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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1911)
Mi MENTIONED FOR NEW BOARD Committee of Fifty and Others Plan Port of Portland Reorganization. OLD MEMBERS MAY STAY f-i-cral Interrtcl In local Shipping Arc Spnkrn of as Good Timber a fnmrallonrr Ap pointive Plan Ukrd. Aaa i-ed tr-t t-e r-rsxrriet of I siesr port of Portland Commission will r app'tnl-H and not elerted at the pells, ti-.e romrr.lttre of i nd others, who bromM aout trie ciitiprnnil which !! to th jrfin'ii of the nrrflrnf l'flmm!fllnri t reslcn. are lookinr ahout for turn they thin most nllah: In form the r.ew body. Ttwi mentioned yesterday a noJ timber were Henry Hewitt, acent here for Lloyd's ln' Interests; II. l. In man. of the Inman-pou'n lumber t'naruir: l- H. tibb. of the Standard Ko l.umher rranjr and Portland land Comr-irir: l"p!ln Albert Crowe. retired iMpmtil'r an.l of the marir.e contract firm. Anders. n. Crowe Ac fa; Cai.!ln Jimi Slaver, ct the Paaver Transportation Company; Captain K W. Sper.ivr. otui of t!.e steamer Chariot R. Spencer; Harvey Peckwlth. of Wells. Par-o; J. N. Montrlth. l- la )t)Tfir. Stephen Collins. M. t. Collins, Onii it. Vin Valri and othrrs. The committee of So i to submit ali iimn and the I'Mmwr of om- tnerr sis. Kmm these Governor Wrt will iriitt three of each and r.ame the Tenth mir.b.T himself. The com mlttee representing the Chamber of Commerce, composed of Ir. Andrew r. Smith. W. It. Ayer and Henry l Corbett. favors the retention In office of some of the present Commlssloners. "I think It would be better to retain some of the member of the t ommls- slon. a they are familiar with t work and know all details of the Tort of Portland Commission' affair. paid Ir. Smith yesterday. "We were rar tleuUrlr pleased that the bill was chanced to make the selection of mem ber appointive rather than elective. for If the election -tem wa fol.owed I am convinced that It would result In the Introduction of peanut political methods that would be a misfortune." It I sail that no understanding: ha r-een reached regrdlriif the Commis sioner to be continued In office. That all bare tendered their resignations to tie Legislature Is taken to Indicate that they arc anxious to dts ar I the duties, hut some may have the oppor tunity of declining a second nomina tion. "On!y yesterday 1 consented to per mit my name to be Included In the Pet. beea-i. I eipct that serving on the Commission "iU Interfere with certain work usually undertaken li ti. ld Captain Crowe. The aim I to in on the Commission men who are familiar with deepwater rc-attera or those whose business I directly connected with them. There I an other ltal point that will result from the of the bill that I to allow different bank to bid on hold ing the fund of the port of 1'ortland Commission by glilnc double security f-ar the amounts apportioned. RIG Ll MW Il Tit AKH PRKIUCED C. I, fowler Saj Milpplnc Will Ilrnrfl. lYom 1915 Pair. "3an Fanrls.-o and other California Sllle will puri Uurlnj the tl four years .. feet of I Itnler additional frncii tie i':thec. aod tt la m r opinion t.iat th Un twr Teet In that trale villi PMTi;5er at !e.t w tt the ut ter in- "I't Liv of C K. Koail.-r. of l"ettie. on-r o the steamer Wxi.lne ton. ho t hero n buine riea tnc wlin the lifunj of the rf'l on the git dryJoriL "When It I ttkn Into consideration that followt-c the Pan I'MnrlM fire there were !.: schooner In the lumber ftet. It wf.t not appear my surprtatrc that the eitra lumt-er will rea'-h su-ti a pure. It muM be rnierrtered that fe seitienient of the fir q .e!lon ha had an tnrl-ien'-e r -i.u lines of the l out traile. and Ic be partk-u! arly felt anionc nntimen owini; to the area! cVmanJ for materiel In ronntrucllrc btithilnr and ejoi-,- other work on the f!r rrounla Th it :il t a small mat ter a liuml bel 1 the l imber C at wl: be required to keep pe.e lth the general rrowt t throu. iul the south that i'l a';me btc proportion so.n." Jklr. r'oeler dys tt-ere t no tryth fv a rumor that tne Washington x to be soil, but thai It probibiy aroe tnrooet the. closin of a charter to I'm Kran-is Interest for tnree month. He ay be doee not know whether the char terers wut continue brr on the 1'ortland faaa Krancltro route, but that when the eortrai t end the will be returned to her present aerrtee. "la a marine way there Is one IMn tfcat 1'ortland can crow of and prove without question, and that the value ef her freaa water harbor rn keep'rs; the bulls of vessels free from roih." said te Waahlrrton owner. "The steamer was on drvdock In Aucist. 19ei. and when . was lifted llat there Is apparently ro reason for cur; over her bottom. It Is absolutely free from all slrn of growth, an.l that I a-cot4nted for throutt fe fact h ha operated steadily, wlih trie exception of tiie period she waa out ef commission here so that he waa benefited be each voyae throush steam In In fresh witer.'" The Washincton a wheel wa rer'aced anl he Is empected t leave the Colum bia today In time to reai tt Raymond by vsht. Mltt-lROP WHEAT ARRIVES It.irk Panniurk lU-sla I renchnian In liai t EnrvH. Irt of th wln.l larnmers to arrive sut from Portland with new. crop wheat, the lanli bark t'anmark and the French bark C.en. de Ilolsdeffre were reported yesterday by the Mer chants Ft.-hre to have reached the other side of the Atlantic Monday. It was close race between Ienniark and France for the honor, a t-e Oen. de Hotsdeffre al'ed from the Columbia I.lver tvtober l. and tho Ianmark Ih-toher II. the latter makln the voy ace In 1M dare and the Kren.hmen In K dar. The British ship Andro meda, which left the river October T. lias been out lit days. The arrival yesterday ef the Brltll Steamer Ftrathnees. from Acapul'-o. to load wheat will a ll about two ordinary reroe in the showtnc for February. he will st liar In a few dav. as .r rarco I s'acked on the Montirom ery Io.-k No. I. The British ship Nile will also be with th's nnths fleet. aa wheat will be started Into her bold today at the North Bank dock. The ) reach bark Eout is to finish later. aa she has a few lay days to (par and no haste Is nelns; shown In her dispatch. The Ortmin blj Elfrieda rot away from the harbor yesterday, and as the storm hat broken, should Ret to sea this week. OXUOXTA SHOWS HER METTLE Harbonnd ITcrl Uets T"ndcr Way Pc-llonlng His; Rlow. Crltlca of the Port of Portland tuc Oneonta. which has been In service at the mouth of the Columbia since Sum mer, have something to ponder over aa a result of her performance In the storm of Sunday and Monday. Sha came Inside unscarred yesterday after noon after continuous duty off the river since Saturday afternoon, when Captain rarson headed her Into lep water with a double crew to take the place of the pilot schooner Joseph I'ulltxer. which came In for repairs. The Oneonta was senerally held to la a "wet" vessel in roush weather by marlnrn and by some be unfit for outside work waa said to but Super- TCtllKR IMTEUJGESCt . Ia) te Arrive. Name. Krnrx Date. Tear ran redre...In port Anll liandnn la port ;e W. EUler. sn f'edro...ln port Hereule Hon r n ( . . . I n port lijna fsn r'rsneleco In port 5 j- II. L'lmon. Tillamook Ken. 1 ..ilao.e rreka Keb. I ttoiUro dale.. .Tlllamcoli. . . Hose CI t San '.lro.. st rathiroe . . . . .Ilonakonc. . . lr.SRSler m Itav... Koanok . . . . fan Pedro.. . leu. . K'b. . b. . Feb. . f'eo. .F'b. fttanley lo!;ar. liaiboa. J.ea vr . . . Ma 'd-o. . . i'eb. Hebedalesl te Depart. Name. For. Pate. ani; Iteiuion Fb. II iiev TV. Fnlsr. Ssn fedro... Feb. li liear .. ran Pedro. . . Feb. I l-ie It. Flmore. Ti-;amo.k. . . . Feb. 17 i (iate. . . Tlliamook .... Feb. la talron ........ San r'ranclsco Fete. 1 Alitsnee Fureka Feb. 1 Itreakwater. . . Ooa liar. . .. Feb. ?l Um I'lty !aa I'e.tro. . . FeU St 1'i.anoke sn I'e.lro... Feb. T- Ifer. uies lloPckuoc. . . F''b. - " fitsnley loIlar. Kalboa Feb. 21 le.,r J-.n radio.. . Feb. -'1 Mrataloa.... .lionakoac. . .alar. I lntendent Campion, of the towage and 1'lloiane department, says lie would like to have a fieri of her kind liiit could stand su''h drubbtnn as she received. The tus Wallula was sent to the out side station yesterday and today the Joseph J'ulitxer will be ready. With a complete break in the storm yesterday, vessels held outside crossed In and those barbound In the lowe harbor rot to sea. The British tramp Mrathnesa. from Acapulco; Oriental liner Hercules, from Honnkonn and way porta via n Kranrlsco; the earner Kalcon. from fan Francisco tleo. W. Elder, from fan Plrico and way ports; steamer Johan Poulsen. from fan tranriscn; stramer Tamaipal. from the Golden liate. and the Gov ernment cable steamer Burnslde, from Pucrt Sound, passed In. Mnrlne Notes. As work ha been terminated on the boiler and hull of the steamer Jessie Ilarklns she may resume operations to Waahouital this afternoon. Captain u. W. Hosford yesterday sent word from Tlliamook that the steamer Golden Gate bad been repaired sufficiently to enable her to reach I'ortiand and that she would sail soon as the bar was favorable. She will be lifted on drydock lierc. Virtually 400.000 feet of lumber was stowed aboard the British tramp Queen Alexandra at Inman-i'oulaen's ester day and for three days the average was Jii.OuO feet. he will shift to the Port land mill tomorrow evening;. Manifests) filed yesterday at the Cuslom-Houte were limited to those of the steamer Washington, which en rfed, from ban In itetieral areo acd cleared In ballast for Ray mond. At the Merchants' Exchanse there was yesterday received a wireless from be oil tanker Atlaa. statins; thai she bad picked up the schooner HI ward it. West in a waterlogged condition off eslructlnn Island. The Atlas waa bound north and the West from Grays Urtor for N'vwcastle. with lumber. After lylnir at Cardiff for a lenjtthy period the well-known British bark Uddon Hall Is reported sold by C. r.. e Woife A Company. She formerly tailed this port and la an Iron bark of HI tons, built In 1- f ucrrM attended the second attempt made yeMerday by Captain Nelson to ct the bis steamer Beaver to sea and ae crossed at 1 o'clock. The Beaver ad been held Inside since Sunday riornlna;. In an official schedule yesterday is sued by tho open lllver Transportation Company It Is eet forth that hentnnlnic February . the steamer Inland Empire will resume service from Celllo to ail points on the I'pper Columbia, learlna; Wednesdays In the future an I reaching KennewU k and I'awco Thursdays. .Vnvrnirnte of VrfM'le. TtHTLANt. F'b 14 Arrived rlesmer I",-rt. V. I::er. from ran 1M (a and sir r..rts Ni.rsisn fsmr li-i u I s. from lonikoff is Vnkohsnis sad MB Frsn c;so. liritish steamer from A a iao'o. stsamer Johan I'nmsen. frunl San I innrtsea. Tsmr Tamaipals. from hmn l'raa-UM-o. t usl blAair ilrsakwatsr. fr i wis liar. astoris. Fsb 14 Arrived at and left Dp at t sO A. M-. ateamer Falren. from H.ta r ran'-fatco. Arrived at s and left up at iJ A. al . steamer i.. W. f:;uer. from ttsq 1 m (. and eay porta Arrived at oo A. M. sni lft ep at I". M.. Norwrslea atrjmer llrreule. from llnn(nf via war ports. Arrived si 9 .to A. at. and left op st 'd I. M.. Hrlttsh sisataer from Acspulee. Arrlvea at 11 A. M. an4 left up at M M I. M.. steamer Johan Puisn. from stn Fraac4o. Arrived at ll: A. at. and left tip at 1 I. steamer Ttmalpals. from er I'linrle-s Arrive t I;: noon. C. K. tnt-i Iturnside. from I'ucsl bound. Fall xt a' 1 F. M . steamer liar. for rs.n Fran Ciaeo and linn I'sdro. troieas from steamer Alls says she baa ealsriorcd s booner Fdeoxd Ft. Weal In toe. coee te IssstructHia Island, bedad aorrh. Kan Francisco. Feb. la Sailed at A. M . steamer J. A. Chaneior. for Fort'anJ. Arrived etaaluer Roe City, from rsa 1'c ari Itrtsbsne. Feb. T4 Arrived Barkeatln Jans 1. rtanford. frim I'oniatd. Feb. It. I'ass I F-ent h bark ilrneral d ii x'sdcnLre. from I'ltnuixi. for Itavrs. Fatmouih. I'eb. 14. Arrived yesterday. tntsn bark Denmark, f um l'.rtland. Dublin. Feb. 14. Arrived yeeterla. Brit ish steamer I'ampMll. from I'ortiand. Anterrp, F.-b. li Arrived Abyssinia, from esn Francisco. Aa.k'and. F-b. 14. Arrived Boverlc. nm han Frsncle-o. rn 1 iimlen. Feb. 14. Arrived Steam S'S evea and Newburs. from i.rays; t matiiia. from Vlrtoria. Iala-t from Wll. sliwn'fl Comet, from Wlllapa. Andy alabony. from Kvereti. eausallio, from eiua law Ktver. ealleo rl'tmoi J. A. Chans, lor. for Astoria. iol. K. L. Drske. for beat lie. s booners Alert, for Belltnsham; W.ll tam ltent-n. for l.udlosr. beatlle. Wash.. Feb. 14 Arrived ftt earn ers loxverner. Admiral eampsnn. from eaa Francisco, balled eteamer Admiral Vamp, soa. for Tacoma ; steamer Inaba laru. for 1 okebama. TIJee a Asterta V) edejesday. , Mian. J ? A. V 3. IS r. M.. .. low. . J feel S-X3 A. M 2 0 fee Ml ! M ....0.0 foot Cereccaa Tram to Mako Tour. ORKOON AORtCl LTl RAX. COLLJX1B, Corvallls. Feb. li. Speclai- The, college basketball team will make a tour of sev eral ef the valley town during the com ing m'.d-eemes'.er vacation. If the plana of Manager Cot are carried out. The team Is scheduled to meet Willamette Vnivenlty five on February Is. and will then go on to I'ortiand. where they will play the ColumMa Inlverslty quintet and prras:b!y the MuRsomah Club and T. M. C A. teams. ELKS TO ROOK COIN Canvass Committees to Begin Money Quest Today. GLEANERS PLAN SPURT Every HusincM House to Be Visited This Morning- by Campaigners Whose Coal Is $125,000 for Convention Kund. Determined to fin'sh the eanvsss for funds In record-breaking time, the 1U convention committee of Portland LrOdge No. 141. B. P. O. Elks, will commence soliciting; subscriptions for the 11:5.000 entertainment fund at 10 o'clock this mornlnsr. All of the sub-committees to rlalt the various Industries and business houses of Portland have rehearsed. their plan of campaign and each mem brr of every sub-committee has been ursred to begin canvassing; at the hour named. The smallest estimate-of the num ber of visitors expected to visit Port land durlna convention week In July. 1I?. If Portland. Is successful in the flKht at Atlantic City next July, la 100.000. KVery visitor. It Is estimated, will spend between 130 and 1"0 In I'ortiand. That will mean between IJ. 000.000 and jr.. 000. 000 for Portland durlna; the conclave. The 1912 convention of the Elks means a arrest denl more to the com munity at large than It does to the 1'ortland lodge. The Klks. themselves, will gain nothing by the meeting of the grand lodge here as far as In creased membership or financial profit la concerned. The honor of entertain In it the errand lodge Is sought by every F.Ik lodge in the country. Portland Elks began their campaign to obtain the 1912 reunion two years ago at the meeting of the grand lodge In Los Angeles, and that campaign haa been wsged ever since. The Elks aim to wind up the ram palgn In two or three days. The com mlttee say the business men can make this possible. Kd Schiller subscribed IliO toward the fund yesterday. BAILEY'S TRIAL WAITS COMMISSIONER IX SALEM WHEN CASE IS CALLED AGAIN. 1'iicxpcx'tod Vacnnoy on Calendar Oc curs, but Legislative Inquiry Now Claims Attention. Opportunity wss given yesterday to J. W. Bailey. State Dairy and Food Commissioner, to go to trial on the In dictment pending against him. in which he Is charged with having violated the law by not publishing monthly bulletins covering the analytical tests In his of fice, but John Manning, Bailey's attor ney, declined the offer on the grounds that Mr. Bailey was In Snlem attending the hearing of bis case by the Legisla ture. When Bailey was arraigned Monday. Mr. Manning made a plea for an early trial, but the court Informed him that the earliest available date on the court docket would be April 11. It was found yesterday, bowever, by Presiding Judge Uantenbeln that a Jury trial set for next Friday had been removed from the calendar and he at once authorised the clerk of the court to Inform Mr. Man ning that Bailey's case could be set for that date. When ssked about the ense yesterday afternoon Mr. Manning s.ild that he was still desirous of having un enrly trial. and would be ready In take up the cane next week If the opportnnlty were given blm. Mr. Manning had Informed the court Monday that he would be ready on a day's notice to go to trial. SALOON ROI1BER SENTENCED One of Three) Highwaymen Goes to Prison for IJ Years. Joseph Phillips, who wss found guilty of aiding In holding up the Commerce loon on Stark street, was sentenced by Judk-e Kavanaugh yesterday morning to serve 12 yesrs In the State Peniten tiary. Phillips and two accomplices went Into he saloon without masks, and while two held up the three men In the saloon, the other one went through the place snd took what money and valuables he could find from the till and from the persons of three men. On of the men robbed was L. Tl. Fields, superintendent of the Southern Pacific Company In Oregon, who had en tered the place to use a telephone. The other two victims of the robbery were George II. Judd and Kobert Mcintosh. Mr. Judd was proprietor of the place. All three of the victims IdentlMed Phil lips as one of the robbers. Phillips, however. Insisted at hla trial that he was nnocent and that at the time of the crime he was at another place. George Nlrkett has been Indicted for the crime also, but he demanded a sepa rate trial. He Is now being held In the County Jail awaiting the action of the court. The third robber escaped and no trace has been found of him. NINE JfRORS BRING VKRDICT nvestor In Elevator Company Stork Wins Suit for Money. Nine of the 13 Jurymen In a esse In Judge "McGinn's court brought In a ver dict yesterday morning, although the other three members did not agree with them. It was the first can of Us kind In a Multnomah County Court, and was In accordance with the law passed at the last election providing that three fourths of a Jury might decide a case. The suit wss that of A. C. Emery, an architect, against Ueorge Arthur Brown, for I'.i'JO. The testimony showed that Emery hsd paid H'jOu for an Interest In the Brown Portable Elevator Company, with the understanding that he should also have a liberal contract to sell for the company .10.0) shares of stock. Emery alleged that the money ha ob tained for the stock he sold was used for private purposes. Instead of being placed to the credit of ine company In which he had bought an interest. He sued to get his money bsck. The ver dict was In. favor of Emery. KENNEDY GUILTY OP FRAUD Many Trstlfy to Sale of Interest in Concern Owned by Others. R. Kennedy was found guilty by a Jury In Judge Morrow's court yesterday of having sold to H. B. Riffle a third In terest In the Producers' Commission Company for fl' while the place was not owned by Mm. but by tho Portland MEN I WILL EXAMINE YOU FREE The Leading Spertallat. THE REASON I CI" RE. Because my methods are direct and Sl'RE I do not have to resort to any uncertainties In the few ail ments I treat, because over 20 yesrs" experience has perfected my knowledge of KXACT METHODS which never fall. Psrtlcular at tention Is given to each particular case. Each Individual la given medical rare, according to the symptoms Indicated In his SINGLE esse. The result la sure, quick and thorough, nnd the entire system benefits when the healthy action of the affected part Is restored.. MURK MK. MIGHT HE WELL. There are scores and hundreds of afflicted men who believe their cases incurable because treatment of t past has resulted in failure, and who through this belief are being deprived of the full and com- I flete health that might be theirs. 1 do not claim that there are no Incurable eases, but I do claim that ' many case absolutely incurable I bv such treatment as has been given them will yield promptly to the correct and scientific methods that I exclusively employ. I offer free consultation and will accept for treatment no cases unless I am confident of my ability to effect a complete cure. This rs meant em phatically. I CURE Varleewe Veins, Obstructions, Spe cific Blood I'oIsob, C eatraeted Ail ments, Kidney and Bladder Trou bles, aad all the ailments ef or. CO.N.HI.TATIOX, DIAGNOSIS AND ADVICE FREE. IF VOL' CAXXOT CALL FOR SYMPTOM BLANK. Of ft re Hours A. M. to 8 P. M. Datlyt Sandays, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. The DR. TAYLOR Co S34Va Morrison Street, Cor. Second. Brokerage Company. Kennedy will bo sentenced Friday. The evidence showed That Kennedy had been selling Interests In the same company to others, wno naa not taicen up tho case In a crlm'nal way against him. A lnrge number of witnesses testi fied that they had been victims of Ken nedy. Kennedy was one of the owners or ine Portland Brokerage Company and thus had much of the management of th store In which he sold shares without having the right to do so. Courthouse Notes. John Dordlg. charged In an Indict mrnt returned by the grand jury with having broken Into a car of the As torla Sc Columbia River Hallway Com pany, on January 11. was placed on trial yesterday in Judge Oatens' de partment of the Circuit Court. His cose probably will go to the Jury today. Esther L. Pcheele brought sun tor divorce yesterday against Alexander A. Srhecle on the ground or desertion. Thev were married at St. Louis. June 30, 1899. and the plaintiff asserts that she wss deserted In Aprtl. J3U7. ATTRACTIVE WINDOW. Your Portrait In OH Absolutely Free at Kolilcr & Cliase. I'lano Store. A very generous offer Is being- made this week by the Kohler & Chase to. 5 Washington street, who offer a val uable portrait. In oil to any one pur chasing a piano or player-piano. The Xves have been engaged to no this work for Kohler & Chase, and they sre giving aauy aeniunsirununa .i their high-class work in oils, and also are cartooning celebrities, events and prominent I'ortiand citizens. Purchasers can arranne lur prnaiv sittings, and Kohler & Chase draw at- entlon to the sample oil poriran a-.s- laved In their windows, which, as you will see. Is of greot volue and merit. A trip down town to see this most novel window will be repaid by the amusement and entertainment af forded. Sand for SllpplnR Horses. PORTLAND. Feb. 14. (To the Editor.) It Is Indeed touching to note the deep con cern T resarrllng the welfare of long-suffering- horsea n sllpperr pavements, aa manifested he 'tty Kngln-er In his reply to a communication from Mr. Roberts In The Oreaonlan of last Sunday. The very practical ami humane sugxestlon gleaned by Mrs. Roberta from a recent trip to London should have received a different, reception. If th I.ondon methods of sprinkling sand on the streets are operative In 1'ortland id. eertainlv are of such Infinitesimal pro portion as to be Invisible to the eye of the casual observer wno irequeniiy sees norses maklnr painful falls that could easuy oe I ore vented by such precaution The communication and Its answer causes one to reflect that the auasestlons offered Pav L 111 When M Jf Cured jSi' $10.00 X-RAY EXAMINATION AND AN HONEST OPINION OF YOUR CA.E GIVEN ABSOLUTELY FREE BY THE BRITISH-ELECTRO MEDICAL CO. PAV WHKN CURED The objert of this offer is to prove to the sick and alllns; cltlsens of Portland and vicinity we have tho grandest, simplest and most success ful method of restoring health and curing ail ments known to the scientific world. Many of you who have been taking medicines and so called treatments for months will be absolutely curd in a few treatments. Have you varicose veins, blood poisoning, general debility, ladder or prostatic trouble, frequent urination, burning, pain and Itching? All can be stopped in 24 hours. I iles. rupture and rectnl aliments cured with out the knife or detention from business. Are ?ou In pain from rheumatism, lame back, eclat-i-a. lumbago, locomotor ataxia or weak kidney? Have vou constipation, stomach or liver trouble, catarrh or deafness, skin ailments? If so there Is quick relief and a permanent cure In store for vou if you call upon the British Klectro-Medlcal Co.. who will give you an honest opinion and honest treatment, which cures to stay curea. Why not call today and be cured before this grand offer Is withdrawn? Remember. flO X-Ray examination and consultation absolutely frees If the British Electro-Medical Co. cannot cure you they will tell you so they do not believe In treating people If they cannot benefit them. THE BRITISH ELECTRO-MEDICAL CO- Rooms 407, 4S and 409 Rothcblld Bids;.. Portland. Or. 2V7V vvnahluKtoa Kt. Take elevator to 4th floor. Hours a to 1, 3 to 6, 7 to fi. Sundays, 10 to 12. . Men Cured Quickly NATURE'S DANGER SIGNALS Examine Yourself Thousands of young and middle-aged men nre annually swept to a premature grave through nervous complaints and blood all mente If you have any of the following symptoms, consult me before it Is too late. Are you nervous, weak, specks before your eyes, with dark circles under them, weak back, kldnevs irritable, palpitation of the heart, bashful, sediments in urine, pimples on the face, eyes sunken, hollow cheeks, careworn expression, poor memory, lifeless, distrustful, lack of energy and strength, tired mornings, restless nights, c.hangeab e moods, premature decay, bone pains, hair loose, sore throat, etc.? If so. I can prorata you a permanent cure or no pay. WHEN OTHERS FAIL Call and let us give you a careful, palns taking examination absolutely free. pur opinion and advice will cost you nothing. Perhaps a little advice is all you need. X-ray examinations, when necessary, free. No money required to commence treatment, and you can arrange to pay fee when cured. MANY CASES CURED FOR $5 to $10 FEE Remember. There Is No Too Poor to Get Cured We Treat Ailments of Men Only and Nerve Weakness cured In a few weeks. Improvement Jrom the start If you suffer from loss of energy and ambition, feel tired when you ariee in the morning, lame back, diz sine..rspotsy before the eyes, and feel you are not the man you once were. I will cure you for life. Call and I will explain why It cures when all else falls. A friendly chat will cost you nothing, call at once, don't delay. Contracted Ailments We cure these ailments by a method peculiarly our own Our cure removes every obstruction from the urinary passage, allay. Inflammation, cleanse and heals theP bladder, kidneys; Invigorates .and restores health and soundness to every part of the body af flicted with aliments, w I- rrBE PROMPTLY, ..eerv m 'MEVTS KU 1? .Tii.aVf HI.OOD A.n SKI" AILM BIK.MNU. .TCII1XO nud " ' ' ' nor fees as sDeclallsts for cures , r U nlshed from our own laboratory .. li ...It. for our t- fevenlngs 7 to 8.' Sundays. 10 A. M. to THE OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE would not have fallen on such barren soil had their author been possessed of a po litical voice. In such and similar matters women could be a much more powerful force fnr eoorl In r he. community if allowed to ex ercise their God-given but man-denied prlvl i - vi r v - Oregon City High School on Way. OREGON CITT. Or., Feb. 14. (Spe clal.) The Board of Directors of thi city schools today let the contract for the plastering, marble work, painting and heating plant for the new high school building, and engaged C. V. Vonderahe to proceed with the con struction of the building. Work will be started at onre. RECEPTION ROOM CROWDED His Practice Constantly Increasing Be cause of the Wonderful Cures Effected by SIMPLE, SAFE AND SURE METHODS THE CHINESE UOCfOR In uratitude to this wonderful man his patients speak volumes of praise for his skillful anil satisfactory services In each of their cases. Other patients have sent him personal letters and testimonials, many of which are on file In his office and will be shown on request. Ml treatments ronslst of remedies com pounded from Hoots. Barks, llerl.s and Buds lers of th globe and prescribed by him at his offices and laboratories at KI First eel. corner Morrison. Kemeoiea ior near ly all :he diseases in ine wnoie category of medicine at his hand. CONSULTATION ITIEE If you live out of town and cannot call. writ for sjmptoro DinnK ana circular, in closing cents In stamps. r..lll. -V! sJtj;Jr. r , JJO L-.UCC U tjUlUCAG lllCUlblUC VU. 16SV4 First St., Cor. Morrison. Portland, Oreeon. Gee I ;" Gee Wo Wo jtek Man by Us' THOROl'GHLT and at the Lowest Cost, "eY and hYaDIER TROUBLES, "-CERS a - flnsi. KERVOl-WEJS, LOSS of STRENGTH ' V . . . 1 are less than those charged oy lamny the convenience and privacy of our patients, from $1.60 to SErF-KXAMlVlTIOX BLANK AND BOOK. Hours, A. 12 M. only. MEN CURED S10 IS OUR FEE Pay When Cured We have every known remedy ap pliance for TIIKATI.VG 1'OB. Our ex perience is so great and varied that no one of tho ailments of Men Is new to us. COMK IX AKO TALK IT OV Kit General Debility. Weak Nerves, In somnia Results of exposure, overwork snd other Violations of Nature's lawr. Diseases o. ...adder and Kidneys, Vari cose Veins, quickly and permanently cured at small expense and no deten tion from business. kPtCUl. AILMaiATil Newly con. traded and caronlc cases cured. All j turning, itching and inf laminatioa I slopped In 24 hours. Cures effected la seven days, consultation tree. 11 ua able to call, write for list of questions. Office Hours A. M. to 8 P. M. Suo dsys. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. Pacific Coast Medical Co VAHI.NU'J'0. sTittlliT. Corner First. To Mrs. S. K. Chan Dear Madam: I wish to thank you for all you have done for me. I had been ick lonip and haa taiten mo much other remedies without benefit. As 10011 aa i naa ULcti the first lot of your medicine. I felt like a new woman, whirh Is Bavin a Kood deal, becaune I was so wean fi-rtm -unflK arirl suffered so miich, I could not leave my MiS. . L Cmi bed. Now I am atronfc and entirely cured. ; If I waa lO.OoO thousand miles away, I ; would send to you for medicine when I were : sU'k. 1 wish all people suffering from weak ness or sickness would take your medicine. They would bless you the rest of their lives, , as I will the rest of mine. Mn. O. S. Edwards, Junction City. Or. Call or write The 5. K. Chan Cbineae Medicine Co. 226 Morrison St.. between First and Second. Portland. Oregon. BENG CHOON'O. CHINESE DOCTOR. Etrowbrldse bids;., 133 H First street, room 11. and 2-5hb Alder st. Chines Root and Herb Medicines. Cures Cancer. Rheuma tism. Consumption. Dropsy, Catarrh. Stomach. Lung. Liver and Kidney Troubles. All Chronic ailments of mn and wo men. Examination free. Drugstore, 2S5 Flanders St. S. H. WAI JING GO. Chinese herb and root medicine for men and wo men with any internal, ex ternal or eruptive dlseaie. Our Chinese doctor lately from New York Oriental Hos pital also has 30 years experience- If you suffer, when others fall, we wish you to call or write to 301 First 'v-c'" ww si., roruunu. jr. r ree con tfT ii i (m saltation and examination. L. T. YEE & SONS The Old. Reliable Chinese Doctor spent lifetime study of herbs and research In China; was granted diploma., by the Emperor: guarantees cure all atlraenta of men and women when others fall If you suf fer, call or write to YEE SON'S MEDICINE CO.. UtVt First. Cor. Alder. I'ortiand. Or. f5 1 Guarantee Cures Varicose Veins I dally demonstrate that varicose veins can be cured. In nearly all caseo, by one treatment. In such a satisfactory way that a healthy circulation la rap Idly re-established, and instead of the depressing con ditions I guarantee you a cure or refund the money. Blood and Skin Ailments If you have sore throat, sores and ulcers, bone pains, falling hair or any other symptoms of this ailment, you should consult us and be forever rid of It Our treatment cleanses and eradicates every taint and every impurity of the blood and system. All dan- f er of transmission or recurrence is removed. Why ake poisonous druga for years when a thorough oure can be obtained without? Consult us at once. VARICOSE VF.rVS, IVH AK3TE8S, SORES. PAI.YKCI- SWELLWGS, GTH and Allmrnti of Men. .-I w, o Medloines fur- 6.50 a course. If ' M. to 6 P. M. 291 1-2 Morrison Street Bet. 4th and 5th, Portland, Or. DONT BE DISCOURAGED Don't Give Up Hope There Is Help for You ACT TODAY I will treat some of your ailments fnr as low a fee as $S nnd )0. I will malte you an ex reptlonally low fes on any ailment you rr.ay be suffering from. With this lew foe and my long and successful ex perience in treat ing ailments of nifit you need not suffer another day. I don"t care who has tried to cure you. and has failed I will give you a sure cure and a small fee. Don't give up before seelnrr me. By the latest methods known to MEDICAL scienre I sueeessfully treat VARICOSE UINS, 1'ILEH. VFUV OlS AILMENTS. SKIN AILMENTS. KIIVKY. BI.ADI1KK. I.ING ANI IIMKII1 AILMENTS. RHEUMATISM. IJVEK AILMENTS ANI ALL CHRON IC AILMENTS OF MEN. Come In and see me. Hate a eonfl dential talk and be examined without cost or obligation. I will core you. DR. LINDSAY The Old Reliable Ppertalist. Corner Alder and Second streets. En trance l-SSs Second street, Portland, Or. Office hours B A. M. to S P. M. Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. i .TV. .flPf7E7IVT LSI -ZL StLL GUARANTEE TO MEN Our guarantee No Money Required Un til Rati tied is your absolute protection. Consultation, exami nation and dlog-noste free. Our specialty Is All Ailments of Men. What you want is a cure. Coma to uj and St It. Hours dally, 'j to 5 Evenings. 7 to 6. Sundays. JO to 1. DR. GREEN CO. let Washington St.. Portland. Or. Big G Berated Golden teal Cotnpcuivd A safe and simple remedy for IT I Innamm I V1 7 I atlons ol Bronchitis. Catarrh, Hay Fever laflmmatlons. Irritations, nicer- ' I or llT?lu in its ot the nose. Wroat. uZBoii or other organs AT DRUOOIITS SI Why nat cvre ytnerself Treatise with each bottle or msJlea on request. . TU Enu Genial Ce. U.S. A. Sip