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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1911)
TITE MOIWiTXG OITEOOTTIAN, Royal Worcester. Box, Ton Corsets. Nemo Corsets. Mme. Helene, Marquise, Marietta. Rengo Belt Corsets Gin CALLS HALT New Spring yles in Knox. Gage. FisK and Hyland rT,.-C.nrl snowing o. irew apr.nB "i " tore Olds, Wortouaim Committee Refuses to Approve Crematory Estimate. Great Sale of Noftioims aim ma are; SUDDEN INSPECTION DUE d S 11 w Ways and Mmdi Body, Opposed to Expense of PUat Already More Than Old Place, Decide on Quiet Investigation. Declining temporarily to approve th tlmate for the crematory for March, the ways and mean committee of Uie City Council yesterday afternoon de cided to Investigate the Increased cost of operating this plant and It ws an nounced that the membera will Tlslt the establishment on Guilds Lake at odd Umea to see for themselves what the situation la there, "I am very bappy to know that the members of the ways and means com mittee are solas; to Investigate the crematory." said Mayor Simon. "I want not only the membera of the com mittee, but every on else interested In the welfare of the city to investigate this or any other feature of the mu nicipal government. Investigation Is Favored. We have a problem to aolvs la this connection and any help the waya and means committee may be able to give la solving It will be appreciated most fully. It la proper that the commit tee should have all the Information ob tainable and I stand ready to furnish them all the data I have or that the Board of Health or any one else has who Is connected with the affair." The estimate for March la $4100, about 11000 above the average for the operation of the crematory. The new plant la now being operated, and thua far it has cost much mors thsn the old plant. The tests are only fairly com menced, however, and Mayor Simon de clares that It Is unfair to condemn the new plant after the first few weeks of its operation. Councilman Baker moved to appoint a committee of Councilman to Investi gate the crematory, but Councilman Rushlight, acting chairman la the ab sence of Councilman Devlin, said he felt that It could be as well handled by the ways and raeana committee, and thia action waa decided upon. Committee Called Joke. The committee adopted a motion re queuing the heads of departments to send In their estimates by the 20th of every month for the coming month, so that there will be ample time for the committee to pasa upon them and have them Indorsed by the Executive Board. At present the estlmatea coma In ao late that the money la expended In many lnrtancea before the committee aeea the estimates. "This committee la only a Joke, If this thing Is going to continue." re marked Councilman Baker, who then moved that estimates be sent In earlier. Superintendent Donaldson, of the strset-cleanlng department, waa re- queeted to make up the payroll of bla employes for last Labor day. although he baa Instructions from the street cleaning committee of the Executive Board not to do ao. It waa supposed the City Auditor would make up the roll, but It was shown the committee that that office tad no proper baala for o doing. The Council passed an ordi nance allowing the men regular pay for that holiday, although they laid off. ' COURTHOUSE WORK FAILS Woodworkers Breaking Agreement, County Falls Back on Bondsmen. Failure of the Washington Interior Finishing Company to fulfill lie eon tract regarding the Interior woodwork for the new Courthouse will result in the county authorities having the work done at the expense of the bondhold er, the Fidelity A Deposit Company of Maryland. Thla waa decided yes terday morning at a conference be tween the county officials and Deputy District Attorney Fltrgerald. who re sponded to the request of the County Court for legal Information on the sit uation. The company took the contract for to. and furnished a bond for HMO. The agreement reached at the confer ence waa for the county to hire men to do the work, and all expenses In ex ces of the contract price are to be charged to the bondsman of the eon tractora The bondamen have been asked to take charge of the work and have It done, but they hare refused. Whldden ss Lewis, the archltecta em ployed by the county, tried to keep' Uie failure of the contracting company a secret, but the court made the neg lect public despite protests. COMETS TO STAGE PLAY T. M. C. A. Club to Act Washing ton's Birthday Eve. One of the interesting Washington Birthday entertainments to be given to morrow night will be a play by the Comets, one of the Tour.r Man's Chris tian Association boys' clubs. The play w.U be riven at o'clock. In the T. M. C. A. auditorium and will be free to the public T-w title of the play Is The Bowery Night &-hool. and more than a dosen boys will participate. The boys bave been trained by M. C. Meehan. member ah'p secretary, who le also leader of the Comets. The youngsters bave taken great Interest In preparing the play and It la aatd the way they handle their parts will be a sairprlsn. While all boys, whether members of the Y. M. C A- or not. will be especlslly welcome, adults have ateo been Invited. Besides the plsy there will be a progrsmme of moving pictures and music. The Comets are one of the oldest boys clubs In the asjwxNatlon. They are aleo one of the most active dubs and took second place In number of new members gained In the recent membership contest. PHONE PLAINTS UP SOON Council Committee to Hear Citisens Week From Monday. Councilman Cellars, chairman of the Judiciary committee of the City Council, announced yesterday afternoon that the committee will bold a meeting one week from next Monday, at which complaints against the service of the Pacific Tele phone a Telegraph Company will be beard. The officials of the company will be present and it ia desired that only pacific complaints be submitted. These, Mr. Cellars says, should be of compara tively recent data. Great Sale of Needful Notion- The imttll things that every thrifty housewife needs, the absolute necessities are here at prices'strangely low-The articles that compose this sale are regular goods, every day needs The on y difference is in the price, which is so conspicuously low that all thrifty women will lay In big supplies at once ISc Palmer Skirt Markers, specially priced at only, each Qt 10c Setwell Skirt Markers, specially marked at only, each 7 15c Itsoezie Trrmger Hangers, special for this sale at only 11 25c Setwell Tronser Hangers,at the special low price, each 18 15c Nickel-Plated Tronser Hangers, now marked at only 8 15c Dexter Folding Coat Hangers, during this sale at only 8t? 10c Heavy Wire Skirt Hangers, bargainized at only, each 3 15c Perfect Form Snit Hangers bargainized at this low price 8 Bo Coat Hangers for Infants, Children and Women, at only 3 15c Nickel Combination Snit Hangers on salo at low price lit 25c Wood Combination Suit Hangers on sale for only, each 19t 2y3c Oilt Edge Darning Cotton, during thia sale, 3 for only 5 25c dosen Grandma's Darning Cotton, now marked at, doz. 12 So Dexter Cashmere Mending Yarn, great value at 2 for 5 5o H. B. Darning Cotton (black), during this sale, 2 for only 5 c Naiad Dress Shields, No. 2, the dozen, SI. 85, the pair 17 Naiad Dress Shields, No. 3, the dozen, 52.00, the pair 19 Naiad Dress Shields, No. 4, the dozen S2.30, the pair 22 Naiad Dress Shields, No. 8, the dozen $2.80, the pair Lace Edge Dress Shields, No. 2, the dozen $2.85, the pair Lace Edge Dress Shields, No. 3, the dozen 33.00, the pair Lace EcLre Dress Shields, No. 4, the dozen $4.40, the pair 36 25 27V 31 High Front Dress Shields, No. 2, dozen $2.30, the pair 22 High Front Dress Shields, No. 3, dozen $2.85, the pair 27 High Front Dress Shields, No. 4, dozen $3.00, the pair 31 Bolero, all sizes, special price, the dozen $4.80, the pair 44 0. M. O. Nainsook Shields, No. 2, dozen $1.95, the pair O. M. O. Nainsook Shields, No. 3, dozen $2.30, the pair 0. M. 0. Nainsook Shields, No. 4, dozen $2.80, the pair" 0. M. 0. Nainsook Shields, No. B, dozen $3.45, the pair On and Off Shields, nainsook, No. 2, doz. $2.40, the pair On and Off Shields, nainsook, No. 3, doz. $2.85, the pair On and Off Shields, nainsook, No. 4. doz. $3.10, the pair Juno Pure White Shields, No. 2, dozen $1.85, the pair Juno Pure White Shields, No. 4, dozen-$2.40, the pair Klinart's Absorbent Shields, No. 2, doz. $1.90, the pair Klin art's Absorbent Shields, No. 3, doz. $2.40. the pair Klinart's Absorbent Shields, No. 4, doz. $2.85, the pair Featherweight Nainsook Shields, No. 4, doz. $2.40, pair Featherweight Nainsook Shields, No. 5, doz. $2.90, pair LLrhtweiffht Silk Shields, Nos. 2, 3 and 4, at only, the pair Lightweight Nainsook Shields, Nos. 2, 3, and 4, at only, pair 18 20 25 30 21 25 28 17 21 18 21 25 21 26 19 10 "MAD IN OREGON 99 $5 Wool Blankets at $3.95 $7 Wool BlanKets at $4-95 $9 Wool BlanRets at $5.95 $1Q Wool BlanKets $6.95 There's none better and we know you will appreciate our efforts to give you good values when you see these Blankets. They were made in Oregon, by one of the be6t mills, and. sold to us at less than the cost of production, just because they had a few little soiled spots on them. Now we tan turn them over to you 'at less than regular mill price and have a little profit for ourselves. See Tenth-street window. $4.5Q BlanK'tRobes $2.5Q Also a very special purchase. We took all the mill had of these and are really sorry we couldn't get more. They come in neat, 'large checked patterns, in various shades. "Wlen bought regu- t0 Kit lar they sell at $4.50. Special during this sale at, pair v puiFO JFoocI Groceries EOGS Fresh Oregon, Doz., 25 HAMS Sugar-cured, Pound, 16 FLOUR 0. W. K. Brand, Sack, $1.45 CooKing School TODAY, AT 10 A. M. Lecture by Miss Tracy. Menu : Fried Oysters, Jelly Roll, Peach Tapi oca and Coffee. These lessons absolutely free. BACON Swift's Empire, The lb., 25 BEANS, Golden Wax String, Tin, 12 Bouillon Capsules, Anker's Best, The box, 25 Bohemian Butter 75c Sq. Clover Leaf Butter at 67c Apples S1.5Q Bx Just received, a fresh lot of the famous Oregon Newtown Pippin Apples, which are noted for their good keeping qualities. For today we place them on sale t1 CO at this price, the box PM.mJJ iLipton's Tea The famous Lipton Teas on sale in our grocery department, fourth floor. Ceylon and India 7 Cr Yellow Label, the pound . Black and green, only, lb., 75 English Breakfast, the lb., 75 Ta Can't Live Without Franklin Safety Pins, doz. 5 Stewart Duplex Safety Pins, on special sale for only 6 Damascus Steel Saf. Pins 7 Colonial gold-plate Saf 'y Pins in all sizes, special, dozen, 8 American nickel-plated Safety Pins, in all sizes, the doz., 5 Empress Pins, 5c papers at 4 Challenge Pins, 10c papers 6 Kirby Beard Eng'shPins 12 Best English Pins, 400 to the Paper, very special, only 3 8c Cube Pins, best quality 5 5o Wire Hair Pins, velvet fin ish, on special sale, only 3 5e Invisible Wire Hairpins 3 10c Bick Rack Braid only 5 Bias Seam Tape, special at 8 Kid Curlers, all sizes, only 5 West Electric Curlers, ea. 19 Magic Curlers, card, only 19 Vassar Shirtwaist Belts at 6 Sewing Machine Needles, 5 in a tube, for all machines, at 7 Mil ward's Needles, 40c dozen, special sale at, the paper, 4 Children's Hose Supporters on sale at low price of, pair, 6 Women's Velvet Grip Hose Supporters, special, pair 12 10c. Collar Forms, special, 5 Tubular Shoe Laces, dozen 6 Peets' 10c Hooks and Eyes, on special sale at, package, 6 Mothers' 10c Ironing Wax, 5 DressmaKers' Needs 8c Here's a, l'ist of articles that every woman must buy anyhow, and shrewd, thrifty women will be glad enough to lay in a good supply for the future It's the "maK. ing up season" now, and it's surprising how much can b.e saved by buying now Crescent City Sewing Silk, reg. 5c spool, specially priced during this sale at the low figure, 2 spools 5, per dozen ZOC Corticelli Sewing Silk, 100-yard spools, regular price 10c, marked for this sale at only, the dozen 75, or the spool Oneida Community Silk, 100-yard spools, regular price 10c . the spool, specially marked at, dozen 65, or the spool QC Corticelli Buttonhole Twist, 16 yards, regularly sold at 5c . v the spool, special price during sale, dozen 40, or spool rC O. N. T. Spool Cotton, regularly 60c the dozen, special at 53 50c Corticeli One-Ounce Silk, special price for this sale only 36 J. & P. Coats' Spool Cotton, regularly 60c the dozen, special 53 500-yard Basting Cotton, on sale at, the dozen 45, or spool 4. 200-yard Barbour 10c Linen Thread, marked at only, spool 8 200-yard Marshall's 10c Linen Thread, on sale at, the spool 8 5c Linen Finish Button or Carpet Thread at this low price 3 13c Crescent Skirt Braid, sale price, the dozen 95oreach 9 15c Goff's Silko 5-yard Braid, -specialzejSl.SSjteh 12 13o Fleisher'B Skirt Braid, during sale, dozen 75, or each 7 Tolsom's 5c Dress Binding at only, the dozen 35, or each 3 15c Taffeta Seam Binding on sale at, dozen $1.35, each 12 10c Taffeta Seam Binding on sale at, the dozen 95, or each 8 Warren's Taffeta Silk Waist Bone, regularly sold at7 15c, marked special for this sale at, the dozen $1.30, or yd; 1 C Warren's Chicago Silk Waist Bone, regularly sold at 10c, q specially bargainized for this sale, dozen 90, or the yardQC Warren's Taffeta Silk Collar Bone, regularly sold at 10c the yard, specially priced at only, dozen.90, or the yard Holdfast Snap Fasteners, during this sale, gross 35, dozen 4 Hear-It-Snap Fasteners, bargainized at, gross $1.00, dozen 10 Warren's Featherbone Tape, the dozen, only 35, or yard 3 Nearsilk Collarbone, specially priced for this sale at, the yard 4 Snap Fasteners on Tape, on sale at, dozen $1.00, or piece 10 Dress Weights on Tape, regularly 20c the yard, special at 15 Dress Weight, No. 3, regularly 75c the box, on sale for only 50 Regular 10c Three-in-One Machine Oil, on sale for only, bot. 8 Regular 25c Three-in-One Machine Oil, bargainized at only 19 Regular 5c Mending Tissue, specially marked for this sale at 3 Regular l6cSilvia Hair Nets, specially priced for this sale at 4 10c Soiloff Original Dry Cleaner, specially priced at only 8 15c dozen PejButtonfish eye now selling jit, thedozen 8 10cdozen Pearl Buttons, all sizes, now selling at, the dozen 5 10c and 15c dozen Silk Covered Buttons, 3 sizes, the dozen 5 50c dozen Fancy Buttons, assorted sizes, now selling, dozen 10 8c HI ' II HI1 i " . i , . JOINT LINE TOPIC TODAY TRACTION AND MT. MOOD OFFI CIALS TO" COXFEH. President! of Old and Sew Road to Discuss Method of Both Using Broadway Track. The Mount Rood Railway A Power Company' proposed freaehls will oc cupy the time of the street committee of the Ctty Council at 1 o'eloca this erternoon and of the Executive Board ax 4 o'clock. At 1 o'clock, the street committee will hold a special session to take up with Preildeflt Josaelyn. of the Portland Rail way, Ucht Power Company, and Presi dent GUlis. of the Mount Uood Company, the subject of Joint use of Broadway axreet tracks to solre the problem of bow the new road Is to enter Portland through Inrtnrton. Both company offi ciate screed to sirens datalls of opera tion over one line to avoid th necessity of rrsntln" a franchise on another street and of discommoding; the resldsntsv At this session, the various clauses In the streetcar franchise will be ooe ovsr and mads ready- for submission to the Council, which will meet st I SO o'clock Thursday morning. Wednesday belna; a holiday. All details ss to the final agreement as to the route from the city limits to East Twenty-fourth and Broad way, and also on the West aide, will be determined, rt la expected. The Executive Board has been called In special session for the purpose of acting upon a recommendation of lis strt com mittee aa to the valuation of the pro posed franchise for a power-distributing enrlc In thla city. At a meeting Sat urday afternoon, the committee fixed Z4 per cent of th gross earnings of the company for salea of electrical energy as the amount to be charged for all power consumed In Portland; one-half of 1 per cent for power transmitted through the city but not neeu here and K per cent for all power sold to any competing com pany. It Is believed the Board will adopt the report without question. FIREMAN FALLS IN DRILL Comrade Pick Up Harry Russeell Ln Unconscious Condition. While participating in a drffl of the members of truck company No. 1. of the Fire Department. In which th men tried their skill In sliding down a rope from th top of th Teon building. Harry Rus sell lost his grrp at th third floor and fell rapidly to th street yesterday. He was picked up by his comrades in an unconscious condition and was hurried to Good Bamarttan Hospital, where It was found that he &ad asoaped fractures and will recover. Severs! membera of the company had anicosaafuUy mad th descent from the top of the lS-story building, when Rus awll mads the attempt and is supposed to have tried some new experiment. He maintained control until within abou,t 40 feet of the ground, and then his speed quickened, although, he did not altogether lose control. IMPROVEMENT BONDS SOLD $400,000 Issue Disposed Of by Council Committee. An Issue of ttoaooo of Improvement bonds, besrlng per cent Interest and running 10 years, was disposed of at good premiums yesterday afternoon by th City Council's committee on ways and .means. Par. accrued Interest and premiums ranging from J05 to -175 were paid. The lere-est block. $300,000. went to 0. t McPherson; the Security Savings & Trust Company bought JU4.000 worth: the United States National Bank ISO.OM worth, and Morris Bros. tS.OOO, th bal ance going to small bidders. Webfoot Oil Dressing, the greatest hoe grease mad. Ail stores. OALY BUYS FOR $100,000 REAITir OPERATOR GETS CP PER WASHIN GTON" CORNER. Plot 100x1 SO Feet at Nineteenth Street Deeded by Caroline Couch Estate. Edgar J. Daly yesterday completed purchase' from th Carolina Couch es tate of a piece of ground 130 by 100 feet, situated at the northwest corner of Nineteenth and Washington streets. Th consideration was $100,000. Mr. Daly mad th first payment on th property last August, and ha re celved the deed when yesterday's sec ond and final payment was made. Th corner was th sit of Parsons' Hall, where .many fashionable dancing parties and receptions were held ln years gone by. Parsons' Hall burned down several years ago, and latterly the ground has been used as part of a florist's establishment. Mr. Daly Is known as one of th most aggressive operators ln Washington-street realty, and has been active both as a broker and as a speculative buyer on his own account. "I have resched no decision whether to resell th property or to build," said Mr. Daly yesterday. "T had ap plications enough to fill' a building three or four times as large as any I could build on this lot. Th opening of Alder street through to Nineteenth, which will tak place soon, will make thl th most valuable corner on upper Washington. Automobile dealers, aa well as those selling automobile sup plies, are partial to this section." ' Replevltt Suit for Horse Filed. ATHENA, Or., Feb. 20. Special. Sam Bannister, of this city, has filed a replevin eult against Fred Pinkerton and Isabella Plnkorton for th recovery of a horse which Mr. Bannlater allegea belongs to him and which said horse Is now in the possession of Mr. Pinkerton. The trial ia set for Tuesday. CHURCH BEQUEST DENIED Bishop Scadding Says Fblladelphlan Haa Not Slade Gift. The February number of th Oregon Churchman, an Episcopal denomina tional paper, which Is Just off the press, contains an article from the pen of Bishop Scadding ln which he says he can find no lounaauuu iui mo cent report that a Philadelphlan had bequeathed $200,000 to the Oregon dio cese. He says he believes It Is an April fool Joke sprung too soon. The paper gives a brief history of Good Samaritan Hospital. It also con tains Bishop Scaddings appointments for February and March, as follows: February 15, Medford; 19, Ports mouth, morning; 24. St. Helen's Hall; 26 Eugene. March 1, Corvallls: 6, Woodstock; 7, lecture, "The Revival of Religion ln Nineteenth Century": 8. Corvallls; 12, St. Stephen's, morning, confirmation. St. Helen's Hall, after- noon; 13, meeting of board of missions; 14, lecture, "The Oxford Movement," St. Stephens: 15. Corvallls; 19, Wood mere; 21, lecture, "Keble," St. Stephen's; 22. Corvallls; 26, All Saints, Portland; 28, lecture, "Newman," St. Stephen's; 29, Corvallls. Falls Victim To Thieves. S. W. Bends, of Coal City, Ala, has a Justifiable grievance. Two thieves stole his health for twelve years. They were a liver and kidney trouble. Then Dr. King's New Life Pills throttled them. He's well now. Unrivaled for Constipation, Malaria, Headache, Dys pepsia. 2fic at all druggists. They Touch THE LIVER NEVER FAIL TO DO THEIR DDTY JiXgp' ran fi DONT take purgatives for constipation; they act harshly, they overstrain the delicate membrane, and leave the bowels in worse condition than before. If you are troub led with Constipation, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Dizziness, Biliousness, Nervous ness, or Loss of Appetite, try the sure, gentle, safe, remedy: Carter's Little Liver Pills Ncae GENUINE wsW avnabnt jfe-(carters!