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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1911)
MORNIXG OREGONIAN. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 7, 1911. THE a sallow-faced youth, waa entenred to aol less than 10 yeara nor mora than 17 year and tlx month" Imprisonment and to pay a Una of 11 today In th Court of fleneral Session. Kubln la th nrst person convlrted undrr th new white ilaro law. whl-h make It a felony for a man to subsist on earn ings of a woman of the underworld. GREED TEMPTS TO PERJURY Claimant to $!.00,00 Estate All Declared to Be Fraud. BAN FRANCISCO. Feb. C. That 100 persons bare committed perjury In an effort to obtain a portion of the 1.000. ooa ttt. of the lale Julius Friedman. GQLWELL TURNED DOWN BY SENATE Bourne and Chamberlain Get Senate to Uphold Their Personal Objection. BREACH WITH TAFT OPEN Krjrrtlnn Await Mak-olm and Iluurnr'a HoMlllly to Taft Will Oht-truot Approval of Xew Mn Tail May Appoint. Or.Kijn.VIAN NEWS pt'RKAl". Wash lrtot:. lo. t. At tha J"lnt request of lu.urne and Chamberlain, tha Senate to ri ly rejected the nomination of Klnscr K Colwell aa I'mted States M-trahal for lirtfn. thereby render!.- It necessary for l"resid-ni Taft to pU-k a new mnn f r this otflre. Who that man wlU b. the l resldent has nt jet Intimated, but he tit st-iti-d that he wouid not act ui"i ti" re -ommendatlon of li-urne. Wh' hrr. In view of today's anion. h wl 1 his panose, la yet to be determine.!. The ITei.lrnt will not be n-nfirj Colwella rejection until to- trwrroa'. r..;i:i r-Ie-t-.l slmiiy and solely (iruv tft.j nt'fa Senators r-'tesentU In r.-lr to tne Judiciary committee ti hu ftlnlmenl w "personally )..';kC4M ' to them. When the ju-it'.-Ury committee met thla mornln. tMa mt letter was read. Chairman 1.rk r. pcrtrd thl th ITeshlenl had dn..nd to wltri.lraw Orfwell's nomlns l. jn an I the committee thereupon, lit confj.niity attri the unwrlttrn rule, or t!.r..j fhe jitve. report. This unwritten rule, wfcl'-h t-nma part of what la known s j!-rit.)ri.l courtesy" prescribes tnat a rominre of tha Irldent shall not he ci.;!rm.J If the afr-mnte la -personally nt.)t tionaMe" ! tha Senator from tha state from which the appointee bails. Many Indorwnirol I;norrd. Not:-.wlthlandin tha fact that tha c-.mmirfe tu.l t-tore II Uttrr r..t ti-lo-. ims f.oro the Kdral Judaea. the I Ptt-.l Sute Il.irl t Attorney slid ot ere In ir. tl-tln ColweiCa ijuatl-n-tl"ns. It followed this unwritten rule an.! reoommetoed Colwvll'a rejection Ir-r-:.-tlv of his attested ability. In dot.i so. It f. Itowed the e-m pri-oJu: that prva !e, In the ce of Collector of t'l'sioms Harper, of Seattle, who was r---rtiy re.-td n motion of Inlcs. Formal reieetlon of iVlwcll s noroir.v tlon was without Incident. Tha report of the. cmiBi:te ws re! : It waa ex plained that the Oregon Senators erted Colwell waa personally tb-cUoi-ahie and out lie went. Malcolm' l"te Also Seled. la the Hahl of to.v'a action It now seems certain that Collector of Custom 1 a. Malcolm will enJfer tba same late, for Bourne has filed with the com merce rommlUc an Identical proteet wltli that he and Chamberlain made aaalnat odwelt. and It ta expected tbst tne commerce committee, when It meet Thursday, will order an adverse report on Malcolma nomination. Such a re port win ba followed by rejection by tha Senate. Cuaniberlala stated today that n had made aud would mak no objection to Malcolms nomination, as ha had don In the case of ColwalL but under tha Senate rule objection of a alnle fcea ator Is ail that la neceaaary to aacur rejection. If that objection be on per sonal grounds. The S-nate doe not re quire Senator making such protest tu snow wherein th nominee I "personally objectionable. It alway proceed upon the theory that this rul U not beinc abuacd. Flour ne rljtlitlnc Taft. But for thla practice. It mltht hava been difficult for the Oregon Senator to explain wherein Colwell waa person ally obnoxiua. and equally troublesome for Bourn to mak uch a howing a to Malcolm- Tba Senate la not at all concerned ova th fact that Praeidant Taft ha been standing loyally behind Colwell and Malcolm. It look upon th protests mad aa a fight between Bourn and th President. Aa tha responalbil Ity fur rejection rest largely upon Bourne. If Bourn aces fit to quarrel wltb th President, th Senat I willing fce ahall do so and take th conse quence. in view of Bourne's open hostility to ward th President, th Executive may experience difficulty In permanently fill ing thes two offices, for If h again ap point men not Indorsed bj. Bourn. Bourn can again bring Into play tha rule whlth he utilised to such good ef fect today and again secure rejection. Pre-ldent Ha It .Move. The PresUIent. however, alway ha the taat move, for h can refrain from making new appointment until after Congres adjourn and then mak recess appointment which will bold good until toe cioea o tha ensuing session of Con gress, and repeat th procesa Indefinite ly. Whether ha will car to enter upon this continual warfare with Bourn or will seek to corr. prom lee cannot bo learned. II will b expected very soon, however, to nam a new Marshal and a Collector also It Malcolm la rejected, for. once rejected, officials are expected to retire, and the President la not pre sumed to reappoint them. I'l-ilA MADE roll TILLAMOOK ! Army lloard Informed of Timber Awaiting Tort Improvement. WASHINGTON. IX C. Feb. . Sen ator l-rne and Russell Hawkins, rep resenting th Whitley Timber Company, today appeared before the Army board of review in be! alt of Tillamook fcar bor Improvements. Bourne offered tatltlc to show that the construction of this project would place on th market :0.0o.0i 0.' feet of timber, which at IT per thousand, th cost to rnanueacture. would distribute tliO 900 0 among those directly Inter ested. Ti gross vafue of the lumber would te :io).'.0n. Bourne contend ed that th development of thla latest resource Justified the fiovernment In the Investment of l.2Jo.i necessary for the project. .... . . Some member of th board Indicated their opinion that local lnteret should co-operat to a larger extent than 2i per cent. Bourn dselared that th porta of Tli'.air.ook and Bay City had already reached their legal limit of co operation. Mr. Hawkins announced that hi company would donat to th port of Bay City ampl grounds on th water front for public dock. This of fer la expected to have an Important hearing because of the policy of th Government not to aid to harbor Im provement wber publlo dock are not aeallable. F.arly action by th board la expected. Vnlte Slaver Get Vang Sentence. KKW " f i JTah. iSsmu.i JHulaXn. a pioneer merrhant of thla city, waa tha allegation made in an lumaiii n.ltted today to the Superior Court. Tne affidavit asks tha court to procure, a dtpoeltlon from I'r. Leo O. Gold berg, of Brooklyn, who Is said to have acknowledged that perjury had been committed to substantiate the clalma of the various alleicod heirs. Frlrlman li-ft his fortune to charity, the bulk of It to tha Hebrew Home of this cltv. and UOO.OOO had been C.IK Of HKSICA nW-lGEE itXX I K tl T1 KF.MIHIL I VtsTIATIO. r a V. v. i I !: 1 i: .: i v. Jaaa gaarhy airss. WASHINGTON. D. Feb. . (Special.) Out of the caa of Juun Sanchy Aacona. Mexican po liltcal refugee, may come an ln vcotlgatlon by the State Iepart ment of th charge that refugee In thla country are persecuted by the Mexican government. Alton was held In jail here 61 days, on rhargea preferred from Mexico. Finally Justice Clay brough refused to turn hi in over to the Mexican authorities. Representative Wilson, of Penn sylvania, ha Introduced a reso lution calling upon tha Stat De partment to report on the num ber of almllar persecutions be ing carried on by th Dla gov ernment. turned over to that Institution when Goldberg set up a claim on behalf of alleged relative at Clean. N. Y.. and other 'relative" appeared at other point. Now It la alleged In th affi davit that much of th testimony In b lalf of claimant) la perjured. Shoplifters Heal $15,000 Worth. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. t A they wer leaving a department tor today. FJmer Mead and May Hill wer arrested on a charge of shoplifting. In a room occupied by the pair, tlie police found over : worth of merchandise, and when they were booked at the central station they admitted they had stolen from !.0i0 to llS.wrt worth of goods from retail atorea In thla city atnc Christmas. The permanent reaidenc of th coupla ha been located and tha police expect to recover a lurg part of the loot. When rarched at the station the clothe of the accused shoplifter revealed a number of mechanical device for concealing goods. Their apparel waa equipped with hooka, boot and concealed pocket. , Pci la I Clerks' Salaries Rained. - ORF.GONIAN NEWS Bl'RF.Al". Wash Ington. Feb. f. Representatlv Hawley wa advised today by th Postmaater- ! General that two clerk promotion ' have been ordered In the Portland and Ashland postofrices. th salary or on rlerk being raised from tll0 to I1J0O. and one from 100 to tlieo. This la ! In reply to a recent criticism against withholding promotion to tne detri ment of the service. Ml. Angel Students Klect. MM'ST ANGEL COLLEGE, Mount Ar.gel. Or.. Feb. . ifpeclal.r At a meet ing of th ludent body held yeterday f ir the semi-annual election of o.Tlccrs. kldward Jaspers was chosen president: Michael Melchlof. vice-president: Frank Sander, secretary, and Anton Studea. treasurer. Edward Jasnere was elected to ma nag th baseball team for th season. j MacVraeh Would Knd Sinking; Pund WASHINGTON. Feb. Repeal of th ! existing law requiring the maintenance f a alnklng fund for tli reduction oi the I'nttfd titate debt and substitution of discretionary authority to us th ur plu money In the treasury from time to time In the purchase or redemption of outstanding Intereet-bearlng obligations, wa recommended to Congees today by Pecr-ry of th Treasury MacVeagh. Well Fargo Traunfers lianklnj;. NEW TORIC Feb. . Th flrt tep In what I recorded a general mov of th banking field cam today with th transfer of th buslnes of th Wells. Fargo Co. Bank of New Tort to th National Park Bank. Th Western branch of th Wll-Frgo banking btisi nes la not Included In th tranafer. Commerce Court Meet. WASHINGTON. Feb. C JToe new Vnlred Slate Commerce. Court had It flrst meetlu today In the office of Judga Martin A- Kb pp. former chairman of the Interstate Commerce Commission. Permanent quarter for th court liar not b-en selected. Wehfoot Oil Iresslnr. the greatest tut AJl atorea. 300 FINE CHESTERFIELD OVERCOATS GO ON SALE TODAY AT TREMENDOUS PRICE REDUCTIONS All fancv oatterns plain grays, tans ana Winter-weight blacks included in this SoAffSl ooVtunity to supply your O'coat needs for this year and next Chesterfield Fine Top Coats at Half Price COME THIS MORNING AND GET CHOICE OF THESE GREAT VALUES 273-27S MORRISON WOMEN HUNT MAN Chicago Suffragettes Seek Ideal Mayor. OBSTACLES HINDER QUEST Flying 'Squadron Finds Politician Bit CmoUon and ConserrallTe. Thej Finally Select On Who I Fnlr to Look Vpoa. CHICAGO. Feb. . (3pclal.) Chl c&iro' Mayoralty candidates hav found It uaeles to try to sidestep th Chi cago squad of urfra;tt plonears. Th squad had a cate'chlam of It own. It wished to know if tha candidate b llered in taxation without representa tion and In the expediency of woman suffrage, if he would do "what he could to help the cause alonn. and If ha would appoint more women to office than did hi predecessor. According to It report the flylnT quadron found that Edward F. Dunn was quit approachable and altogether smllln; and cheerful, but that his handshake wa a bit too gentle to Inspire hop In th militant uffrKette. He waa th father of a baker' dozen ct children. nd wa chivalrous to women In an old-fashioned way. but hardly filled the women- Idea of a champion. Harrison's Crip Peceptlve. Carter Harrlson'a ;rlp wa set forth a vlril and promlalnir. but the caller found that after th on grip and smil ther waa nothing else substantial to teed their hope upon. The wily ex Mayor aald he probably would take a livelier Interest In woman uffra;a when hi mother, hi wife and his sis ter expressed a lncer doalr for th franchise. Andrew J. Graham, th banker can didate, waa pictured as barking; away cautiously aa If h wer thinking something about collateral and credit. When he realixed he wa not about to bo -touched." he grew mor cordial nd asked for the queries in writing with slgnaturea properly 'certified. Jfr. Graham blushed furiously when he dls mlosed the delegation. Charles E. Merrlam. the college pro fessor who seeks " th Republican nomination, escaped the squadron for days by a system of eluslveness which his stenographer helped him contrive, but at last he. too. was cornered. It wa on th fourth visit that ha found all exits guarded, Mr. Merrlam 1 th gentleman who has been digging Into the record of Chicago graft and public waat. and the first thing that camu Into his mind was to say he had been "looking up" the squadron and that he had found It waa not officially ac credited. He could not give his valu able time to a body that waa unat tached and did not represent anything but itself. Ballots Show Clio Ice. One of the evening papers hns been running a teet ballot on the Mayoralty, one column being reserved for women to express their preferences. It Is notable In this balloting that the candi date generally considered the best looking led all the rest, and that the vote graded downward with the les sening degree of m! pulchritude. With such a clew. It Is. perhaps, not lw b.woaJxea a,t Ui Mayor Cusae $20.00 and $22.50 Coats at .... . $25.00 and. $30.00 Coats at $35.00 and $40.00 Coats at . . . . . $50.00 and $60.00 Coats at Mo Is not favorable to womn auffrage -not knocking the Mayor" beauty at all. The women ballotera tossed the golden apple at tha feet of John R. Thompson, whose face I fair to look upon. POSTAL BANKS HAVE WON Hitchcock Saya Experiment Succeeds and Proposes Extension. -n- . L tnvpTnv Pnh. A. "If the necee- sary appropriations were available. I would estaDiisn a puu - tomorrow In 500- additional cities and towns of the United States." Thla statement waa made last night by Postmaster-General Hitchcock In view of report of the fire months operation of the postal system. The reports ar most gratifying to Mr. Hitchcock. They are regarded as demonstrating that the new system has already passed the experimental stage. The total deposits In the 48 existing postal banks for January will approxi mate 0.000. Thl average of sbout $1200. Assuming that this aver age will be maintained throughout the year, the aggregate of annual deposits will be close to three-quarters of a million dollar. It Is assumed by of ficers of the system that the deposit will be correspondingly greater when the service Is extended to first-class offices. ' Htchcock has recommended te con gress the appropriation of $1,000,000 to be Immediately available for the exten sion of the postal saving system to a considerable number of postofflee. th patron of which are clamoring for new banks. COUNT IS NOT POISONER Typewriting Experts, Fall to Connect Him With Murder. - ST. PETERSBURG. Feb. . Medical witnesses gave way today to typewriter experts Introduced by the prosecution, which I seeking to connect Count Patrick O'Brien da Lassy with the mur der of Vassllll Bouturlln by establish ing that the former wrote a letter on the subject of the poisoning to Dr. Pantchenko. who is sccused ss the actual assassin. The witnesses were given an unused machine and also on owned by De Lassy and they sought to find peculi arities In the typing of the letter in question to determine Its authorship. The typewriter men were unable to agree. Black Powder Caused Explosion. NEW YORK. Feb. 6. The launch Whistler, which was sent to the bottom of the North River by the explosion in Communlpaw last Wednesday, was brought to the surface today by a wrecking tug. Doubt aa to the Pr ence of black powder at the time ot th disaster wa removed by the finding of three case of thl explosive In the vessel's bow. Near the unbroken cases were found 200 pounds of dynamite. BUI Alms .to Shield Messengers. SACRAMENTO. Cal.. Feb. . Children under IS years of ag may no longer he employed between the hours of 10 P. M. and S A. M.. under provisions of a bill by Senator Hare, passed today In the Upper House. The bill I aimed par ticularly at messenger service and simi lar callings! which take boys Into dis reputable portions of cities. When given as soon as the croupy cough appears Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will ward off an attack of croun and prevent all -danger and .ne of anxletv. Thousands of mothers use !t .uccessfully. Sold by all dealer. MRS. DQWIE DYING Once Queen of Zion, She Is Paralyzed, Poor, Alone. FORTUNES GONE TO RUIN Gladstone, Cnklssed Son, Is Sole Survivor of Family and Is Devot ed to Her Voliva Offers Aid Out of Small Income. CHICAGO, Feb. . (Special.) Almost friendless and deserted. Mrs- John Alex ander Dowle Is critically ill In her home near Whitehall. Mich. A stroke of para lysis has brought her near to the grave. Her death i said to be only a question of a short time. When she passes, only Gladstone Dowie, the un itized son." will be left of the family of TmTiZnTl Dull men I Dull Night: Coughs of Children i INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, GAS AflD STOFilAGH-HEADACHE GO A little Diapepsin makes yonr out-of-order Stomach feel fine in five minutes. If what you Just ate la souring on your stomach or lies like a lump of lead, refusing to digest, or you belch G3 and Efuctate sour, undigested, food, or have a feeling of Dlrslness, Heartburn. Fullness, Nausea. Bad Tast In mouth and atomach headache thl Is Indigestion. A full cue of Pape" Diapepsin coat only to cent and will thoroughly cur your out-of-order stomach, and leave, sufficient about the house In cas soma on else in the family may suffer from stomach trouble or Indigestion. Ask your pharmacist to ahow you th formula plainly printed on thes to-cent caes. then you will under stand why Dyspeptic troubl of all Y 273-275 MORRISON four who reigned supreme In Zlon City a half dozen years ago- Mr. Dowie has not lived of late In the luxury to which she wus accustomed when her virile husband was alive and in command of the Christian Catholic Church.- She Is practically dependant, and some of those who formerly were close to the family have refused to ex tend the helping hand in the darkest hour of her need. Since the day Miss Dowie died as, the result of burns sustained while she waa curling her hair with the aid of a small lamp, the fortunes of the Dowie family began to turn. John Alexander lost his financial grip and then his health. With these went the autocratic rule over Zlon City. The combination broke hi strong spirit and death followed soon after. Mrs. Dowle found herself with little but the affection of ber son and his willing bands to give her comfort. Disappoint ment la believed to have had much to do with the paralysis that seised her. To his credit Wilbur Glenn Voliva, the new power in Zlon City, although not on the best of terms with the living Dowies, has volunteered to extend the brotherly hand to Mrs. Dowie. He says, if the need should come, he would take her Into hi own home and care for ber out of his Income of $150 a month. Daniel A. Bryant, another Zionlte whose friend ship for the Dowies has waned, offers his services In a substantial way. Gladstone .Dowie always has been a devoted son. He has clung to his mother loyally. When she waa stricken anew, he hurried to her etde from down in Illinois, where he has been quietly minding hs own business and earning a Rains, winds, wet feet, caught in the storm, sore throat, hard colds, night coughs; all seem to be the common lot of school children. Just a single dose of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral at bedtime will often quiet a fresh cough for the whole night A few more doses, and the cold disappears. Ask your own doctor his opinion of this cough medicine for children. He knows. Use it or not, as he says. J. a ATEB COMPAHT. Lowell. Mms. women 1 Heavy-headed I Downhearted 1 All kind must go. and why they usually relieve sour, out-of-order stomachs or Indigestion In five minutes. Diapepsin Is harmless and tastes like candy, though each dose contains power suffi cient to digest and prepare for assimi lation Into th blood ail the food you sat; besides. It makes you go to th table wltb a healthy appetite; but. what will pleas you most. Is that you will feel that your stomach and Intes tines are clean and fresh, and you will not need to resort to laxatives or liver pills for Biliousness or Constipation. This city will have many Diapepsin cranks, as som people will call them, but you will be cranky about this splendid stomach preparation, too, if you ever try a little for Indigestion or Gastritis or any other Stomach misery. Get soma now, this mlnut. and for ever rid yourself of Stomach Troubl and Indigestion. SOURNESS livelihood as best he could. It Is hardly likely he will permit his mother to be thrown upon the charity of old or new friends. "Ifs the Water" Doctors Prescribe a Pillow of Hops When it is impossible for you to sleep. Whyt Be cause ot their notable ' tonic properties. Barley also is a body and nerve stimulator because of its nourishing composition. OLYMPIA BEER is brewed from the most carefully selected hops, barley malt and water that it is possible to ob tain. Not a single in jurious article is used. That's why Olympia beer is such a rarely good tonic. Keep it in your cellar. Phone Main 671 or A 2467. OLYMPIA BEER AGENCY Get the Bottle That Looks ; Like This. Start The Day Right, Feel Keen, Spirited FIT BATH C WITH HAND SAPOLIO It gives your skin an exhilarating tingle makes every pore respond. It revives' circulation Invigorate CLEANSES. All Grocer and Dmeilst