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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1906)
Z THE MOBXING OREGOXIAN, FRIDAY. JANUARY 19, 1906. 142 nd FRIDAY ECONOMY SALE- GOOD HEWS FOR "D.ESI6HEI" READERS PKICE REDUCED. .Startlntr today the subscription price to the "Designer" the favorite fashion magrazlne will be DOc the vear. Instead of 80c Pattern derrt inent, Fifth-Street Annex, First Floor. Subscribe now. If you can't come to the store, order by mail, or phone "Private Exchange 12." All orders filled promptly and carefully by an expert corps of trained store shoppers. 142 nd FRIDAY" ECONOMY SALE Store Opens at 5 A. n.f THE OLDS, WORTMAN & KING STORE Store Closes Daily at 6 P. M. "The Dif ferenf Store" Fifth, Sixth and Washington Streets 25 Annual Clearance Sales Everything in Store Reduced (Contract Goods Alone Excepted). Portland's Greatest Friday Bargain Sale I I , 1 J ' 1 s I A Lunch to Satisfy Is the lunch one gets at the cozy tearoom on Second Floor. No tedious waits there, either, but prompt, efficient service, well-cooked vi ands, and but little to pay. Time your shop ping to take lunch in the tearoom. SPECIAL FRIDAY Auspices Portland Y. TV. C. A., Domestic Science Branch. " Clam Chowder. Crab Salad. , Spaghetti, Spanish. And other dainty delicacies. A Clean Sweep Sale of the Women's Knit Under wear and Hosiery Stocks First Floor. Misses' $1.35, $1.45 and $1.55 Union Suits, $1.15. Misses' Natural and White "Munsing" Union Suits, of fine, soft wool, half open front, very neatly trimmed; medium weight; sizes 2, 3 and 4. Regular values, $L35, $L45 and $L55. Special at $1.15 Sizes 5 6, 7 and S. Regular values, $L65 and $1.75. Special at $1.29 Women's $1.25 Vests, 88c. Women's "Merodc" Silk and Cotton Winter weight, high neck, short sleeve Tests, silk cro chet trimmed. Regular $1.25 value. Special at 88 6 Women's Natural "Stuttgarter," medium weight Union Suits; long sleeve, ankle length, a good all-the-ycar underwear; never been on sale be fore . Size 30; regular price, $2.45. Special at.. $2.15 Size 32: regular price, $2.G5. Special at.. $2.25 Size 34; regular price, $2.85. Special at. .$2.40 Size 3G; regular price, $3.05. Special at.. $2.55 Size 38; regular price, $3.25. Special at.. $2.70 Size 40; regular price, $3.45. Special at.. $2.85 Sjze 42; regular price, $3.65. Special at.. $2.99 Size 44; regular price, $3.S5. Special at. .$3.20 Women's 75c and 85c Hose, 49c. Women's black, embroidered lace boot Hose, in assorted styles, finished foot, with double sole. Regular 75c and Sc value. Special at, - the pair - - ...496 Women's 35c Hose, 23c. "Women's black, medium weight Lisle Hose, with double sole and spliced heels and toes. Regu lar 35c value. Special at, the pair 236 SILK RIBBONS Bargains . First Floor. Pine All-Silk Moire Taffeta Ribbons our best quality; in white, cream, light blue, pink, navy, scarlet and black. All widths, from one to three and one-half inches. 1-inch wide. Our 10c value. Spl. at, yd 66 1-inch wide. Our 12c value. Spl. at, yd. ..86 l) l-inch wide. Our 15c value. Spl. at, yd. .106 2-inch wide. Our 18c value. Spl. at, yd.. 126 214-inch wide. Our 20c value. Spl. at, yd. .146 3?inch wide. Our 25c value. Spl. at, yd 1S6 3V-inch wide. Our 30c value. Spl. at, yd . . 216 A BARGAIN IN Black Silk Ornaments for 60c .First Floor. ; Drop Silk Ornaments; Medallions two inches in diameter; Ornaments four inches long in black only. All our 17c value. Special "Economy Sale" Price, the doz..60p ' A GLOVE BARGAIN First Floor. 85c for Kid Gloves Worth $1.00. Two-clasp "Magnet" Kid Gldves in all colors, black -and white. ' . . , , Our $1.00 value. Special "-Economy Sale" Price, the pair 85 ' MOTHERS MAY BUY " Infants' Dresses at Half Price 2d Floor Junior Shops. Children's Dresses of Worsteds. Cashmeres and Serges, made in "Buster Brown," Russian Blouse and Sailor styles, in a color line embrac ing reds, blues, browns, and shepherd checks. Friday Special at HALF PRICE. . . v IN ART SHOP Annex 2d Floor. Pillow Covers and Ruffles Reduced RUFFLES. Pretty pillow ruffles of art denim, with silk rib-' bon and fancy stitches, four and a half yards in each piece. Regular 50c and 75c values. Special Friday, each. . . : 37 PILLOW COVERS. Beautiful cushion slips of velour, with plain art denim backs,' in a variety of designs. Regular 65c value. Friday Special, each ...... 39 WOMEN'S FASHIONABLE $35.50 SUITS GO AT $9.95 A MONSTER PURCHASE AT A CLOSING PRICE FROM A LEADING NEW YORK MAKER! The most sensational price-cutting ever known in the history of Portland garment selling! There's no fault with tho'Suits they're perfect in every respect but manufacturers arc getting ready for making the "fluffier" things for wear in the "good old Summer time" and these Suits were in their path. Our buyer came along, the Suits were so pretty and so good he could not -resist the appeal of a ridiculous price, and bought 200. These have been combined with a number from our own stocks, making in all the biggest, grandest and altogether most sensational offering in Womcn-'s Suits ever made by any Portland house. In the lot are $15, $1S.50, $20, $25, $28.50, $32.50, $35 and $38.50 values; mostly of the higher grades named. All in the popular three-quarter length coat styles, fitted backs and box fronts, in both plain colors and smart mixtures; all wanted materials, embracing cheviots, broadcloths, worsteds. Venetians, serges and mannish mixed tweedish fabrics in latest effects. All tastefully trimmed in buttons, silk and fancy stitching. Values to $3S.50 for two days, Q S Friday and Saturdays at a full and free choice for JJxJ ALL REMAINING FURS AT HALF PRICE! Neckscarfs, Women's and Children's Sets, and Women's Coats. All fashionable furs embraced. Regular prices on Neckpieces range up from $2.50 to $50. On sets from $1.50 to $30. On Coats from $25 to $175. For two days HALF PRICE i SMART MILLINERY AT A TENTH ITS VALUE! SECOND FLOOR ANNEX. A Great Sale in the JEWELRY STORE Annex First Floor. OPERA GLASSES FOR THE COMING OPERA EVENT. The famous singer, CaU'c, appears at the Mar quam Monday evening. Of course you'll attend. Provide yourself with a pair of fine Opera Glasses for the event. AIL our high-grade Opera Glasses and Opera Jewelry sharply reduced. Bear in mind these extraordinary specials foi Friday .Economy Sale. $5.00 FOR OPERA GLASSES WORTH $7.50 AND $8.50. An assortment of fine pearl-body Opera Glasses, with the finest gilt metal trimmings, and good ' quality lenses. Our $7.50 and $Si0 values. Special Economy Sale Price, the pair.. $5.00 $7.95 FOR OPERA GLASSES WORTH $11.00 TO $12.50. An assortment of the famous "Le Maire" Opera Glasses.- All have Oriental pearl bodies, with the finest non-tarnishable gilt trimmings; and accurate lenses. Our regular $11.00 and $12.50 values. Special Economy Sale Price, the pair $7.95 $11.00 TO $13.50 OPERA GLASSES FOR $7.60. An assortment of fine imported Opera Glasses, with assorted Dresden enameled bodies in dainty colorings, with stick to match. All have very fine lenses. Our $1L00 to $13.50 values. Special Econonry Sale Price, the pair.. $7.50 $15.00 OPERA GLASSES FOR $9.25. An assortment of imported Opera Glasses; come in thin, flat cases, with gilt chain. The most unique and compact opera glasses made. Our $15.00 value. Special Economy Sale Price, the pair $9.25 THE FINEST IMITATION DIAMOND JEW . ELRY MADE, AT HALF PRICE. We have a line of the finestmitation Diamond Jewelry made. All stones are securely set in sterling silver mountings to give the fine platinum effect. We have some beautiful pieces, copied from the original designs, and they are all perfect repro ductions. They come in brooches, crosses, pen dants and hat pins. For Friday Economv Sale we offer them at HALF " PRICE. All of Our Fancy Jeweled Coral and Pearl Col lars at Half Price for Friday Economy Sals. All of Our Pretty Livelier Neck Chains and Stone-Set Bracelets at Half Price. Three Exceptional Bargains in Home Needs Fourth- Floor. LACE CURTAINS REDUCED. An attractive line of beautiful lace curtains, em bracing fourteen styles, size 3V yards long by 50 inches wide; Brussels effect. Regular $2.75 value. Friday Special, pair. $1.85 $8.00 BLANKETS $6.45. A big line of all-wool White -Blankets, full size, with pint and blue borders; exceptional $8.00 value. Friday only, pair .$6.45 O. W. & K. SEWING MACHINES. We've made a deep cut in the prices of Sewing Machines for Friday. Olds, Wortman & King Sewing Machine, high-arm, ball-bearing, oak cabinet box top 3-drawer, $21.00 value. Special, each. .$16.85 5-drawer, $22.65 value. Special, each. .$17.95 A SENSATIONAL SALE OF $2.50 Hats at 25c Another of those department-crowding events for which the Millinery Section is famous! Come expecting to be astonished and electrified by-the bargains we'll promise you'll be even more astounded than you expect. Here are 200 readj--to-wear Hats, in all styles and) color ings that are in popular favor Sailors, Polo Turbans, Patent Leather Hats and Fancj' Dress Shapes; all neatly and prettily trimmed and waiting to go on the table this morning values up to $2.50. Friday's 1 C price ticket will read : Choice for. . t Big Reductions in . China and Glassware Booked for Friday in the "Housekeepers' Ex change" Third Floor. Housewives will vie with boarding-house keepers and restaurant man agers in obtaining these great values here to d&y. DINNER SETS. Semi-porcelain, brown decorations, fancy shapes; 50-piece set; regular value. $4.S0. Clearance Special $3.36 60-piece set; regular value, $6.40. Clearance Special $4.48 100-piecc set; regular value, $9.60. Clearance Special : $6.72 DINNER SETS. Semi-porcelain, full gold line, pink decoration, with green spray 50-piece set; regular value, $6.25. Clearance Special : $4.38 60-piecc set; regular value, $S.35. Clearance Special $5.85 100-piece set; regular value, $12.45. Clearance Special $8.75 $1.25 WHITE BOWLS AND PITCHERS, 75c High-grade semi-vitreous china Fancy Pitcher, large rolled edge basin; regular value, $1.25. Clearance Special, the pair 75 6 THIN BLOWN TUMBLERS. Plain Regular value, 60c dozen. Clearance Special, set of 6 24 p Barrel style Regular value, 70c dozen. Clearance Special, set of 6 286 Bargain "Finds" SMALL WARES SHOP FIRST FLOOR. 5c paper English Pins, clearance special... 3$ 5c card black and white patent Hump Hooks and Eyes, clearance special 36 20c card white Pearl Buttons, clearance spec.106 25c Needle Books, clearance special 17 15c Belt Pin Books, clearance special 10 35c jar Cold Cream and Skin Food, clearance special 25 25c imported French Tooth Brushes, clearance special 15 $L50 solid" back Hair Brushes, clearance special 98 10c Bottle Carbolated Petroleum Jelly, clearance special 5 22c Whisk Brooms, clearance special 156 7c Writing Tablets, note and packet- size, clearance special 4 25c Irish Linen Writing Tablets, clearance special ."...15c 5c Bottle Best Black Writing Ink, clearance special 3 25c Writing Paper, in 1-lb. packets, clearance special 15 "Pit," the great game for young andold; regular value, 50c, clearance special 29 Leather Goods Corner Annex First Floor. SPECIAL SALE OF OUR ENTIRE LINE OF V OPERA BAGS. We offer our entire line of Opera Bags, including, all our silk, velvet, leather and beaded bags a very large assortment from which to make you selections. Values from 75 to $7.50. Special for Friday Economy Sale at ONE THIRD OFF. Unequaled and Unmatchable ! Friday's Silk and Dress Goods Values In the Annex 5th St. 1st Floor. A Great Sale of Remnants of -SilKs Half Price! All these lengths are measured, and cannot bo cut, but will be sold as they run, at Slaughter Prices. , Mid Clearance Sale on Remnants of every kind of Silks White Japanese Silk, Colored Taffetas, Colored Novelty Suit Silks, etc. All go Friday and Saturday at HALF PRICE. PEERLESS BARGAINS IN BLACK TAF FETAS Full pieces quantity as you wish. Provide for future wants and present needs from these spleudid Silks. Dependable Black Taffeta 23-inch ; regular $1.10 value. Special . . . .696 27-inch; regular $1.25 value. Special 896 36-inch; regular $1.50 value. Special. .$1.19 THE DRESS GOODS CONTRIBUTE Waterproof Suitings in full color assortment. Desirable fabrics for Coats, Skirts and Rainy day Suits. $2.00 values. Special, yard $1.63 $2.25 values. Special, yard -. $1.8S $2.50 values. Special, yard $2.07 Special for Friday Only. AN ASTOUNDING BARGAIN. Dainty Wash Goods A never before equaled low-price level, on equal value fabrics. 1 5c Wash rnc Per Goods J V-vmo First Floor. j 10,000 yards Embroidered Batiste, Dimities, Printed Lawns and Or 5c gandies; regular value, 15c Clearance Special, while they last, the yard Astonishing Values in Fine Footwear First Floor Shoe Store. Women's $3.50 Shoes for $1.98. 600 pairs of Women's patent and kid leather Shoes, made on fashion able lasts, with cither light or heavy .soles. These Shoes are desirable in every way, and thor oughly good footwear. Complete line of sizes and widths. Regular values up to $3.50. Special Economy Sale Price, the pair $1.98 $1.39 FOR MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S S2.00 SHOES. Misses,' and Children's fine kid lace' Shoes, made with a fancy inserted matt kid scroll lace stay; very dressy, and a Shoe that will wear Cicely. Sizes 113,4 to 2. Our $2.00 valuer Special Economy Sale Price, the pair $1.39 Sizes 6 to 11. Special Economy Sale, the pair 986 BOYS' $1.75 SHOES FOR $1.19.. Boys' Shoes of heavy, plump kid stock, medium extension soles, English back stays; good, heavy soles; dressy and serviceable; all sizes from S to 2- , Our $1.75 value. Special Economy Sale Price, the pair - $1.19 All Our Men's Shos have "Come-Hither" prices on them. A great opportunity to buy Good Footwear at Very Special Prices. Votes MUST positively be gotten at time of purchase. None will be issued after, either on duplicate checks or other wise. This is absolute. Ask for your votes at time of purchase. Vote for Benevolent Fund iDistribution At 4 P. M. Thursday Pattonllome 108,471, Fruit and Flower Mission.... 105,196 Crittenton Home 82,112 Salvation Army 75,287 St. Vincent's Hospital 65,573 People's Institute 49,164 Baby Home 46.370 Mt. St. Joseph's Home for the Aged 37,108 Good Samaritan Hospital 24,888 Old Ladies' Home 15,766 Volunteers of America 9,445 Open-Air Fund 9,252 Kings' Daughters of Marshall street Church 6,350 Children's Home 5,944 Visiting Nurse Association 4,842 Scattering 21,961 Total 667,729 This is The Time to Save IN BUYING CARPETS FOR THE HOME, LIN- m OLEUMS AND MATTINGS FOR FLOOR COVERINGS. . "0. W. & K." SEWING MACHINES The indispensable helper in home dressmaking and domestic sewing. All at special reduced prices during this sale. A Score and One of Friday Economy Sale Specials in nen7s snop g First Floor Annex 6th St. $1.50 medium weight worsted Underwear; clearance special, each I$1.15 Children's $1.50 worsted Military Jackets: clearance special 996 Men's $2.50 cashmere Underwear, fawn color: clearance special, each $1.73 75c natural gray wool Undershirts; clearance special 45 $4.00 leather Suit Case; size 24 inches; clearance special $2.79 .V Boys' $1.25 Brownie Sweaters; clearance spe cial 77c Men's 50c flat and ribbed fleeced Underwear; clearance special . 35 6 Men's $1.25 Outing Flannel Pajamas; clearance special 936 Men's $1.25 Outing Flannel Nightrobes; clear ance special 936 Men's $1.50 Golf Shirts; clearance spe cial , $1.13 Men's- 25c black cashmere Sox; clearance special 15 Men's $2.00 Golf Shirts; clearance spe cial $1.15 Men's 25c pure linen Handkerchiefs; clearance special .12Va6 Men's 25c Wool Sox; clearance special 186 Men's 75c silk, 4in-hands and squares; clearance special 39 Men's fancy Suspenders; clearance special at Half Price. Boys' Outing Flannel Nightrobes; clearance spe cial 386 $1.50 Silk 4-in-hands; clearance special. .$1.10 ' Men's Terry Goth Bathrobes; clearance special, Half Price. Men's $1.50 Stiff-Bosom Shirts; clearance spe cial $1.13 Men's $1.00 Stiff-Bosom Shirts; clearance special 756 75c to $1.25 Royal Worcester Corsets and Girdles 41c Annex 2d Floor. A discontinued line of Royal Worcester Corsets and girdles in broken sizes, from 18 to 30, in the favorite colors, black, drabs, white, pinks and blues; long, medium and short lengths. Regular prices from 75c to $1-25. Friday Spe cial, pair 416 Pay $1.29 Instead of $1.75 FOR LADIES' BLACK SATINE PETTICOATS. Annex 2d Floor. A big line of ladies' fine black mercerized Sateen Petticoats, trimmed with three stitched bands, nine-inch accordion plaited floupce, and fin ished with hemstitched ruffle. Regular $1.75 value. Friday Special, each $1.29