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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1908)
TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1908. For the Lawn Lawn Mowers, 14-in.. worth $4.00, for onIy......$3.00 Lawn Mowers, 16-inch, $6.25 values, for only $5.00 Garden Hose, 50-foot lengths, worth $3.75; special . $4.50 Hose Reels, worth $1 each, for only 80 Lawn Sprinklers, 25c ones, for only 15 Garden Trowels, 10c vals.7 Lawn Rakes, regular 50c values for 40 Kitchen Needs Oil Store, with 1 burner; special, each . .40 Oil Stove, with 2 burners; special, each . .' .80 Oil Cooking Stoves, blue flame, 2 burner 'size; special price for Friday. .. .$4.50 Gas Plates, regularly worth $2.50 each; Friday. .$2.00 Gas Toasters, 35e ones. 25 Outing Hats Ready-to-We&r and Outing Hats for Friday at half the former prices. Secure your vacation hat now at a great saving. Suitable for fishing, camping, etc. One-Half Price Dnck Hats and Tarns for children's wear; new, up-to-date models, all priced' at One-Third Less than regular. All. Pattern and Trimmed Hats greatly reduced in price. Visit the Bargain Counter At that famous home of val ues, at the west end of the Knit Goods Aisle. Women's Vests, low neck, sleeveless style, plain or fan cy trimmed yoke; worth to 25c each, Friday.. 12 l-2 Women's Umbrellas, steel rod, good, strong frame, with fast black Corolla cover; nat ural wood or fancy trimmed handles; worth to $1.50 each, Men's Aisle, Friday.... 85 60c Dress Foulard Goods 19c SILKS Cheney Bros, best shower proof Foulards in large color assortment ; 2 grades bargain ized for Friday and Saturday. The $1.00 7Q Grade VC Splendid for outing suits, waists or separate skirts; checks, stripes, etc., in colored materials; an oppor tunity too good to miss; worth to 60c a yard; choice Friday 19c The $1.25 Grade 98c WE ARE AGENTS LADIES HOME JOURNAL PA TTERNS June "White 269th Try in V Friday j& conomy Dalies Sales9' A Combination That Points theWay toValues Extraordinary White Sale Bargains Continue and These Startling Friday Economies Offered Too All Over the Store Tempting Specials Beckon You to Buy Better Plan to Come Early 35c Soap Boxes 19c Celluloid Soap Boxes, in pink, blue or white, telescope style ; worth 35c each; special Friday 19 Pond's Extract, for burns, sprains, bryises, etc.; 50c bottle 35 19c Whisk Brooms; special. .10J Pins, with small heads, laek or white; regular 8c cube of 100. .5 Goodform Coat Hangers, nickel finish; worth 33c each; spcl.25 Linen Corset Laces, 5 yards long, black or white; regular 10c val ues; special Friday 5 Alcohol Lamps, for heating curl ing irons, etc., nickel plated finish, worth 75c each; special 49 Stocking Darners, black enamel finish, with spring for holding stocking; worth 10c each; spcl.7 White Cotton Tape, piece 5 fT" F D nov "hen you'regoing on picnics you'll need W aXea JLaper a supply of waxed paper for wrapping lunches, etc. 24 sheets in a package. Special for, package .4 50c Union Suits 39c Women's Elastic Ribbed Union Suits, with tight knee, low neck, sleeveless style; regularly QQ 50c each; very special for Friday JC Women's Pants, elastic ribbed, umbrella 1 Q knee, lace trimmed; 30c values; Friday XI7C Women's Vests, low neck, sleeveless style; OQ regular 45c value; Friday only s&IC Hose, 3 pair for 50 A special table of Women's and Children's Hose, worth to 35c a pair. Chil dren's in black lace or lxl ribbed; women's in fast black with shaped ankle, or fast black, full fash ioned; regularly worth to 35c pair; spe- Pn rial Friday, 3 pairs for JJC White Hosiery also sold at reduced prices. Women's and Children 's Hose in plain lisle, embroidered lisle, allover lace, boot lace effects, or lxl ribbed styles. A full assortment of patterns, sizes and h qualities. All white hose at special prices for the June sale. . - --- Stock Ties 2o?Eah at 12Vzc Ea. This is a 2212 Mall, stock ties, with hemstitched ends, combination tie 'with embroidered turn over collar; regularly 20c each. Special Women's Collars: Fine quality white linen, in tailored effects, . nicely embroidered. "12X1" g All sizes and grades; reg. 25c, Friday I &C Valenciennes Laces in edges or insertions. Widths up to 2 inches; regular price $1.25 per dozen. Special for Friday only at doz. 48c June Prudent Shoppers Are Saving at the Big White Sale on Linens Richardson's famous pure bleached Table Damask; a high grade linen regularly worth $1.00 the yard; 50 pieces on Q sale at, per yard OC Richardson's extra heavy satin Damask Table Cloths, with nap kins to match; complete sets only. A goodly assortment of exquisite ly beautiful patterns for round or square tables. Specially- priced the set as follows: With cloth 2x2 yards; regularly $13.50 val ue; special at this tfjl 1 Qf sale, only P 1 1V With cloth 2x2Vi yards; regularly $15.50 values; special ..$13.60 With cloth 2x3 yards; regularly $16.50 values; special ..$14.50 With cloth 2V2x2y2 yards; regular $17.50 values, only $15.40 With cloth 2V2x3 yards; regular $19.00 values; for only.. $16.80 India Linon. A superb 12c quality, very sheer and fine; spe cial today, the yard 9 Bed Spreads, fine satin finish, fringed all around with cut cor ners, rich quality in handsome de signs; regularly worth $4.00 each; today at the low price of only $3.49 Bed Spreads in same designs as above, but with hemmed ends in stead of fringed AO sides; -regular $3.50. . . PO.UO Summer Bed Spreads in two sizes, light weight, splendid patterns; regular $2.25 values; '7tZ today at .P 1 J $2.50 ones for $1.95 White Novelty Embroidered Swisses and Mulls? 75c values, the yard 48J $1.00 grades; special at 60 $1.25 grades; selling for.... 84 $1.50 qualities, priced at.... 98 Huck Towels, with scalloped edges; a new line just received; very new and desirable. Special ly priced during the June White Sale. White Duck Suiting. A splendid fabric for street wear. Comes 36 inches wide; regularly worth 25c the yard; 1 Friday's price IOC ' ' Parf ume ' ' Batiste ; something new and decidedly in vogue; a weave unusually adapted to the manufacture of fine underwear. Regular 35c quality at the OTJ, low price of, per yard.... v Special prices on all White Goods in this department for the June sale. Linens, White Wash Goods, and lines in white, reduced in price. Silk or Wool Suits Shirtwaist or Princess Models-Half 300 high class princess jor, shirtwaist costumes in a great half-price sale for Friday. Many are ' the styles you'll have to choose from and great are the values you 11 find.. There are one-piece prin cess gowns or two-piece dresses in shirt waist models,, either style very smart for Summer wear. There are plain colors, checks, plaids, in silk or wool materials. The trim mings are velvet, silk, braid, lace and buttons. The regular values run from $18.50 to $85. Choice in WW 1 this Friday Economy Sale A ACUl Regular $18.50 values, only $9.25 Regular $20.00 values, only $10.00 Regular $25.00 values, only $12.50 Regular $35.00 values, only $17-50 Regular $68.50 values, only $34.25 Regular $85.00 values, only $42.50 All other qualities same reductions. Oriental Rugs Many Tug fanciers have added to their collection this week while our sale furnished an op portunity to secure rare weaves and patterns at a lower than usual price." The reputation of this house stands behind every transaction, a fact well to bear in mind when you are offered a rug by an irrespon sible party, no matter what the price. Come to a de-. pendable source where only a fair profit is asked at any time; this week buy with that profit nearly all taken off. J .A 'V "I S Taffeta Silks Three Thousand Yards of crime grade black taffetas on sale for Friday. We do an enormous business on this line of goods, because we are the recognized leaders of Portland in both quality and assortment. This week we specialize on two of the best-known brands on the market, full yard wide and of sterling merit. Supply your needs; come Friday and share in the bargains; regular $1.50 grade rvp the yard, $1.13 and $L25 quality, only........... 5OC Odd Lingerie at Half Price Italian Vests One Fourth Less The second floor will be the center of bar gain attraction for Friday, and all who read this announcement should share in the specials offered. We continue the half-price sale on odd lots of muslinwear, and the assortment is greatly augmented for Friday by the addition of several dozen garments just selected from our regular stock and priced at half. There fore, today will be one of the best days of the sale for big bargains and wide assortments. You'll remember that this includes a splendid line of Travelers' Sample Gar ments, as well as all odd pieces in domes tic or French hand-embroidered muslin wear. We expect a large attendance on this floor, and we promise all who come bargains that will pay them well for their trip. Odd pieces TV. reduced to 2 iTYlCe WOMEN'S ITALIAN SILK VESTS' High grade, imported Underwear for sale in the Lingerie Secton, second floor, Fri day. These garments come in a great va riety of styles, from plain hemstitched edges to the most elaborate fancy silk em broideries and lace edges. Regardless of former price and values, i. w Friday, all at V4 L,eSS CHILDREN'S SWEATERS Broken lines of Misses' and Children's sizes in a great variety of styles. In the mountains, at the seashore, at home for play hours and knock-about wear, there is no gar ment more, needed than a sweater. Come in white, navy or red ; all J2 Price odd lines, while they last June White Sale prices on all White Muslin Underwear, White Corsets (the famous Royal Worcesters), White Children's Dresses, and all white merchandise. Men 's Hose 25c ',fSaj; 50 Dozen Men's Hose, in prime black lisle or in cotton with linen feet ; O EJ regular price 35c pair; Friday.. C Men's Balbriggan Underwear, in white, blue or pink; all sizes; 75c A Q values: Fridav ZfS. Men's Handkerchiefs, soft finished Jap-, onette with fancy borders ; regu- "1 ff lar price 15c each; special Men s Negligee Shirts, in plain or fancy col- OQ- ors; regular 75c values; Friday Complete line of Suit Cases, Traveling Bags, Trunks. rr mrrrn niv t Blankets at $4.50 White Wool Blankets, in extra good qualities, well bound, good weight, fancy borders; Friday a regular CC OC $7.50 grade the pair And the $5.50 quality for $4.50 Full-Sized Comforters, filled with a splendid grade of fluffy white cotton and . covered with figured silkoline in many patterns ; $1.65 is the regular price of them. For Friday $1.15 Smyrna Rugs All wool, double faced, in Oriental or floral designs ; size 30x60 inches ; regular d 1 i Q price $2.25. For Friday Sale P 1 X V Playing Cards 10c Playing Cards, good quality; spe cial Friday, the pack 10 Writing Tablets, Hurd's make, lin en finish, plain or ruled; worth 20c; special only 12 Box Stationery, fine quality, white cloth finish; worth 30c box.. 20 Scissors, with fancy gold-plated handles; worth 50c pair....35 Sanitol Tooth Paste or Powder; worth 25c package; special. .15J Crepe Paper Lunch Sets, napkins and lunch . cloth to match, in as sorted designs; 15c set for..lO Dinner or Place Cards, fancy de signs; worth 25c doz.; special.l7 Face Powder, bandy and conven ient, carrying in handbags, flesh or white; 10c book for 7$ Toilet Soap, Oatmeal or Elder flower brand, mammoth size cakes, regular 10c values; special. . .6 $12 Robes $5 A Friday Special Sale Women's Em broidered Robes, patterns of nnusual beau ty. Batiste or lawn materials; skirt and waist embroidered to match; 1C An regular values to $12; Friday. . vOUU Shirt Waist Fronts of French batiste, linen or fine lawn; have the collar, cuffs and front embroidered to match; dC fA worth to $20.00; choice Friday. ."PwAlU Embroidered Linen Waist Fronts; QO regular values to $3 each; Friday. . OC Handkerchiefs for Women or Children Plain lawn handkerchiefs with fancy bor ders, or linen with embroidered corners; regularly worth to 18c each; special m7t. for Friday only C Laces in Oriental Bands and Edges Pretty Valenciennes edges or handsome appliques; regular prices np to 75c the yard; "1 extra special for Friday only, yard. . Silk Gloves, All Sizes, at 44c Pair A handwear bargain for Friday that no thrifty buyer will overlook. They are two clasp style and prime grade of silk. Come in black and white and in all sizes. Regular price 60c the pair. We are underpricing them for Friday in a way that yf will bring throngs of eager buyers. Pair 1 1C Silk Gloves, 16-button length, in black or white, and in sixes 52 and 6 only. For women with small and medium hands, this is an extraordinary Q 0 bargain. Regular $1.75 quality; special J Ribbons 19c Yd. Add a touch of color to your gown; fashion a chic bow for your Summer hat; make a pretty sash or hair bow, from the ribbons offered in this assortment. There is a wide range of colors and the weaves are the most preferred sorts. There are messaline ribbons, 4 1-2 to 5 inches wide, black taffeta 4 1-2 to 5 inches in width, and changeable taffetas 5 inches wide. It is a gloriously good bargain. There are miles and miles of these splendid bargain ribbons 1 Q and values run to 70c Yd. Friday only J. sC White Sale Special. Prices on all White Ribbons, Gloves, White Laces, Embroideries Midsummer Shoe Sale We'll show Portland people what Summer shoe comfort means before this sale is over. We'll help them to be smartly shod at a small outlay, too. Buy here, for the styles are the best the values superb. LOT 1 Women's Oxfords, in brown, tan, black or patent leath er; also in some of the best col ors; splendid styles; tO QQ worth $6.00 pair pOOZJ LOT 2 Oxfords in white canvas, or in tan, brown or black leather; all good styles and good val ues; worth to $4.00 fl0 OQ a pair; special at pdvJs LOT 3 Women's Oxfords, in white and colored canvas or in black kid; very good styles and values at $3.00 pair; fl1 QO your choice; special... PA70 LOT 4 Women's Oxfords, in tan Russia calf, in tan suede, pat ent leather or calf; 50 styles in cluded; regular val- tO OQ ues to $5.00; choice ipO.OiJ LOT 5 Women's Oxfords, in white canvas or black kid, come in 12 styles, with plain or tip toes and low or medium heels; all Cjl 1 Q have hand turned soles; all sizes; regular $2.50 values P White Canvas Cleaner, Special Friday Only, Half Price. Here Are a Few Special Prices on Our Handsome Cut Glass Cut Glass For your own home or for appropriate' and artistic gift for a June bride. Berry Bowls, $5.50 value .$3.85 Berry Bowls, $6.50 value $4.50 Berry Bowls, $8.00 value S3. 60 Water Tumblers, $14 doz S10.50 Water Tumblers, $15 doz $11.95 Flower Vases, $6.00 value $4.50 Flower Vases, $7.75 value $5.25 Flower Vases, $10.50 value $8.65 Fancy Nappies, $3.00 value. ... .$2.40 Fancy Nappies, $3.50 value $2.T5 Fancy Nappies, $3.75 value.. .. .$2.95 Fancy Nappies, $4.50 value $3.50 Fancy Nappies, $5.00 value. .. , .$3.95 Fancy Nappies, $7.25 value. .-.$6.25 Marble Statuettes Marble Statuettes. Splendid sug gestions for June wedding- gifts; a fine assortment to select' from; regularly priced at $8.50 to 110; bargained like this: S 8.50 VftlB.. special... special. . , special. . . special. . . special. . . 9.0J vals.. $12.00 .vals., $27.00 vals.. $32.00 vals.. 24.00 Bathing Suits at $2.00 to $30.00 No matter what the price, the 6tyle is good and the material is fast color. " We also have Bathing Caps and Shoes on sale in this depart ment. The suits are in all the leading colors and from the best launderable cotton and wool materials. Nicely trimmed with braid, etc. Select your vacation Bathing Suit while the assortment is still complete. Sewing Mach ines Don't pay agrency prices. Buy a Sewing- Machine here. Have one of the best possible to produce, and buy it under our 10-year guarantee. Olds. Wortman & King: Sewing Machines, with high arm. ball bearing, our gold en oak finished cabinet; equal to any 6S srency machine. Our special selling price, only.....t. yJ.OU t