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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1905)
THE HCmmNG OREGON I AK. THURSDAY, . .APRlt 20, 1905. WONDERFUL HII DE Blf BOISE Grows to Be City of Wealth and Culture in Twenty Years. - HER MERCHANTS ARE BUSY .New Buildings Are Going Up and Millions of Dollars Are Being Expended in Municipal " Im provements and Progress. J. 3. Huntington, of Portland, who has just returned from Boise gives an en thusiastic account of the growth and pro gress of that oity. Talking to an Ore gorIan reporter yesterday, he said: "'To one who knew Boise in the early days and has not been here for 20 years a visit to the capital city, the county eat of Ada County, is a revelation. To total strangers the city Is surprisingly beautiful. In ante-railway days Boise was the commercial, social and political center of a vast region of the great In land Empire. Here wore the headquarters of the great stage lines traversing the country from Kelton, Utah, and Win nemucca, Hev., to Walla Walla, Umatilla and The Dalles. Here also was the famous Overland "Hotel where nearly all through passengers 'laid over for the next coach. This was the Mecca for all commercial travelers who were always glad to reach Boise after the tedious journey of days, through dust and heat or mud and cold. Boise became widely known as a half-way "resting place' for wear:' travelers. In Summer the green foliage of the forest of ornamental trees offered its acceptable shade, and the orchards their luscious fruit. In Winter there was always diversion enough for people of all tastes. Here would be gathered for the Winter a large number of miners, stockmen, freighters and cow boys, and the town was always lively m Winter. In those days all the immense stocks of goods carried by the -merchants were transported from Kelton, Winnc mucca or Umatilla by pack trains or wagons, and merchandise was ip turn hauled or packed from here to the neigh boring mining camps and stock ranges. This freighting business alone, was one of the chief factors of Boise's prosperity In those days, for freighters with prairie schooners' must needs patronize the merchant, the blacksmith, the sad fc dler, the farmer and the grower of horses and mules. In those days not only was Boise a beautiful town but a prosperous one a desirable place of residence. It was also a citified town. The people then, -were self-respecting, public spirited, well dressed, hospitable people and In this regard, one notices little chansrc unless in the greater thrift, energy and pride of her citizens. From VliJto City. "The writer first saw Boise In 1879, a village of perhaps 900 people. Now it Is a substantial, growing, wealthy, up-to-date city of 16,000 people, with broad. c'an streets, over five miles of which are paved with asphalt and vitrified brick and flanked with CO miles of the. very best of cement sidewalks. There are about seven miles of electric street-car lines upon which there is an excellent service. Inter-urban lines have been surveyed, and parties are now in the East promoting the sale of stock for their construction. The Federal building, just completed. Is one of the most modern buildings In the West. It is four stories high. Its outer S walls are of yellow pressed brick and sandstone taken from the Boise quarries, in sight of the city and where there is ah inexhaustible quantity of the very finest quality, and Its inner walls are mostly of marble, as are. also its stairways. All of the .finishings are of the very best and of most modern pattern. The building stands in a conspicuous place on Eighth street, in the very center of the city, and adds greatly to the appearance of that part of the town. A new Capitol is to be erected this year, $350,000 .having been appropriated at the last session of the Legislature for that purpose. It is to be on the site of the old one, which is a very central location. New Military Post. The old military post is to be replaced with one fo be.a regimental headquarters, and a full regiment of cavalrv is to be stationed here. A half-million dollars has already been appropriated by Congress for expenditure, and it is thought nearly $1,000,000 will be required to complete the improvements already planned. The Barber Lumber Company is now constructing a dam in the Boise Itiver fix'e miles above town, where will be ex pended this season $1.0000,000 in a sawmill plant, with every sort of woodworking machinery and every auxiliary and ac companiment of a first-class factory of its character. A large brick manufrcturing establish ment is in operation here, the product of which Issaid to be of the very best quality. The brick are of a light yellowish hue and when laid resemble closely the Mil waukee brick. ilany substantial buildings are under construction. On the corner of Main and-' Eighth streets, where until recently stood the old Overland Hotel, is being erected a substantial steel and stone commercial building, to be four stories in height and to cost about ?30O,OO06 The Oddfellows are building a very large and expensive building. The Boise City National Bank is to add one story, to its already three-story stone building, and is also erecting a handsome building adjoin ing its property to be four stories. A Catholic Cathedral to cost 51,000.000 is to he commenced this season. There are also here two well-equipped hospitals; one Catholic and one Episco palian, and a number of private sani tariums. "Wonderful Artesian Wells. About two miles above the city are the wonderful artesian wells, three in num ber, from 400 to 455 feet deep, flowing 1,000.000 gallons o.f water per day, of a temperature of 170degrees, furnishing the baths and pool of the renowned Natato rium. situated near the wells, and which has become a favorite resort of the peo ple of the city, and to visit Boise without a plunge or bath in the "Nat" is to miss one of the chief attractions. It Js claimed the water has great curative properties and many persons proclaim its virtues. The Natatorium stands in spacious, well kept grounds at the head of Main street It is. a building about 220 feet in length and about 160 feet wide. The swimming pool, is about 120 feet long by CO feet in width. Bathrooms with tub, dressing rooms and steam baths are on either side and at one end -of the pool. Waltlng rooms, dancing parlors and a cafe are provided. The prices are reasonable and the place being well managed, patronage is large. It cost the corporation owning it over $130,000. The water from these wells supplies heat in many of the public build ings and homes of the city. It is also used in the homes for domestic pur poses. On Jefferson and Eighth streets 'stands the Columbia Theater, built in 1S92 by Hon. James A. Pinney, at a cost of $35,000, ........ .. . ..-... X and for a town of Boise's size at that time it was considered far ahead of the j times. It seats comfortably 1000 people: ! its stage Is 37x60 feet, and it is one of the prettiest theaters in the West. There are a number of good hotels hare, the Idanha being the largest and the most modern. The building is of brick and stone and six stories high. It is well managed and said to be one of the'most comfortable hotels in the West. Many Substantial Banks. There are five banks "in Boise, all sub stantial, thriving institutions. Each has a capital stock of $100,000. and each has a considerable surplus fund, besides the un divided profits. The aggregate deposits are about $5,000,000. There are $12,000,000 worth of property in Boise, and it is said that it is one of the wealthiest cities in tho United States, per capita. The public schools are excellent, and the buildings are conveniently located in dif ferent parts of the city. "They are sub stantial and comfortable. All the public buildings reflect credit upon the city. The Capitol, the City Hall, the Courthouse, the United States Assay Office, tHe Fire Headquarters. Penitentiary, Soldiers' Home and the Carnegie Library are all well-built, expensive buildings. The commercial business of the city is rapidly Increasing. While the territory tributary to this place is not so great la area as it at one time was, the develop ment of the resources of the country near er at hand has greatly increased the vol ume of business. . Many mines near the citv have been developed, many thousands of acres of land have been brought under Irrigation systems which were before the veriest desert, and now are groaning un der the greac wealth of their productive ness, and which have been turned from wilderness to great expanses of smiling farms, whore dwell in comfortable homes an Industrious, happy people the kind of people who Insure the permanent growth and stability of a city. Merchants Are Busy. The merchants here receive 20 carloads of freight per day, and had it not been the good fortune of the writer, through the courtesy of ex-Mayor Hon. James A. Pinney, to enjoy a drive about the city and to witness the evidences of its rapid growth, he would have wondered where the consumers are, notwithstanding the fact that large quantities' of this mer chandise Is sold to merchants of interior towns and mining camps. Much of the remarkable beauty and at tractiveness of this city lies In the sub stantial, stately homes, spacious, well kept lawns, profusion of shade and or chard trees, and the general air of order and cleanliness noticeable evcrywhore. While there are but few millionaires here, there are a number of citizens who are beyond the one-half million post, and many $100,000 people. But the people who are not wealthy seem to believe In having their own homes- and comfortable ones, and hence Boise may be said to a beauti ful city of beautiful homes, peopled by a thrifty, prosperous, hospitable, happy peo ple. It Is a city whose location, climate, permanence, tributary resources and en terprising people commend It to any per son seeking a dpsirable place of residence or a new field for business investment. It is a place destined tb become one of the leading commercial Inland centers of the Northwest, and when a great trans continental railway shall pass its doors Boise will spring into greater prominence and soon record her 40,000 population. FATHER FINDS LOST SON. Missing Boy Located in Portland After Many Years. Alfred Shepard and wife reached Port land yesterday from their home in Battle Creek, Mich.. In a search for their son, Fred D. Shopard. He had been lost to them for SO years, and they had thought him dead until he communicated with them recently, giving them his address in this city. The old folks had never been in Portland before, and did not know where 350& Ald er street is- They called upon Chief of Police Hunt for an officer to accompany them to the number given, and the Chief assigned Detective Day to the case. The father and mother found the son where he had written the"m he was living, and there was a reunion of the relatives. Australia Sending an Exhibit. Australia Is sending an independent ex hibit of woods to the Exposition. The exhibits department was advised yester day that six cases of fine woods from the Australian forests had' been shipped last month on the steamer Ventura and should reach Portland soon. Australia has not participated In former exposi tions, having declined to send exhibits. The invitation to send an exhibit to Port land was extended to the Marquis- of Lansdowne by Jpseph H. Choate, Ameri can Ambassador at London. FACE BEATH FIERCE FLAMES Woman and Little Daughter Are Rescued From Burn ing Building. CONFLAGRATION AT NOON Fire in Beach's I?aint Store, First j and Alder Streets, Causes Dnm- age or $10,000 Origin of FJamcs is'ot Known.- Damage to the extent of approximately $10,000 was wrought by fire of unknown origin In the paint store of F. E. Beach, First and Alder streets, at noon yester day. While the flames crackled and smoke curled skyward, Ed Rabior and James Mullen, members of- Truck No. 1, res cued Mrs. W. F. Grunow and her little daughter Florence Deanc. from the third story or the building amid cheers from tho spectators. Other tenants In rooms above were roused by Detective Rcsing and Policeman Price, and escaped unhurt. Roy W7hlte, a lad who was but recently employed at tho store; was working In the basement when the flames burst out. He ran up through the fire. His Tralr was singed, but he was otherwise unhurt. He considers himself very fortunate. By some he was blamed for the fire, as it was paid he carried a lighted lantern and was feen to throw it Into the street as the firemen arrived. He denies this, and Mr. Beach does not place any credence In It. The fire, while It was very hot and the smoke dense., was not so destructive as. was at first thought. The basement was not Injured, and no damage except by water and smoke resulted to the floors above. Several canaries- were taken from rooms, and one bird died from suffoca tion. Firemen Delayed. After the fire was discovered, a short delay occurred -because an employe who was sent to turn In an alarm went to the wrong box, and called the firemen to Third and Washington ' streets. Several streams were soon playing on the flames. Men from the firebdat . laid in. and did good work. In an hour the fire was out. "Our principal loss Ilea in suspension of business," 6aid F. E. Beach, proprie tor of the paint store in which the fire started. "I do not believe the loss to our stock will exceed $6000, and It is all Insured. We do not know how tho fire started. It originated In the rear of the establishment and was very hot, and the smoke made it far worse. We will ship from our East Side warehouse tomorrow, and will repair thjs place Immediately." Adolph Dekum's hardware store, next door north of the paint establishment, was damaged by water and smoke to the extent of about $2000. and damage to the rooms and fixtures above the stores will bring the total loss from the fire up to about $10,000. Policemen and firemen worked hard, and vthe dense throngs of people who gathered made matters worse. It became necessary to stretch ropes and to call for reserve policemen to keep the surg ing crowd back. Traffic on First street was stopped during the fire. STEP IN RIGHT DIRECTION Executive Committee of Open River Association Makes Good Moves. When the executive committee of the Open-River Association adjourned yester day afternoon, a long step had been taken toward the object for which this organ ization stands, namely, an open Columbia River. The great obstacle In the uninterrupted commerce of tho river la the falls at Ce Hlo, but with the construction of the portage railway this difficulty is removed pending the full relief to be furnished by the Government canal. With the portage road .assured and actually under comple tion, the next matter of Importance was and is yet the establishment of boats on the upper river to aid commerce. Many projects have been suggested, and even the . Idaho and up-country people have come forward with suggestions to fill the necessity of boat accommodations, but after a full consideration it was decided by the executive committee not to wait or depend upon outside assistance With this view, plans were laid yesterday for the organization of a company whose sole business it will be to. provide freight car riers, not only . on the Upper Columbia, but on the Snake River as well. The formation of this, company will be com pleted at as early a date as possible, and subscription lists to the stock will be sent out for the purpose of enlisting aid in the enterprise. The Open-River Asspciation has as its one great object the opening up of the Inland Empire through a cheaper trans portation scheme than exists at present, and it is felt that with the open river and. cheaper access to the seaports, the tonnage, of this section would be so groat and constantly increasing as to Justify anyone in building up the enterprise pro posed. " rORDINANCE DECLARED VOID Decision -of -Judge Bellinger Xtilliilcs a City Law. ' The decis.Ion rendered yesterday by Judge Bellinger in the matter of the pe tition of Ernest Hutchinson for a writ of habeas corpus has the full effect of de claring void section 31 of the city ordi nance entitled, "An ordinance licensing, taxing and regulating certain business, callings and employments in the City of Portland and regulating the manner or issuing licenses." This particular section of the ordinance follows: "Section 31. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell, offer or attempt to sell goods or merchandise by selling trad ing stamps, checks, tickets or other things of whatsoever nume to merchants, the same by such merchants being de livered to customers upon the purchase of goods and merchandise, and then ex changed by such customers with the per son selling such trading stamps, checks, tickets or things of whatever name for his goods and merchandise, without first paying Into the city treasury the sum of $200, and. upon receipt showing tuch pay ment, procuring a license issued by tha Auditor of Portland authorizing the same. Such license shall be Issued for the period of 12 months." The petitioner in this case. Ernest Hutchinson, Is a member of the National Stamp Company, of Michigan. Mr. Hutchinson entered the Portland field and sold trading stamps to merchants, these stamps to be given to customers and later redeemed by tho stamp com pany. Mr. Hutchiiisln, however, failed to take out a city license and was ar rested by the city officials for violation of the license ordinance. Upon his ar rest Hutchinson made application for a writ of habeas corpus in the United States Court, and in presenting his case offered evidence that the business con ducted by him was simply one of adver tisement for his company and tho mer chants using the stamps, and was simply a medium of co-operation and exchange of value. Upon the testimony introduced ana the decisions of other courts Judge Bellinger rendered the opinion that the ordinance in this respect was in viola tion of the rights secured by the 11th amendment to the Constitution of the United States, since the work of the stamp company was practically one of advertising, and was In character similar to newspaper or journals advertising. Judge Bellinger found that the prisoner, Ernest Hutchinson, was illegally held in imprisonment and he was ordered dis charged from custody. Gty Offenders Before Judge Hogue No one was present in the Municipal Court yesterday morning to represent District Attorney Manning's office when the case of contemot ot court, preferred against W. T. Vaughn by Judge Hogue, was called. This, in spite of the fact that just before it was to be heard. Judge Hogue had Clerk Fred.. Olson telephone to the District Attorney's office request ing that a deputy be sent over to assist in the prosecution of the chaTge. Mr. Manning refuses to have anything to do with the case. Attorneys Oglesby Toung and Thomas G. Green, appearing for the defendant, Vaughn, presented their argument sup porting a motion for a change of venue, and submitted an affidavit of their cli ent, charging the court with prejudice in the case. After hearing arguments of the defend ant's counsel favoring their motion for a change of -venue to a justice court. Judge Hogue took the matter under ad visement, and at a later date is to serve notice upon the attorneys as to his decis ion. The point is as to whether the alleged act of contempt, if committed at all, was done in the presence of the court. As alleged, it occurred in a room off the main court, and Vaughn's counsel con- ' tends it wa3 not in Judge Hogue's pres ence. This, together with their conten tion that the court Is prejudiced against Vaughn in the matter, constitutes the grounds for a motion for change of venue. "The affidavit of Mri Vaughn contains allegations of fact." said Attorney Green, and, besides, we wish it known we be lieve our client has a right to ail privi leges. We contend the court Is preju-' diced." "It so happens that the court knows he Is not prejudiced," answered Judge Hogue. For - a time "yesterday it looked as though Sheriff Word would have troubles galore because of the arrests he made Tuesday afternoon, of two. men charged, with handbook pOolsclling. When the cases were called before Municipal Judge Hogue. Attorney Dan R. Murphy, ap pearing for J. Easterbrook and J. E. Smith, defendants, declared his Intention of filing criminal proceedings against the Sheriff for taking a Western Union tele gram from one of the men; Later, upon learning that the dispatch was not opened by Word, the matter was drppped. Attorney Murphy insisted upon jxn Im mediate trial.' but as Sheriff Word wished a continuance of 10 days because of an opinion the Supreme Court is to hand down in the poolroom cases. April 29 was sot as the date for hearing. Sheriff Word stated his belief that when the Supremo Court hands down Us findings In Jhe poolroom cases, portions of it will be applicable to this latest af fair relative to poolselling. In this he was supported by Deputy City Attorney Fitzgerald and Judge Hogue. and tHe case was therefore continued. Attorney Murphy, however, proposes to put up a hard fight. He Intends to resort to every legal point necessarj to win against the Sheriff. "When the case comes up for hearing we don't expect to admit anything," said Attorney Murphy. "Let the Sheriff prove, if he can. that the men under ar mrest were conducting a handbook pool- selling concern. Then, if he is able to so show, we will next set up the contention that even so, we have not violated any law. t "Tho section under which the Sheriff brings this action is 1030 of the code, and relates to the outraging of public decency and Injury to the public' morals. "Now, I have talked to prominent law yers, among them District Attorney Man ning and ex-Governor Lord, and all agree that handbook poolselling does not come under this section of the code, and that It Is not a violation of law. The Sheriff must show that public decency has been outraged, and that actual injury to the public morals has been done. How can he show this In a simple case of hand book poolselling?'' On the other hand. Sheriff Word is confident that he can win in the case. He believes handbook poolselling to be a very Insidious evil, and contends that it does outrage public decency and Injure the public morals. Both defendants in the -action were held I under bonds of $200 each, which they fur nished. Bakers May Ask for Rehearing. NEW YORK, April 19. A call has been issued by the executive committee of the Journeymen Bakers' and Confectioners International Union for a meeting in Chi cago next Saturday to act on the decis ion of the United States Supreme Court declaring tho bakers' ten-hour law uncon stitutional. The board will take up the question of asking the Supreme Court for a rehearing In tho case. The Denver & Rio Grande scenery la even more beautiful In Winter than Sum mer. Travel East via that line and spend a day In Salt Lake City. A SIC anjr rain who e-er wore a Gordon Hat way ae nerer bljt any otter. Gordon T T 7HY argue about a VV certainty? Apply this to your hat buying and your new Spring hat will be a Gordon (soft or stiff). One who has worn a Gordon Hat, knows that there is no better hat made than a Gordon. Gordon Hats $3 MAN FACES' MURDER CHARGE Blanche Thompkins Arraigned for Causing beath of;, Nora Stone. 7 .; ;. SHE PLEADS WOT GUILTY Woman "Who Threw .Burning .Lamp at Victim Reported to Be Wife of Millionaire's Son and1 Daughter of Judge. Blanche Thompkins, who caused the death of Nora Stone by throwing a lamp at her on March 25, was arraigned before Judge Frazer yesterday on a charge of murder In the second degree. She pleaded not guilty, through her attorney, John F. Watts, and her trial was set for May 5. ! The witnesses who were examined In the case by District Attorney Planning in clude Detective L. G. Carpenter and a number of men and women who live In the house where the crime was commit ted. Blanche Thompkins. the accused, was at one time an Inmate of the insane asy lum at Salem. She denies having thrown a lamp at Nora Stone, but says sho pushed her, causing her to fall against the lamp, which exploded and set Are to Nora Stone's clothing. A story is told that Mrs. Thompkins is a niece of the Chief Justice of the Su-. preme Court of California, and that her husband, Walter Henry Thompkins. is the son of a Pittsburg millionaire, but both these statements lack confirmation. As told by Mrs. Thompkins. who Is a native of California, 35 years old. she met Thompkins, who came here from Penn sylvania about a year ago on pleasure bent, and they were married. Soon after ward he went to China on a business trip, and returned here on receipt of a cable gram telling him of the trouble. Mrs. Thompkins is a woman of good education, and while she was once in the insane asylum, she does not. show any signs of mental derangement at' tho pres ent time. $10,000 DAMAGES" FOR OBERG Victim of Elks' Train Wreck Wins Suit Against Northern Pacific. Charles Oberg, who was Injured in the railway wreck of the Elks' special, in August, 1903. and who brought suit against the Northern Pacific Company for $&3,000 damages, was allowed $10,000 by Judge Bellinger yesterday. This decision was rendered upon the report of six disinter ested physicians, five out of the six giv ing the opinion that Oberg was suffering from traumatic neurasthenia, or hysteria, as a result of the accident. Judgp Bellinger also granted yesterday a new trial In the case of Llllerthal Bros, vs. J. R. Cartwrigh-. This was a hop contract jult, the decision of the former ' trial being In favor of the defendant. Decision in Smith Case. A decision on the motion entered by the defendants for a new trial In the caj of Henry Smith vs. J. G. and I. N. Day was rendered by Judge Bellinger yester day, and waa partially iri favor of the petitioner. This case, brought to recover damages for Injuries received by . Smith occasioned by blasting at the Cascade Locks, has been on the court dockets several times, and at Its- last hearing before Judgo Bel linger resulted In a verdict for the plain tiff of $10,000. Upon the motion for a re hearing Judge Bellinger found that the damages allowed were excessive consid ering the present condition of the plain tiff, and rendered the opinion that if the plaintiff will consent to remit the amount of damages- allowed over $3000 the mo- GOLD SEAL Corked-Up Sunshine from America's Most Famous Vineyards. . . The favorite Olub and bananet ' CHAMPAGNE SPECIAL DRY BRUT Made by the French process of fermentation in the bottla, it equals foreign wines in quality, bonqnet and flavor, at one-half the cost. Sold by all leading grocers and wine merchants. URBANA WINE CO., JJRBANA, NEW YORK' SOLE MAKER For Safe by Blumauer & Hoch, S. A. firata & Co. and J. M. Gelfart. Can your appetite conceive anything more toothsome than a sweet delicious choco late cake and a cup of creamy Ghirardelli's Ground Chocolate? A pantry without Ghirar delli's is like a garden without roses. Smoother and more economics! tfun czke chocolate. GH1RAR GROUN D CHOCOLATE tfon for a. new 'trial -would h denied, "but that otherwise the motion would ba al lowed. Admitted to Probate. The will of Joseph John Johnston. Clel and, who died at Spokane on March 12 was admitted to probate yesterday by. Judge Webster. The property is valued at $5000. and 13 bequeathed to Henry Cooke Cieland, Gayln Shaw Cleland. brothor of the te3tator, and Sarah Eliz abeth Clemes. a sister, all of whom reside in Toronto. Canada. The will of Martha A. Lent, deceased, was admitted to probate in the County Court yesterday. The property Is valued at $22,000. and Is distributed among the children, George P. Lent, Oscar E. Lent. F. L. Lent. Emma L. McGrew. Lizzie Wood. Rose GIddings, Ella Whitlock and Oliver W. Lent. Answers Divorce Charge. Elsie Palmer.whose husband. George &. Palmer, has sued her for a divorce, has forwarded an answer from Woodstock, Canada, denying his charges of cruel treatment or that she drove him from their home In 1SS3. She admits that she declined to follow him to Oregon, and gives as a reason that he drank and waa abusive, and she was afraid to leave her family, friends and children In Canada and come here to live. Charges Habitual Drunkenness. Emma Smith has suil Henry Smith, for a divorce because of habitual drunkenness and cruel treatment. Sho alleges that whenever he has money he drinks until it fs all gone. She says he struck her with a chair and threatened to kill her. They wre marrlej in Portland- 15 years ago and have no children. Demurrer to Complaint. Edward Flouten. whose wife. Katr Flouten, recently sued him for a di vorce, yesterday filed a demurrer to the complaint on the ground that it does not state facts sufficient to con stitute a causa of action. CAUGHT IN A WAREHOUSE S. W. Back Again in the Hands of the Police. Thre weks ago S. W. Back was1 dragged from under a barn at Twenty fourth and Thurman streets by Police man Circle, and declared that he had gone in to starve himself to death. At an early hour yesterday morning he was caught in a warehouse In North Port land by Patrolmen Courtney and Jones, and locked up on a charge of burglary- "I was looking for something to eat," was Back's explanation, when questioned by the policemen at headquarters. . Back Is a Finn, and claims he cannot speak or understand much English. Of this the arresting officers are not so posi tive. "I think Back is a good deal wiser than he pretends to be." said Patrolman Jones. "It's a peculiar thing that he is always found either in or under some other person's property." Judge Hogue hardly knows what to do with Back. He studied over the case a while, and finally decided to continue it until this morning, and in the meantime communicate with the head officers of the Finnish Aid Society. They are to b in court today and will be asked if they can do anything for Back. Burn to Death In Effort to Escape. NEW ORLEANS. April 19. In an at tempt to escape, three prisoners today set on fire the parish jail at Pontcha Toula, La,, mllf-s from New Orleans, two of them being cremated and a third fatally burned. The dead: Henry Taylor and James Reilly. Fatally burned: Luclen George Del as. Questions Rousseau's Sanity. NEW YORK. April 19. Recorder Goff, In the Court of General Sessions today, announced that he had apoolnted a com mission to determine the mental condi tion of Gessler Rousseau, convicted of sending an explosive contrivance to the steamship Umbria in 1903. BPS PfKSS ITEMS. If Babr I Cutting Teeth. Be ture ana use tfcat old and -well-tried remedy Mrs. Wlplow Soothlnc Syrup, for chlldra tcethln;. It soothed the child, softens the sun, allays all pain, cures wind colic and. diarrhoea. 1111