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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1908)
Is THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 190S. Portland Agents for "Nemo" Corsets, Gossard "Lace Front " Corsets, "La Grecque" and "Estelle" CorsetsExpert Fitters 2d FIooi eier Frank Store "June White Days" Meier (1 Frank Store Every White Article Reduced eier Frank Store "June White Days" Meier (H? Frank Store Every White Article Reduced mm IP f?k ji ' j i Portland's Leading Cloak und Suit Store All Our White Apparel at Attractive Prices Entire stock of women 's "Walking Skirts In white serge and alpaca a very large as sortment of new and pretty styles, all marked at "June White Days" prices. An opportunity to secure a .handsome street and dress skirt at a tremendous saving. Let us show you. On sale on Second Floor. Our entire stock of white Walking Skirts in linen, duck, P. K. and rep, marked at greatly reduced prices. Made full-pleated and plain flared effects, trimmed with straps, bias folds, etc. A large assortment to select from. All grades, from $1.50 up, marked at a big saving. On the Second Floor. All white evening and theater Wraps, Paris and New York models, latest ' fashions June sale prices. All white evening and reception Gowns, in silk, lace, net and wash mate rials. A magnificent showing of exclusive models. All are' marked at June Days Sale prices. See them on the Second Floor. All white apparel for misses and children dresses, suits, coats, skirts, etc., at unusually low prices. All white silk and lace Wash Waists, white silk Petticoats, Tea Gowns, Dressing Sacques, are low-priced. Our entire stock of white Millinery for women, misses and children on sale at "June White Days" prices! Paris and New York Pat tern Hats very low-priced. White dress headgear of exclusive style. White Millinery for misses and children low-priced. White Ostrich Plumes, white Feathers, white trimmings of all kinds on sale at interesting prices. Women should . take advantage of this great sale. White Millinery Our entire stock of women's White Wool Suits on sale at "June White Days" prices. All the latest fashions and materials are included, and you choose from the only satis factory and complete stock in the city. Short, medium and long-coat suits, loose, semi and tight-fitting garments ; single or double-breasted, fancy braided, satin-trimmed or plain tailored effects; materials of Panama cloth, serge, herringbone serge, silk rajah, etc. GREAT SPECIAL VALUES,- ON SALE AT FROM $19.75 UP. Entire stock of white Linen and Rep Suits and white Lingerie Dresses on sale at June Prices. An endless showing of the season's newest and and prettiest white apparel all oh sale at saving prices. The economical woman will buy her hot-weather white apparel now. All white wool, linen and silk Coats on 6ale at greatly reduced prices; plain tailored and fancy silk braided effects ; wool serge and linen coats, semi-fitted, single-breasted or medium length loose coats; a wonderful display, each, during the June White Days sale, from $5.85 to $50.00 White Lingerie Princess and 2-piece Dresses in organdies, nets, pnt d 'esprit lawn, linen, batiste,. etc.; hand-embroidered and lace-trimmed garments; Eng lish eyelet embroidered, Val. lace, Plat Vals., Venise, Irish crochet, linen, Cluny, dainty tucking and deep pleated effects. Both waist and skirt trimmed with the above trimming. The greatest display and the best values in the city at prices ranging from $5.85 to $115.00 each.- Take advantage of this June -"White Days sale. White Coats White Sale of Laces and Embroideries 6000 yards of Swiss and Nainsook Embroidery and Insertion, eyelet and blindwork effects, in grand O assortment; all new, high-class embroideries; values up to $1.00 a yard, at this special price, yard. 25,000 yards of Imitation Cluny and Filet Bands for trimming Summer gowns, etc.; handsome pat- 1 Cf terns; widths from 2 to 5 inches; regular values up to 40c a yard, on sale at this special price, yard. Great sale of Nets, plain, filet, figured and dotted; all 1 O'ff on a rea aces, Crochet, new styles, for waists and gowns, on sale as follows: V1I Duchess, Point, Valenciennes, $1.00 Values Special Sale at 59c per Yard 8ty, a" de8' at special reductions. -- " I"1 EeaL Cluny and Torchon Laces at these sale prices : $2.50 Values Special Sale at $1.29 Yard 25c values, yard, 19 $1.00 values, yard,- 79 6000 doz. Valenciennes Laces, round-thread and French Imjtation. and Filet Bands edge medallions Vals., to 3 inches wide; daintiest patterns; wonder- and appliques at, the yard, 25S 69 and 98 ful variety, matchless values, at these special prices: Entire stock of Embroidery Match Bets, for infants' ... , . .. . wear, nndermuslins, gowns, etc., at reduced prices. Values to $1.50 tor 42c per dozen Yards v .. ' , . . , i v -3 , if cr t fTi , . - Entire stock of fine Laces and Embroideries on sale Values to $2.75 for 75c per dozen Yards at June White Days" prices. Let us show .you. Great White Sale Muslin Underwear Women's fine cambric and nainsook Drawers, trimmed in fine em broideries, Val. and torchon laces, tucks, headings and ribbons. Great assortment, matchless values, on sale at the following prices : 60c Drawers at, pair, 39c $ 1 .2ST)rawers, pair, 79c $2.50 Drawers at $1 69 $5-$6 Drawers at $3.93 75c Drawers at, pair, 49c $1.50-$1.75 Drawers 98c $3.75 Drawers at $2.43 $7.5Q-$9 Drawers $5.75 Women's fine cambric, lawn and nainsook Corset Covers, trimmed1 in laces, tucks, embroideries, medallions, beading and ribbon; in pretty styles and great variety; unusual values, at these prices: $ 1 .00 Corset Covers 73c $1.50 Corset Covers 96c $1. 75 Corset Covers $1.19 $2 Corset Covers $1.39 $2.50CorsetCover8$1.79' $3 Corset Covers $1.98 $3.50Cor8etCover$2.43 Corset Covers up to $25 25c to $ 1 .00 Corset Covers all at reduced .prices Women's fine white Petticoats of the very best materials, made with wide flounces and trimmed in clusters of tucks, insertion, heading and ribbons, lace and deep embroidery flouncings ; separate oust ruffles. Great special value, at the following very low prices : $1.25 Petticoats for-' 98c $ 1 .75-$ 2 Petticoats $1.33 $2.50-$5Pett5coats $1.98 $ 1 0-$ 1 1 Petticoats $7. 1 5 Petticoats up to $100 all $3J50-$4 Pettic'ts $2.98 $5-$6.5Q Pettic'ts $3.90. $8.50 Petticoats at $3750 $13.50 Petticoats $8.50 at greatly reduced prices Women's fine cambric, nainsook and muslin Gowns, mads low, round and square seek; short, puff and flowing sleeves; also high .neck and long sleeves; trimmed in fine embroideries, laces, laca ' tucks, insertion, beading and ribbons; mad full length and width.. Enormous assortment and wonderful value at these special prices : - $5 -$6.50 Gowns $3.90 $1.50-$ 1 .75 Gowns 98c $2 -$2.50 Gowns $T49 $3.00 Gowns for $1.98 $3.50 Gowns for $2767 $4-$4.50 Gowns $2.98 50c to $1.50 Gowns all $330 Gowns for $5.33 $12.50 Gowns at $6.98 $16.50 Gowns at $9.98 Gowns on sale up to $75 at greatly reduced prices Women's fine cam brio and nainsook Chemise and Combination Corset Cover and 6hort Skirts ; very pretty styles, trimmed in fine embroideries, Val. and torohon laces, tucks, beading, insertion and ribbons ; made with fitted and plain backs and trimmed skirts ; marvelous values. On sale at the following special low prices: $ 1 .50-$ 1 .75 Garments at 98c $2.50-$3.00 Garments $ L69 $3.56-$5.00 Garments $2.98 $6.50 Carm'ts $3.93 $7.50 Garm'ts $5.68 $10 Garments $7.15 Women's short white Underskirts, made of cambric, with hemstitched tucked ruffles and lace and broidery-trimmed ruffles. Beautiful garments and great values,-on sale at the following low prices: em- $ 1.00 Underskirts for 83c $1.25 Underskirts for 98c $ 1 .75 Underskirts at $ 1 .22 $2.00 Underskirts at $1.67 60c Underskirts, each, 49c 75c Underskirts, each, 63c A magnificent line of 3 and 4-piece Trousseau Matched Sets, trimmed in very fine laoes and embroideries, tucks, medallions, insertions, headings and ribbons; exquisite styles and assortment $7.50 to $100 values, low-priced. June Sale Women's Fine French Underwear 2d Floor At greatly reduced prices handmade and hand-embroidered effects; largest and handsomest display in city. Chemise 98c to $13.50 at reduced prices Gowns $2.50 to $37.00 at reduced prices Great reductions on infants' and children's dresses and white wear of all kinds. 2d floor. Mail orders filled. Skirts $2.98 to $75.00 at rednced prices Corset Covers $1725 to $8.50 low priced White Hosiery 3000 pair of women's white Lace Hosiery beautiful pat terns in boot and all-over lace effects; great variety to select from; sizes 8V2 to 10; regular 65c and 75c values, on sale at, the pair.... 42 Women 's plain white ' Lisle Hose, full fashioned leg and foot; sizes 82 to 10; best regular 35c values, on sale at, low price of, pair. .JC Boys' and girls' good quality white ribbed Lisle Hose, sizes 5 to 10; 25c val..l8 Infants' white cashmere Stockings, sizes 4 to 62 ; great special vals., pr..21 Our entire stock of women's misses' and children's white Hosiery at saving prices. Lawn Mowers 16-in. Lawn Mowers, $4.00 values, this sale $3.28 12-in. Lawn Mowers, $5.25 values; this sale. .. .$4.19 16-inch Lawn Mowers, $8.00 values; this sale.... $5. 95 16-ineh Lawn Mowers, $6.50 values; this sale.... 5. 23 All are full ball bearing and guaranteed in every way. 50 ft. Garden Hose; $8.50 value; this sale $4.75 Refrigerators, all sizes, and the best values guaranteed. White Oxfords Regular $2 White Oxford3 on sale at, the pair $1.29 Regular $2.50 White Oxford3 on sale at, the pair, $1.65 Regular $3 white Oxfords, on sale at, the pair, $2.19 3000 pairs of misses' and children's white Canvas Ox fords, in blucher styles, all sizes; great values; the pair 65S 75S 85 Table Linens All our regular $1.00 Table Damask, full 72 inches wide, best patterns, exceptional value, at, the yard. ...S2 All our handsome new $1.25 Table Damask, yard...98J All our regular $1.50 Table Damask, on sale, yd. $1.28 All $1.75 Table Damask, on sale at, special, yd. .$1.32 All $2.00 Table Damask on sale at, special, yard. $1.54 All our regular $2 Napkins, best quality and patterns, at special, dozen, only. $1.48 $2.50 Napkins, doz..$2.12 $3.50 Napkins, doz..$2.98 All our regular $5 Napkins at, special, dozen. . .$3.96 Wash Goods 5000 yards of new Lawns, Batistes, Mulls, Swisses, etc.; all the very best and newest designs and colorings; great variety; 25o values. .12V2 3000 yards of very fine French Voiles, all this sea son's pretty styles, for Sum mer dresses; handsome de signs and colorings; best 35c values, on sale at, yd. .19J 2500 yards of fine imported Dimities, new and exclusive styles for Summer costumes; very large variety y the best regular 35c values, yd..l9J June White Sale" Lace Curtains Entire stock of Lace Curtains on sale at interesting prices, Third Floor. White Nottingham Lace Curtains, all the most popular designs in Brussels or heavy borders, plain centers ; 50 and 60 inches wide, 3 yards long : $ 1 .25 Valnes, at 95c Pair-$ 1 .50 Values at $ 1 . 1 5 Pair $ 1 .75 Values at $ 1 .35 Pair $2.00 Values at $1.58 Pair $2.50 Values at $1.90 Pair $3.00 Values at $2.35 Pair White Net Curtains, Clunys, Marie Antoinettes, Brussels and Renaissance all the handsomest designs and the best grades; great values, and a large assortment to select from. On sale at the following special low prices: $5.00 Values at $3.95 Pair $7.50 Values at $5.85 Pair-$ 10.00 Values $7.90 Pair $12.50 Values $9.85 Pair $15.00 Values $11.75 Pair $20.00 Values $15.85 Pair 2000 pairs ofwhite Lace Curtains Clunys, Marie Antoinettes and braided effeots; on plain nets, JJO QC with linen borders and edges; a great special purchase enables us to offer $4.00 values at, the pair. .v00 All white Curtain Materials on sale at low June White Sale prices. Mail orders will receive prompt attention. $1.50 Shirtwaists on Sale at 5 2c Each $2.00 Shirtwaists at 92c Each $4 Shirtwaists at $2.58 Each Entire stock of White Waists at greatly reduced prices New York and Paris waists, every pretty style, in all grades Space permits listing only a few of the many great bargains 2d Floor 5000 cotton Shirtwaists in lawn, madras and dotted Swiss, trimmed in embroi dery, laoe and tucks, long and short sleeves; button front or back; CO all sizes; regular values up to $1.50 each, on sale at this low price. .?C 5000 cotton Shirtwaists in fine lawns and dotted swiss, made with fancy round yoke of medallions or square yoke of lace insertion, fine tucks, strips QO of embroidery, lace and tucks; long and short sleeves; $2.00 valnes, at.-C Fancy white cotton Waists of Persian Lawns, batiste, mull, linen, lawn and crossbar; fancy yokes, round or square; trimmed in round mesh, CO CO .Val., embroidery, etc; regular $4.00 values Mail orders filled.. p''0 White Goods Sale Great special White Sale of 200 pieces fine mercerized White Goods in fancy, open and woven effects new, desirable styles for women's and children's Summer dress apparel. Endless assortment of attractive nov elties, 75c value. An advantageous purchase from a prominent New Eng land mill enables us to offer your choice at the low price of 35 200 pieces of beautiful quality mer cerized Batiste, the best regular 35c quality, at low price of, yard..22 500 pieces of 36-inch English Long Cloth, 12 yards to the piece.. $1.19 Great special June sale' of 2000 new hemmed Bedspreads, in best patterns, and a great variety to select from; the best regular $1.50 values; buy all you want of of them at, each. $1.12 Entire stock $2-$2.25 Bedspreads, fringed and cut corners ; great assort ment, matchless values, each. $1.44 5000 good, 'ieavy. Cotton Sheets, splendid quality, size 81x90 inches; matchless value, each, only,!.. 65 500 doz. good, heavy cotton , Pillow Cases, 42x36-inch; best value in the city at, the low price of, each.121 All Pillow. Cases on. sale at the very lowest prices. Take advantage. Special assortment of 12-inch Doilies, finished with real Cluny lace, hand some patterns ; the best regular $1.25 and $L50 values, special, each..63 Large special assortment of Batten berg Doilies, 12-inoh, round and square styles; pretty designs; 40c and 50c values, on sale at, ea..23 Special lot of 24-inch round and square Battenberg Centers, assorted patterns; regular $1.25 to $2 values; on sale at low price of, each 87 $ 3.50 White Gloves $ 1 .95 $ 1 .75 White Gloves $1.19 Thousands and thousands of pairs of white gloves of all styles, kinds and grades at greatly reduced prices Cloves for dress and evening wear" gloves for graduates and brides Take advantage- of this op portunity You will be pleased 5000 pairs of white Kid Gloves of su perior style and quality; full 10-but-ton lengths, all sizes, bl2 to 7 j. Brides and graduates will buy liber ally of this grand bargain C?f QC $3.50 values, pair 10,000 pairs white Silk Gloves of the best style and quality; double linger tips, full 16-button lengths; sizes b'- to 8; regular $1.75 and $2.00 values on sale at this low price, CJ1 1Q pair take advantage V 1 1 5000 pairs of 2-clasp white Silk Gloves; double finger tips, sizes 5'2 to 7V2 all the best quality short Silk Gloves; regular 75c values, on sale at this special low price, the pair " WOMEN'S WHITE NECKWEAR IS NOW REDUCED 200 dozen women 's white Embroidered Collars, in sizes 12 to 1 7 14; best regular 25c values, on sale at this low price, each. C 100 dozen women's white Bows, large and small styles, in lace, net, mull and embroidery; all new neckwear, 75c value, choice, each..45 200 dozei women's white Neckwear, in bows, croats, stocks, OO jabots, sets, etc.; regular 35c values, on sale at, each iJG Entire stock women's white Neckwear on sale at reduced prices. 500 dozen white Pearl Buttons, sizes 14 to 22-line, 2 and 4-hole, C, plain and fancy; regular 12c to 20c values, dozenN. JC 1500 yards of white embroidered Swiss Bands for Summer waists, to 2 inches wide; pretty styles; $1.00 and $1.50 values, yard 37 T