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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1912)
. ; I ICMSCUb I ulmnes irnxdOKV. "--rzz M I f- IA1 IAU . LOOT !D fOCXP- . wt n k... r - tae half rtll M-WOfif 7-. v . ' . . a 1 miiitnm retell at who. cm. 1 ncoilii inattre.a and relur. earn day. I a .o renovate leather- r.V'l furled Heir Factory. H. Mtxgr. 3---i . Front. Phono Mtn 474. A 13.4 L, ,st Between Third ervd Morrison and lletllg Theater, lady a gold watch: lr-'tll m. K. finder return to B. Keser. -. Rotn-hlld bldg.. and rrctlirM- I . ,-.TLarlr's umbrella t Mr-roan. Wolfe i, ' or Old. W.-rtman K'ng's: Hum" " oa handle. Reward at '- . Oak st . LO.-T KniliM sailer do, female : h:, with black ears: answer to n me Return to R. P. Knight. 114 Board of T-i1 bldg. Reward. Lor-l God hatpin -tin olivine a l.a Irvlngton and Alameda Park- turn to E. I'."1' street .Norm. n para, ra- one -a KrAm I..,,., r 'i-jid bar plo mounted wilh tw. en- Hi-led bio urns ii -hi. - s'lliab.e lewerd. :t l.h at. Mra. innu ?niu.i - - , . I er Tin anu .-.. . book containing about XiO. return 24 vlcjer. room I. Iiewwr.i. bimem orroBrtMTiES uky-oods or notion, a rood optnlnit tor man or aoman of hm.t.d I n''"'rv .! .-ompetant to " u" ' - ' . , n7i.,o bua.nesa. Pla. e ia for rent I urea block cont.lnlna other llni ot ju If h'a - 1(1 ' e nw , are lookln, for a place to Inc.. aej ,i. . all at rtru atore. eornar Iront ana llt.Da .a Tak car MONKT-M AKr.H. An uo-to-date re.taur.nt on Slat, moutn: reaaurame r. ... . ment of the very beat. pric . - (lih. balanco terma. UKI s.l a I'.ol.L. IK poarrl of Trarfe hld . 4in and Oak k: vol a btfi.Nt.-s man: tt) n. you want a thorotiahly utabli.hed. parlrc bo.lnaaar If a... I ha. a It: mut ba ,n to tM .pprect.ted: thorouith nv'': atloa Invited: $K- ca.h will hn0'-,". oulck. thia win not iw ....... 4 :ft rhamrer of r..miuerre. WANTED. Paetnrr lo tak half lnteret In manafarttirtnc plant, a man ""'" taka eharae of aa of flea and rnana. aa ary. liS par mootlu Klnn.jr at 8tm- phr. ajl- J Luawr 1 JUT. ON'LT 240 will a-cura a aubatantlal fi,oila poaaasalon which can earn "IT "'Z without tquirln tlie attention ot tho owner. Writ. It phoioa and frev r:p offer. Geo. . Ueao, Box 4tx. way- croaa. Ga. i AT aacrltlca If aold thla week fof caalr atock of frucorlea and flxturaa at oi eount ot 10 per cant on Invoice prlca; ooa location anf fair bualne..: of raaaona. If oo want a imp inveatlgata. Prlncipala oe ty. T A. Oreror'an. REST ALU ANT SNAP. On buay atreet. 5 ateady boardera. oo In. - to M per dav. and only .0 Pr month rant. 8-rear lea. $ ! dla thla Tour own terma on balance, jut Swetland bldr TOR PALE New pool hall In ood location. 1 naw tablea. whh drop l!hte and lataat Improyameata: 1HM wl'l h.adla; aanap for r'.aht man. tor Information caU Ta bor ST'a. , TOR aaia or laaae. bathhouaa. ladlaa and (aata aaparata department, eliowar tub. team and iwlmminr tanka: a:o room, furnlahe in connection. U Bua ae.l bld- . WANTED Man with aJ'MIO. capable of b'tlldinir houaea. to Join the owner of Iota, who will guarantee aalea and lonna; full Investigation. Particular. 702 Board of Trade. LJVF.RT BIMNFS8. A rood and well eetabll.hed ooetneee. IS rlga. 20 noreea. full equipment, raaaon aMe rent for bulldlrit. for aaia or trade. Adlreee Boa Lebanon. Or. INIfclKfceT Ir amall paamlll. a money -maa-"r. on.j truun for eelUm want to act hold of more timber: mill In operation month a aead. f Nlmmo Buney at to.. J4 Hamilton M'-lt IxTFRKbf" In bua.neaa rhance and realty office that will atand cloee Inveetlratlon : very little money required. flood man wantrd more than anything eiae. Sul etland bldg. IJ.V Will. ae. uta gtltig ouuortunity. a here eervlcce can bo r.ndored. Invtatl anion eoltcttcd: no trlflera. AC Vi2. Ore Ionian. PARTNEK wanted In a .mail, modern, aaeh and dr f-ctory at K-y Tlty. tr.- un usual opening. Apply lo Firat at-. Tort- l.nJ. SPLENDID openlrc for Hv man to take l.a.r Interest In steam laundry, aalary and rroflta; only " rvyulreu. Particulara at v.rt. Hoard of Trade. HALF lnlrel In a well eatahllehed real estate offlca. with eatra good llsls: an elear month, references eachahgtd; , ru!red ol Lumber Bachanae. NKVvfPAPKtt for aalo In good fcaetarn Washmaton town of lino; good plant. Tood business, eaay terma Addreaa AT 4. Oreaonlan. ;AMT atore. owner will atay - weeka and teM-h purchaser lo make candy: best lo. a tlon on 'VVe.t Side: leMe. clear. .'" month: price S" Lumber :ii;'ATK-.-t'. Wast .clde. nice .nd .lean, cleara aM per month; $."K will handle 'itr-ll.rT BISHOP. 1M THIRD ST. :N ALASKA A aooJ-paylng barber ah.-p and hatha foe sle; will lake riiyprope". as part pavmeni. nil or wnie am VortS. Pfr1!i noV IF.STA1 P.ANT Owner baa more busineea than he can hnm!le alone; wanta partner to act as eashter: wi: par yoo tv month and board. 32-1 Lumber Exchange. BARGAIN. r.rorery store, ire rrrmm. oo4 huatr.e..: 4 llving-roomi: must sell thia week. tliin 7"- WAVTKD. TO LKA'E. A good reliable person with experience, went, to !ee a hotel of from 41 to 50 rooms, unfurnished. P t"tS. Oregonlan. AT-TO ClRA'ir. Cle.rtn about i"") per month. We have a "snap price V eort bide. on this. Call IS BARBKR SHOP. Threahair barber ahop. new Hotel MIT waukie Apply Joaaph Mendel. Mllwau- ;.. Or i AND wllllngneea lo hu.lle will secure bosina..: can make better than wages. ''all "4t- fttark el. ll.K.AMN i and pressing hua nev. wants par.ner to do work: pav you )lj week: !.; r,?: Lnmbee F.rhange. MININO AND 1NDL-6TRIAL. STOCKS. Telephone and ether bonda bought ana eokl. Pleicher ln. Co.. i-t Ablngtots. FAKERT,' d"hrtta portable oven. . per rent profit, big trade: rent only li; price t.'-J. 3"" Lumber Kxchange. CROERT MEN" -If you're looking fr a snap In the grocery b.iaineaa. wherehere lot. of b.islnesa. call up Main 1J07 A't'JN.'T fur sale, small capital required, a money-maker for a live man. tall Sob f-her'oek blHg. I WILL pay caah for all Marconi Wlreleaa Telegraph Co. stoOkx Ua video n, 21 leiwla hiclg Call or write. T.rtT OOOl'S and ahow alork, dou.g goo.1 .ash b'jitntH. ac:l located. In one of port'and a beat ubirbe. invoice about gHnno; owner. AV 137. Oregonlan. JFWEI.RT. souvenir and novelty bualnese. for ;on; cleared til: last month. Call 74t' Stark at 110 DAT buaineaa: rent a4t month; m'uat leae O'V. no fake. ea agent, li. N. Swank. J Abington bltl CI-IAR. ronfectlorery and Ice cream par lora. paimg $-.'1 month over all ex- p-nwx C-3 Lumber Exchange. Pf.'Tl'RE SHOW; operated contlnuoualy for past SS yeara bv same partiea; clearing lion month. Call Z t stark at. b. .t'TH WEST corner of First and Morrison to leaaa rr term of are yeara. Cal. Main SnO... A 2"'-. WANT a grocery? "ail C ai: .y,.r leaa fine district, corner location, at In v o i ee. about a.-"." Owner leaving elty. rTTvTKll A live man to handle real estate sale, and exchange. Call at bos Board of 1 .-a.t rTiH ALE Ree-aurant In good locatlun. 1 cheap rent. Price ,1300. 'linu. Aii Orgonlan. Vl.l K paraonar effort with an Investment ol l? ' more will make you Indenend- oto nmntilL eni - - A TWu-i'rtAiR barber ahop for aale at 7JT .NeaJargmlf takenjonce. P4RTVFH ro brokerage office: big money for Insioe man- " v - J-",,., a 1. P Poolroom and cigar elute. llJSt r-'K 'I.K I'onfectlonery and poolroom. i .11 t linrfl ave. vo ki nt.M CARDS. II: bring thla a4 ' ' 1 , lu.u xa ... - T.vlor. Foae ." rnsi ... w - iOrl ALB CofTea neuee Ms iiisis w-w- fer. ITW . .v. .1 INu-l'I'TlT.E theater Tor sa.e cn-e:-. .',, (n.l terms. 4"4 R-th.hild bMg. '(;, tKV rl'sr.rr day : no del.veo. ..... 11 le. ....I Lumber tx-han-. Vi . on .a In eitv. lease for the place for -. years. HU'adale. lid tN vp0-e-ha'f it.tere.t m c-od barber Ynvu. a. I moUsrn. 17J Med.ion. I . ff 1 ii l m sn I . - . . I OAKLAND MANrF.vyfKINO INVEST- HHOWCASK ANL" BANK FIXTURES; this bualn.s r. pr. sema an Investment or 1 m-o and tha business h:i Krowr toa large for tho present capita!; March busi n.a w ov-r TO"": want an a. live prty uh 10.' to take full J"1'11''"" -st. money to be used to eroand the busi ness, boom open to tho most careful in vestigation; thla lnv.stm.-nl per nt dividend. Wo are turning ..own l.ualneu nsht now nd want quick action. CHAS. FARNSWo ITtl. Fust Nail. Dank It.'... Oak.anrt. WANTED A man. wnh knowlclga of the building buelncea preferred, to co mplete the organisation of a very protltable and abeolutely iuf business enterprlae in Inn couver. Wash. We have the '"Hin""di the material and want from !" J J..U.HI caah to pav for labor, etc lo party furnishing the above amount an active In lrrv.t in the company can be had. Irln rip.l. onlv can get full Information by clllng upon C. 11. Lehman. "12 . hamber of Commerce. Telephone Main HOLDEK5 OK MINING STOCKS THAT HAVE PROVED A DISAPPOINTMENT. We have facllltlee that often enable m to convert your dead or worthleaa mining alocka Into profitable) and aati.tactory tn ve.tmenta Write ua Englneera. AV 114. oregonlan. - DO YOUW ANT To" ("ELL vour f: EST AC RA NT, GROERI . MEAT MA R K ET. CO N F ECTI O X E H 1 . V t LIT A- TESEN or in fact, any line either in or cut of Portland ? If ' arrita or phone us. We make a specially of th'a line of business. ASSOC! TEO la Teon Hidg. ,NVESTMENTrOiu INVESTIGATED BL'SINESS CHANCES. We alw.y. have good grocery rrea ' aale which we can recommend. II " " your benefit to give ua a caiL CHAP1N HEKLOeT. 833-Hi Chamber of Commerce. Asi for A. Keller. AN e.t.hll.l.ed and profitable buaineaa In Eaat.rn Ore.on; undeveloped country o ing opened up by new ral road; In order to expand and meet growing 'mnd will Kil an interest and give posit on to party with executive ability and bu.lnea experience; money remaina In tha bun nesa. AV l.-j. oregoniau. 'not-n STORES x.-tMsft .-.l-o W."OU IIO.t"1. The above .tore, are well located on corners and tran.fer points, doing good busineaa: can be bought, part caah and terma. ... O. J. BROOKS CO.. 1I Chamber Commerce IF yon are lookm- for real opportunltlea ta Oregon. Washington. Idaho or Momana, -CO : TO THE PACIFIC WITH W AHLr T1J BMg., Portland. Or. We furniaii the opportunltlea if you farnlah the aaleamanabip. OOOD PROFIT. PERFECTLY SAFE lSVESTaENT. I own two fine lota near and DIM lon. on which I want to build two modern If you have I2fl. we can make ft.) per cent on the money In four "";'' See me forenoona. B. Clement. 60S Com mercial b!k. WHEN you want to ELY or BERLANDS. MILL or KA. TOKY PROP ERTY. ULL or .LOGO I NO TI.S nd MACHINERY or RAILROAD ECU IP ME.NT call or write ua We can aell your property or supply your want.. OREOON TRADING CO.. 411 Swetland blcig. FINE homestead and timber and atone lo c.tion.; II'I.O"" nt. La Orando buaineaa block, revenue between 1j at.u per cent on Inve.tmem. good ta.lorlng and cleaning eatabllrhment netting about .( per month: writ-, ua or come at once; these won't la.t. The Mough Invea.ment Company. I -a Grande. Oregon. t- to l".w MADE DAILY In the movlng-plciure businrM. We .tart jou In tho business on very easy t. rin.. We have good permnnent locution. La.l and aee a. today. We aave yo-j money. Newm.n Film Exchange, 52ii Waal.lng-t-in. near 17th. LiBlU STOKE. We have a dandy atore In the city, lo cation Id.-al. average dally busineaa 1 1. rent It" month: eight-year lease: m"t aell at once; x.ii'.l a .nap. Nedd ft Berry. "7 Lumber Exchange blUg.. i'd and Stark t. A .;oiNij aut. nianufacturlng company In Portland wishes to establish agenclea In all center, adjacent to Portland for the .tie of Ha output: will call and fee von upon request. Addres. Sale. Manager. 2U0 111 Vnion ave. North, Portland. Or. lo-ROOM apartment, baih In eaat apart ment, bra., beda and furniture to match: fine neighborhood. Weet rude. See thla If you want something nice. Price l--,l. urns terms. . HIGI.EY ft BISHOP. 1 THIRD ST FOR SALE An old established grocery and crockery tre. a good cle.n stock: doing .bout I3.a Tear: will aell at Invoice, which la about .-.0". Muat have all caah. good reaa.-na for wiling. Addreaa M. Ii. Greer. Illllsooro. Or. ' RFiSTAVRANT. Well located. In good bu.lnes. district: rent 12" which Include. luing-rooma. Prlca of everything. Including furniture In living-room-., only 4". good terma. P.rtlcu'.vr.. ttie, Teon bldg. GIKM-ERV and confectionery .lore, on Ural at'.; stock, fixture., T living room. In con nection with th. atore that pay all the rent; thla la enap at Ilium. K. J. Oel .r. 421 chamber of Commerce. HAVE two theatere; will aell one. Impoa ..l.le to give proper attention to both; well equipped, good location, low rent: e year .mail payment down, ba anco easy. AR f41. Oregonlan. . a N t!7i Partner with 11301 to Join me In' general .tore, country town, location eelected. good Judgment only require ment. Af Oregon. ... CASH buaineaa wanta ateady partner; dutlea ea.lly le.rned: can make better than wage.: required. Particular .0- Board of Trade. Bl'Ti'HER SHOP: beat F.aat Side location: cash htislnesa: ssv per o.y . ...... - . r-nt a: Invoice about lo. Call 4JI Chamser of Commer.e. Main :4. WANTED Capable man for cashier-treasurer poaltlon: caah bond required: money secured : aalary ! monin. van i.s-e etark at. CONFECTIONERY, fruit. Ice rream. fine lo cation' rent 120. c.n pui eioo i.....u " bank. besloV. your living: price ..0O. 3uS Lumber F.xcbange. FOR SALE tio-d nw and second-hand furniture store; the cnle one In a town of i.100 Artdresa box 4.1. Caldwell. Idaho. IMALL restaurant and chop house for aale. cheap if taken at once. Inquire Room la. M:9on M o ' e 1 . at. .-to si. FuK SALE Tailoring bu.lnes. cheap; low rent; give term. w ' . - - --' - ' two door, rrom - GROCERY, with 4 living room., salra Jljoa month: can out r.... ... ..M.e. - - - MltS ... GROCERY want-d at once; about tMO in voice PT'se: direct irom .-ewer. need nJt anawer thia. G M2. Oregonlan. CORNER caah grocery wanta partner; good salary and proflta; 7oO. 323 Lumber r.xcnange WANTED A aaloon with an Independent licence: price mu.t be right. Phone Mar. an. II 4931. MOVINO-PICTVRB THEATER for aale. eloae In. downtoam dlatrlct. Inquire H- C. stavena. 6a Tthat. Bargain; gotd lo.-allon; doing good bu.- ineea phone Woodlawn gAp fieataurant In good location, no com - "petition, fine living room. Full Informa 7n phone Main T I .T Evening. Et 217H. t-.u un.i: Clear, fruit and .oft Orink atand. poolroom Included if wanted, nrat- r . loction: alter " n- . 11 . -1 - WANTED Energetic man In eata buaineaa; aalary and ahare of profit reoulred. Partlculara 7S Board of in eerabltst its: ttioe Tr RKSTACRANT, cloee In. good buaineaa price a-ou. o-.j .m... . SEVERAL repair .hop wanta active partnei . . 11 a . a 1 Li... I N . - - ' BI SIt-l OPPOWTt MTIEI WANTED. 1 ... v--r tA niteehaae good ealoon in Port land- have good city property and about HioO cash to put In a good paying bar; no agenta need apply. E . Oregonlan. nttoCFRY STORB WANTED. I will pay cash for tha right store at the Tight price. 1 a-"-', -.-e-.. DKI-O STORE WANTED. I hae g.wwi; want tlma on balance; Weet fide preferred. T t'41. Oregonlan ROOMI'Xr.-HOCSE . . . . . .... . ... n 1 n n 1 v XI .".l ; rl. ? i.r. ' - rooms always full; have 10 turn people away. Phono llttn re.41. a- viviul furnlahed. Muat leave city Will aell reaaonabia See agent, H. N. Saank. 3tn Abington oiog ELEGANT furniture of 14-roem houae for ele: good 10c. 1100, re... . . . a. . ... lllh St -lVANT b'si Income bo.ise. Ilit cash, bal nee eav. will buv E 4. Cre;..i. Ian. HOARDING and roomlng-houee for .a.a . . .w -. 1 1 v. u..-i atax LiwDir, r- e- . TITF. MOTvXTXO OUrGOMAN, THURSDAY, MARY E. LENT CO. Portland' Leading Hotel Agency. Hot. In Booming Apartment , ' liousus. i22-21 Falling bldg.. ad and Wash. St.. 43 ROOMS. ALL II. K. ... t.n...Al.a.e., ne chrlD nil 4.. room, an " -' - - ,, . good lease; .team heat. Thl. place la well t furni-hed and I. a monev -maker; price la I22h. and 4'K will nanuie it. i7-KOOM HOTEL 27-room hotel, well furmshed. brick building; has heat, long Icase: rent Is You mu.t see thl. to appreciate Ita value. Price with only -U.) down, balance on easy terms. Ill ROOMS ON MORRISON. in room.. .11 on one floor; rent long leaae. Owner mu.t ell on account or other busineaa. Price la $2-:0. with a amall payment down, or will take good city prouertg up to I12d. balance on terma. 14 ROOMS. TRANSIENT. 14 room. In the heart of the city, ele gantly furnished. In brick building: 6-year "e.-i. rent only la;. Price 1. I2000. with term. ROOMS, BOARDING. 14 room, and boarding cloee In on tn atreet: rent -.. I'rice 11100. with only l.'ioO down, balance on easy term. 6-ROOM riNAP. room of fair furniture In good house, rent 120. Tou ran buy thla for 12j. Own er will give terms. MARY E. LENT CO HERl. are a few exceptionally good buy: r.B-room apartment-nouae ; gooa tocaiio... Iea.e; ran be handled with l0O. i-room hotel; leaae: downtown: water and heal Included In rent; rent J00; prlca l-MO. . , 1-room apartment-hou. 4 year leaaa, all new. caah down. $45i0. ML'LTNOMAH ROOMING-HOUSE CO.. :.7 Rothchlld Bldg. P.ione Marshall 4J1. APARTMENT-HOUSE TO TRADE. If you have from 7i to llooo and a nice Utile home, worth about l:)ioo (might assume aomei, will ahow you one of the best 7S-room, modern house In the city. Every room la occuyled and will guar antee house to be clearing better than 22i a mo. Now don't anawer thla unleaa vou have the money and properly. Ad dres. H :12. oregonlan. A r:.vm THING. Worklngman hotel. 73 ateady board ers, 24 nicely furnished room., all fun. a guaranteed profit of 17l per month; IT:, rent and 5-year lease, and only IliOO; JTOO dowp and easy monthly payments 1 on balance; will conelor some trade. You had better hurry. SI Swetland bldg. 8PLENPID opening for 1 hotel In town on two ranro.oe. temporary hotel doing g.-.Ot of business monthly will be turned over free to party who will build permanent hotel at once. Sea man ager. 415 Railway Exchange bldg. 100-ROOM apartment-houae. furnished com plete, for sale on account 01 omer ne.a Intereal.: cleara 300 per month; will take some caah and city property In ex change. Ino,ulre of Mr.. R. Taylor, the McKlnley Apia, corner Eaat Morrison and 7th sis. 1 ii r tr 1 uvt ('(') PORTLAND S LEADING HOTEL AGENCT. nyii-i.iKuu..iiv---r-.i.---"- -HOUSES. All six-, and price. 822-4 falling bldg.. 3d and WaahlntotL ' B5-ROOM HOTEL. Ground-floor lobby, bar. largo aample roomi: thla la one of the finest and best hotels In Portland: 20-yeor leaae. If jou havo about I2I.0O0 In money, addresa me for full particular. P .'34. Oregonlan. DS ROOMS, ha cleared Ill.OOfl 1 In three yeara. aiway full; win sen tor e-.oo ti.. If you have the money and want a ;ura thing. Investigate; no agent. No. 3- Hawthorne ave. Evening.. PRICE REDUCED 11600. One of the best 20-room house. In the citv. Kent 7.1 with S yeanr lease. .uh) cash and balance to suit, will handle thia. Call at 11 Yeon bldg. I HAVE o0u In money ana a acre., wuu 1211 iru.t trees. .1 acre, wnt to for 25 to 3i-room. steam heated transient house. What have soul l.ldree. F Oregonlan EIGHT rooms, olosa In. all newly furnlahed month ago, cost t-w; mum r-u crltlce; rent 140: Income 1112.50. It sold tod.v price S30. $lo0 cash. Call J.S 10th, hear Stnrk. ROOMING-HOUSE of 411 rooma. In center of city, rent i'S per monwi. r..o...e ...... average about 14 per month; figure it out. Can you lieal 11 lor towi G 04 Oregonlan. BIG SACRIFICE '-'. room.. '" "' month: has gooo .- or... mv price today 1700, - caah. Don t lose tin one; ee It la to buy. 88 10th, rear Mark. I FOR SALE At a big bargain, a well-local ed roomlng-nouse 01 so .-ner- good furniture; a money-maker. Call at New Eagle House. S2 3d sL N cor. Burnslde. ROOMING-HOUSE -16 w ell-furnlshed rooms with team ne.. - - block from Postofllce; one-third In real estate, one-third cash. balance terma; cheap rent. D pr.9. Oregonlan. 70-KOOM hotel. Victoria. British Columbia, long Laae. finest location, steam-heated; ran show One buaineaa: terma. E 1)33. Oregonlan . 21-ltOOM modern dwelling, elcg.ntly fur nlahed. new and ele:in: beat location- big Income ana aiwava mu. i-m.-i terma; cheap. By own er. O.Vi Klandera 11 ROOMS, 2K) CASH. All alngle rooma. West Side location, tiea thla al once If you want a euap. 618 Yeon bldg. 11 ROOMS, near City Hall, well furnished, all full rent J a month; 1200 will han dle; will conal.ler trade for good horee and buggy. Call ;v 2d at. . 11 ROOMS, all full, paying 175 per month above ail enpense.. rem .. -. t .- down, balattce 2. monin; close In. West Side. 3tt Lumber Exchange. 13 huOMa' Mostly housekeeping, five min utes' walk to big .lores, price I71V0; for saie by owner. Must aell thla week. 1W Lownsdale. cor. Taylor. WE have city proierty to trade for room- Ing-houeee. 14 ! 40 rooms. v nai nave . ... nr.r '01 Swetland bldg. J "U S ' ' ' " - - rooming-HOUSE for rent, 2 rooma. fur nished; good location. Inquire 37t Waah Ing'cn rt. !.1ULU. Mllllta pn.poaa-a lnritea. SEALED blda will ba rtH-elved at the office of Ihe utuleraigne.1. e-.2 Tliford building, until :.) P. M.. April 18. 11112. for paint ing the laboratory and other fixtures for new Lincoln High School. SpecMrallona may be oblallieu al the office of Archl tecta V hltehouae ft Foullhoux. Sow W llcox hulldlna. Certified chick fur 5 per cent of the amount of the bid. p. j able to R. H Thomas. School clerk, muat accompany each proposaL Board of Dlrectora re acrvea the right to reject any aud all bid. R. H. THOMAS. School clerk. Dated April 1. Ifl2. SEALED blue will be received by the un dersigned up to lt o'clock A. M. Wednes day April 10. 1K12. for delivering and re turning the election lenta, booths and auoull-a to and from the various pre clncte in the City of Portland. Hide may be atatud by each particular precinct or the um totl. Delivery to be ntaoe by trim or automobiles. Dated API II -. 112. F. S. FIELDS. County Cl.rk. tlU A RTCRM ASTER'S OFrVCh.. 322 Arcade Annex. Seattle. Waal... April 1. luls. Sealed oropoeale will be received here un til lu.30 A M.. May 1. 11(12. for Trana Paaitle traneportation from Portland, Ore gon and (or( Puget Sound porta for passen. g.ra. anlmala, freight. United Statea troops, etc . during the Msral year commencing July 1. lul- For further information ad dress W- H. Miller. Quartermaster. L. S. A. OFFICE Depot Quartermaster, ltS- North point at.. San J-ranclsco. Cel., March 30. ltf12. sealed proposal, will be received here until HI A. M.. April 15. lull!, for furnishing and delivering at Ihe Ouarter rnaater'e Depot, San Krancleeo, CaL, 3dO axea 50t) Iron be.lsteada, 10.000 corn bro ma. IO.O.10 acrubhlng brushes, 2ilOO ca.tera and 13IH1 ax belvea. Information furnlahed on application. ii. P. Young. Lvol Quartermaster. skaLED blda will be received by th un dersigned until 1 A. M. Saturday. April 11 lyl2. for one five-ton auto truck for Multnomah County, when bid will be oubllcly opened. The right I expressly reserved to reject any and all bids. Mids must state earliest date of delivery. K. S. FIELDS. County Clerk. Courthouae. .v-.i ed blda will h received by the under signed, until Saturday. April 13, ion, for an automobile lor Multnomah County, not leu than HO horsepower, aeata for two. Hide to tata time of delivery. The right to reject any or all bid I expreasly re served. FIELDS. County Clerk. Court house. OUARTEHM ASTER'S OFFICE. S2.I Arcade Anne-" Seattle. Wash., April 1. 1I2. Sealed proposal will be received here un. i,l 10:00 A. M.. My 1. 1!'12. for transpor tatlon of Government troop and mppile to and from Alaska during the open ."n of 1BI2. also for the fiscal year 1013. F' further iniormsuun aani.-s " . n. Miller. Q-.iarterma.ter t . o. - COl.l M HI A bldg.. rortland. Or.. April 1 ltir' Sealed proposala In triplicate will he received her until 11 A. M. May 1. UH2 for furnishing w-ood and coal r o'tilrifl here during the n-'al year com mencing Julv 1. 1912 Information fur nished en application. A. W. Vat. urlrTnetr. Propoeale Invited. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. PIPE LINE SYSTEM (WOOD TIPE) AND CONCRETE BESF.RVOIR. Gladstone, Or., March 2. Wl Sealed proposala will be received by the Cllv Recorder of Gladstone. Oregon (Gladstone P. O.) until 7 o'clock P. M.. April 1th. 1012. for furnishing material and con.tructlng portions of a water work avatem for the city of Gladstone. ' Bid will be received separately, or as a whole for th following aubdivlslons of the system: 111 For ditching and back filling complete. (2. For wood pipe and fittings Installed. complete. (J) ror reservoir, complete. Plana and apeclflcatlona. form, of con tract and proposal, may be obtained upon application at the office of Cross Ham mond. Beaver Bldg.. Oregon City. Oregon; th City Engineer, at Gladstone, Oregon, or of C. A. William.. charman. Fire and Water Committee. No. 220 Labba Bldg., Portland. Oregon. Alternative blda will be received for the above work. 1 for caah. 2 for the city', twenty-year, .IX per cent, authorized bonda The right 1 reserved to reject any or all bids, or to accept any part of any bid. By order of the Common Council of tn City ot Gladstone. HARVEY E. CROSS. Mayor. JOHN N. S1EVEK9. Recorder JvOTICE OF SALE OF MUNICIPAL BONDS. Notice I hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Gladstone, Clck amaa County. Oregon, will receive sealed proposala for the purchase of I20.OOO ot the negotiable coupon bonds of said town bearing 6 per cent aeml-annual Interest from the date of Issue. Said-Inprovement bonda are for the pur pose of building and maintaining a water system In .aid city. Said proposals will be received and may bo filed with the Recorder of auld city at any time before 7:30 P. M. April 0. 11112. All bids received aubject to th right of tho party to examine into the regularity of tlie Issue of said bonda of aid cltv. said bonda will bo ..sued In denominations of $."oo each, and each bid der will specify th number of bonda which they desire to purchase. Al! of said bids are to be enclosed In an envelope securely sealed and directed to John X. Sievers, Recorder. Gladstone. Oregon, and marked "Bid for the Water Bond of th City of Gladstone." The right la hereby reserved to reject any and all bid. . HARVEY E. CROSS. Mayor. JOHN N. SIEVERS. Recorder. Dated March 12, 1912. SEALED blda will be received by F. S. Flelda. County Clerk, Courthouse. Port land. Oregon, until 10 A. M. ou Wednes day. April 17. 1912. for furnishing the steel for a bridge over the Sandy River, at Troutdale, Oregon. The bridge con al.ta of two l3-foot riveted Prat trueees and one 89-foot deck girder. 16-foot road way, ateel railing and plank floor. Steel to be delivered at Troutdale. Oregcn. I. n. b. cara. Plan and ipecldcatlona may be een at the office of the County Sur veyor, at the Courthouae. No bid will be considered nnles accom panied by a certified check payable to the order of the County Court, for at leaat 5 per cent of the amount of the bid The right to reject any or ail blda la expressly reserved. ., T. J. CLE ETON. County Judge. W". L. LIGHTNER. County Commissioner. D. V. HART. County Commissioner. SEALED blda will be received by F. S. Flelda, County Clerk. Courthouse, Port land. Oregon, until 10 A. .L on Weones day. April IT. 1U12. for the erecting of the steel of the Troutdale bridge, fur nishing the timbers and planking for the roadway and laying the same. Steel to be removed from cara before demurrage accrues. . . Plans and specifications can be seen at the oftlce of tho County Surveyor, a; the Courthouee, Portland, Oregon. No bid will be considered unles accom panied by m check payable to the County Court for at leaat 5 per cent of the amount of the bid. The right to reject any or all bid i expressly reserved. T. J. CLEETON. County Judge. W. U LIUHTNEH. County Commissioner. D. V. HART. County Commissioner. IN th District Court of tne Untied Statea for tha District of Oregon In the mtter of J. B. Wilaon, bankrupt: Sealed bids will be received by the undersigned for a toca of trunka of the invoice vu4ue of 141. .. together with flxtur'ea of about lo4. .4 and a atock of mercnandlso and uniinlshed trunks of the invoice value of 124511.53 and a atock of machinery of the Invoice value of l'.ii.3tl. located at No. b41 Macadam atreet. In tha City of Portland. Oregon, up to 12 o'clock noon of Monday, April 8. 1912. Inventory la on file at No. 4014 Fen ton building and the property may be In spected at the premise, 'lerma caah and a cash deposit of 10 per cent or cerlltied check In ihe .ame amount must accom pany each offer aubmitted. Tho rlgn; ia reserved to reject any and all bids. Dated at Portland, Oregon, March 23. 1UJ2. H. W. S1TTO.N. Trustee. SEALED blda will ba received by F. S. Fields. County Clerk, at the Courthoueei Portland, or., until 10 A. M.. Wedneaday, April JO, 1912. for the substructure to the bridge across the Sandy Klver at Trout dale. Or. Plana and apeclflcatlona may ba seen at tho orflce of the County Surveyor, at the Courthouae. Copy of aama may be ob tained on depoalt of li which will b refunded If plan are returned within three daya of oponlug of bida. JSo bida will ba considered unlesa ac companied by a certlded check, payable to th. order of th County Court for an amount equal to 10 per cent of the bid. Tha right la hereby reserved to reject any or all blda . . T J. CLEETON. County Judge. W L. LIGHTNER, County Commlaaloner. IJ V. HAKT. County Commlasiouer. IN the District Court of the United Statea for the District of Oregou In tn. mattor of John Adam. Bankrupt: Sealed blda will ba received by the undersigned for a atock of merchandise of the Invoice value of o414. together with Uxturea of about IU5.t2. belonging to said estate and located al Oregon City. Oregon, aald bins to be received up to 12 o'clock noon on Monday. April S. 1912. at the olfice ot th. undersigned. 4O1-0 Fenton building. Port land, urr.ou. The property may be In euecied upon Inquiry of tru.lee. Term, casti and a caah of 19 per cent or certified check muai accompany each bid uuuilited. Th right la reserved to re ject any and all bid. Utated at Portland. Oregon. March 29. 1912 BAKliE E. LtONARD. Trustee. 1" WILL receive aealed bids for a atock of merchandise consisting principally of dry goods, furnishing goods, boots and shoes and crockery of the Inventory valuation of 111092.43. togelMcr with flxturea of 11874 75 located al Puyallup. Wash., up to 12 o'clock noon of Tuesday, April 9. 1912 Terma caah fcnd a caah deposit of 111 per cent of amount offered must ac company each bid. Inventory may be Seen at my office. No. T Flr.t treat, and tu. atock i open to Inspection at Puyal lup Wnh. The right is re.civtd to re- &X3 ."Po-r'l'liir Or.RMarch W12. o7cr.coE"c.,Q' posai. will be received here until 11 A. I, M.y 1 1012. for furnishing forage arid traw required at pot In VVealerr. Division during ncal year commencing 1 1912. Information furnished on application here or to Po.t Quartermaster and Quartormaater. at Seattle, Wash Portland. Or., and Honolulu. H. T.. and bid. may be received by Post "tr masters and Quartermaster. Honolulu. H ? until 11 1 M.. Paclilc time. May 1. 1 11 2. F. Von gehrader, C. Q. M. AUaceU eoua. aTATE TREASURER'S THIRD NOTICE. Treaaury Department. State of Oregou. Notice I hereby given that there are funda In the State Treaaury with which to redeem all outstanding late warranta. drawn on the general fund, endor.ed pre: cnt.d and nol paid for want of fund prior to thl. date. All uch warrants If Eroi.rrly endorsed, will be paid upon pro ientalion at this office. Interest thereon ceasLug from and axter this date. THOS. B. KAY. State Treasurer. Dated this 5th day ot AprIL 1912. ' NOTICE!. Th Oregon Auto Despatch la mov ing all atoraaie 10 new brick warehouse located at the northeaat corner of 13th and Kearney ats.. Portland. Oregon. Owner of property tored with u are hereby notified so that Insurance can be changed to cover at new location. The date of removal of any lot will be given upon request of owner OREGON AUTO DESPATCH. Phone Main MOO. 13 First t. Master's Nolle. BARGES for rent, capacity 400 tona Fat tullo. MB Sherlock bldg. Main 1410- HN.UiTIAL "lAWSON-BROWN INVESTMENT CO.. SHORT-TIME LOANS. . Reference: Bra0lreet and Dun . moo Teon bldg. Main J!'47. MONEY to loan on Uliprovea re.. for building no commissions. COLUMBIA LIKE TRUST COMPANY, ou simlding bldg. W E buv rotes, contracts, mortgage (flrat and .'-condi. equillt. F. H. Lei. Co.. 3 Lewi bldg. . . r- TI on ferm or citv properly v m C. Borchers, 07 Oregonlan bldg. WE pay highest sh price tor bulildere con tract, flr.t and second mortgage and other ecuritle. Horn Inatallment Co.. 401-402 McKay bldg. Marshall awa. 17 ArRTL 4, 1013. r THE GILBERT COMPANY. FINANCIAL, Ali-.M- , Room 807 Stearns bldi... tith and Morrison, Portland, Or. Purchase notes secured by mortgage. Unsecured notes if principal and In doraers arc acceptable. .,. .. Inierest-bearins bank time certificate of deposit. , , Parties wishlnif to sell securities a de scribed above are requested to correspond with n or cull in pcr-on at our ofnee. ... . , . t. . . r. t.-, r. vi r. r 1-.: L r.V.X LA.H l Al LJ ruiv ...v. ... Or seller's equltv in contract of sale on real estate in Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble. Lumterm.-ng bldg. Loans. F1KST and second mortgages, contracts and commtiMion accounts housht. real estate loans. E. B. Miller. 410 Abington bldg. Money to Loan fveal Kstata. TO LOAN ON PORTLAND PKOKt-ttix AT ONCE. AT 6 TO 8 PER L LNT, II. TOO FOR 3 YEARS. 2i"0 FOR 3 YKAHS. J-.Ttxl FOti 5 YARS. t.VKi.l FOR 3 YEARS. $lt.o-JO FOR 5 YEARS. i no j. H TIPTON CO.. 110" SPALDING BLDG MONEY TO laO.'VaV. lr.0.000 at 6 per cent: II"-" J 5 cefit; 11000 at 7 per cent; I 500 at 8 1 per cent. If you want a loan call and ee ua T.. N. Tt'FFORD ft CO.. JOT snauldlng Bldg. A 4543. Marshall 4.T47. IF vou want money nuick. 0 to 8 per cent. 500 to r.o.noo. See Mr. Harbolt. Mar. 4.S0. A. J. DETSCH CO. A 155. 840 Chamber of Commerce. Plenty of money to loan at 5 to 8 per cent on city residence and buslnesa prop erty and Multnomah County farms. EDW. P. M ALL. aoo to "04 Chamber of commerce. MONEY to loan on improved real if the property on our valuation; no bo nus or commission: 110 brokers. Lnltea Artisans. .121 hcck piug. LA RG K supply of money to loan In sum. or -w ana uiiw-. ill. at 8 and 7 pr c",A,-e-T MALL 4 VAN BORSTEL, 1.U Second St.. Near Stark. ON IMPROVED city property or for build- refjanyn. privilege.; money advanced a rudyrangUprSgres.e.i The Equitable -,av- lncs ft Lean amuh-'h -- iit.Oi-l ON improved city or f arm prope rty. building or amall loan at ' large loans a specliltv. McKenxi & Co.. B14-515-51 Gerlitiger bldg. F'lKST MORTGAGE LOANS FARM AND EDMUND L. DEVEKKAUX. 10011 SPALDING BLDG. MONEY TO LOAN. 114 000 or let. on Improved West Side property. 7 per cent. E. J. Daly, -22 Fulling bldg. . HOO.OOO on Kood city -"Proved P" vi!.'- no "agent, no commission. Address V Qrryonlan. ,2000. inooo. I50O0. to loan at 7 propertyf -ake application to Goodsell Tar-o. 433 Worcester b :ds. STRICTLY private money on real estate, o 1 r 1 .... . ,, HS and con- trctrboushrnd .old.- Straw. 711 Selling hlH Whave Plty of money to loan. 00l to S lO.tjMMi, on cny pmt" Jul swetmnoDMis HAVE tl-10 to .T.M to 'f"-'h'lme- a.rv Roon k.-i;uh-.7. ! - !, irfirnnlan. T0O TO 1300 TO LOAN FOR SHORT TIME vTR PARTf! 207 OHEGONIAN BLDO. fSloan. estate moneys" In any sum from 1500 up at CUrj-i.e . Vulkev bldg., 2d and Morrison ml. MONEY to loan on Rof CUy Park proper- tv: no costs ivi Orepnnlan. TO LOAN $-".000 OR LESS. COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG. $500 AND upwards on proved real a; notes ana nnn(.anf away, room x r-nmin b. MONEY TO LOAN $1000 to $u00. flrat SSnrGnS nnA Alder. IMPROVED or unimproved property; Bmall bought. W H. Nunn. 448 Sherlock bldg. 11000 TO 15000 to loan at lowest rates, alio " - ..... Tn,nlri,1. A L'tenhena larger aniuu".- 301 WllCOg DIUR. i'0 000 TO LOAN, large loan a specialty, building loans, lowest ratea W. G. Beck. 31o-31U railing o.e- MORTGAGE loans on ctty property; lowest ratesT A H.' Blrrell Co., 2U2 McKay bldg.. Sd and Stark. TO LOADS' $10.lMloto L'0.XI0 on gllt-edgo 11 Mulkcy bltlg., -'1 and Morrison sis. MONTHLY PAYMENT LOANS on Portland homes, for building purposes. 2u8 Stark. VBOV1DF.NT SAVINGS & LOAN Aab N. MORTGAGE LOANS in any amount. Liberal terms. J- Henry C. Prudhomnie Co.. 80i Wilcox bldg. IPRl V ATE party has i-u to loan on first-class rem r-..o. ....... AM f 1 v' ' - - ' PROPERTY, SUMS TO SUIT. MOKTGAOB LOANS. 8 AND 7 PER CENT. PRIVATE money, any amount, 6 to 8 per . i - , a Hss. 401 Macleav bidu. MORTGAGE LOAN'S AT REASON AULA HATES, f It. laC-"--. " a-a- $.-.UO AT 7 PER CENT ON GOOD SECUR ITY. LP Biiii. v.. b--..- WHO wanta ?ioot. or any part of it; 3hort time, or a jt-"- LOANS on reaL personal, chattal or collat eVal security. C. yvi'5' M!i-V renlon. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. . . . HA1M.I..U, 'J a wa-a-a. MOi.TG.4TGE LOANS. J. O. GOLIRA. FAILI.NL. BlaiahJ. en TV ATE money loaned on real estate mort- r1"' .,n -...a i.eriineer bldg. gages, it- ai'ct. ' " "ATE tunas, o - - er,t Multnomah County. 400 ch. ot Cum. a-i-a.- tn-ri. oer cent. W. E. MONEY, any amount. 6 to 8 pet cent. W. m a . . 'till n. illn- Kill a 11. feUZ aC V'-.. " " --"a, R r-AL-ESTATE LOAN'S. J. J CAHALIN. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. ;:.,, Li.Dwelling house; prinuipala only; no brokerage Atlornej lo Almky bldg. " v,oi1.t to""Loan 4-ba.tteU and baiarlea. t I STATE PECUKITY CO. SALARY LOAN S O.N r LAI N NOTES. 10 To l0. LOWEST RATES IN PORTLAND 110, repaid In Installments of IJ0. repaid In Installment of J., "" I..0. repaid In Inatallment of. -.uu Larger amounia in proportion. We do not advertise misleading term or rate, but give you our charge In plain figures. . Business atrlctly eontlnennai. STAJa. fhiutviii v----., t SOS Falling Bldg. I a I $5 to D. V. DKAKE. 1100. FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. TODAY without eecurlty, mortgage or Indorse ment: cheapesl rates, best and moat pri vate terma In Portland. 307 bpaldmg bldg. Successors to Hutton Credit Cq- Xr.l.-VTV MONEY O.N EASY TERMS. On anything of value, pianos, furniture, shipping receipta. livestock, contracta, real estate mortgage, etc. confidential and without delay. A DOLPHLS LAND, 414 Abington Bldg. T. ...... ... . . KUi.PI t'. MOaNHil rOtV Bn a-- - rf Women keeping house and othera fur nished wltnout aecu.-liy: cheapest ratea easiest paymenta. Come and get money when you want It. and pay aa you can. Officea In all principal cities. L. u 1- man, an Lumuw f..aii.u--. PRIVATE PARTY LOANS iio tu evv- - ...I a in atneeea. On lumuui-i i " " . - . eta STRICTLY tu.Mtlatl-.MiAi. 120 Lumber Exchauge Bldg. Open Monday aud Saturday till 8 P. M. Call, write or phone Main 4617. " PB1VAXK PARTY LOANS, salaried people and women kacpmg house, w 10 to JIOO. Strictly conudential. 820 Lumber Exchange Bldg. MONEY LOANED, watches, diamonds. Jewelry, etc. ELBV COMPANY. Room lino Lumber Excnange Bldg. in a MS on diamonds. Jewelry and valuables t almost bankers' rate of interest. X23 Failing bldg-. ad and Washington streets. wiLOA Nrn o D e y on diamonds and Jewelry t half the rate charged by brokra Marx at Blocll. 74 3d t. iiriNEY loaned on diamonua and Jewelry; itVictly confidential. 141 V ad. near Alder. t riANS on dlamonda and other eecurltiea. t'u. Hull, room w. Washlngonbldg. twOVFY aold on installment: confidential; shis 'ri.-d p-ople. K. A. Newton. H.-nry blda- , oaN for the asking, aalary or chattela A Tho Loan Co . 414 p. kum bldg. fVloRT TIME LOANS; PRIVATE PARTY; $1W AJvD UP. 207 OKEGO.N'IAN BLDG. Chattela and Salartea. CHATTEL 11.00 to J1000 on nlAMONDS. SALARY I .O X X S. ; per cent WE MEET AND BEAT Tho rales of other LO.N l u -. regardless of what they advertise. OUR NEW RATES Borrow 10 pay back 1 12. B0 n 6 Pa." Borrow J5 pay back in naJ..J. Borrow Jr.O pav back lit! 4T in 0 pa ta. CAN YOU BEAT THEM. on loans up to iw? if tncHi;Ah; of the fumlly dies before the account ia paid In full and the payments are mane is agreed WE GIVE THE WIDOW A RE CEIPT IN FULL OF ACCOUNT. . YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. Rebates given if paid before d"e HORTLAND LOAN C0MPANY 206-7 MACLEAV BLDG. BOTH f."0. Between 4th and 5th sts.. on""" Open Monday and Saturday till r. m. Illll. DO TOU NEED MONEY T We will lurniBh you, mrlctly contlden tlal. and without delay, a loan I'1 an amount on your auto piano. llveslock. storage receipt and aU other klnda of securities, on terms to suit. a.o on weekly or monthly payment. WE BUY -VND LOAN On first and second real estate gage, contract and chattel mortgage. U. S.KBAL ESTATE 4. BROKERAyi. CO. 812 Hamilton Bldg., 131 ad. Ma.n 20&4. Sill $ Loans anted. MONEY WANTED ON THE FOLLOVl.NG GILT-EDGE LOANS. I W)0 years. 10 per cent, 40 acre at Tillamook. Or., value 1jOO. 1 500 3 years, 10 per cent, 10 acres. - ,o Co.. near Mosier. value 'p. I 500--S years. S per cent, 3 acres with Food Luildings. at Troutdale. value e 600 l year. S per cent. 4-room hoiise and 2 lots lit Kern Park, value , SOO ft'yrs. 10 per cent, 5 lots SOxlOO and small house at Whltwood Court, value $ll""e . $ 0003 vears. S per -en t, 4-room house, Elbert's Add- value J2000. 11O0 3 vears. 8 per cent. S-room house, Mo'ntavilla, value I2H00. I12O0 :. jears. s per cent, o-room modern house. Belle Crest, value -l-113003 vears. per tent. 4-room house. TTemor.t Add., value flMXt. j180 3 years. S per cent, .-.-room modern house. E. 30th St.. value I'1","0- . J3000 3 years. 7 per cent, amatory build ing, new, 3 stores, 2 o-room flats. value 110,000. See MR. HARBOLT. A. J. DETSCH CO.. 840 Chamber of Commerce. TWO Blli $ SOO 3 years. S per cent. 6-room new house. 16th St.. value 3000. e-,500 3 years. S per rent. oOO acre or f-"0 land I part cleared, at Eagle Creek, value 3'.000. .tBE -MR- HARBOLT. T .K-Tat.-U l-O S-40 "Chamber of Commerce. RESPONSIBLE financial agent would like to meet a private party or Investor with 11000 or more who would be w illlng to loan on gotnl chattel securities at the rate of 2 per cant a month: all short time loans. E 3..1, Oregonlan. to loan on first mortgages? C-tn place iinoo to W-O- ' P.KrEcent net' SEE H. F. KALVELAdB. With Brong-M-nary Co., Jt.tVs Oak ft. Main 1743. A 174... WTANTED-3OO0. 7 per cent, on good busi ness property, value f'JOOO. Wanted 12--.0 for 3 to .3 years on' lot orth ?TOO. within 2 miles of 3d ana ort Wa-hinjton. 31 a i ii . .. WANT S'.ioO. 10 per cent. 3 year?, on mod ern cottage on two full-size lots; properly 1? ryiRLiC, K. 70th and E. G.isan 1MV cnrl. . n i vr to borrow i.K.l"'0 on new four-story r.rick build.,.B; cost over S.tKa.: will pay .: per cent; principals only. ii J- Dili. railing mu.. I WANT :io.0iiu at 7 per cent for 5 or 10 1 yl-arsoi 7,00 acres of f rult berg, 200 acres in trees. -T U4b, Orego- PiHIl. ... , . . a.. mivTrn i IK MODERN HOME. LAKUB LOT WILL PAY 8 PER CENT TO PRIVATE PARTY. N KA. OREOONIAN. WANT to borrow 1200 on my 4lii.i will pay 45 for use of money for 30 das. C 114.".. Oregonlan. . TO LOAN lloOl. on- first mortBage; willing to pay S per cent interest; no agents. Phone w oon i aw n ovm. iO0 WILI- buy the bet mnney-makln-legitimate business; investiKatiou invited. - . -. - it- a VT'n "00i 8 per "cent. $f.LK)o E. Side resi- dence; no agents. AJ 042, Oregonlan. MONEY WANTED Applications k hand for desirable loans, '"""-i1-. B? Henry C. Prudhomme Co.. 807 Wilcox big. IIIHIO 8 per cent, Joan value, of real es- ' Oregonlan. tate. Aaarosa tti. c... I2.-.H0 yOA two years on gilt edge residence property. 1- t'.e. -.ieW. ....... tlono AT 8 per cent on 3 acres In Clack amas County. D 904, oregonlan. PERisON AX- ONLY 2o. FOUR WEEKS TO LEARN. c.viTABY BEAUTY PARLORS. "... j rf 1.-I-M I.L. nt;R SCHOOL IS PRACTICAL. Which means that If you come here you Will l laUKUt s - J o - sary and nothing that is unnecessary. be taught everymmg .... OUR SCHOOL IS ECONOMICAL. In other words. If you Invest your money in instruction here it will get you the greatest possible increase In earning alter ward. OUR SCHOOL IS ENJOYABLE. Because we know how to make your work intjrestlnB. and have the teacher and the equipment for doing it. OUR SCHOOL IS THE SCHOOL vad vol WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. . IT a Tt Tl A I T T-T ilH 50 PUKE CUT HAIR SWITCHES "i.i-.h H.eltchea 4.4o $12 2-lnch switchea 2-4J Hair dressing Face massage --2 Shampoo Manicuring. 25o. u for ; L" 12 scalp treatments , T Superfluous hair removed by electricity. gUHia.iteed not to return. II 10 and $ti PUFFS only 11.45. ( tit hair in any shade: switches, any a.nltnrv n..rlnrs. lenctn. i-rteee. 11m- " : W. . 4-10-412 Dekum bldg- 3d and Washington, K.-i. al cure by the latest natural hea.- ng melhoda. Including radium all alectrl eal current. Ughta. heat, vibration, radia tion, hatha massage. adjustment and tuanlpulatlona. Moat expensive, finest oulpped private offlca In Oregon; no med icine or operatlona. Over OOoo treated pa tlinta and not a death while under nl eVre Wo will be glad to cooimt with "JTfre. of charga.'Dr. W. E. Mallory, 812 Rothchlld bldg. ; . EWED1SH TRAINED nfUKSH Helalngfor graduate: rheumatism, nervoua and atom, ich alimenta. under phy.lclan dirc tiona; hatha, massag. No. 7 Eaat , lu at. sacoud door aouih from East Aaaeaj WllnaT Phona Eaat g60. B lgua. DR. CATHERINE C. GATES I have had 11 yeara' practical experience treating nervoua and chronio disease. Con.ultallon free. 307 Abington bldg. Marshall K144. Hour: 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. DRESS SUITS for rent. 1.5I month; keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on. rips repaired. Vrompt calls and "eliverle. Unique Tailoring Co.. 8011 stark. MRS STEVENS. 18 yetw' Portland' lead ing palmit and clairvoyant, haa her late book "Palmistry Made Easy." on sale a "l" Alisky bldg., 3d and -Morrison sts. t.-iKNTlFlC facial and scalp treatments; tL.lfes- and gent' manicuring. Violet Parlors. 615 Swetland bldg. Marshall 3UI1. Jvi-Riii, The great nerve tonic and '- Z hiiTder 11 per box. 6 boxes 0. Stipe Taylor "'DkJcoJMorrisont. rvrTTTappiied in science restore, mental. t,htsical and business harmony; consulta- flo'n free. 424 Clayt...ulte 34. " MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS. Switches. 85c: curls and puffs, 7Jc. San ttrTrv Beauty Parlors, 4QQ Dekum bldg. - : 3 MORRISON, steam burns and'unnc for rheumatism, lumbago, etc. letterson. A 4470. Open Sundays. ZTi SOPHIA B- SEIP. mental and plrlt nai scientist. 302 Alisky bldg. Main 0824. ual soeri.. . s-rlriiiv g M Meetings ll-"" - uva your wrinkle removed. Why look 615 Swetland bldg.. 5th and Wa.h. r-i. superfluous hair removed. Mra M. ii H11L Flledner bldg. Main 3473. -, . , OF FIGS. Compound, Royal Tonto Tablet ;32 Davis t- Main 0216. vtAVK'URlNG PARLOR, facial and acalp treatment, ehampoolng. 314 Swetland bldg BUSINESS DRIECXOBY. Attorney. T g ctiOPER. attorney-at-law. General nra'.-tlce a.Ttraets examined. Removed to 1424 to li'-'S Yeon bldg. SI. 87J. A 2071. .T." V " .-;c,riLlsH. general practice, abstract examined. 4oti-408 Kenton bldg. Mala 8tl: Bras and Machine. Work. irAP.FF.R'S r.RASS WORKS Brass casting iud machine work. 106 N. 5th. Main 270 Weli& Proebstel. mining cns.neeis. cnero Isls and assayera. 201 Wasuingtun. MONTANA ASSAY oi l' K 1- Lahoratoijt and oie-tcstlng work. .Mi .Morrison at. Caipet C'lcauing. JAPANESE electric carpet cleaning work Phone Marshall 16.".;t or A 22v'2. Chiropractic I'tl siclall. DR. Tit'K.NKH, Cdlutn'eia . lus-. Sur Theater. A a.'-..'..., .Vnun ll.".?. , rea. E 2.'.-- Chiropodists WILLIAM. Estelle and Flossie Deveny. the oulv scientific chiropodists in -l.e city Parlors :io2 oerlinfe-er bliit... S- cur. i:d and Alder. Phone l:aln1301. cTllltOPODY and prdicurinii. Mrs.' M. D. Hill, offices 420 F-iediici' bidg. jla.n 47a.. Coal. COAL A I. BIN A FUEL CO. riLUL'1. W OOD BKA.NCH E. oaiD ST. U uu Coal and Wood. NATIONAL FUEL CO.. coal ana wood. Marshall DUO. A 3545. 374 Water St. Dancing. PROF. W.-J. W!LLSON'S Dancing School Lessons, 2"ic; walta, two-stop or three-sup guaranteed in one. lesson, trial lesfui: given free. The best is always the cheap est Stage dancing and ail vaudeville a. ;i tuuht uuiekly. Royal Academy Han, 8.".i, tith. bet. Stark and Oak sts. Phum Main iuj.7. BER'IHA BECKETT HEATH, teacher el fancy, stage, and social dancing; classt.5 Monday and Friday evenings, al 8. Pri vate lessons by appointment. lull 2d St.. between Washing ton ana totark. A .108. PituF. KoitD'S school of dancing. 37th and Hawtnorr.e avenue. Classes Tuesday an I Thursday evening at S. private iesso:n ly apjiointnieltt. Tabor 3707. R1NULEK S SCHOOL Private and class iu strucliuu; lady assistants; social, stage. Taney dances. 2.'ll'. Morrison. Marsh'l HI-'- i-ducutional. 6TA1111KH1 Method for cure explained free,. M. L. Hatfield, 1SI1S Glove. oaklaud. Ca.. Engines Gas and S ten in. ROBER Machinery Co.. Coast agents. Sea bury steam engines and boners, gasoline en gines. atol-283 E. .Morrison St. Pliune E. ui5. Feed htoro. ZIULKR & l ISNEH, hay, grain, feed, ct ment, sulngles. 204 Grand ave. E. 482. Fire Insurance. PHONE us about lour titd Insurance, ilain 4308. Mallory ic Co., Inc., Uio Wl.eux utog. Landscape Qurdenera. IF you have residential gruunds to beautify, consult our landscape expert, Mr. C. I". McOougall, li: years experience III Scot land and .Eastern cities. .Sow is the tnuo to planl. Advice tree. Phone Main 801b. y or write tne Oregon Ivurseiy Company. orenco, Oregon. . FKED W. BULLOCK. Artistic Landac-pe Gardening. 310 Yeon bids. ilarsna.l 2432. New Lawns a Specially. Shrubbery, Plains and oriiameutal Tree. KIKK Ac LEE, landscape gardeners, 032 Columbia boulevard. phono Woodlawn &48. Leather and Findings CHAS. L. MAtTlCK. it CO.. 74 Fronl. Leather of every description, tabs. Hits, findings. J a. feTKOWBHlDGE LEATHElt CO. Es 'tablUlied 1j8. ISO Front st. .Medical. BOSTON graduate massage and medics gymnastics. 3u2 Jenersuii, up one flig.tu .UusicaL KAGUME piano laughl lli lessons, players alwa wanted at good ialary. Kooni 17. 380t E. JIQirieoii a.. Emil Thieiliorn, violin teacher, pupil Sevcik. 00 Marquam. A 4rti0. Alarsliall lb.M. MUSIC studio. 2b'J 14th, arrangement made for practicing. Main 3803. Osteopathic Ph j sicians. DR LEROY. SMITH, graduate Klrkville, Mo. class of lajh; post-graduate luo.. un der Dr A. I'. Still, founder of the science. 11V-2 aetllUg UlUg. aal 1..J.. Dr it B. -Sortlirup. 413-111-17 Dekum bldg. Nervous and Chrome Diseases. Phone, ofnee, M. 340; it.., East or B 1028. Painting and Puperhimging. PAPERliANGiNG. painting. tinting work, guaranteed; prices, reasonable. Phone. Mam 7080. A474. Residence, Main til. 4. Paints, Oils and Oliuw C04.Sr-M-A.DE paint and varnish is best adapted to tno Coast climate. BASo HtlUTUR PAINT CO.. H1 Second St. KASMLSSEN i CO.. Jobbers, paints, oils, glasa, sush and doors. Cor, ad and laylor. Patent Attorney. PATENTS procured by J- K. Mock, atlorney-at-law late of U. S- Patent otrice. Book lot free. 710 tho Board ot Trade bldg. PATENTS obtained, trademarks, copyright' registered, all countries. Booklet tree. Pt 1EK HABERLl-N, 32o Worcester blug. j 5" AND FOKE1G.N PATENTS procured by ' . o. O. Martin. 409 Chamber of Commerce bldg. K WKiGHX. domestic and foreign pat enis, lralringemcntcaseB. ti04 Dekum bidg. Patent Engineer. INVENTIONS DEVELOPED. And patents secured. Coop Jit Sciimitt, con aultliTg eiiglueeis. 501 Henry bldg. Pliou ilaiu 1280. Cunaultatlon free. Paw n brokers. UNCLE MILKS' Collateral Bank; 40 yeau V Portland. 71 oil, st. Plioue Main flu. Paving. THE Barber AspUall Paving Company. 003 wfaEleclrio bmg. Oscar Huber. Portland. Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and P""fico near 24th and york ats. Main 348U. hafea. THE HuSLtB SAFE CO.. 108 2d St. Safe, a- fnittJi v prices; second-hand sates. Second-Hand Goods. WE buy clothing, furultuie and tools. High il price paid for second-nand cloiui..g. furnuure. tools- Marshall 2oo4. S.'B nay the highest prices for second-hand Xfmng and shoes. Main 7Qtl8. t3Q btn. Miuwcases, Itank aud Show Fixture. i w l L.1KE MFG. CO., branch Grand Unit 1 ms buowtrse CO.. 0th and Mo,l K. LuLke. manager. - - ho usLL. 208 Haraillon bldg. Sbow- csV. in sTok; prompt delivery. aale. agent. M- Winter j-umner Co. xTTkSHALL MFG. CO., 4th and couch; new ilAKBllAt-i. . cabinet work and seco.. srrtrTiAND showcase . n-vioiu. ith.t. Main Toll. Cabinet work. b trams kips. rr77 Ii i an LINE Royal Mail steamers; TIlnl Liverpool. Glasgow. MontreaL Me i'lymouth. London; the picturcso.u lawrenee routo; four days on the three day In river and gulf; splen S?d Siw Turbine steamers; saloon, second catbin and third class; auperior one-class clbla eervlce; cui.ine unexcelled; courteous Ittenlion; send for circulars, rates, plana, i Allkn & Co., 127 N. Dearborn a... Chicago. . storage and Transfer. pick Transfer it Storage Co., office aud commodious 4-story brick warehouse, fen-rate Iron rooms and fireproof vauil Jor valuables; N- W. cor. 2d and Pine t.. T.inos and furniture moved and packed Jot- shipping; special ratea made cn good four tl'rJugh cars to all domestic and orelgn points. Mt-ln &1-6, A 006. 7JLSON-KOE TRANSFER l O. neneral transferring and storage, safes, manos aud furniture moved and packed id? shipment. 87-80 Front at. . Telephone Main 547 or A 224i. OREGON TKANSFEK CO.. established 187U vnsfer and forwarding agent. Offices ind storage 474 Gl.saii St.. cor 13th aud Giisan. pnoiies ji ... Tailoring. -fTrToRlNG wanted, ladles and gent; civ TenriVtry Main SQU2. 207 Alisky bldg. Tinners. 1SELE & G INTER, tinners aud trhVe tit. A 13V0. Main 304'. I. n n e r:. aud roofer. 5.8 Typewriters. ... -r.-i S.15 will buy a REBUILT lYPil w ; ail ii-viTEK: rebuilt as good as new makea lo choose from at Gill's, 3d and Alder- terms to suit; every machine guar anteed. Call or phone for representative. Main Sw "nt.N'T buy a pooriy constructed machine when you can buy high-priced standaru mikes direct from tlie mauulacturer -t &" on tho basis of 15 per month, or 3U cash' rentals 3 months for 5. luvcstigate. K. T. Co., 245 Stsrk St. efE handle atandard make of genuine Eistern factory rebuilt typewriters Ino liink) Prices right. Buy a reliable ma ihlne from a reliable house. Pacifio Sta'y A P18- Co.. 107 lid at. WE are the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast; Investigate; all makes, ail price-. The Typewriter Ex change. 3.11 V jyi asnington t. KFW rehtillt. second-hand rentals, at cut rates. P. D. C. Co., 231 Stark. M. 1407. " Well DrHlins, DRILLING wells. Phone Mala loll. Or wrllt West la- Morrison U' 1