Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 17, 1900, Page 11, Image 11

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A rise In sugar and a. decline In wheat were
tho principal changes in the market situation
yesterday. Thesugar chance was 10c per 100,
which shows that the trust Is becoming more
considerate. In, the old days they always
marked prices up 25c per 100 at a time, but
now they make 'three 10? advances take the
place of he former two-bit rise. There were
no changes of Importance in the produce mar
ket yesterday, Eggs are holding firm, and
thors Is a good demand for all the butter that
Is received. Poultry cleaned up well last Sat
wday andthe week opens with the market
in coodshapij, Fxult receipts -are increasing.
and "tljersVwiH -be a further weakening in
prices beforefhe week is over.
' Bnnlc Clenrlnps.
?' Exchanges. Balances.
Portland s,..,i ? 4G7.W9 $ 02,431
Tacoma ....mi 182.705 16,005
Seattle .,., 1,003.472 270J31
SporKahe 107,830 11,430
- , V Grain, Floor, Etc
The wheat markets were very weak yester
day, on improved crop prospects "in the Middle
lYtfet and a. laok of Interest shown by the for
eign markets. Meanwhile, the growing serious
ness oi the wax troubles Is causing a big de
mand for tonnage, with an attendant stiffening
of the rates on grain ships. Nothing within
three or four months pt the port is obtainable
At Jess than 40s, and some owners are de-'
manlng 47s Od and 50s. There Is such a small
amount selling that quotations are largely
nominal at about KHTSGc per bushel, with Val
ley about tho same. Bluestem Is quiet at 5SQ
DOc-per bushel.
Wheat Walla Walla, nominal, 5550e; Val
ley. a550c, bluestem. GSD9c per bushel.
Flour Best grades, V5t(3 2u; graham,
$2 70 per barrel.
Oats Vhlte, 3435c: gray, 32033c per bushel.
Barley Feed, $MI5: brewing, fid per ton.
MJIlstutts Bran, $12 50 per ton; middlings,
19; shorts, 13; chop. ?14.
Hay Timothy. $10011; clover, S77 CO; Ore
gun wild bay, $07 per ton.
Butter, Ties, Poultry Etc.
Butter Fancy creamery, 3510c; store, 25$
27c per roll.
Eggs 1717o per dozen.
Poultry-Chickens, mixed, $C3 50 per doz
en, hens. f4&i &: Springs, $28 CO; ducks. S3
4; geese. $45 per dozen; turkeys, 10017c per '
Cheese Full .cream, twins, 12J01Se; Toung
America, 14c per pound.
Vegetables. Frnit, Etc
"Vegetables-Paronlps, SI: carrots. 75cIl;
turnips, 75c per sack; onions, $1 25 tor red,
$1 50 for silversklns; cabbage, $1 50 per cental;
potatoes, 40C0c per sack for old, DOc for
new, peas, 304c; beans, 007c; asparagus, 4
6c; cucumbers, C0375c per box.
Fruit Lemons, $3 755H. oranges. S4G4 25 pr
box for late "Yalenclas: pineapples, S4 5090
per dozen; bananas, $2 503 per bunch; Per
sian dates, 7Sc per pound; peaches, 4075c;
apricots, 50 05c; apples, SI $ 1 25 per box,
raspberries, 5 g 6c; blackberries, 3 4c per
pound; watermelons, $2 503 per dozen.
Dried fruit Apples, evaporated. IQSc per
pound; sun-dried, sacks or boxes, 436c; pears.
un and evaporated, DtffGc; plums, nitless, 4"3r
Bttc; prunes. Iullan, 35J4c; xllver. extra
.choice, 5 & 6c; flea. Smyrna. 22c; California
black, 5fi0c; do white, 10c per pound.
Groceries, lints, Etc!
Coffee Mocha, 232Sc: Jao, fancy, 2GS$32c:
Java. good. 20024c. Java, ordinary. 1820o:
Costa .Rica, fancy. lS20c; do good. 1018c; do
ordinary. 1012c per pound; Columbia, roast,
'S13 C3; Arbuckle's, $14 63; Lion, $13 C3 per
(Sugar. Cube. $6 30; eruehed, $6 80; pow
dered, $3 30; dry granulated, 5 80; extra C,
$5 20; golden C, $5 20 net, half barrels, Vic more
than barrels; maple sugar, 15 10c per pound.
Beans Small white, 3c; bayou, 4c; Lima,
6c per pound.
Salmon Columbia River, 1-pound tails, $1 3
01 60; 2-pound tails, $22 00; fancy, 1-pound
ntits, 41 C501 75; H-pound fancy flats, 85995c;
Alaska, 1-pound tails, $1 2031 30; 2-pound tails,
81 002 25.
Grain bags-Calcutta, SO 37 per 100 for spot.
"Nuts Peanuts. Cg7c per pound for raw, 9c
for roasted; cocoanuts, 00c per dozen; walnuts;
J0-llo per -pound? pme "nuts, 15c; hickory
tiuts. 7c; chestnuts. 15c; BrazlL lie; Alberta.
15c; fancy pecane, 1214c; a'lmonda, 1517&j
per pound. '
Coal oil Cases. 21&cper gallon; barrels. 17c;
Bice "Island., Ctfc; Japan. 5c; New Orleans,
4Stc; fancy head,,, X77 50 per sack.
Meat and Provisions.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers .and.
ewes, sheared, $3 508 75; dressed, 77c"per
sound; Spring lambs, 5S5&c per pound gross.
Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5; light, $4 50;
dressed, 5gCc por pound.
Yeal Largo. GH71fcc per pound small, S8
Beef Gross, top steers, $44 00; cows, S3 50
4;-dreBsed beef, 679ic por pound.
Provisions Portland pack (Shield brand):
Kama, smoked, are quoted at 13c per pound;
picnic hams, 9c per pound; breakfast bacon,
136oj bacon, CUc; backs, 01c, dry salt sides,
8c; dried beef. 17&c per pound; lard. 5-pound
palls, 10c; 10 -pound palls, 9c; 60s, 0fcc;
tierces, OHJc per pound. Eastern pack (Ham
mond's): Hams, large, 12c; jmedlum, 13e;
small, 13c; picnic bams, 0c; shoulders, 91ic;
breakfast bacon. 12c; dry salt sides, ay
0c; bacon sides, 0ft10c; backs. 0e; butts,
Ocr lard, pure leaf, kettle rendered, 6s. lOVte.
10s. lOSc
Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc
Hops 2gSc per pound.
Wool Vafiey. 1213c for coarso. 15lGo for
best. Eastern Oregon, 15lCc; mohair. 25c per
Sheepskins Shearlings, 1520c; short-wool, 25
035c; medium- ool, 3050c; long-wool, C0c-31
Pelts Bearskins, each, as -to slse, S3G13;
cubs, each, Sl5, badger, each, 50c; wildcat,
3g!75c. housecat, 525c; fox. common gray,
40oSl; do red. 31 753 50; do cross, S2 50g;
lynx, S24 50; mink, 40o$l 75; marten, dari.
Northern. $5310; do pale. pine. S24; musk
rat. 8 12c, skunk, 5O80e; otter (land), $4
(3S; panther, with head and claws perfect,
rl3; raccoon, 25ge0c: wolf, mountain, with
bead perfect $3 50 C; wolverine, S2 500;
beaver, per skin, large, $67; do medium, per
okln. 340S. do small, per skin, Sl2; do kits,
per skin $16. ,
Tallow 55)5c; No. 2 and grease 34c per
.Hides Dry hides. No. 1, 16 pounds and up
ward. 1415c; dry kip. No. 1,-6 to 10 pounds,
15c per pound; dry calf. No: 1, under 5 pounds.
IWS16c; do salted, one-third less than dty
flint; salted hides, sound steers, CO pounds and
over. 7Sc; do 50 to 00 pounds, 7)5c; do un
der 60 pounds and cows. 7c; kip, 13 to 30
pounds, 7)4fio; do veal. 10 to 14 pounds. 7Hc:
"ao calf, under 10 pounds, 7)5c; green (unsaited),
1c per pound less; culls (bulls, stags, moth
eaten, badlycut, scored hair slipped, weather
beaten -or grubby), one-third Us.
Union Pacific Enjoys a Boom on Bier
Dividend Prospects.
NEW yORK, July 10-The depression caused
on foreign exchange by the rlnlster reports
from China bad no effect In the local market,
and Indeed -did not hurt the American securi
ties in the foreign markets, Good advances
were established in London for Union Pacific
tand for Baltimore & Ohio before the opening
here, and international houses bought freely
on this market of those and other stocks. The
total purchases for London account in this
market wero estimated at 40,000 shares. The
movement in Union Pacific was the main
spring of this market all day, and Baltimore
& Ohio was also an active feature. The
movement in these stocks was primarily based
on the estimates for tho year's earnings now
made up. t ,
A statement of Union Pacific earnings having
tho appearance of authority, states that ne.i.
Teeufts for the year, exclusive -of land sales,
amount to over $20,000,000, which would indi
cate a balance of something like 0 per cent for
the common stock. This statement and tho.
fact that Inside Interests were avowed buyers
of the stock, gave color to the reports that it
is toxbo placed on a 4 per cent basis,
The,Amount-of speculation which has been
based on supposed damage to the corn crop
was made obvious by the violent break In the
prico of that certaL and tho rapid advance
in th6 stocks of corn-carrying railroads. This
helped, the Union Pacific movement, and that
stock rose aa extreme 2ft. Other gains ran
from 1 to 191 for the corn grangers, Burling
ton being conspicuous. Rock Island was
holdback. by, sympathy with tho weakness, In
Brooklyn Transit, which was ft target lor tho
bears all day, and which lost 1 net. Missouri
Pacflc broke badly In the late dealings oa
disappointment 'that no ..action on the divi
dend was taken' at a meeting 'of the directors
held today The extreme decline of 1.
coupled with the weakness in Brooklyn Tran
sit and the disposition to take profits, caused
reactions of about a point in a number of
stocks. The closing was heavy at the reac
tion. Outside of the grangers, the Pacifies and
transcontlnentals generally, the market con
tinued dull, and narrow. An early advance
In Sugar was due to a rise In the price of tho
refined product.
The bond market continued dull, and prices
moved both ways. Total sales, par value,
$030,000.. United States refunding Vx, when
Issued, old 4s, the 5s and 3s registered ad
vanced 5, 3s coupon . and new s In
tho bid price.
IT. S. 2s. ref.jg.ici0 lGcn. Electric 5s. .117
do coupon 1089ijN. T. Cent. lst..10S
do 2s, reg.,,,.100 North. Pac 2s..... OtJ
do 3s, reg 100Vi( do 4s 104J4
do coupon 110 i Oregon Nav. lets.. 107
do new 4s, regt..l3Jftl do 4s 102
do coupon ...... 1S4Vi Oregon S U 03...127J4
dold 4s, reg.1.115 1 do con. 5s... 112
do coupon .115 jBloGr. West, lsts 0SH
do 5s. reg.t 112?JSt. Paul consls...l67
do coupon 114 1st. P. C. & P. IstsllCU
DlstCoU 3-658.. .123 -do Bs .:, UStfc
Atchison adj 4s.. b35J Union Pacific 4a..l05
a & N.W. con. 7sl40iit Wis. Cent. lsts.... 8fH
do S. F. deb. 5s.l20 Southern Pacific 4s 70
D. & R. G. lsU.,102 West Shore 4s 112&
do 4s 07J4I
When Issued. Ex interest.
Tho totai sales of stocks today were 303.300
shares. The closing quotations were:
Atchison 251 Union Pac pref... Y5
Bait. &Ohlo 7C&
Can. Pacific SS5
oo prei ........ m7ij vt anasn or
OO pre! lcr
Texas & Pacific... 15
Wht. & L. E... S?4
do 2d prcf 22
Wis. Central 14
p. a. a & st. l.. 57
Third Avenue ...-HO
Adams 116
American .........153
United States 46
Wells-Fargo 123
Amor. Cotton Oil.. 84
do pref 83
Amer. Maltlnp ... 3)5
do pref 10
an. soutnern ... 411
Cbes. & Ohio 275
Chi. Gr. Western. 10v
Chi., B. & Q 124-Jl
Chi., Ind. & L.... 22)4
ao pret do
Chi. & East. HLt 93
Chicago & N. W..1539i
Chi.. R L & P...IO8I4
C C. O. & St. L. 63 ,
Colo. Southern .... 6U
do lstpref 41 K
do 2d pref 10H1
Bel & Hudson... .1UH
DCl.. LACK. A W..170
Denver & Rio Gr. 17ft'
do pref 65)5
Erie 11 '
do 1st prof 32)5
Amer, Smelt.. &. It. 87
ao pret US ft
Amer. Spirits ..... 1
do pref 17
Amer. Steel Hoep. 10
do pref 63
ur. .Norm. pref.M0i
Hocking Coal .... 13)5
Hocking Valley .. 34)4
Illinois Central ..118
Iowa Central 18
do prcf 47
Kan. C. P & O.. 17
Lake E & West.. 20)5
do pref 90
Lakb Shore ,210
Louis. Si Nash.... 72
Manhattan El ... 87
Met. St. By 149
Mex. Central .... 12)4
Mlnn.'& St. touls 54
do pref 02
Missouri Pacific . 60)4
Mobile & Ohio.... 37
M.. K. & T 10
Amer. steel & w.. s:
do pref
Amer. Tin Plate.,
dd pref ........
Amer. Tobacco .
do pref. 123
Anaconda MIn. Co. 30
Brooklyn R T 37
Colo. Fuel & Iron. 32J
Cont. Tobacco .... 24V
do pref 774
Federal teel 32J4
o pref , C5H
Gen. Electric 130
Glucose Sugar .... 51
do pre? ,. 1)7
Int. Paper 22
do prcf 63
La Clede Gas 74
National Biscuit .. 28M
do pref 81
National Lead .... 20)5
do pref 941
National Steel .... 23
do pref 63)5
N. T. Air Brake.. 135
North American .. 15)4
Pacific Coast ..... 53
do 1st pref S3
do 2d pref 61
Pacific Mail ...... 27H
People's Gas 0SU
Pressed Steel Car. 43
do pref 70
Pullman Pal. Car. 181
Stand. Rope & T.. 5)1
Sugar ...118.
do pref .....'....111
Tenn. Coal A Iron. 6615
U. S. Leather S
do pref 67)4
U. S. Rubber 23)
do pref 91
Western Union ... 70i
Republic Iron & B. 11)5
do pref 30)5
New Jersey Cent. 126 !
New Tork Cent...l2854i
Norfolk & West.. 34
do pref 77
rcrtnern racinc. off
do pref 70
Ontario & West... 10H
o. k. a n 43
do pref 70
Pennsylvania ....127
Heading 17
do 1st pref 53)4
do 2d pref US
Rio Gr. West.... 50)5
do pref 90
St. Louis & 8. F. 0
io 1st prer 60
do 2d prof S34
St. Louis &. S. W. 9
do nref 25
St Paul 110ft1
do prel.T 170
Sfc Paul & 0 110
Southern Pacific. 335
Southern Ry 11
do pref 57?4
Union .Pacific .... o
Offered. Er dividend.
Honey, Erclinngre, Etc.
SAN FRANCISCO. July 16. Sterling on Lon
don, 60 days, $4 8451; do eight, 3487)5.
. Mexican dollars 48)5SOc
- XraXts Sight. 10c; telegraph, 12)5o.
NEW TORJC July 10, Money on call VSP&
per cent; prime mercantile paper, S4)5
per cent; sterling exchange, firm, with actual
business In ban)cers.bUls at $4 87)5 for demand
and at $4. 84H4 84)4 for 60 days; posted rates,
S4 S5&4 875; commercial bills. $4 S34 63ft.
Sliver certificates Cl)402)5o.
Mexican dollars iSftc.
Bonds Government, strong; state, inactive;
railroad. Irregular.
LONDON, July 10. Money. 125Slft per cent;
consols, "08 0-10.
LONDON, July 16. Atchison, 25)4; Canadian
Pacific, 91)4; Union Pacific preferred, 70)4;
Northern Pacific preferred, 72; Grand Trunk,
63ft; Anaconda. 7ft.
Foreijrn Financial News.
NEW TORK. July 16. The Commercial Ad
vortlBer's London financial cablegram says:
Business was very dull today In the mar
kets here, which wero under the depressing
Influences of the reports of massacres In Po-
kln. Tet there was no despondency, the news
having been generally discounted during the
last fortnight Indeed, there was fairly gen
eral recovery before the session closed. In
the American department prices were firm and
dealings, though quiet were of good character
In anticipation of an advance in the Union
Paclfio dividend.
Prices for Cereals in European and
American Ports.
SAN FRANCISCO, July 16. Wheat steady
on call and weak In spot market Barley, fu
tures steady; spot barly quiet. Oats, quiet
but steady.
Spot quotations were:
Wheat No 1 Bhlpplng, SI 05; choice, $1 05;
milling. SI 0Sftl 10.
Barley Feed. 7071)4c: brewing, 8O082)5c
Oats Gray, Oregon, $1 07ftl 10; milling,
SI 101 15; red. $1 0301 17ft.
Call board sales:
Barley Steady; December, 73ftc
Corn Large yellow, $1 1531 17ft.
Chicago Grain nnd Prodece.
CHICAGO, July 16. Corn at the outset as
sumed the decidedly weak position which made
It the center of attraction on 'ahange during
the day. The opening was at a loss, and the
early trading jammed tbe price still further
down. There was practically one factor rain
In generous quantities In the corn belt Kan
sas especially. September closed weak, 3ft
3ftc under Saturday, at 40ft41c. .
In wheat. It was a case of holders con glu
ing to let go, while there was a small short
Interest to absorb offerings. The selling en
couragement was found in the corn weakness.
Board of Trade and
Stock Exchange Brokers
, . COTTON .
Chamber of Commerce -
Portland, Oregon
in weak cables from Liverpool and in rains in
the Northwest and continued more favornblo
reports from that section of tho country. As
in carm there was come recovery from tho bot
tom, but the close was weak, September ft&3tC
under Saturday, at 77)5c.
Oats acted in sympathy with corn, but were
comparatively steady 'and rather quiet Sep
tember closed )5c lower, at 24c
The provision market broke with corn, but
rallied a little from the bottom, and closed
steady at a fair decline from Saturday. Sep-,
tomber pork closed 30c under Saturday, lard
T)410c down and ribs 15c lower.
The leading futures ranged ai rollows:
Ctapnln. Hlrhest Lowest Close
July $076)5 S0 7CH 30-75)4 30 76 ,
August . 75 764 7&J5 J6X
Dcpicwvcr ... 40 to r "7
July ... 41)5 i
August 41)4 41
September ... 42 43
3S1fc ' ,4t&
40 41
OATS. - f
Julv 2314 2354 23)4 23J5
August 23& 23jk 23U fr
September ... 24 24U 23g 24
July 12 15 12 15 12 05 12 05
September ...12 47)5 12 50 1215 12 25 .
July 675 075 0 72)4 8T2)i
September ... 0S5 6 87)5 6 7Vh 0 80
October 6b0 0 37)4 6 80 6'82)5
July 0 07)5 0 70 6 625 8 70
September ... 6 00 6 07)5 6-72)4 6 85
Cash quotations were as follows:
Flour Easy. .
Wheats-No. 3, 70STl)5e; No. 2 red, TTftc;
Corn-No. 2, 4054641c; No. 2 yellow, 40H31
Oata-No. 2. 24S24&C; No. 2 white. 20)50
27)5c; No. 3 white. 2327u.
Barley Good feeding, 4042c; fair to choice
malting, 4C$4Sc.
Flaxseed-No. 1, SI 80; No. 1 N. -W., SI 80.
Timothy seed Prime, S3 15.
Mess pork 511 2512 15 per bbl.
Lard 30 GOfJ'O 77)5 per cwt
Short ribs Sides, loose, SO 707.
Shoulders Dry salted, boxed, SO 757.
Short clear sides Boxed. $7 SST 45.
Clover Contract grade, S3.
Butler Steady; creamery, 15919c; dairy, 14
Cheese Steady. 0V5$10)4c.
Eggs Steady; fresh, lie.
Receipts. Shlpm't.
Flour; barrels 16.000 27,000
Wheat bushels 65,000 193.000
Corn, bushels 480.000 634,000
Oats, bushels 164.000 614,000
Rye. bushels 4.000
Barley, bushels .-. T.000 12,000
Jfevr Tork Grain, Flour, Etc
7CEW TORK, July 10. Flour Receipts, 17,
200 hols; exports, 17,208. Market weak; Min
nesota patents, $4 4084 S5 per barrel; -Winter
straights, S3 75g4.
Wheat Receipts, 14,675 bushels; exports,
175.114. Spot weak; No. 2 red. SSfcc f. o. b.,
81)5c elevator. Options opened weak, and
throughout the forenoon declined steadily un
der active liquidation, lower cables, the break
In corn and rains in the Northwest An after
noon rally on covering left the market finally
steady at $5Slc net decline. July, 82&32)5c,
closed at S2Hc; September closed at 81)5c; Oc
tober closed at 82c, December closed at 2c
Wool DulL
Hops Quiet
European Grain Market.
'LONDON. July 16. Wheat Cargoes on pass
age, easier and neglected; cargoes No. 1 stand
ard California. 80s 4)5d; English country mar
kets, steady.
Imports of wheat Into the United Kingdom.
293,000 quarters: do flour, 216.000 barrels;
wheat , and flour on passage to the United
Kingdom, 2,310,000 quarters; do to the Conti
nent, 1,390,000 barrels.
LIVERPOOL. July 16. Wheat-Qultt; French
country markets, steady. Spot wheat, dull;
No. 1 Northern Spring, Os 4)5d; No. 1 Cali
fornia, 6s 4d0s 4)5d. Futures, quiet; July,
nominal; September, 6s 2d; December, 6s
Corn Spot, new firm, old quiet; American
mixed, new. 4s ld; do old, 4s 2d. Futures,
quiet; July, nominal; September, 4s ld.
Visible Grain Supply.
NEW YORK, July 16. The statement of tho
visible supply of grain in. store and afloat on
Saturday, July 14, as compiled by the Now
Tork Produce Exchange, Is aa follows:
Bushels. loo. Dec
Wheat 40.OS1.000 705,000
Corn 13,608,000 .420.000 1.
Oats . 7,144.000 ....... 2.000
Rye 667.000 29,000
Barley 628,000 18,000
SAN FRANCISCO. July 10. Wool-Spring
Nevada. I315c; Eastern Oregon. 10315o; Val
ley, Oregon, 18S20c Fall Northern mountain,
10912c; mountain. Iambs', &310c; San Joaquin
plains, 8210c; Humboldt and Mendocino, 139
14c per pound.
Hops 1890 crop, 11013c per pound.
MUlstuffs Middlings, $17$20; bran, $12 500
13 60 per ton.
Hay Wheat S12; wheat and oat, $7 50
8ll; best barley. $7 60; alfalfa. 5 60S7 50;
stock, S55 50; compressed wheat, S&12 per
ton; straw, 2537)5c per bale.
Potatoes River Burbanks, 35 C 63c; Early
Rose, 3075c per cental.
Vegetables Onions, 90c SI 00 per cental;
garlic 2)53)5c; green peas, 22)5o per pound;
string beans, D52Hc: dried okra, S2)5o per
pound: asparagus. SI &01 75 per 'box; en
plant SQlOc per pound; cucumbers. 20$30o per
Citrus fruit Oranges, navels, $2 50; Mexi
can limes, $530; common California lemons,
SI 25 1 50; choice. S2&2 SO per box.
Bananas SI 502 50 per bunch.
Butter Fancy creamery. 10c; do seconds,
1816)5o; fancy dairy. 1717)5c; do seconds, 15
Cheese California, new. 8)5S9o per pound;
Toung America, 9)5lGc; Eastern. 16)5917c.
Eggs Store. 14 15c; fancy ranch, lS)5c;
Eastern. 14)5015c
Poultry Turkeys, gobblers, 9910c; do hens,
10011c per pound: old roosters, S3 5034 per
doxen; young roosters. $4 &0&6;. small broilers.
$1 7&S2 25; largo do, $3-33 60; fryers. S3 50
CM 60; bens, 4&4 60 per dozen; geese. 3101 3
per pair.
Receipts Flour, quarter sacks, 23,000; wheat,
centals, 5200; barley, centals, 4250; oats, cen
tals, 1S00; do Oregon, 400; beans, sacks, 74;
potatoes, sacks, 4850; bran, sacks, 550; mid
dlings, sacks, 200; hay, tons, 1200; wool, bales,
43; hides, 1282.
CHICAGO. July 10.-Cattle Receipts, 20.000,
Including 1000 Texans and COO Wesern rangers.
Market generally steady to 510c lower; butch
ers stock, steady; Western range cattle sold
up to 54 75; natives, best on sale today, 2 cars
Angus at $5 73; good to prime steers, 4383.70;
poor to medium, $1 6095: selected feeders,
steady, $494 75; mixed stockers, $3 75 94;
cows, $394 70; heifers, SS95 lo; canners, $29
2 80; bulls. $2 604 CO; calves, steady, 24 609
6 75. Texans Receipts, 1000; best on sale to
day, 2 cars at 34 50; Texas fed steers, $4 15
95; Texas grass steers, $3 25$4; Texas bulls,
$2 6098 25.
Hogs Receipts today, 84,000; tomorrow, 20,
000; left over, 4500. Market steady at Satur
day's closing prices; top. S3 40; mixed and
butchers, $5 0595 40; good to choice heavy,
$5 1095 40; rough heavy. $4 S5C 05; bulk of
sales, S3 2593 35.
Sheep Receipts. 2000. Sheep and lambs, dull
and 10920c lower, except choice lambs; good
to choice wethers, $49 40; fair to choice
mixed. 33 1094; Western sheep and yearlings,
$3 7594 66; Texas sheep, $3 9 4 50; native
iambs, 34 BOSC 85; Western lambs, 590 80.
The Metnl 3Iarlreta.
NEW TORK. July 16. The iron markets
were extremely dull, weak and unsettled today.
Pig-Iron warrants were nominally quoted at.
$ 18 60. and Northern No. 1 foundry at $17918.
Copper was a chads firmer In London, but the
local market remained quiet and unchanged,
on the basis of $16 60 for spot Exports of cop
per have fallen off considerably Tin was
firmer, materially higher, owing to an advance
of XI for spot in London, while futures wero
neglected. At the close prices were on tho
basjs of S34 10.for spot tin Jin .New Tork. Lead
continues dull nnd unchanged at 3 97)54 02)s
and spelter was a shade easier ,at $4 07)59
4 22)5. The brokers' price for lead was 43 V0,
and for copper $16 60. Bar silver, Cl)5c
SAN FRANCISCO, July 15. Bar silver. 6l)5o
per ounce.
LONDON, July 10,Bar silver, 23 3-lCfl.
Coffee and Sugar.
NEW TORK. July 16. Coffee Options closed
ateady.z-wlth prices 15925 points net higher;
sales, 41,000 bags, including ,iuly at $7 03;
.August, S3 D59S 10; September, S3 1593 20;
Downing, Hopkins & Co.
Chicago Board of Trade
ISewYork Stock Exchange
.Room 4, Ground Floor
.: Sails.on Her SecondTrlp
Ths ..Is the only exclusive
Nome trade, Bookings now being made.
P. P. BAUMQARTNER, Ajjent, 253 Washlnato. 3t.
W. A. Mitchell & Co., General Ajrents. 3nn Francisco.
Pacific Coast
, . if
Will sail frtm Seattle lad Ticoau to or about Augait 6, aaj rptcmbtr 6.
The "Senator" "ha a capacity of 23C0 tons. He? second cabin andj steerage
accommodations are superior to the flrat-class accommodations o t most of the
steamers advertised for Nome.
The Pacific Coast Steamship Company has been running Its steamers to Alas
ka Winter and Summer for 25 years, and is the pioneer Pacific Coast line. Seat
tle freight and passenger rates apply from Portland. For further Information
inquire of GOODALL., PERKINS & CO.. General Agents. 10 Market, San Fran
cisco, or N. BOSTON, Agent, 249 "Washington St., Portland, Or.
October, $3 35. Spot, Rio, Ann; No. 7, Invoice,
0c; mild, quiet.
Sugar Raw, strong; fair 'reflnlng. 4 5-lCc;
centrifugal, 00 test, 4 13-10o. Refined, strong;
granulated, $6 10; cut-loaf, 90 40.
London "Wool Sales.
LONDON, July 10. At the -wool auction
sales today 10,030 bales were offered. Compe
tition -was brisk at fully last week's prices.
Capo of Good Hope and Natal wools sold
.slowly. There yos & full attendance of buy
ers, and the catalogues were larger. Good
croes-Dreds and scoureds were. In fair demand.
Fears .That Southeastern Oregon Is
Not to Have a Itailroad.
PORTLiAND, July 12. (To the Editor.)
It is a praiseworthy act, and much to
bo desired, for any railway company,
whether O. R. & N., Southern Pacific, or
A. B. Hammond's Corvallls & Eastern
road, to open up Southeastern - Oregon,.
provided Portland gets' the trade, in
stead of San Francisco. But the obstacle
seems to be, as Mr. Hammond's letter
says, to prevent other lines "building"
therein. In 1S76, when I traveled through
that country- with C P. Huntington and,
his chief engineer, ilr. Montague, I felt
that the Southeast "Oregon country should
be carried to Portland and connected at
Wlnnemueca. with the Central Pacific-, so I
organized the Oregonlan Railway of Scot- J
iiuiu in jxiou, lur iuul opoviiu yurpusc, ou
anxious wero capitalists for Its bonds
and stock that they were "Issued at HO,
or 10 per cent abovo par. But It seems
then, as now, every railway In existence
in Oregon did not 'want it built, and con
sequently the Oregon & California Rail
way, the O. R. & N. and Northern Pacific,
entered into a combination to oppose its
construction, and after 163 miles we had
built, to the McKenzIe Blver, they suc
ceeded in so sickening Scotch capitalists
as to take 6 per cent on then Investment
for 9? years and quit, much against my
strenuous opposition to the O. R. & N.
Co. lease, Which that company repudiated
In 2 years afterward, and the Scotch
lessors got left (as I predicted they would
before the lease), the xns!deratlon of
which was not to go to Portland or to
Eastern Oregon. The golng-to-Portland
part, however, I carried through after
ward, against all of their opposition, in
cluding that of the Scotch company, too.
Now it occurs to me the same game. Is
about to be played over again (although
I hope I am mistaken), in an attempt of
the Corvallls-& Eastern and Astoria & Co
lumbia River Railway Companies to sell
out to the O. R- & N. on the same old
conditions, that they do not extend to
Southeastern Oregon. I therefore sug
gest that the Chamber of Commerce and
Board of Trade prevent such a dog-in-the-manger
policy. How? By asking the
O. R. & N. and Mr. Hammond's com
pany the time when each proposes to
reach Eastern Oregon, and giving to the
first lino that will satisfy the people of
Portland that it means business the
unanimous co-operation, moral backing
and tho entire support of Portland there
to. If. this is not done, Portland may
find she Is making "a stick to break her
own back," as she did when she support
ed the O. R. & N. Co.'s opposition to the
Oregonlan Railway in-lSSO, the result of
wbch was the 39 years lease o tho for
mer company and the stoppage of the
Oregonlan Railway from over entering
Southeastern -Oregon. "Burnt bairns
dread the fire": so with its past experl
enco should Portland avoid any entangle
ments that may causo delay or moke
(through nonconstructlon) the Southeast
ern Oregon trade go to 6an Francisco,
as we all know there is a railroad now
building from Southeastern Oregon down
the- Klamath River for that very purpose,
to carry that trade to the Southern Pa
cific lines In California,
Nevertheless Portland should prefer tho
Oorvallis & Eastern Railway (Hammond's
line), extended to Southeastern Oregon,
seeing it Is the shortest and nearest to
Portland, provided guarantees arer given
that the company is in earnest and in
tends to build early. It needs grit, per
severance, determination of character and
staying powers for any syndicate of cap
italists (despite opposition) to build any
independent railway In Oregon, as tho
lines therein jealously guard the country
from outsiders. Why cannot tho Cham
ber of Commerce and Board of Trade pro
cure eome assurance that the Corvallls
& Eastern Company's promoters are not
using tho threat of extension of their
lines to Eastern Oregon to compel the
Union Pacific or O. R. 4 N. Co. to buy
out their present railways in Oregon, as
tho O. R. & Nv Co did when it leased the
Oregonlan Railway In 1JS1 for no other
purpose than to stop its extension to 1
Southeastern Oregon and to Portland as I
UQrmen tHhfr& DIM
Qmich aad tacir ioujuv Okiatuy torts tie were cases la eld aad yousr trills frota eCects
of teltatese, dliilpMJoa, eeww. or diweaoklas. Cure Lost MonhQOdr lm
potpncyi uqrtPovrer. Ml chf Losses, Qpormatorfnooa Insomnia. aina
lfIiS:5ca ki" yosirofc iminqi fcmiBsionn, fcnrno wac. Ferrous e
fatltty, HfladacnojUriMnera to .Marry, os3.oT ESrrt emen, Varicocele,
or constipation, Aton QulcknowS of Ol3 irTJl enamel toD Nor!
erery fiinrtlnn. fioai get cspeodeat,
srgsat. Snmaates tie tola ad-ncnr centers, toe a
wascMrefaadcd, -trixh cshozes. drcuuw tr. Acitfrose,
ion pria aao. xictts cczucn cac m doc
For sale cy Aldrich Phannacy. Slzth
'Chamber of Commerce
on prAbout July 20, 1900
livestock-steamer in the
; t
Steamship Co.
iNOME direct
repudiation of that leaso 2 years after
ward proved was their only object?
Only 312 Out of 80,000 People Struck
In & Year.
Theodore "Waters in Ainslco's.
A reference to lightning brought out
the fact that the "Weather Bureau is using
Its ponderous organization for the col
lection of lightning statistics. The offi
cials are less concerned with the Identi
fication of tho thunderbolt than they are
with its disastrous effects. According to
lightning statistics, 312 inhabitants of the
"United States, on an average, are struck
by lightning during each year. Twenty
five hundred were struck during the last
nine years. Farmers suffered most, prob
ably because of their exposed occupation,
for the danger from lightning Is found
to be four times as great In the country
as in cities. January naturally is the
least dangerous month, and July Is the
most dangerous 123 persons were killed
during July, 1S93. During the eight years
ending with 1S97, 755S buildings, valued at
517iff72,7r2, were destroyed by lightning;
4S91 of these were harns. Comparatively
few churches were struck. In 18SS bulld
ings. valued at $1,441,830 were destroyed.
New Tork State headed the list "with 393.
There were no disastrous strokes in Ida
Tip, Arizona, California, Oregon, Nevada
or Utah. In the same year 1S42 animals,
valued at 8.000. wero killed by 710
strokes of lightning. This mortality was
unequally divided among cattle, horses,
mules, pigs and sheep, whole flocks of
the latter being killed by single bolts,
There Is. no means of finding out the ex
act number of trees struck,, but it Is in
teresting to know that the Hat of liabil
ity is htaded by the oaks. Firs, beeches,
pines, larches, ash and birch trees are
most liable to be struck in the order
-named, on account of their conducting
qualities. The record show an Increase
in the number of damage-dealing Ught
Slng strokes, especially In Europe. But
the cause of this has not yet been discov
ered. The only definite fact observed by
the bureau Is that these violent manifes
tations seem to occur In connection with
the movement of sluggish cyclonic areas
across the country during tho warmer
JTorth-ivestern Pensions.
"WASHINGTON, July 12. Pensions have
been granted as follows:
Oregon Increase, Benjamin F, Finn,
Gate Creek. $3; reissue, Harvey "W. Gll
lingham, Dayton, $17: original widows,
special act June 25, minor of George A.
Musser. Salem, $10.
"Washington Additional, Joseph F.
Creech, Fairfield, J8: increase, special act
June 28, Benjamin F. Dennis, Ta-j
coma, $50: original -widows, etc., renewal,
special act June 26, X.ouesa Moulton, Che
halls, $12: original widows, renewal, spe
cial act June 2$, Julia Traynor, "Van
couver, $8; special act June ZS, Margaret
A. Blanklnshlp, Chehalls, $3.
The Faverlte Trans-Pacific Passenger
Will Sail From Tacoma on or About
JULY 20th, for
Rates First class, $73; Intermediate, $50;
steerage, $23.
For paaseneer and trelLnt reservations ap
ply to DODWELL iXOMPAXY. Ltd.,
Telephone" 'Main SO. 232 Oak st.
The fast steamship 'CITY OP SEATTLE."
sailing from Seattle tvtry 10 days lor Juneau
and ikagTray. Steamers "FARALLOS" and
'RUTH, sailing every seven days from Seat
tle for Sfcagitray and all other Intermedials
Alaskan points.
For freight and passage inquire of
DODWELL & CO.. Ltd..
252 Oak st Teltpliono Main 00.
BAILET OATZERT (Alder-street Dock)
Leaves Tortland dally every morning at 7
o clock. eccpt Sunday. Returning, leaves As
toria every night at 7 o'clock, except Sunday.
Oregon nhone Main 3S1. Columbia phone 301.
ban been
A la sa erer 50 rem by th leaden of tit Mornaa
iute. l?.JP IsirmiTnccT caa pctencr to
t (n -is U tttad, fTaTV 'atores stun, eaderebped
g rsr u.ra Err mau. .nw AvnseniNtt!tfii. tn fuf
Blthoo Remedy Co.. San Francisco, Cal.
and TTsshlneton streets. Portland. Or.
Joillio lja4ffl
Union Sopot. Oixth. and. J Streets.
Leaves tor the Kast, vlt Huntington, at 3:15
A. 1L; amvea. 4 P. it.
For Spokane. Eastern "Washington, end Great
Northern points, leavea at G 1. M.: errlvefc Tit
T A. M.
Leaves for the East. vis. Huntington, at 0
P. 1L; arrives at S. 40 A. M.
Water llr.e schedule, aubject to change with
out notion:
OCEAN UIViSiON Steamships sail irom
Alnsworth Dock at 8 I. M. Leave I'ortlanU
Coiumble, Sunday, July 1, dneaay, July
i, uaiutday. Juiy 21; Tuesday. July 31; Fri
day, Aug. lo. State of California, Friday.
Juiy 6; Monday. Jdly lr Thursdayi July :;
Sunday, Aug 5.
From San Franclsco-iLeavlng Spear-Street
Pier No. .24. San Fr&aciaco. Jit 11 A. XI.. as
follows: State o California. Monday, July 2;
Thursday. July 12; Sunday. Jaly ,; Widnes
dar, Aug. l. Saturday. Aug 1L Columbia,
Saturday. July 7; Tuesday. July 17; Friday.
July 27: Monday. Aug 0.
Steamer Kajjalo Portland dully, exeep:
-Sunday, at 8.1W P. M.; or. Saturday nt 10.00 T.
jcu iieiuraing. iea Aiiona cauy, ierpi au
dy. at 7:UO A. M.
Steamer T. J. Potter leaves Portland Tues
days and Thursdays at 8 A. M-: Saturdays. 1
P M.. for Astoria and Long Beach. Lenves
llwnco Tuesdays. Thursdays and Sundays from
5 to S P M.. according to tide.
Steamer Ruth, for Salem and way points,
leaves Portland ilondaj s, Wednecdays nnd Fri
days at 0:uo A. M. Returning, leaves Salem
Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays at O.ou
v 'ateamer Elmore, for Dayton and way points,
leaves Portland .Tuesdays, TEur1ays and Sat
urdays at 7 A. M. Returning, leaves Dayton for
Tortland and way points Moudci. IWdueaday
and lfrldavs at 6 A. M.
Steamer pokanr or jcxnwr i-u-.vlstcrv leavr-i
Rlparia dally af3aC A. M.. arriving at Lewis
ton at a P. M. Returning, the ripokane or
Lewiston leaves Lewlstoa dally at II A. M.,
arrlxlng at Rlparia same evening.
Qeserat Paioenger Agent.
" V. A. SCHILLTNG. Clxr Ticket Azmu
Telephone Main 712. 0 Third street, cor. Oak.
to conncotloc wltn THE OREGON RAILROAD
St NAVIGATION' CO. Schedule. 1U00 (aubject to
Steamer. Due to Leave Portland.
"BRAEMAU" July 13
ARGTLL" , Aug. 5
For rates, accommodations, etc.. apply to
General Agents. Portland. Or.
To principal points In Japan and China.
Mow offered'by tho
If you cannot take the morning' train,
travel via the evening train. Both are
finely equipped.
' "Our Specialties"
Fast Time Through Service
Hoars In Time Saved to
, Omaha, Chlcasro, IConnan City,
St. Louis, Tfevr York, Boston,
And Other Eastern Points.
Tickets good, via Salt Lake City and
It is to yourlnterest to use THE OVER
LAND ROUTE- Tickets and sleeping-car
berths cah bo secured from
City Pass, and Ticket Agent.
J. H. LOTHROP. General' Arent
- . - "135 Third St.. Portland, Or.
Have you .thought of tho' Steamer Trip
acroas the "GREAT LAKES"? It com
bines tho attractive fentures and benetlts
of an ocean trip without the attendant
Furthermore, it Is less expensive than
traveling by rail.
The "Imperial Limited." with flrst-class
sleepers from "Vancouver, and Tourist
Sleepers Irom Seattle every Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday, connects with
of the C. P. Ry. at Fort William.
If you are going East we would bo glad
to give you some facts and Information
regarding this trip.
H. H. ABBOTT, Agent.
E. J. COYLE, 14G Third St., Portland.
A. Q. P. A.. VascoBVtr. U. C
Pacific Coast Steamship Co,
attvamers ttueen. Cottage CItv,
City of Topeka and Al - Kl
leave TACOMA 11 A. M. SE
ATTLE 0 P. M.. July 1. 4.
9. 14. 10. ID, 24, 29. 31; Aug.
3. S. 13, 15. IS 23. 28; Sept.
2, and every llfth day there
after. 5-or further Informa
tion obt&ln company's folder.
The company reserves the right to change
steamers, calling dates and hours of sailing,
without previous notice.
AOKNTS N. POSTON, 240 "Washington st..
Portland. Or.; F. AV. CARLETO.N'. K. P. R. R.
Dock. Tncomu; H H. LLOVD, Puget Sound
Supt.; C VF. MILLER, Asst. Pugct Sound
Supt., Ocean Doofc, Seattle,
coobju.u Perkins a co. Gen. Agts.. s. r.
And Yukon River Points
5. S. "OHIO," 3500 Tons
Sails from Seattle
on or about July 12
Reservations can noir be made upon applies
tlon to any railroad or sub-agent of the Inters
national Navigation Company, or to
1. Ji-'"V'i. i' 'J.'L..11! '.VJ .V. -." " "" "v "'v'!' " 1
Empire Line
for Cape Nome
Leave j Depjt RIlj aali 5trects I ArrW
for Salem, Hoa
bure. Ashland, sac
ra mentc, OKdtn.
San Francisco. Mo
3ve. Xs Angelen.
1 Paso. J.ew Or
leans and the EVm
At Woodburn
(daily except Sun
day). morning train
connects with traJa
for lit. Ansel. 511
Ttruo. Urawiro
Vllle. Springfield
and Nation, and
evening train ttt
Mt. Angel and Sit
irrton. 'Albany passenger
Corvallt nasnenstr.
Sheridan passenger
SiZO P. M.
8:30 A. M.
f7:5 A.SI.
80 P. M.
4:00 p. if.
$7:30 A. L
:4:C0J. M".-
,-50 P. as.
JS:23 A. 1L
Daily. U?ally except Sunday.
Itebate ticket on eale between Portland. Sac
ramento and ban r'ranciiKO. Net ra:c .$17 flrx
class and $11 aecond class, including sleeper.
Kates and tlckeio to Eastern point and Eu
r.p.oV.A1?'. JAPAX. (.H1.NA. HONOLULU and
ALSTKLIA. Can be obtained irosr J. U.
KllUvLAXD. Ticket Agent. UtT TnlrJ C
Passenger Depot. loot t JeiTcraun Strst-
Leave for Oswego daily at 7:10. 8:40 A. iLj
l-'.30. 1.55. 3.i5. 4.u. 0.23. H.M. 11.-0 P. M.;
and D:w) a. 1. .n bundaja only, rrlve at
Portland dally at G.J5, .30. M0 0 A. il.;
1.33, 3.10, 4.J0. 15:15. 7 40. 10 00 P. 2d.. 12.-W
A. M dally, exiept J. ti.3 and 10. W A.
M. en Suiu'.aya only.
Leave for Dallas dolly, except Scnday. at
5.05 P. IT. Arrive at Portland at U:3U A 1L
Passenger train !aca Eallua fcr Alrlle Mon
dayn, Wednesday and Fridays at 2rt5 P. XL.
.Returns Tufednya Thursdays and Saturdays.
Except Sun Jay.
Manager. Gen. Irt. & Paas. Agt.
The Pioneer DIninc: am! Observation
Car Route.
Leave I Union Depot, 6th aai J5ts I Arrive
No. 2-r
2 P.M.
North Coast Limited,
For Tacoma. Seattle,
North Yakima, ojio
kane, Pullman. Mo3
cow. Lew Is ton, I loss
land. IX C. Butt.
Helena, St. Paul, Min
napolia. Chlcac-o. lios.
jton. New York and all
pa ill us jusi turn oouwi-
Twin City Express, for'
No. 4
11:3V P. M.
No. 3
8 P.M.
Tacoma. Seattle, Spo
kane. Helena, isune,
5t. Paul. ChUago. Con-
ton, New lork. Omaha.
Kansas City. CoUn-11
Muffs, St. Louts, and
all nointa east and
Through train service va Northern Paclfio
and Burlington lino rrom Portland to Omaha.
Kansa-s City, St. Louis. Quick time and tin
equaled accommodations.
Take North Coast Limited Train No. 2 for
South Bend. Olympla and Grav's Har&or
See the North Co-m Limited Elegant Up
holstered Tourist Sleplng Car. Pullman
Standard Sleepor. Dinlnc Car and Observa
tion Car, all eleotrlc lighted. Solid vestlbuled
Tlcketo sold to all point la the United
Stales and Canada, scd baggagu checked to
destination of tickets.
For Information, tickets, sleeping-car reser
vations, etc.. call on or write
Assistant General Passenger Agent
255 Morrison St.. Cor. Third,
Portland. Oregon.
fl-! JA $1)4 'fMVJfeJSM" 'A.'JJM'li m
x2 way across
From Portland to St. Louis
2474 miles without a single
change of cars.
There's our proposition.
And you don't have to be a
sleeping-car passenger, either,
to take advantage of 1L You
can ride In a reclinlng-chalr
car, a day coach or a tourist
car, just as you please. Every
car of the St. Louis Special
runs through to JCansas City
and St. Louis.
A1J meals are served in dln-lnsr-cars.
Glad to sell you a .ticket or
reserve a berth for you.
Ticket Office, .
100 3rd St., cor. Stark, PorthaJ.Orejoj.
Ticket Agent.
City Passenger Agent.
Ticket QHice, 263 Morrison Strcrf, 'Piine 6J3
.,.. I The Flyer, dally to on-5
No. 4 apolif, Duluth. Chlcagi
CKW P. 31. i end "'I poinu JCast.
No. a.
T:00 A. if.
Through Palace and Tourlat Sleeyen. Dlnrnj
and Buffet Smoklsg-Llbrary Cars.
For Japan. China and all Aslatlo points win
leave Seattle
About July 18th.
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
LEAVES i For Mayrers. Rainier.
UNION Clatikaate. "Wesrport.
DEPOT. Clifton. Astoria. v?ar-
renton. Flavel. Ham
mend. Fort Steves,
Grarhtrt Park. Se.ild
Astoria and aeashor
Astoria Ezpresa.
Seashore Express,
Saturday only.
8:00 A. U,
11:10 A. St
8:0 P. U.
0:40 P. &L
0:33 P. 1L
2:30 P. M
Except Saturday.
Ticket office. 2S3 Morrison st..-and Union dtpct.
J. C. JtlAYO. Oen. P&u. Agt.. Astoria. Ofc,
fJ( strerr -ti
looy tf jOj