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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1905)
V i THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1905. Public Tea Room Second Floor. Under the auspices of Portland Y.-W. C. A. MENU Today, February 4, 1905. Ten. Coffee. Chocolate. Milk in Bottles. Crcnn: of Tomato Soup. Chicken Salad. Ham Sandwiches. Boston Brown. Bread. ' Hot Busks. Bread and Butter. Raspberry Tea Cakes. The I "Quality Shop" lie"DJifenjst Store Portland's Largest and Foremost Store Tie'Bffferext Store 5V 5f- 6 WasblDtM Sts. 7fl Today -Saturday- will be your Last Day In which you may gain the advantages of Clearance Sale Prices and bny any and every article in the house at reduced price. Yes, the Great Clearance Sale of 1905 ends tonight at closing time 6 P. M. There's a lot of left-to-the-last-minute-things yet for most folk to buy. There's something yon've forgotten or procrastinated in buying. There's yet 10 hours in which to fill those needs at the saving prices of clearance. A host of extra bargains are added for last-day selling, and altogether today presents a solid front of the mort remarkable values ever gathered in one offering by any Western house. Today should and we believe will surpass every selling record ever made by this or any other Portland retail establishment. But, remember THIS STORE IS NOT OPEN AT NIGHT 1 Night storekeeping, "in the interest of the public," is a relic of provin cialism; a reminder of the crossroads store, with ita proverbial cracker barrel, whare villagers meet at night to gossip or talk politics. It has no place in modern methods of merchandising. We have always considered it unnecessary, and of late years our views have been adopted by the larger stores in all principal cities of the country. But, let it be understood, in stating our position so accurately and definitely, we cheerfully concede the right of all other merchants to differ from us in this matter. Last Day Of the Clearance Sale and Its matchless value In Portland's Largest Leading Suit and Wrap Store Grand Salon Second Floor. Fashion Holds Court Here TIs the County Scat of Her Western Domain. Every advertised special of the entire week continues nnd concludes tonight. Extra Special for Today Women's $35.50 to $50 Street Suits High 'class, handsome, splendidly tailored street suits, the cream of the stock. Very latest and smartest stvles in Serges. Chev iots and the popular , mannish Suitings. In all the fashionable col orings and stylish mix tures. Plain blues, blacks, browns, grays and handsome mix tures. Plain tailored and In the plait, fancy stitch, button and other trimming effects in latest vogue. The really best values we have ever known of fered at tho regular values ranging up from $38.50 for the poorest suit in the lot to $50 lor the best. Your ab solute choice today for $14.95 Last Day Last Call on These Silk Petticoats $ 1 0 and $ 1 2.50 Values Special Today for $3.95 A final clean-up of a" monster purchase of handsome silk petti coats. Taffetas and Chiffon Taffetas, in light greens, pinks, blues and plain blacks. Beautifully made, tucked and flounced styles, edges of flounce prettily pinked. To close, today only, these usual $10 and 112.50 values for $3.95 Of these remarkable Clearance Sale values In women's fash ionable rtady-to-don garments. Women's Suits and Calling Gowns at Half Price Every Suit and Calling Gown in the house Included. The Street Suits, In regular values up from $12v50 to $125, at prices already lower than any other house inNthe. city ever offered equal qualities. Last day o( Clearance at HALF PRICE. Magnificent Calling Gowns Half Price Latest modes and beautifully latest modes, and beautifully trimmed in rare, rich laces, vel vets and hand embroideries. Here again the immense vari ety makes description of little use. Come and select your Cal lng Gown from the largest stock of superb creations that were ever shown by any Port laud house. Regular values up from $40 to $"50 today only at HALF PRICE. We prefer our pMrons would benefit by this present loss than run risk of damage to tho gowns during the department's renovations. Coats Half Price In order to make the Clearance more complete, you may select any coat in house at HALF PRICE. And we guar antee every regular price to be lower than equal by any Portland house and yet today you divide that price and save ONE-HALF. Last Day Of the Clearance Sales, and of suoh raro values in millinery as these examples we print news of. The millinery salon.-? are full of their bargain and beauty prototypes. $5,00 to $5.00 Trimmed Hats $2.49 Elegnnt velvet silk and camel's- nair ten nuts, irimmeu wmi foathers. mld-Wlnter flowers, birds or pompons, perfect models of good taste and beauty;' hats that are really worth from 55.00 to $S.00. Special for to day's sale, each $2.40 READY-TO-WEAR HATS FOR 40c "What we have left of our rfcady-to-wear hats. In trim tailored effects; this is a chance you cer tainly can't afford to miss; your choice of any In the lot. Special for today's sale at, each -10c WINTER FLOWERS FOR 12c. We offer a great special In Winter flowers. Just what you need, to freshen your hat until tho Spring styles arrive; a good va riety. Special for today's sale at. the bunch 12c Last Day of Clearance and Extra Special Values for the Last Day of the Great Annual Sales in The Silk and Dress Goods Store Fifth-Street Annex First Floor. Colored E)ress Goods Specials for today Checked and polka dot English Mo hair; also a good color assortment of all-woor Serges and Granite Cloths; splendid for children's wear and shirt waist suits. Special for today only, per yard 42c $1.25 and $1.00 Silk and WoqI Crepe de Paris, $1.00 all-wool French voiles, all street ana evening snaaes in tne 101; splendid values at the regular price, and a good money saving chance to get a dressy, down-to-date suit at a big saving. Special for today only, per yard 79c iSHk Specials lor Saturday selling Last day of onr Great I Clearance Sale. 'Polka dot Foulards in black grounds with white dots, neat check Taffetas and Louislene; also swell BUit biiKS. spe cial for today 54c Extra Silk Special Special for today Uc Our well-known 85c colored Taffetns, only, per yard Colors are white, cream, tans, champagne, onion, copper, browns and navy blue. A grand opportunity to buy a good, reliable silk for drop skirts, suits and lining at a big saving. Last Day Of the Monster Annual Clearance Sale and the -rvlnd-tip of the week's extra Specials in HousefurniShings Third Floor. China, Kitchen Fitting, Stoves, Ranges nnd Heaters nt Re markably Low Prices for the last day of Clearance. HAVILAND CHINA DINNER SETS. Havlland decorated china dinner sets, neat flower, gold handles and knobs, 60-plece sets; reeuiar value. v-i-iv- Special, set 17.57 100-pIece set. regular value. $35.45. Special, set $245 Havlland china, full rold. neat, rare decorations. 60-plece set, regular value. $30.50. Special, set $2335 100-pieco set. regular value. $51.00. Special, set.... $35.70 ustr!an decorated china dinner sets, pink flower with green spray, full gold; 60-plece set. regular value, $13.50. Special, set 910.13 100-piece set. regular value, $22.00. Special, set.... $10.50 CHAMBER SETS. 10-piece set. regular value, $ 3.50. Special, set 8 2J50 '.O-piece set, regular value, $ 4.50. 0-plece set, regular value. $ 9.00. i2-plece set, regular value, $ 8.50. 12-plece set, regular value, $10.50 12-plece set, regular value. $12.50 :i-pieco set. regular value, $15.50. COAL OIL HEATING STOVES. Cutest improved coal oil heating stoves, medium size.; Spe cial. $4.15 each; large size, special, each $4.95 CLOTHES WRINGERS. Iron frame. 10-inch rollers. Special, each Wood frame, wnrranted 2 years. Special, each Wood frame, warranted 3 years. Special, each.... WHITE ENAMEL KITCHEN WARE. 7- inch pudding dishes. Special, each 8- lnch pudding dishes. Special, each 3-inch pudding dishes. Special, each 10-inch mixing dowI. Special, each Vi-pint mugs. Special, each Bowls and pitchers. Special, pair LAMP SHADES. Decorated vase lamp shades; regular value. 30c. complete, each 50c "aUICK MEAL" RANGES, $2C75. v Before buying a range come and Inspect the "Quick Meal." the most modern of steel ranges. Special $24.75 Last Day Special, set $ &25 Special, set $ COO Special, set $ 5.75 Special, set 9 7.00 Special, set s 7.00 Special, set $10.50 .$1.13 .$1.70 .$220 , . . 13c .. .14c ,..17e , . .25c ...10c ...e2e Special. Today of the Clearance Sales and these profitable chances for the house keepers to make money by spending It la the Homefitting Stores on Fourth Floor These are sample values of a monster spread, cov ering the entire main floor and annex of the Fourth story shops. Share la these today every thing reduced 1 Carpets, Selling Machines, Brass Beds and Bedding, .Toys and many other articles. Extra speclnlt I1LANKETS. TheBe Blankets are of Oregon white fleece wool, with pink or Diue ooruers, an 01 mem extra qualities Our 54.00 values special Clearance Price, pair $3.75 Our $6.00 value Special Clearance Sale Price, pair $4.75 Our $7.00 value Special CJearance Price, pair $5.85 Clearance SaIe of Portieres A fine assortment of Handsome Portieres, btit only one or two pairs of a kind. All go at Clearance Prices Our $1.75 value Special Clearance Price, pair..: 51.25 Our $2.50 value Special Clearance Price, pair $1.75 Our $2.75 value Special Clearance Price, pair $1.85 Our $4.50 value Special Clearance Price, pair.... I $3.15 Our $5.50 value Special Clearance Price, pair $&5 Our $6.50 value Special Clearance Price, pair $455 Our $7.50 value Special Clearance Price, pair...-. $525 Our $S.50 value Special Clearance Price, pair '. .$3J53 Our $9.50 value Special Clearance Price, pair..-. $8.65 Our $10.00 value Special Clearance Price, pair $7.eo Our $11.00 value Special Clearance Price, pair $7.75 Our$12.53 value Special Clearance Price, pair $&40 Qur $13.50 value Special Clearance Price, pair $0.45 Our $15.00 value Special Clearance Price, pnlr $10.50 Our $20.00 value Special Clearance Price, pair $14.50 Our $25.00 value Special Clearance Price, pair $18.00 Our $35.00 value Special Clearance Prlco. pair $23.00 BIG REDUCTIONS DURING THE CLEARANCE SALE ON CORDED ARABIAN LACE CURTAINS. Our $3.75 value Special Clearance Price, pair. . . . Our $4.50 value Special Clearance Price, pair.. Our $5.53 value Special Clearance Price, pair.... Our $6.50 value Special Clearance Price, pair.... Our $7.50 value Special Clearance Price, pair.. $25 5S.75 , $4.50 . . . .$5.25 $6.00 ARABIAN AND RENAISSANCE LACE CURTAINS. A line of beautiful Arabian and Renaissance Lace Curtains, best qualities and handsome patterns and designs all go at Clearance Sale Prices Our $6.00 value Special Clearance Price, pair $4.50 Our $7.50 value Special Clearance Price, pair. $525 Our $8.50 value Special Clearance Price, pair.' $6.00 Our $9.50 varue Special Clearance Price, pair $9.75 Our $11.00 value Special Clearance Price, pair $7.75 Qw $12.50 value Special Clearance Price, pair... ."$S.90 Our $14.50 value Special Clearance Price, pair $10.25 Our $13.00 value Special Clearance Price, pair $10.75 Our $16.00 value Special Clearance Price, pair $11.40 Our $17.50 value Special Clearance Price, pair $12.75 Our $21.00 value Special Clearance Price, pair $1625 Our $27.00 value Special Clearance Price $10.50 Our $35.00 value Special Clearance Price, pair $2-L58 Last Day Of the Clearance Sale and the last chance at these surpassing values in women's pretty "fbclns" at the Furnishing Counter 1st Floor. RIBBONS AT CLEARANCE SALE PRICES. 10c for 2-yard Strips of Ribbons. These Ribbons are all silk, heavy satin-faced. "What little girl ever had enough hair ribbons? Here Is a chance to buy quan tities of -them at small cost. None of these Ribbons are worth less than 20c the yard. Special Clearance Sale, while they last. 2-yard strips, for 10c FANCY sPOLKA DOT RIBBONS. In plain or moire finish taffetas, in fancy colors or black and white Our 35c value Special Clearance Price, tho yard 24c Our 4Sc value Special Clearance Price, tho yard 33c Our 50c value Special Clearance Price, the yard 35c . CLEARANCE SALE BARGAINS IN LACES. Persian Bands Worth 25c to 35c at 10c. Fancy Persian Bands, one to one and a half Inches wide, very pretty nnd much used for trimming. Our 25c and 35c values Special Clearance Sale Price, the yard 10c RICH BERTHA LACES. Circular "Bertha" Laces, handsome garnitures for waists and easily changed from one garment to another. Come In both white and ecru Our $2.00 values Special Clearance Price, yard $1.00 Our $4.50 values Special Clearance Price, yard $225 Our $5.00 values Special Clearance Price, yard $2.50 Qur $9.60 values Special Clearance Price, yard $4.7o ANOTHER LOT OF THESE BEAUTIFUL EMBROIDERIES. Now Is Just tho time to buy the white trimming needed for garments you will make for Spring and Summer SVear. Here you will find a complete assortment of smart, attractive patterns In edgings and insertions, and any of them at Just one-half tho regular value like this: Our loc value special at. the yard -8c Our 25c value special at. the yard I2c Our 30c value special at. the yard 15c Our 40c value special at .the yord j-Oc Our 50c value special at, the yard JUlt, Our 75c value spfdal at, tho yard 37c Our 1.00 valuo special at, the yard w PRETTY VENISE LACE BANDS, IN CREAM AND WHITE. Our 75c values Special Clearance Price, the yard 3Sc Our 50c values Special Clearance Price, tho yard Our 25c values Special Clearance Price, the yard 10c LADIES' LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. Richardson's Irish Linen Sheer Lawn Handkerchiefs, semi-laundered, and either one-eighth or one-quarter-lncn hems, soft finish, good quality Special Clearance Sale Price, eacn Oc LADIES' NECKWEAR. Turnover Collars "Worth 25c and 35c for 15c. Linen Turnover Collars, in pink, blue, green, yellow, black, wiilte and navy, wash nicely. Our 35c and 35c values Special Clear ance Sale Price, each loC BARGAINS IN GLOVES; Ladies' Mocha Gloves Worth $1.25 for 95c. Mocha Gloves In the chic mannish style, pique sewed and ono clasp, a very serviceable walking Glove, in black, gray and brown. Our host $1.25 value Special Clearance Sale Price. the pair 0Sc Ladies Fine Silk and Wool Golf Gloves, in' black or gray; very .",CP ti nz ,in Qnihii Clearance Sale Price. uesi qutuny iuu uui 1- - 89a uiu pun Last Day Of tho matchless Clearance Sales. Even' article dnu.ce n";J05 host of extra Saturday specials for men patrons and the gooJ womenfolk who shop for tnem In the "TOGGERY" SHOP Sixth-Street Annex First Floor. A Full and Complete Assortment of Men's FurnlshlBK at Clearaace Prices. MEN'S 25c SOX FOR 17c. Men's fine black cotton Hose, real combed Maco. with high spliced heels and double soles, full regu lar made. One of our very best hose at 25c; special Clearance Salo price, tho pair 17c MEN'S 50c SILK HANDKERCHIEFS FOR 35c. An entirely new lino of men's fancy Silk Handkerchiefs, the best In the land at the regular price, 50c; special at. each 35c MEN'S SHIRTS, WORTH $1.00 TO $1.25, FOR 60c A broken line of men's Golf Shirts, good patterns; our i ana i.-a values: special Clearance price, each 60c 3IEN'S 25c HANDKERCHIEFS FOR 15c. A cood line of men's linen hem stitched Handkercnlefs. made of Richardson's linen; our 25c value; special at. each 15c MEN'S UNDERWEAR. WORTH $1.25, FOIt S7o. Our best line of men's Derby ribbed cotton Underwear, the famous Staley make. In medium weight, with French neck and well .fin ished. In ecru only: our $1.25 val ue; special Clearance price, each , S7c MRXS Kn UNDERWEAR FOR 29c. Men's Derby ribbed cotton fleece Underwear. In flesh color, an excellent garmenL Our 50c value; special at. the garment. .-c MEN'S SWEATERS, WORTH TO $3.00, FOR $1.09. Men's full, regular made worsted Sweaters, In plain colors or fancy effects. Values In the lot up to $3; special at. each $1.08 MEN'S SWEATERS, WORTH TO $1J50, FOR $14)7. Men's all-wool Sweaters. In plain colors, black, white, navy and cardinal. Our $1.50 value; special Clearance price, each ...$1.07 A SPECIAL FOR THE LITTLE CHAPS. Children's Kalt Jackets, Worth $1.30. for S5c A line of children's military, hand-knit Jackets, In navy and scarlet, and green and 'scarlet a most comfortable little gar ment for the little fellows. Our $1.50 value; special at. each. kc Last Day Of the Clearance Sale, and the exceptional opportunities for pro viding the staple fabrics wanted every day at the absurdly low prices. Remember, everything is reduced as per example: Domestic Aisle First Floor. BEDSPREADS WORTH $3.30 FOR $2JtS. Fine Marseilles (Bedspreads. In. handsome raised designs, good value at $3.50 Special Clearance Price 28 SATIN-FINISH BEDSPREADS. A splendid new line of beautiful satin-finish Bedspreads, with cut corners and fringed sides all at Clearance Prlces..$3.0S to $10.G0 EMBROIDERED FLANNELS. Flannels, richly embroidered with best quality of silk, hemstitched and scalloped effects , Our $2.25 value Special Clearance Price, per yard $1.09 Our $2.00 value Special Clearance , Price, the yard $1.48 Our $1.75 value Special Clearance- Price, the yard $L39 TERRV CLOTH. Fancy Terry Cloth, much used for house gowns and lounging robes. Our $1.75 value Special Clearance Price, the yard $1.05 Our $2.00 value Special Clearance Price, the yard $1.23 Our $2.50 value Special Clearance Price, the yard $1.75 ENGLISH CASHMERES. A swell line of English Casnmeres, in all the new, desirable colors. Our 40c value special at, the yard 25c NOVELTY DRESS GOODS. Novelty Dress Goods, In plain and mixed effects and in all colors. Our 45c value special at, the yard .33c CLOAK1NGS HEAVY CLOAKINGS WORTH TO $1.75 FOR $1.00. Heavv Cloaklngs. in black or gray mixtures. 54 inches wide. Our $1.75 value special at. the yard $1.00 FANCY MOREENS WORTH TO $1.25 FOR 35 CENTS. Fancy Moreens. In striped and figured elects; values In the lot worth to $1.25 Special Clearance Price, the yard 35c SCOTCH GINGHAMS WORTH 25e FOR 15c. Scotch Ginghams and Madras Cloth, about 3000 yards In all. in many pretty patterns. Our 25c value Special Clearance Price. the yard -I50 BLEACHED MUSLIN FOR 5c. 10.000 vards of Heavy Bleached Muslin, no starch or dressing in it. 36 inches In width. An actual 8c value Special Clearance Price, the yard - Cc Last Day Of the Clearance Sales and thee remarkable bargains In the Womea's Corset, UndermusIIas, Children's x Wear, Wardrobe and Art Saloafe Second Floor, Annex. FLANNELETTE GOWNS GOWNS WORTH $1.50 FOR 70c: Women's Flannelette Mghtgowns of very good quality, In solid colors and stripes, made Mother Hubbard yoke and other styles, and trimmed with embroidery our $1.50 value, special at, each 79C KNIT SKIRTS SKIRTS WORTH $1.00 FOR 50c Knit Skirts for women, of good qual ity. In plain colors or fancy stripes, cardi nal, navy blue or pink our $1.00 value. Special Clearance Price, each 59c BLACK UNDERSKIRTS WORTH $5-50 AND $3.75 FOR $3.40 Ladles' Petticoats made of fine black mercerized sateen and Italian cloth, with deep circular flounce, trimmed some made with deep knlfe-plaltlntr and m37?S I 1 l small ruffles our $5.50 and $5.75 values. U!MLX fA..,M Special Clearance Price, each $3.49 Rig ill UQWlt CLEARANCE PRICES ON FINE CORSET COVERS AND DRAWERS Second Floor. CORSET COVERS "WORTH $3J50 FOR $27 French Corset Covers, made of flno quality of nainsook, full front style, with circu lar yoke, trimmed with very dainty Valenciennes lace, beading and ribbon, some trimmed with fine lace embroidery our $3.50 value. Special Clearance Sale Price, each $2.87 NAINSOOK AND CAMBRIC DRAWERS WORTH $2.50 AND $2.75 FOR $2.09 Ladies' Drawers, made of fine quality nainsook and cambric, trimmed with tucks and deep flounco of Cluny lace and embroidery beading, cithers are trimmed with hand some embroidery edge; overy pair In the lo is worth from $2.50 to $2.75 Special Clearance Price the pair $2.09 ODD LINES OF SAPPHIRE CORSETS AT HALF. The Sapphire is the very best of Royal Worcester Corsets. These corsets combine grace and comfort and are made of t"ie finest material In black Italian cloth, white imported coutllle and silk batiste. In blue and pink, and boned with the best qualltv of whalebone. Following are the numbers Included In the sale," all at HALF PRICE: No. 92 Regular value $15.00 special, pair... No. 93 Regular value $13.00 special, pair-... No. 44 Regular value $13.00 special, pair No. 48 Regular value $12.50 special, pair iso. 4 1 neguiar value special, pair.. $7.30 $6J50 ...y. $6-50' . . .SC.00 No. 42 Regular value $10.00 special, pair $5.00 No. 56 Regular value $9.50 jspeIal. pair $4.75 No. 74 Regular valuo $8.50 special, pair $4.25 No. 91 Regular value $7.50 special, pair $3.75 No. 55 Regular value $6.50 special, pair .$3.25 BRAIDS AT HALF PRICE. !N ART SHOP f Annex Second Floor. A large assortment of Rlckrack and Novelty Braids regular value 6c to 65c; special. Just ILVI.F PRICE 3c to 32e KNIT SHAWLS AT ONE-TniBD OFF REGULAR PRICES. Shawls made cf Shetland Floss, both square and circular In shape. In black only valuo from $1.03 to $4.00. at ONE-TIITRD OFF. or each 67c $3.00 CHILDREN'S WOOL DRESSES AT HALF PRICE. Children's pretty Wool Presses, in cashmere, serges, cheviots, etc.. here in all the wanted styles and colors: sizes from 2 to 14 years; priced from $1.50 to $20.00 special at 75c $10 OR JUST HALF PRICE. Last Day "MhRODB" Qiard Finishtfl UNDERWEAR Last Day Of Clearance Salo and its saving advantages in Underwear and Hosiery buying for the womenfolk and children. The nipping weather of the past few days should prompt buyers to smpply themselves for weeks ahead and for another seaaon'3 wear, especially when such rousing values as these offer In Women's Knit Underwear and Hosiery First Floor. Infants' Black Wool Ho3c, seamless, sizes 5, 5, 6 15c value, special, pair 9c Children Fine-ribbed Cotton Hose; all sizes; seamless 17c values for, pair 10c Child's Heavy Weight Black Cotton Hose, seamless, 6 to 7. pair 13c Children's Black Winter-Weight Worsted Hose" seamless; double-rlbbed-great. big 25c. 30c 35c and 40c values; all sizes from 6 to 10, special, pair ,'V Same as above. In fine rlobed. at same price. Women's Winter-Weight Black Worsted Hose, plain and ribbed the best 25c value, for ;i!r Women's Cashmere Ribbed Hose splendid 50c value, for, pair.. 28c Women's Sliver Gray Wool-plaited Vests and Pants-7&e values Women's CFlat" WoVen " Gray Merino Pants and Vests- 1.00 value WomenT White Cotton' Union 'suit's' 'winter-weight-75c values for, suit And many other big: bargain, on ihe Uadcrrvear Bargain Counter. BARGAINS in the . . . . "Fair-Way" Footwear Shop First KJoor, sixm-ix MEN'S 54.00 SHOES, $2.78. Men's box calf shoes, double sole, viscollzed throughout, leather lined, warm and com fortable, reinforced shanks, good easy lasts, regular value $4.00; special, pair . WOMEN'S $3,00 SHOES. $1.08. Women's Shoes, heavy or light soles, patent tip; vici kid wpers. good easy lasts, medium military heels; regular value $3.00, spe cial, pair WOMEN'S $1.50 LEGGINGS, 9Sc. Women's Wool Jersey Leggings, full length over knee, regular value $1.50; special, pair WOMEN'S $1.00 LEGGINGS, 48c. Women's three-fourths length Leggings, regular value $1.00; spe cial, pair 480 MISSES 31.25 LEGGINGS. 7Sc Misses' Wool Jersev Legglns, full length, sizes 11 to 13. regular value $1.25: specfal. ralr ;v Children's full-length Leggings, regular value $1.00; special, pair .................. ........ 68c WOMEN'S $5.00 AND $0.00 SHOES, $20. Women's Dress Shoes, In fine kid. Louis heels, hand-turned soles, patent kid or plain vlci kid, regular value .5.00 and $6.00; spe cial, pair WOMEN'S $3.0 SHOES, $2.00. Women's Patent Colt Shoes, dull top. military heels, round, toes, heavy soles, very newest styles: regular value $3.50: special, pair $2.00 WOMEN'S $1.25 JULIETTES, 50c. Women's fur-trimmed house Jullettes, In red or black, sizes 6. 7 and S: regular value $1.25; special, pair 50c WOMEN'S $1.00 HOUSE SLIPPERS. 50e. Women's Leather House Slippers, broad toe. flat heel, regular value $1.00; special, pair - 50c