Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 18, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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"THE DIFFERENT STORE" Fifth, Sixth and Washington Streets
Oh, Say! Have You Seen That Big Exhibit of Apples
.From the Hood River Fair?
And President Roosevelt's Choice Box of Hood River
Apples on Its Way to Washington ?
On exhibit today in one of our Washington-Street Windows: The President's box is held by special request to
be viewed by fortlana rout in our winaow oerore nnai smpment to its destination i
the " White House," Washington, D. C.
There's Tremendous Interest in the Sale of Black Dress Goods and
Women's Wash Waists That's On This Week!
$6000.00 Worth of Rich, Beautiful New, Black Dress
Fabrics at Price!
Fifth-Street-Annex Salons
First Floor
Types fail to express the values. You must come and see to appreciate the matchless bargins. ICo
mere words can tell you the fineness of the weaves, the exquisite lusters and designings, the charm of many
of the patterns. "Good style" that's the phrase which best describes the display. Relined and ex-elusive-looking
stuffs that good dressers will appreciate. And think of it! Ultra-fashionablo fabrics
today and balance of week in a sweeping sale of colossal values at HALF PRICE. Read the detail:
Silk and Wool Novelty Black Dress Goods
Imported French goods; the best fabrics for dressy wear money can buy.
$2.00 regular grade for, the yard. ........ . .$1.00 $3.50 regular grade for, the yard $1.75
$2.50 regular grade for, the yard $1.25 $4.00 regular grade for, the yard. . S2.00
' $3.00 regular grade for, the yard $1.50 HALF PRICE! HALF PRICE!
Umbrellas Going Up!
Prices Being Pressed Down
This is Portland's
a&zt best umbrella shop.
lUrsSw VtCmZitP' assortments to
rPsa .J&i?'$tJ?' choose from here of '
a'iy in the city
and vou'll find less to pay.
BA1 jr Why! we'll sell you a splendid
WIKTO iimoreiia lor Jri.uo-just me
.mfjitf By eB3MtS) oesi vou ever Dot ior a aouar:
'VFf&tf .rr'TIS 'twill save lots of trouble to
tWtnt keep one at the officeor
fli: aa fBw ..n snnn and one at Home, nneclal
'iK-my!!- . suggestions:
Umbrellas for Men and Women,
of plain silk and cotton mixed, with tape edge borders, steel rod
and paragon frame; with Princess and opera crook handles. Special
value $1.25
Ladies' Umbrellas of black corola looks like silk and wears better
26-inch size; fancy metal handles; special value at $1.00
Ladies' Piece-Dyed Taffeta Umbrellas, with tape edge borders, steel
rod and paragon frame; natural wood handles of boxwood, in the
popular Princess and opera crook styles.- Included in the lot are
umbrellas with fancy handles, trimmed with gold, silver, horn,
gunrnetal, etc. Special value, at , .S1.50
Ladies' $5.00 Umbrellas for $3.25 Ladies' colored Silk Umbrellas,
with pretty borders green, blue, red and brown in the showing;
have natural wood and cherry handles. Our $5.00 value; special
sale price $3.2o
$4.50 Umbrellas for $3.25 Men's and Women's Umbrellas in black
silk with fancy pearl post handles, gold or silver-trimmed; our
$4.50 value; special, sale price , $3.25
Children's Umbrellas Good quality, with plain or crook handles;
prices $2.00, $1.25, $1.00, 75c, 65c and 50
Women's and Children's
Knit Underwear
Bargains :
First Floor.
Women's $2.50 Linen Mesh Underwear, $1.75
Dr. Deimel's Linen Mesh Underwear for
a broken line of vests and pants, vests
with long sleeves and pants with French band.
Our $2.50 value Special Sale Price, th-e gar
ment $1.75
Linen Mesh Union Suits, with long sleeves and
ankle length our $5.00 value Special Sale
Price, the suit $3.50
Women's $1.00 Merino Underwear, 75
Women's white and silver gray merino vests
and pants-good winter weight our $1.00
value Special Sale Price, the garment . .75J
Women's $1.00 Cotton Union Suits, 75
Women 's bleached while fleece-lined Cotton
Union Suit medium weight our best $1.00 value Special Sale
Price, the suit 75
Women's" 50c Cotton Tights 35 Women's white heavy weight
tine ribbed Cotton Tights, closed our 50c value Special Sale
Price, the pair 35?
Children's Knit Underwaists, well made and of good material our
f 20c value Special Sale Price, each 12Vi
Children's $1.00 Union Suits, 49S-Children 's "Merode" Union
Suits of white cotton, medium and heavy weight our $1.00 value
Special Sale Price, the suit 49
Art Shop Specials
In Conjurings .of Needlecraft:
Annex Second Floor.
40c and 50c Couch Cushions, 17 Pretty Cushions, made in plain
back, tops stamped in Dutch or rose design Special Monday.. 17
60c and 75c Linen Center Pieces, 39J Tinted and stamped in beau
tiful floral or conventional designs, round or oblong Shapes Spe
cial today - 39
Continuation of the Great Reduction Sale of
Women's Dainty
White Wash Waists!
Grand Salons Second Floor
Any White Lawn or Mull Wash Waist in the Store
at One-Fourth Off the Regular Low Price
At the usual fair
prices the values are
unordinary remark
bie! At the reduction
offered OF OXE
FOURTH for , today
and balance of week,
they're extraordinary !
The waists are those
enmnrmino nui nw-n tvrs
well-chosen, carefully
selected lines ail Sfi'S
. ,i j: i
uinuv auciiiuing 10 me
latest, most approved
those beautiful, dainty
effects so much desired
by smart feminine
dressers. Waists that
have the correct
. sleeves, elbow or. regu
lar length and the
proper yoke and shoul
der; all are exquisitely
trimmed in charming
laces, insertions and
embroideries; models
that fasten at back or
front. The largest individual collection to choose from shown by
any Portland house. Regular values that start at $2.50 and range
up to $7.50. All at reductions bound to create a veritable buying
furore for todav and balance of week. Choose from any in the
store at ONE-FOURTH OFF!
O V l 37 . & ...
Good News From the "Royal Worcester"
Corset Salons:
Annex, 2nd Floor.
"Bon Tons" in all new and wanted models and every size; also
the "Sapphire," which combines in its lines stvle, health and com
fort. We offer this week these worth-while CORSET SPECIALS:
$6.50 "Bon Ton" Corsets $4.47
$4.50 "Bon Ton" Corsets $3.29
Bon Ton model with extreme Princess hip effect is particularly
adapted to the matronly figure. Re-enforced by duplex boning in
front section. This corset is practically unbreakable. Sizes from
20 to 30 regular price $6.50 Special, pair $4.47
Bon Ton model in lengthening waist effect with Princess hips a very
stylish garment of handsome figured batiste, shaping and support
ing the figure in accordance with the requirement of the latest
fashion. Sizes from 18 to 26 regular price $4.50 Special, at
pair $3.29
Special Sale of
Men's $2 Kid Gloves 95c
Splendid Shades
Annex 6th St., 1st Floor.
Men's $1.50 Underwear $1.05 A line of men's
extra fine silver gray double-thread worsted
Underwear; Fall weight; best $1.50 values;
special, per garment $1.0o
Men's 25c Hosing, 19c Good weight cotton Hose
in tan, gray, black and wine; with silk clock
ing, extra good 25c value; special, pair.,19
Men's $2.00 Kid Gloves 95c A small line of
men's Kid Gloves, in sizes 7 to 8 only; regu
lar value $2.00; special, pair 95
Boys' 75c Golf Shirts 39c A line of boys' mad
ras Golf Shirts in fancy and plain blue Oxford
cloth; regular value 75c; special 39
Spokane Officer Comes to
Hunt Clew to Murderer
of Hutchinson.
Body of Pcad Y. M. C. A. Worker
Arrives and Services Will Be
. Held at First Congrega
tional Church.
Is an explanation of the cold-blooded
murder of Reno Ifutchinson to be
found In the vicinity of Portland?
Was the motive for the shocking mur
der at Spokane Monday night afforded
by incidents ot local occurrence?
These questions are now being
worked upon by a special detective
sent here hurriedly by the Spokane de
partment. This officer arrived last
evening and immediately set to work
on the case. He did not visit police
headquarters or communicate witii
other authorities. . He did spend some
thing like an hour, however, at the
Y. M. C. A. headquarters and made
every effort to cover up his move
ments. This officer is working on several
theories. One of these, scouted by
friends ot the murdered man and his
widow, is that a former suitor of Mrs.
Hut'-hinson may be implicated. The
robbery idea appears to have many
setbacks, and so .with all other the
ories. And while the subject is a deli
cate and distant of ul one. yet the ne
cessity is manifest of running to earth
every straw that may seem to point
towards the perpetrator of the dastard
ly crime".
The suitor theory is ridiculed and
branded as cruel by those who knew
the young couple. There was a suitor
before Mr. Hutchinson met his wife.
But it is stated positively by this
young man's employer and associates
that no was in Salem, his present
home, on Monday evening, that he is
there at present and has not been
away in several months. Inasmuch as
no otht.r suiior is known of that very
unpleasant theory appears to be done
away with, so far as the young man
in question is concerned.
Another one which the Spokane offi
cer is working on is that a crook who
had some bitter antagonism to the
Y. M. C A. work did the shooting.
Iocal Y. M. C. A. officials believe such
a theory has some foundation and will
assist the Washington detective in
sifting it to the bottom.
Funeral services over the remains of
Reno Hutchinson will" be. held this after
noon at 2 o'clock at the Congregational
Church. The body arrived night
from Spokane, from which place it was
accompunied by R. B. MacNaughtnn, of
this city. The services will be conducted
by Rev. E. L. House. D. D. assisted
by Rev. V. J. Himlley, of Spokane, who
came here with Mrs. Hutchiruson after
the murder. Impressive services will be
held and many frlemls of, the dead man
will undoubtedly attend.
A resolution of tribute and condolence
was passed lat evening at the monthly
meeting of the Members Congress, Y. M.
C. A. Immediately after adopting these
resolutions, the congress adjourned as ft
token of respect for the dead man. taking
up no business matters whatever. The
resolutions as adopted, are as follows:
Whereas, In the providence of events,
there haa been taken from life our recent
co-worker and beloved friend, Reno Hutch
inson. Be it resolved, by the members' confess
of the Tortland Young Men's Chrlftlnn As
sociation, that in his untimely death the
workers for rtKhteoiiines have lost an ear
nest and Efficient young leader, the asso
ciation one of its most promising secreta
ries, and every member of the .Portland as
sociation a personal friend.
lie was a Kiant physically, mentally and
pjrltually and the example of his noble life
must exert a powerful and lasting Influence
for good among young men. Ha was a
broad-minded Christian worker, full of en
ergy and of love for his fellow men and had
consecrated bis life to a work whose ole
ebjoi-i wa the uplifting of mankind. We
know of no better example of pure, noble
and unselfish living to hold up for young
He it further resolved that we extend our
heartfelt sympathy to his bereaved wife'
and family and that they be furnished with
a copy of these resolutions.
Working Hard to KMablish Theory
of Assassination.
SrOKANK. Wash., Oct. 17. (Special.)
The police department bent every en
ergy today to prove their assassination
theory, in the murder of Keno Hutchin
son, secretary of the Y. M. C. A., who
was kilted Monday night. It became
known that Chief Waller and his detec
tives were harboring the theory that a
sweetheart of Mrs. Hutchinson of the
years preceding her marriage had become
crazed and had committed the deed.
iVtectives employed by the Thiel and
iMnkerton agencies, for the first time
were also working on the same theory.
Captain Swain, head of the Thiols, de
clined to discuss the matter at length,
but admitted that his original theory,
that the murder was the work of hold
up men. had been slightly shattered.
Detectives are givnig up the theory
that a man jealous of Mr. Hutchinson's
prospects for building up the Spokane
Y. M. C. A. may have committed the
murder. Officials of the local Y. M. C.
A. have always soofTed at this theory
on the ground tlint no animosity devel
oped regarding the Y. M. C. A. work.
The belief was growing among the
police department that Rev. W. J. Hind
ley has learned of a clew pointing to
the man who may have committed the
murder. It i also known that J. C.
Barline, who was at the Hutchinson home
following the murder, has been closely
catechised as to whether op not Mrs.
Hutchinson had any suspicions to the
man who killed her husband.
One of the detectives working on the
case said, however, that he held to the
theory that the murder was the work
of thugs. He s;iid he thought Mr. Hutch
inson had resented the attempt to hold
him up and that he dodged to escape
shooting at the time the shot was tired,
an act that would explain the direction
of the bullet, whlhc ranged upward at
a sharp angle after entering the left
side near the waist line.
This detective also said that a Colt's
automatic revolver contains ten cart
ridges, and that if the murder had been
done by an assassin, it is likely that more
than one shot would have been fired at
the. prostrate man. The detective also
places strong reliance for his hold-up the
ory from the fact that two men were seen
running from the neighborhood, one of
the men speeding east on Seventh avenue
and the other running northeast across
the Hartson lawn.
One of the private agency men working
on the case was so sure of the theory of
murder because of jealousy that he pre
dicted an arrest would be made within
the next 24 hours.
Crawford Attends to State's Inter
ests in Washington Courts.
Washington, Oct. 17. Attorney-General
A. M. Crawford, of Oregon, is in
Washington on several state matters
before the courts and departments
and expects to leave ' for home in a
few days. The principal object of his
visit is to arrange for filing in -the
Court of Claims tne argument in sup
port of Oregon's claim against the
Government, amounting to 1300,000 or
$400,000 for money advanced to volun
teers during the Civil War and for
kindred purposes. Legislation referr
ing this claim to the Court of Claims
was put through by Senator Fulton
last session.
Mr. Crawford will tomorrow obtain
permission from the Supreme Court to
print the testimony in the Oregon
Washington boundary case, over which
this court has original jurisdiction.
Testimony was taken at Portland dur
ing the past, Summer. It is doubtful
if the case can be reached this term,
owing to the crowded condition of the
Another matter Mr. Crawford has
been attending to is Oregon's claim
to 300 or 400 acres of swamp land
that has recently been embodied in the
Klamath irrigation project. Though
the state has not obtained title to this
land under Its swamp grant, it con
veyed its interest to other parties and
Mr. Crawford is asking that the state's
title be confirmed in order that the
grantees of the state may in turn have
a clear title. This adjustment will be
Mr. Crawford called on the President
this morning.
Geological Survey Gathers Data on I
Supply for Power.
Washington, Oct. 17. With a view to
gathering complete data on the water
supply of Western Oregon the Geo
logical Survey has been maintaining
gauging stations on the more import
ant streams of that section during the
past Summer, and will continue work
indefinitely in conjunction with the
state authorities. Nine stations are
now operated. The results of the
year's observations will be published
wh'n full returns are received.
These measurements are of great
value to those seeking sites for power
plants, as readings are made daily
and give the exact flow of each stream
gauged. Work is now under way at
Albany, Jasper, .Goshen. Hendrick's
Ferry, Waterloo, Meliama, Suver,
Dickey Prairie and Barton.
Uncle Sam Digs Okanogan Canals.
Washington, Oct. 17. The Secretary
of the Interior has authored the
Reclamation Service ' to construct un
der force account Or by small con
tracts 13 mHos of canal on the Okano
gan irrigation project, in Washington.
Thin work consists of the extension
of the main canal for 514 miles and of
the lower main canal for 7H miles.
The region is remote from railroad
transportation and It Is difficult to se
cure satisfactory bids. It is therefore
believed to be to the best interests of
the Government to carry on the work
as outlined.
Experts Try to Find Missing $61,
500 in St. Louis.
ST. LOl-IS. Oct. 17. The Republic to
day prints the following:
Three expert accountants from the
Treasury Department at Washington,
working under a Deputy United States
Treasurer, counting more than $20,000,000
in the vaults of the United States sub
Treasury, have discovered a shortage of
$iU.J00. United States Sub-Treasurer
Thomas J. Akins admitted that the ex
perts are In St. Louis, but said that no
definite statement would be made by him
until the representatives at Washington
had finished their investigation.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 17. The officials
of the Treasury Department have been
informed by T. J. Aikins. the assistant
Treasurer of the United States sub
Treasury at St Louis, that there is a prob
able shortaKe in the accounts of his office
of about $61,500 and at his request his
accounts are being checked by the Treas
ury experts.
It is understood that the Assistant
Treasurer, in checking up one of the
cages in his office, found the cash short
to the amount stated, but on being con
fronted with the figures, the clerk In
charge insisted that he knew nothing of
the matter and that there must have
been an error in bookkeeping. Mr. Aikins,
however, was of the opinion that there
was an actual shortage and immediately
notified the Department and asked for 11
prompt examination of his office
Telephone Company Cuts Off Service
Without 'Warning.
CHICAGO. Oct. 17. (Special.) All citi
zens of Chicago who have been trying for
years to have gambling on horse races,
through means of hand books, etc., sup
pressed in the city, were rejoicedtonight
to learn that the Chicago Telephone Com
pany had cut the service to all places
throughout the city where bets have be"en
taken on races. It is estimated that
nearly 1000 handbooks will be smashed by
this action.
Building Operations Will Be Re
sumed in Alameda Comity.
OAKLAND. Oct. 17. The lookout de
clared last Monday by the employers and
contractors, which tied up all buildingr
operations in Alameda County for three
days, was called off at a meeting- of the
employers held tonigrht. The millmen's
strike that compelled the closing of the
mills for two weeks, has been called off
also. The mill owners have agreed to the
waRe schedule asked by the unions.
Militia Is Ordered Out.
COLUMBIA, S. C. Oct. 17. Governor
Hey ward has ordered out the militia to
prevent a threatened disturbance at the
hanging Friday at Conway of Com
mander Johnson, a white man of means,
accused of having murdered' Rev. Har
mon IX Grainger.
Little Hope for Crew of French
Submarine. -
I.utin Plunged Twice and Then Dis
appeared, Probably Stifling the '
Crew With Deadly Fumes.
Whole Fleet at Scene.
BIZERTA. Oct. 17. Preparations for an
attempt to raise the submarine boat
Lutin. sunk near this port yesterday, with
Lieutenant Fepoux and 14 men, were be
gun at dawn. Although the bottom Is
sandy three miles off the coast, where the
Lutin is supposed to have sunk, the
chances of raising the Lutin to the sur
face in time to save the lives of the crew
are regarded as slim.
The officers engaged in the salvage
work with the certainty that the crew of
the Lutin had perished. Members of the
crew of the tug. Ishmul, which convoyed
the Lutin on her last voyage, declare that
the submarine plunged twice successively,
and after she had gone down for the third
time the bow showed twice above the sur
face of the water before she finally dis
appeared. This leads to the belief that
the catastrophe resulted from a suddqp
leak at the stern. The water probably
rushed in very rapidly and overturned the
accumulators. This would cause death
giving fumes to emanate from them, and
the crew would have no chance for life.
Admiral Belue tonight said it is uncer
tain whether the salvagers have located
the Lutin or not. The divers have reached
the bottom, but owing to the roughness
of the sea they were unable to remain
below long enough to make a thorough
investigation. Fourteen salvage vessels
now form a cordon around the spot where
the Lutin went down. The divers descend
in. relays, and are displaying untiring
The British Admiralty has sent a battle
ship, a cruiser and a torpedo-boat de
stroyer, as well as several tugs, tb assist
in the search. Tonight the sea Is moder
ating, .and the work tomorrow will be con
tinued under better conditions.
Kims When Sees Polleenian, but
Surrenders to tiun Convict
and Proud of It. '
Seen as he was crawling out of a
second-hand store on Front street, after
breaking- throug-h a glass window,
Arthur M. Freel, 23 years old, an ex
convict, was caught after a chase by
Patrolman H. C Bales near the Mor
rison street bridge, after the officer ha
shot four times. Arrested and taken to
the station, 16 watches of all kinds
and sizes, 2u gold rings, with different
settings, and one pair of large field
gVasse were found on the burglar, which
he admitted he stole from the store.
Patrolman Philips was at the corner
of Front and Morrison street at 1 o'clock
this morning when he heard the crash
of broken glass. Bales joined him there
and continued his investigation alone. On
reaching the secondhand store of R.
Noranovorsky, Front street, he saw
the upper part of the large show window
broken. He climed over the window and
saw the burglar in the store strike a
match. The officer quickly jumped to the
ground and ' concealed himself near the
entrance. Shortly the burglar came out.
Bales covered him at once with his re
volver and ordered him to throw up his
hands, but the robber broke into a run
and ran north on Front street into Mor
rison street and started to run toward
the Morrison-street bridge. Bales went in
pursuit and shot four times after the
burglar. The policeman was about ten
feet away, when Freel suddenly turned
around, threw his hands up and. saying
"For GocTs sake.- don't phoot," sur
rendered and went with Bales to the
police station.
Free! made no secret of his latest bur
glary, ,and displayed great bravado..
Watches of all descriptions, some gold,
some silver and several nickel ones, rings
with differen. stones and the pair of field
glasses were found in his pockets. Freel
admitted he got them in the store and
that it was not his first offense.
"I am an ex-convict. No. 62.750, and X
won't stay here long," declared the youth
ful criminal as he gave his age as 18
years. His portrait in the Portland
rogues gallery, however, plainly shows
that Arthur M. Freel,, when arrested in
1903. was 20 years old. His picture. No.
950, is- at the headquarters, and it gives a
long history of Free I s past crimes. About
five years ago he stole a large quantity
of copper wire, served a term in the Coun
ty Jail, and then went to Astoria, where
he forged a check and was sent for a long
term to the penitentiary. After two years
in the penitentiary he was released, and
he had hardly left the gates when it was
discovered he stole an overcoat belonging
to a deputy warden. Another arrest and
term in the same penitentiary followed.
He was released only a short time ago.
This is the first time he was caught at
his nefarious practice since his release,
but it is suspected that Freel is guilty of
several burglaries in the past few months.
Freel made loud threats that he
would not stay in jail very long, as
he had influential friends in the de
partment. He made an urgent plea
to see Acting Detective John Price
and admitted that Price knows him
and will help him when he knows his
(Freel's) plight. He declared he was
short of funds yesterday and sold his
watch" in the store yesterday afternoon,
but wanted it back and he got it with
the otner plunder.
San Francisco Registrar Alleged to
Be Vnder Ruef's Orders.
SAX FRANCISCO. Oct. 17. George P,
Adams. Registrar of Voters, today re
fused to file petitions ' offered on behalf
of Superior Judges Coffey. Hosmer, Gra
ham and Lawler, all of whom are incum
bents. Registrar Adams declares that
the petitions were offered after the latest
date made permissible by the statute
providing for the nomination of indepen
dent candidates. It Is believed that man
damus proceedings will be commenced
to force the Registrar to file the petitions.
The Judges whose petitions are in
Question received the indorsement of the
San Francisco Bar Association, but are
opposed by Abe Reuf, who is reported to
be doing everything in his power to pre
vent their re-election. He fought them
at the Republican and Democratic con
ventions. The incumbent Judges allege that Reg
istrar Adams is carrying out orders from
Reuf. who assumes to control Adams'
actions as an appointee of Mayor
Masked Footpad Beats Woman.
OAKLAND, Oct. 17. Miss E. Rogers,
residing at 2124 Clement avenue, Alame
da, was brutally attacked by a masked
footpad near her home shortly after 7
o'clock this evening. The highwayman
struck her several times, knocking her to
the sidewalk, then snatched her purse
and made away in the darkness.
Jumps to Escape Agony of Cancer.
- WASHINGTON. Oct. 17. (Special.)
P. G. Raissle, a painter and decorator,
died today from the effects of, injuries
received ly jumping from rie upstair
window of his house. He so f-arci the
prolonged agonies of deatn fiom -cancer
that he selected his harial plnce.
designated his undertaken an.l select
ed pallbearers and then. whr. his w'fe
and attending physician we-H leaving
the room, he Jumped from his bed and
hurled himself through the elxied win
dow to the ground, twenty fyet below.
Two Killed in Trainwreck.
PUEBLO, Colo., Oct. 17. Two men
were .killed and more than a score of
passengers were injured as the result
of a head-on collision between tw.i
Santa Fe express trains neai Minxa
nilo at-10:50 o'clock this evening". Both
locomotives were totally destroyed, as
was the baggage car on the eaytbou.i'1
train. With the exception .c the bag
gage car on the westbound, tlic otlier
coaches were practically uninjured,
none of them leaving the track.
The killed are Harry Murdo.c. Kan
sas City, express messenger. a(id an un
known negro, stealing a ride.
Officers of American Mutual.
ELKHART, Ind., Oct. 17. William Bar
ney, Samuel Stewart and Carl Barney,
against whom indictments were returned
here yesterday by the grand jury, were
officers of the American Mutual Life In
surance Company A dispatch yesterday
in relation to the indictments referred to
the Company as the Mutual Life Insur
ance Company.
Big Fire at Birmingham.
BIRMINGHAM, Ala.. Oct. 17. Fire
shortly after midnight caused a loss
estimated at from $150,000 to 1500,0)0,
first destroying the six-story building
of the Prowell Hardware Company.
At 3 A- M. the ofllce building of J.
Chaiifoux was on fire in the rear and
the three-story building at the cormr
of Nineteenth street and Morris ave
nue was a mass of flames. The Chaii
foux building is one of the handsomest
structures in the city.
It is reported-that two firemen were
injured by falling walls. The Dixie
restaurant on First avenue was totally
demolished by falling walls. The fire
is not yet under control. .
- Earthquakes Shake Manila.
MANILA, Oct. 1". Two distinct earth
quake ehocKs were felt here- yesterday
evening. No damage was done.
Headache and Neuralgia From Coldfl.
I,axatlve Bromo Quinine, th world-wide cold
and grip remedy, removes cause. Call for full
name. Look tor ailfuature E. W. Grove, SGc