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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1912)
2Q J THE MORNING OinXiOMAX, FRIDAY, APRIL 10. 1912. I ' " " J j.-OB HEXT 1 FOR KENT. ' RtU- KWTIMALt 1 WT-AtC J HM.r WA T 0- MA, B. , MTUxTIONS .-MM.R -JT Upon,. W..h B5TTTrtg5ii5r- A part ment. ix 'I I'AV. ..tead r iip,oymr.t. peasant mnrU. with an oa re.lao'.. company. Tha ork ta selling1 hib-aade nu-rjr at oca. and v bar aon.a ov4 territory pan. : v ha t territory you mould Ilka and . n at one for parTicuar to Lock Box 4-iO. I'o. t.aod, oi WAXTFD Mr C 9. Army. aoia-eo4la4. u marrtd man. b-etweaa acea of la ae4 v. cms-as of lnltd dut't. of Sol ciiar atr aad tmp-rat baolta, who ea p-rk, rad and wrtra to Ens;. ls lu gaift. For In formation apply lo Racruie mi afficr. WortTiu; d.-x-. Third aa4 C I'TWII. I "or MjBO. Or. UH'.NG MAS .TKNUiKArHKR 2n lo ".'.i. (or adrulnt office: t tif ;t iwent store ; spl ndid opportunity to .--am th ork; muc have ood du- ittun and take tllriaiion rati"' direct vn X . urrnlan. TtANTLD Cornice bra man. Will pay 4 1 a.iportatka and hi h-l t Cioioujlilr coniptni anl ejiriencd rn.i. irrrfX'in iin iion t imw Uorki. Ui:ll Kait Ut.i ai.. Xa An S . CaL uMrf.TtNT fiimtr on plunihlnc anil tani oiK; ne t.iorouaulr lainliiar with or mi Uri huirrl Mia. mii r ana hae MHfiri.rv rfercn: steady pttn a I iiwMi -ir nht party. Ai'i:r. A. l , lt; Airkion at.. Patt!. W A N T fc T Mil or ma n. A s od . com p -. tnt frman f-r an up- i-t: m in ill with captt i:y of"" Ct.t pr day. Mut unier;and ma"htnery an 4 k now ho ! haOie mo. Addi m T I-. ur fi.iu. WA.VTtU A sent Ismail, atrirtty hrr and in'J'Hirtoua. null cat'i to buy out- lu '; irtr-i m 'i l" m buln; UKiit take ful! vhare of rttr. ulfimun, o.,, t l bit a: thia ts no yiaft. Cll 19 ri"rd f 1r?id. W A XTKI T"Uir man tetw-n 1 an -1 ?rar of aic aj mwnjr in bank: imiai of grmt appamni''. rtt a s,,0l lund aid bav gJjnl refr-nra, V in-. tr K'liitaii. .. ,.. tV AXTKD frelsn ra1troal laborara. A ujtnan pr"f r.rd. for n railroad at .N.rth lakuua: fl" month aork. K. H. M.i or. 10 C riieatnut 8t.. North Yakima, U'ab. HA NTF.r foreman ral road labor era. A aMrtn pr furred, for new ratlroad, at North Yakima; rtve mouths or k. ft i.Mufp Fenibvrs. lo A. 3t.. J l-I li at-, nrar M in. . fJA'.F.-MAV wanted t 'll iop-n rnd nee rrea nl houtea. on ea" pay-in-ii'a. In all parta f the rity. Ask for t v mns.-r. I'roi -iilnt Truu Co., "J. iOJ lUard of Trad. FKKMANKXT povidone for 2 tjood m legmen f neat pperanr who ar bitlera. A p-i,-v oetween and lu A. LAk for Mr. ilr-int'?. tittjy J-MAXAP.T CO.. WT', OAK tT. W VNTTP An eprlenre.l man to manatee ftnr rati road; zoj r-feren-es rquirrtl: r .- ir need rrpij ; larye Oompany.' AV r-soman. W AN TED-A firi-ctaa Japaneaa or Chinasa took in prtrate family for cookina and acrai touaework. Call at 111 Eaal Saih : : npyrda car. toAl.Es! n.N. itntion If ou in on.y de or part of your time ran ut )ou in a. poa.tlon to mak money. Ask for sale manager at M Id iu WANTED Flrt-ctaa H.Vfman lor estab lished propoaiMoH for rtall'rs. com mis aion basts: r limit 4; men of clen record only consldrd. L S3. Orrtoi.Un. W ANTEU Man t.- do a spetlai line of so lrttmr " Portland fr a bif firm. prma i nt pom f I on to rlsrht man. Apply after 9 A. M . fMInx M'ls. E.Vijn.orKDt A and dictionary men Tha revised and enlarftcd e.iition of Tha Cen tury is no iv rea-i - or sole in Portland. J. F. rhlillps. ri Manjuam bids. eAT.FSMEN I want I mora lmn to sell beet aree- In Willamette Valley. nax Portland; raar term. 'alt mornlns. 401 4 H-hnkie-Walker bids BOY l.'i or 15 to r'k In real estate ofT.- e : nrjst b sniiema ily In arp-a.anre and p-h: s-'-'d bur. m tIrphont numt'fr. V J". urS'uln. MN and wife to mrk In an orchard, aoman iiiiim be jood rook. Innilre foi noona between 10 and 1. room Henry "Ht. CAN usr to more rounr men not afraid of orV : elrruiatton department f foi-;i-r s: per wek to itart. Call t3 Or-eonlan HM.. to 4 I' M. NT n V"uni man s!nrpher ; one nnt.r d:rapnon iprlrnr preferred: '! riperln and aaiary eipot-ted. AN io t re-ontn. W A XTF.l Y'-unC man. exp-rinrd book k'per; mus: he al-e to funtsh r-ferencea. App:y to Mr. reteraon. Morria A Co. W A N'T r.r Manser and boer for rrpt dpartment . si to t. -ipr!eTj-. r-r-r and salary. Address Tuf tobo. pnVan. Hash. KHNKT and clarinet plar for Wild West iiaw. W m. Mir Ijtuchlln. cart Cooper :r Wild Wf.t. ralm. Or Fi'i.T-Cl-AS c jt;nemakere nted by tlta r'coa Furniture Alls. Co., Macadam I otl. WAXTEI ior ierk : none oThr need pp'. : refrmies rfiulred i, i K. resonlan. WAN rrU - y. "tU St. -tyood pant nl mk-i A p p i IK M . It rtde A Co., for 14 W N'THISoJicllor for d."" workp. hrw, Mtn and r01 route, t til at Berlin Uo Works, t. Joi hi. Or. T'. NTED Firt-cl!ss barber for R-ddlns. 'el. Apply Leaia-Stenaer Barbers bup- p;v "o WANTED To t horoushly competent and i ''li Job printers: steady work. 9li per .-k. Oax'-'f-Timea. t'arrallls. Or. i It i A PHEIL t aller. itadv pos.t on; totter butne-i-etter. Ayre. CHbom Ho tei. r.. Ash and irand. WANTED City salesman, esprleitceU. no oter need applv. Portland . 1'oot Card '-23 lumberman's bldg. F I r..-T- ' LAe5 ulter , must ba- e pe-M-nd, Groff Tailor. Inc. Spokaua, Wh.j ijtl.FSVAN wanted. e perl nee unneceesary. ,aiMt real estate proposition In Portland. a'.t at 4li Corbett bids. 1;I l.LINi rlerk eTp-rl-need in w hoiea -m r o. y p-eferrert. stat as. epcriene. t.nona' number. J 1W Oreaontan. fio"K salesman, experienced, sood propi no if yoo can qualify. S- WorresttT 'dl. , W Tr.P A f ;rvt-eiaa rablnetmaker on ' t-n-tur. Tha F ranch Manufacturtng ro 4 4 at. fimi.KR wanted for hatard. v Iadt- rA RBKR waited ?aturda Parser P.pp!y 1 ' o. Inquire Ore son W" ANT Ft -A f.r3-riaa maWr In pimnlrs mill. sah and door 11 1 J ITawthom. r T mn in work la restaurant 6 hours i . n7 coach at. jAPtVK.'E or Filipino to rook and do h ork. Call at lft rtfhett Bids 1 W f harroi- wanted, 23 Moniaoai tt. ; fj-anteo tl. W N I Ef Atltow tobtta masher. ArP'r Kri da mom In C- Ro CHy feir1crartf. W" N T FO A rnan to wah cara at 7"0 Kerne- street, rall In forenoon. t'LKVKR aollcltor. emperlenrad tn ralltns on men. Call .V3 creonlan bldf. w NTE1 A aood painter to figure on m ot-a. 1 1; Hewihor-i. W NVKT An of7l.-e b-5 - Na'mnal Credit aror Worcer hide. w Mfc.r To barbers, ateadr Job. LIVE man man!d cltv aa.ernaji for lab oring ub ihmnt. r'l 1M 1-th 9. W A NT ED lllgh-rlaaa aale-maa. Ask fr fr Finrton. 42? Teon bid g. X V rv mr.SC ZD aoiietjr wanted at once. " Lumber Ex-hang. WANTED Cordon preaa feeder at the Hott- ir. Flrsf sr. TttY wanted with bl.rit; can make ! p- month. ; Yamhill. A l-r-I IVtHY bo. 14) yeara old. Koberta ilAKRIFi n. no r h i:dr n. to iak car of bora. App'y Fast Tt h at. orh. "W A N I" K D -e,o-k aaieamea at Sd at. Ask for mH ma pager. W n T FDH right boy io answer te.ephone. : fcturharan Bldg. JVAXTKIi Platan preaa-feadeia. Apply at r.JPhor.g Co.. PI Park t- W sSTFD oatmaker. C. P. Blhop. Kaiem. i r - W NTI-i .ai-naker and panta and vest-na'-r. Oeo J. Birdev. F.lrna Wah. i.iy"oTr 1 i to- le-r- printers' trade. 12 2 -,,nt r , eornep W hiniton. w W'Trf - fust-ria-s caoinet-makeca. A p- ,;. North Sth. WAXTFP Walter In sma:i rtaurjnt 33 .North tT'h -t 4NTFI Ona fl-"t':a .h nd door siovk cuHer. Add rasa AV I'J". Oregon ta a. INCIDENT. (Ooa or Many Off a Secretary Employment Dapaftmaat. T. Ji. C A. Tanna man. at ra near, oat of wortr Ma total cash aaeet) tf I pay yoa S3 stareiaJ tmpojrmtoi aneniberealp. I w" bar only $16 iaXt betsjaaa -ioa and ataur nation. secretary if yon pay S3 for apjc employment mimtMiihip, you "" aae the T. M. C A . wltb Ita raaourcaa, tweet. ou and atar etlon Raault: Youn man joined assoriatJoa. la laa than a area bo had aatJafactaxji tmplojrment Rrcord for two most ha anoint tb. Jj CaiJe tor mri !! Povltlona filled 'uaronta ampioy eat sajemnerehip member wil! oacura eniployi&OBt or rerunq of membershln feo: gives two months tua merr.tershlD prlvilsgea. 10 months eociaa privileges and aindortakea to P-' cmpToyad during the full term of min aersnip witriout further cnargo. We hare con si ant demand for grade, experienced roaa. ra yoa UU4 for 9, hotter position T secretary omylaymeat sprt- T. . c. A. WANTKD lical eaiate turns and salesmen sen lots In t'oqtji'lam Brttlh Colum' Industrial stih-nrv of Vancouver. History of t'hlcaso, 8atUe. Danver. jt. louia. etc.. eepentirg itpeif here. fmall .ortunea be ing made br investor. tJreat demand for !ota. To b- rairlc operating Termmu of fanid-an Pacific Kalluay. tha greatest rail ay corporation In America. hl-b ha scarred to pend $7.0K.oio in lerrnina!. shops. whar es, car factortea. etc. Down of factories coming to Co qmtlain. T o eiecirlc po r companies at rork. Hundred thousand dollar ctind hotiae now building. We o n f.n view Hot-ln ubdivon. Exclusive terrl.ory and liberal commission to right man. Lw prlf-ea. ev terms. Attract ivo I it era tare. Write at onre for fnTI particular and get rerliisK sale (n your district. Charl-a A. Bodie A Co.. Umi;ed. 61 4 Fender at. Weat. anions er, B. C. CAR -LOADING tHman. sawmill $2-73. 5tirkrntter. rah and dmr. 9. Two J umber traders. behind planer. 92 Hush and door machine men. -.?" up. onke freman. l".ro. ' Whistfe bov, 41 ... y TMit-lnsiing camp fluiikfrs. 25 to 0 and found. PAriFIt" EMPLOYMENT ""0.. '222 and 221 Couch ?t.. between' 1st and 2d- E.XPERIE.M Er' men haing the strength to handle and ship pipe, n holeale bona. Muat he onlck and accurate lu adding pipe measurements. Address In wn handwriting, giving age. pre ious ex-pertn'-e and nages commandetl. Do not applv un)ea ou have had experience. Address .1 P'id. Ore gonian TRAYFLIX'e man. taking in the small towns, ran make big money with a side line; nothing to set ; th ta Is new and eav monev. t'alL ae I. FJ. Samuels, Ho tel Multuoinah. eventnc. - ' TWO first-class Lumber Co.. E. ahiret makers. Ht. Johns, Pitchloaa PrfOTO coupon : beat evor offered: snap I agents. Cut berth Studio. Dkum bldg PHOTO coupon agts., best snap ever, ottered. Huston Studio. Si2 S Washinzton at. w7 X T ED LeT iab!e a s"en t to h and le good mturlit. AR 173. Oregonlan B.RBEIt wanted 42 N. 3ftth st. HEI.r WAKTEr 1T.MAM. WANTED Bookkeeper, one nerlenred in Inst ailment accounts preferred. Answer in your own handwriting, giving refer enreg and salary cpecid. AUdrcsa P. O. Bog 42, City. CHECKER. and boaid: io-rding-ho-ie cook, f Id; cond girl. ".: wai: iea lout f vityi. room and boiird. ftr- pain; chamlM-rmetd. 2."; family cook. took amall count rv hotel, fnre pntrf. HANSEN'S EAIP'T OKFUE, "45 u Wash, fit., room 7. WANTED erer; young I1lw between tha ageg of IS and 2' for perrr.annt pos'. tliMii. App!-' tha P. T. A T. Co.. i7 Alder at., or 41 East Ankeny at. WE need two wide-ae-ake lady solictor who are willing to work R hours a day for liberal compensation: work steady and pleasant. Call 10 to Ci. 41ft i)l:awk blug.. .Id and Morriron. GIRL to rook and do gnrx I honMwork. for famtlv of three n an apple orchard; mum be strictly nrst-c! t!s roK snd com d- termined ( stay. room 4b 4, Multnomah Hote, between V and II A. M. BT gentleman J". Pat. agreeable. tid v ; take car e -ro,m private rooming-house ; good propop(Tlin to desirable lA'h ; ert e phone or addrraa. Will tall. K !rt. ore. gonMn. WANT ED A competent stenographer and tplM on H-M machine; nint be neat, ac curate and educated. Although not stilcl .y needful, preference glv cn lo lady of a Mierarv rnlnd. AV 27. t'lregopUti. WANTEI -A woman for general houae ,,r"K ; must bo co-,d plain cook. Appty to Mm. William oiipg. Mount Adama Drive, city, or phone M-trhall U. W ANTED oung womnn aienorapher. nna ha Inr dictaphone experience ireferrei ; state crerlcnc and salary expected. AN W. Or-gnl.i. W ANTED t;ir en-ed cook; en t , f-or. 2 for Kireiirit work; experi :.. tnonfh. Applv r.4 Jack-is-. Portland Heights. YOCNt trl wanted for g'ntral iouework. tmf in family. '!) Misa t'vltl.nn. Mt:n 4'I. or call at 411 7th St.. fit B. 'MHf. HOWK'A AJits' AttKN-.l. WaablngLon b.df.. 4th and W as a. i Mil J or A S24C GOOD alteration help wants cloaks and etil tax New York Outfitting Co.. o'-M Washington. GIUL for arn-r.l housework In four-room ( jt; hours 6 A. M. and g home nights. 7,,3 MiCtooniah si! til It 1. to anawer eirhanne and astt with llaht housework; home mora object tnan pav. Phme M 5wl. - t.XPEKIEXCED aa,lf trimmings. lacee Roberta liros iladi a for wain's, and -embrotdtrn's. WANTED .Experienced girl ( for cooking and general housework; references re quired. 3 Lovejoy. Main Sltrt. HANSEN'S LAUiU' AufcrCCl. Waanii gton at., cor. 7th. ups air. Faosa Main 1M92. CA PABLE. heaithv honsoworV: mnt w.-igre. Cfrt l4-h i weman bo gool for general cook: 'best NEAT, faithful girl for general homework in of two. easy jlac. lelephona Taho- 317:L DKMONSTR ATOIt for well-known food produrt; aalarled position; referete. Q UX Cre g on an. WANTED A g!r! to aaiet with general rojwork. 1244 Division street. Taka W K car. W NTFD Lady for light, pleasant wot k. "al V to 11 A. M.t 41& Marchauta Trust bldg. . VfAMFb Refined. cpabl woman for .--apons.bla poaltlon. Vlavl Co.. v Bath rnl'd bldg-. th and WaaMngtoa. COOK for small boarding-house; must be flrst-elasa. Beferenrea reaiired: one used t- gas preferred. 3" N. I?h St. BESTACRANT cooka. IB. 112 week; wait rMM Howe's Ladb-a' Agency. 3'J. 274 Washington. OIUL WANTED for general housework. Ap ply SOi llth st.. C HOMELESS youn woman with young baoy. gool home, a t-Tf gorian. t Vt. H I E.STF.D girl for general housework. B U71. V F-f-st Main. OlrlL or woman, general housework. r 2".23. call WANTE1 trl to wait on tabic. $S a week. Cwl i hophous. a-s North fith. GIRL to aaslst with housework in ex.-lianga for music lessons- AP . .regonian. ClitL for general homework. East 27th st. North. Apply at 4W! WANTED 2 Tlr barbera wirh Oregon li cences. A 7. Oregonlan. W A.XTEI A competent nut so girl. Schuvirr at. WANTED ilrl for bausework. J74 Nortb- rup St. tan tn m morning. Wi.A4X for general housework; no wash ing. Phono East 927. ' GIBL for general houework. no chlidren. Apply 429 Weat Yamhill at. WANTED Two experlenceil wahreaaeg. Ap- .i. rw ,v rinia Hll! 2i. 14 h at. VERY capable family second girl; wages ijo. St. Lou! Ag""cy Main 2"i- URST-vLASM wit hnlshera. 42 Chetopa Apt a.. lh and F!andra. EXPERfENA'EP commi''t- H lad v yoltciiora. salary and 1111-Mann Co, -fl Worcester. WANTKD Slrl for pool parlor. 23 verett rreet. clt KAT vMuni gfl axalot houaowork and care rt bs't.e; go nme nahts. Marshall 2t"7. f;i RL for general houeew ork In a small family. nmUini:i. jyaCtress who likes dogs. ' Cle phone. F tregonlan. BwKKEfcTEB -tb eaperlenc. 129 First. VAXTEU-YOL'NO LADIES FOR fEUE PHOXB OPEFATING. WITH OR WITH OLT EXPERIENCE. APFLT THE PA- CITir TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH CO., A$T 6TII AND AN KENT STi?. SCXNPIXAWAN" ffirl to Jo tooklng and nat iu housework for family "f two. to it -i to Northern California; fare paid: :o to month, room and board, sea .Mr. 'Ackrman at 20.. U f rr lawn t . Ladies' Iept. Pacific Emp. Co.. between 1 1 and 1 'J A. M.. or .make appointment at your time. Bring references. TWO educated d age to d md reflned women of tiildr monstrate. 3.-l Morrison sr. k t k n ck; t i a r 1 1 e n s or advancKl. iiil any ssteni. btglnnrrs klv s needed and placed in position H.10 Worcester block. Mar shall 2 1. Til HELP WANTEP-MlBCEfXAMOPfc .MEN STOr READ LEA r.N to operate r make to , trig pictures; operaiore 4i neeKij. Full practical course cheap. NEW YORK FILM F.NCHANGE. yis Wash.. -near 17th. MEN WANTED As 1 to 13. to prepare for firemen for brake e.. nearby rall roada. s$0 to lt0 monthly. Experience un necessary; no strike: promotion eaglneer or conductor. Slot) to ootJ monthly; good life careers; state. e; aend stamp. Hall way Association. Box . Qregoplao. J U Fr s"Tnd Tomta to learn tba oaror trade In el.'ht weeks: special lnrtucementa; per cectage paid while iaarnlDg; tools fraai expert instructors; 17 ye' a buai b a; IT schools; ILetline meuioersa: rva w sacn student. Molar Baibar Col lege. a N. Fourth at.. Portland. Or. M'MDk.1 )oun( rren ra wanted b rall roadsi In tlegrapn and atatlon aorvlce; potion- paying $7& to $lt prr month, r'nr particulars culi or address KWgrepD DepL. Commonneaitb Lid.., 6;b and An kenr eta. WANTiiU Capable younir women to enter training aliod lor nuraes. For particu lnia write Mis Rogcers. Sut. of Nurses, H'Xiulara Uenerai Hospital, HoQuiam, Wash. ; ailLLINERT school and fiowar making, learn all la els weeks; old bats msde orar lika now. Boautlful trimmed hats. Ce 06 Goodnocga bldg.. op p. Poatofflca, RATLwXr mall clerks, pro para now, ax cllent salaries and promotlona; no lay offs, aura pay; freo book. Call today. Pa cific fctatas School. McKay bldg.. city. PRFlPldN"AL MAN who sings for recrea tion, wante accompanist with piano, whore he may prepare some new songs. AH $nn. uregonlan. VOL art wanted for Government job, SSI month, fc-twd postal for list positions open. Franklin Institute. DepU 325 O, Rochester. y- jiaKK money writing short stories, or aor papers; big pay; frea booklet tells hoar. L luted I'les syndicate. San FTanc'tsc. 5CHOOI.of SHORTHAND sml TYPEWUIT I XtJ standard a etenis. Positions secured. 5 per month. 2t 14th st. Main TeTAN'ti-D t'iciure pisy writers; big vs we'il twacii you. Flctxirs X iay Ssn Francisco, PRIVATE P HORTH.VN D. T Y P E W KITING, bockk-epjpg. tita Hamilton bldg. Mar. 43. FI.-K TEACH ERA ASSOCIATION for schools and teachers. 610 Swetland bldg. SITUATIONS X ANTE P M A LB. tuok ko prrs and 4. lechs. VOl N man w nta po?lilii as book keeper or general off ! limn ; hav had consid erable cpMlctic and am a lirst-clasej man In lumber yard on ire; can a Iso opci ate i p writer and -ak some tllctailoiu Ad -oVsa A At fUl. Orcgonia.n. J CLOTHING aalesman. .10 years' exirionre. n a- ;H. Iracheior. beet of Portland and Eastern references, open for position; no oojeftions to smaller town. J t'Sii. ore gonlan. YOCNtS married man, S gears' experlenca in ranking and insuiance burlneaa. best of references, will accept au thing at living wages, where there Is chance for advancement O HM. Oiegonlgn. FosiTIOX l.v office man in lonn or Insur anc office; thortiuahly experienced; also 5t-no(;i aph-r and bookkeeper. A N M2. tr it o n i n .a AI IUXKER a'd bookkeeper wsnt.i posi tion in or out of clt; fli-st-ehi-s refer enc Phone East .:W4 or Marshall 29. i:esldence. IU- Stanton st. Fruce Whee'er. WILL, ALUlf. OPfcN. CLOSE OK WHlU up books, prepare balances aa4 siata ments. install interns Gliilnghaia. au ditor. It Lewis bldg. Marshall MAN t -l) desires position in office where holieatv sittl hard work count; have had ears srncral office experience. 11 i':. OregoniaUN . 1rOlNi mauled man drsires work any kind, salesman, oftice. man: references; not afraid f work. C Oregonlan. ACCOUNTANT la open to engagement; re .maole tcrnjs. AS 71. Oregonlsn. Miscellaneous. 1IAVIT you an oienin for an experienced machinery or implement man. well ac quainted with the trade In Oregon or Washington, as salesman. credits. sd veru.itiit ,,r capable of taKlng full chaiga of a business? Have my home in Port land. J us7, Oregonlan. WANTED Work as carpet layer In hotel or store: have had experience. 5 years. In big hotel, as carpet layer, shade and cur tain man and little upholstering. Address AM PI.-,. Oregonian. MARRIED MAN w ants position take charge place out of town, capability, honesty and i esponsibillty guaranteed. I. E. Jxnowlee. 7 i'ronl St. WANTED Hituallon by experienced truck driver and repairman. Arnold Peterson, care ("oiumbia Hotel. 1st and Clay sis.. Portland. A GOOD, all-around engineer wants posi tion: can do all repairs: also good steam fitter. I have my own tools. Good refer ences. O 9-5. Oregonlan. TIMEKEEPER and matsrlal clerk desires position: go anvwhere: eight years' ex perience with mines; have tin. recom mendations. Address AS WW. Oregonlan. POSITION as specialty salesman or manu facturer's agent In Puget Sound territory and vicinity. K l'P4. Oregonian. EXPEKIKNt'ELi collector wants steady po sition with (Irm; city references; bond. E l'st. Oregonlan. CYLINDER and Job pressman wants posi tion. Steadv, sober. reliable. City or eountrv. AF1 9V. Oregonian. WAXTKIi Work by a good carpenter: No. 1 In framing and finishing, also cement work. J Oregonlan. WINDfW-WASHING, housecleaning. floors waxed and polished. Phon. . be II wood 11 at . CARPENTER foreman wants situation, dsy or contract. Address J. B. Totuig. Wood stock ; CHAITKKI'R desires position, two years repair -hop and garage experience. Answer AM l!:t. Oregonlan. MAiUvlED man. ::2. or rood habits, wsnts work collecting or something that requires outsldeehusttlng. Phone Marshall 117. YOrXl) man wsnts posilion on farm: all klnda of work: wants good sslary; close to Portland. AX 9M, Oregonlsn. STKAUV. prai-tleal man. haker mil ton fec; loner, nanta work; references. .941 Kerhy street. MAN and wifV with baoy wsnt work on farm: homelike plae. considered above watres; permanent. Box 77. Mt. Angel. Or. TOl'NC. Frenchman, experienced gardener, coachman, can milk cowa wishes steady position: 4 years' reference. Msln "og-V. WANT ED Position: a good chauffeur and merhanlc. Phono Marshall -1 S7. A YOl'NO man wants work of any kind. AN ?). Oregonlan. TOl'XO man wants place as cashlsr In re.- taurnnt: steady. B . Oregonlan. GOOD Japanese man wants any kind pleos- work. Main Wfil. EXPERIENCED v.gelable gardener wants position AT PBS. Oregonlan. TOfNG man t2) wants position on farm with ml'Mnr. F "v". Oregonian. K1RST-CI.AS.-1 meat cutter and aausase maker in or out of city.P Of. Oregonian. LAPPS' Pl' enrdener tleslres steady posi tion, long experience. AB 1!7. Oregonian. v ivvvn nv vnunc man. any kind of voung man. any Ms-shall 4 I'J". work. hen Y'OI'xr; married man wants work in city: fls or night. K !f3, Oregonlan. MUNICIPAL FREE EMPLOY S XT SLKJbAU, , tIS Second St . Cornir Salmon. Women's Depart menu 245 Salmon. All claaaaa of uu skilled, skUJed. profas alooal and clerloaj mala and female help furnished on abort noiica. No fea charged. Fhone Main 8&t&, A Stfi4, SAL ES M A N. e j g U t eare' experience in re tail, crockery and house furniahlng de partment, formerly assistant manager. 3 are. f"r large Eastern department store; can furnish best rcfcrcuces, AF P4, Ore gonlan. m t .C JAPANESE wants position, any kiud, every rttornlnc. R. Suzuki. N. bth at. -SITUATION WAXTKUFEMALE. novkkfeeer MDa sjleoograpoerw. YOl'NG lady deirs permanent poailion as stenographer; four years' experience. Mar shall 273. f LWFEIUKNCED ami competent stenograph er, bookkeeper and ofTice asdiatant desires Position. Main 1Ho9. YOl'NtJ lady typewi-iter desires general of- iice or cashier work. 31arshall 4771. iwwufliittrt. D UK Sri M A K 1 N(J Laa lea" 1 cut htnston. Ella p: Ices during April. t.. v st. entraucc. Phuna A SWU. Portland ref erences. FJR.-'T-CLA.SS DRESSMAKER would - like aewii:g bv day: best references furnished. Address 701 Mississippi ave., Portland. Or. PLAIN nirig at homo or by day; $1.50. Mrs. A linn. East 32d st. W A N T K D A few d a y s' engagement competent seamstress. Marahail Pir. by Houfteliccpera. ' WANTED A widotv. educated aad capable, stranger In the city, want. a position as housekeeper In wldo war's home or com panion and housekeeper with lady living alonr. AK tM. oregotiian. WIDOW" would keep hnuso for widower .without children, for small compensation; city or country. AR frhS. Oregonian. Noraea. INVALID tan have room, home comforts, trained nurse, reasonable; city references. Phone Titbor 221J. t X DEHOR A DC ATE will take any kind of cases. massage; references; reasonable. M ars hall 2 6". . NI'ItE. much experience, care of maternity. Invalid, aged. Main 2"30; A 477S. , EX PEItlH N CED nurau wuu Id 1 1 k o n'r e ' cHse. Main 4 1 til). FIRST-CLASS cook anta position in pri vate family. M. 2U01, A 2UU6. Catholic Women's League. ailereflaneous. TWO la'liex wish positions In flrst-clsss ho 4el elderly lady. ."it. as office lady, li'.i years" experience In Portland and Wash ington. t. C, younpr la-1y. caahier In restaurant or like position, one year'a ex perience, at present in position one y.-ar, wi.h change; Seaside preferred. Address for one week, Mrs. Adrienne, 7S3 Bapt 3d u. Portland. Oregon. Ol'NO woman of rxporienc wans to at-t ss compiinion to some lady or take care of children; best of references. M. 24ol. A Catholic Women's League. TWO waltret&es v,a:it work In pmate board ing house. Cnll between 11 and 12, room Main 7!.',4. GtRMAN hand laundry of tancy and plain clothes; called for and delivered. Tele phone Sellwood 1728. K. fyring. TWO eypertenced women want cleaning va cant houses, apartments. l'hone Main 4S4. - .EXPERIENCED saleslady wishes position in embroider. riloon. notions or milli nery. J 1S1, Oregonian. WA IT REUSES, chsmhirmalds. housekeep--is. nurse pirls. washfrwomtn. Si Louis Agency. J.Vl'i Alder. Main ix;t, A -II7a. STEXOGRAI'HEf., beginner, wishes posi tion: Milling io start with small salary. M R70V. - GIllL wants position as waitress in kitchen evenings from o until board. Call A 31'.'7. room H. M" help :U0 for FIRST-i'l.ASS Uund.' ss wants work Thurs day and Krlday: references. Phone Wood lawn IKll. ' M I rDI.E-A'5Kn w"man nanls day work; "": hour. -SS 3I ladlllae. Room 1. or phone .J.'7e. KKI.IAHI.E woman wains chamber work or liking caie of bachelor's apartmenta. il 114. Oregonlan. UKRMAX lady wishes to care for children In her home. 7"T Pettygrove t. (TkiOI AN woman wishes to go out. washing and ironlnr. AC tt. Oregonlan. DA V v oi k ivanterl for fvlay and Monday. Marshall A LLKIA1.NS wanted, hand lauudry. Wool lawn 1634. No mannllng. EXFERIK NC E P milliner wanis position, a 3l-sla'1y. w lta. ttrecoiuaiu I'i.'MI'KTKNT ct'k wiehes poslll'n. prlaie fcntlly. best of references.' all Main ::71o. WAXTKU Work by the day. 4.V'. roni 'J. mornings. tall Main JUADV wishes lo care for children in lier home. rtcliwood 4o. LA"F. fcurt-ilns hand laundered. 3'V pair. Call-d for and daiivered .Marshall VlM GhjO woman wants work by day for I-'ri- rtav anil Saturd:t. Phone Mnln 7446. WOMAN would like work for Saturday; ref eretiee. Voo,Iawn I'll I. 1 MAKE a speciality Uumlerlng fin- UcC curtsins at home; reference. Tabor ::.'t7". WANTED AGEJfTS. WANTED K err sewing machine canvasser In I'ortlatid to can and see Ervey at "1 Sd st.; he has something to' offer you; don't wait. wAvren to bent. Cot 1'l.E flesires lo rent furnisheil house l.oat: must be desirable. O 1M. oregonian. U.o WANTED Small up-to-date famished flat In good residential district; West Side preferred and not too. near city cenier: two In fnmllv: reference given. Adaress V Pun, Oregonian. State exact location and telephone number. WASTED By couple, small furnished cot tage about 15 minutes' rid. from Bum side and th: steady; rent between 10 and 115 month. Glva lull particulate A Wl. Oregonlan. j MODERN .furnished cottage wanted by man and wife without children: West Side pre ferred or close in on East side; not over f:; references given. Phone A 4359. V vNTF.D Furnished lious. by May O for the Summer from. T to 10 rooms. Phono M. f--4i. W VNTED During July and August, g-room furnished house, uo children; references. V isi7. Oregonlan. BiiST furnished room. $1S per month: will rent in downtown hotel. State sise and conveniences. T 4. Oregonian. UNFI'RNISHED or parti furnished flat. 3 or 4 rooms, walking distance. P Ore- gonian. ' Rooms With Bo.rO. GENTLEMAN wishes furnished room; good homelike plsee desired: would pit. fee place where meals are set-red; as he Is out or town half the time would like to pay for meals eaten. Please give full partic ulars. H !. Oregonlan. TWO young gentlemen wish to get a nice room with two single beds lnx private family. AS P4. Oregonlan. FOR REN. Famished Rooms. uic-t. i . SALLE, iota and Burnaidef sis Absolutely fireproof: new and elegantly J furnished rooms: prlvsts baths. steam beat, hot and cold water, privet, phones In each room; special rates by tha raonlk: phone service free. Pbooe arabali.44 HOTEL RKNWICK An Ideal borne for basi cs, poovle: centrally located; alegaal roams; ail modern conveniences: 71. and laylor St.. 1 block from Portland Hotel. .Dissslta Helllg Theater. Phone Mala 1V RAINIER HOTEL. On block from Union Depot; 140 outside ooma, witn nw wuu t. " --- - eat- offers special laves iw frauaw... seats: rates 60s to $2 a day: 1 40 aad Zb per week. Pbon. Main 41. VAN GORDER HOTEL. 16a Twelfth St. Marshall X.. 1b heart of buslneas district: stasia hav Hot and cold water, fr. phone la .vary room : tl day and up; 4 week and bp. " iEaLUMET HOTEL. 1 Park st. Mas rooms, bot and. cold water, steam beak .levator and all modern conveniences; li par month and up: qui.t and comfortable, i ' THE L1NDKLI Larg pleasant front rooms, easy walk Ins distance, all home conveniences. 1 . ITJu to 4 per week. 328 th at. Main 15511. HOTEL NORR1S. modern convenience. to lu week. 13. v. Aider, corner inti- ; DO TOU want a good room In a good loca tion at a low rate? Try Hotel Larrabee. 2-j7Vs Larrabee St. .A cr-.E elegant front rooms, $a. (4. li. Alder-C.rand. li?1 A Grand ave. t l KN rooms, cenlrailv located, hy week or month; 1 40 up. 4S2 Waab. iu. 112 Rooms Now Opa HOTEL BTRON. HOTEL CAPLXSt 8evanth and Taylor Sta. Residential and transient; b?ItJ central; two minutes from PoetoCflce. a tores, tbeatera sod restaurs ts; Juat oa business treats and carlinaa: quietest and r.t locaMon buidtoua brick, smpia ateam heL hot running water and pbonti In every room, suites and private baths, lerstor. Reputa bl and com for tab la. From loo daily. H weakly. Any car from aepota. THE SARGENT HOTEL, . Grand and Hawthorne Avenues. For rent, the finest corner, parlor. room and bath suite in the city. rooms, beautifully furnished, nine uu, iiiic view oi ail w " . . , I ome ingfe rooms, elevator service, tele ( phone, hot and cold water, electric tign' . and .team heat: moderate prlc? tor de sirable tenant. Elgnt atreetcar line. j--the bul'.dlng. It you are looking lor permanent, home-like- quarters, be sur. and Inspect the Sargent before locating. Excellent restaurant In connection wim hotel. Telephone Ban 21. , J.- H. CLARK. PROPKIETOR. NOW OPEN I NOW OPEN1 NOW OPEN! The tore beautifully (urniahed hotels - HOTEL. HOTEL, HOTEL, VINOOK. PARSONS. ROWLAND J'3r, 4th at. ZtlV, 4th St. 207 4th St. On Fourth st.. running from Taylor ta Salmon au: brand-new brick: elegantly furnished, steam heat, private baths, bot and cold water In all rooms; strictly up to tjat. in all respects, and at popular prices. If you want something out of tha ordinary, in tha heart of too city, at rea sonable prices, give us a call, as wa know you will like It. Rooms by tha day. wssk or month. Tourist trade aollclted. ANGELA HOTEL. 2. Washington St. Under New Management. Largs lobby, finished in mahogany, tile and marble: Iadlea' parlor with elegant .fireplace; free telephone service in rooms, all night anr! day. electric elevator, steam heat, hot and cold water in all roo.Tns. many with bath. A residential hotel abov. reproach, where every effort Is made for the comfort and convenience of Its guests; rents the most reasonable .in the city; rooms by the day, wetk or month. Look this over before locating. Take W car at depot, get off at mh and Washington. HOTEL SAVON. 181 Eleventh Street, New. modern brick building: steam heated, private baths, hot and cold wata ln rooms; beautifully furnished, cosy, com. fortable. rent reasonable. call and Vs Begu lar and transient trade solicited. GRAND UNION HQTEL, i57. East Burnslda. Live on the Eastlde and ssve money en your room real; we huve I'M mod era rooms, special price on rooms and suites with private bath; rates &uo to Sa per dsy; $2 to fl per week. East J84U: B 137J. HOTEL GARLAND, 20 Trinity Place, cor. Washington; new brick, steatn-neated building, private telephones; stnotly mod ern: rates, fo.oO week up; permanent aad transient solicited. x-mrnl.heti Aivoms In xrlvai. family. NICE, clean rooms, with all modern con veniences, use of piano if desired, walk ing distance, rcasiJliable. 4 .xorth loth, i'none A o04.. 47- SALMON; nice :arge front room suita ble for 2; good -.board, modern conven iences; close in; reasonable. phone Marshall 4iJ. 147 6TH. NEAR College, 1 large front room, 1 single room, S3- and S2 per week respectively; meula if desired; 10 minutes from Oregonian. liESlUARLE room In modern steam-heated apt., ii tloor, flat D, 4tW Jcffersun at. 1-nono Main 7-f4. NICELY furnished front room; also attl; routu, 57 Trinity 1'lace, between 1'Jth .u 1'uth. NICELY furnished -400111, use of parlor and piano; ail modern conveniences. ITU Irv ing. NICK1.Y furnished room; modern conven iences; centrally located; reasonable. 4u4 Clay, near lotlu . ONE large front roum for rent to gentle man or -lady; IJ.itl a week. S47 14th. corner Market. 1 LARt'lK iveil-furnl.'hed room In refined Jew ish tamtly. Ituiuiro 410 chamber of Commerce. NICELY' furnlsherj loonitr at S1.7S per week upfaiso transltnta 12 liilisL PLEASANT front room,, use of piano, walk- nsf distance. 08I lotn st. ROOM for a gentlemsif in a strictly prl viie Jewish family. Marshail 17SJ. LARGE, pi asant room with use of kitchen. Vtry reasonable, -till 12th st. LIOHT. ah-y rooms, large and nicely fur nlsned, go. 00 per weeK. 1S1 llth. LARGE, pleasant front room, all conven iences; best location, $J week. -ij J4th. NI'-'ELY" furnished front bedroom, ?6 month. 441 tast7lh stSouth. SMALL bedroom for gentleman ; .ti per month. 414 Salmon st. YOl' will like this large, pleasant room; gaa, bath: $10. 447 ftth. . BEArTlKLL large front room: weekl: smaller one. ?J. lhonc. tiO.'i aelnngton. . uoiii. WitL Asusird. NOW OPEN' NOW OPEN: NOW OPEN! THE PARK VIEW. Corner West Park and .Montgomery sts. l-'ainily boarding-house, rlchiy furnished and running water iu all looms, private Dalhs. private ParK, and Ices a largo pun He park; a hoincliko place witli a, view that Is iinsval""""" ln aj' -city, rales ranging from x:K to icl a month. Call and w, ale at your service, l'hone Main lljSS. all Montgomery at, ' XOiS a home appeal to you? THE WHITE HALL, cor. 6th and Madison; large room a bath, broad veranda, quiet, close In. neas car. 4 blocks from P. O. American plan. MANlTOU, SSI JJTH ST. Attractive, clean rooms. steaoi baa. good board, close In, reaaonaole. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 23d year. Kooma with board, use of sowing-room, li brary. 610 f landers. Mrs. E. N. Wilson, supt ROOM and board for young women,' 3 perj week, new nouae, wuu . m.ouv. No. 12 E. 7th st. South. THE LAMBEKSON. W4 Couch at very ds sitatie outside rooms, steam beat, ma waler, .rood board, close In. LA ROE. sunny front room for ' or 3 gen tlemen, excellent tanle. reasonable. 33 N. 17th St. ELEGANT room, failing the park. A-l board, reasonable. 374 Park. 41 MADISON ST., cor. 10th. one large dou ble -loom with board. .Main Usj. ROOMS with board, 71J Flanders. M. lit". Rooms With Board la rrtvato Family. VERY desirable rooms, with hot and cold running water. - bath and shower adjoin- ' ing with sleeping orch. home cooking, 2 minutes' walk 10 car and 10 minutes' walk to Washington st. 7'.'5 Prospect drive, Portland Heights. Main 10s7. NICELY' furnished room .with board for 1 or 2 In private hopie; largo bay window facing park: modern conveniences, uso of piano, etc., 1 uiw.. " . Main 4S04. CLE.N rooms, two meals, good, whole some food, home cooking, home privileges, bath and phone, good Summer psace. walk ing dlstan.e. 2o per month and up. M. 47il. 4Q5 W. Park. ' " A GOOD HOME In best West Side location for one or two voung or middle-aged men; steam heat, elecrric lights snd best home cooking, 4 week. auMaln st. ' VEnir PLEASANT ROOM with board, pleasant location, walking distance; mod em conveniences: hours privileges; best home cooking. Main 3-SO. i0 -PLEASANT front rooms ;or two, $40; clean, new. modern house; single beds. M 17th. near Everett. ROOM and board. Ea.t Side: three meais. early breakfast, state price. Address H io. Oregonlan. W ANTED Two boarders In private family with use of large modern house, lawn and library. Main DU2J. BL'NVY corner room with board, suitable for 'n; or two, 10 per month. Main 3304. - uoi 6th st. ; WILL take care of two children at my home; for particulars call up Columbia r3s. t x HfiE suite of rooms: private bath: also othe? rooms; excellent board. 2CH N 22d, between Kearney and Lovejoy. A i2o0. ROOM and board for 2 in private family; 1 nl..nn hath BnH nhnna use 01 pariui. ''.;-'. - Phone tseiiwoou. 29. pi k ASANT rooms, single or en suite; excal- lent ooara. o-o nor iw with connecting bedroom, excellent R"dnorches and grounds. Main 2071. fvTELLEXT board and rooms: wish three .mploycd. Too Flsnders. vponT roins. suitable for gentlemen: mod ern, prlvato house, nice yard. 431 Market. FirfST-OLAsS room and board in private family. MS Yamhwist vi viiLK and double rooms, with board. $5.50 uV Marshall J193. -1 llth St. NEWLY board. "fnenlshed. modern rooms, with 17 1 !a'. near iitn. "iN".LE roo:n. private home, ror oung " ruan; f-2.00 P'-T mouth. 7S7 Glisan. Now Open- TWO nicely furnished rooms, one front room and ono adjoining bath, sultablo for one or two; good board; two in family. Caii at 5J2 Clay at. Apart merits. CARMEL1TA. Jefferson and 13th. Sts. 1 J, 4 and 5-Room Apartments." Unfurnished. Exceptionally Low Summer F.ates. Janitor Service Unexcelled. New, Strictly Modern. References. Phone Main S'.'GS. THE WHEELDOS. Cor. Park and Taylor sta THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Cor. Tenth and Salmon sta Walking Distance. Furnished complete, 2. 8 and 4-room apartments: buildings new and stxlotly modern; service first-class. - THB AMERICAN. ' " v Most up-to-date apartment In .th? Northwest; every convenience: 4 and 6 rooms, all outslda sunny rooms: -new; walking distance. 21st and Johnson sta: choice residence district; attendant on premises. Marshall 3360. THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sts.: this new 4-story brick now open; fur nished and unfurnished in 2. 3 and 4-room suites: reception hall, electric automatic elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built in buffet and writing desk, gas range, loe box, plenty of closet rooms, both phones, v- vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you want something nice, come to the Barker: i a-room basement apartment. $15. Phones A 1744. Marshall 2961. THE VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Jn.t completed, mdst magnificently fwr. Dished apartments In the Northwest; loca tion perfect; rentals reasonable; .vary modern convenience. Including banquet hall and root garden; both phones In all apartmenta: high-class service: reference required. M.m 227B and A 7057. HEINZ APARTMENTS 14th and Colom bla. 4 blocks south from Morrison st.1 pew brick building, completely flrst-elasa furnished in 2. B and 4-room family apart ments; private bath, steam heat, bot wa ter, elevator, free phone, vacuum cleaner. Janitor service; rent per month, 2H 3. 140 and up; must b. seen to be appra clated. NEWLY' furnished The'-Upshur, 2lth and Upshur sts.. furnished 2-room apartments, 13, $18. 20 and up. This Includes steam 'heat, hot and cold water In every apart ment, private phones, public bath, electric lights, gas range, laundry-room, all free; also 3-room unfurnished apartments, with private bath. $18; 4 rooms. $20. Take S, 23d or W cars north. Phone Main 8a. TRINITY PLACEAPARTM ENTS. brick and stone palace of luxurious homes. Trinity Place, between 19th and 20th streets. Just off Washington; magnificent axcluslv apartmenta In beart of apartment-house district; rentals reasonable; every modern convenience; aleeplng porches, high-class service; refined clientele; reference re qulrd in all casea Mrs. A. N. Wright, supt. phon. Marshall 110L HANOVER FIREPROOF APARTMENTS. King and Washington sts., now ready. New tf-story reinforced concrete build ing, only tlreproof apartment-house in Portland; every possible convenience, elec tric elevator, bestl of service, private bal conies, easy walking distance; 2, 8, and 4-room apartments, $22.51 UP. IN SMALL, well-kept apartment-house minutes' walk from. Morrison st. One very large, well furnished 4-room apartment, on liist floor. One small, airy furnished apartment of 4 rooms, first floor. One 2-room apartment, light and cOmmo (1 ious. on third floor. 34ts 4tli St. ' -"f HE CAM A Re ! 704 Love.oy St. Under new management: new, modern . brlek. 2, Z and 4-room apartments, fur nlyhod or unfurnished; we will rent you apartments 23 per cent cheaper than any place In tho ci"y; good janitor service. Give us a call ana be convinced. Mar. 2111. LUCRET1A COURT. Lucretia St., Nwir 23d and Wash. Unfurnished apartments, from two to Ave rooms, all large, light and outside; large closets, hardwood noora; under new management. Marchall 1613. Janitor, Mar shall looo. Itl ENA VISTA. CORNER 12T11 AND HARRISON. NEW BRICK. 2, 3 and 0-room apartments, furnished or unfurnished: good service. Apply, on premises to Janitor. Both phones. KING HILL APARTMENTS. 171 KING ST. 4. C, a-room apartments; select tenancy. Appiy en premises. GRANDEST A furnlsned apartmenta Grand s ave. and East stark; new brick building, g rooms, splendidly furnished, wltb pri vate bath. $27.60; electric elovator; mod ern conveniences; ciose-in location; aaay wslklng distance; best of service. ST. CROIX Apartments, St. Clair St., near Wasoington; 2 and 3-room apartmenta with private oath, furnished and unfur nished; superb location, easy walking dis tance, brick building; convenient arrange meat, beat of service and very low rent. 6T. FRANCIS APARTMENTS. list and Hoyt; 4 rooms and bath, private balcony, new brick building, electrlo elevator, su perb location, in walking distance; most convenient arrangement, low tent and oast of service. . THE SL'N LIGHT APTS. Nicely furnished, 3 looms, $23; all out side, large, light, airy rooms, private phone and batn. gas range, refrigerator, water heater, launury traps, large closets, on carTltie, East Side. Tabor 22W, B 341. J&EBLER APARTMENTS. 14tn and Clay etreela, Splendid location, solid brick building, electric elevator: we have unfurnlsbed J and 4-room suites, wltii private vestibules, unones. bath, etc KOSEFRIENl) APARTMENTS. 7TH AND JEFFERSON A HIGH-CLASS 3-rooin unfurnished apartment for rent to desir able tenants. Apply at manager's office, in the building. " THE LUZEUNbL Jnst completed, corner 3d and Hall; all 2-room furnished apt., large outslao kitchens, best arranged apts. in Portland. 125 and up. Easy walking distance. CECILIA APARTMENTS,. 22d and Gilaaa at.- best of service; desirable location, with unexcelled car service; also easy walking distance; 3-room apt wltb bata, modern conveniences, very reasonable rant. PENINSULA APARTMENTS Modern besTu tiful Summer home; furnUheG and unfur- , . . ., , . tilt tn sv-. -r 1. .,. sissippl or L car, got off at Kllliugawortii ave. Phone C 11707 tllCIID IT.1T HAWTHOf.NE AVE. AND 6TH FT. New. modern building; new furniture: 3-room apartments; wanting distance, or best car service. " THE WESTFAL APARTMENTS. 410 5th st. 6 minutes' -Walk, brick building, nicely furnished 3-rooin apart ments, private bath, phone, elevator; low. .at rates In Portland. Main 2071). A 2038. THE ARCADIA. 706 EVERETT ST. Nicely furnished 2-room apts., $22.50 and $2.': also 3-room, $30 lo $:o; modern. Main p2fo. . 1001. 1 HE ojui r.i lTiiK Belmont, cor. .j!tli St., completely rnlshed 2-room apts.. $1S and S2U. Jit. .. ., j sji.nnv.iile cars. tiirnisneo. -n-i-.i. . - Tabor and sunnysiur c. leon CK. i -z-.jrr": ".,,. :,..' Johnson. beauuiuny 0 ' " vale bath and phone; S2J...U, 3 rooms $3 i:'K HARTFORD APTS. 21st and Flande suite; prl- 130. BUCK HARTFORD APT 'landera Under new manageiue- 'jura at an modern, walking distance. Main 2 42. THE-MORTON. haement a Washington Modem room basement apartment, very rcaso na- ble; bollf phones. one and J wo rooms v jiuut.i.' -- -.-...- ,,, . . - V PTS lth to kitchenelte, -.". g'0 month. 61) Grand ave. N. wan oeus. bath: gl" Jan MARCO APTS E. Sth and Couch, new brick, modern, pr'v"te ba'a and phonos, 3 rooms, $23. Call E. 27ol. tor RENT A basement apartment at Lu cretia Court. Lucretia at., near 23d ana Washington. IRIS. COR. D AND MILlT A mnn & 1-OOms: mnria-n bath. porch,walkngdlstance, 233- H ive. all. ONEONTA Apartment. jt, 17th sL; sleep ing rooo'ei -. iv eou. JulTaETTE Furnished and unfurnlsae rooms. Corner 2d and Montgomery. d THE PARK APARTMENTS. 3C3 Harrison St. Phone. Marshall 3070. THE ELM 2 and 3-room apts.. furnished heat, phone and bath. 101 14th st. KRY N M AWS. IS East I.ith. near Tamhill, ' ; outside rooms, ovei fine lawn, porch. ORLANDO 'APARTMENTS. 20TH ANDey,-. SHINGTON STS. UNSURPASSED LOCATION. NEW, MANAGEMENT. Steam-heated. .CLEAN, light, well-furnished 2 and 3-room apartments at abso lutely lowest prices consistent with first class service and equipment. Kvery convenience, including elevatoi service." private telephones. HOT water al all hours, excellent closet room, laundrj with steam dryer. Handsome entrance and wide halls: .beautifully carpeted and well lighted. ORLANDO APARTMENTS, 20TH AND WASHINGTON STS. ARTJMAT TERRACE. 12th and Harrison. Now ready for tenants, 2 ndi -room apartments, living rooms ItlT 2v. high and sightly; well furnishert with everything that goes to make high-class apts.; llth or 13lh-s car. ALTON I A APARTMENTS. Murshall and 19th. Jrge. airy 2. 3 and 4-room apart ments; quiet and exclusive neighbor hood. NOKOMIS. ' Marshall, near 17th St. NEW. Attractively room apartments, bachelors. . furnished. 2 Servic for WELLINGTON COURT, lMh and Everett Sta "New management; 2, . 4 or 5room n -furnished apartments. Tho best apart ments in the city for the money: the have all modem conveniencea. ara cloo In. neat and homelike. Don't fall to inspect them before locating. If furnished apartment Is desired, can arrange this oa small monthly payment with rent, tenant eventually owning furniture at sam monthly cost as furnished apartmenta. FORDHAM APARTMENTS. 170 Ford st. Just south of Washlngtaaj most -complete, highest class apartment ever built ln Portland: finished throng-bent In hardwood; tiled baths, superb fixtures- elegant wall coverings: each wltb private balcony; highest class servlc: very reasonable rents; 4 and o-roone apartments; most conveniently arrango THE EVERETT, 644 Everett st. New and elegantly furnished apart ments: S rooms, reception hall and sleep-Ing-porch; automatic electrlo elevator and private Pacific telephone; located In on of the choicest residence districts, sur rounded by elegant homes; walking dis tance THE DEZENDORF. SOS 1STH ST., N EAR TAYLOR ST. El.Eill.NT 4 AND 5-ltOO.M UNFUR NISHED APARTMENTS. APPLY ON PREMISES FOR RESERVATION'. 4-ROOM apartment wilh private bath $."! all outside rooms, splendid view; modern; convenient arrangement; superb location; close to Postofflce; also 3-room apartment; best of service. The Sheffield, 7th and Jet ferson a'ts. ; CUMBEIILAXD APTS., West Park and Co lumbia sts.; 1 choice 3-room unfurnished and 1 completely furnished 2-room apart ment: all modern conveniences: choice lo cation, fronting the park and only 6 min utes' walk from business center. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. Ford st., near Washington: select resi dence district: a 3-room apartment, with balcony; all conveniences of the best-class apurtnients. Main S8.1. A 744. GRACE APT;., 7H7 Northrup St., corner "4th 5 large rooms, hardwood floors, front veranda, largo sleeping porch, private telephone, wator, heat and hot water; new and strictly modern. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. New brick, corner 3d and Montgomery, furnished 2-room apartments. private bath, phone and elevator, close In; no children; $25 up. Main 040a. HANTHORN APARTMENTS. Ml 13th St. near Main: close In location: elegant 1 room apartment wltb bath and prlvata balcony. $! Every convenience, good service. THE M KINLEY APARTMENTS. Fast 7tli and Morrison, most centrally located- 2 and 3-room apartments, fur nished up to date; private bath; moder ate rates. THE MARLBOROUGH. 6-room apartment, choice residence dis trict walking distance, every convenience 21st'and Flanders sts. Main 7513. WINSTON Apartments. 341 14th at Market; new corner brick; all bright, out side rooms; 2 and J-room suites com pletely furnished for housekeeping; 123 to $$7.60. For information call Main 179. LINllQLN APTS.. COR 4TH AND LINCOLN. Vll outside, 2-room apartments; Holmca beds built-in writing desks, vacuum clean er t'anitor service; $22.50 to $.10. Including "i-hts, private phones. A 3472. Main 1377. CI AYPOOLE FURNISHED APARTMENTS, llth and Clay: 2-rooin apartmenta fur nished, with prlvato bath; all conve niences; good service; easy walking dis tance; very reasonable rent. iiAUISON PARK APAKTMaNIS. Park and Madison at. For rent, 3 and 4-room furnished sn4 unfurnished spartmanta. strictly modern. "NORTHAMTON APARTM ENTS. walking distance; 2 rooms, elegantly f...n?shed. Phone Main 429'J. THE FLORE.NCHi .ew arm absolutely first-class i and 4-room furnished apart ment. $32- u- 188 Uth Marshall 4174. THE CHETOPA. 18th and Flanders. 2, and 4-room modern apartments, furnished and unfurnished, $20 up; new furnituia JnJ new building. Apply to tho Janitor. tTii.-- MEilEDITH. 712 Washington su. ST t and 4-room apts.. hardwood floors, with every convenience, newly furnished; cheap est rent In the city. KOK RENT Finest 2 and 3-rooin apts. in the city for the price. Summer rates; all modern Nob Hill distrlcL Fhone Mar shall 2o03. ADDON HALL, Cor. Hall and llth St. 1 sod 4-rm, suites. $20 up; beautifully furn hardwood floors, private porcne. nhones. bath. Mt. Tabor car. Mar. U.V FVKLYN APARTMENTS. 207 N. 21st St. - room furnished or unfurnished npurt- o-IOOm . 1 'IV'l ment. an uioue. - ,. C. , ..j aSD. 18th Lovejoy Unfurnished .Trmti- modern, new brick; must be seen i.VjyVppreelated. Main 1887. A 18d7. " ' BERYL APARTMENTS. Burnished and unfurnished apartmenta .f"'.i.y st. Take "W" car. Till-- LILLIAN. 6TH AND MONTGOMERY, l-roolii tarnished apts.. private bath and r,,ne walking distance. Marshal 1 l a7S. virwrASTLE. 402 3d St.; housekeeping, and sleeping rooms: $2 per week; Iran- sienta 50c. n. y i well-furnisbcd four-room apart- MAPjnlyJanltor, 171 King st. FUU. HOLLADAV ADDITION room modern unoe'r flat, sleeping porch, 5 blocks from new Steel bridge. 262 1 E. 2d st. North, corner MultnomahsL Phone East 204'). NEW upper modern sunny flat. 6 rooms and two sleeping porches; very desirable: op posite new Multnomah Club; $10. lniuire 5S0 Salmon st. $13 MODERN 4-room upper flat, porch, basement, yard. sunny and pleasant, adult-. 780 Williams ave. Woodlawo 42a FURNISHED 5-room flat, with sleeping porch, heat and light.. Call lot E. 12th or phone E. 24:j1. . MODERN" five-room lower flat, furnace, fire place, R35; uper flat. 9 rooms. $15; very close In. Phone East HI'. FOR RENT Swell J-room modern flat. 444 Park St., furnace and fireplace, 50. no children; Phone Tabor 7o3 or East 14il. moiiPRN new. tl-room upper flat. West side select neighborhood, hardwood floors, sleeping Pcplae-eJllarshall 2624. Riwi MARKET ST. 5-rootn. modern flat. $3i 6 ne, monthf key at 502 Portland Trust Company. 3d and uaa. frBiHED flat or room to rent. 19th a Davis: West Side. Phone A-7131, Marsh 19th and il 7H7. References.- a ROOM fur. flat, porch, large yard, line view. 001 Davenport, cor. Patton road. Take P H. car to rprius .i. -. ROOM flat for rent. cor. E. 14th and i"dison Ets.. .1 bloek north Hawthorne 'Ire. Phono Sellwood 611. vor Hill flat, I rooms, fine yard, splendid neighborhood. 775 Vi Johnson St.. beL 23d and .ftth. Main 5591. 1& Modern 4-room lower liat, 62S East Main. Phone East flf7. NOB HILL: modern 6-room upper flat, ' sleeping porch. Main 858. MODERN 5-room fiat. 5th. near Jackson. West Side. IO mln. walk. Main or A 1223. LA RGE 5-room lower flat. $22 Northrup sr. Main 6475. MODERN fe-room flat, t'ood attic, easy wa!k- distance. 470 7Ui St. Marshall 13:::.- IX-HQi')! flat for 25 at a.'iO Second st. J MODERN 6-room flat. Phone East ISO."