Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 28, 1908, Image 14

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Portiand Agents for "Nemo" Corsets, Butterick Patterns, !'Trefonsse" Gloves, Gossard "Lace Front" Corsets, "Estelle" Corsets, Etc.
eier ? Frank Store's Great Monday Shoppin
Merchandise Purchased on Credit Today, Tomorrow and Wednesday Will Go on Your October Account Come Early
" 1 - '.
$ 1.50-$2.50 Ribbons 98c
35c-75c Handkerchiefs 25c
7000 &rds of high-class fancy Ribbons, 6 to 10 inches -wide; print warps,
jaequard, plaids, checks, stripes; beautiful ribbons, superb qual- QO.
ity, for millinery purposes, fancy work, etc.; $1.50-$2.50 vals., yd.
500 dozen women's all-linen Handkerchiefs, embroidered, hemstitched,
scalloped, lace edge and initialed styles; regular 33c to 75c vals., ea.25
500 Prs. Women's New High
Tan Boots at $3.45 a Pair
In the bie Shoe store a
very unusual sale of new
custom - made tan Russia
Calf Boots for women
1 Fine auality of stock
Wave top clucner ana
V-ZS button styles made on
new high top cottage
lasts Very latest shapes Hand
welt soles, extension edges, medium
spike heels Tans will be in great
demand this Fall and Winter for
street wear and we guarantee these
to be the best you will have an op
portunity to buy for the money Take ad- f A C
vantage All mail orders carefully filled P wls1
600 Women's Dress
$10.50 Vals. $4.95 $18 Vals. $9.75
r-.-."'... .. '.. . t. u. .;.7J
In the Millinery section today the first great special sale
of the season New, attractive headgear, both dress hats and
tailored hats at prices that mean a big saving to the economi
cal buyer The assortment is very large and complete
Styles to please every individual taste and fancy 2d Floor
Lot 1 Women's Dress Hats and Tailored Hats, all the newest and best
shapes, trimmed with wings, silk, etc.; all the latest colorings QC
j .Ankmotimu nmlor vnlnpa 11 n to $10.50. on sale at. ea.
Lot 2 Women's beautiful Dress Hats of the very latest fashion-
, . t 1? fAnU aft
silk hats,
u otc oif hntc trimmpH in win?s. fancv featli- V? Cl
ers, silk, etc.; values from $12 to $18; for three days at, each. N
Sale of Magnificent Paris Hats
For the Horse Show and all dress occasions the very latest creations, direct
from .the most celebrated Parisian artists the personal selections of a
member of the firm in connection with our Paris Commissioners. Beautiful
and exclusive headjrear from Kebeux, Georgette, Camille Roger, Ancronne,
Maison and Hue. Ponyanne. New creations, produced only three weeks ago
and shipped direct to us from our Paris office. Hats that will find favor
with Portland's best-dressed women. Let us show you these. Second Floor.
3000 Yds. Figured and Dotted Nets
$ 1 .75 Vals. $ 1 .29-$2.50Vals.$1.98
3000 vards of 45-inch black figured and dotted Nets, for waists, sleeves,
etc.; all new, pretty styles and exceptional quality, at these low prices:
Kegular $1.75 values, yard, $1.29 Eegnlar $2.50 values, yard, $1.98
Special sale of colored Novelty Bands in great demand for trimming net
waists and gowns; all new, beautiful styles, and very remarkable value:
85c vals., yd., 59 ?1.V5 vals, yd., $1.29 $3.00 vals., yd., $2.39
X f mmm. 000 pieces of women's Neckwear of all kinds
W O 111 en S bows, stocks, jabots, rabats, collars, turnovers,
t oil the hest reeiilar 35c and 40c val- C
Wor'lrviar nes? buv aI1 yu want of them at each-
1 C S W Cfll you ghould see this splendid line of Neckwear.
1 0,000 Yds. $ 1.25 Embroideries 25cYd.
Another sensational Embroidery Sale is announced for to day 's selling a great special purchase of 10,
000 yards from a large New York importer enables us to offer values to $1.2o a yard at the low price ot 2oc
a yard." Swiss, nainsook and cambric; embroidery edging, insertion and match sets, iy2 to 18 inches wide,
suitable for women's, infants and children's wear; also for combination undergarments. Designs ineyelet
and blindwork. An enormous assortment to select from. The best embroidery bargains you will
buy this season; values up to $1.25 a yard buy all you want of it at this special low price, yard."
2000 Yards Directoire Satin
$ 1 .35 Values at 98c Yard
The Silk Store
o f f e r 8 a timely
bargain in Direc
toira satin, a
b e a n t i f ul new,
gftft, rich, cling
ing silk material
for costnmes,
waists and dress
a p par el of all
kinds. Beautiful
luster, and by far
the test quality
ever offered at
the price. The
color' assortment
is very large, and Includes pink, light bine, navy bine, Alice bine, mais,
nile, garnet, rose, goeblin, black, peacock, catawba, taupe, cream, etc;
just the material yon want for the new evening gown; a style and qual
ity fabric other stores ask $1.50 for. Bny all yon want of it QQ
at this low price, the yard See Fifth-Street Window Display. 7 OC
Mail orders promptly and carefully filled. Yon should -order at once.
"Munsing" Underwear
For Women Great Values
"Atunsing" Union Suits for women, T-f 3
mercerized cunuu, xirr.ii imui, . ojo
finest garment of its kind on the
market; the regular $3.50e 1 Q
value, on sale at, garment.
"runsing" fine ribbed Wool Union
Suits for women; cream and natural
color; beautiful quality; fine warm
underwear; regular $3.75 QQ
value, on sale at, special. 4W
Women's medium weight wool Union
Suits, white and natural, CO 50
all sires; special value at.S',1' v
Munsing Vests and Pants for women,
medium weight, white and natural, all
sizes; best value in town J? I O
"Slunsing" Vests and Pants for women, fine ribbed wool 1 Q
underwear; cream and natural, all sizes; great value, garm't.V
Table Covers, Laundry Bags, Etc.
25c to $5.00 Values at Half Price
In the Art Department, Third Floor, a great half-price sale of odd lots of
table covers, laundry bags, hair retainers, doilies, scarf and glove cases
and other useful articles in endless assortment; valuesOfp.f-Ial
ranging from 25c to $5.00 eaeh; your choice, half priceVHS a lu"
loom-Size Rugs
$27.50 Values at $19.50
$32.00 Values at $22.50
$ 1 5.00 Values at $11.00
' T. f I'
Oriental Rugs
$40.00 Values at $32.00
$40.00 Values at $23.50
$39.00 Values at $29.00
Today, Tuesday and Wednesday a
sale extraordinary of large room-size
Rugs These rugs made up in our
own workrooms from short lengths
and discontinued lines of various kinds
ofcarpets Body Brussels, velvets,
Axminsters, Hartford's & Smith's
Oriental and floral designs in all the
best colorings and combinations
Splendid assortment and the greatest
rug values you ever shared in 3d flr.
Smith's Axminster Rugs, 6x8 t 1 1 QQ
8 feet, regular $15.00 values. S VV
Hartford Axminster Rugs, 8 COO trt
ft. 3 in. by 10 ft. 6 in., $32 val. v
Bigelow Axminster Rugs, 8 ft. COl Q
3 in. by 11 ft. 9 in.; $40 vals. .JvT
Beautiful Velvet Rugs, 10 ft. COO QQ
6 in. by 11 ft. 7 in., $39 vals. ip.W
Body Brussels Rugs, 10 ft. 6 C'lO HQ
in. by 12 ft.; reg. $40 values. V ,vV
Body Brussels Rugs, 8 ft. 5 in. C(
by 10 ft.; regular $27.50 vals. P V
A great number of rugs in other sizes and qual
ities too numerous to mention, all on sale at
greatly reduced prices. Onjthe Third Floor.
of rare and antique Oriental Rugs in the city. Entire
new stock. A native rug expert in charge of tne department. j.nira floor.
The greatest display
3000 Yds. New Dress Goods
$1.25 to $1.50 Values at 97c Yard
3000 yards of handsome new wbl Dress Fabrics, herringbone weaves,
chevron suitings, invisible stripes and plaids, panama and prunella cloths,
42 to 48 inches wide; all new 1908-09 materials, in the very best QC
designs and colorings; regular $1.25 to $1.50 values, at, yard.
$6.50-$8.00 French Gowns $3.75
75c-85c Dainty Drawers at 49c Pr.
75c-85c Corset Covers at 49c Each
Women's fine French hand
embroidered Gowns, made of
beautiful French percale and
nainsook; short flowing
sleeves ; embroidered fronts,
neck drawn with ribbon; the
regular $6.50 to Cl 7
$8.00 values, at.V
Small special lot of high
neck gowns, hand-embroidered;
regular $5 CO 5Q
values, at, each.
New lot of women's crossbar
dimity and nainsook Drawers
trim'd with Val lace edg
ing, ins'n; 75c-85o val.49
New lot of dimity and nainsook Corset Covers, trimmed in dain- AQp
ty lace edgings and embroideries; regular 75c and 85c values, at.
French hand-embroidered Chemise, hand-embroidered yoke ef- QRp
fects; ribbon at neck; regular $1.75 values, at this low price, a. 'v
Great special values in children's Undermuslins. Let us. show you.
"Leona" 3-pc. Combination Garm'ts
Great introductory sale of the new "Leona" 3-piece combination under
garments corset cover, short skirt and drawers all in one; made of fine
nainsook and trimmed in lace edging, beading and ribbon; C 1 OO
the newest and best combination undergarment ever made.V
$9.00 and $10.00 Silk Petticoats $5.85
1000 fine quality Taffeta Silk Petticoats at a low price for tcday, Tuesday and Wednesday; made with
deep pleated flounce, tucked ruffle and niching, pleating and rows of tucking or 4 rows of stitched bands ;
full width and well made; the color assortment includes tan, gray, rose, pink, cerise, light blue, C C O C
$10.00: on sale at this low price, each.
CUpeuiitlgcu, j j giw, 7
$ 1 6.50 Coats for $10.85
Portland's leading Cloak and Suit Store offers an exceptional bargain
in women's new Fall and Winter Broadcloth Coats, full Venetian lined,
long style and semi-fitting; made with black velvet collar; braid and
satin-trimmed; empire effect; black, navy, brown and wine. All are
handsomely made and finished. The best coat value of Q 1 Q SI K
the season; every garment in the lot $16.50 value, for. V V.V
Lilian Tingle Furnishes Kecipes for Preparing Seasonable Garden Plants
in Delicious Ways.
SOME time ago, bo many months. In
fact, that my correspondent may
have forgotten her question and
must surely think that I have forgotten
the answer. I received a letter asking
for Information about the cooking
of vegetables. The writer mentioned
particularly celeriac, kohl-raM and sal
sify, and wanted recipes that would
plve something different" In other
vegetable dishes. Perhaps there are
other housekeepers with similar desires
who may be Interested In some sug
gestions, new and old. for dishes In
-which fresh vegetables play the lead
In part.
A recent visit to Europe has remind
ed me and reconvinced me of two
things. First, the devotion of the Eng
lish to cabbage and Its relative. Thia
has. I believe, been before remarked
upon, and by several eminent writers,
but It Is true all the same.
Second, that the most delicious and
varied vegetable dishes In the world
are to be found In France.
America fine vegetables, in end
less variety: but the average American
cook, does not make the most of her
materials or else rhe lacks the time,
or the skill or the cense of fitness pos
sessed by her French sister.
We might well Imitate the French
custom of serving a vegetable course
a choice dressed vegetable to b. en-
Joyed on Its own merits, not as a mere
accompaniment to meat.
There is such a good choice of vege
tables in the market just now that it
Is a little difficult to know where to
begin. My vegetable man began this
morning by ottering me "Good-a-cuke
an" tomata" at a very moderate price.
Perhaps you are tired of cucumbers
sliced or in cubes for salad; but you
might like my simple way of serving
them, boiled with a good cream sauce.
Of course the skin ajid seeds (if large)
are removed before cooking. If the
cucumber Is Inclined to be bitter,
change the water once while boiling
and add a teaspoonful of sugar when
you salt the water. For serving, the
cucumber may be cut in thick rings,
or other neat pieces, and have the
sauce poured over !t; or it may be cut
In cubes and reheated in the sauce,
after draining.
Abroad I have eaten boiled or stewed
cucumbers !n egg sauce; and I have
been told, but cannot answer for the
truth of it, that a little pounded
anchovy or anchovy essence added to
the cream sauc; with cucumber or
vegetable marrow r. akes a dish pleas
ing both to eye and palate.
Stuffed cucumbers are good. too. B.
sure they are not bitter; wash thum.
split them, scoop out the seeds and fill
with your favorite mixture. Tie with
string and bake until tender. This
takes about an hour and a half a. a
rule; so it is sometimes better to par
boil the cucumbers before stuffing, and
thus shorten considerably the time of
With a substantial nut or meat fill
ing they make the main dish for
luncheon or supper or may be used as
an entree.. For the filling you use as a
basis well seasoned bread crumbs with
a little butter or bacon fat for shorten
ing. To this may os added (1) nuts In
which case use very little shortening:
or (2) chopped ham: or (3) cold
chopped meat with a suspicion of onion
Juice and mace (4) finely flaked salmon
(left over) or chopped shrimps with a
dash of lemon Juice (5) a little tomato
pulp with:, or without a morsel of
finelv chopped green pepper. These
variations are merely suggestive: prob
ably other good stuffings will occur to
you. for a very large variety Is pos
sible. Fried cucumber can be prepared like
eggplant, cut In half-Inch slices, dipped
In egg and seasoned sifted crumbs,
and fried In deep, hot fat. Of course
they must be carefully drained on
paper. r
An Italian cook once served to me a
dish with a name, suggesting a grand
opera aria, which I cannot reproduce.
The thing Itself, however, was a de
lectable slice of braised filet, wlch
mushrooms and brown sauce, and a
wreath of fried cucumber, delightful to
Tomatoes are cheap and plentiful
Just now. Tou have used them sliced
and stuffed, both hot and cold, stewed,
and scalloped, and. made Into soup.
Have you 'tried tomato fritters? "Take
firm, half-inch slices, dip in well-seasoned
frying batter and fry in fat deep
enough to cover. Drain well before
serving and. If you want to add a for
eign touch, sprinkle the fritters with
grated Parmesan or other very dry
In England a standard breakfast
dish Is bacon and broiled tomatoe It
may be Just as popular on American
tables, but I have not met It so fre
quently here. The bacon should be
the nice, crisp, streaky- kind. The
tomatoes are cut In half if large or
left whole If small. Sometimes they
are placed on a broiler, with the bacon
above and a pan. below, In the oven;
sometimes they face a fiery martyr
dom in a Datch oven with bacon slices
dangling from hooks above them;
sometimes they are simply cooked in
the frying pan after the bacon is crisp;
but In any case a very simple and
savory breakfast or lunch dish Is the
result, especially when neatly served
on well-fitting little rounds of toast,
with a sprinkling of finely chopped
If you have a Southern friend, trst
her to tell you a good recipe for toma
toes stewed with okra. I have a pleas
ant remembrance of It, and I think
rice or corn was introduced in some
way, but I have not a tested recipe
for this delicious dish. The small
cherry and pear tomatoes that are in
Just now are useful for dainty salads
as well as for preserves. The yellow
'egg" or "pear" tomato makes a good
preserve In combination with pine
Entire stock black dress goods and
silks on sale today at special prices.
All the very latest French novelties.
See our big Morrison-street window.
McAllen & McDonnell, Third and Mor
Will Have New Pipe Organ.
At -the morning services of the West
minster Presbyterian Church, East Tenth
and Weidler streets, yesterday. Rev. Hen
ry Marcotte, the pastor, announced that
the contract for a beautiful pipe organ
had been let. It will be metalled ready
for dedication within 60 days, and will
cost between G400 and J1500. It was also'
announced that next Sunday the new ad
dition to the church for the Sunday-school
will be dedicated, with appropriate serv
nt 12 o'clock. The aditlon was erect
ed on the south side of the main building
at a cost of about tlTOO.
Good beet root yields an averse, of 1
per cent of siipar.
226 Alder, bet. 1st and 2d sts.
512 Williams ave.
791 Mississippi ave.
Cor. 5th and Main sts., Oregon City.
1 2th, bet. Bond and Commercial sts.,
253 Taylor st Unlontown, Astoria.
Six Markets
Chinook Salmon
Halibut 10c
Tom Cod 12 l-2c
Catfish 12 l-2c
Sturgeon ....10c
Sole 12 l-2c
Flounder 10c
Salmon..... 15c
Smelt . . -10c
Black Cod 12 l-2c
Rock Cod... 12 l-2c
Shrimps 15c
Crabs, each 15c
10c Per Pound
Clams, per lb 5c
Razor Clams, per dozen. 12 l-2c
Oysters, per pint 30c
Oregon Fresh Eggs, doz 30c
Porterhouse Steaks 15c
Sirloin Steaks 12 l-2c
Tenderloin Steaks 12 l-2c
Prime Rib Roast Beef 10-12 l-2c
Sirloin Roast Beef..l0c-12 l-2c
Eleven cuts Meat, lb 5c
Pork Sausage 12 l-2c
All other kinds Sausage 10c
Hamburg Steak 10c
. I
! . I I
" "... - I .. . TT""-- Tt 1 tb- UTamnfta Iha Tinrfnr Dinimmfal ihatTZImItaedlcated . WlthPprOPriate B6rV- j'm
ORceort. '