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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1908)
THE MORNING- OREGONIAN, MONDAY, JUXiY 20, 1903. 11 FOB KENT. Koomi With Board. BLAKELY HALL, 300 Jefferson, large, de lightfully cool rooms, with nr!t-clas board; beautiful grounds; for location, comfort and price cannot be equaled in city. PORTLAND Women's Union. 20th year; rooms with board, use of sewing-room, use of library; Women s Exchange. Ad dress Mrs. Ella Raw lings, fcupt.. 610 Flanders st. JUST room for two more young men; first class room and board, 95.50 per week; all conveniences; good home cooking. Aster House, 7th and Madieon. THE COLONIAL, corner 10th and Morrison. 3 blocks weH of Portland Hotel; special Summer rates; large, airy rooms, with good board, by week or month. NICELY furnished rooms, with first-class table board; strictly home cooking; free phon and baths; reasonable rates. 295 loth st. FURNISHED rooms, single or en suite; mod ern conveniences; table boarders taken. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th. FURNISHED room, private family, suit able for two gentlemen, with or without board. 427 3d st. 1 FURNISH ED rooms with board. The Ozark. 225 11th ML. ROOMS with or without board. 350 Madison, near Park; modern conveniences. Aimrtmrms. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS, Park and Madison; handsome brick, iusr completed; 4-room. reception hall and bath residence apartments, possessing every modern con venience, including electric automotlc ele vator and telephone exchange; hardwood floors throughout; the maximum of con venience, elegance and equipment at ex ceedingly reasonable terms; location and surroundings unsurpassed; only two left. APARTMENTS. Bryn Mawr, 185 East 15th, corner Yamhill, 4 and 6 rooms, new and convenient, fire places, gas range, refrigerators, screens, shades; moderate rents; ready for occupancy August 1. SEATTLE. THE WALDORF Fireproof apart ments, finest building In Northwest, ele vators, vteam heat. Janitor service ; send fcr booklet. The Waldorf, 7th ave. and Pike si IONIAN COURT Elegant 3 and 4-room, reception hall and bath residence apartments- new, including all modern conven iences; walking distance; terms reason able. Apply Janitor. 18th and Couch. COLUMBIAN APARTMENTS 11th and Co lumbia, furnished and unfurnished modern apartments; excellent location and moderate rents. WELLINGTON FLATS $37.50 5-room modern, steam-heated; 520 Everett, near 15th. Apply W. L Morgan, 213 Ablngton bldg. FURNISHED and unfurnished modern steam heated apartments, 4 and 6 rooms). 401 10th, Flat E. APARTMENTS. The Buell Apartments will be ready for rental. Monday. July 20. Call 473 Salmon. THE CHETOPA. 18 Flanders. 4-rcom mod ern unfurnished apartments; $31150. BEAUTIFUL ft-room apartment for rent. 12th and Columbia. "The Braintree." WE have about 25 new flats of 5 and 6 room each In desirable parts of the city, for rent at from $25 to 13. See our list if you want one. PARRISH, WATKINS & CO.. 250 Alder St. TWO modern 5-room flats. Just completed, with all latest improvements. 377 and 379 Ross st., within walking distance of busi ness district. Inquire of owner. 373 Ross st., or to Slnnott &. Sinnott, 521 Cham ber of Commerce. 116 MODERN 4-room flat; lawn, base ment, wood lift, stationary tubs, bath, etc.: 15 minutes" walk from Steel bridge. Inquire 440 Rodney ave., ccr. Tillamook. MODERN flats, all sizes, for rent, East and West Sides, Portland Trust Company of Oregon, S. K. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. FINE modern upper flat. 6 rooms, finished attic, etc.; choice location. 23d and John won; rent $35. C. H. Korell, 251 Washing ton. 7- ROOM lower flat, newly built, only two in bui!ding; yard, garden, porch; strictly mod ern; reasonable to permanent tenant. Phone Main 4463. 140 North 22d. 8- ROOM flat, corner Park and Jeffereon; side board, fireplace, porch and all modern con veniences. Inquire Mrs. R. Stott, 268 Park st. MODERN upper six-room flat, excellent lo cation, walking distance, 126 North 18th st., between Glisan and Flanders. Donald Woodward, UH 2d t.. both ph oners. TWO new, modern. 6-room flats, upper and lower. 250 Narttlla st. Each $25. PARRISH. WATKINS A CO.. 250 Alder St. MODERN 6-room flat, furnace, fireplace, porcelain bath, set tub. veranda, shades; reasonable. Main 2100. MODERN 4 and 6-room flat, reasonable, near 23d and Washington, Call fore noon. Pacific 1245. MODERN 5-room lower flat, best location, close in. Park and Harrison sts Inquire 220 1st. TWO new strictly modern 6-room flats; yard, fireplace, furnace, gas, electricity. 252 llth st. FLAT for rent; 6 rooms; modern Improve ments. 449 7th. NEW. modern 2. 3, 4. and 5-mom flats on Williams ave. Phone E 1710. NEW. modern R-room flat. East 15th, near Belmont. Inquire 101 East 16th. 2861 18TH. 5-room modern flat, $18. W. 1. Morgan. 213 Ablngton bldg. Housekeeping Rooms. THREE light, pleasant front rooms, private veranda, modern, clean ; can partly fur nish; reference. Main 2100. TWO Urge rooms, newly furnished; gas, bath, phone; private family; ground floor. 4o7 Holladay ave. HOUSEKEEPING suites of two rooms. $15 and up: laundry, eas and bath; light and convenient. 60 V Grand ave. N. CAMBRIDGE bldg.. 3d and Morrison sts., furnished and unfurnished housekeeping rooms, very desirable. Apply room 30. THREE unfurnished housekeeping; all mod ern conveniences; close in; two blocks from Steel bridge; gas, bath. 22S Larrabee st. HOUSEKEEPING or sleeping rooms, well located, clean; gas, phone, $1.25 to $3. 544 Pettygrove st. 20. 11TH ST.. first floor of private residence for rnt; yard, walking distance, perma nent to desirable tenants. COOL outside rooms, housekeeping or sleeping: bath, gas. walking distance; $1.50 up. 32 Hawthorne are. TWO pleasant front rooms furnished for housekeeping, modern, no children. 203 14th st. TWO cool, shady housekeeping moms In cot t age ; gas. phone and bath. 531 Mor rison. THE ELMS Housekeeping rooms, com pletely furnished 2 and 3-room suite Phone, bath. h-at. 101 14th st. THREE or four nicely furnished housekeep ing rooms: good location. 3b0fe- Jefferson t., cor 10th. TH R E E rooms, furnish ed or partly fur nished: modern; to adults: choice neigh borhood. 249 Grand ave. North WELLINGTON COURT Beaut if ullv fur nished 4-room suite; strictlv modern throughout. Cor. 15th and Everett ats. NICE, cool housekeeping rooms 149 13th St., between Morrison and Alder. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. single. to suite' gus, prone and bath. 474 Washington. ' TWO furnished housekeeping rooms for rent. 1K E. 12th St., cor. Stark. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms; no children. 421 7th st. MODERN housekeeping room?. $10 per month. Phone A 1850 or Pacific 406. NH-E living room and kitchen on first floor. Inquire at studio. 163 West park. FOR RENT -Housekeeping and Bleeping rooms. The Yale, 291 Grand av 313 10TH. corner Salmon. 3 nlcelr furnished rooms for housekeeping; 2 beds FOR RENT. Housekeeping Boon THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sts.; newly furnished, fully equipped for house keeping, including gas ranges, with the free use of electric lights, hot water, baths, large reception room and laundry room ; furnished apartments from $10 up; also single rooms; with similar conveniences, $2.50 per week ud. . There is nothing in comparison in the city for the money. This place will tear inspection. Short dis tance from Union Depot. Take 6" or 16th -st. cars going north, get oft at Mar shall sL Phone Main 6771. No dog allowed. $30 THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, lower flat, piano, sewing machine, free phone, water, gas for lighting and cooking. 424 Jefferson at. Phone Pacific 180. THE best housekeeping rooms in the city for the money, $10 to $25 for two rooms per month. Strictly modern. The Glendora, 10th and Couch, one block from Washington. Phone Main 6280. THE HOWL AND APARTMENTS. 631 V Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; gas ranges, hot wa ter, free bath free phone, both floors; nice suites from $12 up. THE LUXOR Beautifully furnished and un furnished apartments; private baths, phones and Janitor service; everything new and modern throughout; under new management. Cor. 13th and Clay sts. THE ONEONTA. 187 17th St., near Yamhill, thoroughly furnished, gas range, hot and cold water In each apartment, both tele phones and Laths free; terms reasonable; no children. THE NEWCASTLE, corner 3d and Harri son ets., nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; also single rooms; every conveni ence; reasonable. Main 600. THREE housekeeping rooms in private homo; free bath, phone, laundry-room; walking distance; adults only; reference. Pacific 1284. THE SANQERT Washington and Trinity, between 19th and 20th; newly furnished 2 and 3-room housekeeping apartments; private baths. ROOMS for light housekeeping; also single rooms for young men; modern conven iences ; central. 62 E. 10th at. Phone East 168. HOUSEKEEPING rooms; furnished or un furnished rooms for ladies or gents ; new house and new furniture. Call at 3S4 1st Phone Pacific 1219. WAYNEWOOD 109 North 18th. newly fur nished 2 and 3-room suites; running wa ter; fine location. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, 05 llth St., cor. -Stark. BEAUTIFULLY lc rated bay-window, unfur nished 2-room suite in centrally located apartment-house, 305 Jefferson, cor. 6th. NEAT, pleasant furnished housekeeping rooms, single or en suite; walking dis tance ; reasonable. 555 Morrison st. TWO front rooms In private family; walk ing distance. 451 Goldsmith at. Free phone. East 4481. NEW furnished housekeeping rooms, close la. 309 Clay at. Call after 11 A. M. TWO housekeeping rooms for rent. 262 12th st. House. WHEN YOU MOVE! you always need SOME furniture. BUY AT NO-RENT prices; the sav ings will exceed cost of moving. WE OWN OUR OWN BUILDING; oc cupy one-half; collect rtnt on balance. MORGAN-ATCHLEY FURNITURE CO.. Grand ave. and E. Stark. Phone East 2029. HOUSE of 8 rooms and bath, 749 Johnson, near 23d; rent $25. House of 7 rooms and bath, 751 Kearney, near 23d; rent $30. Flat of 6 rooms and bath, 589 Northrup, near 10th; rent $15. C. H. KORELL, 251 Washington. MODERN 6-room house. 351 Ross st.. new ly tinted and painted, within walking dis tance of business district. Inquire of owner. 373 Ross st., to Slnnott A Sln nott. 521 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT 20-room house, modern in every respect; pleasant surroundings, good neigh borhood. Inquire of Gevurtz A Sons, 173 First st. FOR RENT A 5-room bungalow, $20 a month. 009 E. Salmon; cement floor, pat ent tubs, house built one year, gas, elec tricity; key at office. 32d and Belmont. FOR RENT Modern 7-room house. East Hide; Holladay Addition; carpets, gas range, shades, etc.; practically new; for sale at H price. Phone East 3443. 12-ROOM house. In first-class shape, 391 Sev enth st.. rent $00 per month. PARRISH. WATKINS 3e CO., 230 Alder St. 6-ROOM house, close In ; first-class condi tion, reasonable rent to desirable tenants). Smith's Rental Agency, 105 Sherlock bldg. $20 MODERN 7-room corner house, gas, electricity, porcelain plumbing. 742 Clin ton. Phone Sell wood 807. FINE new 6-room house, furnace, gas, elec tricity, shades, fine bathroom and sleeping-porch. 512 East Market st. MODERN 6-room cottage, northeast corner 15th and Irving st.; rent $25. Dooley & Co., 1117 Board of Trade bldg., both phones. NEW, modern 5-room cottage, 36S Stephens at., walking distance; $17. Inquire 513 Fenton bldg. FI N B modern 6-room house. Just completed ; $20.00; corner East 28 th and Ash. Phone Tabor 187. MODERN 8-room house, 153 Idaho St., Ful ton car line; reasonable rent; key on prem ises. MODERN 8-room house, newly tinted, 380 Harrison, near Park. Falrchild, 175 East 10th st. Phone East 2154. TWO cottages, 6 rooms, bath, gas and lawn, corner 13th and Montgomery. Ap ply 307 12th. LOWER FLAT 5 large rooms, newly deco rated West Side, close in, good yard; references. 498 Clay, near 14th. A 4549. $15 Modern 7-room house, newly tinted, 1 block from car. The Conant Realty Co., room 5, 250 Alder St. COTTAGE for rent, 4 rooms. $18; gas. 95 North 15th st. Phone Pac. 3019. FOR RENT 4-room cottage, rr.odern. 835 E. 30th. Phone Sellwood Hit.. 8-ROOM house on Kearney st.. only $25. Call 518 Chamber Commerce. HOUSE of 14 rooms, SO N. 17th. near Wash ington. Apply 53 N. 18th, corner Davis. WE rent houses and flats. Haverstle A Gallagher, 343 Vi Washington st. FOR rent or sale, 5-room cottage on car line. Inquire -28 Wash., Room 5. FOR RENT $16, modern 5-room cottage 419 Hancock. Inquire, 408 Tillamook. MODERN 6-room house, 145 East 27th. bet Morrison and Belmont. Phone E 1308. FOR RENT An 8-room house on Mill st., be tween 14th and 15th. Call 508 Mill st. 6-ROOM house in good order. 62S 2d st.. Furnished Houses. A BEAUTIFUL furnished flat of three rooms with bath, phone and gas; modern In every respect, first floor ; reasonable. 301 Larrabee. flat B. Phone E 1800. PARTLY furnished modern flat, central reasonable. Call at 211 llth st. Phone A 3343. FURNISHED HOUSE Furnished 4-room bungalow and bath. 2 lots, near Mount Scctt car. Inquirs 1041 E. 19th St., N. DANDY 4-room irodern cottage. East Side, good location. Haverstic A Gallagher, 343 Washington st- 5-ROOM upper fiat. elegantly furnished, modern, 10 minutes from postofflce. Key 544 4th, above college. COMPLETELY furnished apartment of five rooms ; references exchanged. Phone Pa cific 4. 6-ROOM bay w yard. ouse, ws; 3d. elegantly furnished; large West Side; central; lovely 8-ROOM furnished fiat, alcove, bath and gas. Inquire 125 K. 14th. NEW 6-room house, furnished. 772 E. Tarn hill. Phone B 1625. East 3128. MODERN 6-room Irvlngton house, fur nished. Call 455 E. Sth st. N. BEAUTIFUI-LY furnished 4room flat, piano, gas range, private bath. B 3103. 6-ROOM furnished house, $25. Phone Wood lawn 1799. FURNISHED flat. 8 or 4 rooms: bath, ras stove. 514 E. 21st st. W.-W. or W.-R. car. MODERN 5-room furnished cottage for rent August 1. Inquire 546 Yamhill. FOR RENT. Furnished Hoi TWO blocks from High School, a well-furnished East Side home, 8 rooms, newly decorated; rent $5; references required. Apply mornings, 569 East Pine st. Phone B 1950. Booses for Rent Furniture for Bate. FURNITURE of 11-room house for sale; basement, kitchen, dining-room, silver ware; wish to sell quickly, $430 cash. Main 8008. FURNITURE for sale, 9 -room house, parties having to leave town, will sell reasonable. Easy terms. Address AF 102, Oregonian. A 7-ROOM newly furnished brick . house, 247 Taylor; will sell for the balance due on lease; will make terms. Inquire at Cohn Bros. Furniture Co., 180 1st st. BY August t, almost new furniture of 4-roora apartment; will make a big reduction If taken as It stands. Apt. 1, 424 Columbia st. FURNITURE of 6-room house at a sacrifice; leaving city ; house for rent. J 92, Ore gonian. FURNITURE of -room house; rooms enough rented to more than pay rent; pant housekeeping. 50 East 12th st.. N. FURNITURE of 5-room furnished flat, close in. Phone A 3610. ALL furniture of 4-room modern flat; cheap rent; $15. 442 Rodney ave. Summer Resorts. FOR SALE! At Long Beach. Wash., close to depot and P. O.. two front lots, joining, each 50x100, with a fine view of the ocean, cloBe to the bathing grounds, well fenced, with a cottage in good repair and order, furnished; price $1600. Harvey Wood sate. Long Beach, Wash. FOR RENT Six-room cottage on beach, completely furnished for one or two fami lies; splendid view of ocean, $150. M. S. Miller, 861 Rodney ave., Portland, or Sea View, Wash, WELL furnished cottage, near Seavlew station, 8 rooms and attic, good water, large grounds. Inquire 161 14th st. Phone Main 1453. LONG BEACH, Wash., small comfortable furnished cottage for July. Apply 300 Jef ferson. Phone A 5345. BEAUTIFUL 8-room bungalow, completely furnished. Address Mrs. Theodore Kruse, only Gear hart Park. SEA VIEW New cottage, finely furnished, choice location, unexcelled on beach. 149 Porter. A 4400. FOR RENT 4-room cottage at Long Beach, near Newton, furnished. Phone Main 1614 or A 1614. FURNISHED 3-room house at Seaside, Or., rent for season, $65. C. H. Korell, 251 Washington. FOR RENT 6-room furnished cottage, Gearhart, Or. Phone Main 4143 or X 95, Oregonian. SEAVIEW Remodeled 7-room house, fur nished, fireplace, good water. Apply 315 llth Main 1147. FOR RENT New six-room house, with fire place, at Gearhart; furnished; low rent. Phones Main 444. A 1044. FOR RENT One furnished room on the ridge at Sea View, Wash. Phone Tabor 763. A FURNISHED cottage, four rooms, barn and large pasture, at Centervllle. Wash.; rent $00. H. Trenkman. 469 Clay st. MRS. SARAH CHAMBERLAIN, private board and rooms; home cooking. Long Beach, Wash. BEAUTIFUL new house, beach front. Sea side, reasonable: fine ocean view. Phone E. 2829. Stores. FOR RENT Brick building. 20x100, suit able for bakery and restaurant, general merchandise, billiard hall or moving pic tures; best location in Woodburn. Or. Inquire 1041 E- 10th su N., Portland. FOR RENT New. modern 3-story brick warehouse, 50x100, In wholesale district. Jno. P. Sharkey Co., 6th and Washington. Telephone Main 550. A 2537. STORE room on Washington St., between 6th to loth st., on south side of street; will lease for a. term of years. N 91, Oregonian. FOR RENT 2-story brick building 25x100. on Front st.. bet. Yamhill and Taylor. Ap ply 183 Madison st. TWO storerooms. 18x50, 20x50, 6th st, across from. Union Depot. E. J. Daly, 222 Falling bldg. STORE, 430 Washington St., for rent, 25x60; lot 25x100; 0 rooms upstairs. E. J. Daly, 222 Failing bldg. Offices, FOR RENT Large second floor space for light manufacturing; good for tailor, engraver, stamp factory, etc. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. FOR RENT Second-floor offices in our own building, fire-proof vaults, conven iently arranged, reasonable rent. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. GROUND floor desk room, furnished or un furnished, both phones included. $15 to $20. Sengstake A Lyman. 90 Sth st. COURT rooms, $12.50 up; outside rooms on Washington or Fifth $20 up. "315 Swt land bldg. FOR RENT cheap, 4 desirable offices 908 Belmont. FOR RENT A few offices In Couch bldg. Apply room 80S. Halls. THE AUDITORIUM, 208 8d St., large hall to rent for meetings, dances, etc., on Friday and Saturday nights. ROOMING-HOUSE OPPORTCNITITE8. Arnold A Co., Main 7311. 351 Morrison st Devlin A Firebaugh. 508-9 Swetland bldg. W. W WILLIAMS. 413 Marquam building. BUSINESS CHANCES. I HAVE a first-class meat and grocery busi ness; good trade, fine location; party going East. E 98. Oregonian. FOR SALE Up-to-date bakery In county seat and college town; cheap; good rea sons for selling. G 00, Oregonian. FIRST-CLA?S photo gallery fitted complete ly, cheap for cash; must sell. Portland Photo Supply Co. FOR SALE Grocery store with living rooms, or will trade for property; & snap. Phone Pacific 1027. BLACKSMITH shop for sale, with tools; best stand In state; bad health cause for selling. Address Box 23, Banks, Or. FOR SALE at Invoice, good saloon, good business. If taken at once. Call at SO North 2d and Everett. FOR SALE well-located, strictly first-class restaurant, doing good business. Address AF H Oregonian. WANTED Restaurant; will buy. lease or start one. Write fully; no agents. G 97, Oregonian. $20,000 WILL purchase electric ltgrtf. with water rights; pay 15 per cent on Invest ment. A C 90. Oregonian. NOTICE Restaurant for sale cheap at 336 Russell st.; good location; will give Imme diate possession. WILL sell all or half Interest in good pay ing business; takes $500 ; will exchange for real estate. G SS. Oregonian. WANTED Limited amount of choice mining, manufacturing or Industrial stock; give particulars. K 87, Oregonian. COMPLETE planing mill; clears $5000 vear ly: well located on R, R. ; must sell; $5000 takes It. 519 Corbett bldg. $250 Want honest worker, experience un necessary: more work than one can do; $125 down. H 95. Oregonian. 40-ROOM hotel, well furnished, cheap lease, clearing $250 per month ; price $2500. Address box 11 L St. John. Or. PARTNER wanted with small capital, for motion-picture show. Particulars, Newman, 203 Burnslde. 2-CHAIR barber shop and bath-rooms In con nection, for sale. Address P. O. box 27, Echo, Or. WILL Invest $1000 to $3000, real estate, if a bargain; owners only. D 88, Oregonian. GROCERY store, 3 living rooms, $450. 551 Morrison st. HOTEL for sale, 68 rooms; saloon; very cheap. Inquire 33 N. 5th fit. BUSINESS CHANCES. BUSINESS OPENINGS. IN A NEW TOWN. Lam on t, important terminal point on the new Spokane, Portland A Seattle Rail road now on the market. Best openings In the West for all lines of business snd all the professions. Exceptional oppor tunities for Investment In lots. Round houses, machine shops, blacksmith shops, section houses, freight and passenger depots and many other Improvements to be Installed by railroad company. It will be a big pay-roll town. In a rich agricul tural country. A town with something to back it up. Write for maps and litera ture to the Fred B. Grinnell Company, sole agents. Terminal bldg., Spokane. Wash. WE offer, subject to prior sale, the follow ing stock: Am. Telegraphone . .t $2 Almeda Cons. $2 20 Alaska Pet. A Coal (Treas.) 15c Alaska Pet. A Coal (pooled) 10c British Columbia Amal. Coal.. Make offer Butte Boys M. & M. Co 40 Comstock Golden Gate M. Co.. Make offer Omaha Telephone pfd $20 Portland Telephone $20 Puget Sound Telephone $18 Telepost $750 United Wireless $3 Trinity G. M. Co 40c Midway Oil Your own price J. B. GOSS AGE, 202 Failing bldg. INVESTMENT of $10,000 will secure In Boise, Idaho, from the Capitol Hotel Company, representing the creditors of the former owner, five (5) years' lease on the Capitol Hotel. Buffet, Restaurant, together with complete outfit. furniture. fixtures and stock, all in first-class condition; managed at the present by private party for the benefit of the creditors. This hotel pays now more than expenses, and cost original ly close to $25,000. For further informa tion aad particulars, communicate with or apply to Robert A. McAfee, csshier. First National Bank. Boise. Idaho." BE QUICK RARE BARGAIN. The best rooming-house In the city Is placed In our handa for sale at about half price ; it is furnished with the best of everything, nearly new, and all good as new; house modern and up-to-date In every particular; has highest class of pat ronage, both permanent and transient; clears upward of $500 a month. This is emphatically the biggest snap ever offered In a first-class house. $3500 cash han dles It. ELLIS. YORK A CO.. 326 Washington St., Rooms 201-302. COMPETENT bookkeeper and office man with nine years' experience in manufacturing and wholesale lines, desires connection with well-cutablished house in Portland; well v-T-ed in theory of accounts, up-to-date of nce methods, accounting and auditing In general ; correspondence solicited. E. W. Homcji, Omaha, Neb. A CALIFORNIA OPPORTUNITY. Good watch and Jewelry business, with stationery and post card side line. Did $000 business in three months recently. Owner must have outdoor life. Will sell at once for $1500. Fullest investigation Invited. Address William C. Whltaker, Elmhurst. Cal. LEGITIMATE BUSINESS. " The Ames Mercantile Agency (estab lished 1805) furnishes free information on opportunities In mercantile or manufac turing lines, city or country. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. 204-205 Ablngton Bldg. ONE of the best retail country stores In Lane County, Or.; doing nice business; will sell stock and rent buildings; party must have at least $3000 cash. This Is a splendid opening. Investigate. Address Leek Box 21, Fall Creek, Or. A FURNITURE business oaying over $6000 per year net; will sell for Invoice, which is about $18,000; located in one of the best towns in Oregon; will take desirable Port land residence up to $0500 as part payment. Address AB 81, care Oregonian. REAL ESTATE man wants bright man as partner to show land, etc.; can mske $150 to $200; no experience necessary; very little cash required. Particulars Multnomah In vestment & Realty Co., 386 Washington St., room 11. FOR SALE- General stock of merchandise on G. L. P. Ry. at divisional point; con struction Just starting; stock about $8000. Building can be bought or rented. Rea son for selling, sickness. Address A. G. Hamilton, Fort George. B. C, Canada. FOR SALE! One of the best paying sa loons and 20-room hotels in city; all new ly furnished and up-to-date; $4500; part cash ; easy terms ; must sell account of sickness. Answer G 92, Oregonian. rn 1 .r,a ior promotion 01 nign-ciass ana L extremely profitable business enterprise; op portunity, of lifetime: $500 required: profit ut iiftil a ruu within -...a.. m as r gonian. SNAP Confectionery, St. John; business center; best trade; money-maker; rent only $40 per month; have other business; m ust sell ; terms. See C wner, 109 N. Jersey st. FOR SALE Grocery, select trade, high class goods; sales over $100 dally; will consider real estate to the value of $2000. Price $5000, or will invoice. Lock box 6S2. WE pay special attention to business open ings Before buying, call us up and see what we can offer you. Phone Main 4486. Klnnev & Stampher, 531-32 Lumber Ex change bldg. MACHINE SHOP, with full equipment, for eale at Winlock; terms stated on applica tion; this is snap to right party; good terri tory; owner wishes to engage In other busi ness. Address E. P. Dove, Winlock. THE MAY-HOLLAND COMPANY, INC. 626-627-628 Corbett bldg. Main 3517. A 2772. .Business Investments, Rooming-houses, Real Estate and Timber. DON'T YOU KNOW We can give you a special price on any mining stock or bond? F. J. Catterlln A Co., room 3. Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE or rent, one of the best equipped blacksmith and machine shops In inte rior Oregon. In A-l town. 2500 people. Ad dress AE 102, care Oregonian. MODERN and profitable cafe and restaurant adjoining downtown theater, to be con ducted on shares; some capital and experi ence required. Address X 94, Oregonian. FOR SALE Hardware store and Imple ments; value $10,000; also house and four lots; good location; terms reasonable. Ad dress L. Box 204, Athena. Oregon. PARTY with $1000 or $2000 cash, to Investi gate a business proposition worthy of con sideration, one willing to grant an interview only need apply. L 97, Oregonian. WILL sell for $15 Omaha (pfd.) or Port land Telephone, or will trad; make offer and state number of shares desired. A E 90. Oregonian. TWO-CHAIR barber shop In Newport, Or., Well located and low rent; season Just beginning. Reason for selling, other busi ness. Address Box 102, Newport, Or. WISH to Invest a few thousand dollars with services in a legitimate established business. Address with full particulars R 82, Oregonian. HOTEL lease and furniture for sale, only . hotel In a city of 1800; good bargain; terms. Box 235, Independence, Or. HALF interest In email manufacturing plant; good income and splendid prospects; $400. 325 Lumber Exchange. IMMEDIATE ACTION The ads. on these pages are for people who need immediate action. ' They tell .you where to get a cook, a clerk; where you can buy real estate, sell real e s t a t e in fact, they tell you any . and everything you want to know. - If they don't, call phones - Main 7070 A 6095 BUSINESS CHANCES. GORDON FALLS project may look good, but we. have a better one, in actual operation, whose earning capacity makes 6 per cent bond and probable dividend look sick; capi tal needed to extend the business; no fake, but we only take those with money Into our confidence; no agents. For informa tion address AT 95, Oregonian. MUST go East; new general merchandise stock, 85 cts. on the dollar. 340 Broad, M on ta villa. WANTED Apartment-hcuse. net Income $100 or mors; pay cash. Pacific 3055. AE 90- Oregonian. FOR SALE Well equipped cleaning and dye works in city of 0000 ; . business estab lished. Answer, AB 03. Oregonian. SALOON for sale at a bargain. In hotel of SO rooms. Independent of hotel. Inquire at 619 Thurman st. CREAMERY for sale cheap If taken at once; good location. Address A 92. Ore gonian. CORNER grocery, good location, fine business; good reasons for selling. K 80, Oregonian. FOR SALE Confectionery and cigar store, 16 North 6th st. TWO modern hotels for sale cheap; long lease; terms easy. W 03, Oregonian. A GOOD chance to get In the real estate business. Particulars 220 Lumber Exchange. FOR RENT 3-chair barber shop; good busi ness. 203 H Washington st. FINANCIAL. MoRey to Loaa. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. LET US BE YOUR BANKERS. WE LOAN MONEY TO ALL HONEST EMPLOYES, WITHOUT SECURITY. NO MORTGAGE. NO 1NDORSER. LOWEST RATES, EASIEST. PAYMENTS. EVERY $1 PAfD OFF REDUCES COST. OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH US TODAY. EVERYTHING STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. CALL, TELEPHONE, WRITE. STATE SECURITY CO., , 704 Dekum Bldg. HOURS SAM. TO 6 P. M. WED. AND SAT. EVGS., TO 8. IF YOU NEED M O N E Y To pay any other company, furniture house, or for any other purpose, call on the old reliable company. LOWEST RATES, Best Terms. We do not advertise misleading terms or rates, but give you our charges In plain figures. HUTTOX CREDIT COMPANY, 612 Dekum Bldg. THE CRESCENT LOAN AGENCY. 402 Rothchlld bldg., cor. 4th and Wash. The recognised bank of the wage earner. A clerk, bookkeeper, machinist, engineer or employe can obtain money of us on his note without security. $15 return to us $4 a Mo. $30 Return to us $$ a Mo. $50 Return to us $13.35 a Mo. Confidential; no unpleasant Inquiries. Special rates on pianos, furniture, etc. STAR LOAN AGENCY. Money loaned on salary or chattel mort gage; buslnt ss confidential. Mo. Seml-Mo. Wkly. $75 return to us... .$20.00 $10.00 $5.00 $50 return to us.... 1335 0.65 3.25 $30 return to utf.... 8.00 4 00 2.00 $15 return to us.... 4.00 2.00 1.00 209 McKAY BLDG.. oor. 3d and Stark sts. MONEY advanced salaried people and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices In uti principal cities; save yourself money by getting my terms first. TOLMAN. 223 Ablngton bldg., 100 8d. - WE pay the highest cash for Title Guar antee 4 Trust Co., Oregon Trust A Sav ings Bank. Merchant time certificates. German-American time certificates. We buy and sell Home Telephone bonds. Cohn Bros., 180 First st. SALARY and Mortgage loans to salaried em ployes and on Pianos, Furniture, Ware house Receipts, Hoises, Insurance Policies and all kinds of securities. NEW ERA LOAN A MORTGAGE CO.. 205 Ablngton Bldg. TO LOAN, large and small amounts on West Side and cloBe-ln East side real estate security at low rate of interest. Apply to C. F. Pfluger A Co.. room 14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. MONEY .oaned on raiarlcs; no other security; my system is best for railroad men, clerks, bookkeeepers, streetcar employes and others; business confidential. F. A. Newton, fill Buchanan bldg., 2oH Washingn st. WE) pay the highest cash price for Oregon Trust accounts or Germ an-American certifi cates; we will sell your telephone bonds. The E. L. Fraley Co., 418 Cham, of Com. I BUY Oregon Trust. Title Guarantee, Mer chants', Gorman-American accounts, tele phone bonds, and other collateral. Thomas McCusker, 205 Couch bldg. Main 7646. WE loan money on diamonds and Jewelry at reasonable Internet for leng or short time. A. A M. Delovage, Jewelers, 269 Washington st. J MONEY to loan on city real estate In sums to suit. PARRISH. WATKINS A CO., 250 Alder St. MONEY to loan on timber claims or city property, by private party ; no commis sion; correspondence answered. A B 98, Oregonian. WE buy Oregon Trust A Savings, Merchants' National, Title Guarantee A Trust ac counts for cash ; also stocks and bonds. 611 Corbett bldg. $100,000 to loan in rums of $1000 or more to suit, 6 to 7 per cent on improved realty. M. G. Griffin. 26) Stark, opp. Cham, of C. MONJ1Y to loan on real estate, anywhere and any sum; $ 10o and up; see us. Vaughn . Burt, 402 Corbett bldg. LOANS on real estate, chattels or personal security. , W. A. Hathaway, 10 Washing ton bldg Pacific 1S32 $4000 Omaha and Tacoma Tel. bonds, with 50 per cent stock, at 05 and 70 If taken at once. H 85, Oregonian.. IMMEDIATE loans In sums from $5 to $5000 on all securities. R. I. Eckerson & Co., room 5 Washington bldg. Phone Main 4655 MONEY to loan on Improved city property ; reasonable Interest. Coast Commercial Co., 504 Dekum bldg. CASH TO LOAN Reasonable terms, prompt service. Henry C. Prudhcmme, 306 Cham, of Com. Insurance and Real estate. MONEY to loan on improved city property; no commission. Call room 40. Washing ton bldg. $100,000 to loan in sums of $1000 or more on improved property. Cady A Selple, 822 Mo hawk bldg. WILL buy a few good mortgages. G. E. Wal ling. 242 Stark. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The Loan Co., 410 Dekum bldg. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collateral security. C. W. Pallett, 304 Fenton bldg. Loans on dwellings. $500 to $1500, 2 or 3 yra Ward, attorney, AlLsky bldg. Main 7326. MONEY loaned on all kinds of security. 408 Wells-Fargo bldg. MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or contracts. W. H. Nunn, 558 Sherlock bldg. State funds loaned. 6 per cent. W- E. Thom as, state agt. Multnomah Co. 400 C. of C. $15,000 TO loan on improved property; commission. F 63, Oregonian. Loans Wanted. I CAN use $5000 to $10,000 In a real estate proposition of great merit; Investigate. AE 87, Oregonian. WANTED Loan $ 1000, 8 per cent, on sightly lot and new bungalow. Y 92, Oregonian. PERSONAL. LADIES Ask your druggist for Chichester Diamond Brand Pills. For 25 years knows as the best, safest. Reliable. Take no other. Chlch esters Diamond Brand Pills ars sold by druggists everywhere. LADIES Whatever your ailment, call on Dr. KetcHum, graduate; advice free. 170 Vt 3d st. Main 8770. DRS. ATWOOD; private hospital; maternity, cases; good care; terms right. Ad. Allsky b PILES cured without operation by a well established physician. Box 300, city. LADY'S barber shop, haircutting 25c 12 N. 4th-and Burnslde sts. BALM OF FIGS for all female diseases. $4 East 18th st. North. Pbont E 4084. PACIFIC Introducing Club for lonely, single people; circular 10c 228 1 1st st. HYPNOTIST with subject, wanted to travel at once. K 50, Oregonian. TABLE board, home cooking. 334 Yamhill sc. cor. ?U PERSONAL. MEN'S DISEASES CURED. PERMANENTLY. If you have any disease that you have recently contracted, or that has become chronic, we will cure it. If you have Slles. constipation, rheumatism, prostatic Isease, or stricture, call on us and we win cure you. Don't delay. 1MPONDERO-THERAPY CO (INC.) 008 Merchants Trust Bldg. Entranc 326V4 Washington st., oor Sixth. LADIES When you tire of paying for face creams, electric treatment, massage, etc.. which at best only effect temporary im provement, come to us and have your looks permanently restored. Consultation free and confidential. THE REJUVENATION CO., 301-2 Flledner Bldg., 40" Wash. St. Phone Main 5336. DEEPEST WRINKLES. SMALLPOX PITS and all Imperfections of the scalp, hair and face removed, hurts developed u perfluous hair removed by the latest French method; all. the rage in Paris; no electricity; faces bleached; booklet- free. PROFESSOR AND MADAME MAKCOTT, Facial Institute. 146 llth st., bet. Alder and Morrison. FURS, FURS, FURS. Sow Is the time to attend to your furs. No charge for storage, when repairs amount to $5. Goods callled for-. Remodelling, re pairing and re-dying wkiUluUy done at Summer prices. Old mink blended to look like new. Ladies call and see process. A. Reiner, practical furrier, expert fitter. 663 Washington st. Phone A 5472. LADIES. If you wish to avoid the knife, come to us! We cure all female diseases: Constipation, piles, rceumalibin, neural gia, all forms of nervous and blood dis eases. Consultation f 1 ee. IMPONDERO-THERAPY CO (INC), 50S Merchants Trust Bldg. Entrance 320fe Washington st., cor 6th. SWEDISH trained nurse, Hlsingfors gradu ate, cures rheumatism, stomach troubles and nervous disorders by hand rubbing, steam sweat and tub baths; both sexes. 1 East llth st., one door from East An keny car. Phones East 260. Home B 1S03. MME. A. A. LUCKEY, Psycho-magnetic and suggestive thera peutics; a full line of electrical appliances. . newest end most improved electrical blanket. All diseases successfully treated. Room 30, 350 6a Morrison at. Main 2011. MEN CURED. Quickly and permanently; modern electric treatment for diseases of the prostate and nervous debility. Piles cured without oper ation or pain. W. 1. Howard, M. D., 304-6 Rothchlld bldg., 4th and Waenington. SUITS pressed while you wait, owe. To visit ers of Portland hotels and to public at large: Suits pressed at 50c at Gilbert, the tailor's, 60 6th st., next to the Oxford Hotel. Ladies' skirts pressed. 50c. Feathers and boas cleaned and curled. Phone Main 4004. YOU can't work when you don't sleep well; Palmo Tablets make you sleep and give you steady nerves; 50c a box, tt boxes $2.50. All druggists, or address the J. A Clemenson Drug Co., Portland. DR. SANDERSON'S CO. Savin and Cotton Root Pills, sure remedy for delayed periods, $2 per box or 8 boxes $5. Dr. Pierce, 161 & lat St. THE addresses of Tacy A. Laughlln, Flor ence Chapln and Martha Chapln are de sired by Sparks Bird, executor of John Martin. LoudonvlUe. Ohio. PERSONS of marriageable age, either sex. desiring acquaintance or companion, sesd 10c for circular. Portland Introducing Bureau, 181 hk lt St.. cor. Yamhill. DRESS suits for rent, all sizes; $1.50 month keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips sewed. Prompt calls and de liveries. Unique Tailoring Co., 3J9 Stark. LOST powers restored by Dr. Lorener Nerve Tonic Tablets. 25c box. Eyssell's Phar macy. 227 Morrison at., bet. 1st and 2d. GERMAN, French, Spanish and other for eign textbooks and literature a specialty. A. W. Bchmale Co., 229 1st st. MRS. OBROCK Mtaseuse. bcths, salt glow, alcohol rub, cream massage; referencea 28214 Park. Main 2403; A 2734. Mme. Courtwrighi. skin and scalp treat ments; facial deformities corrected; plastic surgery. 225 Flledner bldg. M. 5042. A 2069. FOR face massage, shampooing and scalp treatments, call up Sellwood 1188. Will call at your residence. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair, removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill, 330 Flledner bldg. Phone Main 3473. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will be received by the City Clerk of the City of CheheUls. Wash., up to 5 o'clock P. M., Monday, August 17, 1908, for the furnishing of materials and the con struction of a gravity water supply system, for the City of Chehalis, Wash., in accord ance with plans and speciflcations'on file In the City Clerk's office. The work will consist of the principal following approximate quantitiea: MAIN PIPE LINE. 86 acres of clearing and grubbing. 42.500 cubic yards earth, excavating and backfilling. 750 cubic yards earth, excavating and backfilling, river crossings. 500 cubic yards loose rock, excavating and backfilling. 250 cubic yards solid rock, excavating and backfilling. 86,800 lineal feet 16-Jnch wooden water mains. 600 lineal feet 16-inch steel pipe water mains. 200 lineal feet 18-inch wooden water mains. DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. - 35.700 lineal feet 4-inch wooden water mtflns. 40,8oO lineal feet 6-inch wooden water mains. 11,800 lineal feet 8-inch wooden water mains. 80 lineal feet lo-inch wooden water mains. 600 lineal feet 12-lnch wooden water mains. 920 lineal feet 14-Inch wooden water mains. , 270 lineal feet 12-inch steel pipe. 270 lineal feet 3x6-foot tunnel. 60 fire hydrants. One 500,000-gallon distributing reservoir, also gate valves, fittings, etc., required in connection with the system. All bids must be made upon blank forms furnished by the City Clerk. The plana and specifications may also be seen at the office of G. N. Miller, C. E., Burke bldg., Seattle. Wash. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check payable to the City of Che halls, Wash., for the sum of $2000, which sum shall be forfeited In caee the bidder to whom the award is made shall fail to en ter Into a contract for furnishing of ma terial and construction of the system, within 5 days after receiving notice of said award. The city reserves the right to re ject any or all bids. By order of the City Council. July 6, 1908. W. A. WESTOVER, City Clerk. DEPARTMENT of the Interior. United States Reclamation Service. Washington, D. C, May 23, 1908. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the United States Reclamation Service at Orland, Cal., until 2 o'clock P. M., August 27, 1908. for the construction of East Park dam, spillway and dikes, located about 12 miles northwest from Sites. Colusa Coun ty. Cal.. and involving the placing of about 13.500 cubic yards of concrete and the excavation of about 85O0 cubic yards of material. For further particulars address the United States Reclamation Service, Wash ington, D. C, 307 Tilford bldg., Portland, Or., or Orland. CaL James Rudolph Gar field, Secretary. NOTICE. Bids wilt be received at room 200, Ore gonian bldg , up to and Including, July 25. 1908, for the transportation and cart age of all editions of The Oregonian and Evening Telegram to the Postofflce. ex press offices, trains, boats, streetcars, etc.. from August 1, 1908, to August 1, 1909. For Information as to amount of work and time required apply to the mailing clerk, either newspaper, from 2 to 6 o'clock any afternoon. The right to reject any or all olds Is reserved. OREGONIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. July 2. 1908. Miscellaneous. ARCHITECTS. contractors, engineers, get Pacific Builder A Engineer. 315 Ch. Com. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND Where hair mattresses are reno vated, returned same day. . 228 Front. Main 474. A 1374. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metxger. LOST JULY 14 Pilot wheel brooch, flag In center, bearing word Seattle; reward at Oregonian. LOST Lady's gold watch on Mount Scott car or in transferring to East Ankeny car. Telephone Tabor 209. Reward. LOST On Thursday. little gold chain, with green pendant; reward. Return 172 19th at.. North. LOST Bull pup. Reward. 711 Broadway. Phone East 1499, C 1499. LADY'S blue coat, Saturday evening. Lib eral reward, 447 Halsey st., or Ex. 3L LOST AND FOUND. LOST Lady's watch, Sunday, between 12 and 1 P. M.. somewhere between 293 Han- ' cock st. and Marquam bldg. Initials A. J on watch, and Alberta on fob. Return to 273 Morrison; reward. A LIBERAL reward will be given and no ' questions asked for return to 616 Flan' ders st., of a National bicycle, model lttoT, ; 21-inch frame, taken Saturday afternoon July 18, from alongside of the house. LOST on Portland Helghtat June 22, black and white pointer dog; collar, no name; has extra toe on right hind foot; liberal -reward. Phone Main 8167. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. E. H. COLLIS. 324 Worcester block. publl accountant and estate agent. Auditing, investigating, systematizing; permanent keeping of books and records a specialty, THE GEO. T. MURTON AUDIT CO., 318 Chamber of Commerce, office systematiz ing and general accounting. Established 1S09. Architects. H. J. HEFTY, room 203 Gerllnger bldg., 2d aad Alder. Asaayers and Anal sts. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. ISO Morrison st. As Buyers and Analysts. PAUL BAL'MEL, asaayer and analyst. Gold dust bought. 207 Alder st. Wells A Proebstel. mining engineers, cheat lata and assay ers. 24 V Washington. Bicycle and Electrical Repairing. SHAW A MITCHELL Bicycle, gasoline, en gine and electrical repairing. 326 Stark st. Chiropody. WM. DEVEST and Estelle Deveny, the only scientlflo chiropodists In the city. Par lors 3o2 Gerllnger bldg., S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 330 Flledner bldg. Phone Main 34T3. Commission Merchants. TAYLOR, YOUNG A CO., ship brokers, com mission merchants. Sherlock bldg., Portlaad, Dancing. LESSON. 25c Open-Air Summer Dancing School : opening today and this evening. Prof. Wal. Willson'a School. SS6 Wash ington st., bet. West Park and loth sta leed Btores. E. L. COOPER A CO.. hay, grain, feed. 128 Union ave. East 1517. B 1517. Harness ana Saddlery. THE George Lawrence Co., wholesale sad dle and harness mnfrj 80-86 1st. Main 22 Junk, Hides and Pelts. L. SHANK A CO., purchasers of hides, pelts, wool, furs, tallow, eld rubbers, metals and sac Is. 812 Front at. Launches and Yachts, FOR charter and si le marine hardware gasoline engines. See Heyes, 171 Madison. Leather ani! Findings. J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1858. Leather and findings: Stockton sole leather ard cut stock; full line Eastern J urn boa 181- Front st. CHAS. L. MASTIC A CO., 74 Front, leatheg of every description, tap cars', findlnga Machinery. ICE machines. Complete installations. Arm strong Machinery Co., Spokane, Wash. Mining. R. J. JENNINGS, mines and mining. 60I- Gerllnger bldg. EMIL THIELHORN. violin teacher, pupil o Sevclk. A 4160. Pine 334. Pac. 2989. Osteopathic Physicians. DR. R. B. NORTHRUP. 415-16-17 Dekum Bldg.. Third and Washington Sts. Phone, office. Main 349. Residence, E. 1028. Paints, Oils and Glass. RASMUSSEN A CO., Jobbers, paints, oils,; glass, sash and doors Cor. 2d and Taylor. Patent and Pension Attorneys. PROTECT your Ideaa Wt can patnt it-v Moulton A Scotey. attorneys. 004 Colum bia bldg., Portland. Or. R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat-1 nts; infringement casea 604 Dekum. ; PATENTS, trade-marks copyrights. A. J. ' Matter, 411 Commonwealth bldg. J. J. HIRSHHEIMER, pemslon and patent' attorney, rooms 20-21 Labbe bldg. j Photo Engravers. PERFECT printing plates. Hlcks-Cbatten' Engraving Co., corner 2d and Alder sta DESIGNERS, photo engravers, Neiss A Con' naway. 109 2d st. A 4073, M. 7319. Rubber Stamps. ALSO trade checks and all office gooda P. P. C. Co., 231 Stark st. Both phones 1407. Signs. FOSTER A KLElfcER, SIGNS. The largest sign-makers in the North west, Sth and Everett ats. Phone Private Exchange 65. Home A 1155. Safes. DIEBOLD SAFE A LOCK. CO- John E. Da-! vis. e6 8d st. Bargains In 2d-hand safes. ; THE MOSLER SAFE CO., 108 2d st Safes at factory prices. Second-hand safes. Showcase, Bank and Store Fixtures. SHOWCASES of every description: bank, bar' and store fixtures made to order. The Lutke Mfg. Co. , THE James I. Marshall Mfg. Co., showcases' cabinets, store and office fixtures. 28 Couch : st. Main 2703. Storage and Transfer. C. O. PICK Transfer and Storage Co., office and commodious four-story brick ware- house, with seperate iron rooms and fire-1 proof vaults for valuable, N. W. corner of : 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping. Main 506, A 1000. OLSEN-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transferring and storage, safes . pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment. 20 Oak st.. bet. Front and 1st. Telephone Main 547 or A 2247- ' Street Paving. WARREN Construction Co., street paving, ; sidewalks and crossings. 814 Lumber Ex. 1 THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO.. at! Portland office, 402-3-4 Worcester block. Typewriters. NEW and second-hand typewriters, all makes, repaired, sold and rented; also state agents the Visible Fox. The Type writer Exchange. 84 3d st. Main 000. SPECIAL prices, all makes rented, sold, re-' paired. P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407. Wholesale Jobbers. WADHAM9 A CO.. wholesale grocers, man ufacturers, commission merchants. 4th and Oak. Wood. Cord wood bought and sold in carload lota only. Addrear 402 Wells Fargo bldg. FIRST-CLASS fir cordwood. sold In car- -load lots only; O. W. P. Main 8508. BANKS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Portland, Oregon. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, 81,500,000. No Interest paid on accounta LADD A TILTON BANK PORTLAND, OR. Established 1859. Capital fully paid $1,000,000 0 Surplus and undivided profits :. 400,000.00 OFFICERS: W. M. LADD President1 EDWARD COOKINGHAM ..Vice-President W. H. DUNCKLEY Cashier R. S. HOWARD, JR. ....Assistant Cashier' J. W. LADD Asulstant Cashier WALTER M. COOK Aisistant Cashier INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. Accounts of banks, firms, corporations and Individuals solicited. Wa are prepared to furnish depositors every facility consistent with good -banking. lfETI 104.0T