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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1908)
TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN. FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1908. CORSETS FITTED at Lip-man-Wolfe's by the ONLY Expert Trained Corsetiere in Portland "NEMO" CORSETS;" "C. B. a la Spirite" Corsets; "W. B." Corsets; "La Vida" Cor sets; "Smart Set" Corsets. Highest Class Imported and Domestic Novelty Lingerie Waists $2-$1.75 Values at 95c 16-Button Silk Gloves I 1 Thousands of pairs of finest quality 1 6 button length Silk Gloves in such well known makes as Kayser, Fownes, Ni- a gara, and others. All made of very I best silk and double-tipped; none betteii made. Every size, all perfect, no sec onds or old Gloves, such as are usually sold in sales. On sale at P" the lowest price in America UU W4 lilt vs. imj Regular Values $12.50 to $25 for $6.95 Today -we will offer our entire stock of imported and domestic novelty Lin gerie Waists, including the celebrated "Castleton" brand made of the finest lingerie materials in hand-embroidered and lace effects. Every waist new this season and sold regularly from $12.50 to $25. An annual clearance op portunity that comes but once a year A bargain never equaled. Your choice at only Smart Tailor-Made Suits Values to $40 at $21.50 a m be Late arrivals of new Tallormade fruitsshipped pearly a month late including a l number of white ; serge suits, must disposed of quickly. That's why we place them on sale Friday at only $2 1.50. Made in the latest 36-in. coat and Jacket styles of light and dark materials. The skirts are cut in the newest flare and gored styles. Regular price $40; Friday at $21.50j Pongee and Taffeta Silk Dresses !j)3S ues $11.85 Here is a bargain in the most desirable and fashionable of all costumes for Summer wear the lowest price in any sale this year. This is not a job lot, nor are they manufacturers' samples. But they are exquisitely designed creations from our superb regular assortments, sold . regularly to $35.00. Ideal for Summer wear. The lot includes Fancy Two-Piece Taf feta and Pongee Silk Suits, made with lace yoke and sleeves, trimmed with tucking, sou tache braid, buttons and silk straps. The skirts are made in the newest plaited effects. Colors: black, navy, Copenhagen, brown and fancy tan and brown stripes. Selling regu larly up to $35.00. On sale Friday Bargain Day at. . . $11.85 $25 Hair Mgittresses at $14.95 We do not or d i n a r i 1 y sell Matt resses, but this value is so sensational that 'we secured it for our' cus tomers. Superb 35 - pound, 4-4 silver - gray Hair Mat tresses of the finest quality, covered with the best grade 8-ounce A. C. A. t icking, filled' with the first quality silver-gray hair. Wf; have just 100 mattresses in this con signment that we have to offer at this exceptional low price. Regular $2,5.00 values, while they 95 Heatherbloom Petticoats $3.50 Values at $2.47 Women's Petticoats of finest quality black "Hydegrade" Heatherbloom Taffeta, made with extra deep flounce in three sections and trimmed with hemstitching. Sell- CO f 7 ing regularly at $3.50, Friday p.i- White and Fancy Vests Val. to $4 Friday . . $1.75 500 Men's White and Fancy Vests high grade and excel lent workmanship and trim mings. The latest models and patters with piped and flap pockets. Flannels, mercerized, silk mixtures and washable fabrics; stripes, checks, plaids and neat effects in light and dark shades. Values all the way up to $4, at qi JZ1 low sale price. . . P 1 O $3 Chantilly and Net Veils 98c 50c Ernb'red Turnovers 122c Black, white and colored Chantilly and Net Veils, in square, round and oblong shapes : dotted, floral and filet effects. Regular QQ values to $5 for $1.98, and values to $3.00 for 70C Swiss embroidered Turnover Collars, in English eyelet and French effects; large assortment of beautiful patterns; 1 values to 50c, for 1 A C V 4 (Untrimmed Hat Shapes at 39c $1.25 Plain and Fancy Silks, 59c Yd. Another great silk sale for Friday only. 10,000 yards of plain and fancy silks, all this season's best styles and colorings for Shirtwaist Suits, Jumper Suits and Waists, comprising black and colored taffeta, natural pongee and high-class fancy silks. All new, this season. Vals. to $1.25 ,yard, for Friday . , 7 A Wash Goods bargain event for Friday as low priced as to be hardly believable. Embroidered Madras in plaids, stripes and checks,especially adapted for tailored waists and suits; white grounds with colored embroidered plaids, checks and stripes; never sold for less than 50c yard; Friday Bargain Day 59cYd. 19c Yd. A timely sale of New Untrimmed Hat Shapes, 75c to $1.50 values, including children's flats, small turbans, the new mushroom shapes, etc. An endless variety of straw and hair flats in new shapes colors, black and white. Values to $1.50, Friday Bargain Day.. 39c Embroidery Sale 33c Yd. A special loft of Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric Flounces and Corset Cover Edges, 4 to 18-inch. Beautifully embr'd, vals. to $1.50, today 33c W.B.Nuform Corsets Reg. $2 Vals. $1.10 Our famous "W. B. Nuform" Corsets, extra quality coutil, new high bust and long hip, flattening back, hose sup porters attached, sizes 18 to 26 the very latest effects. Always sold for $2.00, Friday Bargain M i r Day .....Jbl.lU 35c and 45c Tan Hosiery 25c Right in the midst of the season, when tan hosiery is scarce and. in demand, we offer these fine imported Tan Stockings frcen the best makers, gauze cotton or lisle thread, full fash ioned and garter tops; all shades to match any shoe, and all sizes. Values 35c to 45c pair, for Friday O C only C Ribbon Remnants HALF PRICE Remnants of Fancy and Plain SilkTaffeta and Satin Rib bons, all widths and descriptions included in this TT-lf lot on center bargain table Friday at. .... .. XlClll Mercerized Lingerie 19c Mercerized Lingerie White Goods in alluring checks and plaids for waists and Summer dresses. Values to i a 50c yard JLiJC Sale Swiss Ribbed Vests at Almost Half Balance of stock "from a German firm, renowned for their celebrated silk gloves- also for their superior grade of Swiss ribbed underwear, in every style and size, at , - . prices that average only slightly more than 60c on the dollar. ill Purchase is made up of 1590 dozen garments, 175 different styles finely made of mercerized vega silk, real lisle thread and cotton; in 5 great lots. Lot 1 Value from tot 3 Value SO Lot 3 Value Ji Lot f Valuta- f Lot Valoea 1.50 3to 43 . !r5. , and 85 . od !.2i nd 2.QO .I" 28 T" 38 58 78 1.(18 Battenburg Lace Scarfs and Squares, with linen centers; scarfs 18x54 inches; squares 30x30 inches. Regu- lar $3.50 values. While they last today, at each 3C Ci ir 1 j? a. .9 - man mac Hirers cur tain Samples 59c Ea. 500 Imported manufactur-f ers Lace Curtain Samples In hand-made Arabian and Battenberg, Irish Point and Brussels Net effects; bet ter part of Curtains selling regularly from $5 to $15 a pair. They're full width, 50 inches wide, lVi yards long; Just the curtain for short, wide windows. One, two and three pairs of a kind. White and Arabian colors 59c 15c and 25c Ginghams 9c Yard A large bargain assortment of Colored Gingham for ladies' and children's wear, consisting of many desirable styles in all manner of weaves. Grades that sold from 15c q to 25c yard. Friday Bargain Day sale price C