The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, February 13, 1865, Page 2, Image 2

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    Itc (Oregon tatciu
The Statoiman hai larger Circulation than any
othar Fapar in tha 8tato, and ii tha Seat
Medium for Advertiaora.
Tha TJ. 6' Law and Resolutions arc published in the
Statesman by Authority.
The VoTKPOitPitESiDKNT. The following
table showing the vote of the liiffi-rcnt Slntce for
President, In companion with that of 1800, is
taken from the New York Tribune. The only
changes we havo miido nre in reference to the
vote of Oregon. which wns not known officially
in the Enit at tho time this exhibit was pub
liaheil. According to the following; estimate,
Lincoln'! clear majority-is 40C.8I2. The Tri
bune snys :
'There nre several counties mid a good
many eotJiiTn' votes in Western States not in
cluded in our futures, the rotiirni luaviiiir ar
rived too lute for tho tifliciul count fur Electors,
although in a few instances, audi voles were in
time for us, and were reckoned in. Wo think
the aggregate of those J et excluded would nut
amount to 25.000. We do not cminl the votes
cant in Tennessee, where from 18,000 to 20,
OIK) were cttst for Lincoln, and less tlinn 100
for McClelliui. Lnuisiiinn, did not vote direct
ly, the Legislature choosing her Electors Jn
Old Virginia, North nod Smith Carolina. (Jeor
gin, Florida, Aluliama, Mississippi, Arkansas
and Texas, there were no votes, cunt regular
or irregular.
Culiinrida. . . .
J iineclicat . .
Iielaivnre ... ,
Kentucky. . , k
Maryland . . .
Michiiiiin . . . .
Miu neHotH. . . .
Line du. Mel'lell,i,i. Liui'"hi, All nt tier
U mil
1 s: ,4iii
. 2 j .OHO
71). 0.17
42 2-5..
1.'iM.7:iii. .
4!I..VJH. .'il. .
ill! ,7.1!)..
4X7 .,
1H.U24. ,
10.4 ..
(12.1 II
jus ,11:111
1 n'.i.,Vi
3,1.1 17
1 IH,4'.I0
312,,i 10
New llinnpdiiro 3il,4im
Now York 3,7;W
Xew Jersey . . , 110,72:1
Ohio 2i:l,!l7.i
Orctfon ii.hmh
Pennsylvania 2H0,:i!il
iKhodo Maud.... i:i,ll'.l2
Vermont 42.4111
West Virginia . SM.l.M!
Wiscoiiah K!,4',S
Total 2,2li:i.K.'ll 1,7117.011) l,ei;4,M:i 2.UU4.0U3
Per cent , lx.V.0 6 1 Ml
Lincoln'a maj 4n7,:isl Aiiti-Liui'. imij. 13.S70
Whole vote In luilfl. n.W.llIrt ; ti lR(ll,4.(MIO.f,0.j
Increase in Hjme HtateM. i:il,HMl. The entire vote fur
President in 1K50, itieliiding all the Southern States was
Improvements. Snlem still improves.
The steady increase in the nuiiiher of dwell
ings and other hnildiiigs lias not been suspend
ed even during the winter. All through the
coldcit and must ilnrmy wealher the kniglili of
the jack plane, hammer and snw have been at
work. An unusually large nnnihurof buildingi
rill go np during the coming sensun, and hy
the close of next summer (hero will be but few
available vacant lots within the present limits
of our city. There are petitions now before
the oily council to have the streets extended
through the .land owned by Mrs. Wilson and
Mr. Roberta in tho eastern part of the city, 10
as to give a chance to spread in that direction.
There is opposition to this on the part of Ihoao
owing the land, but these objections will doubt
less yield in time to an apparent public want.
The council lias passed an ordinance requir
ing sidewalks on tho principal streets, nnd by
tho coming of another winter most of the cili
tens will be able to travel dry shod to and
from their places ol business.
Indian Tiiouiu.ks. Telegraphic communi
cation witll the East bus been nguin disturbed
by an Indian outbreak of Fort Laramie.
Juleabnrg nnd several other imporlimt etntious
have been destroyed by the snvngeH nnd the
liue torn down in ninny places. Mud Springs
Slulion, sixty tnilis nest of Julesbiirg. was at.
tacked by the Indiana about 11 thousand in
number, and it was wilh difficulty ami by hard
fighting that the place was held, although re
inforcement were immediately sent from Fort
Laramie. Dispatches dated Fort Laramie,
Jan. 6th, say :
It is one hnudri d miles fnnu hero , to Mud
The detachment that left Saturday reached
that staliou .this iiiniui g, pielly Well mini nut.
Fighting was gnitt" on there at i! o'clock, when
We lost ooiiitniiniealion and have not heard
1 from lliem since. It is supposed that (lie In
dians hare torn the line don 11 Ibis side freigh
ted. Superintendent of the 1' del lie, Telegraph,
had 1 .1X10 bend or entile lit Mud Springs, nil of
which fell into the bands of the Indians. It it
sixty miles from Mud Springs to Jtilcsbnrg.
All ranches and staliinis between these points
have been cleaned nut by the Indians. It is
not thought the indians have destroyed much
of the line, and the party that started tins
morning may soon be ablo to open coiuiniuu
calion. Kkduceu. A Inle order from the War De-
fiartment reduees the minimum standard of
leigbt required for volunteers from live feet
three Inches, In five feet. This gives "shorties"
an opportunity to distinguish themselves. Wo
deeply regret that our size is still tinder llint
figure, liuw we regret that wo were so un
fortunate as to bo so short. Review.
Wlmt an exceedingly short man ynu are!
Short in stature, slioit sighted, short of sub
scribers, short of funds to pay your debts, and
ait but not least ! short of bruins. You are
"truly a very unfortunate mail." There Is
only one specimen of the grnui homo in the
State that dors not pity you, nml that is the
pour little thing in thu employ of liush, Miller
Ic Co. Ho is glnd of it on the ground (hot
misery lovei company.
Examination. The seiui-aiinnal examina
tion of classes in Wulbunet L' diversity caniu
, off during last week. The at (-ndltticc of stu
dents thus far during the present year has been
large and regular, uud the exaiiiimiliou show
cd that neither teachers nor pupils hare been
idle. It is Imped by the beginning of another
year the new building will be completed, when
the institution will bo able to affurd better ao
coinuiodatious In a much larger number.
Military. Tho company recruited In
Wasco and Grant counties now numbers 83
men, and has been mustered into service with
the following nflieers 1
Captain. A, J. llorluml ; First Lieutenant,
W. JJ. Band ; Second Lieutenant, A 1). Pow
er. The company ranks In tho regiment a
oompauy "(J."
tJf Specimens of gold b nring qnarll from
I he Cnseado Mountains, opposite Seattle, V.
T., have recently been exhibited at Seattle and
, other places oil tho Sound. There mines cre
ated considerable excitement lust Fall, and will
doubtless be 'thoroughly prospected I i the
Stats; Financb.i. At the close of business
d Saturday Ihe Ilth lost., tho balance in the
State Treasury, of all funds, J.J.Ki 0o,
and no outstanding warrants.
From the beginning of tho war a certain
class or interest upon thia const has persistent
ly clamored about high prioea in the Fast, it
being underatood of cnurso tins outcry, so fur
as believed, gnvo countenanoe to high prices
on this const 'of articles imported from the
East. In whatever shape, or from whatever
souruo this cry came, it aimed at oiie object
and that was tho practical exclusion of green
backs from thia coast as currency. Thereby
importers would be able to sell hero for gold,
what they bought in New York for greenbacks
and pocket the premium 011 gold, in ndditiun
to their legitimate profits. This result it must
be confessed was quite advantageous to them,
however much the people who bought the
goods may have suffered, and no wonder Ihe
parlies strove bard and perhaps unscrupulous
lyto maintain their rich advantage.
This outcry about high pria.'s from tho im
porters and their dependents, had nn effectual
ally in a political faction, who for political pur
posesnot trade wished not only to exclude
greenbacks from this coast, lint to depreciate
them generally as an anti-war weapon. The
former class voted often riie Union ticket, hur
rahed for Old Ahe, boasted of their patriotism,
and in short were intensely loyul in everything
except their profit) on gold ! Tho latter class
true to their political instincts, voted sud
shouted as they traded against the govern
ment nnd its currency.
We huvo ulwnys been of those who were in
credulous about this cry of high prices in the
East. Wo suspected there was "big money''
in it, fur those who set it on font nnd kept it
np, nnd every day convinces us of tho correct
less of nnr impressions. It cuuiu first from
the importers of San Francisco nnd their de
pendent. These imido their millions out of
it, mill in a great measure compelled it to ho
recognized in Oregon and Ihe suirouniliug
territories. When thu greenbacks came these
importers were all largely in debt to their cur
respondents in New York tunny of them on
the eve of bankruptcy. They paid their debts
in currency, hut woe to the luckless small mer
chant in tha interior who had the temerity to
oiler tlleui the same kind of money in liquida
te n of hif dues. Tho Black List nnd other
like means were potent to compel him to pay
his indebtedness, in gold. Unas dishonest In
pay a 81111 Francisco merchant in anything but
gold, but this same merchant sold this very
gold nt a premium mid paid his debts in New
York with greenbacks debt which, when
contracted! were expected to be paid in gold.
Tho morality of Ihe transaction depended 11 1
together upon whose pockets were to he filled
by it.
In tho San Francisco Bulletin of the I81I1
ultimo, we find published the retail yriues in
San Francisco and New York of over seventy-
five articles of food. The New Yoik list is
taken from the "family market prices" of Ihe
trade report of Ihe Journal of Commerce of
December 8th. 18G4. For convenience of com
parison Ihe Bulletin converts tho green back
prices of the New York market into coin nt
rate of fifty cents on the dollar. These nre
family market pricet and Imply a good article.
and n good price at retail, The San Francisco
prices are taken from the Bulletin ' regular Sible
of January l;lth, 18(5. Tho Bulletin lias been
the leading and ablest adrooato for trade 011 a
gold basis on this coast, nnd onnnot ho sus
pected of any partiality to greenbacks in the
preparation and publication of this table. The
entire list would be too long fur our columns,
but we subjoin a few of ihe leading articles,
premising that the proportion is about the same
throughout i
,SVi Franciieo Price.
l'urk Pricrt.
Beef roust, tfft,
zinnia ioji-i, '(.-id . . i i
Rili ro.nt. V"1 K".I2J
Mb. .11-12.
K1I1, riMst. V"i 2.1W, 10 i
Kill, ellilt K. i'lri. ..I.i'iC.'U
l(ll enacK, T'ld '";ld
Sirl 'in sieik.r'th..20..2.,
Sirloin steak, f'ib, !",,t2
lioit ute.iK, i(Ib..2U6C2,
Minn steaK, 'Hi, low, la
Cornell rump, (lb.Mif. 10
Navel- pliiNM.du. 7',ii 8
Snip meat, t'U....4(iC 0
lluiilipuirlei-. f'!T, (J 7
l-'oreipiarlers, :'lb th a
Limit, 't'!b (Ifji 7
lliiuliiniirters, .ln, ft$ 7
KoreuiuirU-rs, l-lb, G
Cornell rump, fc'lb CI2J
.uvels A pliilPA, f'nw.l'l
S.'iip meat, .flt)....8'tiil2
lliinliiiniters. Tb. 61.'!',
I'.-re do iti, 12'rMS
Limb, fytb l'.'i,lj
lliiiil'tunrters. lb (ilia
l-'oio do i-(tt'- t!2
Pork corned, r'lb-. fiiM
Krenh pork. flb... w.'S
Pork corned. i'lb.. tf'llj
i retl pin K, f'!b..l H 1 I
Sulfate-. Vih llor.i?
ausunt's, fab H-
llaai- I11011I1, f'lr. Oi.Tl
Lai'.t. I'll, 0i2
Uiitter.lx'.H C11I i'nV'-'tfi''
I! itt.-r.l-tlmii('lMor,f -,
clicen', 'tb :iur,f.:i"i
Kuis-t per il ".'.frf-ui
Irl-li piitatiws.pni toe 5
11,0.11 .1 l,.l,.-irt'llillij',;,r.'j
l.-inl.t'lb 12, all
lle-t l-'iiinllv. Vlb- '.'7
l'om.tos-"il, V. !2l.2iij
( tieee, f'a) 10''.t i
llu'irs per tloz fo.'J.i
Iriwli pot,it,aK( pcckru.'-.
It will be seen from this I bat in New York,
nfu-r reducing greenback prices to gold at the
rate of fi:ty cents on the dollar, the staple
articles of food Sell there for much less than in
Sun Francisco. The average of San Francisco
prices is mor than double t hose of New York.
In other words, a day's wages in New York or
a mouth's salary in greenbacks will buy more
food, go furtlier in the market than the same
amount of gold in San Francisco, Hrendf tuffs
are not mentioned in theso ijuotaiiuus, but we
are able tu statu that the proportion is just
about Ihe same. A barrel of superfine Hour
can be bought in New York for much less
money in greenbacks than it can in San Fran
cisciior i'ortlnnd. In (hi item of rents the
disparity is still greater. It must he borua in
mind that these New York prices are the very
highest " family markets." The great bulk
of the middle classes and poor people buy their
food nt humbler places and get the same ar
ticles ofien quite na good without so much
show, gilt and civility, about S3 per cent,
cheaper still. Does this loek like depreciation
of er, enhacks Not much. It von want to
try the value of enrrency by trAnl it will buy.
food is the true touchstone, l'roducrd In the
country, in a season of ordinary plenty, its
price is imalTceted hy the question of tnrilfj,
foreign exchange, and so forth. The amount
of fond that ft didlur iu currency will purchase
is the most correct test of its current value,
apart from llint which the law affixes to it,
Tried by this standard we eeo beyond a doubt,
that a dollar iu currency iu New York is worth
as much and more, than a dollar in gold in San
Francisco ! What then have the people of this
coast gained by the exclusion of greenbacks as
currency 1 Simply this I They have enabled
the importers to buy lor greenbacks in New
York, and sell to them here fur gold, with the
ever occurring opportunities which dealings in
currencies of different values present nf taxing
the consumer wilh exorbitant ai d secret profits
growing oat of the fluctuations and premiums
on gold.
The greatest evil that has resulted from it,
in an economic point of view, has been llie
check upon emigration. Thu very poor people
of the older States, except a few frontier-men
who know how to live by a horse and a gun,
cannot come to this country for want of ii earn.
The very rich do lint rmlrrate. The middle
classes who arc worth lay, frum one thousand
to live thousand dollars, are the sum ecu of our
emigration nnd the very best we can have.
Hut such peitplu are deterred from taking the
first step. It consists iu reducing their nomi
nal capital one half by exchanging their green
backs for gold. 1'eopltt emigrate to better their
condition, hut it must be a very strung Induce
ment that will cause a man of muilcratu means
to sacrifice, one half of his means to make a
start. This decides him to remain.
We propose to add a few words lo the fore
going to prevent its real intent being misunder
stood (or inoio likely misrepresented) witll ref
erence to somu combinations on foot iu Ibis
State to resist the State law requiring tuxes to
be paid In coin, It is well known Ihe States
man has hecetoforu as a mailer of public pol
icy nnd duty to the Union, favored Ihe enact
ment u f a law authorizing the payment ol' taxes
in currency, lint not at thu expense of the cred
itorssif Ihe State. That kind of patriotism or
public policy, we have nothing to Jo with ex
cept to pronounce it legalized robbery uud ras
cality. The lust Legislature declined mainly
from constitutional scruples we believe to put
the salaries of officers at nil amount which
would warrant their being paid iu greenbacks.
Unless litis were done thu Stutu could not hon
estly collect its revenues iu currency because
it would thereby defraud those officers of their
just dues, Then there was some talk of col
lecting the revenue iu cuircucy and paying it
out at. its current value. Hut this scheme did
not meet witll much favor, and wisely enough
it was dropped. It was essentially vicious be
cause of the opportunities and temptation it
alVorded for fraud iu tho colleuliou of revenue.
In this stale of alFairs, but one thing remained
to be dune, uud Unit was to decline that ull tuxes
should be paid iu coin and it was done. Of
the power of a Statu to declare in what kind of
money, currency, or other articles its revenue
shall be paid and collected, wu never had any
doubt. Congress lias nothing to do wilh it, and
tho legal tender net does not profess to inter
fere with this prerogative of the State. Whether
it weru belter that this weru otherwise would
admit of argument, hut w.u have to do with
what it ami not with what might er should be.
The Statu having exercised litis uulhnrity
mid declared ull taxes payable in coin, it be
ouincs every good citizen to obey Ihe luw. We
have no sympathy with those combinations
which we .hear of. North and South of us, to ru
sist this law nnd involve the people nnd thu
Slate iu endless litigation, trouble nnd expense
for the benefit of it few copperhead attorneys
nnd cx-ijovcruors, who nre mostly' at the hot
t mii of it. The hulk of thu people 'havo al
ready puid their taxes in coin, and now these
few want to pay their quoin i i greenbacks and
thereby sneak out of one-half their public dues,
uud cheat their fellow law-abi ling cilizeus in
thu same proportion. If nuv poor man w as to
pay these same people n private debt in green
hacks even if no particular kind of money
had been n greed upon Ihey would be swift to
rush into the public prints nnd publish him ns
a swindler nml n rascal. Ami what belter arc
they? Not u whit, but worse. The power of
the Statu to pass such a law a) we have said is
bevoud que."! ion. But leave ihe law out of
view, and consider the matter in the simple
light of justice, between man and man. so much
money is needed lo support the- Slulu Govern
ment. Here, under existing circumstances it
will require twico ns many dollars in currency
aX gold to defray the expenses. The public
nulhiiritics estimate the amount iu gold, nnd
levy upon each man his share of the whole
amount iu proportion to thu assessed value of
his property. Nine-tenths nf the community,
like honest men, come forwurd and pay their
share, hut Ihe oilier tenth, being moved nml
instigated thereto by" Ciuuiis " and such like
legal harpies, who prosper us tho country suf
fers, refusu to pay except in currency. In other
words, they propose to pay one-half of their
taxes nnd client Ihe Stale out of the rest nnd
probably call it patriotism. Out upon such pa
triotism I Every good man that has the peace
and prosperity of Oregon at heart ought to
flown it down, and particularly the fee-taking
fraternity, a part nf whom are nt thu bottom of
it. If there was I lie least injustice1 or inequal
ity iu requiring all to pay taxes iu one kind nf
money we should make no objection (o any one's
resisting it, to the uttermost of the law, how
ever much trouble, expense nnd confusion
might ensue to the public. Uut iu such a cast
as this, where the law does not impose a shadow
of injustice upon any one, lint only requires of
each to cnuliibule bis just part towards the
support of Ihe Government, we hnvu no pa
tieneo wilh these breeders of discord nml dis
turbers of thai puliiio pence. Wo cannot see
how any attorney who considers his oath of of
fice binding upon his conscience can counsel or
uphold so dishonest n claim, even il hu had thu
law on bis side to which Iheru is scarcely a
Compasv "C." A report hat Litely ob
tained currency that "about twenty" men
belonging to Company C, from this county
had deserted whilst on their way to Fort
Steiluoonm. Tho story trnreled to San Frau
oisco, and in thu Flag of the 20 lb ultimo we
observe the following correction :
Editor American Flag : I noticed Inst even
ing that the Bulletin had innocently copied no
item from a Victoria paper, to the i-ll'ect that
seventeen men hid deserted at Ksquiiuault,
from a company of United Slules soldiers en
route to Steilacooin, Doing n passenger at Ihe
lime, nnd ncqouiuted with Captain Cramlall,
who bud cbargo of the company, I cnu slate
most p ,sitively that there was not a single man
who evinced a disposition tu b-uve, but have
Ihe assurance of the Captain that every man
was on board the Eliza Anderson the next morn
nig ten minutes before the steamer left. As nn
net nf justice In the men who bad voluntarily
iiilisieii iu the service of the I'liitcd Suites, I
would nsk that you will notice the fact iu your
paper and show the fnUily of Ihe report, which
could only emanate from the pen of nn enemy
of our country. J. w. J. I'ikhsdn.
Ukn. McCl.l'.l.I.AN has been tendered thu
position of Engineer iu Chief of tho Morris
and Essex liailroad. The salary of this is
t'23.000 per annum the same as the President
ul lbs United states. Kcmew.
" Sallpetred '" again. Doyna not know thit
tho Morris and Essex Kalinin. I is a one-horse
affair of about lifly-threu miles iu length I'
ll tire cubital stock is about f 1,000,000, and
ils total Income cleir of expenses in 1800 was
about 104.000. That they should pay abont
one-third ol this to the "Engineer-in Chief"
is not a very likely story. And such a position
for the would-be President! Chief Engiuser of
a railroad fifty-three, miles lung j
This sell on tho gullible admirers of Litlle
Mac was doubtless invented by some villainous
Abolitionist, and is about ns scathing a coiu-
trcui on i no anilities oi me ijiavu digger as
any thing yet published.
ti Dr. E. Y. Chase, Surgeon at Fort Stell
ncooiu, W. T., and late of Foil Iloskins, has
been ordered to report at New Yoik, for duty.
Hew ill go Eaat aa aouu as relieved at bis putt.
Tho commniif.-t rcsurl of n disputant who
has been discomfited in nrgiimeiit anil has not
Ihe candor to admit it, is lo misrepresent and
distort Ihe positions taken by bis adversary. A
notable instance nf this is found in the letter of
"Equal Uights," which (ills n column mid inuru
iu Ibo Pacific Christian Advocate of tho 4lli
instant. The writer labors nilh a good deal
inoru ability than candor, to misconstrue, tho
articles which we have published iu the States
man upon tho Pottrno Kolierls controversy, and
thu propriety nf ministers of tho Gospel " seek
ing ollicu " to the " utler neglect, of Iheir cler
ical duties." into an attack upon thu M. E.
Church itself nnd a
" Petcrmlnntlon entirely to divorce religion Am! politics,
or rmlier tu draw a Una nf ikmiirkntlnn ln'twcen tlitini, nnd
II1114 ciiiiinillliiiil poll lies, hi ul rlKlit, In Hid devil suit liuil
1111-11, Slid n-llKli.ii In Die Luril J. sus Christ slid good ineu, as
uxelunlvi'1)' tii-lungiug In tlleui,"
A more unfair nnd perverse misrepresenta
tion of tho articles in thu Statesman could
hardly have been perpetrated. The Church or
lleligion was in no way involved in Ihe con
troversy, except su far as tho question nf the
locality of its origin was concerned, which
" Equal Higlits "justly remarks is of only sec
ondary importance So far from desiring to
"entirely divorce religion nnd politics," we on
the contrary, in common wilh " Equal Rights,"
t( Hnvu alwnys entertained Die opinion Hint true politics
And true rellitlun 1111 lisiid In lintiil ; llint whsinver In politics
In Iticnnslitent wilh true religion Is renlly no part of nnlllk'sl
economy ; nnd wlt.ilever ln religion Is ujipuied tu true poli
tics, Is no pnrt of true religion."
And wu.bnvu never penned a lino inconsist
ent with this opinion. Wu reverence truo re
ligion and its teachings wo trust witll as much
sincerity as does tho writer referred to, or any
oilier member of his conference. Wo wrote
months ago that we held il to be not only the
right hut the duty of every minister of the
Gospel to flush from the pulpit the light which
should guide the voting or law-making layman
iu the wuy of righteousness nud truth. We
said :
" Tlierc Is no public question lait tins its inorsl side and In
volves some liulividusl duly. Wlu-n ths clergyiniin who Is
true mid III fur Ids vocation addresses Ills Hock a-om Ihe put
pit, lie will counsel (Item unon these sulijei-ls feiirlensly mil
willingly. IT laymen muke bud laws, or forget llod In high
pi tees, he will w irn those couiuiltli-d to bis clnn-gtj to put
unity tills Iniquity frum mining them belure tliey dmw down
upon themselves llie auger of heaven. Rii-li prem-hlng In
(lit- Interest of righteousness Is Ihe vocation ill llie li ne priest,
and merits lh approbation of all men who love Ihclr country
or their race,."
Does this sound liku entirely divorcing " re
ligion and politics I" or liite "committing pol
itics, as of right, tu thu devil nnd bad men "I
For shame! reverend sir. Such barefaced
misrepresentations cannot aid the cause you
"Equal Uights" finally gives the following
ns an epitome of whist thu Statesman has said
upon the subject :
11 The nrUcles In iiicslion hrenthe a most Intolerant, big
oted, 101. 1 ,( spirit; toid llie principles which
llie writ .-r seeks to estsbl sh, IT curried out lo their li-giliiniilii
results, woul 1 not n ly Mkc away from nil ministers their
eipeil rights Willi oile r men os canons of s Iree Kcpiililic, hs
Well to III.- r.'SieMI-ubili'ii'M, t-lil'd'Otl.-ntS, sod honors, us to the
biiideiij or frovonitneiits, bul woul I exclii'le religlorrenltrely
from every si at ol o:li ie nnd p orer, 1111, 1 surrender nil lint
civil 'inl .nstilutioiis of tlic uiitiou,tothe control of
Vicious nnd unprincipled denia'ipCs." N
Coul I more perversion of our positions lie
crowded into that tunny lines? How did wu
propose to "take nway from ministers llicir
equal rights with other men "! How " exclude
religion from every seat of office nnd power ''I
How " surrender nil the civil nnd political in
stitutions of the natiou to the control of vicio'.s
nml unprincipled demagogues" Sir! ynu
know full well that we proposed nothing of tho
sort. We held simply this no more :
" We believe It to be Injurious lo ttie best Interests of good
morula Mod pura religion Hint ministers uf the Ooapel al Id
lie encouraged or tolernted In necking civil ollice. Let liiein
stick to their vocation nnd (trench ngiilnst Ihe aim of the tiny
both public nnd private, pnpulnr and unpopubtr. Their ef
ficiency in doing gum! lies In this. All honest, prudent and
independent clergyman can 1I0 more to conserve the pubilo
lllui'itla mill eilueiaioti fr.,,. !,! .l,,lt or r.llaloua p.,per tlinn
he Is likely tu do iu tits United ernlea Senate. Hu cnu, by
virtue ot "his position, do much to aupimrl Ihe Governuieul
i.srlr. Ministers of tlic Methodist nml otln-r denominations
have done verv much to tlntt end during the preat-nl crisis.
But tlmj htttiiuitduntUbyntekinaiigtct. Uut let n clergy
man uuce enter the political nrenn for llie purpose of perso
nal preferment nml lie soon 1,-nrna to wink at Iniquity rather
Hum hiipnlr his popularity Willi the primaries."
Out of this, " Equal Nights " find that we
want to surrender the nation to Ihe control of
tho vicious and unprincipled ! He has growu
grny w ith long service as a minister of Christ.
If ono of his (luck weru guilty of such utter
disregard of truth, would he, not bring his case
willmut delay before the Church 1
This attempt tu put us in a position of an
tagonism to llie church itself, will be nn utter
failure. Wo know that the gru. t 1 oily of the
M. E. Church in Oregon both clergy ni:d lay
brethren agree witll us uud commend what we
havo said upon the subject. They hold wilh
us that when a brother has vowed with "Ihe
solemnity of an oath,' to 'devote himself wholly
to God anil His work," it is unseemly and im
properdegrading to bis high profession and 1
disusl runs lo thu cause of true religion that ho
should " seek civil office tu tho niter neglect uf
his clerical duties." Mr. Peurne, " Equal
Uights." and a few other office-seeking clergy
men think differently, br.t as wu have the hulk
of thu church " lib us. the thinking, intelligent
men of the country with us, and the right with
us, wu nre content.
We coufe s not a little surprise that the ed
itor of the Advocate should have) admitted such
an article tu its columns. We have observed
that while hu handles a controversy ably, and
maintains his positions wilh cVcrminatinn nnd
vigor, he invariably bus respect enough for
himself and Ihe position he occupies to treat
an adversary with common fairness and cour-
tesy. That lie should have inadvertently ad
mitted to pi iut so Jesuitical an argument as that
of " Equal Rights," w ill probably bo cause of
regret lo himself when his ntteiilio 1 is called
to il.
A Sciikmii 1-Yit.Kii nv Evknts. There is
a story current iu our Eastern exchanges to
the elfccl llint each of the rebel State Legisla
tures Were III session oil lite dill nf November
last, nnd clime the quotas of elec
tors to winch their respective Stales weru en
tilled before they went iiitu secession. If their
Votes would hnvu elected McClcllatl they Were
to have sent them to Washington Iu due form,
backed wilh delegatus, and the entire npposi
tion nf the Northern States wero to insist that
McClellan uud Pendleton were eleoted. If Ihe.
election were not oonceded, Ihu session was tu
havo been broken np in a general row, which
was to be the prelude to civil war nil over tho
It ao resulted that if every State iu rebellion
had vot.'d solid for McClellan, Lincoln would
yet have, had a largo majority of Ihe electoral
vote. The scheme (if it ever had an existence)
failed. Rut (hero are nu facts published which
substantiate the story, and it appeajs iutriuaio
ally impruhable,
Wu remember, however, to huva heard two
or three distinguished oopperheads of this town
urgue with much earnestness and pertiuocity
before the election, that if the rebel States did
pursue precisely the course which they are now
represented to bavo dune, their votes could not
be rejected. Can it be po siblo that the idea
was seriously coutuinplnted by the secret socie
ties of the demoorutio order f
Finn. Tho house of J. Younger, in Mo
hawk precinct. In this county, was destroyed
by lire last week. It is aupposed lo hare been
tbr work of an Incendiary. Review.
YAqliH H IV.
It very often happens ill III" scttlcim nt. of 11
new country that Ihu best location for towns,
river biddings, harbors and oilier places where
husinesa ultimately centers, are overlooked and
unknown for many years. The Yuqtiimi Ha.V,
whicn is umv attracting much tillenlion from
the people of Ihu upper part mid center of
Willamette valley is an instance of this. We
believe the officers of the U. S. Coast Survey
reported tha'. a harbor existed there in 1810,
nud the bay hud been visited by citizens more
or less every year since. Vessels have entered
the harbor frequently in the last eight or leu
years. Hut no effort seems to havo been Hindu
to overcome the thirty odd miles of mountains
which Intervene between tho Willauielto ml-l.-y
and and tidu water at this point.nntil with
in tho last eighteen months. It is now dcui
oiislrutvd by nclual survey that tho distance
from Corvallis, the nearest point on lliu Wil
laiiietto river, to the head of tidu water on Elk
Creek (ur the soeth branch of tho liny) is less
than fifty miles, uud that a good road can bo
made over that diitanco with comparatively
small expense. Freight can bo brought from
Sun Francisco to the Hay as cheap or cheaper
than it can from San Francisco to Portland,
while the distance of interior transportation
from Portland to Corvallis is over eighty miles,
against less than filly from Ynqninii.
Iu 185.), General Joel Palmer, then noting
us Superintendent of Indian Affairs, reserved
a large district of country along the coast, iu
which this liny was included, for thu
location of. the Indian tril'es of Ihu
Willamette vnlley and Southern Oregeu. Tho
selection was opposed at Ihe time with much
vehemence by many of the then citizens of this
part of Oregon, bat not because it wasfxpect-
ed that any part of Ihu reservation would bo
wanted for while settlement. On the contrary
only a very small part ul it was understood to
lie hubit.iblu at ull. lint the terrible scenes
enacted in Southern Oregon during thu Indian
wars of 1853 and 1855 with yet fresh in the
recollection of the people, nnd great apprehen
sion was felt, lest ao large n number of ho'stile
Indians, collected so near thu while settlements
might break out again into no'ive war, and
murder and pillngullie inhabitants beforu an ad
equate force could be collected to opposo them.
General Palmer's course, however, was sanc
tioned by Ihu Government nt Washington, uud
triiies lo thu number of about five Ihnusniil
were collected ti)on the reservation. Thu fear
of s.ivngo ilcprcdati happily proved un
founded, and Ihe Indians settled down under
the control uf the ngetits nud an insignificant
military force into indolent peitueluluess, coll
tent 1 hat their huiigerwas app -used wilhlhu 111
tioui which Uncle .'Mini caused tu be distributed
among lliem. Of lalu years we believe they
have been made In raise Iheir own food, so
that there is no longer any necessity for distri
bntion of fin d at the expense nf thu govern
ment. The lurgo disbursements of money for
the purchase of supplies, and thu absence of
any hostile movement soon reconciled Ihe pen
pie tu Ihe selectiou, and they found that what
has been dreaded as a lerriblu calamity, w as
renlly their chief market for tho surplus pro
ducts of their farms.
Since then the public hare begun to discover
the importance of the liny ns nu outlet for pro
duce and a means of c nnuiunicaiion w ith the
outside world, efforts have been made tu have
a part nf the reservation released nnd thrown
open to sett cnieut. Superintendent Hunting
ton was called on for n report upon the
subject, nud his reply, which was published
svinc weeks ngo iu Ibo Corvallis Gazette,
showed that the northern half of the reserva
tion is ample to support nil nf tho large num
ber nf Indians who are now scattered over a
district n hundred miles in extent. Wo in
tended to publish this report which contains
many iutfresling facts, to day, but its length
forbids. We shall find 100111 for it next week,
In thu mean time we regret to notico that thu
Corvallis Gazette, in 'its Xeul to advance the
interests or its locality, lias been betrayed into
some statements whichure not warranted hy facts
or thu courtesy due frum one locality or indi
vidual to another. Iu the broad latitude which
it is our invariable rule to extend to corres
pondents, we published the absurd assertions
of "Emigrant" that the reservation was made
at Ihe instance of the "Oregon Steam Naviga
tion Company," nud that the Agent, Mr. Simp
son, was in their interest, excluding people
from that liny ! and furtlier that the Agent
was realizing "a foiltiuo" from the oystpr-beds
Acc. Thu Gazette reiterates these ridiculous
falsehoods careful lo disclaim any responsi
bility for them however and then utterly mis
represents Mr. Simpson's justly indignant an
swer. So far ns Ihis is merely n personal con
troversy between Mr. S. nnd the Gazette, wo
have no wish tu inteiferu by taking up the cud
gel iu defense of Mr. Simpson. Hu is abund
antly able to defend himself if he chooses In do
so, nud he c iunot do it better than by quoting
from tho Gazette itself of the 28th ultimo.
Hut thu Gazette seeks In impress the public
that Hie interest of Sulem r quires that Cor
vullis lie kept down, ami that it is being exert
ed iu that direction. Hero is what it says :
The pvple oi Ucatoti i-ounly me as line ami 1 ,ynl a
pc iile us Oiegn.i r any rilale in llie I'iihpe Iijs.
antl ilo not lllellt slkli iuslaualloiiM flout llleu pljci-,1
,,v. r want was uaee a l.ire pint ol litis country. Iry
the u..ver..meiit. Not wily nu- lliey true totlie ovene
mtlil. Out tins eiiunly s(o,,,t t.y Mali, a Iu In-r r.,llaiil
sliii);!,-...r M.ile I..VUS. Tin-vi ly v de toal located
Hu se it i f HM-crnnt, nl at Salem was 011t.1n.e1l l,y n,i
extra exerti-dis ol fun county, nud any ci.mliiimti'.ns
and el. ijttea now hy 'Hliiyi-runi-lii nni, iula" ami lit ws
pap, r 111 .11 oioh-is, to iiijuto lotviiili- nl thu tintiruu-di.-viui-iit
ot Salem, vfoiiid In1 in bad fitilli, -f
That tribute to the patriotism nml loyally of
thu people uf Hellion is but sheer justice, nnd
no fair construction uf Mr. Piinpsnn'e letter
gives countenance to " insinuations" of the
contrary. Heiiton may have a few citizens
whose heart and sympathies are w th tho hell-
born rebellion of Jeff D avis, hut the mass of
her voters hnve no oilier idea than devotion lo
the Union nud llie Government. The Gazette,
Mr. Simpson, nud the Statesman can have no
dillerence on that point.
As lo tho "vols that located the scat of gov
ernment at Salem" the truth is that Benton
gave 371 against Salem lo 1 17 for il over
three to one. Salem never thought of com
plaint; of this the people of Kenton had their
preferencea and very properly expressed them.
Snlein was very thankful lor the niie-fnarlh she
(fii get however, and never dreamed of "ng
grandising herselP'by "injuring Corvallis," and
thero are nut five people in our city who will
not rejoice to see Corvallis thrive and prosper
lo the otiuost extent. It is a miserably nur
row spirit which only sees disaster lo one town
in tho prosperity of another. What will build
up and increase Corvallis will also enlarge and
enrich Salem. What will cripple nnd injure
the former will lessen the. trade and wealth of
the latter. They are In no sense rivals, and
never can be. Givo ua tha twenty thousand
additional si-tilers which Ihu letlilu iiiniccupicd
acres of Willamette valley need, ami the two
tortus will inuicueo in numbers nud pinpcrly
so fast that Ihey wil! huvo nu time to waste mi
petty local bickerings nud Jealousies.
A hypocrite is the inennest typo of n villain.
In religion he serves bis father Ihe Devil in the
stolen guise of a saint ; in Ihu social circle lie
is a disturber of domestic peace, a slanderer of
feiniilu character, whose base designs nre nl
wnys covered by mine specious pretext 1 in pol
itics lie is n hollow-hearted pretender w hoso de
sires are nil selfish, whoe only aim is to exult
himself though he does it nt thu expense of his
country's ruin. lie may succeed for a lime iu
gaining Ihe people's confidence, In fastening
himself upon them like a leech and lining his
pockets witll their gold. Hut in the end ho will
hu cast aside, distrusted by all parlies, de
spised by all men, bis name mentioned only as
a by-word apd reproach. Ilu may still find
somu few associates among a class that have
no respect fur themselves and none for lliu
opinions of community, and some corrupt po
litical party, struggling for existence against an
enlightened public sentiment, may iniiku of him
a temporary tool. Hut he will never riso to
the dignity uf a leader even among thieves.
His only business will bo to auiusu and edify
the low circle in which ho moves by casting
sneers at the butter and truer men who occupy
positions of publio trust where he once fattened
his loatliesoiuu carcass on tho spoils of the peo
ple's treasui'y.
There are snub men ns theso iu tho demo
cratic party of Oregon lit thu present tiny.
They arc hypocrite's iu the truest and broadest
sense of thu word. Many uf them uro de
nounced and distrusted by their own associates.
They have tin organ in Sulem w hich is con
ducted according to their direction nud taslo.
Thcsu incii made their first rise from Ibo con
dition of pennilefs beggars, nnd accumulated
thu wealth Ihey are now squandering on this
pestilent sheet by mentis of taxes collected
from Ihe people ; yet thu continued cry of the
brainless ninny whom they have Hindu their
monlh piecu is " taxes," " high taxes," " inure
taxes," " exorbitant tuxes," " uno institutional,
abolition war tuxes." They who were long
the pets 1 f ollice, who fed nud almost foundered
at the public crib, who hud the government
purse-strings so long iu their keeping that Ihey
almost begun to iir.ugiue the pretogiitivu theirs
bv divine light 11. like terrible outcries over
every legislative or executive movement thai
involves Ihe least expenditure, 110 mailer
whether llint movement be intended to defend
our borders from hostile savages, It) protect em
igrants, to aid in tile preservation of the 1111-
ti il Union or to effect any other praiseworthy
or necessary object. It seems to hurt their
feelings tu have tho public revenue expended
hy oilier hands than theirs.
They raised a chnrncteiislio howl over the
soldiers' bounty fund provided by the Inst Leg
islatnre. They even Went so fur in one ol iheir
squibs as to discourage faith in these bonds by
hinting that the Act might be decided uncoil
etituliouul. These absurd, nud hypocritical
railings w ere nut noticed becnuso it w as llyiugbt
the necessity nnd justness uf that luw was np
parent to every ono. We believed then it was
just as apparent to them and that the only ob
ject of theso railings was In -create political
capital or cover up smno selfish design of their
own. It now turns out that one of these
pseudo pntriots, who is generally supposed to
have some part in getting np tho " bitter cdi
tnrials" for that p.'.per, has been investing
largely in theso bonds. How is this ? Wlmt
could have induced theso high priests of mod
em democracy to place such nn endorsement
on the unconstitiilioual acts of an Abolition
Legislature J Have Ihey been convinced of
their error I Or do they think this the last
chance they will ever have to get their fingcii
iu the publio treasury Did they raise that
cry lo depreciate theso bunds that they might
liny them at less than their value, thus defraud
ing the soldie ur robbing his orphan nnd
widow I
Jkssk Ah'i.kciate ipon Pat Malosk.
The curd of Mr. Applegate, iu which ho so
piiugenlly expresses his repugnance tu the hyp
ocritical praisu of Patrick, the Puritan Hater,
wo copy from the Sentinel of hist week. No
word of ours could add to the force of that
brief letter. It is a volume in itself.
The Arena seizes npon Ihis letter os another
pretext for discouraging enlistments in the
army. Its fultiiiiialioiis will huvo about ns
much effect upon this as upon the price of po
tatoes, or Ihe next change of thu moon.
Sold. A heavy game of roots was played
a few days since 011 a friend of ours of Ihe
medical profession, hy some rascally merchant
in n neighboring town, Happening into Ihe
merchant's establishment, he discovered an as
sortment of carro's, which ho mistook for sweet
potatoes, nud purchased a large quantity. On
arriving her-, he tnld of bis purchase wilh
great gusto and ordered a meal cooked, but on
trying their quality found them more stringy
than thnru llint used lo grow " nwnr down
Soujh in Dixie;" nud finally concluded ihey
were some oilier kind uf roots. It is now un
derstood that our friend is opposed to the rege
table theory iu medicine, nud opposed lo routs
011 general principles.
IilXltUlTINO IN J.U'KSiiX.-'-We learn from
Ihe Sentinct that 05 men have enlisted in Jack
son county for the First Oregon Infantry ton
more than the quota of Ibat comity. Uesides
these, nboiit 20 have enlisted ill tho cavalry
under the new call. The Sentinel suvs !
"Jackson, Josephine nnd Duuglat comities
have furnished mure men for the United States
seriice during ihe past three years, than any
other portion of Oregon of tiio snmo number of
tt1 Buyers give $1 30 per bushel for wheat
in Salem now. Onts are worth 73 cents. Ba
con, 13 to 20 cents, nud scarce nt llint. Fresh
butter, 37 lo 40 cents. Eggs, 30 to 331 per
doien. Potatoes, fl per bushel. Farmers that
have any thing to sell must be prosperous.
Portrait. Mr. Montgomery has a fine por
trait, taken by 'himself, ol Mrs. Thnyer as
"Hag nf the Tomb." It is about as hideous a
likeness of a good ooking woman at any body
evir saw. One would judge from ihis picture
that paint and dress may bo made about as po
tent iu destroying beauty as embellishing it.
Arrksted. The two Indiana, Charley and
Jack, w ho robbed the store of Kelly iV Iluwley
iu Polk county, and for whom a reward of $50
was offered by Ihe Sapi rintrndent of Indian
Affairs, were arrested iu Portland last week.
Another Church, Tho new Baptist
church in this city was dedicated on Sabbath
before last and licv. S. U. Cornelins, late of
Portland, has been installed as II regular
j pallor.
'IM !. I I ,
have lie,-,, Itloesi-il ,l,ii,K , , Uv ' '"
K'""1 ' ''""I'l he (".pneleil for ,, lllm ., ' "
Il litis been IViisly al ulKl,i ami t l,.,., ,'
llie day, lliu llie humid ,vin, fritui , Nn
come ngitili, Ihe sky In overcast, ami ,, Qf
Is evidently upon us. None urn liuiiuf nl, to "
chilli the eluumu than the iirelluniloil dtvoll,.,. I
lanil .il wel, loot. '"' Hi tha
I lie III 1 hi, r .1 ,
Tii.ruM..Th. T m will ,,.-, ,
ble mrce on lliurmlay nv,'llil,K. They ,I1V8 , '
themselves lime on these plays, and ,t.,n J" "
slum! Hint, every performer will know Ills pilrt ,"
till who wish lo liuioh and grow fat attend. Vol
to see lliem ((reeled with ll full house. I
TuKI,..rO,tK0ONl!.-'rl, p)H,p ,
oe.nly ciilarfcd by Hie addition f C0MU) "'
pane. We n pleased Iu see the evltleae,, of 0r
temporary's prosperity, M'
Lkctciih.h-1),'. C. II. DeWolf, who vMtC(1 thf
place several yeura ngo, is dellvurhi" a conns r j
lures at the Legislallve Hall.
Ni!W HTKAiiKiia. Tlio niaelutierv for two
steiiiiiers, lo lie placed upon the Willaituiita ti,:.
nltove ( line until , was lalieu lo Starr's IjiiiM .,
front struct, between Oak and Pino, from (Jon,"11
wharf yesterday. Tim ciur'uiea nre frniu Calif,,,!!'
nod weru 1'onuerl used In llie E. Commit and r ?'
llaies. 'I hey uro to liu lilted up In the best mu,j,,'
lot-1 he new boats, which rumor suvs are fi
nwilioii line. Tho 1. T. I'onipatiy nm nro,Z
.niililiiiK iniolher sli'tiianr tor the sumo tradi, i ,
connection with their present rlne Heel, wiloh win
dive the Willanietie il lively, appoaraiiee durlnv tha
eoiniti fall and winter. Ucegontan, 'ith.
l'OUTLAND MAIIKEV. flour, f 4,1)0 to D. Wheat Hu
per liu.; Onls 70c. Halter, 4(li', Kggs 8Sc, l'otlWi, . ,
pies, l,Mitol,7Sn.'rtia. "
Futa Kaiiisa CtonMNr, No. I. Tie mami,
Ihis Company lire requested Ut meet lit Iho State JJ.
,,iry ji,kiiiii, M, ,iiui,,t ,cDm,j; I'veaunf my
As I'uahioKS of laiiMirlanco will be nrninU ilut..u
the Company, a full alt'-ndaiiee is desired.
Jly order ul Ihe President.
H, II, JlilNNKK, &OTcUtr,
To Soldiers,
Wo scud Ihe Ulntctmnn lo iifuVors ant) soldiers a
the service of the United Stale.! and reecivo gretnb,,
at pal' Iu payment, hut tu avoid Iniposllluu ltlllKn. '
sary thai, snrli suliscrliicrs specify the company itj
renhiient'to which they licloiijr.
For Sale.
A llrst-eluss (liover A 11 iker Hewing Machine. Ap.
ply at this iifflee.
Ordiiiiiiicx No. 40.
An Urdlminco snppleiiii-iitiir.v to " Ati ordinance toeesiial
l.ut-Oivncrs In oulld Uldi-walks." .
Tlie People of the City of Salem ilo ordain si folloti;
Section 1. Tlint the owner or owners of any town Kit (rott,
liitr nn Outer street, In lliu city of Hith-m, bslween Comiuo.
clnl and Capitol stre-ts, lie rv,0ln-d to build sMrailki h
front, of tlielr r,-a,ei'tlve In a, uf the following- slir, dlmta.
alons, 'itxl o,uallly, tn wit : Sidewalk to ha i-Udit feet wldt,
good Ininlitr two lm-h,-s Itilek, hoards to lie laid crojt-iat
His walk, on good, snlitointiitl limners, mid nulled iluwatiO
XX mills. .
1'iissiil tin Cnuneil Fi hraary 7, ISO'S.
I'. L. WILLIS, R(rilf '
Jan. 2.1, 15113, at tlie resldiMiee M Ihe hrlde's father, rift)
mih's aliove Vitii'-ouvi-r, ly Ki-v. John J. Clark, Mr.Sjhuai
II. Maxott nnd Misa Anninda M. Irliy. ,
F. lt. 8. isits. In tills enmity, l,jr Rev. A. P. Wptller, Mr. Bee
ekliili lliilh-y uinl Miss liliu lu Glandnn.
In I'orlland, r It. (I, hy L. Anderson, J. P., NicholslWtt, '
1 mid Miss Anna lluaer.
tn Clarkniiiiis en., Jan. 2ft, tvy Z. J. Norton, J. P , Jfe
Tr icy mid Mia Martha UidH-idl. holh of that noutdy.
Jiui.Ul'lli, Itttk't, hy the same, Myron UldwellandNasBki
llonnv, Imtli of Ctai'kamita county.
In l.iiio- en., Felt. i. Iiy F.ldi-r I'hlllp Mulki-y, John
ami Misa Margaret )'. lsrei-,1 llif .
In I'orllioid, Juaeph Uorscy ami Mrs. Mary A. Qsllthff,
all ,tf ".inland.
In Orevoti City, Jan. 211, hy Iter. 0. 0. Stratlon, Soliaa
Walters nnd Miss Susan Poster.
In Oregon City. Felt. 5, ls.1, by lU-v. 0. 0. Straltoo.Cjm
Markham and Mrs. Aon Miner.
In Lane eo., Jan. 29, Willinm Franklin, son of JohnH.lal
Mahaln J. Uaniliri-I, ag,-d 1 year, ft months, nnd 2 itajl.
In Portland, Jan. Ull, Mrs. Kiln C. Lake, wile, Uk
In Cnrvallls, Jan. 211, of coiisiiinilinn, Mrs. Pnotlis 1st '.
Mason, wife of Joshua Mason, in IheSTtli year al act in
Al Willow Springs, Fell. 1, Alloe H daughter ol .Cnl
Ann Dt-an,age'l ttyt-araand II months.
Mi-ar Oregon City, F.d. I, lsdl. Carolina Virginia, tigs'
Mr. .. Payne, In the 21th year nf Iter age.
In Waahliigloii eo., Felt. 8, John W.,yenugest son sf J.I
and M. A. Rieiiaann, aged 2 years, 7 months, and 7 dlri
Jan. 1, In Douglas co., Jtiines Onhhlns, aged 02 yean.
In Multnomah County Hospital, Dec. ID, James Uollisl
nnd til Ihe same Institution, Jan. 29, W. Uoward.,
Dlt.C. II. DKWOI.P willeomtne'ictarotu
or LixrintKsuHTl'K.SDAY EVKM.VU, allot
m;.is,ativi: hall,
on tlie uhtive uud kindred eubjecls.
TICKKTS. for Four .rt7iiir(,OncI)ollar,t'iui
Lecture, Filly t'fiils.
free to Ticket Holders worth (lie price of admass
N. II. rioeiiolooieiil exutnimuiutia and tlsiaJ
coiisalliitiniiH m lite Hall. allli '
qillKlfl-: will l,o a Cclcbnition at the DKhPlSS
J. IMsi'lTR TK, on Hie ereiiimrnf the "Jd of la
rmtry, under the auspices nf lite Washington Littns
Soeii.ty. to cnntmi'inuriite the llMd Anniversary of!S
llirtlt Dav of the Father of his Country.
'1 lie lliCV W.N. 1IOYAKIN will deliver theot
iutr iiddreBs. 1'. H. KNIIUIT, Esq., ia alio cits
tu deliver an address nt eaiulle huliting;.
The AI'IIOItA BRASS HANI) will discooneati
in " tuneful harmony."
Tho l'mi-mume will he composed of Seientikit
courses, Orations, lleeluintltions, Clinrudol,Cuasa
l'lnvs, Dialoioies, Tiihleuux ami Comic perfcrassai
each tempered ami flavored by the interpositimilu
en) and Instrumental Music.
t 9" The IVi-fiirnmnce will boirin at H o'dott
. f elt. Ill, t.SaJA. JU
1 iilire vimtolcccp Hooks, setlia forth lhe"sJ
nmimtit of pour mtiHt'tict unit article!. Andisl
derittg account rf saeli nt-tielo. wares, c, satit
full Htneiint of uelllul sales mnsl tie stated.
f. S. Ass'l Asa'r, Ilk Diva
February. i:ith, I WO.
'tl lCsntiite lor Sale.
t acres, in Yoaenlhi l'rc'int'l. Hougliisroonof
IOkmI Dnellinu, Orchard, and about UH,(JO0 riisj
the place. There ia n Fine tilwk It'tnet rwitm
villi the land, uudubtiiiduul supply of finlM""1
m Also the DWEM.IXO, wilh Issil !
i3. 2(13 leet squnre. ifl this City, nowornp
by . I. W. P. roK. .,..
Snteiti, Oregon, Kelt, tilth, Mio. .
A il in i ii istra tor's .olic"-
N'OTICE is herepv iiivett linn nt llie Febnu!r'
uf the cmiiiiv court of .Mitrion e-timv. a
Ori'iem. llie iiinU-isiun,.,! wasapiiniuieils""'
of Ihe eslulo of Daniel 111 htuev.r. .Isle '
eoiintv ileeeaseil. All persona hoMfas """'S
s id e'.tale will pleitau iie.-etU Ihim proii"";
and within tlie lime providid by la, ..
six no nillis from this slate at mv resident " ,
enmity or to Williams &. Mallory $1 fh"r!fKj,
leiii. 'All persona kiiotvuut ,i,em.u"iZL
mod estate will please make payment "n"!f"T.'
Adm'r of Ihe estato of Dituiel Uelun;,
Salem, Feb. 0, IMoS. JV.
.olie-c of riunl Splll,n''
ATOW. on litis dav, February. 7ih. 1",,, ,
1 iv eotirl ul Yamhill cnutiiy, ri'ir.,
Kojiers, eerutnr of H Inst will and lJ"j
Lewia Risers, late of Yamhill eooitit, ""L.
lilea his limit aeeoam for settlement ""Sj
said estate. It ia therefore ordered tnai t
tho Mill dav .if Mnrr-li. IHtii. be sei apart w j
tleuteut nnd diairtliuiion nf said ,1 ".a -n
house, in Yamhill'd ,5s
interested are liled lo lippeor al ssu"1 .""TyifS
mid llait uoiita Ibereol ho pabhshed ia i-
ciaemaH ituwspaicr tor ium v r,(WIA
"TLi' I CooooJ.
In Coun y Court for Folk county. Ote
Jaa. L. Coper, DeceSJ i
'PIIE having been "gyVis
1 administer the aaid estate. I ss
IohII Imviiur rlainia eiiaim Ihe said es a
litem within six months Irom thia lU.'';riss
ed to come forward and make """'''.Tiusii
H M.Cii01,EK,Ailmm'"'V
Dallas, Feb. tilh, lSti.
A airsi
l,,ir sloe iKt"f
. Sdver Minion toiwn' Gaidar. f;5
netits teniaiil unpaiJ aoul -IS"1!
sessmetits remain
unpaid niiiii ' - j, api
ary lUth, l-xi',re hereby no"" "um'
b ndvertieeit ror sine ana iu - ulif
lecteil accordiug to law.
.HillillR "
TII1EHR Will be H special v-,
1 era el the t'nion (idl "d !"fZ 1 '
. . :nnl tw.
una .
nv ai ineir omce, m in " m
. .. .D . : t.. u. iia ur . k
, old,, in r em. - ..u4. '
ith dav of Mareli, A P., ' V ( ,M s-'
Blid day, for lh. purpose of m'',
and trunearlitin atico otoct
ite,'eKry lor the inleirsl of lbs '
Hy order of the l'reaideiil. R jiaLL",
300 8e.Ci"i,i
Tut: U kaiiiku-