Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 30, 1909, Page 14, Image 14

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rlarriman Roads Arrange De
tails for New Through
Trains to Seattle.
Delay Vntil April 1 Caused by Ke-
r-ent Floods W. I. Skinner and
Office Staff or Seven
Transferred North.
rinai details for the inauguration
jof the new ITarrlman ti-aln service
' hetween Portland and Seattle were
completed yesterday at a conference
of O. R. & N. and Oregon & Washlng
ton officials. Of tho three trains, the
Shasta Limited will be the only
lmiuuk" v;-tiiiornia-seauio train, the
iner iwo Deing made up in Portland.
As Is the case between San i'rn.
Cisco and Portland, the Shasta Lim
ned win be oleetrle-lighted and will
consist of one dynamo baggraRO car.
compartment flrawinor-room car,
one 16-scction standard Pullman, one
oiner and ono observation car. All
these cars are to run throug-h between
an j. rancisco and Seattle, including
the diner and observation car.
; The Owl train will be composed of
lone baggage car, one smoker, one
coach, one tourist sleeper, one standard
(deeper to Tacoma and one Standard
'sleeper to Seattle.
The morning local will consist of one
oaggage car. one smoker, one coach,
one 16-section tourist car. one stand
ard Pullman and one diner.
live Uiies of Hond l"sed.
For tiie present, five distinct lines of
. ranroaa will be utilized in the run be
i tween Portland and Seattle. The Ore
r gon Sr Washington trains will depart
irum. ine i nion Depot over the O. R
k !.. tracks and the Steel bridge, via
tne peninsula and St. John line con
Inecllng with the Spokane, Portland &
Seattle line at Stockdale. with the
i completion of the Peninsula tunnel now
.under construction, the Oregon &
i Washington will secure a cut-off bo
lt ween Portland and . Stockdale over Its
own line.
From Vancouver, the Northern Pa
lmitic tracks are utilized to Tacoma
where the trains will then fh-oceed on
Whe Joint Mllwaukee-IIariiman road to
.isiac.K River Junction. For the pres
ent, the Columbia & Puget Sound
tracks will be utilized to reach the
"Oregon Washington terminals at Se
attle. The Oregon & Washington
route from Black River to Seattle is
nearly completed, however. The g-rad-:'ing
is done, and the ties have been
aid, so that the new line will be In
operation between those points within
'cl few weeks.
' In Tacoma for the present the Ore
'sron & Washington trains will nse the
temporary Northern Paclllc depot.
I pending the completion of its own sta
tion, anil in Seattle will use the Ore
Sron & Washington's temporary depot
fit Railroad avenue and Dearborn
The northbound freight service over
the new routo will be put into effect
January 2. and tho southbound freight
service January 3. The extent of the
service will be governed by tho busi
ness. Grays Harbor Mnc Ojien April 1.
Tho Oregon & Washington, It la ex
pected, will open the Grays Harbor
line about April 1. it had been hoped
to establish the service about January
1. but the recent floods which washed
ut large sections of the completed
line will cause a delay of several
months. While not now definitely
known, it is probable that the service
will be a through ono from Portland,
tho Grays Harbor trains following the
regular Oregon & Washington route
from Portland to Centralis., and from
there over the new line to the terminus.
R. R. Miller, thv general traffic man
ager of the new line, has Invited a
number of Jlarriman system represen
tatives to form a party on the first
Oregon & Washington train from Port
land to Seattle. The route, tracks and
terminals will be inspected, so that the
representatives can talk of them In
telligently to patrons of the line. This
party will leave on the first local train
Saturday morning. In the party will be
the following:
William MoMurray, senernt passenger
i'S'H. Portland; w. E. roman, general
ilreight ngont, Portland; J. M. K-ott, assist
ant general passenger axent, Portland: H.
Muuaon, city ticket agent. Spokane; W.
tat. Jskey, traveling passenger agent, Spo
llcane; "W. sitnser. city ticket agent, Port
land; J. Tt. O'Neill, traveling- passenger
gnt. Portland; A. C Martin, chief clerk
jrsnge.r department. Portland; A. C. Jack
jon. advertising department, Portland; tv.
:K. Hells, advertising department. Portland;
V. McKelvey, ticket agent, Vnlon Depot,
T'ortlarnl; 11. "B. lAmnsburg. jreneral agent,
Portland; C. H. rexter. contracting freight
!Jtent. Portland: H. 1 Hudson, contracting
ffreignt agent. Portland; V A. Morse, spe
cial agent, district freight office. Portland;
M. A. Malboouf. district freight agent,
(Southern Pacific, Portland; H. A. Hlnshaw.
traveling freight agent. Southern Pacific.
CPortland; A. MacCorquodale. district fr-Jlght
gent. Spokane; C. W. Knight, contracting
Srelght agent, Portland; R. Burns, district
freight and passenger areiit. Walla Walla;
F. Vanderater. traveling freight agent,
"Walla Walla; J. H. Mulchay. chief clerk,
seneral freight office. PortlanJ; O. I An
derson, secretary to the trafilc manager;
A. O. Reschke, secretary to the genera?
freight agent; O. W. Mount, district freight
agent, Lew Iston: James Coneiand. freight
'vlnlm agent. Portland; H. J. O'Neill, tariff
'Inspector. Portland; w. IX skinner, general
freight and passenger agent.
j Office Staff to Move.
W. I. Skinner, who assumes the posi
tion of general freight and passenger
agent of tho Oregon fc Washington, Jan
uary 1. will remove to Seattle from Port
land about that date. His office force
"will follow as soon as some detail work
lias been completed here. Seven Port
land employes of the O. R. & X. are to
go to Seattle with Mr. Skinner. They are
the following: W. J. Leonard, at present
livestock and grain clerk, to become chief
clerk tn the freight department of the
t). At W.: H. J. Miller, formerly employed
l- tho O.. It. & X. but recently traveling
freight agent of the Chicago & North
western, to become chief rate and tariff
clerk: W. B. Davis, formerly of Union, to
become rate and tariff clerk; J. A.
Ormandy. at present clerk in the general
passenger agent's office, to become chief
ierk of the passenger department; W. O.
lconard. at present clerk in tho general
passenger office, to fill a. like position in
Seattle: J. J. Hubel, stenographer and
clerk, to fill a like position in Seattle: O.
".. Kdwards, clerk in the tax and right
tf way office, to be secretary to the gen
eral freight and passenger agent. In ad
dition. H. FX Perkins, who was formerly
connected with the O. R. & X. offices In
Portland but lately has been with the Pa
cific Mail Steamship Company in San
Vranclsco. will be rate and tariff clerk
ir thA rn ro 1 naunrr nffiru T 1 1
Atkinson, who has been in the account
tuf department of the Southern Pacifio
at Ban Francisco, will be general clerk In
the passenger department of the new line
in Seattle.
Magazine Sees Good Points of Pay-as-
Yon-Enter Type.
In the twelfth of a series of articles
published by prill's Magazine, describ
ing In a general way the standard
type of streetcar in the larger cities
of the world the new type of "pay-as-you-enter"
car In use on the lines of
the Portland Railway, Light & Power
Company Is described. 'The article,
which appears in the December num
ber, is accompanied also by a view
looking up Third street from the inter
section of Third and Morrison, and a
map showing the city lines of the com
pany's system.
Somewhat more than a year ago tho
Portland Railway. Light & Power Com
pany placed in service an initial lot
of 20 "pay-as-you-enter" cars and is
now adding 40 additional cars of the
same type. A number of the newer
cars are now in service and are the
larger ones In the 500 numbers. The
construction of a new type of motor
has enabled the company to use larger
cars than heretofore and of greater
horsepower. The narrow-gauge tracks
of the system limited the length be
tween trucks, but the newer type of
motor is more compact lengthwise and
larger vertically, enabling the Install
ing of motors of higher horsepower in
the same space and consequently a
lengthening of car bodies and the addi
tion of weight. '
In . the new type of ears not only
is greater tractive effort secured, but
the height of the car floor above the
rails is minimized, because it is possi
ble to provide for radiation between
the sills of the car. The magazine
comments favorably on the low step
heights thus secured.
Marechal de Castries Clears
With Valuable Cargo.
Oregon & California to Rebuild Por
tion of Lino Near Lebanon.
The Oregon & California Railroad
Company .filed In the County Clerk's of
fice yesterday supplementary articles of
Incorporation to construct 7.9 miles of
railroad out of Lebanon, to the north,
and to abandon a part of its present line
between Woodburn and Natron, which
it more accurately describes as between
station 1643 plus 49.1 and station 1962
plus 60 of the constructed line at Tall
man. The. terminus of this new track is to
be the southeast quarter of section 11,
township 11 south, of range 2 west,
Willamette meridian. The supplement
ary articles entitle the company to con
struct branches, as well as telegraph
and telephone lines, and to equip and
put these in operation.
Those signing the supplemental arti
cles are: W. W. Cotton, W. E. Coman.
L. R. Fields. William D. Fenton, John
McCraken, .T. P. O'Brien, R. Koehler,
C. O. Sutherland. II. E. Huntington and
Peter F. Dunne.
The purpose of the construction work
is to avoid an unsatisfactory crossing
of the Santiam River. The crossing has
given trouble . for a long time, and
through trains over the branch line are
not now run owing to washouts.
Chill Prevents Grading.
MILWAUKIE. Or.. Dee. 29. (Special.)
Owing to the cold weather, grading has
been suspended on the Southern Pacifio
Railway cut-off through Milwaukie, with
the exception that piles are being" as
sembled preparatory to the construction
of the 100-foot trestle to carry the track
over Kellogg Creek. Crossing of the
county road at the south side of the
city has not yet been decided. The
company will submit blue prints, showing
a crossing under the county road at '
tne next meeting of the Council. There
is much difference of opinion among the
residents whether the railroad should
go under or over the road. -
Cargo of Less Than 100,000 Bushels
Valued at $107,825 Grain
Shipments for December Will
Reach 1,300,000 Bushels.
Carrying S9.607 bushels of wheat,
valued at 107,82o, the French ship
Marechal de Castries has cleared for
the United Kingdom for orders. The
cargo was dispatched by Girvin & Eyre
and the vessel left down at 1 o'clock
In the afternoon.
The cargo of the Marechal de Castries
is the most valuable one (per bushel)
sent from the Northwest during the
cers and the Rainier men forced to
return to work.
JDoe to Arrive.
Nam. From. Date.
Rose City 6an Franc, sro Tn port
Falcon........ San Francisco Dec. 30
Alliance Coos Bar.,.. Dec, ",0
Sue H Elmore. TlllamooK Ian. 2
Geo W Elder. .San PeiSrw. . . Jan. a
Breakwater. .. .Coos Bay. ...Ian. U
Henrlk Ibsen. . .Honrknnj fan H
Kansas City. . . San Francisco Jan. a
Roanoae San Pedro. .. Jan. 9
Lightship No. 6 7 Off for Repairs.
Umatilla Reef lightship No. 67 will
be replaced by Relief No. 92 January
:0 and will proceed to Seattle, where
repairs will be made to the vessel.
The order for the relief vessel to pro
ceed to Umatilla Reef was issued yes
terday by Commander J. hi. Ellieott,
Inspector of the Thirteenth District.
It is thought that No. 67 will be away
from her station about 60 days.
Marine Notes.
The French -bark David d'Angers will
leave down this afternoon for Astoria.
W'ith passengers and general cargo
for Coos Bay ports, the steamship
Breakwater sailed last night.
The gasoline schooner Oskosh. from
Tillamook, is discharging at Couch
street dock. She will sail tomorrow
The steamship Nome City left for
Prescott yesterday to take a deckload
of lumber for San Pedro. She will get
away Saturday.
. ...Honcknnf.
. Indefrt
Scheduled to Depart.
Kama. For. Date.
Rose City. . . . . .Ban Francisco Dec.
Alliance Coos Bay Jan. -
Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook. . Jan.
Faicon San Francisco Jan.
Geo. w. SHder. .Sar Pedru Jan
Breakwater... Coos Ba.... Jan.
Kansas City. .. 8an Francisco Jan.
Roanoke Fan Pedro... Jan.
Henrlk Ibsen.. Honrkonc. . . .Jan.
...... ...uonjtRons. ...
Entered Wednesday.
Maverick. American steamship
(McKellor). with general carso from
San Francisco.
Cleared Wedi.etUiy.
Maverick. American steamship
(McKeller), with ballast
Nome City. American steamship
(Hanson), with 450,000 feet of lum
ber for San Pedro.
Marechal de Castries. French .liln
lAmenne), wltti general cargo
the tmitod Kingdom.
for San
"Woodburn Branch Line Ready.
The establishment of service on the
Woodburn branch of the Oregon Electric,
known as the Valley Railway, it is an
nounced by the company, will take rrta.-e
January 1. A local service between the
two points will be' maintained, tempo
rarily, connecting with all main-line
trains except the late night train. A
through service probably will bo estab
lished later.
Thinks That Tube Should Be Built
and Harbor Left Open.
PORTLAND. Dec. 9 tTn the V,lltnr-1
Referring to Mr. Corbett'a article In "the
Oregonlan today,' relating to our harbor, 1
beg to quote from hi article and comment
on same:
It is evident from articles which havn al
ready appeared that many of our citizens
have not taken tho opportunity of making
themselves familiar with the geography of
Portland In reference - to the Willamette
River, and. in the hope of clearing up this
uncertainty, I herewith submit a drawing.
including parts of the Willamette River al
ready traversed by bridges. Careful consid
eration of this drawing develops two lumi
nous facts. First, that tho Broadway brldcre
can be built as proposed without seriously
affecting our real harbor, but that any far-
tner encroaenment to the north In the way
of bridges of moderate height should be for
ever discountenanced.
I have been a part owner of Swan Isl
and for over 20 years, and have watched the
effect the various bridges have had on ship
ping from an interested standpoint. The re
sult has been there is today practically no
aeep-water snipping south of the railroad
bridge, erept the vessels loading lumber at
Inman-Poulsen Company's and the Portland
Lumbering comnanv's mills. This south end
of town has been practically dormant. large-'
ty Que to tnis. ror many years, and a num
ber of accidents have happened in going
through the bridges.
Ir. Corbett states "the Broadway bridge
can be built as proposed without seriously
affecting our real harbor, but that any fur
ther encroachment to the north should be
forever discountenanced." The harbor of
Fortl&nd should extend to Rosa Island, and
would. I believe, have been so used bad It
not been for the obstruction of the bridges.
If It would be a detriment to build a bridge
north of the proposed Broadway alte, then it
is wrong to build at Broadway; and I fall
to see how any other construction can be
Some two weeks ago I indorsed a letter
of Mr. Henry's to the extent of feeling that
no more bridges should be built, and the
subject of tubee be taken up and expert ad
vice gotten on the subject. In the Sunday Ore
gonlan, December 2rt, appears an article and
cut of a cross section of a subway. It la
claimed, among other things, that the tube
could be built for lesa than the cost of the
bridge. I do not know the gentleman, but
it would seem that what he has written Is
well worthy of careful investigation before
spending any more money on bridges. 1
think our Mayor, now that the tube matter
has been brought so plainly to him. owes it
to himself and the city to see whether
these statements about tubes or subways
are true or not before spending any more
money on. bridges. It happens that what
property I have it so situated that It cannot
help but be benefited by the Broadway
bridge, but 1 believe it will be of more per
manent benefit to me to have an unobstruct
ed harbor. MARTIN WINCH.
Old Ship Sold at Auctiou.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Dec. 29. The
American ship Elwell. one of the last of
the famous old clipper ships, built in the
Maine shipyards, was sold at auction ves
terday by the United States Marshal for
J6000 to satisfy claims of the crew and
captain for back wagea. The ship waa
purchased by a cannery company to be
used tn the Alaska salmon trade. The
Elwell waa built at Demariscotta, Me.,
In 1875. She has been In the Pacifio
trade for 25 years, and has been on sev
eral Oriental run.
present season. December cargoes,
with the exception of that of the'
French bark Le Roche Jacquelin, have
been cleared at 1 per bushel. The
cargo of the last-named craft was
cleared at a slight advance. -
Today the French ship David
d'Angers will clear for orders. She has
on board 101.803 bushels of wheat. Fol
lowing on Friday will be the French
bark Francois, carrying close to 125,000
bushels of grain.
The clearance of the two Frenchmen
will probably wind up the grain ex
ports, foreign, for the month of De
cember. Reducing the flour shipments to a
wheat basis and adding the barley,
grain shipments for the month of De
cember will run only a few bushels
short of 1.500,000 bushels. The wheat
exports will total 948,131 bushels: flour
6S.462 barrels (308,079 bushels of
wheat); barley, 221,028 bushels. These
figures are far In excess of the ex
ports of grain for the same month last
year. Less than 1,000,000 bushels of
wheat were sent foreign in December.
1908, and not a pound of flour or barley.
The steamship Bannockburn will
complete the lumber business for the
month. The exports of timber have
been holding well up and December
will establish a record for the mid
Winter shipments in both the coast
ing and foreign trade.
Claims for Wreck $618,087, San
Pedro's Liability Only $16,500.
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec- 29. After lim- 1
ltmg tne li.iMllty of tho Metropolitan
Lumber Company to 16.EO0 for damages
causeu Dy tne collision of the company's
steam schooner San Pedro with the pas
senger steamer Columbia off the Mendo
cino coast on July 21, 1907, in which manv
lives were lost. Federal Judge Dehaven
today ordered the adjustment of tho
claims 'by Commissioner J. P. Brown, of
tne t'nlted states District Court.
Claims have been, filed to the amount oT
Sfilg.087 for loss of life and Droocrtv. the
largest being thoe of the San Francisco
& roniaiw fcteamsmp Company, owners
of the Columbia, for the sinking of the
steamer and United States Lloyds, as
signed claims of shippers for cargo lost.
In limiting the liability of the lumber
company, the court ruled that as the colli
sion was caused by the mutuai fault of
both vessels. It was only liable to the ex
tent' of its interest in the San Pedro.
Master of L'Hermite Has Trouble
Over Labor Schedule.
ASTORIA, ftr TW. on rcnui v .!.
French bark LHirmHi i T . , .
the United Kingdom, did not get to sea
today. When the tug went alongside this
morning, the master of the bark said he
was not ready. Yesterday he told the
tugboat people his crew would not turn
to and it is supposed the same condition
prevails now. It is said the trouble is
over the enforcement of some new law
governing the hours sailors shall work on
French ships.
The French bark Belen arived today
from Newcastle with a cargo of coal,
after a long trip, occasioned by head
winds. She will discharge about 1500 tons
of her cargo here, before proceeding up
the. river.
The bar tug Tatoosh will go into serv
ice tomorrow, after being laid up for
several days on account of lack of work.
Rainier Longshoremen Decide to
Stand by Agreement
After a short consultation with offi
cers of the Portland Union of Long
shoremen Tuesday night, members of
the Rainier union decided to return
to work and the loading of the British
steamship Foxley proceeded at St.
Helens yesterday without interruption.
Foremen provided by the stevedoring
firm were accepted by the Rainier
men. ,
Members of the Rainier union re
fused to work the Foxlev Monday
morning because Brown & McCabe sent
their own foremen to boss the job.
This was In violation of the treaty
of 1908. and the matter was Immedi
ately taken up with the Portland offl-
from New
" Arrivals and Departures.
PORTLAND, Dec. 29. Arrived Steamship
Maverick, from Ban Francisco; steamship
Alliance, from Coos Bay. Sailed Steamship
Breakwater, for Coos Bay; steamship Maver
ick, for San Francisco: French ship Mare
chal de Castries, for the United Kingdom.
Astoria. Or., Dec. 29. Condition, at the
mouth of the river at S p. M.. smooth,
wind south, S miles; weather partly cloudy.
Arrived down at midnight and sailed at
10:5O A. M. British steamer Knight of St.
George, for Hongkong and way ports. Ar
rived at 9 and left up at 11:20 A. M. .
Steamer -Ml inane, from Coos Bay. Arrived
at 1.1:80 A. M. French bark Belen. from
Newcastle. Australia. Arrived down at 1 -30
A. M. and aailed at 1:3 p. M- Steamer
Roanoke, for San Pedro and way ports. Ar
rived down at 2 p. M. Steamer Elmore.
fan Francisco. Dec. 29. Arrived at 9 A. M.
otcamer w. . forter, from Portland,
oan pedro. Dec. 28. Arrived Steamer
Olympic, from Portland. Arrived yesterdav
irm LOlumDII
San Francisco. Dec. 29. Arrived Steam
era uaisy, from Wlllapa; Bandon, from
naroor; iv. s. porter, from Astoria
t-iarma. from Coos Bay. Sailed Steamer
loiiipicu, irom anaimo.
Genoa, Dec. 25. Arrived Verona,
,-ew lorn; za, Manuel Caivo,
Hongkong, Dec. 29. Arrived previously
rom Liverpool, via Singapore,
Tor Tacoma; Chloyo Maru, from San Fran
cisco, via Honolulu and Tnltnh.m.-
churla, from San Francisco, via Honolulu
"u luKouama; uania, from Tacoma. vl
luKonama, tor Liverpool; Suverlc, from la-
-uiua ana beatue, via Yokoham
i-as paimas. Dec. 24.
for San Francisco.
Genoa, Dec 23. Sailed Buenos Ayres, for
loKonama. Dec 27. Arrived Induna,
from San Francisco. .for Dalnv hMfnra nun.
Asia, from San Francisco, via Honolulu, for
Hongkong: Seattle Maru, from Tacoma, for
nyaney. .-. s. w., Dec 28. Arrived Ma
kura, from Vancouver, via Honolulu and
lacoma. Wash. Dec. 2fl. Arrived
cuiiooner uavio Evans, from Port Towns-
niu; steamer Admiral Sampson, from Seat
tle. Departed British steamer Bellerophon
for "Yokohama and Liverpool.
Tides at Astoria Thursday.
High. Low.
A. M 7.4 feet'9:23 A. M 3.3 feet
2:oo P. M S.4 feet 9:53 P. M... 0.2 loot
Steamship Golden Gate sails January 1
Freight received daily at Oak-st. dock.
-Sailed Inverness,
A few weeks ago Mrs. G. G. Christo-
fer. Of AshllT-V Pnrlr "V T
automobiling and got her face cracked.
Since then, whenever she goes riding,
she is careful to protect her face from
ulj parcning ana terrible stinging
of the wind by the application of a lit
tle poslam. Alth
not show, she washes it off upon her
return and finds her skin soft, clear and
frees, from Irritation. In like manner,
POSlam Prevents thA Una arA t,An
from chapping. It is immensely popular
c.l.jur uieairicai proiession lor use
In makinnr un. nrnlortin,. 1 :f. .... ,,
cosmetics, besides enabling them to be
washed oft easily.
Being an ointment, nnaiom
and heals at once. It is non-greasy,
flesh-colored and cannot be detected.
When used for scaly scalp, dandruff,
bolls, scabs, sores, eruptions, chafing,
hives, blotches, tetter, etc., it drives
away the soreness anrl 01110 ao
hours. Itching is stopped Immediately.
Poslam is on sale for B0 cents at the
Skidmore Drug Co. and the Woodard
Clarke Co., and all reliable drugstores.
But a supply sufficient to relieve the
minor troubles mentioned, and to clear
the complexion and rid the face of
pimples in 24 hours, will be sent by
mail, froe of charge, to anyone who will
write o the Emergency Laboratories,
32 Wut Twenty-fifth street. New York
I A Handy Home-Ma de Rem- J
edy for Coughs and Colds J
A cold or cough often comes on
quickly. This simple remedv, if kept
handy, will nip it in the bud. Al
though inexpensive, there is nothing:
better at any. price. It usually stops
a deep-seated cough in twenty-four
hours, and is splendid for hoarseness,
whooping cough, chest pains, bronchi
tis, etc.
Granulated Sugar Syrup 12H oz.
Pi"e -- 25i O!.
Make a Dlain syruD by mixing one
pint Granulated Sugar and '.4 pint of
warm water: stir for 2 minutes. Put
2tj ounces Pinex In a pint bottle and
fill up with the Sugtr Syrup. Take a
teaspoonful every one, two or three
None of the weaker pine prepara
tions will work in this recipe. Use the
real Pinex itseir. which is the most
valuable concentrated compound of
Norway White 'Pine Extract, and is
rich in all the healing elements of the
pine. All druggists have It or can
easily get It on request.
This recipe makes a full pint of un
equaled cough syrup enough to last a
family a long time for only 54 cents.
It is equally good for children and
adults, and has a uleasine taste.
Strained hon -y can be used instead
of the syrup, and makes a very fine
honey and pine tar cough syrup.
Good Time?
Lart night eating big dinner ia often
the maker of a BAD TODAY. Why aoO
Over-eating means extra work for the
tomach and bowels. You've got to
suffer if you don't help nature unload
with CASCARETS. "Thev ivori ,kil
you sleep" you're O. K. in the A. M.
ionignt s tne mgnt to take care of to
CASCARETS oc boa week's treat- '
ment. All druggists. Biggest seller
la tie world. Million boxes a mouth.
Ar yon losing your ambition T
How to Cet Well
and Keep So
assoKiiM or para m t ivr tr w t ,77.
at the base of tha brain t UILbbS CURED
Are yon very nerrosa and irri
table, with a feeling yon want to
be alone?
Are yon restless and sleepless f
Are yon gloomy, with a fear of
dread from no apparent cause?
Have you palpitation of the heart,
is your circulation poor?
Do yon have hot flashes?
So you feel you are not the man
yon once were?
If so, yon don't want to remain
in this condition. Yon need special
treatment to act direct on the seat
of this trouble. Come and have a
friendly talk with me.
Come today to the SUCCESS
FUL Specialist, who will cure you
quickly and permanently, and at a
price within your means.
Not a DollorNeedBePaid
Until You Are Satisfied
My Fees Va for Short Time
I concentrate my faculties on a
single line of diseases. I treat Va
ricoses. Hernia, Nervotu Decline,
Kidney and Bladder Ailments,
Skin Diseases and ALLIED AIL
MENTS OF MEN. I am certainly
prepared to cure hy experience and
equipment Vhich are the key
stones to success. I have the best
equipped medical office in the city.
Contact with many patients has
given me practical knowledge. I
nave records to show that I have
treated more cases in my specialty
than any other specialist in
A. few hours or days under my
treatment may add" years and
health to your life. If you are suf
fering from disease I will examine
you. if necessary to make a micro
scopical and chemical analysis of
secretions to detect pathological
and bacteriological condition. Ev
ery gentleman should take this
opportunity to learn his true condition.
With these diseases you mar
have more complications than ar
presented by any other diseased or
San- Br my. searching; lllumins.-,
tion of tne bladder I determine ac
curately the disease and by micros
copical examination and urinalysis
I make doubly sure the condition ot
the kidneys, thus laying- founds
tlons tor scientific treatment.
Oerebro. where the mental forces
are Impaired. Spinal. where the
spinal centers are involved. VltaL
where the sympathetic nervous sys
tem Is deranged by reflex effects
of disease. I treat these conditions
and all ailments Induced by nervous
complications and excesses and put
you on the right track, restoring
the conditions essential to your
futur life and happiness.
Disregard of existing- hernia
has cost many Uvea. The small
est hernias are the most danger
ous to life because of the In
creased . liability to strangula
tion. I cure rupture In selected
cases with perfect safety and
entail no suffering, and do not
detain you from business, under
guarantee. Many casea cured In
one treatment.
PILES a Ad Kisiuiva.
The sequelae of 'these afflic
tions are distressing nervous re
flexes and painful conditions. I
cure Piles wltboat cutting. I you without pain or deten
tion from business under guar-
i"i??lr?S .Ti$aU.ty- 1 eailX demon
strate that Varicoses and Hydrocele
can be cured, in nearly all cases, by
one treatment. In such a satisfac
tory way that the diseased parts
are preserved and strengthened.
Pan ceases, swelling subsides, a
j .iibuwuun as rsDiaiT re
established, and instead of the de
pressing conditions I guarantee yos
a cure or refund the money.
Scientific treatment only shoal
be used in combsttnr this loathsome
condition. I cure Blood Disease by
Nucleu-Atoxyl Specific I Introduce
It into the blood, which it reorgan
ises, neutralising and expelling dis
ease. My treatment drives the taint
out Instead of locking It In. Don't
wait until too late. Be cured im
Consultation, Examination and Expert Diagnosis Free
t a- 1?rrI't..L? 5Ioney Mat or Modesty Keep You Prom Being Cured. Call
I do not "Pfctch Up." I Cure to Stay Cured. Do Not Delay. Call or Write TodTv I Ditmoaa fcv r,n,
sion. No Mistake. Made. Expert Medical Examination FreefW YoV Taki TreatoeTt o
$X.totV: frm lab0rat0r tar th convenience and privacy of our patients; from
M EM Oli
CURED lyi.
I have treated men's ailments dnly for 23
years, and one year of my practice repre
sents a greater volume of good experience
than several years brings the average phy
sician or specialist. In explanation of this
statement will say that I have been the
busiest specialist upon this Coast, curing
several cases to other physicians' one. I
-began my practice with accurate knowledge
concerning men's ailments, and my patients
have received thoroughly scientific treat
ment. I have not only treated an unusual
number of cases, but have treated them
rightly, thus acquiring an abundance of the
very best kind of experience experience of
positive value to those I treat and experi
ence that enables me to offer cures with
certainty of effecting them.
Free Museum
Our $10,000 Museum of Anatomy is now
open to male visitors. The largest and fin
est on the Coast. All men visiting Portland
should see this educational exhibit, showing
the human body in wax reproductions.
The' Leading Specialist.
K I did not know that
I could thoroughly core
aay ailment of men, I
could not afford to
agree that yon pay me
after I core yon. Neither
could I afford to under
take a cure for the low
fee I charge.
I Also Cure
Varicose Veins, Piles,
Specific Blood Poison,
Contracted Ailments sutel
All Reflex Ailments.
Yon never find absurd
r misleading state
snenta. I state nothing
hot the SQUARE, MON
Advice and Consultation Free
Come and have a private talk with me concerning- your ailment.
Even if you are not prepared to undergo treatment at this time I can
always srlve helpful suggestion to men who are diseased or weak. If
you cannot come to Portland, write for particulars of my system of
home treatment. Interesting; literature and oolored charts If you will
-" . - n, SUNDAYS, 10 TO 1
Come to Me
and Be Cured
1 Will BE KIR.
IUTELV Kree of-
n a r k c. i charge '
for cures only. Pay
me as von sret th.
benefit of my treat- THE DOCTOR
m"rt- - THAT CURES.
I'EE FOR A CURE Is lower than any
specialist In the city, half that others
cnarge you.
I am an expert specialist, have hd
30 years practice in the treatment ol
ailments of men. My offices aro he
best equipped in Portland. My methods
are modern and up-to-date. My curea
are quick and positive. T do not treat
symptoms and patch un. I thoroughly
examine each case, find the cause, re
move it and thus cure the disease.
I CIHB Varicose Veins. Contracted
Ailments, Piles and Specific Blood Pol
son and all Ailments of Men.
CURE OR NO IA V 1 mm the only
Specialist In Portland irko makes no
chartce unless the Dullest ! rnHml
satisfied with the results accomplished,
and vino gives a written arnarantee to
refund every dollar paid for services If
a complete and permanent cure Is not
MEN Visit Dr- L, 1 n d s a y's private
Museum of Anatomy and know
thyself in health and disease. Admis
sion free. Consultation free. If unable
tofA1,1, wrlt tor list of questions.
Office hours 9 A. M. to ! P. M. -Sundays,
10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only.
IT T Clrrh. CelsaU
V- bsaDEUU)tir "I
IarUmmatioiis, Irritations
or ulcerations of all mn- I
cons membranes nnnatn
ral dischartres from ikma.
Tsvsr throat or urinary org; ana. J
'or In plain wrapper, ex
press prepaid, on receipt
ot Sl.or three Dottles, $.?&
Booklet oa request.
rZrZTZ rr. Habits Positively
Cnred. Only rt horded Keeley lZ
71 11' PoWrSS
I iy - IN1 1 i iSLJ
Vi a jti fJ
W eak Stomachs
prevents nausea by Dijrestinsr all the food you
eat. cures Indigestion, stops Dyspepsia, makes
weak stomachs strone. Kodol acts promptly,
is pleasant to take, and may be used by any
one as directed with perfect confidence of good
results. Every tabiespoonf ul of Kodol digests
i4 pounds of fi od. It Is guaranteed. Try it.
The Drs. S. K. Chan
Their Chinese rmedy of
herbs arid roots cures wonder
fully. Tney have cured many
male and female sufferers of
mn kiiiub oi sicKness, includ
ing chronic and nrivat ni..
eases whan other "remedies fail I
t' I isV-T. i I s we narmiew. So Operation.
Examination tor ladies bv Mrs 8 k Chan
"If you are ill. to prevent wufTerinit. 'call or
2teHZhZUK- ?an umeseMe ciSe
fjjy -Ptaui and Mrs. Ulne7.
Wj&mr.' E: RIn1'"t. of Bolie. Idaho,
fi; : ;? "aHr writes:
lriN;i -v-vVi . Drs. Tee and York cured m
I, money and stomach troubles.
.u wuin a surxered 12
years, after doctoring all the
time and Retting no benefit, be
sides spending tnousand; of dol
la.s. For the good of the pub
lic, I write; If you art a sick
rerson. call on or write
ice York C hinese Medicine Co.
1424 First St.. Cor. Alder.
Tonn Min Chines
Medio Ins Co. Wonderful
remedies from nerbs and
roots cures all diseases of
men and women Consulta
tion .and pulse diagnosis
free, if you live out of
town and cannot cmil.
write for symptom blank.
SM7 Tsylor st-. bet. 2d and