Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 09, 1912, Page 18, Image 18

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f nationality to visit Portland. h;iafbeen
sold to OrrmanH and the Haling ship
C. Marehenta who transferred with her
to ko sail umler the Kaiser's emblem.
FKBIU AKY Dl'TIKS $19,186.03
A '
('hoick rKi
J5 KINGS $6.25.
a- r
Western Steamship Company
Asks $28,450 Damages.
vn ihe'JV.
I i c lire
. anil Sunk
S. I'ortrr Accuxrtl
Mirn Mramrr
Was struck
Montlilj UHtom Statement
Miomm Kiport Were? $805.78;
Though there were no full carRoes to
he entered from offshore port during
February, according to the' statement
of Collector of Custamw Malcolm the
lutles collected were $4;.4.03. The
month domestic exports reached
valuation of fvS.S72.
The nummary of transaction as for
warded to the lerartment 01 t
merce and Labor Is as follows:
Number of vessels eleared for for
eiicn port. T: number of vessels en
tered from domestic ports. 38; number
Price Are Maintained
I-Inc . Koeolpts of
Arc Small.
In Other
I a ::..srii In the utn of I J. 10 are
akrl by the Western .tea nuh ir Com
(iny, rr. lrri ; i nic the Mi-aii't-r 'Wenter
er. i f tr:e OIm'h ac Mahoney f.eet. of the
A .'r uited Transport. it ton Com pan y,
t:,e marine branch of the Asim iatrd
U:I Company. fr Injuries sustained by
t e Westerner ti c f November
13. !Ml, she was ltr;:rk by the
xrrimrr W. rf I'ortrr. and tank near
1'iiUr Ilok. tti the Lwer OIuniMn.
Tne if-tb'n a Instituted yesterday
in the I'n:ted Mates Instr.- t Court, and
lii the 'irirr a? not In the river,
she be formaMy (ihele.) by t'ntted
State Marsnal S-ott on her arrival
frtm t:.e s.ttu. In t!ie raiJinK It ts
reviled tt t' e Westerner' a ti:al
la aires mi re $ I but the de'ay
neeury ti make repairs. dl -ha re Ins
,Jirr lumNrr mmo and icner,l losses
ij'ftr. lnrar the sum by
Tar Western steam, l.lp Company
p '.rr& a ) tP"!!" H't ' It y f r the t
dent n the l,rtr. Tf roniplaiut sets
forth 11 ml tf.e hkTi:ts of the Westerner
were plainly . Isthir. that l. t re ai an
abundance .f spa e In the t l.annel for
Itie ptirter to have rhanved her murne
anil that her rear was utility of nrk'il
S'nrf in nt n;.ilrit.;ninir a sufficient
wt. ?i forw.ird. ,
irt'n vessels wre headed downteam,
the Westerner la!en with lumber for
San Kranii.- and tit. lirtr In bat-
lat for tiie Sotifh to oad fiI nil. N-ir
IM!ar tin. k. which U about 14 mllr
a Hve Atorta. t. e Westerner took
sheer, the cause reported be in the
parting of her whe ropes, and the
frter. whtrh was eiose astern, cranhed
Into her. .ptam Simrt was pilot f
the WeMerner and 'apt un "Hi: ly
lattersin served In the snme rapacity
a roa rd the for? er. Sernd .Mate (S
aai. tr i n v r sterner, w ho vas on
tfe fore-a..t!e lea. I at the time, evl
denf r was precipitate Into the river
br the shock of thP rohislon and
Dm te Arrtre,
Nam. From. Data.
Kn City. . .San Pedro. ... In Prt
Wni:a Mar.
S ie II Klmort. Til.a:nok. . . . Mr.
II rak water. . . . Vo Hay Mr.
AlUane Eureka Mar.
Jtoa Ity. han Prdro. ... Mar.
;-o W. Kider. in tteae.... Mar.
Faicon tn PrancLaco Mar.
K'tanoWe San Il-o. . . . r.
lavtr ..San Pedro, .. . Mar.
1 '2
ftrbeduled ta
Name. For.
Harvard S. P. tnr t A.. Mar. !
v mlr S. P for U aV.Mar. 11
Itreak ster ' " Hay ,V.r I -
hum II. Kimort. Tillamtrk . Mar." 12
K-n.i i'in..4n H-dro. . . . M ar. 1'J
li-. V. Elder. .San t Bo
Alliari'-e Kureka
The North Portland market was In icood
shape yeiterday for all classes of livestock.
Hrcelpts were moderate, eupecislly of cattle.
Two loaos of steers were moved, both at
ft.3a. a few steera were aold at $2.50 to
$4.l:. and this Is all that was done In the
tattle division.
Choice steers aold at fiLTa and the quota
tion on heavyweights remained unchanged.
The aheen market maintained Its re
cent ffrmnas. 1'hulce lambs were taken at
ftv.1'3 and liicht.r stuff at Sa l.' to
Uecetpttt . at. r.lay were: 3S cattle, 144
hos. 17M ahcep and 4 hornea.
Shippers were: J. W. Marner. Buhl. Ida
ho, 1' ears of sheep; M H. Marner. Huhl. 2
evs of sheep: W. A. Pane, Kutnn, Itlsho.
2 cars of shoep; Farr Irt.. Nlrolo. " cam
of cattle and hoc; K. T.ucke. OroRoii
City. '2 cara of hep and hops; Itueh Cum
mtnirs, lialaey. - cars of cattle, sheep and
hnsa. and Fred Hartelhelmer, Amherst,
Neb.. 1 car of cattle and horses.
The day's sales were as follows:
Wela-ht. Price.
404 ewes loo 4.M
ewe no -
t.-m li:t:: .;:.-
1U1 lambs
lioM City.
I .u eric . . . .
Pairon . . .
Heavr. . . .
. Mar.
. Mar.
. Mar.
an rdro. . .
Man la
. San Pranrlsco Mar.
.S -n I1so. . . . Jlr.
. San I'eiiro. ... Mar.
1 bull .
1 hull .
1 boll .
2? nte rs
htK .
3 li-.k-s
1 hoc ..
1 hoe ..
I t 4 lambs
In rnhn
lt7 lnnils
. .l'J.-.o
. . !.:: i
.. 40
r i
li 4o
;. i.-.
br h
Thursday i
mli.-hi hare
rr ! 20 Uay - Waiting for
Brcrje in (mid.
Calms mere rxiwrtenced for '0 days
the. run up the Coat from Callao
I e rm a n ship ' K 1 1 o. a rr I v i n it
t Astoria. ot herwl-e she
cut a few davs frtim the
reason's record of the Inrerlomo. which
was 3- days. The skipper of the Kilo
has related a; A-tria that the vcsjh-I
was favored un the roy aire as far aa
0 north, where m. series of r.ilms were
tot with and she passed 10 days trying
10 ;ct out of the zone.
A few days before reach inc the Co
lumbia the barkentlne Knko Head was
epken and the niaMer of the lat tr
boarded the Klio with a re.ue-'t th:it
letters be mailed, and In return for the
accommodation he. presented the Kilo's
officers with vecetables. The
Kilo will load outward with wheat and
11 to be fallowed from Catlao by the
Frem h bark Kusene Schneider, which
waited from there February 10 and alo
mil transport cram to t:urope.
MOHK FLOCK T(l(;i; socc;ht
K.Mrlrrs, to I.mI Sfitnnl Tramp for
Orirmal HarlMir.
At least one more trnmp will follow
the Japanese eteamer 1'nkai Maru. due
today from Victoria, to load flour for
tho Far K?l. The determination of
the Waterhoue line to Increase the
rate on that product from Portland 50
rents a ton durnif June, with prsperta
that tt also will be raise! on July ship
ments, has stirred exporters and nego
tiation are t-.nder way for fixing an
additional carrier so at least some of
the flour will be routed rhea;er. The
arrangement also will afford an outlet
for more than uould movt with only
the regular service on which to depend.
The fnkat .Marti will be in the har
bor today and is to load at the Portland
Flourinir Mills Companv's plant. She
will rarrv about aSuo short tons, a
some of her pace Is reserved for coal.
I nlets a dirv t steatitship line I in
augurated during the present year a
i ontluuution of the heavv demand for
flour from abroad no doubt mill result
in other tramp carriers being f i xed if
rate are reaon.itIe. as the increases
tariff jtcd for the Summ.T will be
a tided to September 1 on the general
ri-e agreed on of I a t-n.
of vessels clearel for domestic ports.
3. Value of exports: Foreign. $1"0;
domestic, $oO,TS. Value of imports:
Foreign. -4.42'- Kn tries of merrhan-
dise. . locumenta Issued to vessels.
2; duties, 1 49,4 'i 6.03 : all other customs
receipts. $4 l': ail other navigation
receipt. 1 1 v I SO; aggregate receipts.
. . Jfi inn. n.r.a
. . .Y!o . i
Th range of Drlces at tha yards was as
Chot.e steers
chul. r s'.cers . .
Choice cown
I t;-nd to choice i-ows. . .
Choice spayed heifi rs.
floor! to choice helfera
Choh-t bulla
. 7. .f
Makes delicious home
baked foods of maximum
quality at minimum cost
Makes home baking a
The only Baking Powder
made from Royal Grape
Cream of Tartar
Carsu fr AfrU-a Taken at Astoria.
ASTOUIA. r.. March S. (Special.)
Hrltlshj VI e-Crwisul Cherry has received
a letter from Captain Man-k, of the
!rrman ship leda, that has been at
Santa Koaalta for several weeks, stat
ing that he expected to sail for As
oi in not later than March 10 and he
wlil arrive here about the first of the
romlng month. The Frieda comes to
load a cargo of ?.00.0u0 feet of hun-
h r at tr-e Knappton mill for South
Africa. The cargo has been ready for
over four months anil the delay in the
arrival of the ship has canard consid
erable Inconvenience to the mill com-
pan v. as its wharf ts badly blocked.
Captain Marck sas that the IEelnbek
sailed for' Astoria on February IS and
the bark AVansbek sailed for the Hast
ings null on February IT.
ooil to i hole bulls . . .
Chntea calvt-a
o.xl to choice calves ...
ChoU e light hogr
Smooth heavy hufts
I'.oush heavy
Choiet? yearllnrs
Chxlre unit aa
Cholc killing ewes
I'holce fel woo Inmbs.
I'tiolra grain-fed I'tuibs..
Cftuic i-prtnic lanits
id to htre lamua . .
Pair to good lambs
s.oti -
7 .W ii
H tl
a. 7.. tt.oo
S.iu J 6.70
5 00 4J ft
4. ).' it 4 oO
4 4 ,'
6.;.o .9
Omaha I.Hetoek Market.
FiM'TH OVA HA. March - Ctle Re-
etnts. v.n; riirtawct. strons- Native te-rs.
f-Vys nwlM cows and hetfra.
t. Western aleers. I4'jO-.i, Tens steers.
.t 7" 4i ranee c s and heifers.
3. lo; eanners. S. . '1 :i. .' ; Ktnekers and feed
era, JO, cal es, S4 j S; bull, stags,
etc . 14 u ' ao.
Hoki i:rfp:. i:i.tMMi; market, steady.
Heavy. d.:." y U. V.; mixed. U l.-O;
llglit. ft;-,i0.4O, plifs, fjQtl; bulk of sules.
Ktieu fteennts. 4"O0 market. Plow to inc
lower. Y'-Bfllnnn, $..4o4itt: wethers, SI.SU
6 60; ewr. 4 -j0; lamts. $00 U 7.
IMK n AND 'S Ki t I If I s
I. FA l
Cii I Alirmt of sralllc Ml 1 9 Car.
of Wheat THI sa-oti.
hett rece'rfs at Portland for March
already -.:ive exceeded ?0 rars and for
t lie sca"i to dte 11.107 t ar have
been rr-ei e,i. The r'tv ad.s Tacom
bv 110- cars and I ahead of Seattle
017 car- F'r .Mari-h Tacoma has re
reled ZZ ca- and fr the season 10.
Pi'a cars, while Seattle's business for
March Is 174 cars and for the season
l2$ cars.
farlier In tho season Portland did not
make such a g'd showing against the
northern port, be a use the application
of the anie ral rar e from t he w heat
belt over the mountain to Puget Sound
a was in force to I'orthir Increased
the cereal movement northward. Port
land 1 far ahead of the Sund district
in wheat exportation for the cereal yesr
and only an unprecedented styurt In
the north could lo.-o for hr Orst place
en the Coast. The eerea) moving north
Is largely ground Into -flour, while the
bulk coming to Portland for Mujmient (
nia and the f ntted Kingdom, I
Marino Note.
Pound for Nest urea, the gasoline
eraft 1 Hi 11a Is to leave Monday on her
first voyage of the 191? season.
With iT.O.Ortu feet of lumber, the
steamer Coaster cleared for San Fran
i' 1 o yesterday and the steamer Fal
con cleared for the same harbor with
general cargo.
After loading wheat at Montgomery
dock No. 1 yesterday, the .Norwegian
steamer Jason shifted to Montgomery
dock No. : last evening- and will finish
there this morning'.
P. A. Copeland and J McAdow, lios
pital apprentices, first -class, have re
ported to Lieutenant Tons. I'. S. N.. for
duty at the Portland Hecruitfng Sta
tion from the Naval Hospital at San
Approval has been given bv the War
department to the award made John-
sn. Anderson Ac Co. of the south Jetty
ntract at Sluslaw for $43,270.70. The
same contractors arc building the north
Jrtty there. -
As thee rteamer Ueo. . fc,lder was
behind time on her last voyage south,
she wfl not sail from Portland until
Friday or Saturday, next week, and on
that trip she will proceed only to San
Francisco. o as to regain her former
Another carrier listed for Portland
was diverted, the Russian hark Cali
fornia, formerly a British vessel, aa
she has! arrived on Puget Sound f rom
San iMcgo. She will load lumber for
the Cntted Kingdom on Nenme & Co.'b
With the option of Puget Sound or
Columbia River loading, the schooner
Rosamond ha. been chartered for lum
ber to Valparaiso by W. R. Grace &
Co.. at 00 shillings'. The schooner Fear
less, n hlch Is in the river, has been
fixed by the K K. Wood Lumber Com
pany to load for tiuayinus at private
iHspector Pet k. of the Seventeenth
Lighthouse Ids trie t. has not been in
formed what action l a been taken at
ashlngton respecting bids filed for
extensive repairs on the tender Colum
bine. She Is to be on, duty In Alaska
this season and It is .Important that
the work be commenced, as a month
wil! be required to complete It.
1 Miring the absence of Harbor mas
ter speier at 5an Francisco, the patrol
launch KllJor will bei overhauled. She
was lifted from the water yesterday to
l ave her hull painted gray Instead of
white. The launch Willamette, of the
f nion Prldge & Construction Com
pany's fleet, Iia been loaned thoclty
for the use of the harbor force mean
while. P.rltlsf: Columbia health ant horiltcs
are experimenting with a new rat
poison known a lanys virus, which is
sid to imbue the rodents with a strong
thirst, and they seek the open In quest
of water. It la said to have been used
in the tube railways or Jondon sue
cessf ully. and Is being- distributed at
Vancouver. H. C, on property of the
Canadian Pacific, so It will probably
reach Northwest cities this season If
there Is another plague scare.
Milrago Livestock Market.
CM1CAHO. March K Cattle Receipts.
market. teady. lteeves. ' S
1 Texas atr. jt.7"! Western leers, a.1U
ti 7. lt: M'kkrri n ml feeders, fl.ln .i ii; i-jmi
and tieifera. J.J." (j rt.7; cuJves. $1 j ..0n.
Has Iteeeipi-. -.'l.ooO; market, shade
hie her. Ia lit. 1 .."'; inixeil, JtV 0
: ; : hrH y. ' !." u V05; ruush. $.-.
; lif. l4.ti0irU-0: bulk of salrs. Sd.aOu
. ."k..
hh-'P Receipt n,; market, strong.
l'V hlk'her. Native. S;;.7" ti .. ii ; Western.
$4 ti i.f.;: yearlings. 1 U ! V 2" : Iambi,
nam c. 10.- '-i 7 Wmi.-i n. $: 70 'a 7.40.
vt ii i i r.r.ii iv inn l u j r.u
ckxt or CKOI.
Auruit, l."i.4c; September. -c; October,
la.VH ; Nov fin her, 1.1.40c; December, la.4Sc;
Januarj', Hi. 4c: February. U.47e.
Spot CftlTee steady. Kio. No. T. 14Mic; San
tos. No. 1. 10'?''. Mlid coITeo dull. . ordova. ISc,
Raw aug;tr ateady. Muscovado, SI test,
4.'le; cent rlfup:il. in; test. 4.01c; molasses.
h'J test, 3.70c. Reiim 1 quiet.
Minneapolis Wheat 3larket.
MINNEAPOLIS. March 8. Wheat May,
l.i7; July. Il.fws.
Casn No. 1 hard. 1.0i"i; No. 1 North
ern $i.oss : No. 2 Northern, xi.otJS ; No.
3 whejt. 1.04 .
Rariey. 71 i SI ';(.
Corn No. o yellow
t'.its No. 3 while.
O.i in iNo. 3 white.
Mt !oc.
Klour Plrst ' patents. $0i."
putents. S4.k: 4 first clears,
second clears, SlLO'i.i li.70.
PURE f ff
I ito m
Dal. ill ill
H n la
fgl JL proven to its Ig
million con- lfl
III1- :i5Hc.
OOW 01c; No.
So; second
Iried Fruit at New York.
NEW YORK, March S. Evaporated
plea continue. qnl-:t. with priceg
continue. qnl-:t. with priceg barely
si end y. 4 mi spot, fancy quote.) nt 9-4 p
lt)c; choice, S-u9c; prime. 7'itiNC.
Prunes mactlvo and price nominally un
changed. Quotations range from 4S 10 I'.'c
fr Callfornlus up to 8o-4na and h:s'12o
for OreKor.s.
IVaches In better demand and prices
st uily. "hoiee. l i lout; extra choice, llty
li -c; fancy. 1 1 's H l-'e.
Cnoll StiK-ksi Smaller Than In Ilc-
criit Vhip Holding. cf Corn
Arc Small.
WASHINGTON. March h. The March
crop report of the L nltert Stut'f Oepart-
nient of Asrlruiiure, nnw d at J::.0 I. M.
ttniay. and matio up from reiorta of its
corr jponilt-nts and a cents t ht mot h out the
count: y. gives tin following estliikates:
Wheat Quantity r-ntattnng on farms
M;treh 1 w us about li-,oj0.iMj( busheis. or
l!.t p-r o nt of the Jyil crop, ugalnat
'00.000 oi;Klir!i. tr "0.0 per cent of the 1 i!0
p on larma Mann 1. 11H1. and inn, 'JH.-
tss bushels, or ";t.s per cent of the l'toii crop
on fnrtua Mnrch 1. liH'. About 0i. 1 p. r
nt of the crop mil be siipped out of the
counties where P is xrnwn, niiainst 00. U
per e.-nt of the T.Ho crop and (11.1 per i-ciil
of the l!Si rip ao (Shipper!. '
Corn wnantlty rwiiainlim on farnui March
1 was about s4. ,';. noo hilo-l-t, or :i4 t per
of the T!'ll rop, u gains'. 1 . 1 ih...7H.tUHl
hi i he Ik. or to pr cent of the 1 u crop on
farms Mai eh 1. l!'l 1. and !77.0c,i.too hush-
els, or "VS per cent of the 1imh crop on
f irnil March I. 111 '. About -O-fl PT cent
f the crop will be shipped out of the coun
ties where grown, avainst pr cent of
the l:o crop nnd 2 ! p-r t ent of the ItKv.i
crop. s shipped. Tho propurthm of the
total l'l 1 crop which Is merchantable Is
about so. 1 per cent, against sV4 per cent
of tlie I'.tlO crop and fr.0 per. cent of the
19o' erf p.
Oats Quantity remaining nn farms March
1 was about l,.!S.vonn bushels, or "1.4 per
rent of the lull crop, against 44l'.titi0 nno
bus!teln. or .ii.:; per c nt 01 tko l!o crop
on farms .Min-ii 1. ii 1. and ra.r.. 4.Ti'.ooo
huah"ls. or VS per cetu of the 1 : crop
on tarins Marcll 1. About 'JV per
ent t the crop will be shipped out of the
counties where crown, ncainut 3.fl per cent
f th 1!H crop and ;;-,7 per cent of th
1 so shipped.
Barley Quantity reina'nlnc en farms
March 1 w-is about Cl.Ttk'.oO hushels, or 10.0
per cent of tho 1011 crop, against :.3,4?w.-
butfhIs. or 1.3 pep c-m of t he HMO
rop on farms Mar. h 1. and AH rtlCono
bushel, or 24.l per cent of t h- rop
on rinni Si are n 1, itfio. aioui .- per cent
wl'l ie shipped out of the counties wher
own. seafnst M per 'rut of th-- IP JO crop
nnd 02.0 per cent of the 11'!) crop so
. Wool at St. louIh.
ST. I.oriS, March R. Woo! steady.
dluiu p r ades. coniMnit nnd clot hi n.
-ISc: liRlit fine. i.O'.i t!c; heavy line,
JOc; tub washed, "7tj3ic.
T. H. Holmes, of Fallbridpc. is at the
C. B. Spencer, of Now York, is at
the Bowers.
lr. O. II. Oeischan, -of Kallbrldge. is
at the Oregon.
W. T. WriRht. a banker of Union, is
at the Multnomah.
P. B. Neblock, a Calpary baker, Js
at the Multnomah. ,
L. W. Katon. of Washington, D. C.
Is at the Cornelius.
W. C. Liws, an Astoria merchant,
is at the Imperial.
R. A. Cowrien. a lumberman of Silver
ton, is at the Oreson.
R. N. Stuntleld. of Stanfield, is reg
istered at the Imperial.
M. T. O'Connell. a Winlock lumber
man, is at the Oregon.
George M. Tierce, of Hot Lake, is
registered at the Imperial.
K. V. D. Paul, a Sheridan business
man is at the Cornelius.
George H. Bodiish, a pioneer of
Malheur, is at the Perkins.
A. M. Lawson, a hop lealer of Inde
pendence, is at the Imperial.
W. K. Metzger, a Corvallfs merchant.
Is registered at the Carlton.
George T. Cochran, an attorney of
La Grande, Is at the Imperial.
W. C. Miles, a lumberman of Seattle,
Is registered at the Multnomah.
Truman II. Lamb, a lumberman ot
Hoqulam, is at the Multnomah.
Otes A. Poole, a tea merchant of
Yokohama, is at the Multnomah.
A. S. Coat, a Raymond merchant.
Is registered at the Multnomah.
TI. Otto Hnnko nnd K. A. Schnnaher.
A.' J. Price, a merchant of The
les, is registered at the Perkins.-
AVilliam Williams, a Yacolt lumber
man, is registered at the Oregon.
B. A. Parrish, a merchant of Castle
Rock, is registered at the Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Yokum. of Chi
cago, are registered at the Bowers.
M. Yondovltch and family of Walla I
Walla, are registered at the Cornelius.
R. A. Watson, private secretary of
Governor West, is registered at the Im-
peri a 1.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Wallace, of Van
couver, B. C, are registered at the
John I Rand, an attorney of Baker,
Is at the Portland accompanied by 1
-!.. t- . 1
Dr. O. J. Gofffn and Charles L. Powell,
stockmen of Moro, are registered at
the C-irlton.
Tr. and Mrs. J. If. Shogle. of Van
eotiver, B. C, are registered at the
. . Woodard has returned irom a
business trip to Alaska and is regis
tered at the Perkins.
George F. Miller, a Fan
manufacturer of silverware,
tered at the Multnpmah.
W. C. Lee, president of
Manufacturing Company, of
Is staying at the Portland.
K. C. Johnston, president of the
Tongas Trading' Company of Ketchi-
can, Alaska, is registered at the Port
CHICAGO, March S. (Special.) S, R.
Oldaker. of Hermiston, Or., is a visitor
here, registering at the Great Northern.
is regis- 1
the Knox
Chauffeur Accused of Reading Book
While Driving Auto.
A chauffeur In the employ of Har
rison G. Piatt, a prominent local attor
new, was reading a novel when driv
ing Mr. Piatt's automobile over the
Hawthorne bridge on August 8, last.
and failed to notice that the head of
J. F. Marks was protruding across the
roadway, according to the complaint in
an action started in Circuit Court yes
terday by Marks to recoved $10,000 as
damages for personal injuries.
The plaintiff declares that while
walking across the bridge on one of
tho walks reserved for pedestrians be
had occasion to cross into the roadway
and stuck his head through the rail
ing, intending to follow it with the
rest of his body. Just at that time, he
nays; Mr. Piatt's automobile came along
at a high and excessive rate of speed
and struck him in the back of the head.
His facial beauty has been forever de
stroyed, Marks says, and since the ac
cident ho is liable to fainting spells at
any time and can undertake only the
lightest kind of work.
It requires 2.000.(100 horsepower to oper
ate the textile mills of the T'nlted States,
of which .100.000 horsepower Is produced by
NeottL-h lank. NtWmic, S. Celote
and C. Marsherlta Change 1'Iac-.
Of recent sales 111 the marine .p.ere
the latest transaction on the Coat j
dealt with) the transfer of the schooner j
Tier t ha I'olbcer. ahun lias been laid j
up at Kureka fince a year aso In Jjii j
uarr, by I:tfer ac Caron to the Pa
cific Slates Trading Comp.tny. She was
launched In 1 9 til nt Fair hit ven. Cil.. )
and was formerly ncll known in the
coastwise tr.ile.
Salrs reported from abroad include
that of the British ship Scottth Lochs,
wlit cli will hereafter fly the Norwt-cian
flaa. She was known among the grain
carriers, as w .is the German bark
Selene, which bis likewise been obl
to" Norwegians. The Scottish Lochs wan
butlt n I at Soiithh;nipton and the
reen took the wai r at Rostik a
yer later. The Ita' shitS. Celeste. I
which wi vno of tr itinn-bt. of Ucr j
iocincnt of Vcwl.
roRTl.ANt. March S. Arrived Steamer
Kansa t'ity. from in rranclico; Japanese
s:anier 1'nkai Mru, from ictona. alIed-'
iteAm.r Faleon. fvr bai Franc tsoo: a-naoilne
ki xrnr T.lliTnook. for Bandon; steamer
mo.c for San l'euro.
Atria. March S Condition at the mouth
of the rler at 5 M.. smooth; wind,
outhea-st. 10 miles; weather, clear. fall'd
at 3 A. M . steamer Iaify ?adshy. for San
Pedro: t earner Stanley LHiiiar. for Halhoa
Ia J-'runcls-o. SaJlel al 7 A. M.. steam-
shlr Beaver, tor S-a hranclsco and San
l'e.iro. Sailed at f 1 0 A. M. , steamer Al
liance. f,r l'oa Bay and Uurrka Arrived
a: s .! A M. and Ivtt up at 1 SO p. M.,
ftrimrr Knaa City, from San Francisco,
sailed at t ;o A. il.. ateamer llson V lln-
hony. for Tactma. Arrived at 1 ; 1. M.
and lelt up. Japanese steamer I'nkal llaru.
frtm U-irla. l.elt up.ermaa !h!n hlio.
S.m ivdro. March . Arrived yeaterdaj
Steamer BHjulan. from Portland.
n KnuM-itco. March Arrived Stram-
ra hor. "lie. from Columbia Kl er; J. U.
s:eian. from (trays Harn.r; Manchuria.
trm llonskonr: Kifirid. LUxaheth. Irom
Hanuon. Sailrd Steamers Uakotah. for
M 'lt. iiritisn liuoi) of wax Alsvrine, Lqul-mat
Kaymond. "ah.. March S. Departed
steamor Westerner.
Seattle. March Ar-ived Steamers City
r 1'iifMi. Montara, 11 noma n, t.iametta.
from San Francisco; 1". S. S. Iturnide.
r ; 'm in Angeles -atieo steamers Unn
rri'W.'aiip, WliiHiwitr f .r T.icoma ;
'ti of I'u-:. la, fir H.'!lmphm: Alameda.
r-r Si'ith eem Alai-ka; t'ureka. fur baa
Francisco; etara. for Tort lUakeley.
Tide at Ataria Ststurday.
niKt- low.
Metal Markets.
N K W YORIC. MitlIi Standard Topper
weak. Sil. Mnrch, April. May. June und
July. H..;7'-e .iskei. liulon wenk. Spot,
(. 1.1s IM; futures. ff.O Ss IM. Arrivals re
ported at New York tod;:y, 1 0.1.". ton. Cu?-tont-house
returns show exports of oO'.tf tons
so far this month. Lake ropner, 14l3
I4c; electrolytic. 1 4 i 1 c ; casttns.
1J7 i U'e.
Tin s-.eadr. Spot 4--1'-f 4j ssr: March.
4 2. 4 H 4'.'. S.V : April. 4 1 . 7.1 4 J. .". Or ; M i y ,
41.:7 -f 41.6Clsc; June. 4".i'a 4 1c : July,
40 .a ;f 41,;. London tlrm. Spot, flOO; futures.
1(1 ,.s. iocal sales. ."0 tons March nt 4.n,.c
and tons at ; -5 tons at 42.4.1c and
5o tons April at 4-.
I. -ad ear at 4 ft 4. toe New Tork and ft..1
i:i..73C Kast Pt. Louis. Ixmilon 1,1 10 Sd.
Spelt r steady at t.0or7c New York and
6.tvc bid Kast St. Louts. London. t Jos.
Antimony quiet. Cook son'. 7."J."-e.
Iron Cleveland arrants. i"s :td In Lon
don. I.ocaliy Iron was uns.-trled. No. 1 foun
dry Northern, -$14.7." H J.l.-'.".; No. 2. 14.1M
14.7.1; No. 1 Pout hern and No. 1 Southern
soft. $ 1 4.7.1 f)
Coaditlon of the Treaauty.
WASHINGTON. March 8 At the
of the
nlnjc of business today the condition
t ni'.ed States Treasury -w is:
Working balanca In Treusoi y of
lice, . $ ;i 4"I C:.7
In National banks and Philip
pine treasury II 4. M". 2-1 4
Total bsialico In general fund... l-'.i. 417.0,".
Ordinary receipts yesterday . . . 2,071.('s.1
Ordinary disturscmen:s 1'.1m.9u.1
Deficit to date this fiscal Tear Is f0.4V.-
374. as against a deficit of 4.746.7 at this
time last year.
Thr nVuns exclude Panama Caul and
public det.t transa'tlons.
It takes energy, brain-power, concen
tration to make a livelihood.
Vitality and the power to,
must be considered.
To be a Tower of
Strength, you must have
staunch nerves, with
brain and body working
in harmony.
feel 11 -.1.1
. .6.V In t 1 1 U
tl 3 f ot
.3 4 tlKt
t uffee and Suar.
NKW Tt)KK. March S. Coffee futures
ast prices
9 points.
rioted, barely et )', althouah
stiM slui'1 net cslns of from 1
Sam-s. 4.-Vm bnc. M:tr-h end April,
1 May. i:k.i;.c; June. U.44.S:; Juiy,
is the best nerve, brain and
body -builder. It is pure,
wholesome, invigorating.
IS product has
proven to its
million con
sumers that it is a
most substantial food
in soluble form. .It is
the best product of
the cocoa bean on
the market today.
Because it is
San Francisco Since 1852
Avoid Cheap Substitutes
reakf ast (Cocoa-
For delicious natural
flavor, delicate aroma,
absolute, purity and
food value, the most
I important requisites
of a good cocoa, it is
the standard
Sold in Vo lb., Vx lb., lb., and
1 lb. cans, net weight
Trade Mark On Every Package
m l w f
EstablUhed 1780