLY THE PA CIFIC TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH CO.. EAST TII AND ANKENT STS. WANTED Pa vera I yours; lartlea between Ih aces of IS and . for perman nt poel-tl-ma. Apply the P. T. A T. Co.. Alder St.. or 411 East Ankeny aU WANTED To youi.g ladies to make A 3 mom ha trip to Alafka for a Western firm. This offers a fin opportunity for brirht. Im'ustrious clrl to tnnk MB money. Call T3 Chamber of Commerce bMe . :l to V, M. WANTED A Idv of ;o.d appearance and bu-rn a hi Mi v to repreaert an Eastern rhmit In port'snd; a Income and a permatieni position. all Monday at 4-n P. SI., room 1, Superior. 24th and Thur man. , EN E H ; ETI' w oman wanted for sperlsl edn cattontl work In preparation for the l!lo Exposition: teacher or club woman P"-f-rred; salary. Mrs. V. K. Trusty. 0-3 .Vnnaunnok bldg.. nn JranclgcoCai. W A NT EI N "it ls ring young Tnr h.lfora to tntroduca KERMORA TREAT MENT, a home tre.-itm.-nt for womn. Liberal compensation. Caii room 10. -ll Aide- t. A NT ED A competent stenographer and fvplst on a "S-P" machine; must be neat, accurate and educated; preference fly1 to a lady of a literary mind. A v. rvrentan. YOUNG ladv stenographer, one willing to start with smsll waves and learn bust n ess. not much experience required. Apply at once, a oreponinn. WANTED A good erman CStnouc Kin. ert nver to worn in a i ie, v e. East Side; wage .b monthly, gonian. . B 6. Ore- W NTED At oniO. competent omn to tnk full charge of home: parent- in btisl ness; wape jf.-. ot I 2inh at., corner Laurel. Portland Heights. OHO' 'ERY WOM A N Thoroughly experi enced In U lines -cf groceries, steady po sition, answers treated confidential. Q "are Cr-ironi;tn. Ct V rKTKNT mam ir gen-rwi 7 good :i70. wnges; no wasiiinK- - WWTEO iiood glri for light housework ip rnmllv of 3; must like children. 4lo L. 11th st. North. Hrondway car. F X P F R I F N C 1". D cook. citv re f e re n c es. ' wages "'' pr month. Phone Main otd or A :t:.i:. EX PERI ENCED laundress for hund laun dry; aloo dressmaker for shop. Inquire (H Washington st. LADY for general housework, small family, good wages; Broadway car. 4S3 E. 20th North. COMPETENT girl for general housework; 3 adults, good wages. Apply 5S1 East Tay lor, corner of 14ih. m WANTED (tirl to do general housework and cooking, no children. Apply 381 loth. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. Mfe Washington .. cor. 7th. uptaw Phon Main 2f HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIKL or woman, general housework. Phone APPRENTICES wanted at the Hair Store. !'. rtth st. Iarn the business. HFi.r wANT:n male or female. MAN or woman understanding general ac counts (any bookkeeper can Jiave ex ceptional opportunity for Urge or small Investment, all state open, guarantees Ufa Income. Established 14 years, with large revenue. Portland office opened. Ucst ref erence. For particulars address P. O- Box 3. BF.LF w AXTaU-dtlCEIX.VNSOta, M EN S T O P R E A D LEA R N to operate moving picture?: operators make to 9 fto weekly. Pull practical coure fheip. NEW VOUK FILM EXCHANGE. Wah.. near 17th. MEN WANTED Are It to ZX to prepare for firemen or brakemen. nearby rail roads. $SQ to 10f monthly. Kaparlance un necessary ; no strike; promotion engineer or conductor. $150 to monthly; good life careers; state age; send stamp. Itall wsy Association, pox Ortgonla-a. MEN and women to learn tbe oar oar trade In eight wa; specla Inducements; per centage paid while .earning; too la freef expert Inatructore; 17 years In the i s .u t - cbools; a lUsiiLue minoera:p ra to aaco siudenL Molar aioer ooi ege. St . Pocrth St.. Portland. Or. BA RnER"Htato Board of Examiners of uivgoii will bo In sisfcsfon In tins city at J7 4s Flrt st. April u-3o and May 1. for the purposo of issuing auuui renewal tarda to llrn.d burbets and apprentices; ail ivnvwal cards i-xpiro April 3". " T. M. Le a ho. sec re t l y . MMUfcli our a men are wanted by rail roads In telegraph and statloit service; positions paying 74 to lH per month, tur parilculars csil or address 1 .graph Dept., Couiuauu weatlh biai -o ana keny sta. RAILWAY mail clerks, prepare now. ex collect salaries and promotions; no !ay cff. sure pay; free book. Call today. Pa citic btatoe School McnVay bldg.. city. bT E N t G R A P HERS "sutforing with nervous ness, cold bands, told leet, headaches, etc., to Join a private health class. Ad -areas AH 17. uicgonian. uU are wanted tor Ooveroment Job, s month, tkiiid potal for list positions opea. . ranl.Un lualitute. leyU 4iiu, Kocbeater, N. V. M'VING picture operating taught in thea ter, only way of learning it right; secure positions; price reasonable. 4V4 RothchlJd btdg.. 4"-h and Washington. AL money writing .nort si on. ts tprs; big pay; Ire uooklat teils bow. ultei Pi b ndiMi. Ma Ftdco, STENOGRAPHER!, any system, beginners or attvanced, quickly speeded and placed in positions. b-iO Worcester block. liAl.K soiea atrwrd or lisiled on bile )uu wait. .'t4'C- Etans American Shoe Store, -j t Morr"n st. SCHOOL of SHORTHAND and TYPEWRIT ING standard systems. Positions aecuted. a per month. tW 14th st. Main aoX PRIVATE HORTH AND." TYPEWRITING, bookkeeping. teU Hamilton bldg. Mar. 41'Sb. WANTED Young men to learn moving pic tu're operating. Laemmle. ;t:t.t Oak. FIK. TEACHERS ASSOCIATION for schools and teachers. C10 Swetland bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeeper and C'lerka. CAN you use me 7 Have had years' ex-ac peMcnce stocK cierx anu rnor rnnnilnc. Ago Single. Uive me a chance at what you bave. V 0, man. Crego- WILL AUDIT. OPEN, CLOSE OR WRITlf up books, prepare balances and state ments, iustall systems. GilUnghara. au ditor 411 Lew la bldg. Marshall 71?. YoL'NG man. 21. 3 ytrars experience bank bookkeeping, tieeiree similar or other cler ical work. In or out of city. Address room :.", Imperial Hotel. POSITION by grocery man that work. A r VH4. Ort gonian. can do the M I re fl nn eo us. EXPERIENCED saloon lunch counter man. good cook, w tabes position. AO IM, Ore gonlan. WANTED I-awn work, spading, leveling, seeding : sa:l.action guaranteed. Phon East :o.M. YOL'XG man. no bad hahlra. wants to learn baker's trade, in or around Portland. Ad dress particulars to box H--. Sllverton. or. LAI N Lit V washer wants poaltlon ; can take care of machinery. A No. J reference. P 14. Oregonlan. CHARGE of apartment-houae by young mar ried couple, no rhl'dren; can giv refer ence. It 19. Origontan. JAPANESE man and wife want position in family for cook and housework, yard. A.. P O. box l-.V CARPENTER, foreman, day or contract, iny or coluntry. Marshall 34i. UINI'UW WASHIN'i. house cleaning, flours waxed and poluhed. SMIwood 1 1 -d- JAPANESE bo l e nlog. A F s 3 or 4 hours work In ( r ioni-n. UAl KUTR AND REPAIR MAN. i ALL EAST .'.MIS. lol NO man. !t- Ire. open for flrst-ciaa bulcea proposition. S V. Oiesouian. MlkTfUiDruu. MUNICIPAL FREE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, fll Second Pt . Corner Salmon. Women's Department. S4S Salmon. All classes of unskilled, skilled, profes sional and clerical male and female bele furnished on abort notice. No fe charged. Phone Main IfcSS. A 1924. Cil A CEEEi n. sober, honest, reliable, good mechanic and repair man. wants steady work where real work Is appreciated; ref erence furnished. Write box :5, Camas, Wa-h. LAWNS Now Is the time to mane your new lawn or reseed the old one; reasonable pr1c. Fred W. Bullock, 31J Veon bldg. Marshal! 2i:!2. CHAUFFEUR wants posit Ion with private family or auto truck firm; have had two vrgri' expe rlrnce and can keep car up. Ad1rM AJ IS. Oresonlan. JAPANESE cook. nrt-clas all-around, wants position in hotel or boardlnK-houms In the citv or out; good references. K. T.. room Ifl r2 N. 4th t. FI HST-UASH experienced chauffeur w ith best of rctforem.e can do repairing: would like Immediate position. Call Marshall JtJ 1 0. . I'UAt'TK'AL gardener requires situwtion ; reference present and previous situations. AT Oregontan. CARPENTER and builder wants situation, day or contract; references. J. H. Young. Woorttock. SITUATIOX WANTED FFMAIJE. Rm k k fenen tod Morphmv BOOKK EEPER and stenographer of eight sears' experience wishes position; capable of taking full charge of books; salary to betn $70; references. Address J. II. B.. 111 14th st. Vol 'N i 1 a d v who has had severs 1 years experience In business offices, desires po sition with responrlbte firm as stenog rapher; best of refereiiL-es furnished. Phone Marshall 2mT. . STENOGRAPHER with knowledge of book keeping desires positlwn. Sell wood 1 lkrewm MRS. NEAL. the dressmaker, la now located 147 Lonsdale St.; will be pleased to meet her many friends snd customers. Call or phone Marshall 42o. m CHICAGO droeamaker; high-class work at home or dav engagements. AG IS, Orego nan. ALLklndi of fashionable dressmaking and ladies' tailorings. 0:i7 Montgomery. Main lolN. e DRESSMAKER and ladies tailor, by the day F. Phone Tabor 4t--,I. X'RIVATE nulJtnory and dressmaking at home or by day, 50.1 Williams ave. Phone E ast 167. EN PERI K N D dressmaker w ants work, by the day or at home. A li4L TRAINED nurse will give invalid, aged ladv, room, care, homo comforts. Tabor 2213. GRADl'ATE nurse wisnes office position; LH)clal experience in surgical and X-ray work. Address S. B.. 191 14th s rAPARf.r and exDcrienced nurses open for enement. day. week or month. Main 4 4M. " MATERNITY nurse wants case immediate' ly. will do work. Main 147. u'1i iiinw- good cook, won Id hnuekeenlm- for widower on ranch. Address Mrs. Julien. Corvallis. Or. tu i uitpa't unmitn wants position as housekeeper, p. N., P17 Michigan ave. M USE would llko private nursing: Institu tional w ork or will travel. East -Il H o use k ee perft. NEAT, competent woman as cook or house keeper fr i-mall family. C 12, Orego- nian Miscellaneous. OFFICE girl Welshes to assist w ith housework for room and board and small wages; not afraid of work; must be good home. r., Oregon ian. COM PKTENT woman wanti serve . dinners, luncheons. to prepare or tens or serve at any sociJ function. 4 DM or A io:t. Phono Marshall AN experienced woman. English, widow, .ni. av unrb or sewing bv the hour. Mrs V.. Portable House, cor. 7:h and Thurman at. t- a vtl-o w v. 1 1 1 1 1 Ironin- anil clean it bv the dav. Mrs. M. tiliuster, 26J Glen ave., Portland. WVTED A posit iou by girl experienced In h.Urv le cream or candy store. East Side preferred. L'iKS Omaha ave. R. M- B. HOI'SEK EEPERS. c girl, t ha m be r m a I c . gene v. Aid uks. waitresses, secon . nur?es. 'St. Louis r. Main aS. A A FOREIGN woman wants day work, wash ing, ironing ami cleaning. Main sutl. fall 7 A. M.-7 P. M. Room 8. NEAT colored girl chambermaid. Call wishes Marshall poHttion yj47. DAY work of Main 4iu. any kind or sewing. Phone LACE curtains laundered, service; llrat-class work. -."c up; quick Tabor 317. COLORED girl wants chambermaid work. Marshall o3 . ii'.l.l A BLE w oman w ants few. hours' work dally. 4id Vancouver ave.. room g. LACK curlalna washed ' and stretc hed. 9 years experience. Tabor 'J44.V Mrs, frcott. AJAPAN ES E wishes t7 work In drug tore L Orcgonlan. BEST of care for children in private home. ellwood 401. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS Ocean's Ireaiest Tragedy. Gi gantic steamship Titanic goes to the bot tom on her maiden trip. Multl-mllilon-aires. authors, statesmen snd Immigrants shsre" the same watery grave. Our great book, profusely illustrated, will tell all the thrilling story with personal accounts of heroic a-lf -sacrifice, marvelous escapes and terrible sufferings. Be first in the field and reap a golden harvest. Prospec tus now ready, outfit free. Send lc to cover cost of mailing. The, Thompson Pub. Co.. Ht. Louis. Mo. AO E NTS Festest selling book of the cen tury; deat ruction of the steamship Ti tanic, the ocean's greatest tragedy.; oyer Ittuo aouls to watery graves; don t de pend on newspaper reports: get facts: best book: best terms, outfit free. .). b. Xlegler o.. Chicago. LIVE iw- proposition. $Z to 3 a day; money every night. Call 613 Beck bldg. WANTF.P TO RENT. 11 oases. W ANTED TO RENT 8 or '-room house, modern conveniences. good ard. some fruit or garden, if possible; good neighbor hood" must be close to 5 -cent carllne. If pla-e suits, will leas. Stale full particu lars, bud Concord bldg. l'hone Main 1.73. w A NT ED In either Irvingtorr.- Piedmont or Willamette Heights, an unfurnished 6 or 6-rooiii modern house or bungalow of mod erate rent. In reply state particulars. AL 2'A. Oregonlan. FOR RENTALS SEE: WATSON ft THERKELSEN CO.. hH Spalding Bldg.. Main 7ft,'. ROOM wanted for services; janitor, familiar boilers, engines, auto, bookkeeping. AD u, Oregonlan. Vurnlhet Roon NICE, clean, comfortable rooms, reason able: hot baths, steam heat, free phone. 3h7 Taylor st. FOR KENT- Furnished Rooms. VAN GORDEK HOTEL t lO&tt Twelfth SL Marshall 219, In heart of business district; steam bV bot and cold water, free phono la ever) room; $1 day and up: 14 week and ug. THE ALEXANDER, 131 H Tenth, corner Alder at., convenient to the business dis trict and all theaters; well furnished rooms for transient or permanent. $i.9 a week up; under new management. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, under new man agement; rates very reasonable by the week ; special attention given to tran sients. Washington st. Phone 31 am 31. tALUMniX HOTEL. Its Park st room, hot and oold water, etaam beau Al valor and all modern conveniences; jift per month and up; quiet aadcomror ie VERALcholco housekeeping rooms, nice ly furnished, at 17 Stout street, one block south of Washington, only a min utes' walk from downtown. THi? LAN DOR E 2sa JOth, nesr Jefferson. Large, light, airy rooms, hot and cold water, ciean, respectaole, for business women. Beat IncUfor price. "" THE LIN DELL. Large pleasant front looms, easy wag ing distance, all home conveniences, 41, 1 50 to 4 per week. U8 4th St. Main 6561. oTEL N ORRIS, modern conveniences, $XiJ to 40 week. WJSi Aider., corner 17 th. LEW15TON Hotel. i71S Morrison, cor. th; arge, airy rooms, single snd suites, tran sient snd permanent, ouc day up. Do YOU want a good room In a good loca tion at a low rate Try Hotel Larrabee, JVs Larrabee St.. East Side, East in 'J. Furnished Rooms. Now Open. US Rooma Now Open. HOTEL BYRON. HOTEL CAPLE3. Seventh and" Taylor flta. Residential and transient ; absolutely central; two minutes from Post of Ac, tores, theaters and restaurants: Just off business streets and carllnea- quietest and best location; handsome brick. ample steam heat, hot running water and phones in every room. eutts and private baths, elevator. Reputable and comfortable. From 70c daily. $e weakly. Any car iroas depot. THE SARGENT HOTEL, Grand and Hawthorne Avenues. For rent, the tin est corner, parlor, bed room and bath tulle In the city, large rooms, beautifully furnished, nine win dows, fine view of all the mountains. Also aome Ki n 1 rnnmi elevator service, tele phone, hot and cold water, electric light anu strain beat; moderate pncea ior slrable tenants. Eight etreetcar lines pass the building. If you are looking for permanent, home-like Quarters, be sure and inspect the Rarrent before locating. Excellent restaurant In connection with hotel. Telephone East '7l. J. H. CLARK. PROPRIETOR. NOW OPENI NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! Thoee three beautifuilv furnished hoteis HOTEL MOTEL HOTEL w i nook. parsons. Rowlands. SlSV 4th St. 211H 4th st. 207V 4th st. On Fourth it,, runnlna from Taylor fcalmon st.; brand-new brick; elegantly furnished, steam beat, private baths, bot and cold water In all rooms; strictly us to data tn all respects, and at popular prices. IX you want something out of the ordinary, m the hear? ot tne city, ax rea sonable Drlcea. give us a call, as we know you will like IL Rooms by tbe day. week or month. Tourist trade aoiicnea. ANGELA HOTEL SI'S Washington St. Under New Management. Large lobby, finished In mahogany, tile and marble; ladies' parlor with elc-ant iirepiac: iree tmepnone service :n rooms. aU night and day, electric elevator, neat, hot and cold water in all rooms, manv with bath. A residential hotel above reproach, where every effort is made for the comfort and convenience of Its guests, rents the most reasonable in tbe city: rooms by the day, week or month. Look this over before locating. Take W car at depot, get off at lDth and Washington. THE REX. Week 2 and up; transient 50c and up. Are you getting rooms like ours? If not. change; nil outside rooms: hot and cold water In each room, steam heat and bath; lso housekeeping rooms, REX. 548 Vs Washington st. HOTEL SAVON. 181 Eleventh Street, New, modern brick building: steam heated, private baths, bot and cold wat tn rooma; beautifully furnished, cosy, com fortable. renr reasonable. Call and see tis. Regular and transient trad so II cited. HOTEL LA SALLE. 10th and Burnslde sis. Absolutely fireproof; new and elegantly furnished toomi; private baths. steam beat, hot and cold water, private phones In each room; special rates by tbe xnonta: pbose service free. Phone Marshall 4v-4A LA RGE. cheerful, well furnished rooms, reasonable rate-, desirable locality, elec tric lights, heat, telephone, walking dis tunee or one-half block from carljiic. Phone Marshall US. il Johnson st. HOTEL REN WICK An Ideal borne for btuV cess people; centrally located; elegant rooms; all modern conveniences; 7tn sa Taylor st.. 1 block from Portland Hotel, opposite Heillg Theater. Phone Mala via RAINIER HOTEL. One block from Union Depot; 140 ontslda rooms, with bot and cold water and stean s beat: offers special rates for permaaeat guests; rates bOc to gz a aay; ga-M a4 p per week. Phone Main 8418. N E W Hotel Touraine, cor. at l&t and llolladuy ave.; hot and cold water, steam heat; rooms per week, up; all light. oui.s'ue rooms. Fnrnlrdied Rooms In private Family. SEE THIS. ltlKht newly furnished front room, over looking park, exceptionally sunny, airy ana clean, moaern. cnoice neighborhood walk in p distance, reasonable. 4KVa I'ark st. Marshall TRAVELER'S wife has two elegantly fur nlshed rooms, modern. Nob Hill, apart ment Tor ladles, reasonable, walking dis tance. Alarsnau l i-j. 1'LEASA NT furnished looms, large closet, hot and cold w ater. bath, electric light i and heat, homo surroundings, phono Main .r.i or -s ovejoy. TO gentleman, front room and porch, strict ly modern, in a home of H adults: no other roomers. l'hone A 40VJ or call oj Mont' g ornery. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms In good home; references. Nob Hill district. 78 Johnson. LARGE, well-furnished rooms In private familv, suitable for 2 or ;. C-?1- 10th st. M. Vo7. NI'E, light room, suitable for young men; electric light bath and phone, close In. l-JS 10th st. LARGE well furnished rooms In private familv. suitable for i; or . X-Sj 10th st. M. SJ07. do I E. MORRISON Large front room, suitable for two. Bath .electric lights and gas. LA RGE furnished housekeeping room ; sleeping rooms, nice for two ladle; gt nt lemen ; w atklng diFtanre. Main also i. or BK1GI11. clean room with closet, for 1 or 1!. in new modern home; every convenience ; reus- nable d Everett. Marshall 4S.VT. WELL-FURNISHED room, with couth, new and modern, lor lady or gentleman. 614 Everett. FURN ISH ED room, modern private home. roo Davis, bet. 'J 1st and --d, 1 block north f Washington. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room in new Irv- ington home, gentlemen, no ooaru; price $. F:ast &3a4. NICELY furnished rooms, from $'2 weekly ; easy walking distance, phone. too Wash ington TWO nicely furnished or unfurnished. 736 Irving. l'hone Marshall ALDER-GRAND Nice, clean rooms, $2 up. 1-1 V- Grand ave. FURNISHED rooms. and up per week. o4os S aahington. ROOM for a gentleman In a strictly private Jewish family. Phone Marshall J7S2. SEVERAL veiy nice furnished rooms. 2 con nected; hot and cold water. .11 i.'th. X ICELY furnished room. wa.King dlstanc?. private family. I'OT McMlllen. C 1768. NK'ELY furnished front room, also attic room. Marshall -On. oi Trinity Place. N ICE, clfian room w ith closet, bath and kitchenette If desired, cheap. 3b Knotu ONE furnished room, phone and bath. 562 Union ave. X- FOR RENT- -Furnished room. 660 Commer- cial st. Vnfurnished Rooms. FURNISHED, also unfurnished rooms, very suitable for gentlemen. Kamm bldg., 1st and l ine. Booms With Board. NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! NOW OPENI THE PARK. VIEW. Corner West Park and Montgomery sts. Family boarding-house, richly furnished and running water in all rooms, private batns, private parg. ana races a large pub' lie park; a homelike place with a view that is unsurpassed In any city; rates ranging from ?a.' to S100 a month. Call and we are at your service. Phone Main o7S3. 3 SO Montgomery at. THE HILL, :id and Wash. sts. Residential Hotel. American Plan. All modern improvements. Main 754. A 4447. DOES a homo appeal to youT THE WHITE HALL, cor. 6th and Madison: large rooma bath, broad veranda, quiet, close in. neal sax. 4 blocks from P. O. American plan. MAN I TOU. 2S1 JJTH ST. Attractive, clean rooma steam good board, close In, reasonable. beat. THIS LAMBERSON. Couch st., very de sirable outside rooms, steam heat, run nlng water, good board, close in. PORTLAND WOMEN'S "UNION, 23d year! Rooms with board, use of sewing-room, II brary. 610 Flanders. Mrs. E. N. Wilson, sup: ROOMS and board, best location, strictly modern, walking distance. 340 Hassalo, East. THE HAZEL Furnished rooms with board, running water, steam heat. 3S5 3d st, SINGLE and double rooms, excellent table; prices moderate. 33 North 17th. BOARD and room, $r.S0 week up; meal tickets. $4.50. J 4 Main st. ELEGANT room, facing the park. A-l board, reason a bi e. 37 4 Park. Rooms With Board In Private Families. FURNISHED front room with board; home cooking. 669 Northrup. GOOD room and board for lady ; close 2os 11th st. ROOM and board In private family. 107 N. 16th. M. 0013. 71! SALMON, rfood rooms, good board, mod ern, elope in, reasonable. Marshall 4'J7.t. Fl EST -CLASS board and room, home privi leges; everything mod'-rn. D.t.'l E. Pouch. LARGE front rooms, all conveniences and table board for gentlemen. 34!ii 6th st. ROOMS with board. 71J Flanders- M. 157. Rooms With Board In Private Family. HOMELIKE home for one or two gentle men, with private family. Pleasant and comfortable rooms and surroundings, and cherries will coon be ripe. First-class home cooking. Meals on time. Call Tabor fcl. VERY desirable rooms, with hot and cold running water, bath and shower adjoin ing, with sleeping porch, homo cooking. -minutes' walk to car and 10 minutes walk to Washington st. 75 Prospect drive. Portland Heights. Main 157. ROOM and board for two or three gentle- men. home privileges, electric iigms. Dam, phone; easy walking distance. No other boarders. 2 Montgomery st. LARGE room, with board, running water, modern conveniences, close in, gentleman only. ?!! West Park. ROOM and board for 2 gentlemen, Scan dinavians preferred. Address 11 North lrtth st. ROOMS with board, modern, private, rea sonable prices, J 25 to $-2.50. 750 Love joy st. a PLEASANT connecting rooms, very rea sonable, excellent board, near 754 Hoyt. MarshalJaSl0. ROOMS with board, modern flat, walking distance; very reasonable. 433 Milt st. Phone A 5632. ONE very large room, suitable for 3 or 4 young men. rates reasonable. G55 Kearney st. Phono Marshall 1!7S. REFINED lady w Ishes roommate where room nnd board are the best ; references. 3JM Iftth. EAST-FRONT room, modern, with all home privileges and first-clasa board; suitable for 1 or 2. 301 10th st. ROOM and hoard in private family, not far out. use of parlor, piano, phone and bath. Phone Sell wood 172!'. TWO rooms, with good hoard, suitable for one or two In room, hot water, bath. For particulars call at 522 Clay st. Main 5409. FIKST-CLASS board and room, home priv ileges, everything modern. 553 East Couch Ht. J0 EACH Front room for two; cingle beds- all new. modern conveniences, ideal h ome. HS 17th. near Everett. PLEASANT rooms, single or en suire; exce. lent board. 653 Gllsan. . ROOM with connecting bedroom, excellent board, porches and grounds. Main 2071. ROOMS w!thboard7 Call 389 Taylor. Private boarding-house. . Apartments. THE! AMERICAN. Most up-to-date apartment In the Northwest; every convenience; 4 and 5 rooms, all outside sunny rooms; "new; walking distance. 21st and Johnson sta; choice residence district; attendant on premises. Marshall 8360. THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sts.; this new 4-story brick now open; fur nlRhed and unfurnished In 2, 8 and 4-room suites; reception hall, electric automatic elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built in buffet and writing desk, gas range. Ice box, plenty of closet rooms, both phones, vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you wnnt nmtthin- nice, coma to the Barker 1 I-room basement apartment. $15. Phones A 1744. Marshall Z6L THE VILLA ST. CLARA ith ad Tavlor. Joat completed, most magnificently fur nished apartments In the Northwest; loca tion nerfeet: rentals reasonable: ever. modern convenience. Including banquet ball and roof garden: both p nones in apartments; high-class service; reference requirea. mau zo ana a 'wi- HEINZ APARTMENTS 14th and Colum ia a blocks south from Morrison st. new brick building, completely first-class furnished in 2. 8 ana 4-room iamnv apan- ments; private Dam, steam neat, no. . ter elevator, free phone, vacuum cleaner, janitor service; rent per month, $20, tiQ. 140 and up; must be seen to be appre ciated. THE EVERETT, 644 Everett st. New snd elegantly furnished apart ments; 8 rooms, reception hall and sleep Irg-porch; automatic electric elevator and private Pacllic telephone; located in on ihA choicest residence districts, sur rounded by elefant homes; walking dis tance. THE DEZENDORF. ?fl IfiTH ST.. NEAR TAYLOR ST. ELEGANT 4 AND 0-ROOM UNFUR NISHED APARTMENTS. APPLY ON PREMISES FOR RESERVATION. IN SMALL, well-kept apartment-hou. mln utea' walk from Morrlnon st. One very large, well furnished 4-room nnrtmcnt nn first floor. One small, airy furnished apartment of 4 rooms, first iioor. One 2-room apartment, light and comma dious. on third floor. 34b 4th st. rORDHAM APARTMENTS. 170 Ford st., Just south of Wasblngtoa; most complete, highest class apartments ever hullt In Portland: Ilnlaaed tnrouan out in hardwood; tiled baths, superb fix tures; elegant wall coverings; each with private Laicony; highest vlass servic; very reasonable rents ; 4 aud 5-rooo apartments; most conveniently arranged. THE C A MAR. 704 Loveiov St. Under new management ; new, modern brick. 2. 3 and 4-room apartments, fur nished or unfurnished ; w e will rent you apartments 25 per cent cheaper than any place In the city; good Janitor service. Give us a call and be convinced. Mar. 2916. HANOVER FIREPROOF APARTMENTS. Kinr and Washington sts.. now ready. New 6-story reinforced concrete build ing, only fireproof apartment-house to Portland: every possible convenience, elec tric elevator, best of service, private bal conies, easy walking distance; 2, ft, and 4-room apartments. 22.00 up. WELLINGTON COURT. 15th and Everett Sts. New management; 2, 3, 4 or G-room un furnished apartments. The best apart ments in the city for the money; they have all modern conveniences, are close in. neat and homelike. Don't fail Inspect them berofe locating. IONIAN COURT. 570 Couch. 1 block from Washington, walking distance, ;i and 4-room modern unfurnisherrT apartments ; all modern con veniences, best of service; under ntw man agement; references required. Main 1192, 4-ROOM apartment with private bath $35; all outside rooms, epienaia view; modern convenient arrangement; superb location; close to Postofllce; also 3 -room apartment best of service. The Sheffield. 7th and Jef ferson sts. LUCRET1A COURT. Lucretia St., Near 23d and Wash. Unfurnished apartments, from two to five rooms, all large, light and outside: large closets, hardwood floors; under new management. Marchall 1513. Janitor, Mar shall 1500. . HANTHORN APARTMENTS. 251 Uth St.. near Main; close In location; elegant 3 room apartment wlfh bath and private balcony, $3a. Every convenience, good service. THE M'KINLEY APARTMENTS. East 7th and Morrison, most ceutrally lo cated ; 2 and 8-roora apartments, fur nished up to date; 'private baths; moder ate rates. ROSEFRIEND APTS.. 7TH AND JEFFER SON, a. ni"-.eo, wiwuiii, uniurnisnea apartment for desirable tenants. Apply manager in the building. NORTHAMPTON. 4u7 Hall at. Main 419. Birmingham, 380 12th st. Marshall 484. 1 rooms, nicely furnished, $d up; walk ing digtancft. ' MADISON PARK APARTMENTS. Park and Madison Sts. For rent, 3 and 4-room furnished and unfurnished apartments, strictly modern. EXCELLENT large 6-room apartment, front, back and sleeping porches, maid's room; hot water heat, vacuum cleaning system. Stevens Apartments, 791 Northrup. H V.DDON HALL, corner of Hall and 11th, 3 and 4-room furnished and unfurnished apartments. hardwood floor. private porches, hath, phone, walking distance APT 41. the Cumberland, for U months; 3 room ik well furnished, facing Park; rea sonable rent to right parties. FOR RENT Completely furnished apart ment, 2 gentlemen or man and wile. A 2QU THE EVELYN Apartment 27 N. 21st.. 3 room modern unfurnished apartment. Main pjyj. A 401 8. THE DAVENPORT Newly furnished S room apt , PrvtbaA5 Phone; reas onable. Main 54-5. 505 Jefferson. gjXAND. 16th Lovejoy UnfuTnTshed ifrant); modem, new brick; must be seen to be appreciated. Main 1867, A 1S67. THE DAVENPORT Newly furnished rooms bath and phone, 12 to $15. Main 6435. oua Jefferson. I.ROOM furnished apartment, modern, 've., near walkin ni aiHLtiiite. iff. oreen nd Wash. Main 3151. THE OKMONDE, modern apartment, 4 nice light rooms, gas range, refrigerator, tele- nhone. u-o riim.". avn mil, jualn 8i!51. hih-K HARTFORD APTS. 21st a..d Flan.!. Under new management, a-rttbrn apts.; all moaern. v. ...... .m .isx. BERYL APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished anarunsnta, 1S Lovejoy st Take "W" car. LOVEJOY APTS., 17th and Lovejoy Two and three-room furnished apartments. JtLlAETTE Furnished and unfurnished i rooma. Corner 2d and onts; Apartment THE ORLANDO, 20TH AND WASHINGTON STS. LARGEST APARTMENT-HOUSE IN CITY. Two and three-room apartments. w;ll furniBhed, cheerful and thoroughly clean, at most REASONABLE RATES consistent with their m-inv advnta ges. Comfortable beds no wall beds I, unusually fine closet room, HOT and cold water, refrigerators. Beautiful view- from many apartments. Wide halls, elevator service. In addition. THE ORLANDO possesse the following points of superiority: INDISPUTABLY FINEST LOCATION. HANDSOMEST ENTRANCE. BEST EQUIPPED LAUNDRY. THE WHEELDON. Cor. Park and Taylor sta, THE WHEELDON ANNEX Cor. Tenth and Salmon ats Walking Distance. Furnished complete. 2. 8 and 4-rem apartments; buildings new and stricter modern; service Xlrst-claaa. PAGE APARTMENTS, Mh and East Burnslde sts. 3-room apartments, thoroughly modern retlnted in every respect, renovated and throughout. rates, furnished -o and up. unfurnished premises. MRS. $i:2.50 and up. Apply on MINNIE E. SMITH, Proprietor. NOKOMLS, MARSHALL. NEAR 17TH PT New building, Summer ratea ; must be seen to be appreciated. ARDMAY TERRACE, 12th and Harrison. Largest two-room apartments in the city. ALTONTA, Marshall and l!tk. Large, airy, '. 3 and room aparrnien quiet and exclusive neighborhood. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS, brick and stone palaee of luxurious homes. Trlnit V Place, between 19th and "th streets. Just off Washington; magnificent exclusive apartments in heart of apartmcnt-hous district: rentuls reasonable: every modern convenience; sleeping porches, high-class service; refined clientele; references re quired In all cases; two beautifully fur nished apartments available May 1. Mrs. A. N Wright, superintendent, phono Mai- shalll101. NEWLY furnished Th Upshur. 2th and Upshur sts.. furnished 2-room apartments. $35. $18, 20 and up. This includes steam heat, hot and cold water In every apart ment, private phones, public bath, electric lights, gas range, laundry-room, all free; also 3-room unfurnished apartments, with private bath, $18; 4 rooms, $20. Take S, 23d or W cars north. Phone Main 8a9 " THE ALTAMONT, Cor. 5th and College. 7 minutes' walk from Morrison St., one 3-room elegantly furnished apartment now vacant; every convenience and com fort. Including refrigerator, wall safe, pri vate phone and ilrst-class service; $5 per month. KING HILL APARTMENT 171 KING ST. 4. 6, ff-room apartments; select tenancy. Apply on premises. GRANDEST A furr.ianed apartments. Oraad ave and East Stark; new brick build! n. 8 room, splendidly furnished, with pri vate bath, $27.50; electric elevator; mod ern conveniences; close-in location; eay walking distance; best of service. BtTcKOIX Apartments, St. Clair it., near Washington ; 2 and 8-room apartments with private oath, furnl.hed and unfur nished superb location, easy walking dis tance brick building; convenient arrang ment. best of service aud very low rents. 6T FRANCIS APARTMENTS. list and Hoyt; 4 rooms and bath, private balcony, new brick building, electric elevator, su perb location, in walking distance; most convenient arrangement, low rent and o46 of aervice. THE SUNLIGHT APTS. Nicely furnished. 3 rooms. $25; al out side large, iiht, airy rooms, private phone and bath, gas lange. refrigerator, water heater, laundry trap, large closets, 0:1 carllne. East Side. Tabor 223. B 3u4l. . JUST COMPLETED, rortnomi Apts.. 50o E. Tavlor. cor. 13th. 2. 4. ami 5-room unfurnished apt-, w'alking distance; every modern cono nienee. homelike, quiet, porches and yard, moderately priced. KEELEH APART MENTAL 14th and Clay treat. 6plendld location, solid brick building, electric elevator; we have unfurnished 1 aud 4-room suites, with private veeUbui p pones, bath. eto. " I1E W EST FA L A PA RTMENTS. 4lo 5th at. Five minutes' walk, brick"" Duihtiog, nicely furnished 3 -room apart-"" men ib, privato bath, phone, elevator; ' t2i. 5u and up. Main 2071. A 2038. THE MARLBOROUGH. g-room apartment, choice residence dis trict, walking distance, every convenience. 21fit and Flanders sts. Main 7516. HISLOP HALL, HAWTHORNE AVE. AND 0TH ST. New, modern building ; new furniture; 5-room apartments; walking distance, or best car service. WINSTON Apartments, 341 14th st., at Market; new corner brick; all bright, out side rooms; 2 and 3-room suites com pletely furnished for housekeeping; ti t $$7 5tf. For information call Main ITti. LINCOLN APTS.. COR 4TH AND LINCOLN. All OUIH1UC, m' , iiuitue beds, built-in writing desks, vacuum clean er, lanitor service; 2.5o to $Jo, including 'ights, private phones. A 3472. Main 177. FOR RENT May 1 6-room sunny apart ment, all outside rooms, a bedrooms, ver anda and sleeping porch, fino neighbor hood. Clifton apartments. 7M Irving st. Phone Main 533-1. A -773. GRACE APTS.. il iortnrup St.. corner 24tll T large rooms, naiuwwu uuuia, nuiu veranda, large sleeping porch, privite telephone, water, heat and hot watei ; new and strictly modern. THE LUZERNE. Just completed, corner 3d and Hall; all 2-room - furnished apts., large outside kitchens, beat arranged apts. in Portland, j "5 and up. Easy walking distance. CLAYPOOLE FURNISHED APARTMENTS, 11th and Clay; 2-rooiA apartments, fur nished. Wltn pi !.- MULU, 11 VUUhO niences; good service; eaiy walking dis tance ; very reasonable rents. CECILIA APABTMENT3 d , I,. csi wi , ....... with unexcelled car ervlca; alia tu .alklng out. ace: 3-room ape, wltn b.ij. modern nvnleuce. very r.Bi. PENINSULA APARTMENTS Modern beau tlful Summer home; furnished and unfur nished auarimenis. it to tza. ian. Ml, sisslupi or L car. gel off at Kllllngaworia ave. fhone C U7"- WOLFE APTS., 210 MARKET ST. NEWLY furnished 2. 3, 4 rooms, J-'.;.0 to HO- 'ingle room, (3 up; fi-ee light. phones, neai, noi anu toiu naier. eiectnu elevator. Marshall ar.U7 THE FLOKB..M"-'!. J" ana aDsoluteiy firsl-cia.. . vv.u .uiuj.uBu apart ments. 32.60 up. . SS 11th st. MaisnaU iHi THE MEREDITH. 712 Washlnitca St.. X 8 and 4-room "i"--. wua every convenience, newly furnished; cheap, ett rent In the city. THE CHETOPA, ISth and Flanders sis. Modern o ana -rofn apariinemi, iui -nlshed and unfurnished. Apply to the janitor. Both phones. THH ARCADIA. 706 EVERETT ST. Nicely furnished two-room apts., $22.50 and ?20: also 3-room, $30 to $36; modern. Main 6295, A 7301. 3 ROOMS, basement apartment, $2i.o0. llRht and gas rurnisnea, aiso uesiraoie, -room apts.. reasonable. The Drlckston. 448 11th St. SAN MARCO APTS.. New brick, private rooms, corner. $2.".. F.. Sth and Couch baths and phone, 3 Phone E. 1!751. THE NORTHAMPTON". 407 HALL ST. Two 1-room furnished apartments, $12. Main 42ft- ON KONTA APTS.. 187 17th st. Modern, nicely furnished apartments; only $0 to $5 per month. KOSEFRIEND. 7TH AND JEFFERSON Modern unfurnished apartments, all outside rooms. References. THE PARK APARTMENTS. 853 Harrison St. Phon, Marshall 3070. THEELM 2 and 8-room apts.. furnished heat, phone and bath, lttl 14th st. BRTN MAWR. 1S5 East lSth. near Yamhill, 5 outside rooms, over fine lawn, porch. Hats. UPPER and lower flats, 5 rooms, walking; distance, steam heat, hot and t-otd ffat.:-, gos range, clean and sunny. 5S7 ft. M.iiii. MODERN S-room Hat, E. ISih and Ash. B FOR RENT 4-room Jefferson st- fumlshed flat. J