Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 30, 1905, Image 17

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Local and California Shipments
Stock Up Market.
Five Cars and Steamer Load Arrive
in One Day Potato Market Is
Weakened by Ovcrsupply.
Hop Trade at Standstill.
FRCIT Local market heavily sup
plied with wMely assorted variety.
VEGETABLES First outdoor Oregon,
tomatoes arrive.
POTATOES Prices "weakened by
HOPS Buyers and toilers apart.
" '.trt Receipts large aBd de
mand good.
EGGS Another car of Eastern ar
rives. BITTER Heavy etooks on Front
MEATS Veal market fully supplied.
The fruit market teas heavily supplied yes.
tcrday with a widely asserted variety, and
the demand, both from the city aad country,
was strong. In addition to the receipts from
local territory, the California steamer
brougl t up a big lot f deciduous fruits and
a mixed car aleo arrived. Both lots were la
excellent condition. The two straight cars
of watermelOM and cantaloupes that were
overdue were alee put or sale yesterday
morning Other heavy receipts were a car
of Valencia oranges and a ear of LefftngweH
In the steamer shipment was a lot of early
seedless grapes from Thermal. Cat. that
were offered at $2 a hex. Peaches and aprl
cc'.s were both quoted at SS9 cents and
apples at $1,249 1.95- Other tree varieties
scld at former prices. Cantaloupes were
quoted lower at $8.23 93.30 per crate and
melons were steady at :fl easts a pound.
Oregon peaches from Medford were mere
plentiful and were held at 759 SO eents. Ber
ries c re unchanged.
The vegetable market was well supplied
with all seasonable varieties from local
pclcts. California greeR beans were over
plentiful and drugging at 5 cents a pound.
The first Oregon outdoor tomatoes were re
ceived from John Kindt, a grower at The
Da".B, The brought $1.75 a hex. Cali
fornia tomatoes were quoted at $1-7592 a
bcx and $2.84 a crate.
Heavy Receipts and Large Supply of Eastern
Cause Weakness.
The market for alt kinds of potatoes .was
weak yesterday, cauaod by the heavy re
ceipts of new Oregon potatoes and the pres-er.-e
of three or four cars of Colorados In
tewn ('Id Oregon potatoes are practieally
cat of the Market. A few sacks eat be
found here and there, wMch dealers are
anxious to got rid of. few of thorn quoting
over $1, Eastern potatoes ean be had at the
same price. New CaUfornias are still fairly
plentiful, though dealers have been bringing
them up, and are offering at $191.24.
Receipts of new Oregon potatoes are in
creasing dally. Thy are too smalt to ship
yet and farmers are peddling them to re
tall grocers, thus dlminieMng the business of
the Front street trade. Price in the latter
district range from $1 to' $1.26 per sock.
Strong Local Demand Almorbes All the
Poultry receipts yesterday were large, hut
a strong demand took core of alt the ehtek
ens that came in. Hen were auotod at 12
G12ta cents and Springe at IfjCM eents.
Duck and geest were weaker, the former at
S4G" per dusen for the ordinary run and the
latter at S cents a l twnd. There woe a good
demand fur turkey, good old mm. retting at
17C18 cent and fancy dettiBtd at aim 2
cents. There wan Inquiry for Soring turkeys,
cf which the supper was Mmtted. Fowls that
would go four or live nennda eaeh would sell
Butter Continues In Hcat-y gHpply on Front
Another car of Bart-trn eamc in yes-
tcruay and more are on the way. Receipts
cf Oregon eggs were Hght. Some of the
arrivals vt the latter were Keck that should
have been harvested long nan. Prices were
unchanged from the preceding day. SOfrSl eonts
for Oregon anad 29 cent for Santera.
Butter was in heavy sunnly on Front etreet
an! the market woe drasaristg. CMy cream
ery men ar the supply of cream continues
unabated, but If thin warm weather tacts it
wl!l chc-.k It.
Hop .Market Waiting.
The hop market le in a waiting attitude
with buyers and sellers apart as to prices.
Kiirt of the holders appear willing to sell,
lut n"t at the present ha4e of the market.
Asking prices nre gonersUly at 200? 21 cents. is about 2 eents higher than buyers
Mil pay, A number of dealers are reported
s have orders at 17 to IS cents, bat they
tarr.n get the goods at that ngure.
C2c?rge Dorcas wo reported to have bought
Quantity of hop yesterday at lv cents, but
other transactions were reported.
Dressed McuU Plentiful.
eol receipts wre heavy again yeetecday
4 the market wat weak, hut no tower.
bL..-per would do well to hold their sunpMiu
back until the demand Improve, an (Cock
now on band are all that are reautrnd. The
demand for good tolid block hog-s is steady.
Dressed mutton and beef are both duN.
Bank Clnirlags.
Bank cleartape of the Northwestern dttet
yesterday were as f Ottawa:
. , Clearing. Balance.
I PerUand $a,77 $ -li,77l
'-a '.le KM. 1 72 S47.P90
. a.- ima 4ob.tkC lts.731
tp-kane .. 41&.dl3 HHK
Butter, liggs. Poultry. Etc
EGCS-Oregoa ranch. 202t per doaox;
BL ITER City creameries: Bxtra orosm
ry, 20B-ltc per pound: state oreamerles.
Fanry, creamer'. 17Vtff21U-; butter.
CHEESE Oregon full cream twins.
l?Hi . Young America. lSfriMc.
POCX.TRY Farcy hene. ISblSVo: aveimse
hens, 12c. mixed chickens. 1 If 12c-, oM roort-
oa1 ' fc vw iiC. Jfil lam. .
to S pounds. 15c; 1 to 1 pounds.
ISHB'K: are(ei chickens. lsifKc; tur
keyt live IS IK; turkeys, dressed, psor.
"THeSO.-. turkeys, eholee. 2(22Hc: geese.
.Ive per pound. 79Sc: geeee, drecsed. pre
-pcur.d. OfflOe: ducks, old. $&; ducks, yousc
as to size. $37.S0; ptgeone. 5I1.2S; squabs.
Grain, Flour. Feed. Etc
FLOUR Patents. SI.Sv05.lO per barrel;
rtralghts. $44J; clears. SS.7SS4: Valley.
13 &0 4.25: Dakota hard wheat. $0.5007.50;
Graham. $2.LdQi; whole wheat. $l(?45; rye
flour. lecal. $5; Eastern. $5.6035.90: cora
nut per bale. $ 1.00 Q 2.20.
"WHEAT Club. 29&3e per bushel; Mae
ctem. fc&SOc; Valley, seminal.
BARLEY Feed. $2232250 per toa; roHed,
OATS-No. 1 white, feed. $30 per tea; gray.
MILT-STUFFS Bran. $18 per tea; mid
dlings. $24 50; shorts. $21; chop. 17. a. MH1.
$19; Unseed dairy teed. $1S; Acalfa meal. $1S
per ton.
CEREAL FOODS "Relied eats, cream. StP
pound sacks, $0.75; lower grades $59C25;
oatmeal, tteel rut. 50-jJound sacks. $S per
barrel; 10-pound sacks. $4.25 per bale; oat
meal (ground), 30-peuaJ. sacks. 7.59 per
barrel: 10-pound sacks. $1 per bale: split
peas. $5 per 109-pound sack; 25-peund boxes.
$1.49; pearl barter. $4.25 per ICd pom; 25
peund boxes, SI -25 per box; pastry Sour. 10
pound sacks, $2.50 per bale.
HAT Timothy. $14 016 per tea; clever $11
612; grain. $11 12; cheat. $11012.
Vegetable. Fruit. Etc
DOMESTIC FRUITS Strawberries. $3
per crate; apples, table. $1.5920 per
box; new California. $l.S9CI-06 per box;
apricots. SSc$$l per crate; peaches, 75cS$l
per crate, plums. .60c6'$l per crate;
Logan berries. $1.25 per crate; blackberries,
?Sc per crate; cherries, 466c per pound; can
taloupes, $S.2i?3.50 crate; pears, $1 per box;
currants. Se per pound; prunes. McStl; rasp.
berrief. $1.75 per crate; wateraeloas. 2?S4c
per pound; goaMrberrtef 5fl6c per pound.
TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons, fancy. $8.56
V4: choice, xi per bcx; oranges, navels, fancy,
S2.5Gf 2.75 per box; choice. $Sr2.M; standard.
SI.S0il.7S: Mediterranean tneets.. $2.59
2.76; Vaiendas. .25S.75; grapefruit. $2.59
per box; bananas. 5c per pound; pineap
ples, $2.50 per dozen.
FRESH VEGETABLES Artichokes, 50c per
dozes; asparagui, 20c per box; beans, 69
7c per pound; cabbage. 191HC per
pound: cauliflower. $1 per dozes; eel
Cry. &c per dozen; corn. SU04Oc per dozen;
cucumbers. 48cg$l per dozes; egg plant. lTc;
lettuce, hothouse. 25c per dozen; lettuce, head.
10c per dozen; parsley. "25c per dozes; peas,
265c per pound; prpytrs, 25c per pounC;
radishes. 1012c per dozen, rhubarb. lQ
2Hc per pound; tomatoes. $l.7fruS per
orate; squash. tl?1.25 per box.
ROOT VEGETABLES Turnips. $1,250
1.40 per sack; carrots. J 1.26 JJ '.50 per sack;
beets, $161-25 per sack; garlic, 12 .c per
ONIONS-Callfernla red. $1.2381.50 per hun
dred; yellow, $1.75.
POTATOES Oregon fancy. Id, $191.10;
Oregon, new. $1(1.25; Eastern, $1L10;
California, new, $1.2.
RAISINS Loose Muscatels. 4 -crown. 7c:
S-layer Muscatel raisins, 7 He; unbleached,
seedless Sultanas. Gc; London layers. X
crows. whole boxes of 20 pounds, $1.SS; 2
crown. $1.75.
DRIED FRUITS Apples, evaporaled. fi
OHc per pound; cundr'ed. sacks or boxes,
none; apricots. 10911c; peaches. 8 (Me He;
pears, none; prunes, ItaMan. 4 95c; French.
2H93.c; Xgs. CaHfornia blaclu. Sc; do
white, none; Smyrna. 20c; Fard dates. 6c;
plums, pitted. 0c.
Groceries, Nuts. Etc
COFFEE Mocha, 2tr26e; Java. erdlBary,
lS23c; Costa Rica, tancj'. ISirSuc; good, log
Ibc; ordinan. 1H312C per pound; Cowmbta
roast, cases. 100s. $lX.7t; ton, JU.75, Ar
buckte. $14.7S; Lion. $I4.7S.
RICsV-Imperial Japan No. I. $S.37tj; SouU
ern Japan. 13.50; Carolinae. 5SlVr; broken-
SALMON Columbia River. 1-pound tans.
$1.75 per dozen; 2-pound tails. $2.4; 1-pouad
nau. l.fe5. fancy. ieiVt-Pmd $Lb; H
pound nats $; Alaska ptnk J-poosd tails,
t5c; red. i-pound talis, $1.39; sockeyea, 1
pound tails. $l.fc&.
SUGAR Sack basts. 100 pounds: Cube.
$5.1; powdered. $S.G0; dry granulated. $S.S;
extra u, so; goioen -. xruK ugar.
S5.S0; advance over sack basis, a follows:
Barrels, Wc; half-barrels. 2c; baxet. euc per
100 pounds. (Terms. On remittance within 15
days, deduct c per pound; if later thas 13
days and within days, oeduct He per pwiM;
no dbount after 30 days.) Beet Mtgar. granu
lated, $5.40 per 100 pounds; maple Mtgar.
l&trltfc per pound.
SALT California. $11 per ton. $1.00 per
bate; Liverpool, ws, )l ; ievs, $109; S0vs,
$1: half-ground. 100s, $7: Me. $7.M.
NUTS Walnuts, ltc per pound by sack, le
extra for lees thaa sack; Brazil nau. 15c;
sioerte. ic. pecami. jumeo.1, itc. extra Jarge.
15c. almonds. I. X. L.. 18iC. chestnuts. Ital-
lane, 36c. utolo. $i.50 per 2t-pound drum; pea
nuts, raw. 4 vtc per pounu; roastec, vc. pine-
"wk, ivi anum; jhw, i 11 iiati,
7c; cocoanuu 25O0e per oozen.
BEANS Small white. K4NVc; targe white.
sm: piok. avtww. nayou. tc: urn, e;c
Dreesed Meats.
BKKF Drew ed butts. l3c per
cows. SMltec; eountry steesa. Se.
MUTTOK BrM xancy.
ordlnarj. 4 c
per pound;
VEAL Drtosed. 73c to 12 Bounds. MWt:
12 to 909 pounds. 4c; pounds and
up. a arte.
PORK Dressed. IM to 10. 7 87 He; 1M
an up. Off 7c per poun.
Provisions and Canned Meats.
1IAMS-1 to 14 pounds. IStae nor
14 to 16 pounds. MTWc; 18 to 90
lc- cUiiornU tpicnle). c; cottage hams.
c; tkMHM, vc: bsued ham. rtc; boiled ntc-
bk ansa, aoveivec. jc
BACON Fancy breakfast, l&c per saamd
standard break! set. W; choice, lac; Kng.
Ueh breakfast. 11 to 14 pounds, lie; pamch
bacon. 13c.
SAUSAGE Portland, ham. 3Sc per pound;
mtnead horn. 10c; Summer, choice dry,
17Vkc; bologna, long. 1 Vc. welnerwurat, be;
liver, ec; porx. c; mom. a; jMaAcheese. uc;
bologna MtUMge. link. 4 He
DRY SALT Cl'KBD-Kegular short clears.
eic salt. oc amoked; clear backs. ic
mi, ivnc mvmva. vtftl 14 xo 14
pounds average, none Milt, none smoked;
Oregon exports. 30 to 2 pounds average.
l4c salt. ll.c emoked.
LAKD Leaf lard, kettle-rendered: Tierces
Sc; tubs. Slic; Ms. c; 30s. lc: Ms.
10 c; 3e. Wtic Standard pure: Tierces.
Sfcc; tubs. Kc; . Wc; 90s. ,c; ls.
SHc; f. 0;c Compound: Tierces. Oc;
tuba, tUr: 0. Vc. IPs. ie: a.
PiCKLKD OOOOS Pork. barreU. Slh. haU
V I. ca SO- tL-f Warrwk it- .
CANNED MEATS Corned beef, pound, per
doaen. $1.25; two pound. S2.M; atx pounds.
3. Jtoaet veet mi, i.a; two pounds,
none; etx pounos. none. Koaat bvef. tau.
pounds, none: two pounds. $2Jt; stx pounds.
iooca incn jmunaa. none; two
none; stx pouncm.
HepV "WooL Hides. Etc
XOFS-Cboice. WM. liSlc per pound.
WOOL Eaetern Oregon, average nest. 19Q
zoc. jower graoes, awwa i wc, aosoreMr
ehrtokage; Valley. 2dnj27c per pound.
MOK A IR Choke. XlrS?Ve vrr peunfi.
MIOBS Dry hion. No.-1. 1 pounds and un.
lsltc per pound; Ory kin. No. 1. 5 le le
pouoa.ii. lluc per pound, cry calf. Xo I
under l puunde. 37liyc. dry sotted, balls and
etngs. one-third iej than dry flint . (culls.
hmu-wis, rnrnj cw. www, murrain, aatr
uippea, weatner-neaten or gruoo, rue per
poawa reimi , aatieu owe, atevrs, soona.
pounds and oer. fyioc per pound. 5 to W
PouMM. iwwc per pouno; under SO Mm
and cow. Sff4c per pound: salted Mags and
built, eound. 6c per pound: salted kip. sound.
11 u W poun. c per pound, sailed veal,
round. 10 to 14 pounds. Jc per pound; Mtted
catC AMmd. under 10 pounds. 10c per pound;
(green uneaHed. 1c per pound leas: cults. 1c
per pound K. sneee rktns: Satearlmaa. Xa.
1 butchewi stock. SosfOOc each; abort wool. No.
1 butchers stock. 4smiec each, medlt-m wool.
No. 1 buteheurf stock. laD0c: kmc weoL Xo.
1 butchers' stock. $11 M each. Murrata pelts
from 10 to 2 per cent leas or IStfltc per
yeans: noree ntoes, enitec. eacn. accoraiag le
Mae. $t.5J3; dn. each, accord tag to stae. il
fft.0; colW hides. 2&06Oc each; goat skins,
ra itwnor 0loc each; Angora, with wool on,
2rd;i. each.
TALLOW -Prime, per pound. Stfcfftc; No. 2
ana crea-- . ssyac
FURS Bear ekms. as to fise. No 1. $2.50
no caen; cabs. isrr. naagor. zaajawc; wild
cat. with head perfect. 2HfSOc: hoe cat.
rMc; fosr common trai. MfMe; rod, $3
S: orose. SSdTU: f41ver and black, sieawaot
llshers. $: lynx. $4.50: mmk. atrtctty
No. 1. according to stxe. sinT2M: marten.
dark Northern, according to stae and color,
$10l. marten, pale. pine, according to 4ze
and color. SZ-&mi : muekrat. large, iosj ic
4tnk. tOafSOc: civet or polecat. alc: otter.
targe, prime skin. $ Off to. panther, with head
and rtawi icrtect, $23; raccoon, prime. 90C
5c: mountain wolf, with head perfect. SXSO
9. coyote e$t; wolverine. $: beaver,
par ekm, targe. fSdW: medium. $9t; saoxlt.
$tdn.M: kits. 0c
BKB&'WAX Good, clean and par. 30sj22c
per pound.
good. S4c per pound.
OftAIN BAOS-Catcutta. 77Hc
TUXPEXTINE Com. SOc per galtac: bar
rels, 6c per.gaUes.
wMTTB LEAD Ton lots. 7c; SOO-pound
let. 7tc: Vn than BM pound lots. Sc.
aASOLlNE Stove gsucattne, oases. 2e-.
Iron, barrels. 17c: SO dec. gasoMne. eases. 33c;
Iron barrets or drums20e.
COaL OIL Cases, SOW; Iron barrets. 14c;
wood barreU. 17c; 03 deg case. 23c; Iron
barreb. loc
LINSatlOD OIL Raw. S-bnrrst Iota. S2e: 2
batvel lata, etc; oases. Sp. Boiled: 5 -bin el
lots. C4c; 1-barret lots. O&e; capes, 70c
Coffee and Sugar.
NEW YORK. June 2e.-OotTo-Futures
closed oulet, net-unctnuwed to i pohsta lower.
Total sales. 51 TO bags. Including f cat i mow.
& Dtwemher. B.t-NW.rfec. Spot Rio,
steady; No. 7. 7c: saiM. steady.
Sugar Raw. quiet; fair renmsg. 3S; cen
trifugal, W test. 4Kc; matawes near. S
ResuWd. Meads; erusbed. $4.10; powdered.
t&M; granulated. 55.48.
Wool at SU Loots.
ST. LOUIS. June a.IVool Steadr; meat Mm
grades, eombtag and etetwag, SoeJdic; Hgx
One, 24HSc: heavy Use, 2ViC3( tub
Rate Goes Above Three Per
Cent at New York.
3 larked Shrinkage In the Dimensions
of tho 3Iarkct Russian Out
break Has Iiittlc Effect
on the List.
NEW YORE; June 23. Prices sest some
ground oa the Stock Exchange and there was
a shrinkage in the diaessions of the market,
which had more to do- with gtvtug character
to it than the redsottan of prices.
The money market yielded some premoni
tory symptoms of the preparation for the
July cotUements. Call leans were reported
light even while there was no marked ohaage
la the rale, and there was a eoestderabte
paying off on the part of borrowers on
This was evMeotty ha the expectation, that
the borrowing tomorrow, which Is to carry
over until Monday, might result In a Surry
ia the mosey market. The rise In call loans
to above 3 per cent before the dose eonm-med
this better.
Tho grave aspect of internal affairs la Rus
sia and the outbreak of vtMeaee tat Odossa
brought late renewed dlim;iaton the possible
future demand en New York Mr gold. For
eign Mock markets received tho sews wtth
great placidity, the price of French rentes
making a full recovery of the op suing de
cline. London dteeouats yielded a fraction
owing to the Immense Scat half-year settle
ments and the price of gold receded la Lon
don. There was little change In the leeal
exchange rate. ,
The news from Odessa wvs of more tmm
diate effect In the grain markets, owing
to the choice of that point as a port for
export wheat. The proepeot of as interrup
tion of the ruppty of wheat by means of
the ctaotng of that port tended as an lnftu
enee. Bxttmates on wheat and corn received
during the day were highly favorable. There
was ata as early decline Is cotton. To
day's news ta thus eeen to have supplied
Influences favorxMe to higher prices for
etocko. Later efforts toward recovery wore
defeated hy the rise tn exit mouer rates.
The market dosed easy at about the low eat
of the day.
so&aa were xregutar. Total rates, par
value. I2.7SS.00a. United States bonds were ait
unchanged on, .
Sales. High. LowfbML
Adams Bxpreee ..... 240
Amalgamated Copper StTfv tOK Slfe S1H
Am. Car A. Foundry 1.000 Mr Stfe 30
do preferred MH ft 7
American Cotton Oil M0 XS 32 31
American Kxprtos... . ..... 28
Am. ltd. & Lth pfd. 0 36i 36 38
American lee ...... ...... ..... ..... 2i
Amrteu Linseed Oil IS
do preferred 1C0 40 40 40
America Locomotive M0 4oa 47 4?
do preferred M 114 114 II
Am. mntot. & Retm. 10, 0M H6j 117H 117H
do proforred ISO
Am. Sugar Kenning. 1.000 IB; 1364 ISK
Am. Toaacce pfd.... 04
Anaconda Mtnmg Co. 1.700 10 M7 lOH,
Atehtaon ll.SW S4H S3
do preferred so M4 MM 14
Atlantic Coast Line. 3.50 lot MS 12
Ldste. ja in ias
Nsio.. 22.4M) 114K 1H 1134
tm 7Vj PTH P7
ransH 1.& Oo44
do preferred
Brook. Rapid Transit
Csntdtnn PacMc ... S.3M0 13 101S lei
nam of jn. jorpey. m sas
Chempeake i Onto. 12.400 S
Chtosgo) & Alton
do preferred 400 704
CMeana OC Weetem. S.4O0 24
CM. & North woMera l.Sa aoT
9i S2fe
i 77H
204 24
ChC. St. Paul 1T7V, 17H
Chi. Term. & TranoK X la li
do preferred l.Htt 3 30
C C, C. at St. L.. 5M s 97
Colorado Fuel & Iron. 3.7V 4o 41
Oaiorado &. Southern 70 27i SS
do 1st prafwod....
do Sd presernd.... MM X7U XT
OoniOMdnted Oas ... 300 WO. W0
Corn Product 11 M MK
o pretatreo joo tt 47
Delaware & Xudaon. im 10 Lh
U.. lCL A: WOK.
Denver & Rio Orande 700 Xo-. 30s. apt;
pceforrd Sbf, 4 t-H
Dfetttterai- Securities. V 431, 43Vs
arw m 44 44
do lot preferred 3.440 bl 8t 89
do Sd preferred.... 2.SA0 00 OH
General JOectric ... 300 1? 1M 17
Hocking Valley ... 0 PC M4 0
UUnots Central .... AM M0H loo m
international Paper.. 200 IPS bW WH
do preferred ...... ..... $H
iMernMional Pump
. eevrB jov 5m smi, 9
Iowa Central 3a
do preferred MO U &t 30j
Kansna Cfcy Southam 100 27 27 2d4
pmvn m ssj tt
LAUlsvlUe & xaeitv. 2-.lh liH, It sac upci
anlautnnL spa yas hM 10IH
MetrepoUtaa St. Ry. H.a ISWK 124iT 12t
MsMm Central .... 300 2t 2H 21,
Minn. & t. Louie '. a
M St. P AS S. X. 400 1234 123 123i
0O 1 H id losaf
Xteeoorf PneMe ... 3i jam, P0S4 ps
Mo.. Kane Texas. 1.30O 2P x 2a
National lsmd . . OTM
Mex. Nat X. EL pfd. Sf)
C4.Y55 CmSfi-" fi-4W Ifi 145
X. T One & Went. 17.400 3m S3 5
Nacfofk & Western. 8.700 fS4 $44 Mi
do preferred .. p
Nortti Ant team .... 3M le iw jnp
PacMe Man 3L3O0 44 4SS 4S
f.!?S?gr 14IH 140, 140S
Y,?f Wt. lopt MpX
... V .. . i. . my tO ?
Car.... 1.S0 30 JnH
- "- . oi. ppii io
do 2d preferred. . .. POO SBW
Republic Stoat .... S00 IPS
do preferred ......
Rock lemud Co 2.2O0 ' ts
do pretoiiod 400 73,
Rubber Oooi; 70 P4S4
do pteieiiud if0 yag
St. L & S. F. 2d pfd. 7 07
St. L. South weeters 400 3iK
de prfMied
Southoni Pnctnc ... 2t.0 4i
do preferred ...... .....
Southern Railway ... 3.M0 S3tk
do preferred K
Tens. Coal & Iron.. 20 51
Texas & Pacttr ... 1.70 34
Tol . 8t U z "H'ort. 20
do prt'feirod SO 5T
Union Pacine S4J0 iSMi
U. S.
u. s
do preferred 0 PS 1;
l . a. Moaaty.
U. S. Ruhti si
do Pcefoned
300 4S,
Sltg 31K
U. . Stool X..f preferred 3MC0
Vlrg.-Caro. Chomteal 40
SWa 30U
4tS 41 40C
do prtfetiod
""atV-Parm Express
sTtnstMM t Btect..
"ffotm rsaoa ....
Whoetmc Jt L. Erie.
WsossMlnOsojtrnl . .
do preoarred ......
Northern Paddc ...
2444 23 34
NBTT YORK. June 20.-Ctoatng quota tiOM:
13. . ref. 2 rer.101 ID. A R. O. 4s.. .102
do coupon... lo"H x. y. C G. XHs.MIH
u. . as rug ...ivi -Tsar, rmesfjc 3a.. 77U
do cousisn. . lOl tXor. Pesnc 4 tswt
U. S. new 4s r eg. 132 (So. Pacta 4s... tsg
do eoupon. ... .l3gH!Caon Paesac 4.07
U. S, eat 4s reg.VOI rwta Central 4s. PSK
do coupon. Mil Uap. IV. 24 set. OSS
AtcsweoB Adj. 4s Mis Uap. 4 las. cor... SI);
Stocks at London.
LONDON. June 2. Contois for
90 1-10; consols for account, po 1-1.
Anaoosdm 5 IX erf elk A- "Wost
AiaMeon SH do preferred..
do proforred.. .1SJ Kmtarto A Wort
Baltimore & O. .1 Id H 'Pennsylvania ..
Onn. Pacntc... .1MH Rand Minos
Cboa. & OUt... EtSiRcadine
a Ot. Westerx. 30; i do 1st prof...
C SC. t H. P 1S1T.I do 3d prof
De Beer ISHfco. Railway
D. & R. Orande. 31
: do
do proforred... $9USa PaesSc.
00 t
Brie 45; Union Pacauc...
do 1st pref do preferred. .
do 3d prof ... 71 n. U. & Steel
Illlnais Central. 171 do preferred..
Louis. Si Nashs. .150Vi'Wabawh
Ma. Kas. T. . 30K1 do preferred.
N. T. Central. . . 4ulSsmn4th Fours..
Money, Excbasge, Etc
:TSV TORS. June 29. Merry ee
101 4i
i PI
W 144
ao at,
7V 7
3 33
07 07
,2 Z
strong and hlgaer. ZHgStj p
bid. 3 per cent: offered at 8i '
loans, dull and steady; 0 and
rest; six aoaths. 3H63i pe,
zaercaaUlc paper. 2Vr84U per
- M
exchange, heavy, with acttn
bankers- bills ax $4.S7S'LS7CO 1
at $451394320 for 00 days.
M-Sag-l-SS. Commercial bill. $(
stiver. 55Hc Mexican dotlara. 45Hc Govern
ment bonds steady; railroad bcsds Irregular.
LONDON. June 23. Bar silver, dull. 2(1 M6d
per oBace; money, H per cent. Tea rata
of dtfoouat In the open market for short bills
1? 2 1-16 per cent. The rate cf discount In
the open market far three months bills Is
2 116 per cent.
SAN FRANCISCO. June 23. Silver bars.
3S4c: drafts, sight, THe: drafts, telegraph,
Me; sterling. GO days. $4.S5i; sight, $4.67.
Dally Treasury Statement.
"WASHINGTON, June 23. Today's
meat of the Treasury balances shows:
Available cash balance $130.01X743
Gold .. 6S.917.W3
Prices Quoted at Portland Union Stockyards
Receipts at the Portland Union Stockyards
yesterday were 73 cattle. The following
prices were quoted at the yards:
CATTLE Best Eastern Oregon Meers.
$3.50; eows and heifers. $2.3092.75: medium.
$L3082: calves, best, 123 to 200 pouads. $3.
HOGS Best large fat hogs. $d; block and
China, fat, $3.2395.50; stackers. $5.
SHSEP-Best .Eastern Oregea and Valley
sheared. $3; medium. $2.73; limbs. $4ff43.
Prices Current at Kansas City. Omaha and
KANSAS crrr. Mc June 29. Cattle Re
ceipts 5000; market steady to 10c lower. Na
tive steers. $t25 93.63; stock era and feed
ers. $2.7584.50; bulls. $2.2534; Western fed
steers. $4.2395.25: do cows. $3.23 e 4.33.
Hogs Reeeipu S00; market 5974c low
er. Bulk of sales. $35073.42H: heavy. $3.33
95.40: packers. $3.35 9 5. 12 H; pigs and light.
Sheep Receipts 4000; market 5c higher.
Muttoas. 11.25 9 5. 5&; lambs, $3.5097.25;
range wethers. $4.7593.50; fed ewes. $1.23
CHICAGO. Jane 29. Cattle Receipts 18.
000; market slow to 10e lower; good to prime
steers. $5.25 tf&22; poor to medium. $3,730
5.15; stackers and feeders. $2.3094.40;
eows. $2309i.30; heifers, $2.5034.50; eaa
sers. $1.2092.40; bulla. $24094; calves.
$3.3090.10; Texas ted steers. $3.S094.S3.
Hogs Reeelpts today. 33.600; tomorrow,
21.0; market 10c lower. Mixed and butch
ers. $5.3095.50; good to choice heavy. $5.35
95-50; rough heavy. $4.0S.23; light, $3.23
93 17H: bulk of sales. $3.4085.43.
Sheep Receipts 12.000; sheep and lambs.
10913c higher. Good to choice wethers.
$4.795.25; fair to choice mixed. $4.25
4.00; Western sheep. $i.50936; native
lambs, tndudtsg Spring lambs. J 3.20 8 S. 20;
"Western lambs. S5.75QS.50.
SOUTH OMAHA. June 2P. Cattle Re
ceipts 2100; market steady. Native steers.
$3.70 9375; eows -ad heifers. $S6 4.3;
Westem steers, $3.2595.13; casaers. $ 1.73 9
2.S0; stoekers and feeders. $2.7394.53;
calves. $395-75; bulls, sugs. etc $2259
Hogs Receipts 1500; market 5c lower.
Heavy. $5.1595.20; mixed. $5.20 9 5. 22 H:
Mght. $5.2093.23; pigs. $193; bulk of sales.
$5.30 95.22 4t.
Sheep Receipts 3000; market steady.
Western yearMngs. $593.75; wethers. $t.73U
5.30; ewes. $194.75; lambs. $5.5090-30.
Flurry In the Potato Trade Appar
ently Orcr Grain Futures
Close Stronger.
the Northern markets are sow Mberalty sup
plied wtth CaHfornia Summer fruits by raM
direct from growing districts, shipments
the Sound hy the steamer Umatitta. leaving
today, were Mght. Tail caused generally
easier price for i hipping stock, notably plums
and prunes. The beat sustained features were
fancy Astraehas and Alexander apples in four
tier boxes and No. 1 Barttatt pears. A 40-
box lot of the latter la wrappers sold at $
par shipment to Seattle. Hale's early aw
Sc John peaches were freely offered at eay
prte.- Oranges were very strong and closely.
eoM out. Fancy navel add at $3.25 to $3.50
sad Valencia at $3.50. Fine lemons wore
HBtree and arm up to $3.30. Tropical fruits
were quiet, owing to the abundance of
mesttc orchard varieties.
Th little flurry the potato market.
caused by hilling of Northern orders. Is ap
parently over. The market is quieter and
though receipts are meaerate. nea
are very weak, but yettow are welt
Vegetables, aside from peas and
rare weak.
Oram futures were stronger. December
wheat mode a new record for the season by
selling at $L4. Spot wheat was strs
December barley was higher, but cash prices
wore easy. Oats are drooping. The grata
b-mrd will be cieeed Saturday, as weft
Monday and Tueedar.
Dairy products were Inactive. Receipts.
67.S90 round butter. 21.4CO pounds cheese.
34.7M dozen ergs.
VBOBT.vBLKS-Cucuabers. 25940c; garktc
29-4e: green peas. $191.30; string beans.
29e; asparagus. 3HqT7c; tomatoes. $!?S; egg
pmnt, 490c
POULTRY Turkey gobblers. &9lc; roost
ers. old. $4.39: do young. $.39?-30: nroM-
err. retail. $1.5092-50; do large,, $2.593.5:
frees. $&X0J0: heas. $4.59V50; docks.
aid. $59.50; do young. $&t50.
BOOS Store. 184917Hc: fancy raaoh. 20c
BUTTBR Fancy creamery. le: creamety
JSc; fancy dairy. 17c; dairy seosnds.
v-OOL Soriac. Hurnbsilt and Meadodso,
2SdM0e; Nevada. lC20c
MtLLSTUFFS Bran. $2121.50; mtddlisgs.
HAY Wheat. $1914.50; wheat and eat.
$9UJ: barley. $7TM: aUalfa. 379M.M;
clover. $7910; stock. $5.5097.54; straw. 3050
per bale.
FRUITS Apples, choice, $1.30; common. 40c;
bananas. 73eq$3: Mexican limes. $494-50
CaJUornU lemoai. choice. $3.50; common. $1;
oranges, navels. Jl 23: pineapples. $293.
POTATOBS Early Rose. 73c9$L25.
CHRtESB Young America. M4t9llc; East
era. 14HSC
RBCX1PTS Flour. 4354 quarter sacks;
wheat. 12fi0 centals; barley. &S&S aostals;
oats. 27M centals; beans. 353 sacks;
00 centals: potatoes. 3S35 eacks; bran. 300
sacks: middlings. 100 tacks; hay. 427 tons;
wad. 4SS bales; hides. 139L
Idaho Crop Report.
The Idaho weekly crop bene tin says Is
Csaditltai have beea exception lfy favor,
able ior the advance of auM grata. cx
copt in a tew "dry tarmang" localities is
Soetheasters Idaho, where the moiiture has
beea msuGMdent. FaH grain Is ripeaeag la
favored localities, and Is heading la a
elevated portioas of the sate. Spriag whoa:
is heading Is western valleys. Barley, oats
ant rye promise good yields. The weather
has bees rather too cod for com.
Range grass coattaues exeette&t in the
mouataias and on the high prairies, premis
ing aa abusdaaee of feed throughout the
season: domestic pastsres are good. Har
vest of first crop alfalfa Is complete la some
westers toeaHtiet. and la pregresiisg rapidly
Is others, and U being extended rapidly lato
ratteen counties; the erpp In some Ir.macea
Is lighter thaa that of last year, but la gen
eral wflS be average or above. Timothy and
dover arc maturiag rapidly, aad prsalte good
Thsasing of beets Is progressing slowly ta
Is sanities, ewlrx to i carol ty of labor, but the
crop is generally well cared fsr aad ersslses
Urge returny
V)-room hot. f
tst lease. Ji.
"JO.214 Abtagton.
vae-.nrrrER Fx
r -vrtaa an
Room 4, Ground Floor
Pessimistic View of Spring
WiW QfPP Conditions.
Disturbances in Russia' Strengthen
Market Later in Day, Presaging
Unusual Demand in Europe
for American Grain.
CHICAGO. Juae 29. Strength la the wheat
market developed after the trading was well
under way. For a Use the teattment la the
pit was quite bearish, dear weather la the
Northwest being the governing mffet&ee early
la the lemtan. Despite higher prices at
Liverpool the July option opened unchanged
to K lower, at PHc to 91; e. September was
a shade ta UHc lower, at S7c to STS-
Seemtugly Mttte or no attentios was pakt at
the arst to the reports of serious disturbances
la Resale, traders here seems for the time
being nothing is the situation to Baatertatty
affect prices. PR traders were fairly active
setters during the ftrst hour. Under this
eettlsg prices dropper a trifle lower, Sep
tember declining to 67c and July to Wie.
Before the middle of the seuwon. however.
sentiment changed to bullit bans. Reports
of rust were received Is messages from the
Northwest, telegrams from a Cbtcaga trader
sow on c tour of teas cc (Ion through M mat
rot, being evpectatty peartmtitic csnctramg
the outlook for the Sprtng-aown crop. The
reports ot the dieturbancos at Odetta. which
had caused little apprehesaien among trad
ers here earlier la the day. seemed now sad
denly to presage unusual demand Is Europe
for Americas wheat, which started active
eeverisg by ahoru. The market readily re-
to tae urgent a emu no. aeptemaer
advandng to SOVc Meantime July road up
to 82Te- Although the market tsnilnutd
strong the remainder of the saritaa. the ad
vance was not all held. The market doted
strong, with Stpitmbtr at bSHc July was
up le at P2Uc
Sentiment la the corn pit was bearish. Sep
tember opened V,9ie lower, at 5tHS4Hc. totd
off to SaOJuotfce. and closed at PtHc.
SeoUment Is the cats market was rather
bearish early. The market became quite
firm and closed strong with July up He at
324ic and September closed at 3lc
IToTtttons were easy ea heavy receipts. At
the dose pork was off 124, hard was a
shade tower and rtbs wre down 7Ve.
The Icadtng Pstntes ranged as fdtows:
Mich. Low. Close.
Juty $ JhtK $ Jfi i .94
Jutr (oidt
Juty (new)
Sept. lata)
Sein- inew)
1 JtTi
Juty 12.35 12.35
Eapiemser V3.0 XLlt)
Ootober 1S.M 13. W
Jutr ' 7 J
October 750
October ..
.... SJri
.... &03
7j2i 7.73
S.09te 7.P2
S.Ot 7.9ft
Cash ouoeattant wore as fdtows:
IVheat No. 2 Spring. $t.Ml.M; Nn. 3. $1
91 M: No. 2 red. $1.04.
Corn-No. 2. SadpVOftc: No. 2 yesmw. 34HC
Oats No. 2. 32432Sc; No. 2 w0te. 3be
34c; Xo. 3 whfta. 32t ;
Barley Good f i tutng. 4204ic; fair to ohoste
matting. 4i040c
Flaxseed No. 1. $1.25; No. 1 Nortfcviteca.
Mees park Per barret. $12.0al2.7.
Lard Per pounau. $7-2iUy7-27S-Short
ribe aldtii Loeee. $7.WqK-STH.
Ehort clear sides Boxed. $7J07. 73.
Clover Contract gsade, $t2.2.
Ftaur. barrds .f TSht" 'l2i
14. tW
Grain aad Produce at New York.
NEW YORK. June 30. Ftaur Recett-ls.
HlW barrets; experts, 2d. Market, arm ard
Wheat Receipts. 2000 huihohn spot, Srm;
2 red. ll.OC etevator and $l.04 f. o. h.
aaoat; No. 1 Northers Duhsth. 3L22H f. o
b. affiost. After brief early weak falsa w
tag ha peeved North weHats easottttm. wheat
turned suddtnly stsenc and tdvanstd far the
balance of the day on a scare of snorts. The
market dosed KpTlM higher. Juty closed
86e; September. P24c
Wed Steady.
Petroleum Easy.
Grain at Saa Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO. June 20. Wheat Steady.
Barley Enter.
Spot quotnttons:
Wheat-Chipping. $l.4T9L3: ndsttng. 3L33
Barley Feed. 993a. .
Oats-Red. $19I.22.
Call-board sates:
Wheat Decerns ee. $1.4045.
Barter Dtsemhtr. Sac.
Cora Large yeflow. $l.3S9.42i.
tVheat at Liverpool.
LIVBRPOOL. Juae 20. Wheatr-Jutr.
lOHd; September. & MHd; Deoonmer.
Wheat at Taeoma.
T A COMA. Jsse 29. Wheat, 2c lower
btuestom. SSo: dub, unchnsged. SSc
New Order Continue to Be the Feature ot
the Market.
CLEVELAND. June 23. The Iran Trade
Review thU arrek says: Orders Sor steel
rails timmm to add targer Msage than do
those Sor any other kind ot Scathed material.
atchough the- demand Sor s tract al shapes
aad for plates ta strong. The principal or
ders for xaJtt from steam nOroi.'i aad oke-
tric Xnes are as feltcws:
Vasderhitt apatom. 2S.0G tnss; Wahasb.
Ui; Toledo b. Ottansn tnterurbas. 3fi0:
Long Zdasd. 2500: Chicago. Milwaukee
St- Paul. XO; troBey Itaes ta Ctevetand dt
triet, 5CCm; trdtey Uses Is the Boat. 3O.090.
There Is keen Interest eoaotraisg steel
bars. Most of the targe buyers made their
coatracts. wheeh expire July 1. tx $23 peg
lea PRtsburg. white some who took to the
market later osntrabwd at $25. asd sttK
others at $23. The present price U 330.
Buyers have bees seaeisg ok. refusing tn
soke contracts, and have t&cfcsated that $33
woctd be a satisfactory price. The prta
dpol masufacturers have, however, declared
that there jwat be no eoaccssien. aad that
539 wiM be tho price. Buyers are csdeavsr.
Irg to have old coatracts extsaded. but sell
oSw"! eCvf-
JJfi .34 JUT .KH
jSt SSk il "iitt
.5 .
.40S .40 .40 .4H
ers havs sosiUrtly refused to suka aax an. J
Chamber of Commerce
tees tea of contracts at 323. Some extea
aiena of contracts at higher prices may bo
ranted. but the prtaotpa! producer has act
yet made vea this eeaeeaslea. and Is not yet
ready to anaounco what le wM do.
Pig Iron has touched lower prices, asd
both. Bessemer and basic are sow sdHag at
314 Valley furnace. This price was stade on
a sale of 30O tons. It at has leaked out
that about three weeks ago a sale of
malleable was made, the ires to be shipped
from the Valley to Detroit, at the very low
pries of I1XS0 furnace. Soutsers iron Is
sow seWag freely at 311-50. aJabeoga K to
rumored that $tL25 has beea named.
The ccnfcresca of repretentaslves of the
Amalgamated AnoaUrtow asd the Amerloaa.
Sheet Tn Plate Company is now kx pros
ress. The eapmyea are appareatty of the
opialea that the ewceasy ta -aaxieux for aa
exsuse to sever aS retatioBs. asd the pcea-
pect is that, aa aooauat of that epiuiee. the
cemacas o. ue eompasy wttt oompowc
Mining Stocks.
SAN FRANCISCO. June 23. The official
closing quotations for mlslsg stocks today
were as follows:
A Ha $ .04;JuiUce $ .00"
Alpha. Con.
Andes ..........
Best Belcher. .
Caledonia. ......
Chattesge Cos...
Con. Cat 4 Vs..
Crown Petat. . . .
Gould Jfc Carry. .
Cos. . -39
.lrtiOltJUr 8.31
LljOermaa ........ -KS . . . . .12
.37Kavsge .42
S'ScerpioB ........ .M
.13iSr. Bescher . .04
.OliSierra Nevada.... .2
1.400)vsr Hill. ...... -S3
lirunioa Cos .44
Utah Cos W
Jacket... .23
Hale k. Norcross L13t
NEW YORK. June 20. Ctoatsg quotations:
Adams Cos
Brunswick Cos.
.3 liLKtle Chief $ .OS
. .3Ootaio 4.00
. ,22tOpitr 3.75
. .OSPhoenix ......... .01
Cotnatock Tun..
.OSlPoteei .09
Con. Cat. tt. Va. . L30rSavage -3d
Horn Stiver t.73'34ert Nevada... JSS
Iron Silver XOOtSaaalt Hopes 38
LeodvtNe Cos... .OSiSeandaFd LSd
BOSTON. June 29. Ctostsg quotattons:
Adventure ....$ XaOtMobawlc $ 40.30
ARoues 2u.0Mont. C. i C . 2.3H
Amalgamated.. SLMeOhl Demlotea. 24.74
Am. Ztoc Oeseotx .
Atlantic lX3Paeot ........ 22 3Q
j Btngham 2S.7aVQeicy 84.04
Cat Jt Hoda. . 04S.09hnnnoa 7.13
Centenntat .... lOrTamarack .... lsS.09
, Copper Range. aOTrtnOtj &SS
' Daly West 13.aCaotl Copper. 2S.08
. DomioloB Coal 7P.O0IU. S. Maatar... 30.0S
, FraakMs &SS1U. S. OM Ml 13
I iJraB"I - -SiSi?- VfS.
, -17 mSmZr
! uveaieaa .... llkweewk.' .'" MO.OO
3IetaI Markets.
NEW YORK. Juno 29. The London ts mar
ket lest part of tat recent adoaaor. olostng
at ftao 3Ca tor spot and 393 Mo Sor fsture.
The leeal mazfcet osntinueit quiet, wtth spot
dosing at SOL&Mpmae&t.
Copper was also lower abroad, sees leg at
at 17s 3d tor both spot and futures ha the
London market. Locally, no ohaage was re
ported. wMt take and eltttrotytta at 13 aad
eastJur 14.73c.
Load was a shade higher at 33 s 6d
London and Hem. toosJty at 4J094.00S.
SpeHer was quoted at 23 17s d m Lea-
dos. but remained quiet hum My at 5J0o.
Ires dosed at 40a 4d is Ofcugow aad
45s 4Kd Is MtddOaebere. Leeatty. the market
was weak and lower; No. 1 PJunJry Norahera.
ll.2W-50; No. 2 foundry Northers, $t3JO
M: No. 1 pjnndty Southern and
$lJ0il; No. 2 foundry Southern. $t9tg.:u.
Dried Fruit nt Ne-ir York.
NEW YORK. June 29. The market tor
evaporated apples was psm. Common to good
am gusts d at 4K9lic; prime. 3ic; thjiste.
04Hc. ju! fancy. 3c
Prunes ore sem. wttk Coast advtews report
ing great dtCtautty In secuetng lunpMai mr
fusueo shipmtnts betow the 3c basts. Spot
qusiattent Tmit from 29c.
Aprtaals are unchanged wish ska lea at
l910r.c; extso, ohdee, 13, and Sonoy. 12?
Peaches show a Srm tone, wtth offorings
Mght: choice are held at 10lu4: extra, chotot.
hPSbP4C. and taacy Htt3e.
Ratatas ore ha qutet atmand. wtth prioes
weM held. Loeee mestoatets are quoted at
tnOpta; seeded rataios. 3,9, a
tapers. ll.lec.
Dairy PreduJe la tho East.
CHtCAOO. June 2.-Os she Pis lute Ex
ahawce today the butter market was steady;
creameries, ttnfjat; aoartes. h3S: egas.
steadp. at mark cases Indudid. 33c;
13ac; pdme avsts. tSc: cxtsss. 17o;
arm. i lSc
Columbia River Scenery
Portland, Cascade Locks, The Dalles
Regulator LineSteamers
Steamers leave ParUand da ay at 7 A. 3L.
mnntcilng at Lyle wtth Columbia Rtver x
Northern Rasrway Company Jar Gotdendole and
Kllekstat Valley pemai. Round trip every
Moaday. Wednesday and Friday to Cascade
Locks. Every Sunday.
Locks and return, aves 9 A. M , returns d
P. M. Dock foot of Aler st. Phone Main 914,
jIjKEAt Northern
aty Ticket Offlce. 122 Third St, Phono 830.
4 The Flyer and the Fast Malt. sW
yar tickets, rates, foidsrs and full tsfor.
matien. call on or address
U, XMCKSON. CHy Passonger aad Ticket
Agt. 122 Third street. Portland. Or.
For Japan. China aad ait AsUtic Ports. wtH
. leave Ssattlo abou July 29.
-rill defray nil expenses for
days vocation ronrzil trh
an tho htxsrioos oceaa-so-Icg
steamers City at Puchla,
Queen or CmtlMt
Lsavlsg Seattle xsd Taooma. every fifth day.
colttng at Everett. South Scstmgham.
Beiltegham. Txsoouvcr. Etc
Fsr full particulars apply
TICKET OFFICE. 243 Washington at.
North Pa cificSteams hip Co.
Steamship Roanoke
2400 TOXS.
Leaves er Sa FrajMlsoe asd Xjns
Angele. Calling' at Harelca. en. route.
Leaves pprrJaad S P. iL Jetty X.
Leaves PortloBd S P. 1L. Jury 2S.
Leaves PartKBd S P. it, Jalcr S9
Leaves Portland 3 P. 1L. Ahs. IZ.
Leaves Portlaad S P. SL. Asr. 2-5.
Ticket 0ir XX AVsahlsartoa Street.
IL rOXJSG. Aseat. PhoES if, 3L
"V 5
axd Union Pacific
Through Pn It-tan staadards aad toarSst
sleeping-cars daily to Omaha, Chicago. Spo
kane; tourtet siceplBg-car dally ta Kaasas
City: through Psltmaa, tourut sleestexear
tpersoaallr roaductedl wecaly to thleasa.
RnWnlBg chair-c&rs (seats free) ta tho -
Leasts, t Arrtvea.
tCAOO-POtXL.VN 9J3. A. M. litSl P. if.
SPECIAL Str the East; CaSr I DaHx.
yta. Huatmglte. 1 ( r
'83 P. M. S.-SO A. M.
1 DaHy. I Dally.
Far Eastern Washiegt. Wans. Walla.
Lcwistea. Caeur d'Alsaa and Greas Nortssra
ft"SS, P5!S P: M. ko3 A. M.
for the East via 11
FOR ASTORIA. aad.Se P. M.;S:0O P.M.
way points. conneiHiBg; DaHy.
with, steamer ser Oiii except
so asd North Beach.. Sunday,
steamer Hcssnla. Asa- Saturday.
C deck (water peel McGO P. M.
FOR DAYTON. Ore-, 7;9 A. M.i30 P. It,
goa CMy and YamhaVl Dally, i Dally.
Xtvcr points. Ajh-ec! excep: I exceat
dock tatr perj j Sunday. I Sunday.
a. m. r
3.tK.i uany. iv x.
Idaho asd way points except Bamr.
Jrom Rtparls. Wasa.
, Wasa. .Saturday. 1 exoept
t l Frwfar-
TICKET OFFICE. Third and WaslBgtaa.
Ttlephese Main 712. C W. Stiager. Cry Ties
t Agt.; A. Oalg. General rassergtr w
S. S. CO.
Operating the Onty Poasesger Steamers far
Son Fraactseo Direct.
-Celambwi- Juiy 3. IS. 25.
-St. PaoT- Jwew 30-. Juty . 20. 30.
itNswonnr noni at P. ML.
Through, tickets vta San Francisoo to alt
tn Vaeted. Sase. Kextco. ceatrai aati
America. Panama, HonoOatu. casso.
the PhtltnPlnes. AustraRa, New
Zealxsd asd Round-the-World Tours.
J As. H. DEWSOX. Agent
Fhoae Main 203. 243 WashtagSon sc.
tar a!m. Rate
burg. Ashtaad.
Saossmento. Og
les. San FraaeU
90. Mojave, Lea
Aageles. El Paso.
New Orleans aad
me East.
Mecamg train
eaaaeots at Wood
sum dsJty extent
3uBday wits, trala,
mr Mocat Anzt.
Sttvtrtaa, Brawus-
SCO P. if.
73 A. M.
33 A. M.
8tM P. M.
: tOBe. syrtagaekl.
' Wcadteg al Ka.
t teua.
Bugeae passenger
teaasots at TOeed
aurn wth Mr. Aa
gtt aad StSrertea
arvallts passenger
iheridaa sastesgvr
Me33 A. M.
7i A. 1L
4lJS p. if.
33 P. M.
g3t2S X M.
Leave Pertlaad dattr 9tr Oswego at 7a30
A. M.; 32:3. 2:03, 4. i S, 3:33. 7:43. WUit
P. M. BaMy except Susday. 310. iM. 3:3.
S0i23 A. M U JO P. 3L Sunday esly. 9 A. M.
Returaiax from Oswvga, arrives Portlaad
daily 3-X. M M A. 5L. I S3. 343. 4 J. Sen.
7 J8. 9 11.3 P. M. Daily exsept 3uadoy.
U;23. 73. 3-JO. U:43 A. M. Except Maa
day. 32.23 A. M. Sunday esty. M A. M.
Leave from, same desoc Ssr tiilat asd ta
tsemedmto aetata dally, d P. M. Autre Pkv
land. Met A. Ml
The Independence Mcemowsa motor nca
oreratea daMy d Moamauts and AMte. eaa
ith. S. P. Ca. tioiss at DalUs aad
Flnt-otam fares frees Porttasd to Sacra,
meats aad Son Fsaactaea. J2U; berth. $3.
etead-cisss tare. $r5; seoaad-oJasa berth.
Tickets to Eastern pomts asd Euros. Also
Japan, Chins, Heneestu asd Aaetratla.
CXI I TtCKirr OF5TCS. eeraer Third aad
Washaagtaa streets. Phdsa Moka 712.
Deport. Arrtes
TeBowstena Park-Eaasos
Oty. Sc. Louts SpeoMt
far Chahoas. CeaaraMo,
Utimpta. Orays Hosaor.
South Bead. Taw mi.
Seattle. Spokane. L4
tsc Butte. saUtngx Ben
vr Omaha, CHy.
Sc. Louts aad Seutnaasc. SOQ a. a 4 a ca
Xorth Coast ZdmMed. 4eo
tdc ktgMed. for Tosama,
cnku. Sou it tae. mtli.
Mtnseaoss. Sc.
ins. ac rosx am
the Sast
2)93 p m TaX a a
Paget Sound Lknttsd far
Cj.u Centsana. Ta-
g.. and Seattle a&ir . 4:36 3 3 39t33 3 a
Twin CHy Exprest 3r Ta-
Htlesa. sXttte. Itnw
swne Park. UnniiynX
Ec. Paul aad tss it 33:43 3 a.
A. D. C 1 1 tas JtTstrtsnc General Pssstn
gcr Agenc 233 Morrisn sc. oor&sr Tfrd
Porttasd, Or.
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
For Maygsrs. Ralnisr.
stavti. ma.
A.MimoBd. Fort Stevens.
129 A. 3C
2 JO P. X lOeari&art Park. Sea-
Sac only. lxe. AaOaeU. and Sa-
Exprvss DaHy.
Astacoa Exsrsss.
Tear 1
EX Sot.
c a. srswAsr. J. c matq.
Cosun'l Asc. 243 Ahter sr. G. T. Jt P. A
Phase 3ata 9CX
For South -Eastern Alaska
Steamers bravo Scxscle 3 P.M.
S. 3. Husaboldc. S. 3. CHy
of Seattle. S. S. Cotsago Oct.
Juno 27. Jury L T, a Ex.
caeston & S. Spokane leaven
Jtty 29. Asgust 3. II.
For San Fraadaeo direct.
Queen. CHy c Pnehta. ttea
tmta. 3AX, JuJer 2. T. 22.
ParHaad OfSer. 21 Woshcagtos st. Mot3 223.
C D. DUNANX. C P. .v.