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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1908)
THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX. THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1903. 15 NOP T If Everything Is Picked, Prices Will Be Low. ACCORDING TO HARRIS Foreign Yield Estimated at 350,000 Hundredweight More Than Last Year's Wheat Stronger at Board of Trade. . if the Pacific Coast hopgrowers pick all tthe hops their yards produce, they cannot expect good prices this year, in the opinion of Joseph Harris, of Salem, who was at the Belvedere Hotel yesterday. "The leas they pick the better for them." aid Mr. Harris. "Too many hops are grow ing for the good of the market. In spite of all the talk that is being heard of a short age in this country, the fact remains that the world is going to produce a big crop. Besides this, the brewers are carrying heavy Mocks. How any one can And encourage ment In the situation Is more than I can see. "I have no doubt that about picking time the bears will get out and try to lift the market by buying a scattered lot here and there at a higher price, but they will only do It to encourage the growers to pick everything. If a big crop is picked It will mean that the bears and shorts can get the goods at their own prices later. Even now the shorts are offering 1908 Oregon hops in the East at 9 cents delivered, and they expect to buy them here at 5 cents when tftey want them. And furthermore, they may get them at that price if the growers persist Jn oi-erloadJng the market by picking every-" thing In sight. We are neither bears nor bulls on the market and have no personal Interest In seeing prices go either way, but we do not want to see the farmers of this state ruin themselves by bringing about an other low market. "My estimate of the Oregon crop, as it stands now. Is 1 10,000 bales. I base the estimate on the fact that about S)00 acres cf the 80,000 acres of hop land in Oregon are lying idle and allowing 5 bales to the acre for the 22,000 acres cultivated will give 110,000 bales as the probable crop that will be grown. "Our latest foreign cables estimate the English crop at 523.000 to 5,"0,000 cwt against 874,120 cwt. harvested last year, and the continental crop at about 1,200.000 cwt. as compared with 1,000.000 'cwt. in 1U0T-" BIDDING FOR DECEMBER WHEAT. All Grain Markets Strong at the Board ot Trade. While no business resulted, bidding was active In the wheat pit of the Board of Trade yesterday. A spread of 2H cents sep arated buyers and sellers. The attendance was good. 1 Interest centered In December wheat, which opened at an advance of l cents over Tuesday's close and closed with, a gain of 5V cents. Bids ranged from 85 Mi to 87 cents and wheat was offered at to 90 cents. The September delivery opened and closed 2 cents higher. September oats opened unchanged at $1.13 and closed at that figure, while December opening at $1.13 closed at Tuesday's price of $1.17. September barley opened unchanged at $1.05 and gained 5 cents at the close. De cember was without change at the close. Cash grains were quoted as formerly on the board, but hay prices were readjusted to meet the conditions brought about by the liberal arrivals of new crop hay. Receipts for the day were 3 cars and 2383 sacks wheat, 2400 sacks barley, 1200 tacks flour, 3O0 sacks millfeed and 5 cars and t7o bales hay. The range of futures was as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. "Low. Close. Lo v. $ .85 .S5 Sept. Dec. ...$ .S3 $ .Sti $ 0 . .. .Soft .0 OATS. ... 1.13 ... 1.13 1.17H BARLEY. . . a 1 05 1.10 ... 1.124 89H Bpt. Dec. 1.15 1.17 Vfc Sept. Dec. 1.10 1.124 LOCAL POtLTRY riUCEH ARE SHADED Frah Ranch Eggs Are Scarce and In Demand. Poultry prices were more or less shaded yesterday, though there was no general break. The usual quotation on hens was 13 cents and Springs moved at 17 cents. Egg receipts for tie day were ti34 cases, mostly Eastern. The majority of the local eggs coming In grade poor. There was a good demand for strictly fresh ranch stock which was held at S3 cents. Butter was firm at the previous day's ad vance. Receipts of butter were 177 boxes. Fruit Prices Generally Are. Firm. The fruit market was fairly well supplied, ths demand was good and prices generally were Arm. This was especially the case with peaches, which cleaned up well. Cali fornia Crawfords were advanced to itOe$l and the best Oregons sold at 75e(g$l. A mixed car of Alberta peaches and seedless grapes Is due today. A car of cantaloupes Is also due. Watermelons declined to cents loose and 1 H cents crated. Cherries -were In good supply except Lamberts, which trere quoted Arm at DIO cents. Logan berries were also firm and generally held at 11 per crate. New York Hop Crop Conditions. New York hop crop conditions are report ed by the Watervllle Times of July 24 as follows: Some good soaking rains followed by days of sunshine have proved benencial to the hop crop In this vicinity and the yards are In excellent condition. The indications now are for a crop a little below the average as to quantity but A-No. 1 as to quality. Bank Clearings. Clearing, of the Northwestern cities yes terday were as follows: Olearines. "Balances. Portland Seattle , Tacoma Spokane R2S.H1S S SM.OS3 l.-'rlt.l'l lf4..t'l firt3.1S5 41.3l 71)7.239 114,442 PORTLAND MARKETS. Hoard of Trade (jrnln Quotations. WHEAT Track prices: club. 85c per bushel: forty-fold. K7c; red Russian, 83c; blue.tem. SOo: Valley, !itte. FLOUR Patents. 14. SJ per barrel; straights. S4 .054 4.55: exports, S3. 70; Val ley, S4.45; i,-ack graham. S4.40; whole wheat. S4.65; rye, J6.50. BARLEY Feed 23 50 per ton; rolled. S2(if:27; brewing. S26. MlLLSTl KrS Bran, $28 00 per ton; mid dlings, $30.50; shorts, country. 2e.50; city. 2S; V S. Mill chop. S22. OATS No. 1 white. $2t50 per .on; gray. : , HAY Thnithy. Willamette Valley. 14 per ton; Willamette Valley, onllnary. SI I: Eastern Oregon. $1V50; mixed, S13; alfalfa, SU; alfalfa meal. (20. QQ LARGE Vegetables and Fruit. FRESH 1'RUITS Apples, new California, $1.50 per box: cherries. 4(S110e per lb.; apri cots. SI ft 1. 10 per crate; Oregon peaches. 75ci$1.0o box; California Crawfords, POctr SI per crate: prunes. SI 81 1.25 per crate; Harriett pears, SI. 75 per box: plums, 90c per box; currants, ltic per pound. BERRIES Raspberries. $191.10 per crate; loganberries. $1.00 per crate; black caps. $2: blackberries, $1.2561.50. TROPICAL FR11TS oranges. Mediter ranean sweets. $U73.73 per box: Valencia dates. $4i 4 25 per box; lemons, fancy. $59 6 50 per box; choice. S4.50&5; standard. $2 per box: grepefruit. ch.:ce to fancy. $3.50 per box: b.tnanas. 3!ejd per pound POTATOES Now California, 4 1.50 per 100 pounds; new Oregon, $1.2591.50 per 100 pound; old Oregon, Sue per loo pounds. MELONS Cantaloupes, $2-75 $3 per crate; watermelons, llVic per pound. ONIONS California red, $1.25 per sack; Walla Walla. $1.50; garlic, 10c per pound. ROOT VEGETABLES Turnips. $1.50 per sack; carrots. $1.75; parsnips. $1.75; beets. $1-50. VEGETABLES Beans, 7c per pound; cabbage, 2c per pound : corn. 30c per doz. ; cucumbers, hothouse, 35 40c per dozen ; outdoor, $ 1 . 00 per box ; egg plants, 17 H c per poun d ; lettuce, head. 1 5c per dozen; parsley, 13c per dozen; peas, 4c per pound; peppers, 10c per pound; radishes, 12--2C per dozen; rhubarb, l2c per pound; spinach. 2c per pound; tw matoes, Oregon, $1(3 1.10 per crate; Callfor nla, $11.25 per crate; celery, $1.25 dos.; ar tichokes, 75c doz. Dairy and Country Produce. ECTTER Extras, 27ic per pound; fancy, 23c; choice, 20c; store, 18c. EGGS Oregon candled, 2425c; East ern. 22 23c per dozen. CHEESE Fancy cream twins, 14c per pound; full cream triplets, 14Vsc; full cream, Young America, 15Vc. POULTRY Mixed chickens, 12 c lb.; fancy hens, 13c ; roosters, y 10c ; Spring. 17c; ducks, old,' 12c; Spring. 14c; geese, old. 6c; goslings, 10llc; turkeys, old, IS 19c; young. 2U & 24c. VEAL Extra, 8Sc per lb.; ordinary, T&7Vc; heavy, 5c. PORK Fancy. 77Hc per lb; prdlnary, $c; large. 5c MUTTON Fancy, 7 9c Provisions. HAMS 10 to 13 lbs., 17c; 14 to 16 lbs., lec; 28 to 20 lbs., lt$M?c; hams, skinned, ltfc; picnics, 11c; cJltage roll, 12c; shoul ders, 12c; boiled ham, 24c; boiled picnic, 10c. BACON Fancy. 23 He per lb.; standard. 10Lc; choice, Ift'.ic; EnglUh. 17 He; strips. 15c. DRY ALT CURED Regular short clears, dry salt. 1130, smoked, 12Vc; short clear backs, dry salt, 12c; smoked, 13Vc; Ore gon exports, bellies, dry salt, 13 &c, smoked, 14 fcc LARD Kettle rendered: Tierces, 13V4c; tubs, 13 He; 50s, 13Vc; 20s, 13 c; 10s, 14c; 5s, 14 sc; as, 14c. Standard, pure: Tierces, 12 -4 c ; tubs. 12 i c; 5Us, 1- H c ; 2us, 12Hc; 10s, 13c; 5s, 13Vc Compounds: Tierces, bttc; tubs, 8-fcc; 30s, bc; 20s, STe; 10s, wc; 5s, 9-c. SMOKED BEEF Beet tongues, each. 70c ; dried beef sets, ltic ; dried beef out sides, 15c; dried beef inaides, l&c; dried beef knuckles, ISc PICKLED GOODS Barrels; Pigs' feet. $13; regular tripe, $10; honeycomb tripe, $12; pits tongues. $ly.0; lambs' tongues, $25; S. P. beef tongues, $20; pig snouta. $12.50; pig ears, $12.50. MESS MEATS Beef, specials, $13 per barrel; plate, $14 per barrel; family. $14 per barrel; pork, $24 per barrel; brisket. S23 per barrel. Groceries, -Dried fruits. Etc DRIED Fit U ITS Apples, 7 He per pound; peaches, ll&12Hc; prunes, Itaiian, 50Vic; prunes, French, 3 5c; currants, unwashed, cases, &Wc; currants, washed, cases, 10c; figs, white, fancy, 50-pound boxes, 6V4c. COFFEE Mocha, 242&c; Java, ordinary 17g2Mc; Costa Rica, fancy, 18p20c; good, ltilsc; ordinary, 12 , loc per pound; Co lumbia Roast, 14c; Arbuckie, $10.50; Lion, $1575 RICE Southern Japan. Dc; head. 8c; Imperial Japan, 6c bALMON Columbia River, 1-pound tails, $2 per dozen; 2-pound talis, $2.95; 1-pound (lata, $2 10; Alaska pink, 1-pound tails. 95c; red, l-pound talis, $1.45; sod-eyes, 1-pound tails. $2. SUGAR Granulated, $6.23; extra C. $5.73; golden C, $5.05; fruit and berry sugar, $0.25; plain bag. $0.05; beet granulated, $0-05; cube barrels), $0.05; powdered (barrels), $0.50. Terms: On remittance) within lo days deduct 4c per pound; it later than 15 days, and within 30 days, deduct c per pound. Maple sugar, 15 42180 per pound. NL'Ta Walnuts, lOiflSc per pound by sack; Brazil nuts, 10c; filberts, 16c; pecans, 10c; almonds. 184 13c; chestnuts, Ohio, 25c; peanuts, raw, tt5i 8Vc per pound; roasted, 10c; pinenuts, 10&12c; hickory nuts, luc; cocoanuts, 90c per dozen. SALT Granulated, $14.50 per ton, $2 per bale; half grouua. "100s, $10 per ton; 5 us,. iu.ju per ion. BEANS Small white, 5c; large white, 53ic; pink, 4c; bayou, 4c; Lima, ttc; Mexi can red, 43fec. HONES: Fancy, $3.503.73 per box. CEREAL FOODS Rolled oats, cream. 90 pound sacks, per barrel, $7; lower grades, $5.5O(1.30; oatmeal, steel-cut. 43 -pound sacks, $S per barrel; 9-lb. sacks, $4.25 per bale; split peas, per 100 pounds, $4.2&&4-S0; pearl barley, $4.50 5 per 100 lbs.; pastry flour, lu-pound sacks, $2.75 per bale; flaked wheat. $2.73 per case. GRAIN BAGS each. Hops, Wool. Hides, Eta. HOPS 1!07. prime and choice,, 4 3c per. pound; olds,. 2'2 too. per pound; con tracts, 910c. WOOL, Eastern Oregon, average beet, lD ltHc per pound, according to shrinkage; Valley, 1S15VC- MOHAiH cnolce, lS18c per pound. HIDES Dry hides. No. 1, 14c pound; dry kip. 2o 1. 13c pound; dry salted, one-third less; dry calf, 15c pound; salted steers, 8c pound; salted cows, tic pound; stags and bulls, 4c pound; kip. tic pound; calf, lullc pound; green stock. 1c less; sheepskins, shearlings, 10&2oc; short wool, 8o4Uc; medium and long wool, accoiding to qual ity. oO 00c; dry horses. 0Oc&l.o0; dry colt, 25c; angora. oUcSl; goat, common. 1041 20c. FUKS No. 1 skins. Bear ' skins, as to size, No. 1, each. S5.0010; cubs, each. SI 9 B; badger, prime, each, 25QjUc; cat, wild, with head perfect, 30 50c; house. 520c; fox, common gray, large prime, each, 40 9 60c red, each, So5; cross, each, S5l&;. silver ard black, eaoti. S100oO0; ushers, tach, SoQiS; each, 4.504fU; mink, strictly No. 1, each, according to size, SI Q 8; marten, dark northern, according to size and color, each, $1015; marten, pale, ac cording to size and color, each, S2.50G4; muskrat. large, each. 12(9 15c; skunk, each. B0 u 40c; civet or polecat, each, 513c; otter, for uirge. prime skin, each, 610; panther, with head and claws perfect, each, raccoon, for prime large, each. 50Q75c; wolf, mountain, with head perfect, each, (3.50(3 5.00; prairie (coyote). 60cL.10; wolverine, each, SO 8.00. CASCARA BAHK New, 3"ic; carloads, 4c; old, 4c; carloads, 4c per pound. Coal OH. Unseed OU. Eta. KEFINKD OILS Water while. Iron bar rels. 104c; wood barrels, 14 Vic pearl oil. cases. 18c; head light, iron barrels, 12Hc; cases, lajc; wood barrels. 10HC Eocene. caes. 21c. Special W. W.. Iron barrels, 14c; wood, barrels. ISc. Elaine, cases, 28c Extra star, cases, 21c. GASOLINE V. M. and P. naphtha. Iron barrels. 121ic; cases. l4jc. Ked Crown gasoline, iron barrels, ' lCVsc; cases, 224c; motor gasoline, iron barrels, lSVsc; cases, 22V,c; 80 gasoline. Iron barrels, 30c: cases, 37 c. No 1 engine distillate, iron barrels, 0c; cases, 14c. LINSEED OIL Raw. barrels. Sic; boiled, barrels, 53c; raw. ca?ea. 57c; boiled, cases, 59c. OIL CAKB MEAL Ton lots, 31. Lumber. ROUGH Dimensions, Sx4 to 14x14 to S2 feet, $0; 34 to 40, $10; 42 to' 50. $12; 52 to 60. $15: 1x8 to 1x12 rough. $10, 2x3 to 2x12. incl., 10 to 24 sized random, $!; 1x4 com. sis., $0; 1x8 com. sM.. $ll; cull. 1x6 and wider, sis. $S; cull. 1x4. sis.. $5; cull. 2x4 to 2x12 sized, $6; ship lap, com., $11; cedar, com., $11. FLOORING 1x4, No. 1 V. G., $27: No. 2 V. G., $22; No. 3. $14; No. 2 slash. $18; 1x6 slash.' $18: l-inch flooring. $4 extra. KUST1C lx and 1x8 No. 1, $25; No. 2 V or chan, $18; No. 2 special pattern, $20; No. 3, all patterns. $14. CEILING 1x4 and 1x6. No. 1, $25: No. 2. $18: No. 3. $12: 1x3. No. 2. $16; No. S. $12; a-lncJi. $2 le.-s. FINISH Up to 12-Inch. No. 1. $26: No. 2. 1 $L1i; No. S. $14. I r.1 I 1.-.VJ i, .V i.-ivn, A, eoA, 40. I. $28: No. 3. $15. LATH lVs-lnch. $2: 114-Inch. $1.75. MOULDINGS 2 inches wide and unfler. per linear foot. lc; over 2 Inches) In width, per linear foot, each inch In widths ic. DOOR JAMBS, casings, etc., $30; eurfar eg. $1 extra. Freeh Fish and Shell Fish. FISH Halibut. 5c lb.; black cod. 8c; black bass. 2oc; striped bass, 18c; herring. $ic; flounders. 6c; catfish, 11c; shrimp. l-'ic- perch. 7c: sturgeon. 121ac: sea trout. 15c" torn cod. 10c; salmon, fresh. SfcVc; smelt. 7c; shad. S'r4c. OYSTERS Sboalwater ' Bay, per gallon. $-25- pr eaek. $4.50; Toke Point. $1.60 per lui): Olympias U20 lbs.). $4; ( Olympias. per CLAMS Little neck, per box, $2.50; raaor clams. $2 per box. - Dairy Produce In the East, CHICAGO. July 29. On the Produce Ex change today the butter market waa easy. Creameries. 1SB21C: dairies. 17&20C. Eggs Firm; at mark, cases included, 14V, 4J15c: flrstn. 171,0: rrime firsts, 20c. Cheese Strong; llfrrlSo. NEW YORK. July 29. Butter, changed. Cheee Easy.' unchanged. v Eggs Firm, unchanged. dull, un New York Cotton Market. NEW " YORK. July 29. Cotton futures opened steady at unchanged prices to an ad vance of 2 points and closed steady, net 1 point higher to S points lower. Snot closed quiet: mid. uplands, 10.70c; mid. Gulf, 10.95c Sales, none. DEMAND PULLS OFF Prices of Both Stocks and Bonds Suffer. SPECULATIVE TONE HEAVY Free Selling Orders Above Market Prevent Any Possibility of Ad--v a nee Waning Interest in Gould Affairs. NEW YORK, July 29. Interest In the stock market became apathetic today and there was a material contraction In the volume of busi ness. The speculative tone at the same time was heavy. Early attempts to advance prices soon demonstrated that stocks were being supplied to meet the bids at the advanced prices. This supply of stocks diminished at a moderate recession and left the market in a dull and sluggish condition. There was rift encouragement to bid up prices with the obstacle to be met of free selling orders above the market. On the other hand, there was no such urgency In the selling as to encour age the bear party to push prices down. The passing of several events which have been looked forward to were partly accounta ble for the neglected condition of the market. With these various items of news out of the way, the market showed its usual desire for new factors to point the next step in the speculation. The day's hews did not supply this factor. Some disturbing effect was produced by the confused reports circulated early in the day of a reported serious automobile accident to W. K. Vanderbilt., Some recovery followed when the reports were known to refer to a mishap in which the capitalist had not been involved. There was some waning of Interest in the rumors concerning the adjustment in the af fairs of the Gould rallroda properties in con nection with the $8,000,000 Wheeling & Lake Erie notes falling due in August. The steps to be taken to meet this obligation were made a mystery ot, and the Information consisted of rumors that bankers were in consultation over the details of the plan. With th. decline in activity la stocks there has come a languishing in the interest in the bond market which was made the cause of some puzzled complaints on the part of the bond dealers. The new output of bonds has been sufficient apparently to supply the pres ent demand. The prices at which bankers hold the new issue also is held by bond deal ers to be unduly high. The new Central Pa cific first refunding 4s, ' when issued, are be ing dealt in on the curb and have dropped to below the price at which they were taken from the bankers, thus duplicating the ex perience with the Unloon Pacific refunding 4s. The strength ' of the metal markets gave strength to the copper Industrials. The ir regular fluctuations continued throughout. Bonds were steady. Total sales, par value, $3,080,000. United States bonds were un changed on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Sales. 40,800 1.300 High. 75 SVi Amal Copper . . . Am Car & Foun do preferred . . 73', 74 38 y, 1T 27 53 H '- 10714 86 "45 861, 39 102 33 20 V4 27 10 53 105 88 106 13 95 24 46 86 ' 83 83 93 84 51 1711 27 96 200 42 6 158 140 55 32 32 1 51 138 18 166 , 27 64 35 24 40 Am Cotton Oil.. 200 33TS Am Hd & Lt pf. 100 184 Am Ice Securi.. 2UO 27?i Am Linseed Oil. Am 'Locomotive.. 2,800' 6414 do preferred Am Smelt St Ref. 28,500 S8 do preferred loo 107 15 Am Sugar Ref.. 600 130 Am Tobacco pf . . 200 86 Am Woolen Anaconda Mln Co 8.700 4614 Atchtaon 300 8714 do preferred . . . Atl Coast Line. Bait & Ohio 0,800 8414 83 do preferred Brook Ran Tran. 5.800 52 60 Canadian Pacific.. 900 170 170 Central Leather.. 7oo 281s 27 do preferred Central of N J Ches & Ohio Chi Gt Western. Chicago & N W.. C, M & St Paul. C. C. C & St L. . 700 200 1.000 42 424 ' 158 Kl 14 "31 32- tilV, 52 138 18 IBS 27 158 14 9,700 141 Colo Fuel Iron. l.BnO 3414 Colo & Southern.. 600 82 i, do 1st preferred. 200 til 'v, do 2d preferred. 100 52 Consolidated Gas.. 700 130 Corn Product ... 7,600 184 Del & Hudson 100 166 D R Grande ... 400 2714 do preferred Distillers' Securi.. 700 3514 3514 Erie 15.300 25 2414 do 1st preferred. 800 4014 40 do 2d preferred. 800 3014 28 General Electric. 100 145 145 Gt Northern pf.. B.400 13B14 135 Gt Northern Ore.. 12.100 69 6814 Illinois; Central .. 1,500 14114 140 Interborough Met. 800 11 14 11 do preferred ... 800 31 u, 30 Int Paper 300 10 1014 do preferred Int Pump Iowa Central K C Southern ... 1,100 25 25 do preferred Louis & Nashville 400 109 108 Mexican. Central ..... Minn & St Louis 29 140 ',4 136 68 141 11 31 10 56 23 17 23 56 108 14 28 114 64 30 63 70 107 41 73 66 141H4 26 124 80 75 .12 156 44 117 20 73 17 3.1 26 15 40 61 92 118 19 48 25 1, 23 4 15.1 82 28 96 108 S8 24 102 13 27 76 66 8 21 M. 8t P & S S M. 1.100 115 Missouri Pacific. 4.700 5414 113 5214 30 '70 106 41 73 66 1411 U 25 124 85 '32 18V4 44 117 20 73 17 33 2B 17 40 61 91 118 IB 49 36 25 23 49 12 83 28 Mo. Kan & Texas 4.100 31 do preferred National Lead ... 2.100 71'i N Y Central 7.800 1074 N Y. Ont & West. 1.700 41 Norfolk west., i.too 74 North American .. 500 66 Northern 1'sclDC. 6,tSOO 1419, Puclflc Mall .:... 10O 261J Pennsylvania S.7'iO 124'4 People's Gas 200 8614 P. c C St L Pressed Steel Car 800 32 Pullman Pal Car inn 16814 Ry Steel Spring.. 100 45 u, Reading . . .' 49.000 118 Republic Steel ... 50 21 do preferred ... i.rtou Rock Ieland Co.. 300 17 do preferred ... 4.4" 34 St L & S F 2 pf . 400 26 St L Southwestern 100 174 do preferred ... Ron 40;4 Sloss-ShefTleld .... 2O0- 6214 Southern Pacific - 16.300 91 do preferred ... zoo 118 Southern Railway. 2.800 1814 do preferred ... ion 49 Tenn Copper 2.000 3714. Texas Pacific. 600 25 Tol. St L & West. 100 23 do preferred ..... 200 49 Union Pacific .... T8.800 154 do preferred 100 83 TJ S Rubber do 1st preferred. . . 300 28 TJ S Steel do preferred ... rtah Conner . '.000 45 44 5.100 109 4.400 39 'V.70O 102' 6.900 131, Va-Caro Chemical. no preferred - . . . Wabash do preferred . . . Westinghouse Elec Western Union Wheel L- Erie. Wisconsin , Central. 102 12 loo 20O 78 T8 8 200 21 14 21 Total sales for the day. 443.700 sharea. '. BONI?S ' NEW YORK. July 29. Closing quotations: L". S. ref. 2reg.l03'N Y C G 3s.. 91 do coupon". .. .103: North Pacific 3s. 72 V S. 3s reg 100 ; North Pacific 4s. 102 do counon. .. .100 'South Pacific 4s. 86 U S new 4s reg.120 Union Pacific 4s. 101 do coupon. .. .122 (-wiscon cent 4S. 83 Atchison adj 4a. K01 (Japanese 4s. 79 D K (i 4S... l - Stock at London. LONPON. July 29. consols for money. 87; do for account. 87.' Anaconda ... 9.87iN. Y. Central. 110.50 AtchUon 89.50 jNorflk 4 Wes 76.O0 do pref 85 50 ! do pref. 83 00 Bait & Ohio." 95 7.1 lOnt West.. 43.00 Can Pacific. .175.37iPennsylvanla. 64.00 Ches & Ohio. 44.12Rand Mines.. 6.12 Chi Grt West 7.2.1 jReadlng 60.82 C. M. s. f.144.70 iaoutnem ity.. 19.62 De Beers 10.621 do nref 50.OO D 4 R. G. ...28.M South Pacific. 94.62 do pref. ..." 66.23 Union Pacific. 157.87 do pref 86. OO U. 8. Steel.... 46.12 Erie 24 75 do 1st pf . . 42.10 do - 2d pf . . 28.30 Grand Trunk 18.37 no prei tit. 70 Wabash 13.00 do pref 27.00 I III Central... 145.00 i , at is iii.'" spanisn s. . . . 92.75 Mo K & T... 31.37'Amal Copper. 76.87 Money F.xchange. Etc NEW YORK. July 29. Money on call easy, llrlH per cent: ruling rate. 1 per cent; closing bid, 1 per cent;, offered at 1 per cent. Time loans, dull but strong; 60 days, 2 per cent; 90 days, 2& per cent; six months, 4 per cent. Prims mercantile paper, 4C5 per cent. Sterling exchange firm, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.6690 for demand and at $4.85404.8650 for 60-day bills. Commercial bills, $4.&43i$4.85. Bar sliver, B2c Mexican dollars, 45c. Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds, steady. LONDON", July 29. Bar silver, steady, 24 d per ounce. Money, 1-3 percent. " . The rate of discount In the open market for short bills to lhi per cent; do. three months' bills. 11 per cent. SAN FRANCISCO, July 29. Silver bars, 32T,c- Mexican dollars, nominal. Drafts Sight, 10c; telegraph. 12c. Sterling exchange. $4.85; sight, $4.87 Daily Treasury Statement. "WASHINGTON, July 29. Today's state- ment of the Treasury shows: Available cash balance... $203,379,502 Gold coin and bullion 40.130.774 Gold certificates 80,527,100 SEATTLE PRODUCE FIRMER EGG AND CHEESE PRICES TEND UPWARDS. Light Pack of Red Alaska Salmon Expected and Five-Cent Ad vance Is Ixioked For. SEATTLE, wash.. July 29. (Special.) Ranch eggs were shoved up one cent today to 31 cents for the best. The supply is limited at that price. Cheese Is much firmer and an advance Is expected before tho end, of the week. Higher prices In the East and a stronger market In Oregon are the causes of the strength here. Blackberries sold as high ar $2.75 today, this being the highest price of the season. Owing to the high prices commission men have scoured contiguous territory for stocks. Heavy shipments are expected Detore tr.e end of the week. Reports from Southwestern Alaska re ceived here today seem to confirm the ru mors that the Alaska duck win m ngni this season. A New York firm today sent an offer of $1.25 for 2C00 cases of red Alaska salmon. The trade here is Inclined to believe that the opening prices on Alas ka salmon will be at least five cents higher than last year. Wheat was more active here today. Ex porters are preparing to begin active buy ing la Eastern Washington. QUOTATIONS ATSAJ FRANCISCO. Prices Paid for Produce) In the Day City Markets. SAN FRANCISCO, July 29. The follow ing prices were quoted In th produce mar ket today: . Mlllstuffs Bran, $28331; middlings, S32.50S35. Vegetables Cucumbers, 60976c: garlic, 496c: preen peas, 23e; string beans, 3 6c; asparagus, 6910c; tomatoes, 50 Sue; eggplant. 75c $1. Butter Fancy creamery. 23c; creamery seconds, 22c; fancy dairy, 20c; dairy seconds, 20c. Cheese New, 10811c; Young America, 12913c. ' Eggs Store. 25c; fancy ranch, 27e; Poultry Roosters, old. e3.60(&4.3u; root era, young, $698; broilers. smell, $2,509 $3- broilers. large. $394; fryers. $4,509 5; hens. $5.5CX&5.oO; ducks, old. $495; young, $595.60. wool Spring, Humboldt snd Mendocino, 15lSc; Mountain. 48c: South Plains an Ban Joaquin, 7S9c; Nevada. 912c Hops New and old crops. l9oc; contracts. a2ini Hay Wheat, $14 18; wheat and oats. $12916; airaita, sii'sid.w; wvoca, oviu, straw, per bale, 50 9 75c. nvnita Anniea. choice. $1.15: common. 40c? bananas. $193.50; Mexican limes, $4 85: California lemons, choice, $3.50; common. $1; oranges. navels, $2.6093.60; pineapples. $1.509- Potatoes Early Rose, 7 5 85c ; sweets, 4 4c. Receipts Flour, 8277 quarter sacks; wheat. 3155 centals; oats, 920 centals; potatoes, 2420 sacks: bran, 2400, sacks: middlings, 600 sacks; hay, 730 tons; wool, 82 bales; hides, 2105. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK MARKET. Prices Current locally on Cattle, Sheep and Hogs. The recent heavy arrivals ot lambs have weakened the market and prices were low ret M cents a hundred yesterday. A firm tone continues In the hog market with the demand exceeding the supply. Otherwise prices are steady in the local market. Re ceipts yesterday were 120 cattle, 240 sheep, ion hnsr. 50 calves and 350 lambs. The following prices were current on live stock In the local market yesternay: CATTLE Best steers, $3.6593.83: me dium, $3.5093.75: common, $3.2593.50; cows, best, $2.50 9 2.75; medium, $225 9 2.30; PAlVM. S4 IE 5. SHEEP Best wethers, $3.50; mixed, $3.26 9$3.50; ewes, $3; Spring lambs, $494.50. HOGS Best, $6.5096.75; lights, $5.7596 Blockers, $3.60 9 5.75. Eastern Livestock Markets. CHICAGO. July 29. Cattle Receipts, about 4000; market, steady. Beeves, $3.90 1 80: Texans. $3.60e5.40: Westerns, $3,800 5.80; stockers and feeders, $2-50 -I 4.1 ; cows and heifers. $1.855.8U: calves, $3.73r08.23. Hogs Receipts, l7,oou; market, Dc nigner. Lieht. $3.706.65: mixed. $5.90(3)6.75 : heavy, S.I ft0if6.70: rough. $3.90426. 50: nigs. S5.209 6.00; good to choice heavy, $6.506.75; bulk of sales. $6.10416.25. .v-neen Kecemts. zu.utw: msrxei. sieaay- Natlves. $2.6084.63: Westerns, $2.754.70: yearlings. $4.506570; Iambs. $4.506.55 westerns. S4.5tltii 6.80. (IUAHA. ,iu y ZH. iairie neceiprs. iwu market, steady to stronger; native steers, S4.25ia5.50: cows end heifers. $2.i5oio; Western steers. $3-50' 5.50; Texas steers. $3 4 65: cows and heifers. S2.50'a 4.55: can- ners. S2ffi2.85: stockers and feeders, $2.75S 4.80: calves. $366.50; bulls and stags. $2.50 (014.30. Hogs Kecelpts. ozuv; marxer. . iiiuc hleher Heavv. $8.1541 6.35: . mixed. S. 10M 6.15; light. $6.05 6.15; pigs, $3.30(36; bulk Of sales, $o.lo76.lo. Sheen Receipts, zaoo; market, steady. Yearlings, $4.255: wethers. $3.854.40 aw as, $3.264.65; lambs, so tro.oo. KANSAS CITY, July 29. Cattle Receipts 6000. includlnc 200O Southerns: market. steady to strong. Native steers. $4.50 5: southern steers. xj.uo(a4.tu: boutn ern cows. $23.50; native cows and heir ers. $25.75; stockers and feeders. $34.S0 bulla S2.50I&4: calves. $3.506.25: West ern steers, $3.75 5.26; Westers cows, $2.50 CJ3.73. Hoars Recelnts. 7000: market. 5e high er; bulk of sales, $6.356.55; heavy, $6.30 4DS.73: packers and butchers. $6.35S6.55 light, $6.306.45; packers and butchers, $6.356.55; light, $6 2046.45; pigs, $4.5047 5.50. Sheen Reeeiots. 5000: market. strong. Muttons, $4!6: lambs, $3.50-94 75; range wethers, $3.75 4.40; fed ewes, $3,256 4-23. Eastern Mining Stocks. BOSTON. July 29. Closing quotations: Adventure ..$ 7.50 IParrot ....... 28 50 Alloues 34.00 loulncy 97.00 Amalgamated 74.62 Shannon 15.12 Atlantic 15.75 :TamaraclC ... 77.00 Bingham ... 75 ITrinity 14.87 Cal & Hecla.663.oo unitea copper 6.75 Centennial .. 27.50 IU. S. Mining.. 41.75 Copper Range 77.21 I IT. S. Oil 23.75 Daly west... 10.50 I Utah 47.00 Franklin 1 1.17 Victoria 6 00 Granby 10.1.00 Winona 6.87 Isle Royale.. 24.62 W'olverlne ...140 00 Mass Mining. 74 00 INorth Butte.. 27.12 Michigan 12 .10 I Nevada 14.12 Mohawk .... 65.-'U leal a- Arlx. . . 121.00 Mont. C C .77 Aris Com.... 21.23 Old Dominion 89.37 Greene Can... 1125 Osceola 107.00 I NEW YORK, July 29. Closing quotations: Alice ..265 ILeadtrtlle Con... 8 Breece 5 Little Chief . 8 Brunswick Con. 5 iMexlcan 80 Com Tun stock. 23 (Ontario 400 do bonds 17 lOphir 230 C. C Va 82 !SmalI Hopes 18 Horn Slfver 50 I Standard 180 Iron. Silver 95 I Yellow jacket... 23 Metal Markets. NEW YORK, July 29. Another advance was reported in the London tin market, with spot quoted at 137 10s and futures at 137 15s. Locally the market was dull and unchanged at 803O.5Oc Copper was 5s higher at 5 Tis for spot and 60 for futures In the London market. The local market was steady with Lake quoted at 1391325c; electrolytic, 12.S7HO 13c. and cast Ins; at 12.824 12.75c. Lead advanced to 13 3s ltd in London. The local market was firm and a shade hia-her on the average at 4.47H 4.52c. Spelter was unchanged at lf 2s 6d in, London. The local market was firm and un changed at 4t.A04.66c. Iron was unchanged locally. T Previous Rumors of Blight Are Confirmed. CAUSES STRONG MARKET Active Covering by Shorts in Chicago Pit at Advancing Prices Hot Weather Sends Up Corn and Oats. CHICAfiO. .Tiilv ?9. The wheat market was firm all day. but the greatest strength develoDed ' late In the seedon. when shorts covered freely owing to the receipt of nu merous reports 'confirming previous rumors or black rust in the Dakotas. several or the leading commission houses were active buyers all day. Early in the session the market was strengthened Dy reports or not eather in the Northwest, and by ngnter acceptances from the country. The market closed Btrong. with prices aimcst at me top point. September opened unchanged to c lower at 89c to 8c, advanced to 80 c, and closed at 90 c. The corn market was strong the entire ay, particularly the new crop months. hlch were In active demand by commis sion houses and shorta Dry, hot weather throughout a ma -lor portion of the corn belt was chiefly responsible for the bullish sentiment. September opened unchanged to o higher at 7..c to 74c, sold orr to line. and then advanced to 74 c. The close was at 73 w 73 c. Scorching weather in the Northwest and small local receipts caused a strong mar ket for oats. An advance of 1 to 2 cents in the 1,'rice of the cash grain was a bul lish factor. September opened c to c igher at 43c to 44c. advanced tc 44T4C. and closed at 44 c. Provisions were strong. The feature was the purchase" of l.OOO.Ooo pounds of Septem- hee rlhs nv a local DacKer. At me clove September pork was up 10c. lard was 7c higher and ribs were 10c nigner. The leading zuturre rangea as louuws: WHEAT. US DAKOTAS Open. High. Low. Close. July $ .89 $ .811 .80 $ .89 September ... .88 .90 .89 .90 Dec, new .. .91 .92 .91 .92 Dec. old ... .91 .92 .81 .82 CORN. Julv 76 .76 .75 .75 September ... .73 .74 .73 .73 December ... .60 .61 . -1 May 60 t' 60 .60 .60 OATS. July, old ... .63 .53 .52 .63 July, new .. .52 .53 .62 .6.1 September'... .43 . .44 .43 .44 December ... .43 .44 .43 .43 MESS PORK. September ...15.60 15.65 15.52 15.62 October 15.65 15.67 15.57 15.67 LARD. September ... 9 42 8.43 8.40 0.45 October 8.52 8.55 - 9.50 8.65 SHORT RIBS. September ... 8.87 892 8.85' 8 92 October . 8.92 9.00 8.92 9.00 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Steady. Wheat No. 2 Spring. $1.1.1ffl.l5; No. 8, $1.021.14; No. 2 red. 90e93c. Corn No. 2, 7676c; No. 2 yellow. 7 77c. Oats No. 2. 5Sc; No. 2 white, 64c; No. 3 white, 50ig3c. Barley Fair to choice malting, 6861c. Flaxseed- No. 1 Northwestern, $1.27. , Short ribs Sides (loose). $8.80(68.90. Mess pork Per barrel, $15. 56(1 5. 60. Lard Per 100 pounds. $9.37. ' Sldeo Short clear (boxed), $8.87(R9.00. Whisky Basis of high wines, $1.35. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels ... 43.000 14.000 Wheat, bushels . . Corn, bushels . . . , Oats, bushels .... Rye, bushels ..... ...413,000 ...229.600 ...264.000 . .. 8.00O . .. 64,000 95.000 372.000 168.000 9. COO -2,000 .Barley, bushels .. Grain and Produce aX New York. NEW YORK. July 29. Flour Receipts. 22,- 800 barrels; exports, 3300 barrel. Steady, with a moderate demand. Wheat Receipts. 89,000 bushele; spot mar ket steady: No. 2 red. 88c$1.00 elevator and $1.00 f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 Northern Duluth, $1.22 f. o. b. -afloat; No. 2 hard Winter. $1.01 f. o. b. afloat. A black rust scare struck the wheat market today and advanced prices a full cent. Shorta covered vigorously. There was also a fair. export in quiry and talk of lighter Southwestern re ceipts. Last prices showed lc net rise. July closed at $1.00; September, 984c; De cember, $1.00. Hops Dull. Hides Firm. Wool Steady. Petroleum Steady. Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, July 29. Wheat firm. Barley Easier. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping. $1.571.62; milling, $1.6561.70. Barley Feed. $1.32 1.3? ; brewing, nom inal. Oats Red. $1.351.50; white, 1.40al.52 gray. $1.401.50. Call board sales: Wheat May. $1.65 bid; December. $1.61 asked, $1.60 bid. Barley December, $1.36ffl.87. Corn Large yellow, $1.851.90. European Grain Markets. LONDON. July 29. Cargoes, quiet but steady. Walla Walla, prompt shipment at 37s: California, prompt shipment, at 37s 6d. Engjlah country markets, 6d cheaper; French country markets, quiet. LIVERPOOL, July 29. Wheat July, nom inal; September. 7s 2d; December, 7s 2d, Weather, fine. Wheat at Taconus. TACOMA. July 29. Wheat Oulet. un changed. Bluestem. 87c; club, 85c; red, 83c. Dried Fruit at Mew York. NEW YORK. July 29. The market for evaporated apples Is quiet. Fancy are quoted at 1010c: choice, 8S9c; prime, 69c common to fair, 56c Prunes are fairly active, with quotations ranging from Sc to 13c for California and from 6c to 7c for Oregon fruit, the latter up to 3O-40S. Apricots are moderately active, with choice quoted at 89c; extra choice. 9S!10c fancy. 10'llc. Peaches are firmer in tone, with Coast hold ers showing a tendency to advance their prices. In the local market choice are quoted ' at 8 8c; extra choice, 939o; fancy, 1010c; extra fancy. 10tfllc. Raisins continued dull, with loose muscatels quoted at 44J6c: choice to fancy seeded, 6477c; seedless, 606; London layers, $1.25 i 1 Coffee and 8ngar. NEW YORK, July 29. Coffee futures closed net unchanged to 6 points higher. Sales, 20, 000 bags. Including December 5.0o5.70c; March. B.70c: May, C.75c. Spot coffee quiet; No. T Rio, ec; No. 4 Santos, 8c. Mild dull; Cordova. 9412V3C. Sugar Raw firm; fair refining, 3.75c; cen trifugal. 06 test, 4.25c; molasses sugar. 8.45 8.50c. Refined steady; crushed, 6.00c; pow dered, 5.40c; granulated, 6.30c. Vale Wool Sells at Advance. VALE. Or, July 29. (Special.) Eieman A Co., of Boise, representing Boston peo ple, purchased 26.000 pounds of wool this week from Cummins. of Westfall. The wool was stored in tne Vale Trading Com pany warehouse at Vale. The price paid was 13c, which Is c higher than was of fered at the wool sale here in June. Wool at St. Louis. ST., LOUIS, July 20. Wool, steady, ritory and Western, medium, 1&318c; Ter flne medium, IPgloe: fine. PriSc. Heat Causes One Death. CHICAGO. July 29. With the thermom eter early this afternoon, standing at S5, Ladd & Tilton Bank PORTLAND, OREGON Established 1859. Oldest Bank on Capital fully paid - - - $1,000,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits $500,000.00 OFFICERS W. M. Ladd, President. Edward Cookingham, Vice-Pres. W. H. Dunckley, Cashier. Interest paid on time deposits and savings accounts. Accounts of banks, firms, corporations and individuals solicited. We are prepared to furnish depositors every facility consistent with good banking. SAN FRANCISCO & PORTLAND STEAMSHIP CO. FIRST CLASS FARE $10 tans sa-n, J InrI,,4-l nmas Sat! Upper Deck $15.00 Second Class $5.00 S. S. ROSE CITY Sails From Ainsworth Dock, i. W. RANSOM. Dock A-t., Ainsworth Phone Main 208. Dock. one death, one disappearance and nu merous prostrations due to the heat were reported. John Daizik, who was overcome Dy me heat yesterday, died todiy. Joseph O'Mearx, whose mind had become un balanced by the high temperature and humidity, wandered away from home and the police are searching for him. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Articles of Incorporation. COLUMBIA ELECTRICAL ENGINEER ING COMPANY Incorporator J. E. Kil kenny. Georite L. Epp ana J. . imnu- rlcks; capitalisation. 5C0O. Building Permits. . n. LOVEORBEN To erect a two-story frame building on Capital street; f.2l.0. W. A. RADER To erect a one-story frame building on Ttbbetts. between East Thirtieth and East Thirty-first; 1700. ALBERT LAWSON To erect a two-story frame building on East Twenty-second, be tween East Ash and East Plna: sisou. NINA Jt'DOE To erect a two-story frame building on Moore street, between Vancouver and "Williams avenues; $2000. ' J. PEDERSON To erect a one-aiory- frame building on East Tenth street, be tween Mason ana SKiamore; iwv. J. PACiUET To erect a two-story frame building on East Alder, between East Thir teenth and East Fourteenth; .lpOO. GEORGE H DUrjALU TO ereci a on- story frame building on Patton. between Eighteenth ana Ntneteentn; 2jw. n n coiiLSON To eerct a one-story frame building on East Salmon street, be tween East l wenty-sixtn ana cast iwfuij seventh; $2500. W. J. BVRDAN" To erect a one-story frame building on Marguerite avenue, be tween Villa and Olney; $1500. J. T. ENMS To erect a one-story rrame building on East Nineteenth street, between Alberta ana wygant; fzuuo-. Deaths. LINK At Good Samaritan Hospital. July 2fl. Frank Link, native of Austria, aged 38 years. STEPHENS In Willamette River, July JA. Thetla N. Stephens, native ot Pennsyl vania, agea zu years. AMATO At G Sixth street, July 27. Mike Amato, a native of Italy, aged 7 years. Maxrlag-e licenses. PATTON-BARRINGER Harry L. Patton. 1. city; Frances M. Barrlncer. over 18, city. MASON-HANNA C. F. Mason, Kla math Falls; Emma F. Henna, 23. city. GRUHLKE-BENTLET Herman GruhlKe. 25. cltv; Etta Bentley. 24. city. COMSTOOK-BURGASON A. B. Corn stock. 37. city; Nellie Butgason, 36, city. VEK.R Y-KEl.L i KranK l. verry, tw. city; Ethel Kelly. 19. city. BAKER-BOR1N -Walter H. Baker, 21, Lents; Hazel Borln. 18. city. M CARTNEY-ANDEHSON OeorgO E. McCartney, 24, city; Pearl Anderson, over 17, city. Wedding and visiting cards. W. O. 8ralth t Co.. Washington bldg.. 4th and Waah. Although 16.000 native Christians have been massacred In China In the lat eight years, there have been over 100.000 added to the Protestant mission churches. C. GEE WO The TV ell -Known Reliable CHINESE Root and Herb . DOCTOR Has made a HI- fttudy of roots and herbs, and In that study discovered mnA Im vivlntr to the world his wonderful remedies. NA Mamn.ia-w PniulBl Or DTOM Used H Cares Without Operation, or Without the Aid of the Knife. He guarantees to curs Catarrh, Asthma, Lung, inroai, Vannnnnao KdrvOUl Debility. StOm- ach. Liver, Kidney Troubles; also Lost Man hood. Female Weakness and All Private Diseases. CANCER CURB. Jnst Received from Feklnr. China Safe, Bore and Reliable. IF YOU ARB AF- Fi.irTKn. DON'T DELAY. DELAYS AKH DANGEROUS. If you cannot cal. write for symptom blank and circular. Inclose cents in stamps. CONSULTATION FREE. The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co., I"' St., Cor. Morrison, Portland, Oreron. I lease Mention This Paper. FOR WOMEN ONLY Dr. Sanderson's Compound Sav in and Cotton Root Fills, the best and only reliable remedy for FEMALE TROUBLES AND XKR G U L ARIT1KS . Cure the most obstinate cases in S to 10 days. Price S2 per box. or boxes $5. Sold by druggists everywhere. Address T. J. P1KP.CE. 1S1 First St.. Portland, Oregon. Phone Mala 19M. TO-NIGHT 1 Wfc72?aHFaUIGEEiflt I the Pacific Coast. R. S. Howard, Jr., Asst. Cashier. J. TV. Ladd. Assistant Cashier. Walter M. Cook, Asst. Cashier. .OO Saturday, August 1, 9 A. M. M. J. ROCHE, C. T. A, 14S 3d St, Main 4U-; A xwz. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. Eastern Excursion Rates . August 6, 7, 21, 22. Chicago and return ..$72.50 St. Lcuis and return $67.50 St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Superior, Winnipeg, Port Ar-. thur and Sioux City and re- turn $60.00 Ninety-day Limit Stopovers Allowed. 2 TRAINS DAILY 2 THE ORIENTAL LIMITED THE FAST MAIL For tickets and sleeping-car reser vations call on or address H. Dickson, C. P. and T. A., 122 Third St.. Port land, Or. Tel. Main 680, A 2286. STEAMER LURLINE For Astoria and all beach points. Tickets good to return by train or O. K. & N. steamers. Leaves Taylor-street dock at 7:00 A. M. daily except Sunday. JACOB KAMM, President. rOBTLAND BY., LIGHT A POWER CO. CABS LEAVE. Ticket Office and Waltlnr-Room. First and Alder tttreeta FOR Oregon City 4. 8:S0 A. M-, and avery 80 minutes to and ll eluding; 9 P. M . then 10. 11. P. M. ; last car 12 midnight. Greaham, R rtnr. Eagle Creek, .ta cada, Cazadero. Falrwiew and Trout dale 7:15. 9:15. 11:15 A- M-. 1:13. 8:46. 6:19. 7:25 P. M. FOR VANCOUVER, Ticket office and waitinc-roim Second and Washington atreeta A. M. 8:15'. 8:50, 7:25. -8:00. 8:33. :10. 8:50. 10:80. 11:10. 11.50. P. M. 12:30. 1:10. 1:50. 2:30. S:10. 3:50. 4:80. 5:10. 5:50. 6:30. 7:05, 7:4a 8:15. 9:25, 10:35". 11:45. On Third Monday In Every Month the Last Car Leave, at 1:06 P. M. Daily except Sunday. sXally except Monday- SAX FRANCISCO PORTLAND S. B. CO. Only Direct Steamers and Daylight Sailing:. From Ainsworth Doik. Portland. 9 A. M.: ft. 8. KOM City. Aug. 1, 15. X. S.S. State of California. Aur. 8. 22. From Lombard St., San Francisco, 11 A. M. i S.S. state f California. Aua:. l. to. S.8. Rose City. Aug. 8. 22, etc. J. W. KANSOM. Dock Agent. Main 2rt8 Ainsworth Dock. M. f. ROCHE. Ticket Agent. 142 Sd at. Phone Main 402. A 1401 jiamburg-Jrmerican. WEEKLY SERVICE TO LONDON PARIS HAMBURG GIBRALTAR NAPLES GENOA by Large. Luxurious Twin Screw Eteamere; all modern appointments. 08 Market St. San Francisco, and R. B. Offices In Portland. Agents. North Pacific S. S. Co's. Steamihlp Roanoke and Geo. W. Elder Bail fox Eureka, San Francisco' and j Los Angeles direct every Thursday j at 8 P. M. Ticket office 132 Third St, near Alder. Both phones, M. 1314. H. Yonng, Agent. ' COOS BAY LINE The steamer PANAMA leaves Portland j very Wednesday at 8 P. M. from Oak a treat dock, for North Bend, Mftrahfleld mad Coo Bar point. Freight received till 4 P- j M on dvT of sailing. Paaeenger fare, flrat- j clasa. $10; second-class. $7, including berth j and meals. Inquire city ticket office. Third and Washington streets, or Oak-street dock, i Fast Steamer Cbas. R. Spencer Dally round trip, Astoria and war , lancttnga. leavea foot Washington at. X A. M.; leaves Astoria 2 P. M. ' FARE, 91.00; HEALS, 60c Bunday Excursions 8 A. IX. HMO ROUND TRIP. Phone Main 8619. REGULATOR LINE. Fast Steamer Bailey tiatsert. Round Trips to Th. Dalles Week Days, Ex cept Friday, Leave 7 A. M. Round Trips to Cascade Locks Sunday. Leave u A. M DALLES CITV AJfO CAPITAL CITY Maintain daily service to The Dalles, except ! Bunday, calling- at all way Landings tor Crelg-ht and passeneers. Leave T A. at. Alder-Street Dock. Fhon. Main .14. A Hi. ht''lmminfimaMtfff-- li