Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 10, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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Replete With Bar
g'ns Extraordin'ry
Clean-up Sale at
Men's Shirts
Sale of Petticoats
$2 Values at 79c
This extraordinary value pre
vails for Remnant Week only.
It is occasioned by need for
prompt disposal of all of a lot
of odd lines in women's fine
Petticoats, slightly soiled. Made
with deep flounce, trimmed
with lace or embroidery, "IQn
$2.00 value's, at special. I uu
$1.00 VALUES
Broken lots ,of regular $1.00 grade
in nearly all sizes and a good range
President Tells How to Get
Farming Population to
Stay on Farms.
Lof choice as to style and pattern.
""""" " """WV.
I.arice tables In the station- pTVV
cry and null I wares aisle, de- II '
voted to display of Valentines. WjjSY
A rare opportunity to save money
on good shirts. Choice, Cfln
Valentine of all noris
IMMtal rarda, conic and
fancy effects. Price, le to "
while they last, each UUU
Immediate ecds Are Co-operation,
Teaching or Children Outdoors,
Better Konds, Parcels rost
and Better Sanitation.
WASHINGTON". Feb. -H to lm
prove country life and make It more at
tractive as well as more profitable, is
discussed by President ""
mcssase which he sent to -nK
SaVrith the report of the Country ( Life
Commission. He follows a
slon of the subject with 80mrecommen
datinns which can be earned out both
pv National and state legislation,
t the outset he say. that the inquiry
has not involved the nd"" ."5,
dollar of public money The com mission
ras- held 30 public hearings in .40 1 states
and territories and received 120.000 an
swers to printed questions. He then
says "the commission finds that the
general level of country life is high com
pared with any preceding or with
any other land. If It has in
slipped down in some places, it has risen
in more places. Its progress has been
g-neral. If not uniform.-
But farming does not yield either the
profit or the satisfaction it ought, there
is dissatisfaction and the movement to
the towns is still strong.
He continues:
Slake Former's Life Ieslrable.
The object of the Commission is to
call the farmers- attention to the oppor
tunities for better business and better
living on the farm. If country life is to
become one of the most dignified, desir
able and sought-after ways of earning
a living, the farmer must take advantage
not only of agricultural knowledge, but
of the methods which have raised and
continue to raise the standards of liv
ing and of Intelligence In other callings.
One of the chief difficulties is the fail
ure of country life, as It exists at pres
ent to satisfy the higher social and in
tellectual aspirations of country people.
"Country life has Improved greatly in
attractiveness, health and comfort, and
earnings. But city life Is advancing even
more rapidly. The introduction of ef
fective agricultural co-operation Is or
the first Importance. Where farmers are
organized co-opcratlvely they not only
avail themselves much more readily of
business opportunities and Improved
methods, but the organizations which
bring them together in the work of their
lives are used also for social and Intel
lectual advancement.
Co-operation Main Solution.
"It Is not the problem of the farmers
alone that I am discussing with them,
but a problem which affects every city
as well as every farm in the country. It
Is a problem which also affects In only
less degree all the rest of us.
"The welfare of the farmer Is of Tltal
consequence to the welfare of the whole
community. The strengthening of country
life, therefore. In the strengthening of the
whole Nation.
"The commission has tried to help the
farmers to see clearly their own prob
lem and to see It as a whole; to distin
guish clearly between what the Govern
ment can do and what the farmers must
do for themselves; and it wishes to bring
not only the farmers but the Nation as a
whole to realize that the growing of
crops, though an essential part. Is only a
part of country life. It Is no less es
sential foundation, but It Is no less es
sential that the farmer shall get an ade
quate return for what he grows; and It is
no less essential indeed It is literally
vital that he and his wife and children
shall lead the right kind of life.
"For this reason, the United States
Department of Agriculture should be
become without delay in fact a depart
ment of country life, fitted to deal not
only with crops, but also with all the
largest aspects of life in. the open coun
try. Three Tilings Xeeded.
"From all that has been done and
learned, three great general 'and Imme
diate needs of country life stand out:
"First Effective co-operation among
farmers, to put them on a level with the
organized Interests with which they do
"Second A new kind of schools in the
country, which shall teach the children as
much outdoors as Indoors and perhaps
more, so that they will prepare for coun
try life, and not as at present, mainly lor
life In town.
"Third Better means of communica
tion. Including good roads and a parcels
post, which the country people are every
where, and Tightly, unanimous In demanding.
"To these may well be added better
sanitation, for easily preventable diseases
hold several million country people In the
slavery of continuous ill health.
"The commission points out, and I con
cur in the conclusion, that the mostilm
rwirtnnt heln that the Government, wheth
er National or state, can give Is to show
the people how to go about these tasks
of organization, education ana communi
cation with the best and quickest results.
This can be done by the collection and
spread of Information.
The President recommends an appro
priation of J25.O0O to enable the Commis
sion to digest the material it na coi
lectcd. and to collect and to digest much
more that Is within its reach, and thus
comnlete its work. He continues:
"To Improve our system of agriculture
seems to me the most urgent of the tasks
which lie before us. Our object should be
to helD develop In the country commu-
nlty the great Ideals of community life as
well as of personal character, one oi me
most Important adjuncts to this end must
be the country church, and I Invite your
Attention to what the commission says of
the country church and of the need of
an extension of such work as that of the
Young Men's Christian Association in
country communities.
Farmer's "Wife and Children.
. r a . i f t-in t foundation of ma
terial well-being, the Influence of the
farmers and farmers' wives on ineir
j vAnAmna . I. factor nf first 1m-
inimrcii . .. ..... -
portance in determining the attitude of
the next generation towaro. iaxm inc. im
farmer should realize that the person who
most needs consideration on the farm is
his wife. I do not in the least mean that
she should purchase ease at the expense
....... x-ai't Vi- mnn nor woman Is really
happy or really useful save on condition
of doing his or ner amy. n mo wumiu.
shirks her duty as nousewue. bj numc
i.. . th& mnther whose nrlme f unc
tlon It is to bear and rear a sufficient
number of healthy children, then she Is
not entitled to our regard. But if she
does her duty she Is more entitled to our
regard even than the man who does bis
v :
Suits at One-Half Price
They are made of chiffon broadcloth, fancy
suitings and fine serges. The trimmings are
decidedly artistic and are applied with rare
taste. Braids, laces, velvet and silk used. $35
to $150 values at HALF
$35 Suits at $17.50
$75 Suits at $37.50
$50 Suits at $25. 00
$150 Suits at $7 5.00
Plain-Tailored Suits
Reduc'd One-Fourth
Latest models, strictly tailored styles, a lot of
72, made of fine chiffon broideloth, best shades,
1 $30.00 values, at the special low price $22.50
$42.dU values, at tne special low price
$40.00 values, at the special low price S30.00
$68.50 values, at the special low price $51.37
Infants' Slips $298
Odds and ends and slightly soiled,
but the regular values in this sale
run up to $9.00. Made of fine
material and trimmed with em
broidery or laces. Slips or Moth
er Hubbard style Dresses, on no
At the special price, only.OiwO
Children's Caps at 23 c
Odds and ends of Children's Caps,
bearcloth and cloth, in polo
other styles, regular values QO
to $1.25 each. Special at. ZOu
Child's Coats, Jackets
Odds and ends of Children's Coats
and Jackets of moire, broadcloth
and mixed goods, in light blue,
pink, tan and brown. Sizes 2 to
6 years :
Reg. val. to $ 4.00, spl $1.19
Reg. val. to $ 9.50, spl $1.98
Reg. val. to $30.00, sp'l $4.98
Even better bargains than these ad
vertised are to be found on odd lots
of children's wear. Not enough to
advertise, but enough for you to save
money on.
Shoe Sale
Bargains almost beyond belief offered in a sale never
before equaled.
All sizes are included in the entire
lot, but the best bargains are on small sizes and narrow
widths. Below we quote three of many special values.
No Shoes bought at sale can be exchanged or returned.
Women's Shoes From
such famous makers as
Hallahan & Son, Wright
& Peters, Laird, Schober
& Co., and other well
known factories. All leath
ers and styles, mostly nar
row widths. The larger
part of this lot are $3.50,
$4.00 and $5.00 grades,
though there are some
shoes worth as high as $6.
Your choice of Q1 Efj
the entire lot for.Q I iOU
Women's Oxfords and
Slippers Mostly narrow
widths, odds and ends, in
$3, $3.50, $4 and $5 grades
sale prices are, pair,
75, $1.00,
$1.49 and
Women's Felt Juliettes
and Kid House Slippers,
large or very small sizes
only; regular values up to
$3.50 the pair. Rem- Cflp
nant Sale price only, uuu
argains in
FANCY SILKS Satin striped or printed Elyses, crepe
de chine, bordered chiffons, etc., in fancy effects. Reg
ular values as high as $2.00 the yard; Remnant
Week price, your choice for low price of, yard
BLACK SILKS Taffetas, Louisines, Directoire Satins,
in fact, all weaves and in all widths.
The $1.00 grade. ...85
The $1.25 grade.. $1.05
The $1.50 grade.. $1.23
The $1.75 grade.. $1.48
The $2.00 grade.. $1.59
The $2.50 grade. .$1.9S
L. Seldom equaled bargains on finest grade
tnenS linens, the slightly soiled and massed pieces
being especially reduced. .Pattern laoieeioins in
ftAVPrn 1 lengths : resrular values from $4.00 to
$9.00, priced for this week at $3.05 to ... .
Child9 s Underwear at 27c
A Remnant Week opportunity to outfit
the children with good quality Underwear
at small expenditure. Cotton, or cotton
and wool garments, in vests, pants or
union suits. Nearly all sizes are included
in the entire assortment, though not all
sizes are in one style. Also a lot of wom
en's Corset Covers in this assortment.
Regular values in the lot up to 65c the
garment. During the remainder of Q"7p
the week we offer j-ou choice at. f U
ANOTHER LOT Children's Union Suits
and Vests and Pants; a lot containing
nearlv all sizes, and regular values as high
as $L10 the garment. For the re- QQp
mainder of week we price them at. .OjU
cerized wool, sizes 4, 5 and 6; $4 OQ
values; on sale today, only
WOMEN'S HOSE Fancy .lisle, plain
, IT
black lisle, and black castimere, in ocia
lots. All sizes included, but not all
sizes in each kind. Values to $1.2a,
Lace Curtains $2.85 Pair
Bargains of the unordinary variety this week in the fourth-floor Drapery
and CarpeTDepartment. Anticipate Spring housecleaning needs and
purchase now.
Clunv Lace Curtains White
Arabian, good full size, fine vari
ety of designs, excellent values;
underpriced like this :
Regular $3.50 values, pair $2.65
Regular $5.00 values, pair $3.65
Regular $7.50 values, pair $5.35
Regular $12.50 vals., pair $9.35
And intermediate values bargain
ized in the same proportion.
Medium and Small-Sized Rugs
Wool Double-Faced Smyrna Rugs,
size 30x60 inches; regu- Q1 0 0
lar $2.25 value, for only.OliuO
A better grade of Smyrna CM QC
30x60 in., $2.7d val. yiiUU
$3.75 value, $2-85
Size 36x72,
Best Royal Smyrna Rugs P( pC
30x60, reg. $3.75 value. vJtiU J
" - iV..1:"1!.1...',' ,.',,-,--, 1 , rgs-r. r- n, ,
- . ' i
duty; and the man should show special
consideration for her needs.
"I warn my countrymen mat me Brcai
recent progress made In city life is not a
full mpajura of our civilization: for our
civilization rests at bottom on the whole
aomenesa, the attractiveness, and the
completeness, as well as tne prospemj,
of life in the country. The men and wo
men on the farms stand for what Is fun
damentally best and most needed in our
American life. Upon the development of
country life rests ultimately our ability,
by methods of farming requiring the
highest intelligence, to conUnue to. feed
and clothe the hungry nations; to supply
the city with fresh blood, clean bodies,
and clear brains that can endure the ter
rific strain of modern life; we need the
development of men in the open country,
who will be In the future, as In the past,
the stay and strength of the Nation in
time of war, and Its guiding and control
ling spirit In time of peace."
What Agriculture Lacks.
The commission says agriculture Is
prosperous and conditions are Improv
ing in many regions, the American
farmer was never as well off; yet "agri
culture Is not commercially as profit
able as It Is entitled to be for the labor
and energy that the farmer expends
and the risks that lie assumes, and that
the social conditions in the open coun
try are far short of their possibilities."
The chief faults In agricultural life
are declared to be lack of knowledge
of agricultural conditions and possibili
ties, resulting in depletion of the soil;
lack of proper training for country life
In the schools, good highway facilities,
and organization for buying and sell
ing. The commission adds:
There la an absence of any adequate sys
tem of agricultural credit, a hortae of
labor, often complicated by Intemperance
amort: workmen; a lack of Institutions and
Incentives that tie the laboring man to the
oil; the life of the farm woman l burden
some and narrow; there Is need of adequate
supervision of public health.
The farmer Is handicapped by the specu
lative holding of lands, monopolize con
trol of streams and forests, waste of our
National resources, and by restraint of
Many existing org-aniatlons and Institu
tions might become practically co-operative
or mutual In spirit, as for example, all ag
ricultural societies, libraries. Young Men's
Christian Associations and churches. All the
organizations standing for rural progress
should be federated In states and Nation.
There must be a vast enlargement of vol
untary, organized effort among farmers
themselves. It is indispensable that farmers
shall work together for their common Inter
ests and for the National welfare. The
forces and institutions that make for mor
ality and spiritual Ideals among rural peo
ple must be energized.
New Kind of Education.
There must be a new kind of education
adapted to the real needs of the farming
people. Opportunities for training toward
the agricultural callings are to be multi
plied and made broadly effective. This
means redoubled efforts for better country
schools, and a vastly Increased Interest In
the welfare of country boys and girls on
the part of those who pay the school taxes.
Education by means of agriculture Is to be
a part of our regular public school work.
Special agricultural schools are to be or
ganized. ,
The country people everywhere are asking
for good roads. Everywhere, too, they want
a parcels post and the extension of the
rural free delivery.
Some Fundamental Needs.
There are two or three movements of the
utmost consequence that should be set un
der way at the earliest possible time be
cause they are fundamental to the whole
problem of permanent reconstruction. There
should be organized under Government lead
ership a comprehensive plan for an exhaus
tive study or survey of all the conditions
that surround the business of farming and
the people who live In the country, in order
to take stock of our resources and to supply
the fanner with, knowledge.
Each state college of agriculture should
organize a complete department of
college extension. Local, state, and even
National conferences on rural psogress, de
signed to unite the Interests-of education,
organization and religion should be held.
There Is need lor young people of quality,
energy capacity, aspiration and conviction,
who will live In the open country as per
manent residents on farms or as teachers,
or In other useful fields. The farming
country has been overlooked by persons who
are seeking great fields of usefulness.
In the Senate Heyburn moved that
the message and report be printed and
lie on the table, and this order wm
Ch 1 1 Ten's shoes reduced at Rosenthal's.
Monarch Sawmill to Supply
Belcher and Stine Close Deal in Chi
cago and Go Kurtlier Kast Pos
sible Source of Light for
City of Portland.
CHICAGO, Feb. 9. (Special.) F. S.
Belcher and W. F. Stine, of Portland,
who have been In Chicago perfecting the
financial affairs of the Monarch Lumber
Company, which corporation has under
construction a lumber mill on their tract
of timber land In Tillamook and Wash
ington Counties, tonight departed for
the East." Just with whom Messrs. Bel
cher and Stine are negotiating, how
ever, was not made known. The Chi
cago end of their transaction has prac
tically been completed and they have
gone to consult Easternt-rs who are in
terested In the project. Until this East
ern business has been cleared up they
did not care to mention the names of
any Eastern or Chicago men who are in
terested. Furnish fuel and Power.
Arrangements have been made where
by the new lumber company will furnish
electricity and such fuel as the mills can
spare to the new plant of Swift & Co.,
which is being erected on land adjoining
the Monarch Company's holdings. The
new company has made arrangements
through Swift & Co. which will give
It switching facilities with every rail
road entering Portland. It is proposed
to make the lumber mill thoroughly mod
ern and up to date in every respect and.
In addition to a shingle mill, a box fac
tory will bo established.
The tract of timber land which the
company owns comprises I3.4GO acres of
fine yellow fir and contains over a bil
lion feet of lumber. Lester V. David,
of Portland, will be president of the new
company, while Mr. Stine will be secre
tary and Mr. Belcher 'manager.
Some of Men Interested.
It was admitted by Mr. Stine this
evening that Chicago parties were inter
ested In the new company, also an Erie.
Pa., capitalist. A number of Portland
men .are interested among whom Is C.
W. Sherman, of Sherman & Harmon,
Northwestern agents of the Penn Mutual.
The foregoing dispatch gives all the
new information that developed yesterday
concerning the big timber deals In Wash
ington and Tillamook Counties. A fea
ture of the story from the East that
only Incidentally had been referred to
before is that the Swifts are interested
In the new lumber mill project along the
line of Installing an electrical plant in
connection with the packing-house, the
fuel to be furnished by the big sawmill.
During the controversy between Mayor
Lane and the Portland Railway, Light
& Power Company some weeks ago over
the city lighting, the Mayor intimated
that. If the company did not come more
closely to his ideas regarding cost of
furnishing light, there would be a possi
bility of an opposition plant being
started. In view of the information given
In the Chicago dispatch the inference is
natural that the Mayor had received
some intimation of the Swifts' intentions.
C. W. Sherman, mentioned In the dis
patch. Is in the East along with Messrs.
Stine and Belcher and Lester W. David.
His partner In business, E. L. Harmon,
said last night that he was not informed
concerning progress of the deal, as he
Is not personally Interested.
Washington Measure Goes Through
Without Emergency Clause.
OLYMPIA, Wash., Feb. 9. (Special.)
The anti-racetrack gambling bill was
finally disposed of this afternoon by
the House recognizing the defeat of
the emergency clause in the Senate as
an amendment and concurring therein.
While technically the House still dis
putes the Senate's contention, the re
result is the same and the bill will go
to the Governor for signature without
emergency. The act will take effect
June 11.
The local optlonists showed a dispo
sition this afternoon to keep the House
In session until the McMastcr bill could
be reached on final passage, and suc
ceeded In voting down several motions
to adjourn, proposed by the liberals.
It was planned to hold a night session,
but at 4:30 the announcement that the
girls orchestra from the reform school
was ready to give a concert in the cor
ridor won over a sufficient number to
obtain an adjournment until 10 o'clock
tomorrow. There are still eight bills
ahead of the local option measure.
Government to Expend $100,000 at
Eort Stevens.
ASTORIA. Or., Feb. 9. (Special.)
Captain William Kern Moore, of the Ar
tillery Corps, has arrived here to direct
the installation of a "fire control" sys
tem at the mouth of the river. About a
year will be required to complete the
system, and It will entail the expendi
ture of fully $100,000.
In detail the work is to place each
fort, battery and gun in direct commu
nication by telephone and bells with the
officer in charge, so that orders can be
dispatched Instantly to each section of
the defense. A wireless telegraph sta
tion is to be erected at Fort Stevens
and a wireless plant will be installed
on the new steamer which is now be
ing built in Portland for the War De
partment to run between the forts.
Want Portland-Salem Mall Sent
Over Oregon Electric.
ington, Feb.. 9. Representative Haw
ley Is urging the Postoffice Depart
ment to install mail service on the new
electric line between Portland and Salem.
He says that not only will such service
be quicker than at present between the
two cities, but will Improve the service
on rural routes all along the line be
tween both cities. The Department is
looking into the matter, but Is not yet
ready to announce ita decision.
Hereafter, at Mr. Hawley's request.
Amity will receive two malls dally from
Portland instead of one.
Two Boys Pay Fines at Salem.
Others to Fight Charges.
SALEM. Or.. Feb. 9 (Special.)
Game Warden H. Q. Eldridge today ar
rested Burt and Gerry Neal, of West
Stayton. and Irving Robinson, Ollie
Reeves and Harvey Ransom, of Turner,
charged with killing deer out of season.
The Neal boys appeared before Justice
Webster in this city this afternoon and
paid their fine. The others will have a
hearing at 10 o'clock Wednesday
Broker Files Suit Against Ar
thur H. Soden.
Frederick It. Small Makes Startling
Charge Against Millionaire in
Alienation Suit Defend
ant Is Prostrated.
BOSTON, Feb. 9. (Special.) Charg
ing that Arthur H. Soden, a former mil
lionaire baseball magnate, director in
the Commercial National Bank and con
nected with other large concerns, alien
ated his life's affections and drugged
him and his wife unconscious In their
home, Frederic I Small today filed pa
pers in the Superior Court of Suffolk
County In his suit for $500,000 damages.
The contents, when made known today,
created a sensation In business circles.
This is the largest amount of dam
ages ever asked here In a similar suit.
It is declared by those in close touch
with court proceedings that if the case
comes to trial it will prove one of the
most notable of Its character ever heard
in the state.
Soden is ill at his heme In Newton
ville. The bringing of the suit has so
shocked him that he has been pros
trated. Small, who Is a broker, recites
In his suit that he married Laura M.
Patterson on July 31, 1899, and that
after that date Soden visited his home,
alienated his wife's affections, drugged
both him and his wife frequently, and
enticed her away from his home.
Soden Is a- director In the following
companies: The Bay State Hardware
Company, Boston & Ploche Mining &
Development Company, Clarke Mining
Company, Commercial National Bank,
and president of the CoIumbusAvenue
Trust and Mansfield Electric Railroad
The specific act of alienation of affec
tions is placed at about November 11
last, when it is charged Soden called
on Mrs. Small in the absence of her
Xew York Society Meet3.
At a meeting of the New York State
Society last night at the residence of
James F. Failing, Judge J. E. McAllister
delivered an address on "The Life Work
and Statesmanship of Abraham Lin
coln," in which the qualities in Lincoln's
character which distinguished his ca
reer as citizen and President were
ably presented. Other short addresses
were delivered by D. J. Haynes. D. O.
9 yars In Portland
2 years in the lead
ing eye clinics of
rf your child la
backward In h la
'studies does not
like to study, or
has symptoms of
headache, you will
probably find that
there is some little
eye trouble.
Thompson gives es
pecial care to chil
dren's eyes.
Hague, J. . "W. Mack and D. E. Neer.
Instrumental numbers were rendered by
Misses Bell and Barton.
Leaves $10 to Hazieton Saloons for
Drinks for "White Friends.
VANCOUVER. B. C. Feb. 9. De-
..t k., nnamtinn of a Dateriial
but strict enactment of British Colum
bia law from treating his friends to the
Joys of liquid refreshments, Alexander
Oakes. a Hazelton Indian, provided
fully for them in nis wui. uae
last week at Hazelton. He was pos-
.AnaiiiArahiA Tironertv. which
was disposed of with great detail and
accuracy among his inaian reiauuna,
i.... . kls whito frlenrln he left strange
bequests. He ordered that immediately
after nis aeatn iu in b"'u "u,u "u
j i..w -nrttv, ftnrh of the two saloon
keepers of Hazelton, and that on the
afternoon of his lunerai au nis iriKnuu
im nmi nut of the fund
drink his health. The funeral was at
tended and the toast solemnly carrieu
Brother of Admiral Passes Vway
Before Murder Trial. '
ROCHESTER. N. Y., Feb. 9. George
Sampson, father of Harry ' Sampson,
whose wife, Georgia A. Sampson, was
arraigned at Lyons, N. Y.. late yester
day, charged with the murder of her
husband, was found dead In bed at his
home at Palmyra this morning. He was
a brother of the late Rear - Admiral
Sampson, and was an important wit
ness for the prosecution of his daughter-in-law.
The Coroner has been noti
fied, although death Is believed. to have
resulted from natural causes, but possi
bly hastened by Mr. Sampson's grief
over his son's supposed murder.
Mr Sampson went to bed last night
apparently In god health. An autopsy
revealed the fact that his death was
caused by nephritis and that he had
been suffering from Bright's disease.
He was in his 65lh year.
Houe Sends Direct Primary Amend
ment to Committee.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 9. An applica
tion from the Oregon Legislature asking
Congress to provide for a convention to
propose an amendment to the Constitu
tion allowing the election of United
States Senators by direct vote of th
people was sent to the House today.
The application is In the form of a con
current resolution. Copies of the appli
cation were also sent to the Legislatures
lot the various states. The resolution was
referred to the House committee on th
election of President. Vice-President and
Representatives in Congress.
Ilonse Approves Wireless.
WASHINGTON, Feb.- . The Burke
bill to require ocean-going vessels to be
equipped with wireless telegraph instru
ments, was today reported favorably by
the House committee on Merchant Mar
ine and Fisheries.
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