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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1911)
THE MORXrN'G OREGOXIAX. WEDNESDAY. 3IARCII 8, 1911. 14 SHAMROCKS TO AID HOME OKPHAS GIKWS TO BE BE"KFIC- iakies ot &ALKS. Catholic tl'omru rf D - to Devote All of March 1? la Chart, table Knttrprl". "Shamrock dar Alarrh IT will bs Observed In Portland by the Catholic Tomrn of U diocese, who will COD du.-t a street canvass (or the sals o souvenirs a a benefit for St. jiary' Home for Orphan Girls. Forty bands of women will b stationed In various narts of the city. Each band will con sist of Si women, so that the stands will be occupied all day. The com riittee having In charge the work will i!in the locations. The headquar ters will be In the rooms of the I'ath cllr Women's Leajrue In the Stearns building. The committees are: eacr.4 Hrt Pariah Mrs. D. J. MoGill. SCra it tia. Aacaaloo rarlah Airs. J. D. Sullivan. Mr, y Jamea . H'ephen Pariah Mrs. C T. Ketcham, Mrm. M. i'- LAH' r. jcisa j k i-rTi-x. tit. Larnr rart'ft V Jul.a Sfarphv, Vn Jhn V. i:.n. lira. W. P. Lillis. Xra M. r. I.illla. Mrs. ran O.Nell. Mra B. Bon K.o'xm.r Pariah Mn Jamea El wd. Mr P. E. Sullivan. Mra, W. J. Cook. St. Miry m Pariah Mra F. 'Watcher. Mra X. M. Mayo. . st j-.trvk-s Parish Mra R. J. BUka MU) Mary Coocannoa, M.-a J. H. Kara. Mia ft. Wntlu" Pariah Mrs. VT. U Llfhtner, M'- J. . McVuioa. Mt. Jorp!i farun Mra chwanbaker. lira J.pu Wb-r. Mra ehnlilr)t. Mt s-.-ir.-is tar:h Mra J. Kraa--k. Ml Asn.s Corcoran. Mra L. M. Dole. MUS Ca cti r Itolr K-iaarr Parth Mra. John Maginnl. Vn c. 11 Mra K. R. Hrown. Mra. JvBh A. Huha Ml" Xwl Llese. huir Croea i arista Mra liortou. Mra P. ailMdral Pr1 Mr Clr1a W11t. Mra A. ". Smlrl. Mra T. T. Maaer. Mra It rwr- M-a J. P Marshall. Mra, L Tborop'io. Mra J. P. "'ronla. Mm M -n 1. . ur p J rttnn. Mra Irwin. Mra !ra Wtlr. Mr MarnhaoH. Mra Jrnnlnn. Mra T J- "Ot. Mra Halm". Sirs. Liraham. Mra, 11. Sprlr.or. Mra M li'rallloa. Mra IL B Sutton. Mra M ukr. Mra Jnha Mannlns. Mra J. C. Vst-il. Mi Mry Chsr.non. Mue Susan Trtrj. Mra A. Klra. Mra T. r. Recall. M: M. J. Iwvla. Mra 11. K. R1. Mra 1. Hwllr. M:- A- Cr-mrtl. M-. J. P Ka rauai. Mra H-t-rt rrre::. Mra. t B. lirif t u I. lir-rnn. Mra i;:nftirar. Mra. It T Orlatt. M' FWa Jwn. M.a Monlra f-aon'.n. M'a Mary Jeesop. Mlaa ttta ilurka, M'" Mi ll-aljr. it. Andrew I-arlah Mra. H. Smith. Mrs. R"t Vtrw Prlh Mra, T. M. Parrett. Mra. B. M. f'rt FIRE CAPTAIN EXONERATED tollwood C'ltisrns Say Charge Asalnst Stokrs Spltrwork. Resolutions esoneratlnf; Captain Ceor TV. Strikes of all blame, and dental that he In any way mUrnanaTed Enrlne torn pany No. JOi of the lire department, sta tioned In Sell wood, were unanimously passed by the Sell wood Commercial Club at a metln last nlitht. Between fO and ?B members were presxnt. According- to members of the Commer cial Club, trouble first arose over the discipline Rokea end-nrored to enforce tmor.t the firemen. Some of them. It Is said. Insisted upon Insulting women upon the street. When reprimanded tney are sld to hare preferred chances aralnst Stokes to Chief Campbell, saying Stokes 1 Incompetent. These charges are ai' leced by the 8ellwood Commercial Club to be the result of spite, and the club a.ks that they be stricken from the rec ords of the fire deportment. WIFE APPEALS TO POLICE JInband Who Left In 1907 Is la Portland, Woman Believes. tJiat her husband, whom she aava .a been mlJ-ln nearly four years. lei In Portland. Mrs. Millie IJttle. of Idaho street. Milwaukee, is., baa ap pealed to the Police Department to find him and restore him to her. 'urt T. Uf.!e. without warning or ap parent reason, disappeared from Ma home June y 1WT. leaving a wife and two emsll children. The woman ac rrpted the situation and gave no alarm. Hire has supported her family by her own e (Torts ever since. She appealed to the Milwaukee police recently, saying that she had decided to wslt until New Tears ju paat. before asking for help. Police officers have been Instructed to keep a nutch. for Little. CHIROPRACTOR IS FREED Vnllrense-d Phjalclan Acquitted ln Short Order by Jory. One unlicensed physician of the 14 re cently arrested at the Instance of the Medical Board. eacared conviction at the hands of a Jury In Municipal Court yes terday. A. P. PeKcyser. a chiropractor, su the accused. It was shown that be had dtasnosed disease and had admin istered treatment, but the Jury released Mm after brief deliberation. Others of the defendants wtU nave their cases takn up before Juries this afternoon. Fix Chinese who were convicted before a Jury Monday afternoon, were fined 130 firh yesterday. All gave notice of ap peal. PASTORS WILL GREET ALL Salrm Ministers and Board of Trade) to Welcome Colonists. SALEM. Or.. March 7. (Special.) Pastors of Salem wJll figure largely In the crusade to retain a large percent age of the colonists In this city, ac cording to a plan agreed upon between the Ministerial Association and the Board of Trade. Pastors of the city will make it their duty to meet as many colonists as possible and give them welcome band shakes. It Is believed that In this manner many of the visitors who oth erwise would leave the city through lonesomeness will decide to remain. MEDFORD SAVES ROAD Concerns and Traction Magnate Act for Crater Lake Highway. MEDFORD. Or, March 7. (Special.) The four local backs and Colonel Prank Ray. principal owner of the Rogue River Electric Company. have constituted themselves a "board of underwriters" to rush to completion the section of the Crater Lake highway now under con struction. Subscriptions for UO.000 were taken up by the Crater Lake Highway Commission, and the balance of the money required will be paid by Jackson County. V. W. Harmon. County Road Engineer, will have charge of the work. IlecHver Won Id Expend $23 i. W. R. Walpolel Jr, receiver of the Oregon Land & Water Company, filed In the Federal Court yesterday a peti tion that be be allowed to expend ?3M So In repairing Irrigating dltchex, pruning trees snd doing other necessary work upon the land, of which he has f7- f i l with Character it " H 4 0 Home-Y Have Ton Investigated Oar Fpecial Offer of 1 5 Per Cent Discount? A careful study of the existing conditions ln LAURELHITRST can not help but convince the average home builder that this Is Portland a most beautiful residence park. If you contemplate building this Spring let us talk with you first. Come to our office or phone and we will send you full details of our plan of assisting home builders to finance their building echemes. After an Interview you will be convinced that IT 13 TO VOIR OWN BEST INTEREST to first see LAL KiLHL R3T before deciding definitely on your future home site. Lets tWOO and l l -10 Per Cent MEtD A Ml RPHY, Sales Agents S32-S2 Corbet. Bldg. I Mala 1303 charge. Walpole was appointed receiver In the suit wherein R. S. Howard, re ceiver of the Title Guarantee tc. Trust Company, brought suit to realise on the land company's holdings. In order that he may make a cash distribution to ae post tors In the suspended bank. GRANTS PASS CROP GREAT Fruit In!pector Says Yield Will Be Big This Tear. GRANTS PASS. Or, March 'Spe cial.! The fruit crop of thla section of Rogue River Valley will be among the big yields, according to J. F. Burke, county fruit Inspector, who has finished nnspectlnr the valley. Last season he examined 1.000 fruit trees In this county. These figure oo not cover the entire, field and a -con srrvative estimate places the number of acres at . Commercial pears) took the lead ln the jrartPty of fruit set out In ISlft. Mr. Burke says the greatest danger to com merrial orchards Is found In the back' yard fruit trees ln town. They are hard to array, owing to the nooks and comers of the premises, and are often neglected for that reason. The present stac of all the orchards Is somewhat backward, owing to the cool weather keeping back the bloom. CENTRALIA BONDS WIN 10 Majority Approve $93,000 Is sue for School District. CENTRALIA. Wash, March 7. ( Spe cial.) A bond election covering $3.000 for the Centralla school district Just held here gave a majority of 10 votes n favor of the bonds. Issuance of the bonds will mean a saving to the school district of 13300 a year ln Interest. The bonds will be Issued bearing H per cent and will retire the same amount of wcr rants which are now drawing 7 per cent Interest. J. E. Lease, a banker and large property-owner of Centralis, was elected to a vacancy . on the School Board by the same number of votes cast for the bonds. DAILY METKOROI-OOICAI. REPORT. PORTLAND. March T. Maximum temper ature, degrees; minimum. 44 decreea. River reading, s A. M.. 4.3 feet. Chants In last ;4 hour. 1.3 feet rise. Total rainfall (8 P. M. to s P. M ). .07 Inches. Total rainfall since September 1. lSlo. rs.53 Inchea Nor mal rainfall since September 1. 33.O0 mchea Ueflclenry or rainfall since September 1. isio. 4-as inrnea. Total sunsnine. 7 nours SO Bilnoea; poeslote. 11 boars 74 minute. Pa rameter iredeced to a level) at ft P. M, Inchea. WEATHER CONDITIONS. T Wind 3 c i i STATIONS, tats of Bote WO. 3 I B' 2 0.0i)l 4 v 60 0 O0 I SB S 0.0UJ V 64 O.ooj 0 N" 440.3l 8 W 0. OO 14 8W 74 0.00 10 8 tl' T. 12 SW n'0.oo e'XB oo.h 4 E js pw lj o.oo 10 NR si o.oo II sw 2 O.OO lO K 4.S 0.S0.14 SB ICloudy Clear Boston. aleary Cloudy Clear Chlcaco Ilenvvr. ........ De Moines. .... Cloudy K'lear Uuluth :lear Galveston (Clear Helena Ooudy Cloud y Clouuy Jacksonville. ... Kansas City ... . Marsbfleld..... Kaln Montreal New Orleans. ... Clear Clear New York ICloudy North Head.... Phoenix. .. Pocatello. ...... icnouar 74O.00 4 NW (Cloudy 4Hf T Cloudy 'ort land. ...... ioaebarg. ...... eso.orl iNaj rl ciouay tV.VV M fio 1.14 12 3 44 O.fiti 8 XB 44 O.OO lO SB &i O.OO 20 9 S O.OI. 4 8E 6n l.SIile SW 4"O.0Ol 4 8 4 O.O'if 8 STT tlO.ll! 4 WW ICloudy 5 ae ram e n t O . . , 81. Louis 8t. Paul. ....... Fait Lake....... tan Dto fan Francisco. . Hlsklyou 'Cloua y Clear ICloudy , Cloudy ICloudy Ppokane. ....... Tacoma Ft ciouay Cloudy Tatooeb-Istaad. lia Walla. ... 4O.40.1 ?E nam 4 0.011 4 W t4 0.ll)1 ft NE 8C 0 O0 V) E clear Snow Cloudy Washington. .. . Winnipeg , T. Trace. WEATUKR COXD1TIOXS. The pressure Is Inceaaslng alonr the Pa cific Coast and over Southern Hocky Mountain and plateau Rtatee. and decreasinc ever the Interior north nortlon. Low ora. sure obtains over the Pacific Northwest, and relatively nich pressure over th remainder of the country, but a number of minor eddies or "wnirts" appear on our map. indicating that atmospheric conditions ar vary un stable, and that threatening weather with occasional precipitation may be expected in aearbr sections, precipitation has been mi tral on th Pacific slope, over th Northern Rocklea. la Iowa, and on th Atlantlo slop, and high winds ar reported from Puxet Sound, tb mouth, of th Columbia River, and from Southwestern TJtah. Warmer weather conaitions in tn Plains state, and temperatures ar lower In Oklahoma. Ar. lanaaa. and In tn soutn and Mlddl At lantic State. Over the centra portion of the country, temperature are generally above th normal. rorrtlMrtnt are nTnrmriii T"r rw.iartT ratn XEZTTXG XOTTCKS. WASH3NOTOK CHAPTER NO. 18. fJ R. A. M.- l fWednesda wW M. M. dagl . Stated convocation this nesday vn1ng at 7:30 o'clock. M. M. dagree. Visiting companions welcome. J. E. MARTIN. Beo. ej. HAWTHORNE LODOK, NO. 111. A. r. AND A. M. Special ran. J"JC munlcatlon thla ( Wednesday) f"y afternoon, .at 6 o'clock. Work M. M darea. Maennle Temnla. West Park aad lamblll. Visiting brethren wal- C . M 11 .1 , h. K. Bee "S3 Down and 2 Per Cent Per Slonte A 1515 Wednesday throughout this district, with gusty souia to soutnwest wmas. FORECA8T8. Portland and vicinity Occasional rain w I r ri it mmtlv aoufherlv Oregon. Washington and Idaho Occa sions! rain; vaiiable south to southwest winds. THEODORE F. DRAKE, TTnporarHv in hnrre. AMUSESfrtNTb. HEILIG THEATER 7th and Taylor Pboae Mala 1 and A 1122. TWO PERFORMANCES TODAT. Ppeclal Price Uatlne 1:14 Tonight :lt All Week Al Fields Presents 10 BIO MUSICAL SHOW lOg The Midnight dons With vniiv Cl-n vr. Monroe. Evening Lower floor 11.50. balcony, first 11 rows XI. next S rows 76c last t rows (Oc Entire gallery SOe. This afternoon Lower floor 81; balcony, first 11 nl 7 do, last Jl rows boc Gallery 85e and :x. BAKER THEATER Mala t ud A fi. T as. a a?-, a a rw- Ctnot Crn . jn ell. OW. - "a '" -" pnr la Eutfvna Waltfs suprblr reJI-ti THE VOLF.w nrn tim in axoric ura, ni-n- e.l .1 aels 9w M0 a -! n em . KlfJ. ricii"s " " -" HU.- ll..leiH Artasna &aaT Tslf. Bungalow TTieater gsktn w George L. sker. General Manager. All week, th famous fare. Py Mark Bwan, with Henry Stoekbridga. . , i , i i , n In r mp rtmiiiivr Bill u vrm "" fie uuDcaiov mi season, a t Clever epeclaltlrs. See the famous harem kirt. Bargsln Mat. Thursday. 25c Rerular Mat. Sat., 2.-.C COc. Evenlnss. 2Su. SOc T3c Mala 8. A 18. MAll.N'xUt tVEH DAT WTTK MAROf S C. William Kolb In "The Uelieateaaen Shop." Stuart llarnea, Hamid AJriawHVi i oe rrry J v m, r i . w -ray, linger Mart. William Ferry. Wk CommclDc Moodar Matinee, Mar. t. Mammoth Production of hii a uai a 1" m 1.V 1 k ParHrml TatTifaB. Vanitf Trio. Jmjntm M. Urhter, Fltnlmmoin 2 30. 7:30 and 8. LYRIC PORTLAND'S ryt II.Y PLATHOt'SB. WEEK COMifEXCINO 5IONDAT MATINEB Keating Flood present uoorrey f . , , . . .11.. of the world. cnaiui'tuH iuii.-ui.i-ii, - - and the Lyric Musical Comedy Company, DILLON KJJiU. "13 At-aJsaxu.- n. . -..-. Hallv i F, 7 -4fV B 1 IV. Friday night. Chorus Girls' Contest after each performance. Next week "The t bam plun Olrl," Introducing the famous harem eairi cnorue. GRAND Week of Mar. 6 . 1 v. A Master David Seheole The Medera lirrrulee Bix t.vPT fingers Whitehead aad 4 rlcrson Murray and Bae Hamllloo John llumllton BOBBT PANDIB AD BKOT111.K la Picturesque Poses ana iimwing raui Orandaacope BTVenuis pvnumuicn m .v mhu ' balcony. Ifto: lower door. 2Se: bet MstaMa Brand New Reels Offered TODAY Peoples Amusement Co.'s Theaters STAR TrTEATKR "Deere of Destiny." "Wild Cat vvell, two jrranca comeoias, song. ARCADE "Love In Stocks." "The Bar bers uaugnter. oig cram a, music, aong. novaltlea, OH JOT "Eye of Conscience," "Ambitious Bootblack." "Bumptious as DtteoLlv." ODEOX "Iron Master." "Mammy's Ghost." Fattier weaaing rang. a ramp vin dication." Concert Given bv THE CHINESE STUDENTS' ALLIANCE Tor the Benefit of the Famine Sufferers in Chin Friday evening, March 10, at 8 o'clock, Taylor-Street M. E. Church. Special Music Messrs. William Lai and Harry Ding; will sing; also other solos, duets and quartets, and Mr. Ed Lee, violinist, will play. . Admission 25c. Tickets at the Door. MA CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Daliy er Sunday. Per Line. One time .VVi" ij" Same ad two eoosecutlve times .z fame ad Uiree consecutive time ....Jtto Kama ad six or seven consecutive times.. SOu Kemlttaiioe roust accompany oul-of-tovra erdera. , Mi words counts a one line on cash ad vertisements and a ad counted for lea than tw line. t hen an advertisement Is not run consecn Uve times the one-time rate applies. Oa coarse of book advertisement tn rhance will be based on the actual number el lines appearing in the paper, resardlea ef tb number of words In each line. In New Today all advertisements are charged by measure only. 14 line te th Incb. 1 he above rate apply to advertisement nader "New Today" and all ether classifica tions excepting the foUorcing: hltuatlons Wanted. Male. Slluationa Wanted. Kemale. For Kent. Rooms. Private FamlHea. " Booms and Board, Private Families. Housekeeping Rooms, Private Families. Th rate ou th above ciaaaLficatioa la 7 cent a liae eacb Insertion. In case box office addrea la required, count tbls as part of the ad. Answers te advertisements will be forwarded te patrons, provided self-addresseel envelope are in closed. 1 AfCTlOX SALES TODAT. . At Wilson's Auction House, corner Second snd Tamhlll sts. Sale at 10 A. M. J. Tr Wil son, auctioneer. At 211 First St.. sale 3 P. M. sharp. Ford Auction Co. ' DIED. 8CHOENE In this city, March 7, at the family residence, ill North 4th street, Herman Schoene. aged 68 years. The de ceased la survived by a wife and four children. Mrs. F. Dolan. F. H., W. and Otto Schoene. The remains are at Fin ley' parlors. Funeral notice ln a later Issue. WOODCOCK In this city. March 7, at his lata residence, m Mauory ave., mmiu H. Woodcock, aged 8 years. The remains are at Flnley's parlors. Funeral notice In a later issue- FCXEBAL NOTICES, nnnnrnsit Tummil Ariz.. March 1. Frances Borders, aged 30 years. The funeral services will be held at Flnley s parlor at 1 P. M. toaay. r rienas uviieu. Interment Greenwood Cemetery. WILCOX In this city. March , Edwin Wilcox, aged 0 years. Funeral services at Holman's Undertaking Parlors on Wednesday. 2:30 P. M. interment uone Fir Cemetery. XONSETII FLORAL. COX. slAKUl'AM ML.IX3., I LOK A L. DESl(,.NS. Phones: Main 6102; A 1102. Dunning A McKntee, Funeral Directors, 7th and Pine, l'bone Main 430. Lady as sistant. Office of County Coroner. OnAKU i i v . . suuvih. ...... . . ... I . .... . II, u It , I . . . . ... - S'Sl n I T.I n, 0rB JXU SU SU SSUJ "r'""u m iMvv i " " J. p. FINL.EY SON, 3d and Madison. Uldy a I ICQ USUI. s nw Jiais e. n. ujt . an. Elm? vnHA si III - , riwm anfVMtaM fO r S. 1) Ullll til K , sue sw xs i. ' ERICrWN O. t'ndermkers. lastly asslst ant. 40U Alder. M. 618a. A E23S. s, s v..s.3 . . . . - . 594 Williams ave.; both phones; lady asst. I.r.KCH. Cndertaker, ror. East Alder and Sixth. Last IHL a lgg. Idy aasUtant. OREGON HUMANE SOCIEH 0FF1CK CITT HALL Mala 698. A 15. HUMANE OFFICER. XA8T47T4 WKW TODAT. UNION AVENUE 100x200 Corner Couch, 'running through to Third street. An ideal location for depart ment store and wholesale warehouse. 7 houses occupy ground; income $150 per month. About $30,000 cash will handle. This is abso lutely one of the very best close-in East Side proposi tions that we know. of. Goddard & Wiedrick 243 Stark St. Sundale Fruit Lands Give Double Opportunity There's trofit ln chickens If you have the right climate. They need warm sunshine In the hatching season. Cold rains kill them-with roup and pneu monia. Put a chicken fece around an nmhard at Sundale and turn them loose. They will keep you while the orchard grows to bearing1. Sundale lost not a single chick from disease last season. ULSTER LAND CO, d07 Wells-Fargo. 60 Feet Corner, 2. blocks to Washington st. Best located, lowest priced site on the market. GOLDSCHMIDT'S AGENCY, 253 Washington St, corner Third 10 Income on els;ht-room house, close In, on N. 24th. All improvements paid. Owner's price 17600. A splendid borne as well as a good investment. MERCHANT" SAVIMiS TRUST COMPANY FOR SALE 41 S acres wheat land nine miles from Dufur, Or., six miles from railroad sta tion: 270 acres ln cultivation, 130-acres ln growing crop. 80 acres more good tillable land. Place well watered. Price 121 per acre If taken before ilurch 22, 1011. J. A. STEVENS, Dafnr, Or. The place where land Is celling. EIGHT ACRES In the heart of the city. A bargain for a country home or a bonanza for platting. I1ARTMAN THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS CRONAW, 7- lug Blda 0 JU a. a aX.1 NEW TODAY, Can He Carry the Cow? Va-As He will carry the calf when it is twice its present size with more ef fort than now. THIS PEINCTPLE APPLIES TO EVERYTHING. Even your age doubles slower the older you pet. The millionaire is glad to get 5 per cent per annum for his money, while the man with a thousand can often gain 100 per cent. - REAL ESTATE VALUES double much slower the higher they go. ($1.25 per acre land has made men rich and hey are combing the country for more cheap land). CHEAP SUBURBAN LOTS bought about the time of the fair in Portland have made the purchas ers independent. Common sense will tell you that WEST PORTLAND PARK is your opportunity.. $150 for Two Choice Lots $15 down, $10 monthly No interest: no taxes Offiee open evenings 7:30 to 9:00. They are going fast, so yon will have to hurry. MAIL THIS Please send circular. Name. Address f DOVE-THOMPSOX COMPAST, 420-422 Board of Trade, PORTLAND, OREGON". Suburban Home Undoubtedly this is the FITTEST and most ARTISTIC suburban home EVER placed on the market ln Portland. Only 30 minutes' ride on electric car from the heart of the city; 10c car. lare. Y city convenience, such as electric light, telephone, private water system, with compression tang.; mall delivery, etc This beautiful home Is situated on an acre of ground with fruit tree set out all around. The price la $9000, with easy terms if desired. There is absolutely nothing about this place, either ln location, construction, design, finish or fixtures but what would satisfy the most fastidious. If you are looking for a suburban home, or planning on building, It will be well worth your while to invest! gate thla first- Chapin & Herlow 832-338 Chamber of Commerce. E. Burnside St. GOOD INVESTMENT Price $1 7,500 INCOME glSO PER MONTH. Lot 66x100 and three flat buildings, containing two 4 - room flats in each building. This property Is new and up tn date: all modern Improvements, fur naces, fireplaces, etc; situated at soutn- east corner or liast Bumsiae ana m. 26th streets. Terms, $8500 cash, balance three years, 6 per cent. Mall & Von Borstel 104 Second St., Lumber Exchange Bids;, Best Buy in Portland $8000230x200 APARTMENTS, FLATS, STORES. '. Var fnw davi only, will offer this fine business block located on three carllnes, facing 230 feet on E. 28th st: cement siaewaiKS, curDing, water sewer and 160 feet of street improve ment all paid and included. Will rent every store, apartment or flat you can build. Easy terms. DI BOIS & CROCKETT, M'aahlngton Hlilg., Room 3. APARTMENT SITE COBNEJ 7TH Best bargain in the south end. Income carries it. $12,500. a THE SP ANTON CO., 269 Oak St. $58 Per Acre 230 acres Dairy and stock ranch, on Cow llts River; every acre fertile aolL and the very beet fruit land; 70 or 80 acres ln culti vation, balance pasture; line large house; 2 large barns, 14 dairy cows, other stock and personal property to the amount of 42000 So with tfie place. M'GOWAJf PEVNXXGTOJf Room S Healer bldg., corner Grand ave. and East Morrison st. East 2S2L WANTED to rent or lease, 7 or 8-room new house In Irvlngton or West Side; give loca tion. 419 Lumbermens Building. SOUTHERN IDAHO Irrigated Land For Sale. DTGERT-PULLERTON LAND COM PANY, G dins, Idaho. SEW TODAT. s Realty Dept. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OFFER TODAY peciais i. BEAUTIFUL HOME Jt ' Crete blocks and cobble stones; Rose City Park district. This house is new and has hardwood floors, beamed celling ln dining-room; cement porch 10 feet wide; bath room 7x10, with tiled floor and many other de sirable features. This pretty home and 3 acres of ground for sale for $17,000 or owner will sell house and 2 acres for $14,000. Picture at office. II. IRVINGTON HOME. C9(i (inn A beautiful 10 -room WstltVIUU home; occupies a cor ner lot 100 x 100; ln a splendid part of the city; building restric tions are very exacting there; to illustrate, every house is and must be back 45 feet from the street; every conven- lence known to the modern architect has been put In this house; rooms spacious and splendid. Realty Dept., CHAMBER OP COMMERCE. 5 Seaside Cottage Snaps . All Furnished- Paying Over 25 Per Cent. Owner going to Europe. Will sell separately. Bolinas Cottage, corner Broadway and Locksley Hall ave.; 5 rooms, Eewer, electric light, fireplace, buffet, running water in pantry. Income $250 for season and $10 per month for Winter. Price $1000. Mira Monte Cottage, 8 rooms, run ning water, electric lights, fire place. Income $300 for season and $10 month for Winter. Price $1000. Belmont Cottage, 10 rooms, running water, bath, corner Broadway and Locksley Hall ave. Income $300 for season and $10 " month for Winter. Price $1500. Elnldo Cottage, two rooms. Income $100 for season and $6 per month for Winter. Price $500. Dearborn Cottage, 5 rooms (buiga- low style). Income $280 for sea son and $8 per month for Winter. Price $800. All of the above are two blocks from the ocean. GODDARD & WIEDPJCK, 243 Stark Street. View Property in every city in the world brings the liitrhpst nripfl for residence Durooses. Is. it good judgment on your part to pay more ior a lot way our. on ine East Side, with absolutely no view, Trinn vnn wonlrl have to Dav in beauti ful ""ARM0NA," on the West Side, on the river and electric line, with station right on the ground, on the finest boulevard in the Northwest? Th tnew is simnlv Errand. Lots from $450 up (including street improve- mnnt. wrmrit sidewalks and water mains), and your own terms. Let us show you tins property, iou win enjoy the trip. The Cowan-More Co. Agents, 315 Chamber of Com. Bldg. .rnone aain 154 or n. azao. BUSINESS PROPERTY 827.000 First street, 8-story brick and 3 houses; corner lot 60x162. This is a good business location and will make you good profit. One half cash. Pays 10 per cent net. " 825,000 Front St., 2-story brick leased for three years, pays 8 per cent; $15,000 cash, balance S per cent. APARTMENT SITES. Sll.OOO Fourteenth street, 60x100 feet, choice location; some income. CHAS. RINGLER &C0. 211 Lewis Bldg. Ladd Addition Must Be Sold New. strlctlv modern. 8-room house. with furnace, fireplace, den, breakfast room, sleeping-porch, built-in buffet and bookcases, hardwood floors. 4 bed rooms, fine fixtures, shades and every thing ready to move into, on an 80 foot street, all improvements paid. Thla Is a $7500 house, but must be sold, and we want your offer. Can make good terms. Grussi & Zadow 81T Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. A HOME IJT STJNjrYSIDE 7 rooms. modern, new; lot 40x125; one nun dred feet of stores and postofficrf. Terms or trade for acreage, Yam hill or Washington County. BLOCK Thirtieth and Tillamook to bulla on. Lot ior a nuuse. aii m Drovements In. ACRE K. 59'ta. near Burnside, Just im proving street, neaay to cut up, and to builder a chanca to sell houses. OWNER, 130 K. 38th. FOR SALE AT GEARHART PARK A Seaside home of ten rooms, al fur nished and modern In every respect. Large grounds. Fine barn. No sand. Price low. Terms reasonable. Phone A 7610 or A 3441, or call on Owner, K. 301 ewls building, Portland. NEW TODAT. E. Burnside St. BUSINESS LOT 50x100 Near E. 6th St. Price -$12,500 H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 212-213 Commercial Club Building Phones: Main 8699; A 2653. Income Property $8750 Two modern flats in Nob Hill district Good in come. VAN DUYN & WALTON, 515 Chamber Commerce. 33 1-3x100 corner on 16th st., five; minutes' walk north of Washington st.; fine apartment site. Price $10,500. PARBISH, WATKINS & CO., 250 Alder St'. B F. AT, BSTATg PTCAUCTta. Sack. William G.. 312 Falling bids. blrr.I1. A. H. & Co., 202-3 IK'Kay bldr. Real sstat.. insurance, mortsas... loans, ate, Brcbaker A Benedict. G02 McKay bids. b S49. CHapln A Herlow, 832 Chamber Comma Cook. B. 8. A Co.. 808 Corbett bids. Jennings St Co.. Main lo8 200 Oronlaa, fiLUEK-JONSB cu. a. sua con clal Club bias. The Oregon Real estate Co.. Grand are. aaa Multnomah " fHolladay Adtlltloa.) U. E- THOMPSON CO.. cor. 4th and Oak sts. REAL ESTATB. For Saletots. MOTICB. PRICES ADVANCED. AU, $720 LOTS IN BEAETMONT will positively be adanced to 810 MARCH 15. Our prices are actually BELOW ANY THING on the 2tt-mHe circle. EASY TERMS. Guaranteed the highest class IMPROVE MENTS ln PORTLAND. Restriction, 2S00 to $5000. 10.000 ROSE BUSHES. Call, phone or write, BEAUMONT LAND COMPANY, BOARD OF TRADE BU1DINQ. S4 4th BU Phones Main 8900. A 1163. 100x100 On East TamhllL Site for Apartment-House. Only $4250. HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce. SHEARERS ADDITION. JUST OPENED. Located between East 30th and Glenn ave.; lots 50x100 from $1200 up: this property lies high and sightly, each and every lot will have a $2500 restriction. Insuring you against poor houses; these beautiful lots can be handled for $400 cash, balance $25 per month; a limited number only will be sold at these figures. See Hawthorne Realty Co., exclusive agents, cor. E. 34th and Hawthorne ave. UNIVERSITY PARK. We have 2 lots in University Park that we can sell for wTiat they cost three years ago. can you ask for anything more? This Is a fine chance to get two lots at a snap. For further particulars regarding the above, aa well as many others ln all parts of the city, call on C. F. PFL1JGER A CO., Suite B, Mulkey Bldg.. 2nd and Morrison. Eatabllshed 180. $S50 LOT 60x100 on Church St.. near Pat ton ave. $1500 lot, Klllingsworth ave., near Pat ton, SOxlOO. Also $550 lot on. Gay St., near Alnsworth ave.. 60x100. . . These are bargains. See B. R.. 414 Spalding bldg. $45 CASH and $9 per month buys a lot on Grand ave.; put your, pin money in this and In a few months you will have mora money than you ever dreamed of; price $450. BRONG-STEELE CO., 267 Oak St. Phone M 1743. A Ii43. INSTITUTE PLACE Is the new sightly residence addition opened at E. 2Sth and Holgate streets; oholce lots on easy terms as low as $660; streets are now being graded. See own ers, the Western Securities Co., 414 Spald ing bldg. $1350 cash buys a beautiful residence -lot 60x100. on East Flanders st-. walklng dlstanoe, sewer and cement walks paid. GEISER 4fc STRACHAN. 221H Morrison st. Phone Main 52.' 6. On Improved street, near Mount Bcott carllne, for $SnjJ,. on terms. See Mr. Beck at NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY, 270 Stark St. $!60 Corner loC 51st and Hawthorne. $1000 50x100, corner Glenn ave. and Grant st. BKUBAKER & BENEDICT, B02 McKay Bldg.. 3d and Stark. 1 block of Union avo.: beautiful sits for a home; price $1500, oa terms. See Mr. Beck at NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY, ( U Din t n- .Ji. ON ACCOUNT of ever-Increasing taxes and assessments, ten centrally located lots ln Rose City Park are for sale cheap. For further details apply to Julius Adler, 4 Chamber of Commerce. " LOOK HERE! $200 cash would buy my equity worth $500 In two fine lots close ln: I must sell at once. No agent. Address H 831, Oreaonian. TITLE A INVESTMENT COMPANY, INC.. Clackamas County lands and lots ab stracted from the records; prices right. John W. Loder. president. BUY QUICK. Lots $50. on 62d and W. Stark, on car llne: easy terms; greatest buy ever offered. NATIONAL REALTY & TRUST CO., 32u wasnmmoa pi. ONE of the finest corner lots in Irvlngton, Improvements all In:' snap: $3200. Phone owner. Tabor 2376. East 26. PORTLAND HEIGHTS FKursnH. Homes, lots, quarter blocks, tracts aad, acreage; all parts of heights, all views ana prices; some bargalna Alain 3551. A 333S. WEST AVENUE. 100x114 on West ave. for $2SO0. This property is actually worth $:500. See Mr. Lagerqulst, Knight Shoe Co. ROSSMERE LOT $800; part cash; east iront; iropeuisuip . mens bldg. 1U0X154 Highest part of Woodstock, near Site Reeu XnStllUie, jiiubi. n.c uiuudj , will sacrifice. AH 839, Oregonlan. PORTLAND HEIGHTS lot on Ravensview drive, among cnoice numea, ueaumui north and east views. Main 3551, A 3833. BEAUTIFUL Laurelhurst lot. hard-surface In- 15 per cent discount from opening price. Call 305 Gerllnger bldg. HAVE several lots, best beach resort; must sell: sickness. Y 804, Oregonlan. CHEAPEST lot ln Ladd's Addition, near Hawthorne ave.; must sell. Phone B 2301. FORCED sale, view lot. In Terrace Park. Owner H 832, Oregonlan. CHEAP FOR CASH. Rose City Park lot. O 822, Oregonlan. LOT 60x100, on Flint st., near Tillamook, 492 Rodney. East 3892; ROSSMERE lot, 50x100. fine location for a home. Phone Main 4126. LOT at Alameda Park cheap for cash. Phone Woodlawn 119; rTuRELHURST 1st Add.; Improvements ln aiid bonded; $900 cash. Phone B 1572. RICHMOND 100x100, $1000; improvements paid: sacrifice. Owner. 1030 Grand, north. BUSINESS comer, 100x80, Alberta St. (car line); price $3100. Phone Woodlawn 1807,