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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1912)
TTIE .MORNTXG OTtEGOXIANY FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1913 13 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OKEGOMAX TELCraONES. Pnstln-rKra City trcu:attm Managing Kdltor ....... urdav Editor Ltmpoftn g -room . eupanaiaadant building ..Main Ti70 A Mam Ti70 A ..Main TOTO A " ..Main ToTO A l"5 . .Main ""TO A ..Main IWiO A UVS AJnCSKMEXTS. HEri.ra THEATER (Srnib aril Taylor) Wil.lam livmhun and Julia Opn. In tha musical comedy. -Tna Faun." tonight at a. IX BAKER THEATER (Ovonth and Morrl- loni Piker Stovk Company In the play. -Tna witching Hoar." Tonight at 1:13. OHPHEfll THEATER (Morrison. Btw.n sum and Barents) Vaudavllla. Thla aft- taraoon at and tonight at SIS o'clock. IMPRESS THEATER Park and Waahlns- lon Vaudavilla. Thla afternoon at 2:14. tonight at I Jo and S o'clock. TANTAGES THEATER Seeenth and Al- dar Vaudevi'l. Thla afternooa at z:l& tonight at T;o and o'clock. LTrtro THEATER (Fourth and "taTk aluatcal comedy. "Tha Inventors." Thla afternoon at 2 ID and tonight at T:l aad 13 o'clock. PEOPLES. STAR. ARCADE. OH JOT. TIVOL1 AND CRYSTAL t'lrat-rua plo- turea. 11 A. U.-ll P. M. RECREATION PARK (Twenty-fourth and Vaugnn, tieeha:l. -an Franrlaoo vs. Portland, tbla aliernoon at o clock. ata liad,d far Ike City Moara i aaday-a km el ha Ike Oeeglaej !! aaTtra hr a'ceark ealarelaur evealag. a i 7-t Two Prom i?c ext Mimstcrs Comiho. Rev. S. W. fMitun. who haa accepted call to the Hope Presbyterian Church ft Montavllla. la a prominent minister of Eastern Oregon, and has been sta tioned at Baker City for soma time. Rev. Mr. Seeman was moderator of the Oregon Presbyterian Synod. He takes the place of Rct Henry I Nave, the former pastor of Hope Church, who died suddenly while attending the Cilpay 8mlth meetings last year. Rev. H. M. Mount, former pastor of Central Presbyterian Church, of Kugene. comes to Portland to accept a call to the Vernon Presbyterian Church. Rev. William Paraons. of the Third Church, soe-eeded Rev. Mr. Mount at Eugene. So far no paator has been called for the Third Church, although several ministers are under consideration. Ji-ri.-tiu Fair Datb Set. The Juve nile fair for the children of the 12 schools of the Sandy Valley haa been set for the last week of August, to be held In Sarvdy. Most of the children will take part In this contest. The exhibit wll Include agricultural pro duce from the garden grown by the children. The children will put up fruits In cans and make Jellies of all kind. In the matter of handiwork prises will be given for dressmaking, mending and repairing. Ducks, chicken and pigs will be raised (or the best of which prizes will be given. Prises ranges from 1 up to 13 cash. The principal prise la trip to the Oregon State Fair. FCWBR ExTnNSlOX - PLANNED. The East Thlrty-thlrd-street sewer exten sion of the Sullivan's Gulch system has been planned, and the cost is esti mated at 1104.476 for lock-Joint and brick and concrete sewers, while the reinforced concrete and vitrified sewer pipe. It Is estimated, will cost 1111.19a. These plans were drawn In accordance with the requirements of the competi tive ordinance. The district is between East Thlrty-tMrd and East Thirty-seventh streets north of Sullivan's Gulch. Connection will be made with the Sul livan's Uulcb sewer system at East Thirty-third street. rV)DL Tracks Started. The Portland Railway. Light & Power Com pany has started relaying its double tracks on Milwaukle street, between Holsate street and By bee avenue, without waiting for the passage of the franchise on that street. Work has been starte.I at Holgate street. Con siderable grading has already been done by the Independent Paving Com pany, which has the contract for the Improvement of Milwaukle street to Nehalem avenue In Sell wood. Holt Names Sk-ictt to Orhanixe. Rev. Father Edward Cantwell will preach at both masses In the Church of the Madeline next Sunday morning, and then formally establish a Holy Names Society. At the conclusion of the public services an Informal social will be held In the assembly hall, which will be attended by the neighboring clergymen and representatives from other parishes, who will assist In the organization of the new Holy Names Society In this parish. CHILXRE. PaTROXISK RltOOKLTM Ll- prart. Children are the principal patrons of the Brooklyn Branch Li brary established at the corner of Mil waukle and Powell streets. It Is de sired that the adults of the community should patronize the library. A con siderable number of adults continue to no to tha main 1-lhrarv hiiildlnff-. Ignoring the Brooklyn Branch Library. Books not kept In stock In the Brooklyn Library will be obtained from the main Library. Mrs. GttrruArHES fcTii.L. Wiak. There Is little change In the condition of Mrs. Grltsmarher. wife of ex-Chief of Police C. Grltimacher, who has been very seriously III at the Mount Tabor Sanitarium for several months. A new remedy Xor cancer has been used for some time and seems . to have checked the progress of the cancer, yet her physical condition remains about the same and there Is little hope of her recovery. WOOnSTCK-K ClRCtB to Mret. The April meeting of the Woodstock Circle will be held this afternoon at I o'clock In the school building. Miss Williams from the domestic science department of Washington High School will give Instruction on "How to Make and I'se a Home-Made Ftreless Cooker." The lecture Is free and visitors are wel comed. Warxtxo to BrtaNEsa and Honest Workio Mrs Word has gone down the line In certain quarters to sacrifice all other offices except that of Sheriff, but to stand by the candidate for this office who has the Indorsement of the I. W. W. and anarchists. "Anything to beat Worth" Is their slogan. (Paid adv.) Realty Board to Hear Ann km a. "Portland's Foundation" Is the subject of an address to be given before the Portland Realty Board today by E. L. Thompson, of Hartman Thompson. T. M. Word will be chairman of the . meeting. The mooting will be held In the Hotel Multnomah at 13:15 o'clock. T. W. C. A. Greek Tea Room Meu. Friday. April 1: Cream of potato aoup. bouillon, roast beef, baked hali but, chicken pie. hot slaw, tomato and spaghetti, grapefruit, fruit, crab and Hindu salad, bangor pudding, whipped cream, rhubarb pie. Ice cream with cake. Woodstock Bridoi Dasosrous. The bridge across the ravine on East Forty-first street, between Holgate street and Woodstock Is In a dangerous condition. Large holes have been broken tn the surface of the bridge on the east side of the streetcar track. Mosek. Gua C Moser for State Senator, lawyer, booster, progressive; Statement No. L good roads, a greater Oregon. Interstate bridge, economy, efficiency. No. 7 on ballot. (Paid adv.) Ticket for Kathleen Lawler Belcher's concert at Ellers, Sherman. Clay A Co.'s. Graves and Wiley B. Allen music houses. Prices: fl and II.SO. MrtTiroMAH Cor-icrr haa the best roads In the West. Vote for the man who built them. W. L. Lightner for County Commissioner. (Paid adv. The east, west and south are for North, ballot No. lis. (Paid adv Soatuk. today all day. Oaa JjUoJu 1 North, ballot No. ill, CTakl adv A Denote Bid Is Rejected. The sale a few days ago of a quantity of worn-out machinery and old metal at public auction at the water works shops In Alblna was repudiated by the City Water Board Yesterday afternoon. because they believed the bids too low. Mr. Bard e. of the second-hand ma chinery firm of M. Barde 4 Son. ap peared before the Board and protested against the confirmation of the sale. He said the aggregate bids were too low by 11000. The bids amounted to II8S1. To show his good faith he gave certified check for 12000. agreeing to take the material at that figure hlm seif should the city be unable to se cure more than $2000 at another auction. Upon this showing by Mr. Barde. the Board decided to reject the bids and advertise another auction. Tanxer Creek Sewer Impaired. The Tanner Creek sewer Is In a bad con dition and In at least one place Is In danger of collapsing, according to a report submitted to the sewer com mittee of the City Council by City En gineer Hurlburt yesterday afternoon. Mr. Hurlburt augmented his report with a verbal statement to the effect that he did not believe the sewer adequate to fulfill the needs of the territory It drains. The report was referred to City Attorney Grant, with a request for an opinion as to the legality of further assessments of the contingent property owners for its reconstruction. FOKXIOMKJU MCST RESPECT Fl-AO In view of the agitation of malcontents against the American flag. H. B. Hazzard. naturalization examiner, will have a huge one spread behind Judge Kavanaugh's desk when the usual list of aliens come up Saturday for exami nation aa to their fitness to receive final papers. The object Is to question the applicants closely concerning the Stars and Stripes and endeavor to gain Information aa to what their real senti ments are regarding It. Mr. Hazard Is prepared to resist the application or any man who does not convince mm of his belief that there is no other flag on earth which compares with It. Model Liquor Law Questioned. If it Is found that the contention of Wll llam P. Adams, secretary-manager of the wholesale liquor firm of Henry Fleckensteln ez Co, made before the liquor license committee of the City Council yesterday, be correct, all new licenses for retail family liquor stores granted by the committee since the model Honor ordinance went Into effect. April 1 of last year, pre In valid, and the stores will have to elim inate their liquor department. The committee will obtain an opinion from the City Attorney. Divorce Miix Grinds. Testimony tending to show that George O. Mc- Croskey bad paid too much attention to other women induced Presiding Judge Kavanaugh yesterday to allow Annie 1 McCroskey, his wife, a decree of divorce yesterday morning. Other divorces granted were: Angela from Vlte Deligio. cruel and Inhuman treat ment: Bertha from Pierce MeCleskey cruel and Inhuman treatment: Amanda E. from Aaron A. Nystl. desertion; Rachel E. from John C. Bates, vile names, cruelty. Southern Club to Dine. The Southern Club luncheon will be held at the Commercial Club. Saturday, at 11:30 P. M. Tom Richardson, the chairman of the day. announces a pro gramme as follows: "The Mountain White." by Dr. R. C. Coffey. "Just a Word" from Benjamin Tillman. Jr.. the son of Senator Ben Tillman, or bouth Carolina, and negro dialect songs and stories by those versed in that gentle art. All Southerners are invited with out further notice. Come and get ac quainted. Suptraob Forum to Meet. The next regular meeting of the Equal Suffrage Forum at the Olds. Wortman & King auditorium will be held tomorrow afternoon under the auspices of the Political Equality League. Mrs. Elisa beth Godding, editor of the woman's department of the Rural Spirit, will give "Glimpses of the Washington Campaign." Mrs. F. I. Lenn, the sec retary of the league, will speak on The Responsibility of Oregon Women." and also will give a reading by request of friends. Aberdeen Registers Protest. The Portland Commercial Club and the Chamber of Commerce have received a communication from the Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce asking them to publish the truth about the labor con ditions at Aberdeen. The letter says that there has been no violence of any kind for more than three weeks, that all the mills are running and that the owners wish to employ Americans, married men, when possible. Rural. Carrier Sentenced. Under Indictment for the misappropriation of moneys placed tn hla care. Melvln Alex ander, a young rural route carrier of Baker, pleaded guilty in the United States District Court yesterdsy and was sentenced to serve six months In the County Jail. The crime he committed waa to take money from people living along hla route, with which to purchase money orders and which he converted to bis own use. Services to Bb Held at Stnaoooub. Services will be neld In the Con gregation Ahaval Sholom Synagogue. Park and Clay streets', tonight at o'clock. Mr. Charles Roblson will ad dress the congregation: music by the choir. Tomorrow morning services begin at 9:10 o'clock!. Rabbi R. Abra- hamson officiating. Warxino to Business and Honest Working Mew. Word has gone down the line in certain quarters to sscrlfli-e all other offices except that of Sheriff. but to stand by the candidate for this office who has the Indorsement or the L W. W. and anarchists. "Anything to beat Worth" is their slogan. (Paid adv.) Services at Tempi.b Beth Israel. Services will be held this evening at Temple Beth Israel at 1 o'clock. The subject of Dr. Wise's sermon will be "Service." The quartet choir, under the direction of Mrs. Rose Bloch Bauer will be assisted by Miss Grace Jo sephine Brown. Edgar K. Coursen will preside at the organ. City to Settlm Damaob Cass. The Judiciary committee of the City Coun cil yesterday recommended that Mrs. Rose Fleischman, who broke several ribs and otherwise Injured herself as the result of tripping on a sidewalk February t. be awarded 1S0 damages. She had asked for $430. Lecture on Stevenson. Dr. C. H, Chapman will give a lecture this afternoon at S P. M. to the literature department of the Woman's Club, at Women of Woodcraft HalL The subject Is "Robert Louis Stevenson." The class In biology will meet with Miss Emma Wold, at 1 o'clock. Business Men require evidence of ability and Integrity from applicants for positions and prefer those who have had experience in the business. H. C Smith (Republican), for County Clerk, la experienced and qualified. Has made good as chief deputy. Ballot No. 134. (Paid adv.) Todat Held Leoal Houoit. Be cause of the primary election the Courthouse and the City Hall, aa well as other public places, will be closed today. Attorney-General Crawford has ruled that today Is a legal holiday. Vote No. 117. Dr. B Earl Smith. Republican candidate for Coroner; In dependent of any undertaker; indorsed by all the leading physicians. (Paid adv.) Frank S. Futld for ten year County Clerk is the Republican candidate for Secretary of State. Ballot No. tt. (Paid adv.) Repubucabs write In on your ballot, for Presidential elector, X McKlnley Mitchell. . (Paid adv.) Wanted. Baby girl for adoption. 4 to 12 months old. E $33. Oregonian. The east, west and south a Why Not Buy A Mortgage? There are a great many people who have money lying idle in the bank on which they might be making a goodly earning. Bat they are not famil iar with business meth ods and know little about real estate values or the legal matters connected with the making of a good loan on this security. We have mortgages for sale. Before the loans were made they were carefully investigated by our loan department. We can recommend the se curity in every case. These will net the investor 7 Per Cent Portland Trust Company of Oregon BANK Third and Oak St. T. R. WIRES TO OREGON VOTERS "No Midway Course" Says Colonel Roosevelt i Either a Reactionary or Teddy Will Be Nominated Taffs Managers Know This and Would Defeat End. Mant CALtroRNiANS Comino. In all the advertising matter belna; issued by the Panama-Pacific Exposition man- alters, as well as tne managers of other California festivals, the forth comlns: Rose Festival In Portland and the Klks" convention are belng-ex plotted. "California is booming; the festival and the Elks. Thousands of Callfornlans will be in Portland for both events." was the message re ceived at Elks' convention headquarters yesterday from Charles F. Trunk, rep resentative of the Elks' convention in the Coast Festival Association, recent ly organised at San Francisco. Alleged Bootlegger Arrested. Richard Shutte has been ' arrested at Klamath Falls on a charge of selling; liquor to an Indian on the Klsmath reservation. Deputy United States Marshal Griffiths has gone after the prisoner and he will be given a hearing after his arrival before United States Commissioner Cannon. Warning to Business and Honest Vorkino Men. Word has gone down the line In certain quarters to sacrifice all other offices except that of Sheriff, but to stand by the candidate for this office who has the indorsement of the 1. W. W. and anarchists. "Any thing to beat Worth" is their slogan. (Paid adv.) Vote W. Y. Masters. Circuit Judge, department No. 4; clean administration. (Paid adv.) The east, west and south are for North, ballot No. 119. (Paid adv.) NEW HOTELS. Speaking of hotel accommodations for the. Rose Show and Elks' conven tion, it Is well to know that the ele gant new. six-story fireproof hotel bulldine on the southwest corner of Sixth and Hoyt streets has been fully completed and leased to Henry Jen nlng & Sons, who are now busily fur nishing it in a first-class style. There are 175 rooms and 16 oatn- rooms, making It- one of the most com plete hotels in the city. It was built under the supervision of the C. K. Henry Company. There is now being completed tne Mallory Hotel, on Yamhill and Lowns dale streets, having 220 rooms with 111 bathrooms, magnificent lobby, dining-room and ballroom, as well aa arte, finely arranged billiard-room. This hotel, built by the Leonard Con struction Company, Is the most com plete private hotel on the Coast; ele gant in every particular; wholly fire nroof. Arrangements for leasing and furnishing are now under way. and it will be open in time for the Elks' con vention as the best furnished high class hotel In the City of Portland. C. K. Henry Company are looking after its erection, completion and leas ing". This building is so well constructed that it obtained the lowest rate of In surance of anv hotel tn the city. Theodore Roosevelt has addressed a special message to the people of Ore gon. It was wired yesterday from Fre mont. Neb., to former . United States Senator F. W. Mulkey. National Roose velt committeeman. Here It Is: FREMONT, Neb., April 17. I greatly regret that I am unable to speak in Oregon. As that Is impossible, owing to ray engagements in Nebraska and Kansas, I send this message of greeting to the progressives of Oregon. In this fight the votes of Illinois and Pennsylvania have made clear beyond the shadow of a doubt what had become fairly clear two months ago, namely, that the contest Is exclusively between the reactionaries who are supporting- Mr.. Taft and myself. Either a reactionary will be nomi nated or I will be nominated. No Midway Coarse. There Is no midway course. Mr. Taft's managers know this well, and in Oregon as well as elsewhere are encouraging every division in the progressive ranks, with the vain hope of damaging me. I am very certain, In view of the way things are now go. ing. that we shall be able to win progressive victory. I shall greatly re gret If the state of Oregon, which has taken so prominent a place in leading the progressive movement, should now fall to record Itself on the progressive side. Let me again call your attention to what has happened in the great states of Pennsylvania and Illinois. Either the man whom the progress. Ivea of Illinois, of Pennsylvania, of Vtalne and of Oklahoma have support ed will be nominated by the Chicago Convention, or else some man chosen by the bosses of the stamp of Messrs. Aldrich, Guggenheim, Tanney and Can non will be nominated. Tight Is Progressive. The fight is between these two forces, and In Oregon the hope of the Taft people rests purely in nominating any division which they think will in terfere with the movement for me and the progressive cause, as the progress ive cause is understood 'rom the At lantic to the Pacific. I am fighting for the progressive cause everywhere. In Maine and Maryland, exactly aa in Washington. Oregon and California. I believe we will win anyhow, but I shall be sorry If we have to win with out Oregon's help. THEODORE ROOSEVELT. (Paid Advertisement.) Genuine Holeproof Hosiery For men, women and chil dren. 6 pairs guaranteed 8 months. Country orders solicited. Or ders forwarded on request, with rules of self-measurement and samples. Today, Saturday and Monday We will show an exclusive line of Spring Suits and Overcoats. OUR OWN MAKE AT $15, $20 $25 and They're high grades; made specially for us, They have no equal. Every Suit or Over coat guaranteed by for quality and style. We also carry better grades, from $30 to $50. Let us be vour clothier you'll be satisfied. S. W. Cor. 4th and Morrison Women's and Misses' Man nish Coats for Spring; Wear. Portland's Fashion Center BROOK HATS Look Well Wear Better. Without a Peer, S3. 00 CHECK your baggage at home. Omnibus Transfer Co. 1882. Park and Davis sts. 6980. A 8322. Baggage & Established Phone Main Cord wood. 6Iabwood, CoaL Holman Fuel Co.. successors to Baa- field-Veysay Fuel Co. M. S53. A 3811. THEATRICAL MAN PASSES 11. B. Kauntlcroy Suffers Fatal At tack, of Heart Disease. H. B. Fauntleroy. for a number of years a theatrical man or v estern Washington, died at his residence, 11S5 Knowles avenue, yesterday morning- of heart disease. He was 60 years old. With his brother, F. Fauntleroy. he conducted a line of vaudeville houses in Everett. Port Townsend, Hoqulam, Aberdeen and other small towns in Washington. Before going to Wash ington about two years ago the Faunt- leroys were engaged in business in the East. Mr. Fauntleroy is survived by a brother, a sister and a mother, all living In Portland. The funeral will be held this afternoon at 3 o'clock from the Hemstock undertaking par lors, at Esst Thirteenth street and Umatilla avenue. PEN.-VEY BROS.' FRIDAY SPECIAL. We offer our $3 wines at S. a gallon: 81.60 wines at lie a gallon: Kentucky Whisky, seven years old, regular 34.60 at 33.60 a gallon; Ken tucky Whisky, regular 33.60, at 32.50 a gallon; 33 grade Whisky, 32.10 a gallon. Friday only. 379 E. Morrison st. Phones Eatit 287. B 2426. Free delivery. Do we want a member on the rivers and' harbor committee? Shepherd for Congress. Paid adv.) 0 a We print VOTE NUMBER 117 X. Harry CV McAllister for Sheriff. Hon est, earnest, energetic, competent, ifaia Adv.) re for I ' LI For the Fishing Trip Over Saturday and Sunday You can find a complete luncheon, to be cooked or al ready prepared. We make a special effort to carry just the thing to take with you, and not too heavy. Call and let us show you. L. Mayer & Co. Portland's Oldest and Best Grocers. 148 Third street. ' A 4432, Main 9432 WEEKLY SAVING ON REGULAR STOCKED GROCERIES s 3-lb cans Ghirardelli's Chocolate, tin 75 SifUd Sweet Peas, "Waldorf" Brand, reg. 20c, tin, now 15 Extra Sifted Peas, "Same Brand," regular 25c tin, 20 Queen Olives, extra large, reg. 35c pint 30J "Mayer's" Dill Pickles, reg 25o dozen 20i? Steero Boullion Cubes, reg. 35c tin 30 Duff Gordon Sherry, reg. $1.50 quart $1.25 Table Sauterne, reg. 75c quart bottle 70 JUST RECEIVED TO TICKLE THE PALATE : Brabanter Sardellen, Apetitsild, German Wiesbaden Strawberries and Raspberries, Also Melange (Fruits in Syrup suitable for Salads). VEGETABLE AND FRUIT DEPARTMENT "Get Our Trices." Green Peas, Cucumbers, Oregon Rhubarb, Los Angeles Head Lettuce, Celery Hearts, Young Spinach, New Potatoes, Oregon and California Asparagus. "We Deliver to All Parts of the City."" "OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH US." . Catalogs none Periodicals w Posters and General nJS Job Work T.WeBaIte$$eo. Tirst and Oak Streets rruis ms. Hn a 8 Mates Infection Impossible L' " fj SEALY- DRESSER I MAIN 7200 GROCERS, BAKERS, TEA AND WINE MERCHANTS. 233-290-292 STARK STREET A 6181 1 OREGON'S Reeosrnised Headquarters Best Things to Hat. TURKISH COFFEE 45c "The Zenith of Quality." FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS: JONES' DAIRY FARM PRODUCTS Last of the Season. Hams, per pound 25C Breakfast Bacon, pound 40 Buckwheat Flour, sk 90 ROYAL SALAD DRESSING Large siz, regular SOo; sp'1..40 Medium size, regular 25c, sp'I..20 Small lze, regular 10c, 3 for...25J BURNHAM'S CLAM BOUILLON- Mads from Eastern LlttlNeck Clams Large bottle, regular 60c, sp'1..45C Small bottles regular 25c, sp 1 'iOC DflTTCn PCCC Franco - Amer. Dell rUIItU DCCl clous for sand- in. wlches. per can lUu UtLUMUU O MEXICAN B K A NS. These are the genuine, packed In Texas by people, who know how. Ifln Special, per can, only I U HOM! MADI home comfort with our baking oc and 10c loaves. PUIPkTM DICC Th real good, old uniUM.n rlLO home-made kind that everybody likes. Two sizes 20c and 40c. CAI An? HOME-MADE AND VERY OMLMUO SUPERIOR. ROAST CHICKEN cioJsKA DELI' OMR. DDCAn Newcomers to Port- ADK untHU land will find great BISHOP'S CUP CHOCOLATE Contains both sugar and milk; 16 envelopes in parkape. Enough in envelope for one cup. Per Kflf Anne. ..20c Royal Very NABGB BLEND package DRIED CHERRIES fancy. Per pound. COFFEE RAJAH BLEND epcono,.a,nb.30c SULTAN BLEND .350 A masterpiece. Mocha and Jin Java flavor. Per pound "rUU FRKS H STRAWBKHHIKS. FLORIDA (.HAFKKKUT. HKHMI UA OMOXS. U.OHIIH KH l"OTTOKS. C ALIFORNIA KKW IMITATORS. FA.M V HOOD HIVKIt ASPARAGUS. t-HKMI TOMATOES. BKEE. PKAS. r'F.I.K.RY HEARTS. HOT HOUSK 'l t MBERS. KRKXH MUSHROOMS. AH'I'K HOKKS. KX. V A X C Y HOOD RIVER WINE AND LIQUOR DEPARTMENT MEDICI'AI, PORT. Regular 90c, special T5 Regular 76c, spot ial SOe Regular ROc. special 40r OLD I'ORRESTEK WHISKY, CI Ifl VIlIU RED -CHEEK 0 OC I APPLES, Bo 3'J Regular $1.50, uperlal 2S8, 200, 22 STARK STREET (Near Fifth), PORTCAMJ, OREGO.V Infection from eontsirtnn tad from 1 11 orders of blood poison no tnsttsr from what soiree is rendered Impossi ble by uio dm of TYREE'S Antiseptic Powder Bt and most economical formic. 4 known. Ahsoiotelr hai-mlcuA to tbe del icate twnbnoi tissues, BeaJa without irritation, Tsed bj p braid ana all over world for Si rears. Has no equal as a prevnta tir. DfsAolTea tastantlr tn water. 25-cent parkar niakea t gallona stand ard solution. Sold by drofrfat everywhere. Ask vour doctor or aend for booklet. J. S. TTREE, CbausWusUBtf oa.D.C I IdeGUi Collars hivs vr1nsivplv the UNOCORD BUTTONHOLES they're easier to-button . they don't tear out. Ceo. P. id & Co.. Makers. Troy, N. Y. jCHWAB PRINTING CO. BEN F.GREENE. PRESIDENT 2.4.5fr STARK. STREET C E East 629 B 6148 UBSSTY COAL ICE COMPAQ! For Your Vacation Open an account in our Savings Department and begin to save for your vacation. Money deposited this month will begin to draw interest May 1st. Make what you have earn a little more; it all helps. Security Savings & Trust Co. Fifth and Morrison Streets. Capitol and Surplus, $1,400,000. CANDIDATE FOR NOMINATION ON THE REPUBLICAN TICKET FOR COUNTY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT For Comity School Superintendent VOTE FOR ONE 129 X ARMSTRONG, A. P. l'XVn SoSgg '. PsJd Advertisement.) VENTURA PARK THE PICNIC GROUNDS. Kn more ideal soot can be found around Portland to nJoy your Sunday than Ventura Park. Bringr your lunch and spend the day. We serve the cof fee free. Tou are In no way obligated tn hnv. Ventura Park is the corning: suburb of Portland, where, you can pur chase lots for only 1200. with a small cash payment. No taxes. No Interest. Water, graded streets, good car service. In fact, you g-et It all In Ventura Park. Better come oht Sunday and enjoy the day. Take Montavllla car to end of line. Auto meets you there and thence to Ventura. For further particulars see F K. Tavlor Co.. 404-5 Lewis bulldine. Call Marshall 892, Home phone A 4414. TPV BEST PLACE f TO X iv I TO EQUIP Uj THE MODERN OFFICE PAdHCSSSSKCO. 107 Stcond St., REAR WASHINSTOH PNOKE 121, 1 21M Foster & Kleiser Bisk Grad Commercial and Blectrls SIGNS East Seventh and East Everett Struts Phones East lilt, B 3234.