Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 13, 1911, Page 11, Image 11

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Linda Ross Wade Will Be in Our Corset Dept. Today From 2 to 4 P. M. for Consultation on Corset Styles and Fitting
Principal Portland Agents for "Vudor" Porch Shades Complete StocR of House Paints, Window and Door Screens, Etc.
Portland's First Annual Baby Show Thursday, May 18th.
Handsome Bank Accounts Will be Opened for the Winners
Get Baby ready for the big show. Start it out right by letting Olds, Wortman Q King open its first banK account We want an opportunity to show the people
of the great Northwest the finest group of handsome and healthy babies in all the world. Every comfort and convenience will be provided for the little ones
Our special trained nurse will be in attendance all the afternoon to looK. after the wants of the little fellows And every one of them will receive a prize.
Entries May be Made by Mail or Telephone. Call Advertising' Department-Exchange 12, A 6231
Special Chairs, etc.. Will be Reserved for Those Who Notify Us in Advance Every Entry Will Receive a Prize
Great Special Sale of
3QO Prs. FinelScrim
2 Vals. $1.29
la the drapery store, third floor, a sale of 300 pain of
popular Scrim Curtains, the best eel lint numbers in oar
entire stock. Plain centers with wide insertion and
edging to match; striped centers with hemstitched and
pretty edging. Actual $2.00 values, bar- Z"t OQ
gainlzed for today at the low price of only P
SILK 0 LINE, best quality mercerized, for drapery Q
purposes, offered special at low price of, the yard
LAWN CUSHIONS, made of finely woven matting,
strongly bound and stenciled in attractive pat- Ol
terrs ; offered special for this sale at only, ea. C
Reg. $7.5Q Suit
Case for $5.46
In the trunk and bag store, on the 4th
floor, for today, a sale of 24-inch cow
hide Suitcases, with ring handles, brass
locks and eatches; two straps all around
ease; steel frames, linen-lined, shirtfold
and inside straps ; our regu- c P jq
lar $7.50 value, special for,-.
Shoe Shining in
the Basement
lieu ifl-.'l:rrrmmirm . rrj.'-fQ-i E:i
Our Special
Dairy Lunch
Served Prom' 11 A. M. to 2 P. M.
Creamed Chipped Beef on Toast
Hot Boiled Potatoes.
T-lrpa? And Butter
Rhubarb" Pie or Vanilla Ice Cream
Tea, Coffee, Milk or Buttermilk
Served at Basement Soda Fountain.
X M. JL A. Ill M. AWS.
Sale of Women's 1 $1.95 Gowns Only 98c
NecKwear $2 Combinafns $1.49
35c Values at 19c
5Qc Values at 25c
$1.25 Values 67c
Here are four big specials in women's fine Neckwear.
Every wanted style in nets, marquisettes, Venise lace,
linen and lawns. Styles suitable for every purpose
positively at these prices for today only. Regular
35e values reduced to 19c; 50c values for 25c; regular
$1.00 values for 47c, and our "regular $1,25 val- J "7
ues, offered special for today only at, each " C
Garden Tools and
Hot Weather Needs
Qts Hot Plates, regular 1.80 Talnes, at, each, g 1.69
Garden Hose, $5.00 value, during this sale for S3. 95
$6.00 Ball-Bearing Lawn Mower, special, only S5.0Q
S5c Window Screen, sue 24 by 37 inches, special, 30
Regular 2.50 Folding Ironing Boards, each, SI .95
75c Long-Handled Shovels, on special sale at only 50
85.00 guaranteed Electric Irons, special, only 83.95
Soc Sweeping Compound, offered during sale for 28
Johnson's Floor Wax, regular $1.00 value, only 85fr
$1.0t guaranteed Floor Paint, on special sale at 89
25c Brilliantahine Polish, on special sale at only 19
Sale 10.000 Rolls of
In the undennuslin store, a sale of
women's Gowns in the slipover
styles, made of food quality long
cloth; trimmed in' pretty German
Valenciennes lace and insertion to
match; also' linen torehon lace and
embroidery insets; values Q Q
to $1.95; special, each, only wOC
Women 'a Combinations, corset cov
er and drawers, of cambric, long
cloth and crepe materials, trim'd in
pretty laces and insertions in vari
ous kinds of patterns of embroid
ery and medallions; all sizes in the
lot; values to $2.00, on
special sale for on
SilK Hosiery
S1.5Q Values 95c
S2 Values for $1.18
For today's sale we will give the women who
love fine hosiery the opportunity of their lives to
lay in a supply. .Pure Silk Stockings in black
and colors, with lisle thread soles and tops. QC.
Values to $1.50, offered special, the pair
"KAYSEE" high-ffrade black Silk Hose, with
lisle soles and flare tops; one of the best-wearing
hose on the market. During this sale O "I 1 r
we offer them at low price of only, P
SILK HOSE A line of manufacturers' mill end, gauze weight and me
dium weight, all silk soles or lisle soles. These were left over at the mfll
after filling this season's orders. Regular values to $2.00 a PI 1 O
pair. On special sale for today at the low price of only, pair P X . X O
Surprise Sale of black Lisle Thread Stockings, full fashioned, ex- OQ.
tra spliced heels and toes, wide hem at top; regular 50e values, pr. C
Women's $1 Underwear 63c
60c Liquid Veneer, offered special at low price of 39 ,In,thT! womn.'8 nndrw store, main floor, a, sale of ribbed cotton or
iiaia uuiuu ouiis iui tiut tucrs ur uiuui cnu silica, inco-iaia a, j
seasonable weights and regular 05c values, special price, the suit
Women's fine quality white lisle and mercerized Vests, in all (13
sizes; splendid values op to $1.00, on special sale at low price pf "O C
$1 Allover Nets at 57c
19c Byron Collars lOc
On the main floor, for today, a sale
' of 500 yards of allover Oriental
Nets, in white, cream, butter and
ecru ; a broad range of neat designs
suitable for trimming, for over
drapes,' etc. Regular values np to
$L00 a yard, offered spe- E T
cial during this sale at, yd. C
oys' $5 Smts $2
100 dozen plain linen Byron Col
lars, all the rage for Summer wear.
They are very neat and attractive,
and are ready sellers at the regu
lar price of 19c each. For today
yon may supply your wants 1 r
for these collars at only, ea. vV
Order by Mail
Toilet Paper
Main floor, for today, a sale of very fine quality soft,
strong, Tissue Toilet Paper, -full size sheets, large, full
size rolls, offered at these very special low prices:
NEW CENTURY 5-ounce roll Toilet Paper, reg- O.
nlar 5e each; special at 3oq dozen; or, the roll
EGYPTIAN TISSUE Toilet Paper, in 8-ounce C
roIU: ryular pri-e Ro each; special, 50e dozen, ea.
SILVER LEAF Toilet Paper, in 10-ounee rolls; ?
rimlar 10c sellers; special at 65c a dozen; or, roll "C
PONTIAO Toilet Paper, in 12-ounce rolls, regular
12Vse sellers; special at 7o dozen; or, the roll
OZACO Toilet Paper, in 16-onnce rolls; regular Q
15c quality; special price, the dozen, 90c; the roll
Grocery Speci'ls
B 0 HEiHAN p Sagar-Cured - A 1
BUTTER AT QQC Hama, lb. ItsC
Moahrooma. Hotel, regular 25c valae, special can, 1 9
Green Peas, offered special at 3 pounds, only 25
Asparagus, fresh, green, on sale at 4 pounds for 2 ."
Bermuda Onions, offered during this sale at, pound, 5
6 cakes, special for 25 3 pounds for only 25
25 cakes, special at SI Phone your orders to us.
TEA O. W. & K. brands of English Breakfast,! Cn
Japan and Ceylon, regular 60c lb., special at"'
Stuffed Olives, special, three bottles for only 2o
Pate Foie Oras, for sandwiches, special at only 20
Reg. $1.5Q Shirts for 95c
Reg'. 32 Shirts Now $1.1Q
Reg. $2.5Q Shirts at $1.35
LOT 1 The most attractive Shirt special of the year. The lines
comprise white plaited bosom Shirts in the coat styles with cuffs
attached, all sizes, also a lot ef plaited and plain bosoms in stripes
and fancy patterns, which were bought way under price. QC
See Morrison-street window. Actual $1.50 values, special 27 O C
LOT 2---A very seasonable of
fering of men's French Cuff
rvhirts, the best .and most com-
fortable for Summer wear, made
of excellent materials with col
lars to match. They come in
plain cream or striped patterns,
perfect fitting, splendid new
stock. Worth $1,50 tf 1 in
and $2.00, special at P A U j
Men's 5Qc Ties 23c II Men's 1 Socks 27c
Sale of men's Four-in-Hand Ties. 200 dozen in the
Jot; wide open endr narrow styles. Also knitted
ties in plain colors and fancy patterns; reg-OO
ularly worth 50c each. Priced special, only
It's your boy we thinK of
when selecting otir clothing
We try and do get styles
that will appeal to boys who
are particuiar-Here'a a line
of marvelous values in boys'
suits sizes 6 to 14years ol age
Double-breasted Knicher
bocKer styles made of good
wool materials Gray, tan,
and stripe-mixture effects
Many have a pair ot pants
Splendid values at 34.5Q
and $5 Special t o r
today, at only J 3
A better class of boys' clothing is shown at this store. "We don't handle
the ordinary kinds. This lot comprises the snappiest styles brought out
this season. Materials are English and Scotch mixtures in the most popu
lar 6hades; many have two pairs of pants, whieh are lined and C1 1C
have taped seams; sizes 6 to 17 years; $6.00 and $6.50 values 0
We're out today with a great sale
of very choice high-grade candies for
sweet-tooth, folks. See these prices:
40c Chocolate Dipped Caramels, 27i
30o Orange Chews, the pound, 1S
30c Burnt Peanuts, the pound, 18
40e Nut Chews, the pound only 25J
50c Chocolate Marshmallows at 25
40c Butterscotch Squares, only 27
40c. Molasses Chocolate Chips, 25
30c Peanut Taffy, the pound at 18
30e Cream Caramels, pound for 15
40c Tart Hard Candies, for only 25
40c Merry Widow Kisses at only 27
30c Taffy Straws, pound only 21
30c large Gum Drops, pound at 18
40c Cream Jellies, pound at only 25
lOc Hair Nets 3c
25c Hair Pins 11c
All-silk Invisible Hair Nets," one yard
long, tied at both ends. A complete
line of shades. Our regular 10c T?
values, on special sale at, each C5
HAIR PINS, finest finish, shell and
amber colors, three on a card; 3Y2 ins.
long; regular 25e a card; of- i 1
fered special at only, the card C
LOT 3-Sale of coat style Shirts
with cuffs attached; the materi
als are Oxfords, Russian cords
and French percales, in a great
assortment of pleasing patterns,
light or dark shades. These
shirts are all taken from our
regular stock and are unusual
values to $2.50 each. CI OC
For today's sale at VwO
lie re's where the men shine. Every man needs
socks. Plain colors or neat stripes, checks and flow
ered effects; sijk Iisles and pure lisle thread. O "7
Regular 50c, 75e and some $1.00 values, pair C
From 6 to 9:30 P. M.
Sale Kid Gloves
$2 Values at 69c
In the center aisle, main floor, a sale of women's one
and two-clasp Kid Gloves in the pique and overseam
styles; natural color, chamois and mochas; odds and
ends from our regular stock. All sizes in the fZQ
lot. Values to $2.00, special evening price, only
Women's 17c Vests at lOc
6 to 9 :30 P. M., in the main aisle, women 's white cotton
Vests, low neck and sleeveless; Richelieu-ribbed and
Swiss-ribbed; our regular values up to 17c; of- 1
fered special for this evening sale at only, each
35c Wash Belts at 12c
65c Back Combs 19c
6 to 9:30 P. M. today, in the center aisle. A sale of
embroidered and plain Wash Belts, fitted with 1 0
pearl buckles; very seasonable values to 35c ea. Afcil
SHELL GOODS A general clean-up of a big assort
ment of Back Combs, Barrettes, etc., in shell or amber
colors; various patterns and sizes for your selec- 1Q
tion; regular values to 65c, special, each, only
5Qc Mesh Veiling 12c
6 to 9:30 P. M. today, in the center aisle, main floor,
a great sale of Mesh Veilings in plain, dotted or fancy
mesh, in black, white and wanted colors; vals. 1 O
to 50c a yard, offered special at only, the yard " V
$1.25 Values 49c
6 to 9:30 P, M. todav. Thrifty fellows will gather
in the main aisle for these good Shirts. We have the
sale in the evening so all can come. They are made of
good quality madras and percale, in select patterns;
all sizes, cuffs attached. Regular $1.25 values, A Q
offered special for the evening sale at only, each
Men's $1 Union Suits 63c
6 to 9:30 P. M. today. Don't miss Ihis sale of men's
fine jersey-ribbed Union Suits ; ecru or gray, full length
sleeves and drawers, all sizes; our best $1-0020
grades, bargainized for the evening sale at, suit
200 Women's Waists
$5 Values for $1.39
6 to 9:30 P. M. today. A sale extraordinary of wom
en 'sVaists; lingeries in a sheer quality of lawn with
hififTjor Dutch necks, three-quarters sleeves and short
kin to sleeves, trimmed with Valenciennes lace and in
senjLfns, and embroidered in white and colors, Cluny
lace and medallions and tucked fronts. Tailored waists
in linen and pique materials; some have embroidered
fronts with narrow tucks, collars and cuffs. ' A very
attractive lot of values up to $5.00; offered fl? 1 OQ
special for the evening sale at low price of P J7
Roasted Coffee
40c Grade 26c
6 to 9:30 P. M. Our Imperial Roast Coffee, the kind
epicures buy. A perfect blend. A regular 40c O f
Her, special lor evening sale at only, pound
Chocolate, Ghirardelli, 1-pound can, special, each, 25tf
Cocoa, Baker's favorite brand, on sale at, the can, 20
$4 Trimmed Mats
6 to 9:30 P. M. today, in the basement "underprice
store," a sale of women's and children's Hats, neatly
tailored styles and attractively trimmed street hats;
also a good collection of children 's hats, regularly worth
$3.00 and $4.00 each, offered special for the iP 1
evening sale at low price of only, each V vvr
$2 Kimonos 79c
6 to 9:30 P. M. today. A sale of 500 women's Kimo
nos, full-length styles, in pleasing designs and patterns.
Materials are fine printed Lawns and Dimities in neat
stripes and floral effects. An unusually good range of
colors; well made and neatly trimmed. None shown or
sold before 6 o'clock. Regular $2.00 values, yn
offered special in the underprice basement for
MoTtmfnt to Build Auditorium lit
Portland I Indorsed.
Postmaster Merrick, actlnc chairman
et th auditorium committer rcetv4
from Robert E. Smith, president of the
Rnsebur Commercial Club, Thursdsr
a telttram srertn to Portland Roee-burg-s
support la tbe effort to secure
an auditorium. Tbe teles-ram reads:
"Rosebura; elusena hope Portland
-will build a city auditorium, as we
propoaa to hold National strawberry
and rose show In Portland as soon as
It Is open. Five thousand Roseburg
cttlaens will attend to help make It a
Rosebure; Is the first outside town to
offer Its support to tbe auditorium.
The committee, asmposed ot Mr. Mer
rick. R. W. Raymond and C A. White
more, will open headquarters today In
room 1!S of tbe Teon building-. They
will retain this office until after the
election. Forty prominent Portland
men dave volunteered to speak In favor
of the auditorium. A model of the SU
Paul auditorium has been seoured from
the patent office and will be exhibited.
The St. Paul auditorium holds 12.000
Ftollcrwing- Arrest of One, Country
men Allege Persecution.
Nicholas Elms, a Greek, arrested
Thursday night by the polio on a vag
rancy charge, was balled out by Ray
mond Duncan. Immediately afterward
about SS Greeks congregated at the Ho
tel Phillip, the headquarters of the Pan-.
Hellenlo Union, end raised their voices
la protest against what they consider
tbe persecution by the police ot the
Greeks of Portland.
- Duncan .. declared that for tea
months the police have been keep
ing up a systematic persecution of the
Greeks, arresting them without cause
and compelling them to put tip ball and
employ attorneys, although Innocent of
the vagrancy charges.
Duncan points out that there are (000
I Greeks in Portland. COO of them in busi
ness and 1600 laboring on the railroads
snd at other work. He ssys Blras, ths
man arrested last night, worked 22 days
I out of last month and is an honest, up
right person, who has done nothing to
merit arrest.
Telephone plant dapreolatloa has bean
ry navr. Underground eondults and
cables, baweves, axe new ettttlag 4owa tikis
Portland Tjodgemen to Attend Dedi
cation of New Temple.
A gala night for Astoria Lodge, No.
180, Benevolent and Protective Order of
Elks, will be tomorrow night when that
lodge Is to dedicate Its new 2100,000
temple. Members of the order from all
parts of the state will attend the cere
mony. Among the most active participants in
the ceremonies attending the dedication
win ha Portland Lodge, No, 142. Port
land Elks are going In force to the Cen
tennial City to help their brothers open
their handsome new home. The Port
land lodge will take the Portland Police
Department band with them and will do
all in their power to help Astoria make
the temple dedication a memorable
The river steamer Monarch, formerly
the Charles R. Spencer, and one of the
fastest water craft plying on the Colum
bia and Willamette rivers, has been
chartered by the Portland Elks and will
leave Portland at noon tomorrow with
the Portland delegation. The excursion
will be met by a delegation from As
toria near St. Helens and escorted to the
city by tbe sea. It Is expected that 600
members of the Portland lodge will join
the junket.
Frank D. Hennessy, of the Portland
lodge.- will sing "Portland Wants You
in 1912," the battle cry of the local Elks,
at Astoria.
Is there anything In all this world
that la of more Importance to you than
good digestion? Food must be eaten
to sustain iife and must be digested
and converted Into blood. When the
digestion falls the whole body suffers.
Chamberlain's Tablets are a rational
and reliable cure for Indigestion.
They Increase the flow of bile, purify
the blood, strengthen the stomach, and
tone up the whole digestive apparatus
to a natural and healthy ax-.tion. For
sale by. all dealers.