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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1905)
m MLMjm.w m. mmm. Bmji mis.m vmri . r ti ll m.mjm.m i. '' X VOL. XLV. XO. 13,871. FORTLAIH OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1905. PRICE FIVE CENTS. E STRIKE GIVEN IIP Express Managers Refuse Concessions, and Thou ' sands More Will" Strike. CALL FOR TROOPS CERTAIN All Wood Industries Ready for Fin ish Pight, and Building Trades May Be Involved Strikers in Contempt. xAXst?j&3& prospects peace ia tho teamsters' strike have disap peared, andiit will be open war from this tirae on. The last conference looking to ward a peaceful adjustment was held at 6 o'clock tonight, between James B. Barry, business agent of tho Express Drivers' Union, and the' local managers of the seven express companies. The confer ence had been set for an early hour In thfr afternoon, but owing to the failure of Mr. Barry to receive proper notice. It was postponed until this evening. "When the meeting finally took place, the con versation was brief and pointed. Mr. Barry opened the negotiations by saying: "Our position is this: "We want all the men reinstated except those who have been guilty of violence. I cannot do any thing different That Js what the local union wants and that is what the local officers have told me to do. That Is all I can do. The men told me that all want to go back in a body or they won't go back at all. That is the position of the union and the union officials."' The reply of the representatives of the express companies was brief. It was: "Our opposition to the reinstatement of the men will be the same four years from now as it is today. We will not take them back under any circumstances." This brought the conference to a close, and -all parties concerned In it immediate ly left tho City Hall. The spread of the strike today was not as largo as was anticipated, it being un derstood in many quarters that there was still a possibility of peace being reached. Four hundred and sixty-two drivers em ployed by 28irras Belonging to the l"um Iwmcn's Association -went out la each case the men were ordered to make de liveries to boycotted houses, and the usual strike followed. Other firms to tho num ber of 55 belonging to the Lumbermen's Exchange will make similar requests of their men tomorrow, and by night It is expected that the full number of 3000 drivers employed by these lumber con cerns will be on strike. A meeting of the United Employers' As sociation of Wood Industries, which is composed of five associations, embracing 135 firms owning lumber yards, planing mills, sash and door factories, etc., was held today, and It was decided to call upon their drivers to make deliveries. This will force out 1S00 additional men. Edward Hines, president of the Associa tion of Wood Industries, said tonight that the members of the organization proposed to stand together, and, when asked If peaae was In sight, said: "Peace! I am not looking for peace. I am In this thing now to fight It out. We may Just as well have it over once for all. The Employers' Association of Wood Industries Is affiliated with the Chicago Employers' Association, which has been fighting the strike thus far, and of course wc will work in conjunction with them. The reason that more men did not go out today was that some of the orders to the boycotted bouses had to be taken In rota tion, and It so happened that most of the orders today were for firms not Involved in the strike. The orders that were given for deliveries to strikebound houses were met by the teamsters with a refusal to do the work, and. the men were imme diately discharged." t Mr. Hines said that ho would start to haul-, lumber in theyarfc.the first thlngyj ioorrow morning, but thaa soon aSMt I vas necessary to make outsIdcaeUveries he would, lead the caravans of wagons in jpersori. . Will Involve Building Trades. With the union driver employed by the Lumbermen's Association on strike, it will be only a- matter of a short time until outside Unions will become involved. Just as soon as the building material on hand now has been, used up and an at tempt is made to make deliveries with non-union drivers, the other labor unions employed on the work will order their men to refuse to handle nonunion material. Unless the strike is settled within a short time, the carpenters, stonemasons and other affiliated organ izations are bound to become Involved. The possibilities for increased rioting arc vastly enlarged by the spread of the strike to the lumber district. The terri tory which generally goes under this des ignation extends along the river from cast to west about three miles and for a mile to the north and south of the stream. It Is a district noted for the fierce mobs which have marched through it during former strikes and is the place which invariably caused more trouble than any other part ofthe city. Troops at First Sign or Riot. Tho city officials and Sheriff Barrett feel nigh hopeless of being able to main tain order in the lumber district and at the same time protect wagons In the down town streets, as they have been doing thus far in the strike. It would require a. force of at least 2000 men to effectively patrol the lumber district alone, and this city and county have none to spare. It has therefore been deter mined that at the first outbreak of riot ing a call will be made ea. Governor Beaeen for assistance. Sheriff Barrett 8&M 'tonight HOPE OF ENDIN It in any way approaches the rioting we have had,' X shall call for troops. I will do everything in my power to maintain order, but the minute It. gets beyond me I will appeal to the Governor and the troops will be on the ground within less than two hours." The troops which will be first ordered out. If the necessity arises, compose the first brigade of Illinois National Guard, commanded by Brigadier-General Moul ton. It comprises the First, Second, Sev enth and Eighth Regiments of infantry, the last being a colored regiment, and the First Regiment of cavalry. In all, about 4000 men will be called out. Every prepar ation has been made fox a. prompt re sponse by the National Guard, and a largo consignment of riot cartridges has been received. These differ from the or dinary rifle bullet in that they contain three buckshot in place of the single steel bullet. Adjutant-General Scott was in Chicago for & few hours tonight, lopklng over the situation, but left for Rockford on a late train, to attend the encampment of the State G. A. R. ' Strike Leaders MuM Answer. Judge Xobteaat, of tho United States District CsGrt. 'ruled iodav that .Cornelius Shea. j-resMlent-wf tiir TcaWters' Ueian; FlJr., Barrv. of th Express Trl'nt". nlon; Adolphus Pfcll, a strlklBg express driver, and Bernard Mulligan,, president of the "Express Drivers Union, answer" tho , questions put to them In the hearing before Master in Chancery Sherman. The argument as to whether the men should answer certain questions after they had claimed the constitutional right to refuse to answer on the ground of possible in crimination lasted from 10 o'clock in the morning until 3 in the afternoon. Each question was brought up in turn and the court passed upon its admissibility. In addition to ordering that the five men should answer the questions put to them. Judge Kohlsaat ordered that 37 men bo called In to -show reason why they should not be punished for contempt for violating the order of the court In interfering with the wagons of the express companies. Tventy-four men were also Introduced to show why they should not be punished for contempt in violating tb order of the court issued for the protection of the wag ons of the Employers' Teaming Company. The five men who are ordered to answer questions will be called before the Master in Chancery tomorrow, and the questions will be asked of them a second time.- If they again refuse to answer, they will bo cited for contempt of court. The ques tions which the men have been qrdered to answer relate chiefly to the knowledge of certain proceedings in the commencement of the strike. It being the object of the attorneys for the plaintiffs in tho injunc tion proceedings to show that they pos sessed knowledge of he strike, and they in a large measure controlled its move ment and progress. v ' .. Will -rutvJBnd Jo-cboul StHUesM The Board of Education has determined to resort to stringent strike methods to prevent further strike demonstrations In. connection with the public schools. All the pupils attempting to induce other pu pils to boycott the public schools are to be arrested. All adults seeking to Incite trouble at the schools are to be locked up. All persons, young or adults, attempting to Interfere with school children on their way to and from school are to be ar rested. The Superintendent or Schools is inves tigating the charge that teachers who are members of the Federation of Labor Incited school children to strike. 'lne Employers' Teaming Company re ceived 100 white men from Kansas City today. A large number were farm boys. An injunction restraining the Goodrich Transportation Company from refusing to accept goods consigned to Montgomery Ward & Co. and other strike-bound houses in Chicago was issued today by Judge Bethca, of the United States Circuit Court. A letter purporting to have been sent by the general freight agent of the. Goodrich Transportation Company Instructing Its agents to refuse to accept for transporta tion goods consigned to the boycotted houses was presented in court as a basis for the request for a restraining order. UXIOX OFFICIALS INDICTED. Twelve Men Accused of Causing the Death of Carlstrom. CHICAGO, May 23. The grand jury igJay indicted 12 men in connection withttr death or Charles Carktfrouu the mcraW oftfte Carrtegymakers' Union, who JMr'd as the result of the beating he received at the hands of thugs, hired by the officials of the union, according to their own state ments. The indicted men are: George Miller, formerly president of the union; Henry Neuman. secretary; Charles J. Casey, business agent;, sir members of the executive committee of the union, and Charles Gllhooley, Marcus Looney and Edward Felley. .the three men who were hired by the officials of the union to beat men who did not go on strike or took the strikers' places. . The indictments charge manslaught er dnd conspiracy to commit great bod ily injury, the autopsy having shown that the deatn of Carlstrom was due directly to pneumonia. The physicians declared that the disease was probably the result ot injuries received, but it was still the 'direct cause of death and the men could not therefore, be charged with murder. Iron Founders May Strike. NEW YORK. May 23. Demands backed by a threat to strike June 1 have been made by the cupola tenders, helpers and laborers in tho Iron-foundries of New York, Kings. Richmond and Westchester Counties and in Hoboken, Jersey City, Elisabeth and Bayonne. They now de mand a new wage scale and the closed shop, with $3 a day as the minimum for cupola tenders and $2 minimum for help ers and laborers; a nine-hour work day, time and a half pay overtime and double time for work, done on holidays. Xcw Constitution of Switchmen. INDIANAPOLIS. May 23. The Switch men's Union of North America In con vention today adopted a new constitution, which will g einto effect July L The prin cipal chaages are he creation ot a third class e i-Rsarance and & provision that defecates and grand lodve o9cn ir.t ii DEFIES MACHINE Removes Leading Advocates of Gas Lease From Im portant Offices. QUAKER CITY AWAKENED First Step in War on Republican'' gHHlzation Taken yMayor, Who - Is Backed by Reformers iav Resisting Gas IiC&& -. "PHILADELPHIA, May 23. In his ef fort:to defeat the consummation of the plan to lease tho city gas works to the United Gas Improvement Compan" for 75 years for $25,000,000, Mayor Weaver today dismissed from office David J. Smyth. Director of the De partment of Public Safety, and Peter Costello. Director of the Department of Public "Works. The Mayor has an-nounced-tbat he is in the Aright to the bitter end, which means that a great political battle is now on and will be carried to the polls next November. In his fight against the gas lease and the Republican organization, the Mayor has called In as counsel Elihu Root, of New York and ex-Judge James Gordon, of this city. Frederick J. Shoyer, Director of the Department of Supplies, by direction of the Mayor suspended (pending an in vestigation) Arthur H. Mcrrow, as sistant director of the department. The removal of Smyth and Costello did not come until after the Mayor had asked them to resign immediately. In reply each sent a letter to the Mayor offering his resignation to take effect when his successor shall be qualified. The Mayor answered them by demand ing their immediate resignation. The answer the directors returned was to the effect that they had tendered their resignations "in the usual form and in accordance with the provisions of the city charter,' and that they would stand by them as tendered. Mr.- Weav er then ended the correspondesce by sending to each a-letter of dismissal. ' -Control Tjtro,nag;e, ; After the removals had been an nounced, the Mayor made public the names of the men ho had selected for the places. They are Colonel Sheldon Potter to fill the office of Director of Public Safety, and A. L. Acker to be Director of the Department of Public Works ad interim. The fight over the form of resigna tion was important in that the new di rectors can only be qualified by the confirmation of councils, which is con trolled by the party organization. Each dismissed director received 310,000- a year and together they had a con trol of 10,000 office-holders. It is not likely that the councils will confirm the men appointed by the Mayor, but they will hold the offices ad interim. The two dismissed directors refused to use their influence to help the Mayor in his anti-gas lease fight, and this led the Mayor to ask for their resigna tions. Great Battle in November. The news of the Mayor's action spread quickly to every section of the city. Qtraryons waited to know what the orga&Utation was going to do. It is evideafc it Is planning for a great contest. The next city election will be held in November, when a Sheriff and Coroner are to be elected. The organization candidate for Sheriff is Harry Ransley, president of the select Council and an advocate of the gas lease, and it Is likely that the reform organizations of the city will center their strength to defeat him. While the Mayor refuses to say what his future action will be regarding ether office-holders who oppose him, if Js believed that he is not through with his work in this direction. His first move will undoubtedly be-to ne-'i move from office all of the 43 ward leaders who continue their fealty to Mr. Durham. His first move in this direction was to sus pend on Saturday last, Oscar Noll, Repub lican leader of the TMrty-seTeath Ward, as Assistant Highway Commissioner. Today he 'directed the suspension of R. H. Morrow, Assistant Director of the Department of Supplies. The Mayor was utterly ignored In the gas lease negotiations, and he has been .urged by the newspapers and reform organiza tions to veto the ordinance of the Council putting the deal into effect. This he has In sisted he will do, and the leaders have de clared they will pass it over his veto. They can easily do this, as they con trol practically both branches, only 13 votes being cast against the lease in a total membership of 162. The reform organizations of the city arc continuing with a vim the plans to block the lease. Ward meetings were held tonight, the largest of which took place at the Bourse. ASSASSIN JDIES GLADLY. "KalciefT Denies on Scaffold He Ever Sought Pardon. ST. PETERSBURG, May 23. It was seml-officially announced today that Ivan Kaleleff, who murdered Grand Duke Sergius at Moscow, February 17, was hanged at 3 o'clock this morning. On the scaffold Kaieleff aiade a speech, in which he said: "It Is said that I asked for pardon It is a lie. X am faithful to the tra dition af the People's Will. I eto-aet ask' any favors. I am glad -to IeJ" The People's .Will 1 the mum i9Sr 1 Hierly borne by the party identical with the present Social revolutionaries. PUXISII POLICE FOR CRUELTY Finnish Court Sends Guilty Brutes ' to Jail. HELSINGFORS. May 23. Four police men who were accused of unnecessary cruelty during the demonstration here on May 20 have been convicted and sentenced to short terms of imprisonment. Clado Resists Dismissal. ST. PETERSBURG,- May 23.- Captain Clado. whose dismissal from the, navy was gazetted May 20. intends to com mence suit against the Admiralty for the restitution of his rank. Chler ot Police Shot. RIGA. May 23. The Chief' of Police of Snyilen district has been shot and serious ly wounded by a band of roughs. Ten ar- ;rests have been made In connection with the shooting. Train-Wreck Kills Many Russians. KHARKOFJrV Ru3la. May 23. As the result of the wrecMRg ul train neai GANG OF ARTISTIC SWINDLERS CAPTURED IN MADRID. Sold Victims All Over World Charts Showing Where Mythical Treas ure Was Burled. SI'ECIAI CAUU. MADRID. May 24. At last the band of swindlers, which m through state ments of "hidden treasure" in Cuba, the Philippines and even In Spain, have been buncoing the credulous of the United States, Germany and Great Bri tain ever since 1S98, Is to be brought to justice. During the last seven years It is estimated that this scheme has brought to the coffers of the gang backing it upwards of 31.030,0)0. Recently the band swindled a resi dent of Berlin out of 325,000 by selling-him charts showing where a large fortune was bidden just after the war with Spain broke out, in a lonely spot near Clenfuegos, Cuba. When the man who purchased the chart discovered that he had been swindled, lie com plained the German government, which brought the matter to the atten tion of the Spanish officials, and the arrests followed. Nineteen persons -were taken Into Ijfre'oay .-irid,-v iorHWjv. .quantity of printed matter was stlid. Thls lattet. showed how the plan was worked and indicated that the Madrid police were in collusion with the band. WHERE IS IK JORDAN? PORTLAND MAN'S FAMILY FEAR FOUL PLAY. Last Seen in San Francisco Two Years Ago, Prosperous Citizen Has Never Turned TJp. SAN FRANCISCO. May 23. (Special.) Having waited for more than two years for some word from her missing brother, Richard D. Jordan, Mrs. M. D. Borden has come to San Francisco from her home in Portland, Or., to make a final effort to clear up the mystery of his disappearance. It was In this city, in November, 1903, that Jordan was last seen by any member of his family, his nephew, Ray Borden, meeting him casually on the street and talking with him. He was then. In the best of health and spirits, and It was not until long afterward, when nothing had been seen or heard of him, that the fam ily began to think it strange. It was then remembered that he had spoken to his nephew of making a trip to the Philippines, but, as he was a man of affairs, his relatives cannot believo that he would go away on a long journey with out making some specific disposition of his business and property. Jordan Is worth about $Sp,00j9, his estate being main ly Jn Bines ia Baker City, Or., and real estate in Portland. 4 ace his disappear ance his property has been managed fcy hlgWotBer-lk-ktw-JfcIy F. Berden. of "Dick" JerdAD was foraerlyDiberJh specter for the Uakm BaclMc aa4Ofegen Short Line, and was well kiiown ia road circles along the Facl&c Coast. Al though his family has nothing definite on which to base fear, it has come to believe that possibly Jordan may have been a victim of foul play In this city, and search will be made of the records of unidentified dead from-tho time of his-last being seen. His sister, Mrs. Borden, is now at tho home of her son, 215 Steiner street. Jor dan was about 60 years old. MACHEN SENTENCED AGAIN Two Years More for Conspiracy in Postal-. Frauds. WASHINGTON. 3Iay 23. August Ma chen. the former general superintendent of the free delivery service of the Postoffice Departmnt. was takn back to Mounds ville, W. Va.. prison tonight, after being sentenced today to another term of two years, following his plea of guilty under his joint Indictment with W. G. Crawford, of this city, and George Torrens. ot To ledo, O., for conspiracy to defraud the Government. Machen will not be prosecuted on any of the remaining 11 indictments. Includ ing his present two-year term and his sentence today, and making allowances for commutation for good behavior, he has two years and eignt months yet to serve In the penitentiary A Jury for the trial of Crawford was secured, and after the attorney's opening statement the court adjourned until to laorrow.'" Shaw Speaks on Education. OKLAHOMA CITY, O. T.. May 28. Hofu Leslie- M. Shaw. Secretary of the Treasury, addressed the T. M. C. A. Twis Territorial f Grovsatiea here 'fawight. the subject f "Ms address .befss tb -reiaUoa - WAVERS ON VERGE OF A CONFESSION Norman Williams, Murderer, Recounts Tale of Alma Nesbitt, His Victim. DENIES MARRIAGE TO HER In Rambling Story Full of Ineon- sVTliat'lIlcenso ancouver, vV ever AJsed. ' THE DALLES, Or,. .May- 22lstafl Cor-, respondence). Rumor has had it here for some time that Norman Williams, con victed and sentenced to hang for the murder of Alma Nesbitt and her mother In the Hood River Valley, was about to make a statement or confession. He him- self-has hinted that he" would have some ttiTn'g to Jwy when, the" time came:- Bat -one thins: is sure, at least at this time. Norman Williams, convicted murderer as he is. Is no, ready. Monday night, from S o'clock until 10. he sat with me In tho office of Sheriff Sexton in- the presence of NIghtwatch Egbert. Turnkey John Fitzgerald and Marshal E. B. Wood, and started out to make a statement. To have predicted to these officials that Norman Williams would talk for The Oregonian would have called for a chorus -ofdcnials. from them, and when, after discussing things, which only in the vaguest, way were- connected with the crime, with which he Is charged and convicted. 'Williams began-a recital of his own case, these officials could hard ly believe their, ears. It was hardly a recital; It was more ot a romance.' True, some of the things Williams recounted -he swore to orr the witness stand,, yet they did not bear the stamp of truth or consistency. He began with the story of the day and date that Alma Nesbitt met him -at. Hood River, went to the .place that she afterward filed on at The Dalles, of her visit to Portland and her subsequent return to Hood River. Told It as a True Tale. Williams told, ' and. he must have thought that those who listened believed him. ot how Alma, as he referred to her, went to a room in the Winter block In Portland; how she returned to Hood River later, to come to The Dalles to work for Mrs.tA. S. Bennett; then of her return to Portland. From The Dalles, In his story, heftoofcT Alma back to Portland and placed her again In the Winter. block, He went iato detail about Ms visit to Portland, giving days and dates, and told, of a visit to a. ranch nine miles out of Portland, where H)w?irtwith Alma to. look at some goats. I will quote hi here: "I went to the ranch and saw the goats, but because some ' of-' the kids had been taken out of the band I refused ro take them. On my way back to Portland Alma told me that she had an engagement to go to the City Park with a Mr. Edwards, and she asked me to go along. I refused at first, but when she told me that she and Mr. Edwards would call for me at my room I said I would go. "We went to the Park and stayed awhile. I left Alma and Mr. Edwards sit ting overlooking the bear pit. When I left I told here I would call on her the next morning. While I was there I made arrangements with her to go to Vancouver the next day, which was Tues day. License but No Marriage. "It was while we were at Vancouver that we got the marriage license that was produced at the trial. Alma and I were never married. We never sustained the relationship of man and wife. We never considered ourselves man and wife." It was at Vancouver that Williams left Alma. After getting this far along ia his statement he broke off. into a different tale. It was a story about an aged friend in the East, upon whose death in case he, Williams, had a wife, JSOOO was to .go to Mrs. Williams. If this aged person died before there was a Mrs. Williams, this 530CO was to be divided between two of this wemaa's children. Williams' romaatlc mind was running riot at this tuae, and he- stated that upon the advice ot an attorney he had obtained this marriage license for himself .and Alma. He said that it was the under staadiBg'. that this i"sarriag -license .was to hive been ptaced in a safety deposit Uyault aaeUkect theie uatll 1Mb Rosaa I l Norman Williams. f i. I 7 died, and when she had passed away, in case -there was any question this mar riage license was to be produced;. Theft the Tale Ceased. This was as far as Williams got in his so-called statement. Some Ideological warning came, something tijat told him that those who were listening Xb him did .not believe him, and he broke off sudden ly, declaring that he would finish his story tonight. He did not finish when I called on him at the jail and gave him a typewritten copy of the statement he had made; he began to hedge and find fault with some of the details he had given. During the half-hour's talk, the conver sation ranged over much ground, and when Williams was finally confronted with a point-blank question as to what nad become of Alma and her mother, he said: "I'll not make any statement," and a few seconds after he rose from his chair. This was a signal for his retirement to his cell. Full of Contradictions. Norman Williams Is a human contra diction. On first appearance he would strike you as a man who was cruelly wronged. Closer study dispels this thought. His face, with its jail pallor, is Hre$g, and yet not well filled out;-There iSyaomfl f M g 'lacking; ' His dress was Vte shict.hat. Was soiled frqnx mucb-f jgar. x nis gave ms necK ana svuexui i contour oi nis a scrawny iook. . His eyes, the things tlwhich tell most of the man, were sunk, and baffling. They never gave out an expression that was quite the same. They are eyes that speak the truth and untruth with each flitting glance The expression of his face and his eyes masks the soul with countless guises. One moment you think him wise and tho next foolish in his attempt at craftiness. Influence Over AVomen. Williams is a man who can brood and be helpless, can sparkle with madness and can be purring and servile, all in a breath. He is the kind of a man that can dominate a certain class of women. This the letters he has received since he has been In jail shows letters that say that the writer believes in his Innocence and yet bogs'lilm to tell what has become of Alma and her mother. In short, the prisoner is a human conun drum, which" perhaps only the gallow3 will solve. One thing Is sure, Norman Williams is not making a confession at this time. When the Supreme Court will have decided that h Is to have a rehear ing or die, he might tell what became of Alma Nesbitt and her mother, if he knows. Right now he Is too like a fox to commit himself. Tale Is Disbelieved. HOOD RIVER. Or., May 23.-(Special. People hero cannot believe the story pub lished this morning from The Dalles that a band of organized criminals cxls$ in the Upper Hood River Valley. "It Is an unthinkable tale," said Dr. F. M. Shaw, who lived for two years In the Mount Hood settlement, "and a re flection on the good name of the com munity." . Che whole thing is prepostcrioug." said II. S. Richmond, a merchant who resided at Mount Hood for ten years. There have been many expressions of indignation at the publication of the story. CONTENTS TODAY'S PAPER Fortland and Vicinity. , Rumelln jury disagrees and is discharged. Page 10. Bweeny. of Spokane, makes -big realty In vestment In Portland. Page 11. Big crowd will attend the opening of the portage road. Page 14. Lane opens his campaign for the Mayor alty. Page 10. Poolselllng at Livingston race meet subject of dispute. Page 11. Programme for the opening day at "the Fair is announced. Page 14. Portland can handle all the crowda which may come to the Exposition. Page 1. Mayor issues call for Council to meet to pass upon the initiative petition against saloons near the Fair Grounds. Page 16. Commercial and Marine. Oregon wheat crop in satisfactory condition. Page 15. Carload of California strawberries due today. Page 15. Boston wool market continues to strengthen. Paga 15. Squeeze of barley shorts at San Francisco. Page 15. Buying movement In New Tork stocks. Page 15. Chicago wheat up on damage reports. Paga 15. Portland the only Coast port where no ships have long been Idle. Page 5. Astoriaas signing petition for return ot dredge Chinook to the bar. Page 5. The War. in thenar Kat. Japanese cut railroad, and isolate yjadlvos-tpk, Page 3. " Togo's fleet lies off Corean coast. Page 2- , Mwt discredit jeport of RoJeftvenWri death. -Paaa 3. "" s' Insane Rasaian prisoners taftts from Port Arthur. Page 3. i Foreign. European powers may Intervene to stop Cretan rebellion. Page S. Cuban nomination for President. Page 3. Englishmen on trial for obtaining passports for Russian terrorists. Page 5. Gang ot hidden treasure swindlers captured at Madrid. Pag 1. Assassin of Grand Duke Sergius executed. Page 1. Xatloaal. Senate- committee completes railroad inquiry. Page 10. Government position toward Yakima irriga tion. Page 4. - Fulton's candidate for receiver at Roscburg. Page 4. Politics. Mayor ot Philadelphia, opena war'on Republi can machine. Page 1. Ambassador Held speaks on American foreign policy. Page 5. Domestic. . Negotiations to end Chicago strike fall: strike -will spread and troops be called out. Page 2.. Sentence on Tax Collector, Smith. ' Page 6. Goldflelda banlc gutted and officers arreated. Page 4. Trust company in New Tork closed. Page 7. Cambcrland Presbyterians vote for union. Page 4. Wealthy man suspected of murdering noted Illinolfl DoUticlan. Page, 3. Search for well-known Portland man who is ateatog. Page 1. Paa$c Northwest. Norman "Williams, murderer, tells trembling tale ot his relations with Alma Nesbitt. Page X. Oregon State Grange opens three-day session at Forest Grove. Page 8. Sefcoof la Southern Oregon- counties will be sold to highest bidder. . Page 8. Highbinder plot against wealth? Chinese "wWew. is fotte4 at Seattle. Page 6. , BeHtoflfean zxrtlce Invoke spirits to aid is detect a aurderer- Page 6 PORTLAND BEADY FOR TIE CROWDS Mayor Williams and President Goode Issue Statement as to Accommodations. RATES NOT EXORBITANT Officials Hake Thorough Invcstiga-v tlon and Find There Is Sufficient Housing: for All That May Come. Portia. ffT-i'-Tfca (1 ro r- or.. l'. all who come tofie Lewis ,and Clark Ex position, is the declaration ot Mayor "Will iams and" .Exposition President M. "SV. Goode, In a circular statement ixm-int terday morning at the Fair grounds. '-Cfter a inorougn canvass of tho cxty and it n- teriaimng lacilitles these two ofiKials take a positive stand and n!pri:rf thm. selves that the City of Roses Is also the city or Hospitality, and that the ExposW tlon will not be made an occasion where upon to chanre exorbitant nriees to i. itors for all accommodations received. Ihe circular, as Issued yesterday, is con cise and to the oolnt. It sets nut that there are plenty of hotel accommodations and plenty of cafes, all at moderate prices: tnat .Portland, in fact, has more boardlntr-houses than anv nthpr ritv nf simile r size in the United States: that more Unit 7000 rooms are available in pri vate homes. The circular follows: Portland. Or.. May 23, 1005. In view of the fact that tho attendance at the Lewis and Clark Centennial reposition, promisee to exceed all early estimates, we ta.Y. pleasure in giving the following information concerning Portland's ability to accommodate large numbers of people: Portland Is well-known as a city where the cost of living has always been moderate. It draws its food supplies from nearby points and there can be no Justification for high prices. The best testimonial that can be paid to It is that it has many times in the- past entertained national conventions ot considerable size and has never been known to take advantage ot lta gueats by increasing living expenses. In anticipation of large attendance at the Exposition, Portland has made abundant prep aration to care for its visitors. Besides the forty permanent hotels of the city, there have' been made available a score or more ot tem porary hotels of substantial construction. Ac commodations to suit the tastes and means of any person may be obtained at any of these hotels. ' Portland has wore' regular 'boarding' houeea and lodging houses' than any other city of lis slse in the "West and within tho past year number of such houses have been birtKC Sr parts of the city are cafes and restaaraaU it all grades, from tho most elegant of apf ste ment to the cheap lunch counter. Is general, Portland's facilities In the line of s.ccmbjro dations are such as may be found in any cosmopolitan city in the United States. An immense hotel of substantial construc tlqn. Inside . the Exposition grounds, has SS? guest rooms, and a capacity of 1200 guests. The rates, which are graded according to the size and location of the roam, are- fixed by contract "with the Exposition company and cannot be exceeded. In addition to the public facilities above re ferred to, upward of 700tf rooms in private homes have been made available for Exposi tion visitors. All theso rooms are reached by electric street railway service and the fare to the Exposition grounds from any point in the city is five cents. One of the main objects of the Centennial Exposition is the exploitation of the Pacific Coast States with a view to encourajrintr set tlement and the development of industry. Portland realizes that this purpose might be defeated if its guests this Summer are not properly cared for. It has therefore provided ample accommodations and will take special pride in seeing that every visitor returns home with a feeling that he has been fairly treated. GEORGE H. "WILLIAMS, Mayor of Portland. H. "W. GOODE. President Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition. TRA1NL0AD FROM OMAHA Business 3Ien AVI11 Visit Fair and All Cities on Journey. r - OMAHA. Neb., May M.--Sfecfcii.T-Oraaha business men will ja&ke a. twe .weeks excureiorrfd-rhfi Jiorthwest, cww- . mcrrcinsr JtibflVll. They wilt travel ia a V spedaPTraln of Pullman cars, wltfe diner. Portland Is the objective and two days will be passed there view the Exposition. Stops of two hours or longer will be made at all the larger cit ies on the line of route, including Ogden, Salt Lake, Boise, Tacoma. Seattle, Rutte and Helena. Representatives of big job- bing houses and the banks, as well as a number of professional men, will make up the party. Cordial communications have been re ceived from the commercial clubs" of a number of places expressing a desire to entertain the Omaha boomers. The ob ject of the trip Is to form a closer ac quaintance with the business men of the great Northwest and to learn lt3 require ments with a view to the extension erf Omaha business connections. WILL SELL RIPE TIMBER Decisive Step in Carrying Out Forest Hcserve- Policy. "WASHINGTON, May 23. The Bureau of Forestry of the Department of Agrf culture has issued a circular announc ing that the mature timber of the Na-. tlonal forest reserves is to be offered for sale. The supervisor of each, forest Is authorized to receive requests for' the right to cut timber. DROWNS THREE CHILDREN Texas Woman Then Sinks Herself ia Creek. SULPHUR SPRINGS, Tex., May 23.. Mrs. TIpeanVlers drowned herself an three children Jn a creefc sear, her horn today. The tragedy, it is satf, was the result of domestic troubles: