Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 21, 1904, Page 14, Image 14

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Lucid Intervals Relieve Strain
on the Officials.
Meier & Frank Store's Thanksgiving Cloak and Suit Sale
J Great Special Thanksgiving Sale of Women's and Children?s Handkerchiefs, the Best Bargains in Portland
i .
One Man, In St. Louis States That His
Father Knew President Goode
When He Started West With
Lewis and Clark.
Some strange notions exist, of the
Lewis and Clark Exposition In differ
ent sections of the country, as the cor
respondence received at headquarters
frequently shows. Of course, the aver
age correspondent knows whereof he
Is writing, but not a few Instances of
laughable ignorance on the subject are
displayed. In fact, extracts m from the
correspondence that is received for a
World's Fair would make a very cred
itable display in itself If there were a
comic department.
There are letters from every con
ceivable portion of the United States,
most of them, to be sure, intelligent
and business-like, but many of them
the Idiosyncracles of people who have
formed their own ideas of the Ex
position. One notion that has seized many corre
spondents is that the Exposition is being
built and promoted by two gentlemen
named respectively Lewis and Clark. For
instance, a letter was received during the
past week addressed to "Messrs. Lewis
and Clark, Gentlemen." It went on to
state that the writer had "heard of tho
Fair which "you two gentlemen" are get
ting up, and asked for the name of tho
leading Portland newspaper.
He Knew President Goode.
In the same connection a laughable in
stance occurred a short time ago at St.
Louis during the visit of President Jeffer
son Myers, of the Lewis and Clark'State
"While Mr. Myers was sitting In the Ore
gon State building, a darkey from Ken
tucky called on him and asked for the
address of President Goode. It will be re
called that a majority of the Lewis and
Clark party were Kentucklans, and, there
fore, the Blue Grass State has heard much
about the Lewis and Clark Fair, which
had come to the ears of the negro in ques
tion. The ebony-hued visitor at once
asked for the address of President Goode.
"Mah ole dad he done know this yah
.Mistah Pres'dent Goode when he leave
Kalntuck with Mistah Lewis an Clark,"
said the negro. "I done wants foh to
write to him ah' get a job."
"Your father knew President Goode
when he left with Lewis and Clark for
the "West!" exclaimed the startled Mr.
"Yais, sah! He done knowed him fo a
fact," responded the darkey. "He tol' mo
about it mo times 'an once, and we's all
glad to know Mistah Goode Is gittin along
out than."
"Don't you think President Goode must
be getting pretty old by this time," asked
the Commission President.
"Ah, they don't nevah die, sah, aout
thah in that country, do they?" asked the
darkey In a tone that implied he believed
the West to he a place of eternal life.
Concerning Huge Logs.
facts concerning the magnificent For
restry building have caused much atten
tion throughout the country. Several let
ters have been received asking as to the
real dimensions of the logs of which the
great log cabin is to be built. One corre
spondent wished to know if the logs really
are 20 feet thick, as he had heard.
C. A. Matthews, general agent of the
Northern" Pacific passenger department,
was marvelling at the monster logs during
the visit of the official Northern Pacific
party at the grounds Friday.
"I don't believe they are ten feet thick,
though," remarked Mr. Matthews. "1
was talking to some tourists in Chicago,
who had seen the building," said Mr. Mat
thews, "and they told me it was the most
wonderful thing they had ever seen in
tnelr lives. They said the logs of which
it was made were ten feet thick, and that
there was but six logs to a side, the
building being CO feet high."
A letter received during the week throws
some better light on the ravages of her
edity as a leveler of family honors. A
man who is a janitor in a St. Louis building-
asked that a day be set apart at the
Lewis and Clark Exposition for the people
of all branches of the family bearing his
" name. He said they are descended from
powerful Norman Barons, and that his
forebears had done much toward the mak
ing of early English history. The name
is an obscure one, and perhaps there are
not 60 people of the name in America.
Family reunions, however, are being en
couraged by the Exposition management.
There will be reunion for the descendants
of Captain Lewis, and some dozens of the
Lewis family have already announced
their intention of coming here. It would
be particularly pleasing to the Exposition
to have full and complete reunions of the
entire Smith and Jones families.
Five Hundred Boys and Girls Attend
Mass Meeting at Centenary.
"The American boy makes a noise. He
makes things move, and so in this cigar
ette movement he has caused a great
noise In this city that will make for good."
Rev. William Hoppe, D. I., of Centen
ary Methodist Episcopal Church.
"I am most heartily in sympathy with
this anti-cigarette movement. You can't
do much for the cbnflrmed cigarette
smoker, but we can save the boy from
acquiring the habit, and thus preserve
him for a useful and honorable life."
Rev. Andrew Montgomery, of Third
Presbyterian Church.
"I do not know which is the worst, the
cigarette or the drink habit, and I am
heartily glad this antl-clgarette movement
has been started here in Portland. It is
backed not only by the church, the school
teacher and the home, but by the business
men of the Nation." Rev. E. Nelson Al
len, of the First Cumberland Presbyte
rian Church.
The above Is the gist of the remarks
made at the mass meeting held yesterday
afternoon in Centenary M. E. Church, in
the line of the cigarette crusade now be
ing carried on by Rev. W. R. Struble in
Portland. Over 500 boys and girls were
present and applauded the speakers heart
ily. Dr. Struble closed the meeting with
an earnest talk, and announced that he
estimated that about 4000 pupils of the
Portland schools had become members of
the Anti-Cigarette League. He read re
ports from the Stephens School, showing
300 members, and from the North Central
and Central, with ECO more. He an
nounced that the campaign would go on.
and that some monster mass meetings
were being arranged for in the Armory
and elsewhere.
Old People Have Their Troubles.
The most common ailments to which
people past middle age are subject are
indigestion and constipation. Fortunately
there is a remedy especially suited to
these disorders and that affords prompt
relief. It is called Chamberlain's Stom
ach and Liver Tablets. The laxative ef
fect of these Tablets Is so agreeable and
so natural that you do not realize that
it has been produced by a medicine. They
also improve the appetite and strengthen
the digestion. Write to the Chamberlain
Medicine Co., Des Moines, la., for a free
sample, and give them a trial, or get
the regular 25-cent size from your. dru
jxitU AU dxuElt .
Evening Waists Reduced
Marvelous values this week. Ex
clusive novelties in Evening and
Dress Waists; Chiffon Taffetas, Chif
fon Messalines, Crepe de Chines,
Lace, Peau de Cygnes; magnificent
styles in all shades
$16.00 Waists for $12.45 Each
$18.00 Waists for $14.25 Each
$22.00 Waists for $16.85 Each
$25.00 Waists for $ 18.45 Each
$28.00 Waists for $22.45 Each
$32.00 Waists for $24.45 Each
$45 .OO Waists for $32.50, Each
Silk Petticoats
All high-class Petticoats reduced.
$14.00 Values at 310.85
$16.50 Values at $12.95
$25.00 Values at $20.25
$28.00 Values at $21.25
$18.00 Values at $14.65 $30.00 Values at $23.15
$22.50 Values at $17.45- $32.00 Values at $25.35
$40.00 Values at $31.25
$42, $44 Suits $31.45 Ea.
"Women's handsome Suits in Direc
toire, blouse or tight-fitting styles,
with or without vests, and me
dium length jackets in mannish
mixtures; Cheviots, Coverts and
Tweeds; black, navy, tan, grays,
light and dark mixtures; this sea
son's $40.00, $42.00 and $44.00
Suits, on sale Thanksgiving week
at the marvelously AK.
low price of
$50 Costumes $34.3
Special purchase of 15 beautiful
Crepe de Chine Evenings Gowns,
in gray, light blue, brown, navy,
pink, white and champagne; waist
has lace yoke and clusters of
tucks; skirt is shirred to the belt;
clusters of tucks around bottom of
skirt; entire gown Taffeta Silk
lined; regular $50.00 J'i OC
value, on sale at $34ftOJ
Great special values in "Walking
Skirts and Children's Garments.
$22.50 Cravenettes $ 1 7.45
"Women's Cravenette Raglans in
blouse, plaited back, collarless,
leg-o '-mutton sleeve, fancy button
trimmed; tans, olives and Ox
fords; best $22.50 9 A,K
values, for sale at. . . v tO
"Women's Cravenettes, box plaited
with belt; tans,' olives, Oxfords;
all new, handsome styles; best
$22.50 values, for 7 A
Thanksgiving week..P
$20.00 COATS $15.45 EACH
"Women's Tan Covert Tourist Coats,
single or double-breasted, satin
lined, with or without collar, slot
seam back with belt; this season's
most desirable style, I? vl C
regular $20.00 value .F UsKJ
22-Inch Astrachan Jacket, storm collar,
leg-o'-mutton sleeve, regular $33.00
value, for this on oe
sale - 60.0j
Long1 Sable Wolf Scarf, squirrel lined, six
tails; regular-$15.00 value, C11 OK
for this sale i
Long Black Coney Scarf, six tails, . silk
cord ornaments; best $7.50 cc
value, for this sale
$2.50 Umbrellas $1.5?
Great special purchase of 500 Women's Fine Umbrellas
Twilled gloria covering: and case Immense variety of han
dles, including pearl, gold and
sterling mounted, gun metal,
horn, enamel, Dresdens, fancy
carved pearl, plain wood ster
ling mounted, etcBeautiful
styles for Christmas gifts
Values $2,$2725 and $2.50 ea.
Your choice
while they last
$ 1 .57
Mailorders will be filled
Knit Underwear
For women at low prices.
"Women's natural wool vests and
Pants, regular $1.00
values, each
"Harvard Mills" wool Vests and
Pants, natural or a9
white, reg. $2 vals..v p
"Women's Lisle- Union Suits, light
blue, pink and black, open
front, all sizes, $3.00 o
10,000 yards of all Silk, Satin and
Grosgrain Ribbons, widths 5,
7, 9 and 12, splendid for o
holiday fancy work, yard. .C
Perrins Kid Gloves 98c Pr.
e offer for today, tomorrow and Wednesday, 1000 Prs.
of P err ins Real French Kid Gloves, a great special pur
chase of this season's best styles, all sizes and the tending
shades, white, black, gray, tans, modes, oxblood, etc.r
every pair the famous Perrins' Real French Kid Gloves
that every Portland woman knows as the most satis factory
in style and wearing qualities An. immense variety to se
lect from, every pair genuine $1.50 .value An opportu
nity to buy Thanksgiving Gloves at afraction. of their real
worth Today. Tuesday aad Wednesday at, pr.
Mail Orders Filled Write Today
Thanksgiving Tableware Specials
3-piece Carving Sets, stag handles, lined box; value i e
extraordinary for Thanksgiving week set 30J
3-piece Carving Set, stag handles, sterling silver LA, AO
mountings, leather case, $6.00 value, for 40"
Cracker Jars of colored opal glass, silver-plated cover, r qq
fancy decorated; regular $2.50 value 4 I
Cut Glass Jelly Dishes, with or without handles, hand- Qi
some cut; regular $3.75 value, for this sale 4&r.
$2.00 Cut Glass Bon-Bon Dishes for eac S1.63
$3.00 Cut Glass Olive Dishes, new shape and cut each. . . .$2.56
$7.25 Cut Glass Celery Dishes, $5.98; $4.50 Cut Glass Dishes,
$3.7.6; Glass Salt and Pepper Shakers, sterling tops, ea. .12
Beautiful Cut Glass Vases, 12-inch high; $15.00 value. .$12.50
Mail orders will be carefully filled. "Write today.
Holiday Stationery Specials
Box Cabinet Paper, containing 100 sheets of paper, 50 Q-i
envelopes, best 75c values for this sale, box mZ?
Lap Tablet Box, 2 quires paper, 50 envelopes, Atr
regular $1.25 value, box 0C
New Box Paper, hemstitched design, blue, gray or white, p a
75c value, at the low price of, box
All the newest and best Box Papers at 40c, 45c, 50c, 60c, 75c, $1.00
up to $3.50 box.
Large Letter Tablet, best paper, 25c value 15
Plain "White Paper Napkins, per hundred IGd
Dennison's Sealing "Wax Sets, 50c value 39
Paper Table Sets, Ice Cream Molds, etc.
Laces and Embroideries
Cleaning up Evening Nets in white, black and cream, all the
newest and prettiest styles, big variety.
Values up to $1.25, 69c yd. Valnes up to $2, $1.1 9 yd.
Net Top Laces in white and cream widths, 4 to 12 inches, q
values 65c yard, at the low price of, yard
New lot of Corset Cover Embroideries, best styles, values q
up to $1.25 yard, at the low price of, yard JK
"White and cream Venise Appliques , t
Values up to 65c yard for, yard ...... 25
Values up to $1.25 yard for, yard . , 50
Lace Eobes at special low prices.
Chafing Dishes, 3 o'Clock Teas, Etc.
Nickel Chafing Dishes, 3-pint size with fancy cover and r ftQ
stand, very best burner, $9.00 and $10.00 values, for.. 4 0 -f
Chafing Dishes with wrought-iron stand, 3-pint size, in
best $4.00 values, for Thanksgiving week I T3F
5 o'Clock Teas, nickel, on stand or swinging kettle; fq
regular $4.25 value, for Thanksgiving week
Candle Shades, Coronation design; red and pink; regu- a
lar 25c values, for Thanksgiving week, each
Large Silk Candle Shades, $1.85 values each $1.48
Large assortment of Colored Candles, great bargain 3-5
Handsome Nickel Nut Crackers, great value, each 15
Great Thanksgiving bargains in Silverware, Cutlery, Dinner
Sets, Fancy China, Carving Sets, Turkey Roasters, etc.
$25,000 Worth of Oriental Rugs
At Special Sale Prices
$25,000 worth of Oriental Rugs just received They were promised us six months ago,
in time for Fall business, but collecting Oriental Rugs isn't the easiest kind of a task
Magnificent Specimens, Rugs, Hall Runners, Mats, Room sizes By far the grandest
collection ever shown in Portland and in order to encourage immediate buying we
quote a great list of wonderful valnes for the coming week Every rug a gem 3d Floor
18x36 Anatolian Mats, $5 values, for., .S3.95 $17.50 Carabagh Rugs, for this sale. . .12.95
$21.00 Belooch, reduced to $15.65 Beautiful Genjeh Rugs, $17.50 value. .$12.95
Magnificent Shirvan Rugs, $27.50 val. $21.50
$24.50 Bokara Rug for S18.85 $35.00 Moussul Rug for. .. 28.50
$95.00 Afghan Rug for S79.50 $105.00 Iran Rug for $87.00
$87.50 Feraghan Rug for. $71.00 $47.50 .Gurdez Rug for $38.00
$105.00 Cashmere Rug for $79.00 Hall Runners, rpom sized.
Rugs, Prayer Mats, in all sizes and great range of prices.
Great November Shoe Sale
We're doing the greatest shoe business In our history, the
reasons for which are quickly found by trading at the
Meier &. Frank Shoe Store Good Shoes Standard Foot
wear for women, men and children at rock-bottom prices
Women's Shoes $2.05 Pair
1000 pairs of Women's $3.00 Shoes; well place them
tion with the best $3.50 advertised shoes; vici
orjoatent tip, patent leathers,, light or heavy soles,
Cuban heel, all sizes and widths, for, pair
Mail orders will be filled at sale price.
500 pairs of "Women's Shoes, odds and ends, low heels
heels, lace and button styles, vici kid, stock or pat
ent tip, lignt or heavy soles, $2.50 and $3 vals., pr. . ,
in competi
Md, stock
and spring
MEN'S $4.00 SHOES $2.78
Men's Goodyear "Welt Shoes, patent colt, blucher
cut; box calf, lace or blucher cut; Eskimo calf,
blucher cut; very best models in all sizes and
widths; regular $4.00 values on
sale for, pair
. "Women's Felt Slippers, made in Dolgeville, Cali
forniaThe best styles, the kind other stores
advertise as $1.50 .values, you'll
find oii sale here at, pair C 3v
Misses' sizes, 68 pair; Children's, 63
Thanksgiving Linen Sale
pur Thanksgiving Linen Sale offers you choice from our
entire stock of fine Table Linens at decidedly low prices
Included will be found John S. Brown & Sons' World Famous
"Shamrock" Linens Damasks,: Napkini, - Sets The Linens
that took the grand prize and two gold medals i atitfce St.
Louis Fak When buying Table Linens buy the feesi; they
cost no more than the inferior makes!
AllHemstitched Damask Table Sets Ta
bl'e'Gldths and 1 dozen Napkins to match
$7;00; Sets for $5.80
$10.00 Table Sets for $7.65
$12.50-Table Sets for $8.,95
$15.00 Table Sets for.....; $11.90
$i&.00 Tabid- Sets -for $14.10
$20.00 Table Sets for $15.85
$25.00 Table Sets for ...$19.45 .
$2.50 Table Damasks, yard $1.98
All Napkins, Doilies, Tray Cloths, etc., at
ly reduced
50c TaTjle
60c Table
70c Table
$1.00 Table
$1.25 Table
$1.75 Table
$2.25 Table
$1.50 Table
$4.00 Table
reduced prices
Satin Damasks, alt grades, .great
Damask; yard. . ... . v. . , . 39
Damask, .yard, y . .;. . . -( 48
Damask, -yardVy'?i., .-. . . . ".66
Damask, yaxdrJ. J. 89
Damask, yard..
Damask yard . i $1.4o
Damask, 'yard ....... .. . $1.7 6
Damask yard.-:r.; .$1.21
Damask,, yard.'. . .$3.30
Doll Show Prize Winners
Handsomest-Dressed Doll
Catherine Khapp, 242 East 8th St
2d Handsomest-Dressed Doll
Mary Corbett Robertson, 259 12th St
Largest and Handsomest-Dressed Doll
Dorothy Connell, 434Larabee.St
Smallest and Handsomest-Dressed Doll
Joy Sargent, 230 N. 19th St.
Most Original Doll
Grace McKenzie, 251 King St.
Best Character Doll
Marguerite Leaman, 534 T&coma Ave.
Fanciest-Dressed Doll
Amy Lauer, 668 Everett St
Meier & Frank Special-Dressed Doll
Tonena Fay, 207 Pennoyer St.
All tho above young ladles can secure their prizes by calling? at the store te4ay.
Percales at 9c a Yard
For Monday, Tuesday and "Wednesday
we offer 10,000 yards of 36-inch Per
cales, very best colors and designs,
immense variety and remark- Q
able value, yard. -r C
Spot Cotton Crepes, in all the lead- ti.
Ins shades, for. yard 1C
30c. 35c plain Silk Orgran- o.l.
dies, best colors, yard 1C
25c to 56c Fancy French Organdies Q
for, yajs ..7v
$1.50 Velvets at 49c
2000 yards of fancy Waist and Suiting; Vel
vets, this season's very best patterns and
colorings; regular 85c, $1.00 and iq
$1.50 values on sale today at., HfZfC
Four great lots of nevr "Wool Dress Goods,
mixtures and mannish Suitings in big variety
this season's very best materials
S5c grade for, yard 65
$1.00 grade for, yard. . . .79
$1.25 grade for,"yard .-97c
$1.50 grade for, yard.. $1.27
Portieres att HalfPyice
25c patterns of Portieres, only one pair of
a pattern, marvelous values, at these prices:
$4.50 Portieres for, pair $2.25
$5.50 Portieres for, pair. . . . f$2.75
$6.50 Portieres for ,pair'. $3.25
$7.50 Portieres for, pair $3.75
Few pairs at $4.35, $4.75, 9Sjr. 97.76; values
up to flK5) pair. .
15 patterns of Cross Stripe Madras Curtains,
ranging in" Value, from .7
$1.50 to 4,75, best styles; rMUX
your choice at , PRICK