Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 21, 1906, Page 14, Image 14

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Steamship Cannot Sail Until J.
H. Peterson Is Satisfied. .
Oinifr and Operator Are at Oats and
I'ntil Agreement Is Reached
Vessel AVill Be Idle Doe
feays She Will Sail Today.
The. steamship Geo. W. Elder did not
depart for San Francisco and way ports
last evening, though C. P. Doe. the man
aging operator of the vessel, had an
nounced her 'sailing in the evening pa
rers. The steamship will not sail until
J. H. Peterson, owner, appears with Doe
before the Collector of Customs and ap
plies for the ship's papers, which were
given Up at the time the Elder was aban
doned on the rocks off Goble, Or., in
January, ir5. It is up to Peterson to
five his consent before such papers can
be re-issued.
Manager Doe, of the North. Pacific
Steamship Company, has been given, it
is reported, a half Interest in the steam
er by Peterson, who bous-ht her from the
underwriters after all efforts at floating
her had failed. Peterson secured the
sei vices of Captain YV. H. Baker, a
wiecker from Michigan, and iast May the
vessel floated, atter having been half sub
merged for IS months.
Whether the report that Doe has a
half interest is true.' Peterson has not
said, at any rate the supposed partners
in the vessel ate at outs, and Peterson
ie(usts to apply. for the papers without
which the steamship cannot sail, and un
til he aprers to do so the Kldrr will re
main at her dock.
The Ehier is reported to be in first-class
condition by Doe, and this statement is
onlunied by Captain E. S. Kdwards, one
of the United Stales Inspectors, who sa-3
she is equipped with all the apparatus
jenuired hy law. Peterson says the equip
ment is not satisfactory to him. The
uuarrel of the parties is of no interest
to the public, hut people who have pur
chased tickets to San Francisco and way
points are anxious that Doe and Peterson
settle the dispute as soon as possible and
et the vessel ready for her voyage.
Doe has assured them that the vessel
'will sail today. This notice was issued
after it became apparent that efforts to
get Peterson's consent to registration
yesterday had failed. Another attempt to
gain Peterson's consent will be made this
morning, and if it is successful the ves
sel may sail this evening, but if Peterson
remains in his present humor, the Elder
will be Jied up indefinitely, and those
who have purchased tickets on her will
have to sail on the Roanoke.
Schooner Has Stormy Voyage and
Captain Is Taken III.
ASTORIA. Nov. J (Special.) The
three-masted schooner V . F. Jewett was
towed into port this morning flying dis
tress si ana If. She is the vessel reported
from North Head yesterday afternoon as
being 1i miles north of the mouth of the
river and signalling for a tug. The Jewett
is "1 days out from Redondo and she en-countere-1
very severe weather all the
way up the coast. About two weeks ago,
her master. Captain Abrahmson. was
taken ill and the navigation of the ves
sel devolved upon the mate.
The schooner had been within a. short
distance of the mouth of the river for 12
days in the recent gales and during that
time she lost several gaffs and sails but
no one wae in.iurerl and the vessel was not
seriously damaged. Captain Abrahmson,
who is well advanced in years, is a very
sick man and he will return home by rail.
Begin Deepening C hannel in Front of
Ijotal Mills.
The Port of Portland dredge Columbia,
which has been employed hy the Govern
ment on the Lower Columbia near Slaugh
ter's bar, has been temporarily moved to
ijoble for the purpos-e of deepening the
channel in front of the Broughton & Wig
gins Company mill. This company made
application for the dredge some time ago.
but as she was under contract to the
1'nited States Engineers ' she was not
available: She has been compelled to
ease operations at Slaughter's on account
"t the freshet, and the Port of Portland
ommtssiOn allowed her to he taken to
the' mill, where she will be used during
the next few days.
The dredge Portland, which has been at
work near Vancouver, has been brought
to this city and placed at work on the
channel in front of the Eastern & West
cm mill.
Investigators Are Not Fnaninious in
Manchuria Wreck Inquiry.
Bulger, inspector of boilers, and O. F.
Bolles. inspector of hulls, have been un
able to agree to the measure of re
sponsibility that attaches to Captain W.
P. S. Porter for the stranding of the
steamship Manchuria at Midway Island.
Bolles handed In his decision in the mat
ter yesterday, but Bulger refused to con
cur with him. The decision was handed
to Supervising Inspector John Bermlng
ham. who. on account of its character,
refused to make It public. He said:
"I will have a joint decision from both
inspectors, or, if they are still unable to
agree, I will write a decision."
Astoria Firm Outbids Portland and
Vancouver for Jetty Material.
The United States Engineers office yes
terday let a contract to the City Lumber
Box Company, of Astoria, for 1.217,K)
feet of lumber for use in construction
work on the Columbia River jetty. The
bid was $J0.25.flS. Bids were submitted hy
the Washington & Oregon Lumber Com
pany, of A'ancouver. $.7T7.S6, and the
Eastern & Western Lumber Company, of
Portland. S21.1sSw.
Proposals for furnishing coal to the
Government plant are now being received
and will be opened today.
The lumber contracted for will be de
livered at Fort Stevens.
Big Tramp to Be Docked.
The big British tramp steamship Man
chester Port, which le due to reach this
city today, is to be placed in the drydock
on her arrival. Her agents have applied
10 the Port of Portland for dork privi
leges, and the dock will be made ready
for her. The vessel is coming to load
Marine Notes.
The steamer Northland commenced
loading a cargo of lumber at a local mill
yesterday, and the steamer Thomas L.
Wand commenced taking on a similar
cargo at Vancouver.
The French ship Jacobsen. and the
barks La Pareuse and Bougainville fin
ished discharging their cargoes yesterday
and will commence to load grain today
or tomorrow.
The towboat G. K. Wentworth was
hauled out on the ways of the Portland
Shipbuilding Company yesterday. She is
to have a number of minor repairs made
before being again placed in commission.
The last issue of Lloyd's weekly Ship
ping Gazette contains Information of the
safe arrival of the British steamship
Hyndford at the Falkland Islands. She
was reported as disabled by the German
ship Emilie some time ago.
The grain tonnage now in the harbor
waj auded to yesterday by the arrival of
the French bark Hoehe, which is sched
uled to load wheat for Kerr. Gifford &
Co. The Hoche is from the Hawaiian
Islands in ballast.
General Manager Voogt, of the Wat
sonville Tr. -sportation Company, arrived
in Portland yesterday for the purpose
of investigating the local field. Recent
changes in the company are responsible
for the visn. Tne company operates the
steamer F. A. Kilburn.
The steamer Northwest has been char
tered by the Northern Pacific Railway to
transfer passengers from Castle Rock to
thj different pofiits affected by the recent
washout on the railway line, fane will
take the place of tn- Undine, which
draws too much water to navigate the
Cowlitz River.
The French barks Bougainville and La
Tour D'Auvergne have offered rewards
for the return of several deserting sail
ors who have made their escape from
these vessels. The La Tour D'Auvergne
left down yesterday. The men deserting
her will be turned over to the French
Consul if captured.
The San Francisco & Portland Steam
ship Company's liner Aztec left down late
last evening with a full cargo of freight
for San Francisco. The. Barracouta, of
the same line, has been laid up at the
Bay City for repairs and in the mean
time the company will depend on the
three vessels now on the run.
Tugs Fail to Locate Schooner Which,
Was Abandoned by Crew
After Losing Rudder.
ABERDEEN. Wash., Nov. 20. (Spe
cial.) The schooner Emma Claudina has
disappeared, and In the opinion of her
master. Captain Tom Stream, she has
gone upon the beach near the mouth of
the Quinlault. Captain Stream says he
was off the Quinlault when he dropped
his starboard and kedge anchors yester
day, and the tug Daring sailed over the
exact spot where the schooner was last
seen, but she had disappeared. There
is no question that she went to pieces in
Wednesday night's gale.
The Claudina was the property of the
Hardwood Lumber Company, of San
Francisco and was built at San Francisco
in lsS2. She registered 1S net tons, and
was valued at about $7ono.
"When we abandoned the Emma she
was anchored in 13 fathoms of water,"
said Captain Stream. "She lay just off
the Quiniault River. In my judgment, she
went ashore during the gale of last
Wednesday night and was broken up.
Yesterday the tug went to the spot
where she was anchored, but no trace
of her was to be seen. It is barely poss
ible some passing vessel picked her up,
but this Is highly improbable."
So confident is Captain Stream that the
vessel Is lost that he filed his wreck re
port today with Collector of the Port
The charge Is made that the bar tug
Astoria, of South Bend, refused to heed
signals displayed by the schooner Minnie
A. Caine during the lull following the
great storm of last week. The men aboard
the Calne make the allegation. The
Caine had taken off the crew of the
Emma Claudina. and Captain Stream, of
the disabled schooner, who was also
aboard the Caine. was anxious to be
taken ashore, that he might start a tug
out in search of the barkentine Mary
Winkleman. to which vessel Mrs. Stream
had been transferred. The Astoria was
signalled off Wilapa Harbor, but failed to
heed the signal, and later proceeded on her
way. Captain Olson, of the Caine. reports
this incident of the voyage just complet
ed. He is at a loss to account for the
refusal of the tug to come to the barken
tine's aid.
Lloyd's Salvor Visits Wreck on Offi
cial Investigation.
ASTORIA. Or.. Nov. 20. (Special.)
Perry Jones. Lloyds' salvor for the Great
Lake district, with headquarters at Cleve
land, Ohio, arrived here this afternoon
tor the purpose of officially deciding for
the underwriters what shall be done with
the stranded bark Peter Iredale. Mr.
Jones will visit the vessel tomorrow and
will then render his decision.
Many Passengers Are Fogbound.
PHILADELPHIA. Nov. L). With more
than 1"W passengers on board, the Amer
ican Line steamship Haverford. from
Ijverpool, for this port, has been fog
bound in Delaware Bay since Sunday.
Cargo Shift in Steamship.
MONTEVIDEO, Nov. 2ft. The American
steamer Santa Reta, Captain Conner, from
New York for San Francisco, has arriied
here with her cargo shifted, a portion of
which had to be jettisoned.
Robert Dollar Leaves Astoria.
ASTORIA. Nov. 20. (Special). The
steamer Rohert Dollar crossed out today
for San Pedro with a cargo of 800,000 feet
of lumber, loaded at Flavel.
Arrival and Departures.
ASTORIA. Nov. L'0. Condition off the bar
at 5 P. M., moderate; wind northwest, wea
ther , cloudy. Arrived at 6:20 A. M.
Steamer Tiverton, from Fan Francisco. Ar
rive.! at 9.30 A. M. French ship Hoche.
from Honolulu. Arrived at M. Schooner
tV. F. Jewett. from Redondo.' Arrived down
at 2 and sailed at 3:15 P. M. Steamer Atlas,
for San Francisco. Sailed at 12:30 P. M.
Steamer Robert Dollar, for in Pedro.
Redondo. Nov. 20. Arrived yesterday
Schooner W. H. Smith, from Columbia River.
Shimoneskl. Nov. 20. Arrived November
10 British steamer Elaine, from Portland.
San Francisco, Nov. 20. Arrived Steam
er Watson, from Seattle: bark Palmyria,
from Port. Gamble; steamer Wasp, from
Gray's Harbor; steamer Hornett, from Gray's
Harbor; schooner Ida Schauer, from Gray's
Harbor: Steamer Tuscarora. from Hongkong
and Yokohama; steamer Alameda, from
Honolulu. Sailed Steamer Fulton, for
Gray's Harbor; bark Olympic, for Puget
Honolulu. Nov. 20. Sailed Steamer Si
beria, for San Francisco.
Hoqutam. Wash.. Nov. 20. (Special.) Ar
rived Sehome. from San Francisco, for Ho
qutam: schooner Glendale. from San Fran
cisco, for Aberdeen; schooner Prosper, from
Fan Francisco, for Aberdeen: . Mahukona,
from San Francisco, for Hoqulam; barken
tlne G. C. Perkins, from San Francisco for
Hoqulam. Sailed Steamer Coronado, from
Aberdeen for San Francisco; steamer G. C
Lindauer. from Aberdeen for San Francisco;
steamer Olympic, from Hoquiam for San
Those unhappy persons who suffer
from nervousness and dyspepsia should
use Carter's Little Nerve Pills, made
expressly for this class.
Shortage of Cars Depresses
Prices of Hops and Potatoes.
Shipments to Portland by River on
Through Bills of Lading Now
Forbidden Situation Grows
More Serious.
Prices of two of the leading crops
grown in Oregon are now most unsatis
factory f the producers, and the blame
for the trouble is put upon the shoulders
of the railroad officials, who are held re
sponsible for the car shortage. Bumper
crops of hops and potatoes were raised
in this state. A fair market exists for
them in other sections, but there appears
no way for the dealers in the commodities
to make deliveries. Prices have, there
fore, declined- and thousands of dollars
have been lost to the farmers. The rail
road lines in Oregon will eventually haul
all this freight, except such of it as de
cays, and will hardly be the losers there
by. In fact, the companies are profiting
by the situation, according to the state
ments made by the leading shippers.
After suffering great annoyance and
loss of business through the shortage,
the hop dealers of Oregon are now "up
against" the problem worse than ever.
Yesterday the order was given out by the
Southern Pacific that no more hops could
be brought down by boats from up-river
points on through bills of lading.
Some Shipped by River.
Since the car shortage began to be a
nuisance, some relief has been afforded
by the Willamette River service, as deal
era, who could not get cars at Interior
poir.ts have been able to bring their
freight down by boat and consolidate the
lots here.
In this way, something like a regular
movement has been kept. Whether it was
because the boats were getting too much
business or because the hops were turned
over to the rival lines here is not known,
but the fact remains that the shippers
must hereafter depend upon the con
science of the Harriman line to get the
hops out of the state.
There Is a through rate of $1.50' per
hundred on hops from Oregon to East
ern points in carload lots. To get the
benefit of this rate, the hops must be
loaded at points where the freight origi
nates. As dealers have had to wait all the
way from three to seven weeks to get
cars at interior points, they found It
necessary, when the orders called for
prompt shipment, to bring the hops to
Portland at their own expense, there
being plenty of cars here most of the
Operated to Increase Rate.
This, extra freight and the incidental
storage and handling expenses brought
the through rate on average shipments
up to about $1.S5. On less than carload
lots, with a $H rate nominally in effect,
the charge amounted to about $2.30.
Dealers could, of course, get the lower
rates if they would be satisfied to await
the convenience of the railroad, but hops
are always sold with a certain month's
delivery specified, and in many cases the
shipments could not be delayed. Under
the circumstances the shippers have been
compelled to pay out the extra cost, or
lose their customers at the other end
of the line. They regard the railroad com
pany's policy as extortion, but there is
no other course open to them than to
submit or go out of the business.
The way the car business is handled
in this state is, according to Portland
hop men, responsible not only for much
of the present inactivity of the market,
but also has a bad effect on prices.
Competition among buyers would, with
out doubt, be much keener If it were
possible to get the hops East after buy
ing them.
Potato Shippers' Woes
Potato shippers are also complain
ing loudly of the scarcity of cars. The
California markets are beginning to
improve now and are in shape to re
ceive large quantities of Oregon pota
toes, but there is no way of getting
Untold Suffering and Constant
Misery Awful Sight From that
Dreadful Complaint, Infantile Ec
zemaCommenced at Top of his
Head and Covered Entire Body,
"Our baby had that dreadful com
plaint, Infantile Eczema, which afflicted
him for several months, commencing at
the top of his head, and at last covering
his whole body. His sufferings were
untold and constant misery, in fact,
there -was nothing we would not have
done to have given him relief. The
family doctor seemed to be wholly
incapable of coping with the case, and
after various experiments of his, which
resulted in no benefit to the child, we
sent to Mason, 111., to a druggist and got
a full set of the Cuticura Remedies and
applied as per directions, and he began
to improve immediately, and in about
three or four days began to show a
brighter spirit and really laughed, for
the first time in a year. In about ninety
days he was fully recovered, with the
exception of a rough skin, which is
gradually disappearing, and eventually
will be replaced by a healthy one.
"Praise for the Cuticura Remedies
has always been our greatest pleasure,
and there is nothing too good that we
could say in their favor, for they cer
tainly saved our baby's life, for he was
the most awful sight that I ever beheld,
prior to the treatment of the Cuticura
Remedies. Mrs. Maebelle Lyon, 1826
Appleton Ave., Parsons, Kan.. July 18,
Complete external and internal treat
ment for every humor, consisting of
Cuticura Soap.Ointment, and Pills, may
now be had for one dollar. A single '
set is often sufficient to cure the most
torturing, disfiguring, itching, burning,
and scaly humors, eczemas, rashes, and
irritations, from infancy to age, when
all else fails.
CaHeors Soap, Otnrment, and Pfl, sr. aold thronrhout
the world. Potter Drug t Cbem. Corp., Eolaopa Beitoa
. -Mia for "la. Great SklaBoek."
the stock there. The situation is the
same as in the hop market. Large
quantities of potatoes have been
bought up and are stored at Gresham,
Fairvlew. Troutdale. Middleton, Canby
and other points, but there are no
cars to move them. The shippers say
they could be accommodated with cars
in Portland if they would pay the ex
tra freight to this city, but there is
not sufficient margin in the price to
allow of this.
In the meantime Southern California
is drawing its suppies from Idaho.
WTille no cars can be had at interior
Oregon points, it is said there is an
abundance of refrigerator cars at Ida
ho Falls, where from eight to ten car
loads of potatoes are being shipped
daily. Idaha has 200 cars of surplus
potatoes to be moved and it is pre
sumed the railroad companies and car
lines will serve that section first, for
the purpose of getting the benefit of
the longer haul.
Then when the California markets
are glutted and the good prices a
thing of the past the Oregon shippers
will probably be told they can have
what cars they want.
Sellwood, Albina and South Port
land Want Branches Established.
A movement is on foot to secure
the establishment of three permanent
branches of the Portland Library, one
at Sellwood, one in Albina and one in
South Portland. Sellwood is planning the
purchase of a lot and the ultimate erec
tion of a suitable building. For the past
year Sellwood has maintained a library
by donations at a cost of from $300 to
$400 per , year, but it is felt that the
burden is becoming to great. Hence
Rev. D. A. Thompson, who originated the
Sellwood library, thinks that the time
has come to establish these permanent
branches in the districts mentioned. Sell
wood has been put on the list first for
the reason it has the nucleus of a library.
The reports show that although small
this library is .doing a splendid work,
handicapped as it is.
Dr. Thompson, who has given much
time and thought to the library matter,
in an interview yesterday outlined the
plan for these permanent branches.
"A public utility, to fulfill its mission."
he said, "must necessarily be located
where the public may use it to the best
possible advantage. The Portland Public
Library is a public utility of the highest
type, yet though centrally located it is
inaccessible to many would-be patrons
in the suburbs. In many parts of the
city it wastes an afternoon to be com
pelled to exchange a book at the library.
Yet the people of the suburban districts
pay taxes for the support of the library.
We are proud of our public library. It
is as thorough in its workings and ef
ficiently managed as could be desired.
We believe if the matter of establishing
branches in the various suburbs were
brought to the attention of the Library
Board it would receive generous treat
ment at their hands.
"Sellwood for nearly tw0 years has sup
ported a library and public reading-room
at the annual expense of rent, librarian's
salary and incidentals, all being raised
by subscription among the citizens. The
burden grows heavy at times, and the
feeling is growing that the citizens of
this suburb are entitled to a regular
branch library maintained by the city.
The distance Is such as to render the
City Library well nigh useless to the
vast majority of the citizens of Sellwood.
"Another branch might well be located
In South Portland, and the citizens of
mm Bar Sc0 oMH a? Hg fiS Kzia&r
All of this can be avoided,
however, by the use of Mother's Friend before baby comes, as this
great -liniment always prepares the body for the strain upon it, and
preserves the symmetry of her form. Mother's Friend overcomes all the
danger of child-birth, and carries the expectant mother safely through
this critical period without pain. It is woman's greatest blessing.
Thousands gratefully tell of the benefit and relief derived from the
use of this wonderful
remedy. Sold by all
druggists at $1.00 per
bottle. Our little
book, telling all about
this liniment, will be sent free,
The BradflelJ Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga.
We Cure Men f or
$10.00 fee $10.00
!fff if
Y wpW"' eases 01 tne
It is our desire that every man,
lie is afflicted -with any disease -which comes under our specialty, to
have you consult us about your condition, and if your case is curable
we -would like to cure you, as we have cured thousands. VTe know
whether we can cure you, after a thorough and searching examina
tion. We will then know whether your case is curable, and if so
we will tell you so.
WEAKNESS: There are functional disturbances that are existing
in your condition that cause a waste of strength, loss of mental power,
lack of concentration, loss of the vigor and strength that you once
had; this disturbance brings you to a premature old age, debility and
in many cases results in deformity, total loss of your mind and
RHEUMATISM readily succumbs to our treatment, and our pa
tients will testify tothe facts; providing your case has not become
incurable, causing ankilosis, etc.
Remember, we treat all Genito-Urinary and Nervous Diseases of
men, and men only.
Our offer is to you, to every one, only $10.00 for a cure, payable at
your convenience, in such sums as you can spare. Could an offer be
more generous? No matter what your trouble is if you suffer from
neglect, from want of money or from unskillful practice here is an
opportunity to get the services of a skilled specialist, a graduate phy
sician, legally registered in Oregon, with years of ripe experience in
treating complicated and special disorders of men only. It will cost
nothing to talk o us, and may be the means of restoring you to health
and happiness. Why not call today? Our offices are very private.
You see only the doctor. If you cannot call, write for blanks, as we
extend the same liberal offer to those who cannot call. In fact, there
is no excuse for being disordered or sick while this liberal offer re
mains. It is a gift of priceless value, within the reach of all. Re
member, only $10.00 for any disease, ff you cannot call, write for
symptom blanks.
Honrs 9 A. M. to 5 P. M.; Evenings, 7 to 8:30; Sundays, 9 to 12.
St. Louis Medical and Surgical Dispensary
The Burlington Route's Service to Lin-'
coin, St. Joseph, Kansas City and St.
Louis is a thru service; only one change
of cars to Denver, Omaha and Chicago.
Beyond Billings you are on Burlington
rails, in care of Burlington employes all
the way.
Two complete , daily trains, with all
classes of modern cars, including Stand
ard and Tourist sleepers, coaches, chair
cars, (seats free) and diners.
Let me tell you
about the service
t.:,i ifjf p
aTaUUimi I III Ul 1 1 lllil I Uil Mil 1 1 1 1 M l U IH
Albina might likewise be remembered.
Books, like tools, to be used to the best
advantage must be ready at hand."
The cost of maintaining the Sellwood
library and reading-room is now $25 per
month, but the results are satisfactory.
The rooms are open every evening and
there is always a good attendance.
Strikes Cheerful Inebriate In Face
for Addressing Her. .
"When Touls Mansfield spoke a cheerr
ful greeting to Mrs. Fred H. Baker,
of 330 North Seventeenth street, as
she was having her shoes polish
ed in a bootblack stand at Second and
Morrison streets last evening, she resented
the familiarity and struck him full in
the face with a newspaper. He grew more
Insulting than ever, as he himself admits,
and Acting Detective Inskeep was sent
from police headquarters by Sergeant Cole
to arrest him,, at Mra Baker's request.
Mansfield was charged with being drunk
and disorderly.
The affair caused much excitement, and
a large crowd was attracted to the scene.
Mansfield made no resistance, but ac
companied the detective to police head-,
quarters, where he stated that he had
merely "passed the time of day" with
Mrs. Baker, thinking he knew her. He
admitted that he used Insulting language
after ehe hit him. Mansfield lives at
Union avenue and East Ash street and Is
a member of the Lathers' Union.
A "just rigrht" article: Satin ekln powder Is
made In 4 sllurinjr 1lnt..
Every woman covet ft
shapely, pretty figure, and
many of them deplore tha
loss of their girlish form
after marriage. The bearing
of children i f ten destructira
to the mother's shapeliness.
gffffffSff Mm
" i 3,5 f W PSk BS,fe3
A Life-Long Cure For
Blood Poison, Skin Diseases, Sores, Ulcers, Stric
ture, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Varicocele, Hydrocele,
Nervous Decline, Weakness, Piles or Chronic Dis-
- f ii -rr :j 3 t
a-ioueys anu xriusidue.
no matter how poor he may be, if
R. W. FOSTER, Ticket Agent C, B. & Q. Ry.
100 Third Street, Portland
Be a Man
150 Paeca. 85 Plot ore.
First Copy Cort $1000.
Tjove. Courtuhlp. Mar
rlajce and All Disease
of Men explained In
plain languare. Thli
wonderful book tells
everything you want
to know and avery-
iblns yea vhould know
In regard to happy &nd
unhappy wedded life,
dleeasea which forbid
marriage, ruinous euv
ly foil lea, lf-dat ruc
tion, lost manhood,
poor memory, prma
lur decay, nervous
ness, blood poton.
dwarfed organs, stric
ture, weak lunea, liv
er and kidney diseases
Ignorance beget mis
ery : knowledge brings
health and happiness.
Written by the World-Famons Master
(specialist "The Most Wonderful and
Greatest Scientific Book of the Aga,"
Law son.
State Medical Institute
02 Second Ave.. Soath.
Astoria and Columbia
River Railroad Co.
Leaves. UNION DEPOT. Arrives.
Dally Tor Maygers. Ralnlar. Dally,
ciatpkanle. Westport.
Clifton. Astoria, TVar
8:00 A.M. renton. Flavel, Ham- 11:63 AM.
moid. Fort Stevena.
Gearhart Park. Sea
Bide. Astoria and Sea
shore. 7:00 P.M. Express Dally. 9:50 P.M.
Astoria Express.
Comm'l Agt.. 248 Alder st. G. F. A P. A
Phone Main 906.
From Seattle at 9 P. M.
for Ketchikan, Juneau.
Skagway, White Horse,
Dawson and Fairbanks.
S. S. Humboldt, Novem
ber 19, 29.
S. S. Cottage City (via
Sitka). Nov. 4. IS.
From Seattle at 9 A. M. Umatilla. No
vember 1. lfl, 31; City of Puebla, November
8. 21. Queen City. November 11, 26
Portland Office. 249 Washington St.
Main 229.
C. D. DUNANN, G. P. A., San Francisco
North Pacific Steamship Cos
Geo. W. Elder
Sails for Eureka and San Francisco
At 12 oVlock
From Martin's Dork foot of Seven
teenth St. Take S or Sixteenth
St. car. Ticket office. 132 Third,
near Alder. Phone Main 1314.
San Francisco & Portland
' Steamship Co.
From Ainworh Dock, Portland, at 8 P. M.
6. S. Cofta Rica Nov. 22. ec. 2. 12. etc.
P. p. Columbia Nov. 27. Dc, 7, 17, tr
From Spear St., San Francisco, at 11 A. Ml
S. Columbia Nov. 23, Dc. 3. 13,' etc.
P. OfTa. Rira. Nov. 2.S, 'Dec. J5. tr.
Only direct passenger et earners operating
between Portland and Pan Francisco.
On account of congestion of freight on
Portland docks, less than carload con
signments of general merchandise and
perishable freight only will be received for
forwarding to San Francisco until further
notice. J AS. H. DBWSON, Agnt.
248 Washington St. Phone Main 268
Steamer Chas. R. Spencer
leaves Oak-sTrePt dorlc very Monday.
"Wednesday and Friday at 7 A. M for THE
COMPANY STEAMERS for points as far
fast as UMATILLA.
Returning, arrives Portland. Tuesday
Thursday and Saturday at 3 P. M- Low
rates ar.d excellent service.
Phone Main 2960 or Main 3301.
Columbia River Scenery
Dally service between Portland and The
Dalles, except Sunday, leaving Portland at
7 A. M-. arriving about 5 P. M.. carrying
freight and passengers. Splendid accommo
dations for outfits and livestock.
Dock foot of Alder St.. Portland: foot of
Court st.. The Dalles. Phone Main 914.
UDDer Columbia River
For Corvallis. Albany. Independence, Salem.
Steamer "POMONA" leaves 6:45 A. M.
Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday.
For Palem and way landings Steamer
"OREGONA" Ieaes ft 45 A. M-, Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays.
Foot Taylor Street.
EAST via
8:43 P. M.
for Salem Rose
bu r g. Ashland.
Sacramento, Og
den. San Fran
cisco. Stockton.
Los Angeles, El
Paso. New Or
leans and the
Morning train
connects at
XVoodburn dally
except Sunday
with Mt. Angel
and Silverton lo
cal. Cottage Grove
passenger con
nects at Wood
burn and Albany
dally except
S u n d y with
trains to and
from Albany.
Lebanon ind
branch points.
Corvallls passen
ger. 8:00 A. M.
7:13 P. M
4:15 P. M.
'11:00 A. V,
T:00A. M.
4:10 P. M.
88:20 P. M.
11:00 A. M.
5:50 P. M.
10:20 A. M.
Forest Grove
42:50 P. M.
57 S.- A. M.
Dally. Dally except Sunday.
Depot. Foot of Jefferson Street.
Leave Portland dally for Oswego at 7:40
A. M.; 12:50. 2:05. 5:20. 6:25. 8:30, 10:10,
11:30 P. M. Dally except Sunday. 5:30,
:30, 8:40. 10:25 A. M. Sunday only, 9 A. M.
Returning from Oswego, arrive Portland,
dally. 8:35 A. M . 1:55. 3:05. 6:15. 7:35. 8:55.
11:10 P. M. ; 12:25 A. M. Dally except Sun
day. 6:25. 7:25. 9:35. 11:45 A. M. Sunday
only. 10 A. M.
Leave from same depot for Dallas and In
termediate points dally. 7:30 A. M. and 4:1S
P. M. Arrive Portland, 10:15 A. M. and
6:25 P. M.
The Independence-Monmoutn Motor Line
operates dally to Monmouth and Alrlie. con
necting with S. P. Co.' trains at Dallas and
First-class fare from Portland to Sacra
mento and San Francisco. $20; bertn. $5.
Second-class fare, $15: second-class berth.
2 50.
Tickets to Eastern points and Europe;
also Japan. China. Honolulu and Australia.
CITT TICKET OFFICE, Corner Third and
Washington Sts. Phone Main "12.
City Ticket Agent. Gen. Pass. Agt.
sa,. -w vaa
Snogr Like
Through Pullman standards and tourist
sleeping cars dally to Omaha. Chicago. Spo
kane; tourist sleeping car dally to Kansas
City. Reclining chair cars (seats free) to
t'ne. East daily.
ii i Vf- aiimel
UNION DEPOT. Leaves. Arrives.
SPECIAL for the 9:30 A.M. 5:00 P.M.
East via Huntington. Daily. Dally.
For Eastern Washington. Walla Walla.
Lewlston, Coeur d'Alene and Great North-
ern points.
for t'ne East via Daily. Dally.
PORTLAND - BIGGS 8:15 A.M. 6:00 P. M7
LOCAL for all local
points between Biggs
and Portland.
FOR ASTORIA and 8:00 p. M. 6:00 p M.
way points, connecting Dally Dally
with steamer for II- except except
waco and North Sunday. Sunday.
Beach steamer Saturday
Hasfalo, Ash st. dock. 10:00 P.M
FOR DAYTON. Ore- 7:00 A.M. 5:30 P.M.
gon City and Yamhill Da.ily Dally
River points. Ash-st. except except
dock (water per.) Sunday. Sunday.
For Lewlston, Idaho, and way points
from RIparla. Wash. Leave Rlpana 5:40 A.
M.. or upon arrival (rain No. 4. daily except
Saturday. Arrive Riparla 4 P. M. dally ex
cept Friday.
Ticket Office, Third and Washington.
Telephone Main 12. C. W. Stinger, City
Ticket Agt.; Win. McMurray, (jen. Pas. Agt.
Depart. Arrlv.
TUow6ton Park-Kansas
Clty-St. Louis Special for
C h e h a 1 1 s. Centralla,
Olympia, Gray's Har
bor, South Bend, Ta
enraa, Seattle, Spokane.
Lewiston. Butte, Bil
lings, Denver, Omana,
Kansas City, St. Louis
and Southwest S :50 am 4:50 pm
North Coast Limited, elec
tric lighted, for Taroma,
Seattle, Spokane, Butte.
Minneapolis, St. Paul
and th east 2:00pm T:00ara
Puget Sound Limited for
Clare mont. Chehalia.
Centralla. Tacoraa and
Seattle only 4:30pm 10:vS5pra
Twin City Express for Ta
coma, Seattle, Spokane,
Helena, Butte, SL Paul,
Minneapolis. Lincoln.
Omaha. St. Joseph, St.
Louis, Kansas City,
without change of cars.
Direct connections for
all points East and
Southeast It - 43 pm :V pra
A. D. Charlton. Assistant General Passen
ger Agnt, 255 Morrison st, corner Third.
Portland, Or.
The Fast Mail
Time Schedule.
An ive.
Ito and
S:30 am
1 :45 pm
kane. St. Paul. Min
neapolis, Duluth and
iAII Points East Via
I Seattle.
7:00 am
6:50 pm
To and from K.
Paul, Minneapolis.
slSpmpulutb and all
Points East Via
I . Spokane.
S 00 am
Great Northern Ateumsbip Co.
falling from Seattle Inr Japan
and China ports and Manila, carry
ing pasfengers and freight
S. S. Dakota. November 28.
H. Minnesota, .lanuarr 9.
(Japan Mail Steamship Co.
Sr. S AKI MARU nil! i-atl from
Seattle about November 27 for
Japan and China ports, carrying
passengers and freight.
For tickets. rate. bertli reserva
tions, err., rail on or address
H. DIC KSON. '. P. Jr T. A,.
128 Third St., Portland. Or.