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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1908)
IS THE MORXIXG OKEGOXIAX, FRIDAY, JULY 24, I90S. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Andrews, F. V. ft Ca, M 340, S3 Hamilton bl Baker, Alfred A.. 215 Abington bide. Chapin A Herlow, 532 Chamber of Commerce. Compton, J. F., Pac ft A 1848. loo Abington bl Cook. B. S. ft Co , 503 Corbett bids Cruulcr Co., 708-9 Oorbett bide M 785. Goddard, H. W.. Main and A 1743. 110 3d st- Jesnlncs ft Co. Main 188. 208 Oregon Ian. Kinney ft Stampher. 531 -32 Lbr. Ex. M 4430. Lee. M E., room 411 Corbett building. Mall ft Von BorsteL 104 2d at. 392 E Burnside Palmer, H. P., 213 Commercial Club bldg. M 8499. A 2653. Parrlsh. Watkins ft Co., 250 Alder st. Heed, Fields ft Tynan.. Beard of Trade bide Bchalk. Geo. r., 264 Stark st. Main 392. A 392 Sharkey, J. p. ft Co.. 122 Sixth at. Swensson, A. F. ft Co., 253 Washing-ton bl The Oregon Rear Estate Co., 88 Third sl tHolladay Addition.) Veteran Land Co., 832 Chamber of Commerce Waddel, W. O., 309 Lumber Exchange bid. White. B. F., 227 Washington at. FOB SALE: REAL ESTATE. $2600 Absolutely the best 6-room new house nn East Side, one block from Hawthorne avenue; reception hall, three largo bed rooms, pantry, built-in buffet, closets, iSr-re porch, gas and electric lights, earn.-nt walks around house, concrete base ment, cement floor, stationary tubs, sewer, 4-Hxiuo lot, south frontage; $00 cash, bal ance like rent. Open evenings. East Side Investment Co.. 37th and Haw thorne. Tabor 1147. $2500 100x100 and 2 cottages on East Stark or Base road. $4KH Quarter block on carllne, close in. East Side. A business corner. $300o t(-room hovse and fractional lot, 21st st.. North. $1000 3 Jots, near Laurelwood Station. $1500 6 full lota and cottage, near Mllwaukte. Fine river vitvw. I. G. DAV1LPON. 81ft Chamber of Commerce. BARGAIN IN HOLUADAT ADDITION. A new 5-roora bungalow, strictly mod ern throughout, lot 50x100, only block from Broadway car; Investigate this, $450. F. J. CATTERLIN ft CO.. Room 3 Chamber of Commerce. $3650 WILL buy a beautiful ft-room modern house in Central Albina; select neighbor hood ; house is- new; fixtures and shades go with house; must be seen to be appre clted; terms. C. B. LUCAS, , 320 Corbett Bldg. -$550 $w cash, 3 per cent monthly, for a fine building lot only 15 minutes out in Portland's best residence district; all im provements paid for, including cement wide wti Iks ; no shacks or saloons; these lots will sell for $10K In a short time. M. C. Davis, 10 Hamilton bldg.. 131 3d st. ' 23O0 WILL buy 6-room modern houBe In A Ihina ; lot OoxlOO; one block from car line; house nearly new; price reduced from $27(K); must be sold; cash, balance long time. C. R. LUCAS. 320 Corbett Bldg. $3750 Modern 6-room house, on East An keny, west of 24th St.; best residence dis trict, nearly new; everything flrst-claas and a beautiful home. C. It. Lf CAS, 320 Corbett Bldg. f AM anxious to dispose of my Portland ! properties at bargain' prlceB. Two lots in Alberta, one in Vernon, two In Arbor Lodge, 3 acres at Tigardvllle station; all within (too feet of trolley lines. Cash or I terms. Bansbach, Newberg, Or. ;. VERNON BARGAINS. A few choice lots, $550 and $600, only i $50 down, balance on or before 3 years, j 6 per cent interest. Get the benefit of the advance In- value. Anderson, 15th and 1 Alberta St., Portland. ! HOME WITH FRUIT. Very close in, best car service, extra ! size yard, fruit of all kinds, modern con I venienecs: worth $3500; price $3000. Phone East or B 1804 for particulars. ! ONLY $1000 for nice 6-room plastered cot tage, East Side, near Mt. Scott line; fine garden lot; must sell at once. Jas. C. Iogan, room 411 Corbett bldg. $15.000 Whole block, close In. Income on part of block. $!H2 year, balanci good for manufacturing or warehouse site. Apply Fuhr, Osborne Hotel, East Side. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE. Fire loss compels me to sell vacant qunrter in Irvtngton. Phone East or B 1M4. Want cash buyer. ,.$2N50 New, modern 5-room bungalow, ait f uated on East Ash st., near carllne. F. J. ; Catterlin & Co., room 3, Chamber of ! Commerce. GRAND AND UNION. If you want to buy business property on Grand or Union avenues. See J. J. Oeder. cor. Grand ave. and East Ankeny. j- WHO wants a dandy modern 5-room cottage one block from car and 3 blocks from school for $2250 on terms? H 71. Ore gonlan. "' START chicken ranch: tine 1 1-5 acres; ad Jolna city limits. West Side, 6c fare; beet of noil ; running stream; $600, $1,10 down. Jas. C. Logan, room 411 Corbett bldg. i , . - . . .. $;ioo ("ASH and $25 per month secures a modern "-room house, close In on Thomp- son st. For particulars call on M. C. ! Davis, in Hamilton bldg. Main 4610. ! 1 $1000 Desirable 4-room cottage, choice lot f 50x100; block to 7-mlnute car service; i y o u r o w n terms. Call 414 ncer at., i Montavllla. -$2600 $500 down, takes a splendid 6-room modern bouse on East Madison St.. not for out. balance like rent. Conklin Bros., 302 Rothchild bldg. A FINE c o rn o r lot 50 x 1 4 0. on East 3 4 1 n St., near Hawthorne; Improvements paid; only $750. Conklin Bros,. 302 Rothchild bldg. FINE lot, Aoxiott. east front, on Marguerite ave.. only $000; must have .250 cash. Conklin Bros.. 302 Rothchild bldg. $rtoO TAKES fine acre tract close in on Salem Electric, .V fare; eay terms. M. E. Lee. mom 411 Corbett bldg. BY OWNER Completed modern cottage, lot 75x100; make offer; terms; leaving city. 961 E. 24th st. N., Alberta car. .BEFORE buying your home, call on us. as we make a specialty of city property. J, Standard Investment Co., 223 Fifth st. 4-ROOM cottage, half acre, sacrifice, terms. 515 Gilbert St., cedar Park station, . St. ! John. i"$24(M Beautiful now home. $300; $20 monthly; 8 blocks eoutb Hawthorne. E. 44th. Dr. Darling. '"SUREST way to sell your property, no com mission charged, no advance In price. MARTIN J. HKrLEY, 132 Third St. VERT choice at re at end of Maverly-Rich-mond line, fine view, good soil; price $1500. Call for McGrath. Main 3177. I FO R SALE By owner, new modern 5-room 1 bungalow, half block carllne; part trade, 1 balance easy terms. 40 Hamilton bldg. -7-ROOM houe. Highland New. modern; . a big snap. $?.150. John P. Sharkey Co., ! 122V 0th st. Main 50. A 2537. FILE listings In sight; no handling of cards; our solicitor will . call: complete outfit. $6.50. Main 0634. ; .A SNAP Quarter block East Side. 10 ron ; utes' ride from heart of cltv; $1100. . MARTIN J. H1G-LEY. 132 Third St. ! WILLAMETTE H EIGHTS Sightly, modern, fi-roora home; your own terms. Call room 40, Washington bldg. NICE corner lot. 50x100. near E. A. carline. .' $1050; terms. J. J. Oeder, cor. Grand ave. ' and E. Ankeny. f 33 E FORE buying, see this pretty suburban . home, quarter block. 7 rooms, fruit, gar ! den, flowers; $2050. N 113, Oregonlan. $130 CASH, balance easy payments, good house and lot. 52x100. on carline. MARTIN J. H1GLKY, 133 Third St. TWO cheap fractional lots, E, 7th and Broadway; 20x70 for $UHH; 35x100. for $1150. Culver, 623 Chamber of Commerce. JPI " B rooms, new. two lots, full basement : right or car; only $1000; $30O cash, balance like rent. Call M3 Chamber Commerce. BELLE CKKST 1 lot $550. $300 cash; 1 lot $525, $27o cash. Owner, Geo. Veasey, : Dan moor Hotel. FOR SALE By owner, nice home In good . locality; fine plumbing; excellent base ment; price $2100, Call 625 Prescott st. NICE bungalow, near Hrwthorne ave., easy payments. MARTIN J. HIGLET. 132 Third St. J. M. KERR ft CO. Rea..e-ate. farms. 66 Stark it., room IO, A 614b, Main 1223. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. HALF ACRE TRACTS. We are offering the beet thing In acre or half acre tracts in Portland ; water mains laid and terms of only $10 cash and $10 per month. CHURCHILL-MATTHEWS CO., 110 2d at. CHOICE lots in Irvlngton. John Irving and Hoi 1 a day Adds, cheap ; a few great bar gains left; a number very select homes, 6, 7 and 8 rooms ; a mansion or two, very reasonable, several bungalows at cost, one very nice borne, beautiful furniture and carpets, low price. Don't fall to secure a home In the most desirable spot on earth. W have a few acre tracts, nicely located to the city. For further particulars call at office, cor, 15th and Halsey sts., Broadway, Irvington cars. Phones East 896. C 199$; residence, C 1608, C 1271. DOLIN ft HERDMAX. HOME OR CLUB PROPERTY ON THE RIVER. 25 acres fronting on the Willamette River, fine grove of large trees, excel lent soil, some under cultivation, shelter ed harbor, ideal for boats and Iaunchea Fine little wates power, sufficient for all ordinary power and lighting purposes. Ideal for home or club purposes. Only a few minutes' walk to electric line. Only bonaflde buyers need apply. No. agents. L 110. Oregon la n. 3 ACRES. All cleared, living spring, no rock, no gravel. For $ 1 800 ; Easy Terms." 16 minutes from business center on the new electric line; beats anything on the market: you will agree with me when you e it; will be sold without reserve; first come first served. Call room 209 Commer cial block, cor. 2d and Washington. A LITTLE DANDY. Modern 5-room cottage almost new, and 2 lots, 100x100, berries, garden and every thing in first-class condition, convenient to car In one of Portland's nicest suburbs, worth $2100; can be had if taken at once for $1800; must have $800 cash. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH. 50S-9 Swetland Bldg.. cor. 5th and Wash. NICE little home, garden, carpets, $2250. small payment. Two lots, corner, 8-room house. Alberta St.; $4000. Three lots. 7 room house, fruit, flowers. N. E. 12th ; $3500. 5-room cottage, large lot, E. Main st. ; $1250. 6-room house, modern, frac tional lot. E. Everett : $2500. 7-room house, full lot. West Side; $4200. Mutual Realty Co.. 303 Washington, room 5. CHEAP, for cash. 80 acres fine land, house and outbuildings, fine water, worlds small fruit, good orchard 1 acres cranberries, 5000 white cedar telephone poles. 500 cords match wood, 400 cords shingle bolts, 1, million feet white cedar saw tim ber; 3 -miles. level road, from Bandon. Wheeler, owner. 258 11th St.. South. 60x100. E. 17th and Main sts.. street Im provements in and paid. 50x100, 20th and E. Everett sts.. Im provements in and paid. 100x110 on Fulton carllne. lays nice, street (traded, cement walk, sewer; price very low for quick sale. See owner. 309 Lumber Exchange. A SNAP. 3 acres, of very fine land, in cultivation; living spring; only 15 minutes' ride from business center, for $1800, upon easy terms; 3 lots same distance cut In any other direction will cost you as much ; here is a chance. Russell & Houston, 444 Sherlock bldg., 8344 3d at. 24 TRACTS sold. 20 more left, of choice walnut, fruit and vegetable land; 30 min utes' ride on Salem Electric line on coun ty road, county school, churches, stores and physician; $125 to $235 per acre while It lasts; easy terms to parties who will Improve the property. Deal direct; no agents. L 66, Oregonlan. RARE chance, cheap; 8 lots, northeast cor ner of block; gcod fence, beautiful shade trees, garden, back lot for chickens; new modern 7-room house, tinted rooms; wood shed 12x14; 1 blocks from Mount Scott carline; 20 minutes' ride of city; take a $400 lot In trade; must be sold. Owner, W 104. Oregonlan. DON'T MISS THIS ONE. 5-room modern cottage in perfect condi tion, overlooking river; splendid view; close to car; not built to sell, but owner wants money; level lot, 50x100, beautiful lawn, nice garden ; $2500, part cash. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH. 608-9 Swetland bldg., cor. 5th and Wash. $3000. For sale by owner. 20 acres fine fruit or garden land, 8 acres cleared, small house, 40 cherry trees, 7 miles east from Courthouse on Barr road; best of soli, no gravel. Inquire 307 E. 3d st. 1 Phone East 904. BEST corner in Centralla. 90x9a 2-story brick store and offices; rented $275 per month; will take In exchange for Port land residence; $7000 to $10,000. some cash and balance income from property. 627 Corbett bldg. FOR $12,000 I will sell 100x100 In Irving ton, on carline, near 16th and Tillamook Bta, with two modern houses and plenty of room for another; must be eeen to ap preciate Its beauty. Room 305 Gerlinger bldg. TREMONT PLACE. Two lots. 40x120. with alleys; Small new house; lots all planted to garden; 8 minutes' walk from end of W.-W. carline; price $650; easy terms. Owner, J 73, Ore gonlan. A MODERN house of 8 rooms, with 100x100 feet, in the most desirable part of Hol laday Addition, within easy walking dis tance; price much below actual value for quick sale. W. O. Waddel. 309 Lumber Exchange. $4500 Modern house. Willamette Heights, fine view; gas range, water heater, else trie lights and gas fixtures, stationary tubs, furnace, hot water coll; $1500 cash. 10O4 Thurman. MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 182 Thd St. WALNUTS. I am offering for sale choice land set to walnuts to be cared for for four years, 16 miles from Portland on electric car line; terms to suit you; other excellent fruit land for sale. W. E. BURKE, 620 Chamber of Com. bldg BEAUTIFUL home of 14 acres, 13 miles from Portland on Base Line road, $4000; 24 V -acre farm; all new buildings. 14 miles from Portland; $5000, on easy terms. Ivon D. Turner, Boring, Or. IRVINGTON. Beautiful 8-room home, new, modern in every respect; will give you terms'. W. Lawrence & Co.. 315 Lumber Exchange bldg. Phones Main 7357. A 5753. BARGAIN $1900, new up-to-date Califor nia bungalow, 5 rooms; bath, pantry; good basement; lot 50x100; near car and Pied mont; terms by owner. Phone Wood lawn 22O0. BARGAIN Direct from owner, good house and 7 lots. 50x100. on St. John carline; sell for less than actual value instead of agents' commission on actual value; price $2S50. 417 Marquam bldg. SNAP $2000, 10 acres, 5 miles from Van couver, in prunes, bearing; electric line surveyed by place; $1200 handles It. Phone C 1108. $10X BUYS acre In Overton Park, only 3 blocks from car; thla Is a big snap, for a few days only. Room 305 Gerlinger bldg.. cor. 2d and Alder. OWN YOUR OWN HOME. Pay rent to yourself. Modern bunga low. 5 rooms and bath. Call and learn our system. 627 Corbett bldg. RISLEY TRACT. Oregon City carline, 2 acres or 'more; all In cultivation; best of land. C. W. Rls ley, owner, Rlsley'a Station P. O., Mil waukee. REAL ESTATE man wants hustler for halt Interest in office; active man can make $150 per month. Call room SlS Alisky bldg.. 3d and Morrison. FOR SALE By owner, 8 acres, 25 minutes out on Estacada carllne. near Johnson Creek; will trade for closs-ln property or timber. 209 Lumber Exchange bldg. FOR SALE One of the choicest lots on East Side; convenient to cars; $25 can be saved by prompt buyer. Address AG 112, Oregonlan. WE Invite you to Join our Mutual Hood River Orchard Syndicate; $.50 and up ward may be invested; cash or terms. W 82, Orcgoulan. 4H ACRES, near carline, $2500; good house and barn ; cash. 3 '4 cultivated. MARTIN J. H1GLEY. 132 Third St. SPECIAL bargains in Woodstock property, improved and unimproved. T. J. Hewitt, 616 Commercial blk. $tSfv Snap (in Vernon, small house, porch, chimney, water, garden. ?. fine lots, 21 blocks Alberta carline on 19th st. N. 1141. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. Electricity and gas. on St. John ear - line; two lots; terms. 627- Corbett bldg. 6-ROOM house, lot 25x50, not far out, fiber planter; price $750; easy terms. J j Oeder, cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. BUNGALOWS are the latest and most com fortable of all homes; compact, artistic and convenient, they are ideal for the newly married; many can be bought with a small cash payment. See Hart man ft Thompson, Chamber of Commerce. BEAUTIFUL 8-room home at 1009 17th. cor. Wygant (Vernon) facing east; 100x100: fine lawn, fruit and shade trees; large chicken yard and fine house; everything modern; look at this for $3800; terms. FOR SALE Equity of $250 in one of the finest located lots in the beautiful Han cock st. addition to Irvington; price $050; will take $200 spot cash. A B 104. Ore gonlan. A SIXTH-STREET SNAP. For a few days we offer a lot on 6th St., between Hoyt and Irving for $20,000. Security Investment Co.. ( 317 Worcester bldg BARGAIN In lots. I have 3 lots at Tremont Place that I must sell at once; they lay. fine, east front, nice shade trees, no brush; see them and make me an offer. Address W 110, Oregonlan. HOLLADAT HOME. Close in. 7-room modern home, new, best part of Holladay; want to use money for other business. Will show buyers only. Phone B or East 18i4. 6-ROOM house, nearly modern, with 50x 100. Sunnyide. 2 blocks from car; $2200; reasonable pay inert, balance mciuhly; de sirable buy. Culver, 623 Chamber Com ABSTRACTS EXAMINED BY EXPERT REAL ESTATE ATTY. D- A. TUFTS, 303H WASHINGTON" ST. $21.000 Swell new apartment building. West Side, close In; Income $225 month; A-l investment; half cash, terms. AF 93, Oregonlan. BY owner. block: 7 biar rooms: furnace. fireplace; beautiful heme corner; far be low cost; 54200. 40O prescott st. Al berta or Woodlawn car. PRETTY 4-room cottage; bath and concrete basement : large lot. on carllne : 20 min utes' ride ; small payment down, balance $i; monthly. 411 Commonwealth blag. HOUSES for sale in all Darts of the cltv acreage close In. and farms in Oregon and Washington. Phone Main 44S6. Kinney & stampner. 5ii-;-ii Lumber exchange mag FOB SALE FARMS. WALNUT LAND. Thl land Is located where walnuts grow. Go and see for yourself. 1 have one tract of land containing 26 acres, all set to walnuts 2 years old, H mile to good little town and snipping point. I can sell you this tract for $3000. I also have another tract of 30 acres adjoining the largest and best walnut groves In the country. This property is about half In cultivation and has fair buildings, plenty of fruit for family, only 2 miles from mar ket and a pickup at $2750. - GEO. W. TURNER, 41-16 Rothchild Bldg., Portland, Or. $1000 TO BE MADE IN 8 DAYS. 165 acres. 70 in cultivation, all level, fenced and cross fenced, good 0-room house, barn, 16,000 feet lumber for large barn, 30 milch cows, 2 good horses, wagons, plows, and all of the farming implements. You will agree with us that this is the cheapest buy in thici section after seeing it. Would you like to see It? Price for 8 days only, $5650; terms lf desired. WAGGENER ft ANDERSON, 107 Third Street. 80 ACRES, about 6 miles from railroad town in Willamette Valley, 85 miles from Portland. 10 or 12 acres In cultivation. 4 or 5 acres light brush, which was under cultivation at one time; good house and barn; 40 acres of good fir timber easy to log and near logging operations; spring water and river runs through place; small orchard; about mile to school; this is a bargain at the price; enough timber alone to pay for place ; $1500 on easy terms. Ralph Ackley, 603 Corbett bldg. LINN COUNTY FARMS. 900 acres, $11 per acre. 741 acres, $20 per acre. 440 acres, 33 per acre. 224 acres, $33 per acre. 144 acres, $50 per acre, crop, stock and implements. 10 acres, best fruit and vegetable land In Oregon. GARLAND ft S HELTON, 191 4th St. STOCK AND FRUIT RANCH Of 280 acres, 200 acres improved, 3 acres In orchard, including house, 3 barns. 25 head cattle, 25 hogs, 50 goats. 3 horses and complete set of farming implements. , etc.. located in Polk County. Price $6000. ran casn. time on uaiance. Address AB 110. care Oregonlan. WANT a good farm cheap? Here you are acres all in crop, 10 miles from Port land, 25 tons hay, fine orchard, good 4 room house, good barn, chicken house, etc.; price $1700, .with crop. Room 607 Buchanan bldg., 286 Washington street. 40 ACRES level- beaver dam soil; 12 acres cleared ; house and barn ; 28 miles from Portland, mile from steamboat and rail road station, postofnee, school and church; just like living in town; only $1200. Peck ft Company, Kalama, Wash.. 15 ACRES all In cultivation. 6 acres wal nuts, 4 acres cherries, new 6-room plas tered cottage with concrete foundation, 15 miles from Portland, mile from elec tric line ; price $3230, terms. See Sweet. 204 Corbett bldg. 15 ACRES on county road. 10 acres in crop, balance slashed, fine 8-room house, big fine barn, good chicken-house, etc. ; price $3O00. Room 607 Buchanan bldg., 286 Washington street. 270 ACRES fruit land, cultivated; modern 10-room house, orchard, vineyard; gtood town 2 milee; Yamhill County: $65 per acre. See photograph. 302 Goodnough bldg. 40 ACRES. 10 cultivated, orchard, 14 tim ber. 10 hay; house, barn, stock, imple ments; near Willamette River: $2925. An geles, 411 Commonwealth bldg., 6th and Ankeny sts. 20 ACRES all cleared, 4-room house, chicken-house, barn, all In good order, 12 miles from Portland; price $2250. For par ticulars call, room 607 Buchanan bldg.. 2S0 Washington st. 14 ACRES fine soil, orchard, house, etc., 5 miles Courthouse; $700 per acre. Mutual Realty Company, 303 Washington St., room S. FINE garden and fruit land, only 5 miles Portland. $300 per acre. Mutual Realty Co.. 303 Washington st.. room 5. 60 ACRES 5 miles from Vancouver, cheap if taken at once. 35 North 4th st. FOR Willamette Valley lands see Olmsted Land Company. Salem. Or. TO EXCHANGE. ROOMING-HOUSE, 25 rooms, elegantly fur niched; steam heat; Yamhill st. ; will ex change for country or suburban property; value $2500. W 113, Oregonlan. WATER frontage at Vancouver to exchange for city property or fruit lands; fine loca tion; splendid speculation. McRae ft Angus, 432 Chamber of Commerce.- BY OWNER Grocery store, doing nice business; will trade for automobile, horses or any good property; owner sick, can't handle store. Call up Woodlawn 1416. FIVE acres; good house; land all cleared ; close to Portland: 4 acres in potatoes; $250O; will trade for Portland property. Call 513 Chamber Commerce. IF you wish to exchange house, lot or busi ness for something else, see us; we have many offers waiting. 513 Chamber Com merce. A $1 2.000 Klickitat hill fruit and farm tract to trade toward Portland home or business property. Flank Lee. 147 Front st- WHAT have you to trade or exchange? W. Lawrence ft Co., 31 1 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark. 4 LOTS and good 6-room houpe to trade for rooming-house. fhones Main 35i or A 5753. Room 315 Lumber Exchange bldg. WILL trade suburban property for fruit or hay land; .fine location, block from car; 2 houses, fine fruit. A F 113, Oregonlan. A FINE timber claim. 6.0OO.O0O, exchange for Improved farm or Portland residence. S27 Worcester blk. WILL exchange a fine grocery for anything you have; no agents. Address owner, N 114, Oregonlan. WANTED A buggy, part payment for Belle Crest lot. Geo. Veasey, Danmoore Hotel. UNIMPROVED farm land on Columbia River, for city property. 327 Wcrceeter block. 640 ACRES wheat land to exchange for res idence. Smith, 404 Buchanan bldg. WILL trade for what you have. Gut Smith. 404 Buchanan bldg. PRETTY home for suburban acreage or lots. Owner. G. E. Walling, 243 Stark st. 60-ROOM hotel, for small farm, not too far out. J 98, Oregoalaa. TO 'EXCHANGE. 60 ACRES, half cleared. In good crops, 15 acres be&verdam, fine well, also creek; good house and orchard, on good road and right on rai'road; Aurora; $6500; will take house and lot as part payment. 325 Lumber Exchange. 10 ACRES, all cleared and highly culti vated; very good house, and barn; close to Clackamas River and station; $4500. Will take house and lot part or all. 325 Lumber Exchange. TELEPHONE BONDS. Party with $5000 In telephone bonds with stock bonus, wishing to exchange for business property, bringing good in come, call at room 15. Lafayette bldg. 8 ACRES on Section Line road. 8 miles Courthouse; 1 miles O. W. P. car; value $1700; house and lot. F. S. Hallock. 247 Broad St.. Montavllla. Phone Tabor 1535, evenings. A SNAP. Stock of groceries, store fixtures, 14 lots, eight fenced, good 5-room house and well for sale or trade for small piece of land. Address Box 19S. Drain, Or. 100-ROOM rooming-house; will exchange for farm or city property. Address A E 89, ' Oregonlan. FOB SALE TIMBER LAND. WE are practical timber dealers, with per sonal knowledge of the best timber tracts in the Northwest; can give reliable Infor mation and correct values of large or small tracts. WHITTEN ft BRYANT. 635 Chamber of Commero. TIMBER LANDS. OREGON. WASHINGTON, CALIFORNIA. JAMES D. LACE Y" ft CO.. Chicago. New Orleans, Seattle. 829 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. 3,000.000 FEET sugar pine. California, $2000; 7.000,000 feet fine yellow fir, some cedar. $4400. Have cheap logged-off land, 6, $10. $15. Mutual Realty Co., 303 Washington St.. room 5. WE are constantly acquiring fine tracts of timber for sale and are headquarters, for lumber enterprises of all klnda Phone Main 446. Kinney ft Stampher, 081-83 Lumber Exchange bldg. FOR SALE 5,000.000 feet good-saw timber, cedar, spruce, hemlock, 160 acres deeded land; good transportation facilities, near Chinook, Wash. Address P 4, Oregonlan. TIMBER claim filing, 2 million reet pine; price $250. A. W. Nelson ft Co., Lafay ette bldg. 2,000.000 yellow pine timber claims; loca tion fee, $200. A E 110, Oregonlan. CHOICE YELLOW PINE CLAIMS. Government locations. 827 Worcester blk. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. WANTED Pine timber. 100 to 200 million feet. Price must be reasonable. Cruisers ready to Investigate. Will deal only with owners or parties holding option from owners. Address XXX 408, Oregonlan. WANTED Pine timber, 100 to 200 million feet; price must be reasonable. Cruisers ready to Investigate; will deal only with owners or parties holding option from owners. Address X 107, Oregon lan. WANTED Tract of timber, fir or pine 1O0 to 200 million feet; quick deal on suitable tract. Call room 15 Lafayette bldg. WANTED Single claim or half aection, well timbered; price must be right. -Call room 15 Lafayette bldg. TIMBER Lands wanted. C. J. McCracken 304 McKay bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Acreage, small farm, overlooking Columbia or Willamette River; state lowest price, full particulars; no agents. Box R 5. Oregonlan. FOB SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. SNAP Pair sound mares, weigh 2300 lbs., good workers every way and sound; also set of new handmade harness, price $150; one pair of black horses, weigh 2160 lbs., good age, work every way, set of new Concord harness and good farm wagon, price complete. $1 65 ; one pair of big horses, weigh 2800 lbs., good pullers every way, price $200; one pair of bays, librae and mare, sound and right every way, with new harness, price $205; pair of bays suitable for farm work, price $110; one big gray horse, suitable for heavy work, price $100, weighs 1500 lbs., must be sold this week. Call 322 North-17th st. . FOR SALE at a bargain, fast team of road mares; can show .2:30 speed; gentle for lady to drive single or ride. For infor mation address George Misner, 619 Tol man ave., or phone Sellwood 1009. THERE will be sold at auction Monday, July 27. 10 A. M., at 420 Hawthorne ave., 2S head of good work horses, weights .1100 to 1400 pounds; terms cash. U. S. Recla mation Service. FOR SALE Fine large bay mare, 7 years old, weighs 1370 pounds, very stylish and gentle. Can be seen at U. S. Stables, on Front st., near Madison. . 1 HORSE 4 years old, weight 1200 lbs.; 1 bay mare, 7 years old, weight 1100 lbs.; 1 driving mare, 5 years old, weight 1050 lbs. phone East 4804. 226 Russell. 1 SPAN of delivery horses, 5 alid 6 years old, weighing 2400 lbs. Phone East 4S04. 226 Russell. ONE good 1200-pound work horse for sale, cheap. 1186 J3urrage St., Greely Station; St. John car. FOR SALE Good secondhand 5-ton dead axle truck, grocery wagon, furniture and express wagons. Call i20 Water st. BAY saddler, 1150 lbs., driver, children can handle, sell or exchange lot or diamond. 243 Stark St. 25 HORSES, farm and grocery wagons, ho tel 'bus. saddles, harness, cheap to close out. Hubert ft HalL 266 4th st. - FOR SALE Nice young pony good driver and new saddle, 630 Brooklyn St., Sell wood 1103. FOR 'SALE Five-year-old team; weight 2400; broke double and single. 458 Will iams ave. YOUNG horse, new wagon and harness. 1287 East 14th st. North. HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all kinds for sale. 294 Montgomery. A 4-SEATED trap, in No. 1 condition, for sale. Edwards ft Co. Automobiles. AN automobile, good for sightseeing ; will carry 10 persons'; will cell or exenanga for real estate. Address E. B. Rodman, $0$ Alder st. 60 H.-P., 1907 model, fine condition, com plete in every detail; leaving city; must aell or exchange. Smith, 411 Buchanan bldg WANTED Runabout, new or second-hand. Address, stating condition and best price, H 4, Oregonian. Piano. BIGGEST bargain in town; high-grade piano at your own price; must sell. - Call 500 EX 21st and Clinton. Miscellaneous. GASOLINE launch, 31 feet; canopy top, 15 H. P., 4-cylinder engine, brass finishings, quarter-sawed oak decks, complete, with boathouse. A 42, Oregonian. FOR SALE Fast runabout launch, suit able for family use, reliable engine, all complete. Call 31 N. 1st fit., or phone Main 1537. OLD VIOLINS bought and sold. Choice old Instruments always on hand. L. Winters, 318 Tilford bldg.. 10th and Morrison sts. FRESH Jersey cow for sale; gives 4 gal lons of milk per day: price reasonable. 574 East Taylor st. Phone East 42. FOR SALE: Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak wood at lowest market prices. Hoover, 313 Water st. phone Main 7451. NEWMAN MOTION PICTURE CO. rents TOO the latent films, song slides, supplies, etc.. at the lowest price. 293 Burnside. GOING EAST, have a fine new Edison phon ograph, will sell at & great sacrifice. O 114. Oregonlan. FRESH cow; handsome brown Swiss-Jersey cross; persistent milker; 4 gallons, test ing 5 per cent. Tabor 1609. FOR SALE Good -second-hand canoe, $30. Address N. F., 381 6th st. A 3281. STATE rights for sale In good household article. Inquire 132 5tb st. FOR SALE at half price, elegant waxed oak combination folding bed. 500 East 23d st, FOR SALE, cheap, an 8O-horsepower engine. AE 91. Oregonian. HANDSOME roll-top desk, nearly new. price $60. Phono M- FOR SALE BATHTUBS BATHTUBS. PLUMBING MATERIAL We carry a complete stock of plumbing material and piping of all kinds, on which we can save you from 15 to 75 per cent from the plumber's price. , We furnish reliable registered "plumbers to install the work lf desired. Let us show you. M. BARDE ft SONS, N. E. Cor. 4th and Gllaan Streets. FOR SALE: New and -acond-hand billiard and pool tables; easy payments; w rent tables, with privilege of buying: modern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswlck-Balke-CoUender. 49 Third st. FOR SALE TILLAMOOK COUNTY WARRANTS. IN LOTS OF FROM $100 TO $5000. parties interested call Maglnnls ft Son, 403-4 McKay bldg. HAVE your roof painted with "Elasto ; inexpensive; adds years' wear; good on any kind of roofs. Northwest Roofing Co., 611 North 22d st. Phone Main 4S97. MOVING-PICTURE' EXCHANGE Machine, supplies, slides, films for rent. 166 4th sC HELP WANTED MALE. $3OO0 to $10,000 a year in the real estate business for man who Is looking for a future Is offered by one of the largest real estate firms which is now being or ganized; men wanted in every section of the state; a great opportunity for In vestors with a few hundred dollars to make a. fortune; investment guaranteed and secured by 8 per cent real estate. W e control large tracts in which for tunes will be made; we control the finest fruit and farm land. In which we will take In a few partners to participate In the large profits, at the same time acting as our representative. Answer, with full particulars. R 1 14. Oregonian. 10,000 POSITIONS. For graduates last year: men and women to learn barber tnd in eight weeks; help to secure positions; graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert in structor; tools free; write for catalogue. Moler System of Colleges. $5 N. 4th st.. Portland, Or. WANTED Expert electrical aid at $6.04 per diem. An examination will be held at the Navy-Yard. Mare Island, Cal., August 31. 1003, to nil the above posi tion. For application and further infor mation, address Commandant, Navy-Yard. Mare Island, Cal. v WANTED Two yard tallevmen, city, $2.25 to $2.50; man for cleaning and pressing ahop, city. $12 up week; 2 farm hands, $30; one milker. $30; others. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., 12 North 2d st. Both phones. MEN to learn plumbing, electricity, plaster ing and bricklaying, day and night classes, no booki, free catalogue; special low tuition; easy installments. Coyne National Trade School, 239-240 Eighth St., Ban Francisco. . W ANTED Thoroughly experienced advertis ing solicitor for leading monthly; splendid proposition. Apply ohamber of 'Conv merce Bulletin, 016 Chamber of Comt merce. Apply this morning and Monday morning. m C. R. HANSEN, JR. Employment Office Men's Department. 26 North Second st. Phones Main and A IB 34. Help free to employer.. WANTED Steady man for employment agency, old established, money maker, big profits, unlimited; $200 required; splendid chance. Particulars Pacific Business Ex change, 303 Washington st., suite 4. BRIGHT, energetic real ' estate salesman wanted, only those capable of earning $3000 a year need apply. See Mr. Custer, 270 Stark St., opposite Chamber of Commerce bldg. LEARN watchmaking, engraving and op tics; easy terms; positions secured; money earned while learning. Watchmaking, En graving School, cor. 4th and Pike.- Seattle. MENS' FURNISHING. Thoroughly experienced and competent man in the line. OLDS.-WORTMAN ft KING. HERE'S a position and Interest in fine pay ing business offered you for email capital; young man preferred. 41 1 Commonwealth bldg., 6th and Ankeny. WANTED Steady, sober man to work in more as partner; will pay active man $4 a day; $200 cash required. Particulars 248 Stark st. WANTED Young man at once to learn barber trade ; steady work, union shop ; terms reasonable. Call 772 Mississippi ave., city WANTED Young man to make ice cream and help on cakes. Royal Bakery, 11th and Everett. STANDARD EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. , For Men 250 Burnside Street. Phone Main 5694. YOUNG man wishes acquaintance of mes meric practitioner, object, mutual experi ment; no money In this. L 112, Oregonian. PHOTOGRAPH coupon portrait or book agents; winning offer. Cutberth Studio, De kura bldg. FOR WORK OR FOR HELP. CALL ON PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. 12 North 2d st. Both Phones. WANTED Salesmen, all lines, bookkeepers stenographers and clerical men. Commercial Abstract Co., 407-8-8 Commercial Club bldg BOY to work on suburban place; must be able to run gasoline launch; salary $20 month. Address lock box 164. UP-TO-DATE creamery buttermaker; must understand Pasteurization. T 104. Ore gonian. WANTED Sober, industrious candymaker with little money. Address T 114 Ore gonlan. WANTED Hand ironers, experienced, for shirtwaists, skirts, fancy dresses, etc. Opera House Laundry, 2d and Everett. WANTED Reliable man for active Interest in real estate office; can easily make $125 per month. Room 10, 258 Washington. WANTED First-class grocery clerk cap able of driving team and taking orders. Call 649 Alberta st. WANTED Young man to handle face and , hair goods, good compensation. Call be tween 10 and 12, room 17, Gilbert Hotel. MAN as coechman and make himself gen erally useful. Apply notheast corner 1st and Ankeny sts. DAIRYMAN who can milk 20 cows, steady Job to right man. Thomaa Carmichael. Gaston, Or. WANTED A bell-boy at the Hobart-Curtis, one who has had some experience with electric elevator. WANTED One first-class coat and pants maker. Address Frank E. BeaL Bclse. Idaho. WANTED General blacksmith. 18th and Jefferson. BOY for light delivery, afternoons and Sat urdaya. 473 Washington st. BARBER wanted, steady Job. 206 Madison WANTED Metal workers to remodel brass railing and screen. Ladd ft Tilton Bank. QUICK finish post card man. If you don't know the game, don't show. 133 4th. BARBER wanted for Saturday. 250 1st st. BARBER wanted. 655 1st st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Two good epecUlty salesmen for city work; exclusive- territory; high com missions. 614 Rothchild bldg. WANTED Girl for cooking and general housework, family or 4; good -wages. In quire at 124 East 10th at. North. LADT piano player for rep. show; must be sight reader. Call Scott Hotel, room 804. MIDDLE-AGED woman, for light house work. Apply 450 5th. before 2 P. M. GIRL for general housework and cooklnc . Call mornings, 412 Burnside. LADY barber wanted at once and will teach young lady the trade. 12 N. 4th st. WANTED Girl for light housewcrk. ,at 428 Flanders st. WANTED Girl to assist with general housework. 680 Marshall st. WANTED Practical woman to help' In mall IiiiiiHpv 1H 1UtW MIDDLE-AGED woman for housework. Phone Sellwood 36. WOMAN wanting good home, little work to do, young people, wages. Main 7001. WANTED Girl to do housework in country; gooo wages. Appiy uv. w asnington, St.. GIRL for general housework, two In fam ily; going to beach. 661 Kearney. HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRLS, 16 years end aver, to work in fac tory. Apply at once. Ames-Harris-Neville Co., 6th aad Davis sts. 3 COOKS, out of town, $30-$40. room, board; 3 waitresses. 1 out of town, $20 $40, room, board; 2 kitchen helpers. $20 $30. room, board; 3 second girls. $20-$30, room, board ; 8 general housework $15 $25. room board; 2 dishwashers. 1 out of town. $20-$36, board ; 3 housekeepers, widowers' $15-$25. The St. Louis, 209 4th. Main 2039, A 2S24. NOTICE Large list of new positions at our office today. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Ladles' Department, 205 Morrison. Phones Main 1062, A 2064. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY, 84$ Wah. st.. cor. 7th, upstairs. Phones Main and A 2692. Help Supplied Free to Employers. WANTED Woman cook to go camping (August 2, two weeks), with party of 12 Apply P. B. Palmer, care Olds. Wort man ft King. SALESWOMEN. Olds, Wortman & 'King wants thor oughly experienced and compet ent sales women In several departments. WANTED Girl to act as cashier and answer nhone. One with some knowl edge of grocery business preferred. Ad- . dress L ill. oregonian. WANTED Girl for second work and care 2 children, also competent girl cook and general house worn. in west Main st. Phone Main 28S9. WANTED Girl to do general housework, small hotel, country: German or Scandi navian preferred. Address R. Morslacher, Kent, Or- WANTED, for beach hotel, at Ge&rhart, Or., first-class pastry woman for 6 weeks. Apply at once. GIRL wanted for general housework, must be good cook, good wages. i58 North S2d Willamette Heights. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. Ladles' Department 206 Mori son at. Phones: Main 1062; A 2064. WANTED Young lady to handle face and hair goods, good compensation. Call be tween 10 and 12, room 17, Gilbert Hotel. WAITRESSES, city, coast. Kent. Heooner: woman camp coo-s, ranch couple, other positions, jj raise a, -wo ya wasnington, HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY 848 Washington st., corner 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2692 WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavi Co, 603 Roth child bldg.. 4th and Washington. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework; family of four; good wages. Call morn ings. 812 Overton. WANTED Girl for partner with first-class vaudeville ehow; experience not necessary; give age andwelght. K 111, Oregonlan. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED Honest and ambitious men ad women. $75 per month guaranteed. Ap ply 1483 Macadam Road, 9-12 A. 2-8 P. M. WANTED Singers. comedians. etc., for vaudeville and dramatic stage. Newman's theatrical circuit, 293 Burnside. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. EXPERT bookkeeper desires a position, 10 years' experience In East, auditing, manu facturing preferred. Would accept po sition with lumber company. Best of reference. AF 108. Oregonian. POSITION by a good, competent bookkeep er of several years' experience; can give cash bond and good references. A F 110. Oregonlan. YOUNG man would like position as assist ant bookkeeper or other minor office work; can furnish reference. A F 111, Oregonian. MAN with 8 years' experience railroad of fice, wishes clerical position in business house; good references. M 114. Orego nlan. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper open for per manent engagement, progressive outside town preferred. E. I. Gilbert. 1244 East Madison. POSITION wanted as bookkeeper In small firm, city or country, good references; salary no object. AF 114, Oregonlan. POSITION as stenographer, excellent refer ences: ambitious and steady. AC 101, Ore gonian. WANTED Position drug clerk in or out of town. Phone Home B 1424. Miscellaneous. PRINTER wants steady situation as fore man; first-class compositor with a thor ough knowledge of all branches of the business ; married man ; no bad habits ; strictly sober and reliable; correspond ence invited; city lob office or country daily preferred. F 103, Oregonlan. WANTED By a young man of 24. a po sition In a clothing and gents' furnish ing store; have had 8 years experience and now employed in a gents' and ladles' clothing and furnishing dry goods store. Will go out of town. Address S 113, Ore gonlan. A YOUNG Norwegian with good education, 1 understands and can speak partly English, desires employment of some kind, work in a business house preferred. Address L. Tversen, 346 Front st., city. PHOTOGRAPHER Young Japanese wants position as steady work at photography; has education and some experience of photography; can talk English and go out of the town. Address Saigo, 415 Yamhill. ENGINEER, 10 years' experience in mining, milling and smelting, desires permanent po .sltlon with engineering or hardware com pany; best of references. W 112, Ore gonian. WANTED By young man 30 years old, po sition as nurse or companion to invalid; no objection to traveling; references fur nished. M 11 L Oregonian. EMPLOYERS deeirlng Hindu labor to clear land or all other klnda of help. Apply K. S. Sasmas, care Noah Bone, Hood River, F. D. R. NEAT appearing young man with good ed ucation, desires position; handy with tools; some experience with gas engine; wages no object. R 105, Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS coachman from East wishes position with some good private family. AF 107, Oregonian. WOULD like to hear from parties having wood to cut; will take contract for several hundred cords. X 102, Oregonlan. YOUNG man wants position In office 4 years', experience lumber line. Address J 102, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED salesman or stockman in wholesale piece goods, silks, dress goods, etc.; references. E 104, Oregonlan. JAPANESE boy wants work on orchard or farm -throughout year; $30 a month. T 111, Oregonian. GOOD Japanese boy wants position to do general housework In family. K 102, Ore gonlan. WILLING and honest young Japanese boy wants situation any kind work, in city or country. N 106. Oregonian. A GOOD Japanese boy wishes situation for general housework, speaks English. R 112. Oregonian. YOUNG, nice Japanese boy wants situation to do cooking and" housework, city or country. AC 102. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS Japanese cook wants boarding-house or restaurant. W 90, Oregonian. A RELIABLE young man. age 23. wants work, city or country. T 113, Oregonian. JAPANESE youth, capable of any kind of work, wants position. P 107, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED waiter wants steady posi tion. 25 Park st. N. Phone Main 2554. POSITION wanted by window trimmer and card writer. S 111, Oregonlan. TWO Scandinavian girls want work by day or hour. A 2923. AN experienced watchmaker desires posi tion. S 114. Oregonian. Japanese employment office; furnishes all Kincs or neip. Z4 uoucn st. fnone m.. 6521. JAPANESE boy wants situation to do housework or as porter. Phone Main 4642. JAPANESF. Emplovment Co. will furnish all klnda help. u9 iuverett. Main 4609, A 4070. SITTATrpNy WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. YOUNG lady with some knowledge of book keeping wants thorough practical drill by private teacher. Y 113, Oregonian. FOR good stenographers, experienced or be ginners, phone Clerical Office. Main 4504. Thoroughly tested and certified. EXPERIENCED lady bookkeeper wishes posi tion, temporary or permanent; references. D 104. Oregonlan. Dressmakers. AN Eastern dressmaker would like work by the day; very reasonable. K 113, Ore gon lan. TRUSTWORTHY middle-aged lady wishes housekeeping in rooming-house or hotel. O HI, Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, shirtwaists and Summer dresses reasonable. 427 Salmon st. Mrs. McLeland. STLISH suits from $3.50 up. work guaran teed. ii n. 17th, corner Kearney. A COMPETENT seamstress desires sewing; terms, $2 per day. 266 Harrison. " Nurse. PRACTICAL nurse wants position at coast or the country, care of invalid or elderly 6438n" Rterence given. Phone Tabor PRACTICAL nurse will accompany invalid or elderly lady to Summer resort; will do or assist with housework. AF 112. Ore gonian. MIDDLE-AGED practical nurse having ex tensive experience with elderly patients, wishes engagements. Oall Main 8202. Mlsoellaneona. ST. LOUIS LADIES' AGENCY Housekeep ers, cooks, waitresses, chambermaids, sec ond girl, housemaids. 209 4th. Main 6413. A 2824. ELDERLY lady desires to aest with housework or care for child. K Hi Ore gonlan. YOU NO lady of Intelligence, willing to learn, quick to adapt herself, wishes po sitlon as second glrL O 113. Oregonlan. COLORED lady, with baby, wishes to 00V for small family. Phone East 8105: good wages. LADY desire room and board. Seaside or Springs, In exchange for work. P 109, Oregonlan. YOUNG woman wishes day work, fine laun dress; references if required. K 11 4, Ore gonlan. YOUNG girl wishes place in small family for general housework. Y 111, Orego nian. LADY wants any kind of work,-4 days each week. R. HQ, Oregonlan. A GERMAN lady wants day work. 194 North 15th st. WANTED AGENTS. CAN give few good salesmen exclusive eon tract whereby you can make $100 to $200 per week; write today, giving references. UNITED WIRELESS TELEGRAPH CO.. 410 Corbett Bldg., Portland. THE Oregon Nursery Co., of Salem. Ot7, wants more salesmen; liberal terms; out fit furnished. Full Information on appli cation. AGENTS WANTED Can you sell goodsTf so, we need you; complete outfit free; cash weekly. Write for choice of territory. Capital City Nursery Co., Salem, Or. MAN acquainted with architects and con tractors to sell metal ceilings; must give bond. X 112. Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED .Furnished house of 8 or 10 rooms in good residence district for one year or more, from August 1, by responsi ble family of three adults. Address, giv ing location and brief description, V 41. . Oregonlan. WANTED To rent houses, cottages, flata, stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc. Land lords will do well to call on Portland Trust Company of Oregon. S. EL cor. 84 and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. STORE room on Washington st., between 6th and 15th st.. on south side of street; will lease for a term of years. N 91, Oregonlan. 4 OR 6-room nicely furnished modern house, close to car. West Side preferred; not over $30. Address Johnson, 270 Stark st. PRIVATE boarding place wanted by lady stenographer, near Sunny side carline. East Side. AB 112. Oregonlan. WANTED Room and board, two young men, vicinity of Irving and 21st sts.k not to ex ceed $40. S 110, Oregonlan. A FTTRNlS'HR'n househnnt np -artlv ,,- nlshed. Including boat or canoe, cheap. M 112. Oregonian. WANTED The first of September, well fur nished house of 7 or 8 rooms. Mrs. E, Cooklngham, 335 11th st. YOUNG man of good habits desires room and board with private family. L 114, Ore gonian. UNFURNISHED small flat. 8 or 4 rooms, modern. West Side ; state rent. H 102. Oregonlan. WANTED To rent modern 6 or 7-room house, near Union ave. North. Woodlawn 2163. C 1833. COMFORTABLE room and board (2 mels), by young man. J 111, Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE PAY TOP PRICES FOR. FURNITURE. And any thing else you have to selL PORTLAND AUCTION CO.. Main 5655. A 412L WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings, highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal," 62 N. 3d st. Phone Pacific 1722 PHYSICIAN wishes a reputable dentist to share a suite of offices in a fine location, down town, central, reasonable. Y 114, Oregonian. WANTED 100 tons rye straw. For par ticulars address P. Sharkey ft Son., 6$ Union ave.. Portland. Or. WANTED By competent teacher, begin ners on the piano; terms reasonable. Phone A 1561. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone East 1067. CLOTHING Phone M 1851 83 n! $Z Highest prloe paid; prompt attention. WANTED 1350 or 1400 horse, not over T years. Phone B 1244, , East 244. WANTED Used cash register; will pay cash. Phone Main 1433 or A 1433. FOB BENT. 205 WASHINGTON, under new manage ment, housekeeping rooms, furnished and unfurnished, very cheap; transient, 50c. Furnished Rooms. 258 13TH ST. Nicely furnished rooms; private family; new house; every con venience; gentlemen only; reasonable. SPECIAL rates, men; modern residence; rooms, $6 month; bath, walking distance. 202 10th, near Jefferson. NICELY furnished room; connecting bath, gas, phone, close in, reasonable, private family. 433 Taylor. TOURISTS will find a beautiful room, mod ern private home, reasonable. 190 16th St., cor. Kearney. THE COZY. 15 7th at., nicely furnished rooms, with or without board ; one block south Hotel Portland. Mrs. Lohr. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new - furniture, telephone and baths free. 327 Stark, corner Gth. Mrs. Maud J. Estas. THE DORMER, 283 13th. beautiful rooms, modern, every convenience; $2.50 and up. THREE rooms, furnished for housekeeping; gas. bath, phone; very desirable. 385 11th. HOTEL ROYAL. 108 4th; nice rooms, $1.50 to $5 --seek. 50 cents, $1 night. WELL furnished alcove room, good location. zor ' or o gentlemen, mi lutn. THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia; modern rooms, bath. 50c to $1 a day; $2 to $4 wit. THE ELWOOD Newly furnished; $2 to $5 wk; also transient rooms. 343 Morri. FURNISHED room, $1.50 per week; con veniences. 566 Johnson st. 555 5th eU THE STaRK Newly furnished rooms. $12 to $18 per month, $51 Stark st.