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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1904)
12 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1904. FRIEND OF COURT Henry E, McGinn Appears 'in Poolroom Case. DISTRICT ATTORNEY OBJECTS Judge George Consents to Hearing Argument of Judge McGinn for Prosecution Is Poolroom a Nuisance? The strife between District Attorney John Manning and former Circuit Judge Unry E. McGinn broke out afresh yes terday at the opening o Judge George's court, when the former announced that he would not consent to the appearance of Judge McGinn as his associate counsel In the case against M. G. JCease on an indictment for maintaining a nuisance In the form of a poolroom. It was reported a few days ago that a truce had been patched up and that Judge McGinn would aid in" the prosecu tion as an assistant .to Mr. Manning. The case opened in the morning with Judge George presiding, and the entire Bay was devoted to the argument of a demurrer to the indictment. For the de fondant there appeared John M. Gear In, Judge B. B. Watson and Edward Men denhall. While Judge McGinn presented himself as co-counsel for the prosecution. When the case opened Mr. Manning sprung a sensation by objecting to the appearance of Judge McGinn on the part of the state. "Mr. McGinn," said he, "wishes to ap pear In this case on behalf of the state. I object to his appearance in such a ca pacity, and I would like to know If he In sists upon so appearing." "He does Insist In appearing for the state." answered Judge McGinn. This precipitated a heated discussion between the two attorneys, which ended by Judge George deciding that while Mr. Manning should direct the case, be would be willing to hear Judge McGinn In the case, and that he might appear as a friend of the court. This fixed the status cf Judge McGinn In the peruliar capacity of amicus curiae, and not as an assistant to the District Attorney. After this matter was disposed of the remainder of the day was taken up with the arguments of the opposing lawyers on the question of the demurrer. The ground on which the defendant bases his demurrer is that the indictment does not charge M. G. Nease with an offense. The allegations of defendant's lawyers being that pool-selling is not an offense as defined by Section 1930 (the nuisance section) of the statutes of Oregon. Argu ments were made by E. B. Watson and John M. Gearin for the defense, and by Assistant District Attorney Moser and Judge McGinn for the prosecution. At a late hour In the afternoon Judge George took the demurrer under consideration and will likely hand down a decision within a day or two. TINDER THE COUNTY DOME. Reply to Suit to Oust Dr. Lincoln la Filed. In the suit to oust Dr. R. Lv Lincoln as a member of the executive committee of the Oregon State Dental Board, a reply was filed yesterday by the board In which It is recited that all Its proceedings were legal. When Dr. Reavis and Dr. W. A. Wise retired as members' of the commit tee It van necessary to name three per sons for each place for the Governor to choose the successors from. The reply states that the "board named A. P. Wat son. Gertrude Lamberson, Robert Wend llng, Georgo Larkin, Frank Vaughan and M, F. Fenton. Governor Chamberlain ap pointed Dr. Larkin and Dr. Lincoln, and the board says Dr. Lincoln must go. The case Is now In shape to be tried out on Its merits and a final decision reached. Mrs. E. H. Goodwin appeared "before the grand jury yesterday In an effort to have her husband indicted for unlawful Inter course with another woman. She was ac companied by a lady friend, who was also a. witness. Mrs. Goodwin expressed her self while at the Courthouse as very de sirous of seeing her husband punished. Myrtle L. Howard has sued Harry How ard for a divorce because of cruel treat ment. They were married at McMinnvllle February 16, 1504, and Mrs. Howard alleges that it was but a short time afterwards until her husband commenced abusing her. He failed to support her, threatened her and ordered her to return to her parents' home. In May she avers he went to sea and returned In August. He did vlflo for her long after his return, com plaining that she was too expensive, and told her to go to work. UNITARIAN BAZAAR OPENS. Large Display of Attractive Christmas Wares on View. The Unitarian bazaar opened yesterday afternoon with a large display of unusu ally attractive things for sale. A large number of people patronized the bazaar, finding it a pleasant place to stop and talk to friends besides affording an opportunity to buy pretty things for Christmas gifts. Mrs. George C. Cressey presided yester day at the candy table, at the "fellow fihlp" table adjoining which Mrs. J. P.. Wager and Mrs. Matlack sold articles sent toy members of Alliance branches all over the country. The doll show, which is a feature of the bazaar, is In charge of Mrs. R. B. Lamson, Mrs. James D. Hart and Mrs. E. W. Crlchton. Mrs. Watson and Mrs. Bay were at the domestic table Tin d a corner where various artistic things in the way of water colors and Christmas cards were sold was in charge of Mrs. J. J. Burnett, Miss Knox and Mrs. Archie Pease assisting. Miss Burnett ld cookbooks containing recipes by members of the Alliance. At the housekeepers' booth were Mrs. R. S. Mc Lcran and Mrs. Southwork, and at the domestic table Mrs. W atson presided. Mrs. E P. Walte had the fancy work booth, Mrs. D. Schindler and Miss Atwood the bags and in the refreshment room were Mrs. W. H. Patterson and Mrs. Alden. The bazaar continues today with an in teresting programme, which Miss Sears and Miss Gilo havo arranged, tonight. SCORED MAJOR NEWELL. Jacob RHs Refers to Him in His Seat tle Lecture. Major Cicero Newell, well known In Portland Grand Army circles, and a resi dent of East Portland for several years. was the subject of a scathing scoring in Seattle a few days ago by Jacob Riis, the tctcran newspaper man and reformer, in the course of his lecture on "The Battle of the Slums." Since leaving Portland Major Newoll has been military Instructor at ashon School for boys: he was also connected with the Reform School in Seattle, and now is with the Newell In dustrlal School on Mercer Island. From this latter school two boys escaped shack led, and they told a story of hardship and suffering, reflecting severely on Major jsewclls management. Mr. Riis, in speak lng of this Incident In his lecture, said: "When I read in your morning paper today :that two hoys shackled itogether. had undergone great hardships in order J FRIDAY AND SATURDAY RUG SPECIAL - . A LIMITED NUMBER OF 9 x 12 SMYRNA RUGS S SOLD REGULARLY FOR , : $16, REDUCED TO $12.50 Each Exclusive Carpet House J. 0. Mack & Co. 86-88 Third St. raaz. krscjux, rm. mmn m lumwH wwi, n rruii. ttmt . .. . . . $1.00, $1,50, $2.00 per Day THE PORTLAND FORTUKD.OL Americas Plaa slso Eurefeaa Plan. Modern Restaurant. $3 PER DAY aerf upward. to escape from your industrial or reform school, I said to myself that the cood thin? about it was that they did run away. It makes my blood boil to read of a thins like that. Treat boys right, with love and care, and they will never run away. It is not only unnecessary, but it is an outrage to shackle boys. Boys must be treated differently from grown people. They must be allowed to blow off steam and dispose of their surplus energies. You cannot help boys by mistreating- them. You must handle them gently and with tenderness. That Is the only way to benefit them." It is now between 10 and 12 years since Major Newell left Portland to become military instructor at Vashon School, where his severity with the boys, it is said, caused his dismissal. For several years he was machinist at the "Willamette Iron "Works and also at Wolff & Zwlcker's. and is said to have been a good workman. He tried to run an undertaking establish ment in the Holman block on Grand ave nue and Bast "Washington street, but failed. For several month. prior to his de parture Major Newell tried to induce the Portland Board of Education to establish an industrial school in connection with the public schools, appearing before the board several times to urge his project, but his scheme was turned down. ' Major Newell was a member of George "Wright Post. G. A. R., and was prominent in gatherings of the veterans, but was considered by his comrades as a man of peculiar disposition. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, Dec. 8. Maximum temperature, 44 dec; minimum, 38. River reading at 11 A. M., 3.2 feet: ch suite In past 24 hours. rlw 2.4. Total precipitation, 5 P. II. to C P. M., 0.01 inch; total since September 1, 1904, 10.17 Inches; normal, 13.46; deficiency, 3.29. Total sunshine December 7, 1904, 38 minutes; pos-. Bible, S hours and 48 minutes. Barometer (re duced to sea level), at 5 P. M., 30.04. PACIFIC CO A ST WEATHER. Wind. STATIONS. Baker City Bismarck Boise Eureka Helena Kamloops, B. C... North Head Pocatello , Portland Red Bluff Roseburg ......... Sacramento Salt Lake City.... San Francisco .... Spokane Seattle Tatoosh. Island .... Walla Walla .142:0.00, !NW Cloudy Cloudy .IM O ( HI IN . 44 0.00 .!62 0.00; 8 IJQ1A Vk. W jl't cloudy S -iocay Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy Cloud' Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy r.SC.O.'oOjlO'SE NW .pUIW.W,14,l .144)0.00, 1SV .;44(O.O0J B .56 0.001 ;se .J60J T I NW .66.'O.W; "jSE O.OOi 'ISW 0.00 O N 0.01 Ine jCIoudy Cloudy (Cloudy l48:O.OOj20E Light. T trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The barometer ha fallen over Wtern Wash ington, and there is evidence of a disturbance somewhere at sea off the north coast. The rain fall during the last 12 -hours has been light and widely scattered, but threatening weather continues, and the Indications are for light rain Friday in Western Oregon and Western Washington, and light rain or enow In the eastern portions of these Kates and Northern Idaho. The winds along the will Increase and probably become high. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland at 8 P. M. for 28 hours ending at midnight, December 9: Portland and vicinity Occasional rain; south east winds. Western Oregon and Western Washington Occasional rain: southeast winds, probably In creasing to high along the coast. Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho Occasional rain or snow. Southern Idaho Cloudy and threatening. EDWARp A. BBALS. District Forecaster. CASTOR I A For Iif&nts aad CMltren. Tki KM Yw Hiyi Atwajfs Bwgtif Be&rs tie Sl$J-& coex xx Hixxxsir lxaju. Exclusive Carpet House c. w. xaewucs. Mgr. EE1I0CUTEII riBTSUlUTSUJ CIXKUCUL TMTllEtl Special r m s caade te families aad single gentle bcs. The m&a acesiest will be pleased at alt time to show rooms and sire price. A modern Turkish hath -tablish meat la the hotel. VU C. BOWERS. Manager. AUCTION SALES TODAY. By J. T. "Wilson, at ISO First street, at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. At Baker's auction-house, corner Alder and Park. Sale at 2 P. M. Geo. Baker tz Co., auc tioneers. At Gllman's auction-rooms; 4.-3 Washing ton street, at 10 o'clock A. M. S. Li X. GUman, auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. WEBFOOT CAMP WOODMEN . OF WORLD Meets this (Friday) even ing in W. O. W. Hall, 10th and Washington sts. All members come out to night and hear about the big time. Applications are rolling In. Come. C A. ELLIOTT, C. C. A. L. BARBUR. Clerk. WOODMEN OF- THE WORLD, MULTNOMAH CAMP NO. 77 Meets Friday nights In their forest. East Sixth and East AI- i cejiea ay any camp in the order. Come and I meet with us. J. M. WOODWORTH, Clerk. MT. TABOR LODGE. NO. 42. A. F. &.A. M. Stated communication this (Friday) evening 7;S0, Ma sonic Hall. Grand ave. and Burn- flld All f M onrHlnll.. By order W. M. GEO. P. LENT. Sec. MYRTLE CHAPTER. No. 15, O. E. S. Regular communication this iKriday) evening In Masonic Temple at 8 o'clock. Election of oBteers. By order W. M JENNIE H. GALLOWAY. Secretary. HASSALO LODGE. NO. IS. I. O. O F. Regular meeting this (Friday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. Second degree. Visitors wel come. HENRY BROWN. Secretary. DIED. EARLE William A. Earle was killed at York town. Tex.. June 7. laet. Mr. Earle has relatives In Portland. FUNERAL NQT1 CES. RYAN In Denver, Colo., Dec. 5, 1904. Kath eryn C. Ryan, aged 30 years. Funeral will take place Saturday, Dec. 10, at 8:43 A. M. from residence of her sister, Mrs. J. P O'Brien. 120 N. 17th st.; thence to the Ca thedral, 15th and Davis sts.. at 9 A M. where requiem high mass will be offered for the repoje b her soul. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. Friends invited. LIE BE At The Dalles. Or.. Dec. 0. 1104. Theodore H. Llebe. aged 5S years. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend th- funeral services, which will be held at Flnley's chapel, at 1 P. M., Saturday, Dec. 10. Interment Lone Fir jCemetery. APPERSON In this city. Dec. 7. 1904. at tne family residence. 448 Hall ft.. Jennie Appcr son. aged 38 years. 4 months and 3 days. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at Flnley's chapel, at 1 P. M. today. Services at the grave private. SINFIELD In this city. D&c. 0. 1904. Fannie M. Slnflekl. aged fll years. The funeral ierv. Ices will be held at Flnley' chapel, at 10 A. M. today. Services at the grave private. DUNNING. McENTEB & GILBAUGH successors to Dunning & tampion, under takers and embalmen. modern In every de tail. 7th and Pine. Phono Mala 43V. Ijl&j asslitatt. EDWARD HOLMAN CO.. Undertakers and embalmers, have moved to their new building-. Third and Salmon. Ladjr assistant. Telephone No. SO". J. P. FIN LEY tt SON, Funeral Directors, cor. Sd and Madison. Office of County Cor oner. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 0. V. 6. DUNNING. Undertaker. 411 rait Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East 62. NEW TODAY. New Grass Butter 55c June creamery butter 50c Best creamery 55c and 6rtc Dairy butter 40c and 45c Eggs - 25c and 30c Bacon .....124c and 15c Best sugar-cured ham 13C Arbuckle and Lion coffee .".IL'c 50c tea for 30c Remember Saturday la chicken day. Chick ens, geese,, and turkeys. All goods retailed .at wholesale prices, t LA GRANDE CREA'MERY. 2H Yamhill. . AMUSEMENTS. empire: theater Phone Main 117. GEO. L. BAKER, Mgr. PRICES Evening I5-25-35-50c Matinee I0-15-20c ALL THIS WEEK. THE BIG NEW YORK SUCCESS, DARKEST RUSSIA WE WANT YOU TO ATTEND OUR FIRST Grand Bargain Saturday Matinee THK rullPflN and 20 cents will admit J 1110 LWUriMV one adult to best .parquet seat or one school child under 12 for 10 cents. Send your children, we will take gcod care of them. 4 Nigrhts Starting Sunday Matinee. Mr. E. J. Carpenter offers the scenic sensation. A LITTLE OUTCAST A play with heart Interest and de lightful comedy. Marquam Grand Theater w.t.mmis Phone Main S6S.- This afternoon at "7t o'clock. Tomorrow afternoon and night. 3 and 8:30 Ben Greet Players in "EVERYMAN." Great Morality Play of the 15th century. Prices Matinee and tomorrow night, lower floor $1.50. SI; balcony. SI, 75c, 30c; gallery 50c; boxes and loges, 10. Marquam Grand Theater Re?MS?Ble Phone Main 868. All week, beginning Monday, Dec, 12. 1904, Special price matinee Saturday. Portland's Favorite Actress. FLORENCE ROBERTS KEPERTOIRE. Monday and Tuesdays nights "Zaxa Wednesday night. "Teas of the D'nrberrlllea" Thursday night .. "The Adventure of Lady Ursula" Friday nlgbt, Saturdity afternoon "A Doll's. House Saturday night.. "Mnrta of the Lowlands" Evening prices Entire lower floor 1; bal cony. $1, 75c, 50c; gallery. 25c and 35c; boxes and loges. $7.50. Special matinee prices Entire lower floor, 75c: entire bal cony, 50c; gallery. 23c and 33c. Seats are now selling. COLUMBIA THEATER A. H. BALLARD, Lessee aad Manager. Fourteeath. and Washington Streets. All this week, matinee Saturday. The Superb Columbia Stock Co. Presenting Charles Dixon's great fare comedy "Mistakes Will Happen" A decided hit. crowds and great success. Under new management. Public and company delighted. Evening prices. 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c; loge cir cle 75a Matinee prices, 10c. 13c, 25c; loge circle, 50c Box office open all day down town. 10 A. M. to 7 P. M.. at Dolly Varden Candy Shop In Marquam bldg., 327 Mcrrl sbn st. After 7 P. M. at theater. Next Week, "The Prodigal Daughter." The Grand Theater A Wonderful Offering TODAY NEW BILL TODAY Le Mont's Dog, Cat and Monkey Circus. SEAMAN AND ROGERS. The Professor and the Coon. THE KINGSGURVS. Eccentric Musical Novelties. JAMES It. AND MAUD BYAN, Character, Comedy aad Dancing. . Murphy and Andrews. Mr. Alt Bonner, Pictured Melodist. The Flying Weavers, Trapeze. The Markleys. Baajotsts. "Kit Carson," the Graadloecose. Admission to any seat 10c; box seats. 25c. OREGONIAN COUPON No. 25 Coupon No. 25 STAR THEATER Friday Matlne, Dec 9, 1904. This coupon and 5c- entitles holder to one admission when presented at box office. BAKER THEATER KZATIKG & FLOOD, Managers. Third and YamhllL LARGEST CONTINUOUS VAUDEVTLIJt BOUSE IN THE WORLD. EVERY SEAT 10c On performance afternoon; two every evening. THE ARCADE THEATER The origiaal family vaudeville house. This Week. CAMPBELL AND SHEPP. MONTAGUE SISTERS. T1IE FENTONS. BILLY KANTZ. GENEVIEVE ARDELL. AMERICAN BIOSCOPE. Shows 2:30 to 4:30 P. M.. 7:30 to 10:39 P. M. Admission. 10c to any seat. LYRIC THEATER iCorner Alder and Seventh.) HIOM-CLASS ' REFINED VAUDEVILLE 2:50 to 4:30; 7:30 to 10:30; Sunday. 2 to 10 P. M. This ad. and 100 will admit two peopM any matlnte. except Sunday and holidays. TEX CENTS NO HIGHER. BIJOU THEATER Sixth St.. opposite Oregonlan. This Week's Programme: THE MARGEbONS, Violet, Ross and Little Angel. IlILLEBRAND, STRONG MAN. BERT NEWELL. LEO & SULKY. GRACE DARN LEY. Afternoons from 2 to 4:30; evenings from 7 to 10:30; Sundays, continuous from 2 to 10:30. Admission, 10 cents. NEW TODAY. OLD GOLD. JEWELRY MADE OVER OR exchanged; diamonds, precious stones, loose and mounted: watches. Jewelry repaired; close prices; good work. Tlngry. the Jeweler, N. E. cor. 3d and Washington, Breeden bldg., upolalrs. TWO-STORY HOUSE. CORNER LOT, 50x100; grocery In lower story: stock worth from $400 to $500; all for sale for flSOO; thU Is a great snap. Knapp & Mackey. Room 2, Chamber of Commerce. NEW 4-ROOM COTTAGE LOT 50x100; TOI let and bath: good basement, eta: for sale cheap if taken at once: price $1000. Knapp & Mackey, Room 2, Chamber of Commerce. The Center of Albina We offer for sale a number of lots in Evans Addition Prices are reasonable. W will build for you. You can pay In Installments. PORTLAUD TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON 100 Third s'treeL' CLASSIFIED AD. SATES. "Reams," "3lems and Beard." "Haase keeylag Rooms," "SltBstteas Wasted." IS ward or less, 15 cesti; 18 te - mrds, 2ft cents; 21 to 25 words, 25 ceats, etc. No dis cs ant for addJtieal laxertloai. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, exceyt "New Today," 39 ceats for 15 words or less; 16 to 29 words. 49 ceats; 21 to 25 werdj. 89 cents, etc. first Insertion. Each addltleaal taiertiBB, one-half; no further diicoaat un der oae Enoath. IMPORTANT The low secead-tlme rate ea advertising that runs either la the el&jakfted oelaBins, or under head "Net? Today." will be given oaly wfaes adrertlslag U laserted ea coBsecntive days. Dally aad Sanday issues. AdvertUiag that la cchedaled to appear at Intervals of oae or more days as art will be charged for at full ose-Ume rate each In sertion. "NEW TODAY" (gauge measare agate), 13 cents per line, flrst Insertion: 19 cents per line for each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Orecoalas, aad left at this efBce, thoald always be Inclosed la sealed en velopes. No stamp Is reqtdred on. such letters. The Oregonlan will sot be responsible for errors in advertisements tabes tareegh the telephone. NEW TODAY. TURNING POINT When a young man opens a savings ac count with "THE OLDEST TRUST COMPANY IN OREGON" (CAPITAL, $300,000) He has reached a turning point in his ca reer. Thereafter, perseverance mokes success certain. Do not be afraid to begin with a small deposit. You will be made welcome. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY IF OREGON 109 Third Street. BEN J. I. COHEN , President H. L. PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary FOR SALE: Vorthington Compound Duplex Pump, second hand, A I condition. Size 10x18x14x10. Deliver ing 875 gallons per min ute. Check valve, lub ricator, etc., complete. Iaqulre A. W. Cochraa, Oregaalan Building. Mortgage Loang 5and Upwards Real Estate City and Farm Insurance in All Lines A. H. 13 lit K ELL, 202-3 McKay Building. Third and Stark. FINE CHANCE. 100x100. on Overton, between 19th and 29th with house used as flat and will rent for $40 per month; can sell vacant lot separ ately. If desired: price onlx S4500. RUSSELL BLYTH. 82 Sd st, cor. Oak. LUMBER We want about 2000 'poles. 4x4 topa, 4x butts, 22 feet long, or round cedar poles, Jan uary delivery f. o. b. cars. Must be high mountain timber, butt cuts. Quote price with particulars to "Lumber." 313 Alisky bidg., 3d and Morrison eta., Portland. MORI GAGE LOANS On Pert land real cataU at lowest rats. Tttlts Insured. Abstracts furalshsd. Title Guarantee & Trust Co., I Chamnsr or Comaerea. WANTED CAS CAR A. GRAPE ROOT. Rosenberg Bros. Sz Co.. 200 Washington. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. THE WESTERN REAL ESTATE CO.. SUITE 100-101 Sherlock bldg.. cor. 3d and Oak. Portland. Or. Telephone Main 1440. We are the people. The company doing the great est business on the Pacific Coast. We have over 00 rooming-houses and hotels, any location, and any number of rooms. In the city. Farm land In and out of Portland of every description. Quick deal, straight forward business and courtesy our policy. If you wish to buy. if you wish to sell, get acquainted with us. Correspondence so licited. Call and see us. FOR SALE. $4750. Very choice 7-room house, on Willamette Heights, thoroughly modem; price baa been put away down to insure quick sale: see this at once. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANT. 100 Third street. ACRE TRACTS WE MAKE A SPECIALTY at handling acreage: we have tracts In side of city limits or outside; soma ar directly on car line; all are accessible, one acre or more; prices very low; terms to suit. A. C. Churchill A- Co., 110 Second street. FOR SALE. J400O. Quarter block on Marshall st.. nesr Good Samaritan Hospital; street Improvements mads and paid for; a choice corner. . PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. 100 Third street. FOR SALE UP-TO-DATE. 3 LARGE roomed cottage, modern: grounds 100x100; nice barn, woodshed, chicken park, vartoty frult; streets improved; sewer: will take small farm In exchange near city. Phone Union C06U. Premises 8T3 E. 10th St., North FOR SALE. $230.00. In Woodstock. Portland's most attractive suburb: lots 100x100; every lot a corner; $10 down. $10 per month. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANT. 109 Third etreet. NEW 5-ROOM HOUSE. LARGE FRUIT trees, house all complete, only $050; wll! rent for $12. See owner, Joe Nash. In white house, at Nashville Station, on Mt. Scott car. NICE MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE. GAS. electric lights, nicest place In Upper Al bina; $2150. half cash, balance on time. Call at 32S San Rafael St.. cor. Rodney $600 NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE, BATH, toilet and first-class: not quite finished in side, only $B00. See owner, J. F. Truelson. at Tremont. on Mt. Scott car. 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on O. W. . electric line. O. R. Aadttlon. Lents. Or Take Mt. Scott ear.-Sc. LOT 25x100 AND TWO HOUSES FOR SALE, bet. Wash, and Alder, on Lownsdale. In quire 123 Lownsdale st. FOR SALE DESIRABLE 7-ROOM HOUSE West Side; modern Improvements. J 21, Oregonlan. SIX LOTS ON WEST AVE., $250 EACH. Address owner. 62 Gilliam are., Mt. Tabor. HOME CORNER LOT. 9 "ROOMS. S873 CASH. Berry A Alexander. 4 N. 6th. $1230 WILL BUY 4-ROOM HOUSE. LOT 34x 60. at 423 Front St.; terms. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE WANT WEST SIDE RESIDENCES $3000 to $10,000; also business properties, $5000 to $20,000. Have buyers. L. W. Whiting & Co.. 405 Ablngton bldg. WEST SIDE INCOME PROPERTY. $10,000 to $12,000; principals and written. proposi tion only. S 20. Oregonlan. TO BUY HOUSE AND LOT OR SUBURBAN acreage place from $800 to $3000. Q 20. Oregonlan. t FOR SALE FARMS. 47 ACRES. BLACK VALLEY LAND. LEVEL and all In cultivation'; half mile R. R. sta tion; $45 per acre. 06 acres, mostly river bottom land, half mile town on West Side R. R.. all highly cultivated; price $3000. 220 acres, all plow land, house, barn, run ning water: half mile depot; price $40 per acre. 230 acres, over 200 cultivated, two houses, two barns. 1500 Italian prunes, good ago; half mile town; a fine farm; $45 per acre. 1276 acres, good wheat land, in Eastern Oregon, one good crop often pays for such land; new R, R. building near by; must be mostly cash at $15 per acre; other gootl wheat lands from 160 acres up, we will sell at $10 to $15 per acre. B. S. COOK. 251 Alder. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED 80 acres with 40 under plow, other 40 cov ered with brush and cordwood timber; eoil Is rich, lays good and nicely watered, 300 bearing fruit trees of which 100 are cho!c Winter apples: a large S-roora 2-story house nicely flnlehed. woodshed, chicken-house, 2 large bams, good fences; 2 cows, 2 2-year-old, mare and colt; all kinds farming tools; about 10 lone of hay: on good county road, y-mlle from good school aad 3 miles from Carrollton. a town on the N. P. Ry. and Co lumbia Ittver. Price $2000 with $1000 down, or will take half of valuation In desirable Portland property with $600 down. Imus & Wllloughby. Kalama. Wash. DAIRY. FRUIT OR HOP FARM 240 ACRES; 20 miles out; cuts puw worm nay; can run 100 dairy cows: 2 barn; 6-room house: 7 acren fruit; makes big money; only $45 per acre: cheese factory. C. H. Winner. 204 Macleay Bldg. Exceptionally fine Improved farm. 53 acres, east of Portland; electric car. 227 Front. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT FOR TERM OF YEARS. STOCK ranch of 1500 acres on McKenxle River. For sale. 100 cattle, S horses. 200 sheep and goats, 50 tons hay; hogs, tools, etc. Ad dress E. P. Cadwell. Seaburg. Or. Will be at Perkins' Hotel. Portland. 'Dec. 11 and 12. TO EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE A $1000 CALIFORNIA fruit ranch In Santa Clara Valley for a stock and grass ranch. Address C. 3., Cor. Portland, Or.. Taylor-st. dock. IF YOU HAVE PORTLAND PROPERTY TO trade for a farm see our "ad" In the column "Farms for Sale." Imus & Wllloughby, Kalama. Wash. LAND SCRIP. FOREST HESBRVB SCRIP. AeroTtf. unrestricted, ready for imraitillaft e. LOWEST PRICSfi. 33. X. ft F. B. Riley. 60S Chamber Commerce. APPROVED FOREST RESERVE SCRIP for securing title timbered or agricultural land. H. B. Compson. 61S Marquam bldg. FOREST RESERVE. SANTA FE AND OTH & guaranteed land scrip oa hand ready to locate. Maginnls St Son. 227 Falling bldg. FOREST RESERVE AND ALL OTHER crips: general land practice. Collin Land Co.. Concert Bldg. FOX SALS. Horses, Vehicles aad Haraess. FOR RENT STALLS FOR HORSES BY day. week or month; price reasonable; one of the cleanest and moat convenient places In the city. 248 Front. A COVERED GROCERY WAGON IN GOOD condition. Bulllvant's Grocery, 13th and Jefferson sts. WOLFSTEIN buys and sells horses, wagons, harness, buggies, farm Implement. 227 Frost, t LARGEST STOCK OF NEW AN 2D-HAND vehicles on Coast, for sale or hire. 211 Wash. FOR SALE FINE HORSE AND BUGGY cheap. Inquire stable, 12th and Jefferson. FOR SALE HORSES BY W. E. JACOBS. 134 East 34th sU Phone Union 1632. Miscellaneous. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair it with Elaterlte; It rolls, easy t lay; needs no painting or coating; good ovsr eld Iron, tin or shingles; best for new roofs. Elaterlte Hoofing Co.. room 2. Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables: easy payments; we rent tables, with prlvllegs of buying. Mod era bar fixtures, cheap prices. Brunswick-Balks-Collender. 49 3d st. ' 1 'NCU HULL FOR SALE. 56 FEET long. 12 feet beam; can be knocked down or finished; for particulars Inquire Gra ham boatyard, foot E. Pine st. FOR SALE, CHEAP A 16-HORSE. POWER boiler and 8-horee power engine; In good running condition. Inquire at City Market, 295 1st at. A SPANISH-MAKE ROSEWOOD MANDO Hn. $8: will coat at any muelc store twice that amount. Uncle Myers. 143 3d, near Alder. NEW BANK OR OFFICE FIXTURES, quarter-sawed oak. modern design; very handsome. C 22. Oregonlan. FOR SALE SEVERAL FINE PURE BLUE whlte diamonds. &-k.. at half value. 612 Commercial block. Moving picture film, rong slides, maglo lan tern. T. P. Andrews. 109 Moat. 8. F.. CaL .1 Bargains In typewriters, supplies, office goods, rubber stamps, safe. Coast Co., 231 Stark, FOR SALE. CHEAP JERSEY AND GUERN sey cow; 3 gallons. 700 E. ISth at.. South. FOR SALE ABOUT 3000 OLD BRICK. $4 per 1000. S. e. comer Front and Oak sts. Oliver typewriters. S. H. typewriters, all makes. Norrls Safe & Lock Co.. 84 3d st. BICYCLE CLOSING OUT BALE $40 WOLFF Americans now $23. 7th and Morrtsoa. HELP WANTED MALE. THE ORIGINAL JOHN A. MOLER HAS opened one of his famous barber colleges at 644 Clay St., San Francisco; special Induce, ments this month; positions guaranteed; tui tion earned while learning. Call or write Chas. Hslstead. agent. 215 Morrison St.. Portland. LOGGERS. MILL AND TaRDMBN. LAB erers, city and country; men aad team, farmhands and mil tears, restaurant and Biesa-bouse help; work f all kinds. Ca cadlan Employment Co., 249 Burnside aad 226H Morrison. Phone Main 807c. PERSON TO CALL ON RETAIL TRADE: established business; $26 and expense paid weekly; expense money advanced; position permanent; previous experience not essen tial. Address Trade Manager, 323 Dear born, Chicago. WE SEARCH THE WORLD FOR MEN; WE have to, to fill the positions we now havo open for competent managers, salesmen, office and technical men. Call or write Pacific Com mercial Bureau, suite 45, Concord block, 2d and Stark. WANTED SINGERS. ACTORS. MUSI clans. for Portland World's Fair, vaudeville circuit and traveling companies. Newman's Vaudeville Circuit, Raleigh, 6th and Wash ington. LEARN BARBER TRADE AT GILLETT. Teaches vou free in shops; practical meth od: wages while learning; no fake barber college. 611 Commercial st.. San Francisco. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED ATTBND ant In a private aanltariuro: one who under stands massage and the uee of electricity. Address G 21. Oregonlan. WANTED PHYSICIAN, REGISTERED IN Montana for position in medical institute; good salary: fine opening for good man. Address T 31. Oregonlan. WANTED BRIGHT MAN TO TAKE AN IX terest In well-paying buslneM: must have $25 cash: buslnesu will pay $75 to $100 per month. K 20. Oregonlan. WANTED PASTRY. SHORT ORDER AND dtnner cook: must be first-class; wages $12 per week, at Mosler's Railroad Eatlng House, Roseburg, Or. WANTED CARRIERS FOR NEWSPAPER routes, West Side, 7 to 9 evenings, $10 per mo. B. B. Rich. 103 3d st. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE NEWLY opened: special Inducements to young men to learn trade. 267 Flandei. WANTED AN ACTIVE YOUNG MAN with some experience to deliver groceries. 374 Washington -st. WANTED FIVE SOLICITORS. SALARY OR commission. $4 to $10 per day. 23 Labbe bldg.. Portland. STRONG BOTS TO CARRY MORNING papers. Apply between 4 and 5, Oregonlan office. BOY WITH AVHBEL. AFTER SCHOOL AND Saturdays; steady. Palace Market. 260 Yam hill. Men wanted to learn barber trade. Bar bar College. 741 Howard st.. San Francisco. DR. WALKER. 181 1ST.. CURES ALL PRI vate diseases of men. FIRST-CLASS WAFFLE BAKER - WANT5 ed. r 19, Oregonlan. HELP WANTED MALE. SASH AND DOOR MACHINE MEN AND boys to learn planing mill business. Nicolal Brother Co. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WOMEN TO SEW AT HOME, $9 PER week; materials seat everywhere free; steady work, plain sewing only. Send ad dresed envelope for full particulars. W. J. W.. Du Pont. Philadelphia, Pa. DOMESTIC HELP OF ALL KINDS CHAM term aids, cooks, waitresses; nurse girls, second girls, housekeepers, housework. $15 to $30. Canadian Parlors. 2284 Morrison. Phone Main 1323. DRAMATIC, VAUDEVILLE ACTING, stage dancing, sketches taught: terms rea sonable; positions guaranteed. Newman's School of Acting. Kalelgh bldg.. 6th and Washington. WANTED SINGERS. ACTORS. MUSI clans. for Portland World's Fair, vaudeville circuit and traveling companies. Newman's Vaudeville Circuit, Kalelgh, 6th and. Wash ington. WANTED YOUNG LADY TO LEARN nurtsn'a profession; aged 20-25. of good ad dress and In good health. For particulars address Sunnystde Hospital Tenlno, Wash. A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; must be good cook; good wages to right party. Apply 228 Union ave., X., near Holiday aye. HOTEL LAUNDRESS. $30 (BOARD, room); girl dishwasher, domestic. Mt. Ta bor, waitress, everybody. Drake, 205 H Washington. GENTLEMAN OWNING HAND LAUNDRY desires experienced woman partner: no money required. 230i Yamhill. Phone Black 2S81. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS, waiters, chambermaids, general workers. St. Louis Agency, 230 & Yamhill. Phone Black 2881. WANTED OrRLS TO LEARN MILLINERY whole coursa taught In 1 month, $10. Ap ply at Hotel Brown, room 220. Tel. East 802. WANTED A COOK IN RESTAURANT cooking family style; no short-order house; good wages. Call 90 N. 3d. cor. Flanders. WANTED GOOD AMATEURS FOR SKETCH teams, musical acts. etc. Room 35, Ralelgn, 6th and Washington. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework. 123 14th st, bet Wash ington and Alder. WANTED NEAT GIRL FOR SECOND work, with some experience. Alton Court, 11th and Yamhlllt WANTED EXPERIENCED WAITRESS for private boarding-house. 394 Alder st The Montgomery. WANTED A GERMAN OR SWEDISH GIRL or woman for housework. Gall 217 Ore gonlan Bldg. WANTED A WOMAN FOR HOUSEWORK and take care of children. Call at 245 Adams st WANTED YOUNG GIRL 16-18. FOR HELP and care of baby. Inquire mornings. 300 12th. WANTED GIRLS TO SEW ON FURS. AP ply at SHverfleld's, cor. 4th and Morrison sts. WANTED GIRL FOR CHOCOLATE DIP per. Boston Candy Co., 424 Washington st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; good pay. Apply 414 7th, cor. Hall. WANTED EXPERIENCED OFFICE GIRL. Apply S. P. McGulre, 416 Oregonlan bldg. WANTED YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST WITH light housework. Apply 246 Halsey st STENOGRAPHER WANTED: MODERATE salary. Apply 318 Ablngton bldg. QIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. AP ply 692 Hancock st. Irvlngton. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 237 N. 22d. cor Northrup. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. AP ply 400 Tillamook st WANTED GIRL TO WASH DISHES AT 106 N. 7th. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. .Bookkeepers aad Clerks. YOUNG MAN OF GOOD EXECUTIVE ability and wide practical experience, who is an expert stenographer and first-class, all-around office man. desires employment; would work on salary or Invest in satis factory business; best references. N 19, Oregonlan. REGISTERED DRUGGIST DESIRES Po sition in city. F 11. Oregonlan. MlsoellaBe aa- WANTED POSITION AS MANAGER OR foreman in steam laundry: have had 2D years' experience In and Intelligent study of the business in large plants; am young, progressive, temperate in habits; have good executive ability and fitted to handle any size plant; desire an opening where hard work and attention to business will be ap preciated. H. E. Cleaver. Los Angelea. A HANDY YOUNG MAN OVER 16. GOOD habits, can care for horses and milk, would like work in or near Portland. D 21, Ore gonlan. YOUNG MAN. MARRIED. BEEN IN CITY two weeks: must have work of some kind at once. Room 51, Burnslde Hotel, city. JAPANESE BOY WANTS A POSITION, work by half-day. or where he can attend day school. Phone Clay 834. JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION AT tend to school; wages no object. R 20, Oregonlan. YOUNG JAPANESE BOY WANTS A Posi tion to do housework, any kind help. B 21, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN SOME EXPERIENCE, wants work in store or office. K 21. Ore gonlan. A FIRST-CLASS BAKER ON BREAD AND cakes; position, city or country. D 20. Ore gonlan. GOOD JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSPTION dishwashing or houseworklng. V 20, Ore gonlan. A JAPANESE BOY WANTS SUCH A SrTU atlon as can attend school. B 20. Ore gonlan. YOUNG MAN WOULD LIKE WORK; AGE IS years. Apply telephone Main 5489. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. fiousekecpers. 8ITUATION WANTED YOUNG WIDOW with girl 3. housekeeper widower's family. 230 YamhllL Phone Black 2881. BY MIDDLE-AGED LADY A3 WORKING housekeeper for widower; will go In coun try. C 13, Oregonlan. Dressmakers. DRESSMAKING PARLORS. ROOM 217. Alisky bldg. Tailor-made suits and wraps of 1I kinds. Jackets rellned. Skins bound and pressed for $1. Prices reasonable. PLAIN SEWING. SHIRTWAISTS. 60c UP. 270 Market st. bet 3d and 4th. Domestics. SITUATION WANTED CAPABLE SWED Ish girl, family cook, wages 23; East Side preferred; experienced nurse girl. Cham bermaids. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2881. t SITUATION DESIRED GENERAL HOC3E work: wages from $15 to $20. B 22, Ore gonlan. Nurses. SITUATION WANTED REFINED MID-dle-agcd woman as nurse, or housekeeper: references. 230 1? Yamhill. Phone Black 2831. EXPERIENCED NURSE WANTS CARE OF an Invalid lady. Phone Union 2S3S. Miscellaneous. TELEPHONE DRAKE FOR HELP: TEN waitresses, chambermaids, cooks, dishwash ers. 100 housework girls, housekeeper. 205i Washington. COMPETENT WOMAN WISHES DAY vork Thursdays and Fridays; cleaning, sweeping or laundering. Phone Main 1625. PARTY LIVING OUT OF TOWN WOULD like girl to take care of; can give refer ences. M 21, Oregonlan. GIRL WANTS WAITRESS OR UPSTAIRS work, boarding-house or hotel; will leave city. P 12. Oregonlan. ELDERLY WOMAN WOULD LIKE WORK lit delicatessen or boarding-house. O 21, Oregonlan. COMPETENT WOMAN WANTS WASHING. Ironing, or any kind of work, by "day, "-MS Vaughn; st