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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1912)
... . . . . i nti - 4 rw oiaEOiaiooBioooooii3oia TRIPLE B IS COMING FILLINGS BASKETBALL SQUAD THAT WILL WEEK. BE SEEN HERE ELKS' Multnomah Basketball Men to Play Champions. PORTLAND BOYS PRACTICE S3 pj 0j) n stiff Game to Be Staged In Club Gymnasium During Elk Conren tlon Montana Player Hare Good Kepntattoa. Despite the call of open-air sport. Multnomah Club basketball men are working out once a week in prepara tion far the hi setto wttn the Triple H quintet, of Billings. Mont., at the KIka convention in Julv. Within a month the team will Inaugurate a more strenuoua training season, work Inc two or three nights each week, in order to present the best possible front to the sensational Mnntanans. The (came will be played in the Multnomah Club gymnasium, althouch efforts were made by the KIka to have the affair massed In the open. The Triple B squad has a National reputation and has lost only six games In four years, ono of which was chalked up aaainst the team on the home floor. The team has made two trips as far Kast as Chicago and as far south as Omaha, invading the home of the Portase. Wis . ex-champions and administering a defeat In exchange for the lone walloping received before the Fillings fans. Kvery member of the Billings snuad Is an KIk and they will come to Tort land as representatives of Rtlltnct Lorire. No. 294. Thej personnel of the team: Joo L. Markham. A. J. Thorlne. J. R Bishop. J. ft. Salsbury. .1. S. Hay ward. C. S. Petreson. John Todd. Harry Brooks. The. Multnmah Club squad consists of Keck. Morris. center; Masters. Young. Pnt. forward: Walters, Kropp. Pugh. Allen, guards. TRACK AT EIGENK IS HEAVY Orr-on-Mnltnomh Meet May lie Cancelled Rain Spoil Field. I'NIVKKPITY OF ORKGO.W Kugene. April 2i. tSpeclal.) Graduate Man nsfr Arthur M. Geary, when seen late tonight, announced that the Multnomah-Oregon track meet scheduled to take place at Fugene Saturday would probably have to be canceled on ac count of wet grounds. -I have, agreed to notify T. Morris Tunpe. the club manager, finally by 9 o'clock In the morning whether or not th meet can take piaT." staled the Oregon manager, "hut there I not one chance In that the meet cn be held." l"nrrialn weather and ehowera have prevailed In Kugene all week and the KincHid Field athletic grounds re In sloppy condition. It haa rained here Incessantly all afternoon and evening and a.t a late hour tonight there secma lilMe hope of abatement. Trainer Ha t ward and all Interested track followers were anxious that the Multnomah meeting take place, as It was tho only. meeting booked for Ku cene this season. Hayward says thai unless the rain ceases and the sky clears by morning the meet is "no TWENTY ENTER KOK TKYOITS Many Wonld Qualify for Relay Race on May 4. Trrouta for the team that will rep resent the Portland Young Men's Chris tian Association in the relay race asainst Chemawa from Palem to Port land will be held this evening at 7:30 o'clock. Twenty young- men have en tered for the tryout. which will be over a course of approximately five miles. The Portland-balem race la to be run on May 4. The start tonight will -be from the V. f. C. A. building at 7:J0. The first, third and fifth laps will be over the following course: On Taylor to Third, on Third to Clay, on Clay to Sixth, on Sixth to "Baylor. The second and fourth Upa will be over the following course: On Sixth to Tamhill, on Yamhill to Six teenth, on Sixteenth to Taylor, on Tay lor to Sixth. SENATORS AID STATE I.E.CCE Sacramento Manager Supplies Bat tery to Doyle's Team. SACRAMENTO. Cal- April 15. i Spe cial.) Manager Graham, of the Sena tors, announced this morning- that he would supply Charley Doyle with a bat tery for his State league team. This probably means that Price, who Is a promising backstop, will be behind the plate for Doyle'a team. As posslblll tle for pitcher, there are Holm. Thomas and Gaddy. x foyie will be permitted to use other players that may be left behind for one reason or another while the Coast team is on the road. It Is probable Doyle will hold down second base for his team. He used to be a clever p.ayer and he believes he can "come back.' Amateur Athletics. Jefferson High School's pine leaves tonight for Tillamook, where it will play the Tillamook High tomorrow. Some of the members are trying to get matters arranged ao that they will be able to come back by boat as far as Astoria. Tnouta for the first five miles of the Salem-Portlatwl race May 4. between the Y. M. C. A. and the Chemawa In i;n School, are to be held Saturday hr the Y. M. C. A. The course that the riinrers fer the first, third and fifth Up will race over Is- Taylor to Third street. Third to Clay. Clay to Sixth ard Sixth to Taylor, ending and start-lr-: at the T. M. C. A. The men that epect to run the second and fourth Ui will co from Taylor to Yamhill, Yamhill to Sixteenth. Sixteenth In Txvlor and Taylor to Sixth. The dif ferences are made because of the cral In the road from the Capital to Portland. e a Coach Lee. of the T. M. C A, haa been engaged to train the Pacific tjnl versltv track team. He manages to ret to Torest Grove three times a week and lit getting the team In pretty good shape. , . ' Lincoln High School may play the Forest Grove High baseball team at Forest Grove tomorrow. Negotiations are on and may materialize. Waiver on Strand Aked or' SPOKANE. Wash- April IS. Mana ger Cnhn. of the Spokane Northwestern league, asked waivers today on Pitcher Paul Strand, the left-hander who was riven trouts tills Soring by the Boston Americans and trie San Francisco Coast league team. Strand probably will be sent to Walla Weila. ef the Trl-f-ate League. 4V. r- irr m . ! owir t -i- 'i r-t PSSy, j II - H M Kj. g' - W M o -p-Gum-i0c C - 1 JiS Chocolate 1 C y I- ! Tfl Drops J' ' " a- ' 'noro,,,, 15c ii! m n m m It -H- ' '.v I J" I 1 KZa i chewing r-i. V I I i: -i . V 1 1 -v..-1 Kg re SrorAzAL&m J&rJtsT&nc. Jzfznc-, Gcsctrc 0 1 I 1 I I ! MULTNOMAH SENDS MEN MEET AT VANCOCVEK. TO Davleconrt and McCarthy to Defend Winged "M" Clnb Expects Biff Turnout at Opening. Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club expects to present two Canadian cham pions in action at the Pacific North west Association's boxing and wrest ling: championships In Portland on May 9-10. Nick Davlscourt. heavyweight, and George McCarthy, middleweight, wrest lers, left yesterday for the Canadian Amateur Athletic Union'a grappling tournament at Vancouver Monday night. The tourney was scheduled for tonight, but a wire announcing the postpone ment was received following the de parture of the Portlanders. Arrangements were made for the en tering of the W;nKCd "M" men hy tel egraph. Kdgar Frank telegraphing the entries Wednesday night after a hurried Inspection of the situad to pick the available men. McCarthy and Davlscourt were the only men In con dition for a strenuous tourney, so the duet were chosen for the fray and shunted northward without delay. The Canadians have promised a good-staed mitt-mat delegation for the Northwest struggle here, which was largely re sponsible for the reciprocity act of the Multnomah officials In sending men to a meetrog without the Jurisdiction of the United Slates athletic authorities. McCarthy's victory over Carl Stier. of Spokane, last week indicates that he Is to be reckoned with by Northwest middles this season, while Davlscourt has Improved wonderfully, is In first claaa condition, and Is expected to beat the pick of the Canuck heavies. With 5300 invitations issued, insur ing, a large turnout of members and their friends, the formal opening of the new Multnomah Club building will take place tonight. The handsome new structure, the finest In the West and one of the best-euuipped In the coun try, will be thrown open to inspection at o'clock. An orchestra will dis pense music during the evening. Manager Morris will send his Mult nomah Club baseball athletes against the Chinook IndUns at 3:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon on Multnomah Field. The squad of reds has been gath ered torether by A. Miller for a tour of the Kast and Middle West, and their appearance here in the first . game promises to result In a big turnout of fans. Tebeau. the Chemawa baseball and football star. Is captain of the Chl nookers and has succeeded in develop ing a system of "Inside" play which ha will spring on the clubmen tomor row. Southpaw Iwiuglas will probably be sent against the Indians by Cap tain Hathaway, both Keck and De Neffe nursing sore arms. Vnion Association Roult. At Misou!a Miss'oula, 1: Butte. 3. At Salt Ijike Salt Lake-Helena: postponed, wet grounds. defeated the HoItaJay nine. 8-7. yester day afternoon. Batteries Christian Brothers. Burko and Maier. Ilolladay, Williams nnd Thelnn. FIREHOUSE CONTRACTS LET Kenton, Wootllawn nnd Rose City Tark lo Got Buildings. The fire committee of the Kxecutive Board, at Its meeting- at the Cily Hall yesterday, decided to award to Steele A Bertleson the contract for building three new flrehouses. at Kenton. Wood lawn and Kose City Park. The amounts to be paid for these will be $8190, J7600 and 9.1. respectively. The. total will be $23,753. S. F. Hand submitted the highest bid. amounting to $34,937. It was decided to advertise for bids for an automobile fire truck, and two automobile engines, one a pumping engine and the other a corrrfjination hose and chemical engine, similar to the one now In use. The truck Is to have an 85-foot aerial automatic ladder. Dr. G. H. Huffman was appointed by Mayor Rushlight veterinary surgeon for the Fire Department. His appoint ment was ratified by the fire com mittee yesterday. The committee received the recom mendation of the Fire Chief that a light-blue maltese cross with gold trimming be used as a mark of the lensth of time firemen have been In the service, one cross to be allowed for each five yeara' service. These crosses are to be embroidered and sewed on the coat-sleeves of the firemen. RECEIVER TO SELL NOTES Paper of Defunct Institution at I.ents'lo Be Auctioned. Circuit Judge Gantenbeln yesterday signed an order permitting Receiver Robin, of the Mount Scott Bank of Lents, which was wrecked by F. N. Myers., to sell the remaining assets of the bank, consisting of Judgments and promissory notes on whicii he has been unable to collect. The sale will take place in front of the Courthouse on a date to Re designated in the newspaper advertisements but which' haa not yet been selected. The face value of the notes aggre gates about $7000. Many of the notes are those of local Italians and others who subscribed to the stock of the Italian-American Bank, another Insti tution which Myers attempted to float but which was never licensed to do business, although. It Is clsargcd. Myers accepted deposits in its name. Myers is ndw on parole, having been sen tenced to two years in the State Peni tentiary for his share in wrecking the Lents hank. Judgments of the face value of $2500 have been recovered. ilolladay Nine Defeated. The Christian Brothers' second team SPECIAL RATES EAST. On April 25, 2, 27th the Canadian Paclflo will aell round-trip first-class tickets. Portland to St. Paul - Minne apolis and return, at rate of $60. Elks Convent Ion Incorporates. SALEM. Or April 25. (Special.) Articles of Incorporation were tiled with the Secretary of State yesterday by the 111J B. P. O. K. Convention. Capitalisation is placed at $1200 and the incorporators are K. K. Kubll. Harry C. McAllister auvl fiol H. Moody. The Greatest Candy Sale in Many Months is scheduled to take place at "The Owl" Friday and Saturday. Just as an out-of-the-ordlnary event In our candy de partment, we will offer hundreds ot pounds of fresh candy at these extra special prices. In one or two Instances quantities are limited. Stock a-plenty otherwise. . No less than one pound sold at these specials. Pi-Ices Quoted Here Are at Per Pound i 20c 20c 20c 20c 20c 25c 25c 39c Almonds 45 MAKING STATEMENTS is, of course, an easy matter. Backing them up is anotner. ine uwi backs up its every statement as to price.lowness, quality, full weight, etc. That you can save by pur chasing here is not disputed thousands of buyers who every day take advantage of ."Owl" cut-rate prices will unhesitatingly tell you that you can save by making your purchases at ''The Owl.-" "A penny saved is a penny earned" just as important to you as depositing it in the bank. PRESCRIPTIONS Precision, Promptness and Econ omy Are Assured When They're Filled at The Owl' Almond Beauties . Chocolate Nonparlels Peanut Jumbos Chocolate Kisses Marsh mallows . . Chocolate Peanuts . . Italian Nougat ... Jordan I Almonds . A I.I. BRA Si D. the Box 20 pkgs.. 60c 1 hlnT render it nrlser. fumed; at TODCO TALCUM ROSE 25c For '"after the bath" and "after shavlni?." and for Infants' use. it has ii u-r highest roc-ommendat ion. Both coolinp and refreshing, and itas antiseptic properties an excellent deod- Ielicateiy per- ng only P. W. R. SUGAR OF MILK 17c SPECIAL Full Pound Careful mothers know the impor- foeillnR. P. W. K. Sugar of .Milk is sate adapted for the preparation of modified milk for all forms of infant feed ing. Authoritative schedule on every pks. Friday 1 7 and Saturday Special X t. LIGGETTS CHOCOLATES PER POUND 80c Goodness in every piece The Owl' Sole Ponland Agts. Give Your Children a Chance Your child deserves every possible chance of becoming a perfectly formed man or wo man. Any tendency to round or stooping; shoulders may be moM easily corrected In child hood. Let us show" you the perfect Brace It's the Kexall. Sold only at "The Owl." fl; 1 The. price Is.... J GOOD NEWS FOR ENTHUSIASTS 'THE OWL" Headquarters for SHAV.NG SUPPLIES Owl Special Irlcn on Razor Strop. 25c Kind now 1Q. i r0c Kind now OO- ....... v- Kind now 19c 49c at 1 at Kind now 79c Owl" C ut-Irate Prices and Special oa Shavlnsr Supplies, Quick aiul Easy Soap 0 special nt Williams' Barber Bar K 'Owl" price J Colgate's Barber Bar f? Owl" price Styptic Pencils at the T special price of Johnson's Shaving Cream special at.. ( u t I cura Shaving Stick, at the special W t 1 liams' Slmvinsr Powdor. "Owl's" nrl- Lloyd's ICuxisis at the special price 17c 17c 19c of 37c Kodak Dry .Mounting fj Tissue, special, pkgr--.. " C Kastman'.s I'yro, one -9 er ounce. soeciaL X f C M. Q. Developing Tubes half dozen for.... Kastman's Negative Varnish, special.... Victor Flash Powder OA snecial at tJ Kodak Album, size i. special Jl Negative Album for pre serving your films, "ixeOQf. " U x 4 ; special 07l No. 3 A. Developing and Printing OuttTt-speclal Hypo Soda Always at The Owl for 5c a lb. 19c 29c 39c $1.39 The Owl's List of Friday and Saturday CUT RATE SPECIALS A 1 u m -One 7 for C Powdered full potind Belladonna Plasters Vi:ll strength, at Williams' Jersey Cream Soap, at Allcock'a Corn PlastKi-i specia ! at Kondon's Catarrh Jelly at the special. . .s Mentholatum, soottiiiXf? and healint? .1 in 1 Oil, for house hold use . . . . l Nature's Remedy in taljlet form Litliia Tablets, fi ve- rairi. at only Xoracic Acid, one full pound for Aspirin, a -grain cap sules. 2 dozen for Spratt's Dogr Biscuits for -f - Liquid Veneer the 5l)c size for only Cod Liver Oil. full pint OQ- Ointment the 50c size for only Brown's Celery Phos phate, larse size for Kesinol 7c 9c 10c 12c 12c 16c 17c 17c 19c 19c 19c 29c 33c 33c 57c AT the TOP STANDS The Owl" Kodak Finishing Service. Brins us your fi!ms. Quickest time, best results, lowest prices. Not one cent from you unless you are satisfied. SHOP BY MAIL - Out-of-town orders filled at Cut Kate price and mailed or shipped promptly. Send your mail order to "The Owl." Wl," RRAMD (Imported). OLIVE OIL I. arse Bottle Uy the t.allon 83. f Sprlna; time Is salad time. "Owl" ullve Oi is pure enouftli for medicine, therefore pure enoutrh for food. Imported di rect from Nice. France we guarantee its pureness. snSe p taavs. ESTABLISHED 1892 Seventh and Washington Streets EIGHTEEN OWI, STORE OS THE PACIFIC COAST Moj0MO3MO1M03M03M03MOMEOMO3MroiMOMEOMQ3MO3MOJM0 WAGE RISE CONSIDERED INSIDE WIREJIKX EXPECT TO GET $3 A DAY SOOX. Electrical Workers' Vnion Repre sentatives and Employers Hold Conference. Representatives of tne Electrical Workers- Union and employers of this class of labor are conferring relative to the matter of advancing; the mini mum wage schedule of Inside wlremen from 4 to 15 a day. Members of the union express full confidence in the be lief that the subject under conBidera ,it, min he nHiuHted satisfactorily kwithout any serious danger of a strike or other Industrial disturbance. The Increase in the wane schedule that is sougrht by the electrical work ers conforms to the terms of an agree ment entered into between them and their employers a year asro. At that time the members of the union demand ed an increase amounting to 25 cents a day at Intervals of three months. In lieu of such a schedule, both sides agreed to a contract by which the em ployers consented In a two-year con tract, which was signed at the time, to pay the men a minimum wage scale of $4 a day for the first year, which ex pires Mav I. when the scale Is to be In- Gordon is the ultimate word in hat-making there is no other hat quite so good. This Spring the styles are really stunning. For fiale hy A. B. atclnbach & Co creased to $r.( The wage Increase that has been asked affects about 200 men in Portland. . "We do not anticipate any trouble of any kind in having the $5 a day sched ule put into effect on the first of the month." said Fred I-oth. business agent of the Electrical Workers' Union, yes terday. "It is In accordance with the terms of an agreement entered Into be tween the Inside wirenun and their em ployers, effective May 1. -1911. By the terms of that agreement we were to re ceive a minimum, scale of $4 a day for the first year and 15 a day for the second year of the two-year period cov ered by the contract. We are confer ring with the employers In the matter of having the Increased scale go into effect promptly on May 1, as is contem plated in our agreement." McAllister Announces Candidacy. E. S. .1. McAllister, of the firm of McAllister & Upton, attorneys, yester day announced his candidacy as an In dependent for election as judge of de partment No. -1 of the Multnomah County Circuit Court, as successor to Judge Gantenbein. His opponents will be George Taxwell. the present Munici pal Judge, who received the Republi can nomination last Friday, and Ogles by Young, who. running unopposed, re ceived the Democratic Indorsement at Friday's primary. ' Ashland Plans lo Entertain. ASHLAND. Or.. April 23. (Special.) In view of the forthcoming Shriner pilgrimage to Los Angeles, Hillah Temple of this city proposes to do even more than thejfair thing towards making the excursion feature to South ern California a success. At a meet ing of the organization last evening it was voted to speed the numerous visiting delegations on their way re joicing, . and to this end various projects are being devised in order to entertain the sojourners throughout this territory. It is taken for granted that the pilgrims will tarry .several hours in this vicinity, in the event ot which visit Hillah Temple will "show them a good time," and steps to that end are being taken which will insui'H the visiting Shriners a royal welcome to these surroundings. By -the way, Hillah Temple Is noted as being the smallest, but not the least, among tint representative organizations of yiirine dom. It is expected that the prelim inary trips of those who wear the fez will pass through Ashland about May 3. The United States leads the nations in growth of population for llie last -10 years. Within that pt't-iotl Its Increase lias tven 5.000.000: Germany conies n'xt. with 1T COrt.OOO: then Great Britain, with ia.50O.0i.Mi; while France's inert-ape has been onl -on 000. ThVSpuVcte Wrolerlel. yy Cottolene is made from the rhcncjPRt of cotton oil. From rnttnnfip.ld to Kitchen human hands never touch the oil from which Cottolene is made. orVinnta and rakes cooked with Cottolene can be fearlessly, enjoyed by the most determined dyspeptic, for Cottolene makes food digestible as well as palatable. There is no substitute for Cottolene, because there is no shortening as good as Cottolene. It is pure, clean, neutral in taste and flavor, and absolutely the most economical and healthful frying and shortening medium. It goes one-third farther than butter or lard. v Jl "Nature's Gift from the Sunny South" ' Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY ' 33 rfmmm ttL1 ni.i-ifl' mm