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About The state Republican. (Eugene City, Or.) 1862-1863 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1862)
A : 3 7 J JL M 0 DEVOTED TO THE POLITICAL AND GENERAL INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE. VOL. I. EUGENE CITY, OREGON, JANUARY 1, 1862. NO. 1. -Ay. ' OTA-- RMP TRI1 .fl(T1 A iLi.Ai.iL iiJ 1L, W OLd LL iLJ iLJ iL W 1 AY. - r. r THE STATE REPUBLICAN. rahliihed everr Satardav r II. SHAW & CO. as Term, of Rubrcriptioa. Tbt RsreiLicuc will b published at 2 SO .rear in ad vance ; S 00 if paid at the end of-six month i or $4 ne at th. lion ol tha year. On. dollar additional will b eharrad tor ach vaar Davmeot ia neglected. jpN. paper discontinued until all arrearage, are paiu, except at ui vpuuu. Rate, of AdrerUsiaf. Ou. iquar (ten tinea or lew) one mootli, Each additional insertion, business Cards, one square leas, on. year, " ail months, Four square, and upwards, one year, per square. 4i six months, per square, u u three months, " Administrator's Notices, and .11 advertisement re lating to estates of deceased persons, which have to be sworn to, on. square, Your insertions, S 00 SO IS 00 8 00 10 00 7 00 a oo S 00 All commuaicatiutii! to this office should be addressed to H. SHAW A Co., Eugene City, Oregon. T. Aotxbtissbs. Business men throughout Oregon and California will tind it greatly to their advantage to adver tise in the Srvra Kspubi.icam. THE Bit AVE AT HU.1E. I T. Bl'CBAXAX BEAD. The maid who binds her warrior's sash, With smile that wed her pain dissembles. The while beneath her drooping lash One starry tear-drop hangs and trembles, Though heaven alone records the tear, Ami Kuiiie shall never know her story, Hur heart has shed a drop as dear Al ever dewed the tieid of glory. The wife who girds her husband's sword, 'Mid litllu ones who weep or wonder, And bravely i-peults the cheering word, Whut tho'tih her heart be rent asunder Dooiie-d nightly in her dreams to hear Tue bolts oi war urouud him rattle, II itli shed as sacred Mood ss e'er Was poured upon tue pl.iiu of battle. Tile in t!icr who conceals her grief, While to her breast her son she presses, Then breathes a lew brave words uud brief. Kissing the patriot brow she blesses, Witu uo one but her secret G id To know the pain that weighs upon her, holv blood as e'er the sod .l.-j-'ivl i t'r.-eli u's Held of honor. THE PRE31DEMPS MESSAGE. Salivarsd to C stress December 3, 1861. W asihngton, December 3. Fellow the S:.iate a til Jfjuse of lit jjftteitlaiivi's : In tlie midst of unprecedented political troub les, wo have cause ot great gratitude to God for goo I health and a most abundant harvest. You will not be supisol to learn that, iu the peculiar exigencies ol' tlM limj, our intercourse witu foroig i uitiom has been attended with pro solicit:! Je, chufly turning upon our domes tic affairs. Tile disloyal portion ol the American people have, during the whole year, been engaged in an attempt to divide and destroy the Union. A nation which end arcs tactions and domestic divisions is evieeto 1 to lose respect abroad, and uiiii party, or both, is sure, sooiior or later, to invoke foreign intervention. Nations thus tempted to interfere are uot always sure to resist the counsels of seeming expediency. Measures adopted under such influences seldom tail to be u:iKrij:i.itj or i.ij irious to those adopting them. T ho disloyal citizens of the United States, who have effected the ruin of our country, in reward tor aid and comfort which they have iuvoked abroad, have received less patronage and encour iigeinent than they probably expected. If it Mere just to suppose, as the insurgent1 have seemed to assume, that foreign nations in this case, disregarding all moral, social and treaty obligations, would act solely and selfishly for the most speedy restoration of commerce, including, especially, the acquisition of cotton, those uutioiis appear as yet not to have seen their way to their object more directly or clearly through the des tructibu thai through the preservation ol th. Union. If we could dare to believe that torcign nations are actuated by no higher principle than this, I am quite sure a sound argument could be made to show them that they could reach their aim more readily and easily, by aiding to crush this rebellion, than by giving encouragement to the principal lever relied on by the exciting ot foreign nations to hostility ugainst the United States, as already intimated in the einbarrassmet of commerce. 1'aose nations, however, not iiu probably saw, from the first, that it was the Union which made as well our foreign as our domestic commerce. They can scarcely fail to perceive that the etTect ol disunion produces the present difficulty, and that one strong tiatian promises more durable peace, and a more exten sive, valuable and reliable commerce than can (he tame nation broken into hostile fragment. It is not my purpose to review or discuss with loreign States, because whatever might be their wishes or dispositions, the integrity of our Gov eminent mainly depeuds not upon them, bat wpoii the loyalty, patriotism, virtue and intelli gence of the American people. The correspond ence itself, with the usual reservation, is herewitn submitted. I venture to hope it will appear that we havepracticed prudence and liberality towards foreign powers, avoiding causes ol irritation, and with firmness maintained our own rights and honor. Since, however, it is apparent that here, as in every other State, foreign danger necessarily attends domestic difficulties, 1 recoui mend that adequate and ample measures be adopted lor maintaining the public defences on every side. THE COAST DEFENCE. Wbile under this general recommendation provision for defending our coast tKvurs to the mind. I also, in the coast line reaany same connec- tion, ask the attention of Congress to our great lakes and rivers. It is believed that some Ibrti tications and depots ol arms and munitions, with harbor and navigation improvements, at well elected point upon these, would be of great importance to the national defence and preserva tion. I ask attention to the views of the Secretary of War, expressed in his report upon the same general subject. I deem it of much importance that the loyal residents of Eastern Tennessee and Western North Carolina should be connected with Kentucky and other faithful parts of the Union by railroad, and therefore recommend, as a military measure, that Congress provide for the construction of such a road as speedily as po a ble. Kentucky will, no doubt, co-operate, and through her Legislature make the most judicious selection of the line. The northern terminus must connect with .Home existing rail road, and whether the route shall be from Lex ington or Nicholasville to Cumberland Gap, or from Lebanon to the Tennessee line In the direction of Knoxville, or some still different route, can easily be determined. Kentucky and the general Government co-operating, the work can be completed in a short time, and when done it will not only bo of vast present us fill ness but also an invaluable permanent improve ment iu all the future. TREATIES. Some treaties designed chiefly for the interest of commerce, and having no grave political importance have been negotiated, and will be submitted to the Semite for their consideration, although we have failed to induce some of the commercial powers to udopt a desirable meli oration for tho rigor of maritime war. We have thns far removed all thocobstaoles from the way except such as are merely of temporary anil accidental occurrence. REPARATION TO TUB BRITISH SHIP PERTHSHIRE. I invite your attention to the correspondence between her Britannic Majesty's Ministers, accredited to this Government with the Secretary it State, relative to the. detention of the I5ntnh -hip Perllttklre, in Juno last; by tho United States steamer MuimchuieKs,, for it supposed breach of the blockade. As this detention was occasioned by an obvious misapprehension of I he facts, an J as justice requires that we should comm't no bellig.-rcnt act not founded on strict ri"ht, as guaranteed by public law, I recommend that an appropriation be made to satisfy all reasonable demands of the owners of the vessel for her dctctitior. T:iK CLAIM AGAINST CHINA. I repent tho recommendation of my prede cessor iu his annual message to Congress iu De cember last, iu regard to the dispositions of the surplus which will probably remain after satis fying the claims of Amui-icm citizens against Chin i, pursuant to the awards of the Commis sioners under the act of 3 I of March, 1359. If, however, it should not be deemed advisable to carry the recommendation into fleet,- 1 would suggest that authority be' given for investing the principal over the surplus referred to, in good securities with it view to the satisfaction of such other claims id our citizens against China as nre not tinliki ly to arise hereafter iu the course of our extensive trade with that Empire. RECAPTURE OF VESSELS FROM THE PIIIATES. By act of the 5lh of August last, Congress authorized the President to instruct the com manders of suitable vessels to defend themselves against and to capture pirates. The authority has been exercised iu a single instance only. For the more effectual protection of our extensive and table commerce in the eastern seas, it especially seems to me that it would also be a IvisaMe to authorize the commanders of sailing vessels to recapture any prizes which pirates tray take of United States vessels and their car go, and Consular Courts be established by law in eastern countries, to adjudicate the case, in the event that this should not be objected to by the local authorities. PROPOSED RKCoQSITIOM OF HATTI AND LIBERIA. If any good reason exists why we should per severe longer iu withholding our recognition of independence and sovereignty of llayti and Li. Iieria, I am unable to discover it: though un willing to inaugurate a new policy in regard to them without the approbation of Congress, I submit for your consideration the expediency of an appropriation for maintaining Charge d'Af- laires near each ot these states. It does not ad mit of doubt that important commercial advan tages might be secured by favorable treaties with them. THE FINANCES. The operations of tho Treasury during the period which has elapsed since your adjournment, has been conducted with signal success; the pat riotism of the people has placed at the disposal of the Government the large' means demanded by the public exigencies. Much of the National Loan has been taken by the industrial classes. whose confidence and real for their country's de liverance from its present peril have induced them to contribute to the support of the Gov ernment the whole of their limited acquisitions. This fact imposes peculiar obligations to econo my in disbursement and energy in action. 1 he revenue, from all sources, including the loan, tor the fiscal year ending the 30th of June, 1800, was $86,835,900 27, and the expenditures for the same period, including payment on ac count of the public debt, were (84,578,0.14 38, leaving a balance in the Treasury, on the first of July, of $2,257,803 93. For the first quarter of the fiscal year, ending 30th of September, 1861, the receipts from all sources, including the balance from July 1st, were 1 102,53-2,501) 27. The expenditures, were $93,239,733 09, leaving a balance on the 1st of October, 1861, of ,492, 776 18. The estimate for the remaining three quarters of the year, and for the fiscal year 1862, together with his views of ways and means for getting the demand contemplated by them, will be submitted to Congress by the Secretary of the Treasury, It is gratifying to know that the expense made necessary by the rebellion are uot beyond the resources of the loyal people, and to believe that the same patriotism w hich has thus far au tained the Government will continue to sustain it till peace and Union shall again bless the land. THE ARMY. I respectfully refer to the report of the Secre tary of War for information respecting the nu merical strength of the arrny, and for recom mendations having iu view an increase of its ef ficiency and the well being of the various branch es of the service entrusted to hi care. It is gratifying to know that the patriotism of the people is equal to the occasion, and that the num ber ot troops tendered greatly exceed the force which Congress authorized me to call into the field. I refer with pleasure to those portions of this report which make allusions to the creurutble de gree of dleipline already attained by our troops, and to the excellent sanitary condition of the en tire army. The recommendation by tho Secretary for an organization of the Militia upon a uniform basis, is a subject of vital importance to the future safety of the country, and is commended to the serious attention of Congress. A large addition to the Regular Army, In con nection with the defection that has so considera bly diminished the number of its officers, gives peculiar importance to his recommendation for increasing the corps of cadets to the greatest ca pacity of the Military Acadomy, by more ad missions. CHAPLAIN'S. I presume Congress has failed to provide Chap lains for the Hospitals occupied by volunteers. This subject was brought to my notice, and I was Induced to draw up the form of a letter, a copy of which properly addressed to each of the persons, and at the dates respectively named and stated in a schedule containing nlso the form of the letter marked A, and herewith transmitted. These gentlemen, 1 understand entered upon the duties designated ut the time respectively stated iu the schedule, and hive labored faithfully there in. I therefore recommend that they be com pensated at the same rate as chaplains in the army. I further suggest, that a general provis ion be u.ude for Chaplains to serve at hospitals is well as with regiments. THE NAVY, The report of the Secretary of the Navy pre sents, in detail, the operations of that branch of she service, tho activity and energy which have cliaractcrizoJ its administration, and the results of measures to increase its cflieiency and power. Such liavH been the udditioiis, by construction and purelnse, that it may almost be said a navy has been treated and brought into service since our difficulties commenced ; besides iblockading, our extensive coast squadron, larger than ever lie ti re assembled under our fl ig, have performed duties which have increased our naval renown, I would invite special attention to the recom mendation of the Secretary of tho Navy for a more perfect organization, now so defective and unsatisfactory ; and suggestions submitted by the Department will, it is believed, if adopted, obviate any difficulties, and tend to promote har mony, and increase the efficiency of the navy. REVISION OF THE NAVY RECOMMENDED. I respectfully recommend to the consideration of Congress the preset t condition of the statute laws, with the hope that that body will be able to find an early remedy lor many inconvenicncic and evils which constantly embarrass those en gaged in their practical administration. Since the organization of the Government Congress has enacted some five thousand acts and joint resolu tions, which fill more than two thousand closely printed pages, and which are scattered through many volumes. Many of these acts have been drawn in haste, and without sufficient caution, so that their provisions aie ofteu obscure in them selves, or in conflict with each other at least, so doubtful as to render it difficult for even the best informed persons to ascertain especially what statute law is really in force. It seems to me very important that statute law should be made as plain and intelligible as possible, and be re duced to as small a compass as may be consist ent with the fullness and precision of Uie will of the Legislature and the perspicuity of its lan guage. This, well done, would, 1 think, greatly facilitate the labors ot those whose duty it is to assist in the administration of laws, and would be a lasting benefit to the people by placing before them, In a more accessible and intelligi ble form, the laws which so deeply concern their interests and their duties. I am informed by some, whose opinion I re spect, that all acts of Congress now in force, and of a permanent' character, will have to be revised and re-written, so as to be embraced in one vol. ume, or at least two volumes of ordinary and convenient size. 1 respectfully recommended to Congress to consider the subject, and if my sug gestions be appropriate, to devise such a plan as to their minds shall seem most proper for the settlement of the end proposed. VACANCIES ON THE SUPREME BENCH. There are three vacancies on the Bench of the Supreme Court ; two by the decease of Justices Daniel and McLane, and one by the resignation ot Judge Campbell. I have so far forborne making nominations to fill these vacancies tor reasons which I will now state. Two of the out going Judges reside within the States now over thrown by revolt, so that if successors were ap. pointed in the same locality, they could not serve upou their circuits, and man of the roost com. petent men the e probably would not take the personal hazard of accepting to serve even here upon the Supreme Bench. I have been unwilling to throw all the appoint ment Northward, thus disabling myself from doing justice to the South, on return of peace ; although I may remark, that to transfer to the North one who has hereu for been in the South, would not, with reference to the leiritory and population, be unjust. During the long and brilliant judicial career of Judge McLane, his circuit grew into an em pire altogether to i Urge for one Judge to give the Courts more than nominal attention, rising in population from 1,470,000 in 1831, to 6,151, 405 in 1801. Besides this, the country has generally out grown our present judicial system of uniformity, as originally intended. The system required that all the States shall be accommodated with Circuit Courts attended by Supreme Judges, while in fact, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Kan sas, Florida, Texas, California and Oregon, have never had any such Courts, nor can this be well remedied without a change of the system, be cause the adding of Justices to the Supreme Court, enough for the accomodation of all parts of the country with Circuit Courts would create a Court altogether too cumbersome for a judicial body of any sort, and the evil of it will increase as new States come into the Union. Circuit Court are useful or they are uot use ful. If useful, no State should be denied them ; if not useful, no State should have them. Let them be provided for all, or abolished as to all Modifications occur to me here which I think would be an improvement upon our present sys tem. Let the Supremo Court be of convenient number in every event ; then let the whole country be divided into circuits of convenient size, Supreme Judges to serve in a number cor responding to t eir number, and let the indepen dent Circuit Judges be provided lor all the rest ; or, secondly, let the Supreme Judges be relieved from circuit duties, and Circuit Judges provided for all the circuits: or. thirdly, dispense with Circuit Courts altogether, leaving the judicial function wholly to the District Courts and an independent Supreme Court. ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE IN MCNITIES. REBELLIOUS COM The unfavorable consequences of the present insurrection is the suppression in many places of all ordinary means ot administering civil justice by the officers, and in the forms ot executing law. This is the case in whole or in part, in all the insurgent States ; and as our armies advance upon and take possession of parts of these States, the practical evil becomes more apparent, and there are no courts or officers to whom citizens of other States may appeal for the enforcement of their lawful claims against the citizens of the insurgent States. There is a vust amount of debt constituting such claims, some have estima ted it as high as $200,000,000, due in large part from citizens even now making large sacrifices in the discharge of their patriotic duty to supt port tho Government. Under the circumstances, I have been urgently entreated to establish, by military power, Courts, and administer summary justice in such cases. 1 have thus far declined- to do it, not because 1 had any doubt the end proposed the collection of debts was just and right in itself, but be cause 1 have been unwilling to go beyond the presence of necessity iu the casual exercise of power; but the powers of Congress, it is sup posed, are equal to the anomalous occasion, and therefore I refer the whole matter to Congress, with the hope that a plan may be devised for tho administration of justice in all parts of the insurgent States and Territories. It is, however, uot to be a permanent institution, but a tempo rary substitute, aud to cease as soon as the or. dinary Courts can be established in peace. CLAIMS AOAINST TIIE GOVERNMENT. It is important that some more convenient means should be provided, if possible, for the a ljnslmeiit of claims against the great casualties, in view ot their increased number by reason of the war. It is as much the duty of the Govern ment to render prompt justice against itself, in favor of citizens, as it is to administer the same between private individuals the investigation and adjudication of all claims, in their nature, belong to the Judicial department. Besides it is apparent that the attention of Congress will be more than usually engaged for some time to come with the great national questions. It was intended by the organization of the Court of Claims mainly to remove this branch of business from the halls of Congress ; but, while the Court has proved to be an efficient and valuable means of investigation, it, in a general degroe, fails to effect the object of it creation, for want of pow er to make it judgments final. Fully aware of the delicacy (not to say the danger) of the sub ject, I commend to your careful consideration whether this power of making judgments final may not properly be given to the Court, reserv ing the right of appeal, on questions of law, to the Supreme Court, with such other provisions as experience may have shown to be necessary. THE POSTAL DEPARTMENT. I ask attention to the report of the Postmas ter General. The following is a summary statement of the condition of the Department : We give the figures as we find them, without attempting any correction, though it ic evident they have been jumbled in the telegraphing. Ed. Alia. The revenue from all sources, during the fiscal year ending the 4th of June, 1861, including the annual permanent appropriation of $700,000 for the transportation of th free mail matter, was $949,296 40 being about two per cent. less than the revenue of 1860. The expenditures were 1 13,606,709, showing a decrease of more than eight per cent, as compared with those of the previous year leaving an excess of expend itures of the revenue from the last fiscal year of over $557,402 71 of gross revenue for the year ending J une 30th, 1861 ; estimated at an increase of eight per cent, on that of 1861, leaving 86, 830 00 which should be added to the earnings of the department for carrying free matter, viz., 1700,000, making $9,382,000. The total ei penditnres for 1863 are estimated at $1,252,800, leaviug an estimated deficiency of $3,345,000, to be supplied from the Treasury, in addition to the permanent appropriation. THE DISTRICT OP COLUMBIA. The present insurrection shows, 1 think, that thofextension of this District across the Potomac River, at the time of establishing the Capital here, was eminently wise, consequently the relinquishment of the portion which lies in the Slate of Virginea was unwise and dangerous. I submit for your consideration the expediency of re-establishing the original boundaries, through negotiations with the State of Virginia. REPORT OF TUE SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR. The report of the Secretary of the Interior with the accompanying documents, exhibits the condition of the several branches of the publio business pertaining to that department. The depressing influences of the insurrection have been especially felt in the operations of the patent and general land offices. The aash receipts from the sale of the publio lands during the last quarter, have exceeded the expenses of our land system about $2,000,000. The sales have been entirely suspended in the Southern States, while interruption to tho business of ihe country and drawing of large number of men from labor to military service has obstructed settlement in the new States and Territories of the Northwest. The receipts of the Potent Office have declined in nine months about $100,000, including a large reduction of the force employed necessarily to. make itself sustained. Tho demands tpon the Pension Office will be largely increased by the insurrection. Numerous applications for pensions, based upon the casual ities of the existing war, ha'o already been made. There is reason to believe that many who are upon the pension roll, pnd in receipt ot the bounty of Government, are in the ranks of the insurgent army, or giving them aid and comfort. The Secretary of tho Interior has directed the suspension of payment of such per sods, upon proof of thoir disloyalty. I recommend that Congress authorize that officer to cause the names of such persons to be stricken from the pension roll. ' The relations of the Government with tha Indian tribes have been lately disturbed by the insurrection, especially in the northern Superin tendency and that of New Mexico. The Indian country, south of Kansas, is in possession of insurgents from Texas and Arkansas. The agents of the United States, appointed since the 4th of March, for the Superintendency, have oeen unaoie to reacn tneir posts, while the most of those who were in office befors that time. have espoused the insurrection cause, and have assumed to exercise the powers of arents bv virtue of commissions from the insurrectionists. It has been stated in tho publio prass, that a portion of these Indians have been organized as a military force, and nre attached to the army of the insurgents, but I have nothing official upon the subject. ' Letters have been written to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, by several prominent chiefs, giving assurance of their loyal ty to the United States, and expressing their wish for the presence of Federal troops to protect them. It is believed that on the reoccupation of the country by the Fedeaal foi 'ces, tbe Indians will immediately cease all hostile demonstrations and resumo their former relations to the Goveru ment. AGRICULTURAL BUREAU &UOQESTED. Agriculture, confessedly the lareer interest of tho nation, has not a department or a bureau, but a clerkship only assigned it In the Govern ment. While it is fortunate the great interest is so independent in its nature as not to have demanded or extorted more from the Govern ment, 1 respectfully ask Congress to consider whether something more cannot be given volun tarily, with general advantage. Annual reports exhibiting theconditioh of agriculture, coincrco and manufactures, would present a fund of information of practical value to the country. While I make no suggestions as to details, 1 venture tho opinion that an agricultural and statistical bureau might profitably be organized. THE AFRICAN SLAVF TRADE. The execution of laws for the suppression of the African slave trade has been oonfineJ to the Department of the Interior. It is the subject of congratulation that the efforts that have been made lor the suppression of this inhuman traffic have recently been attended with much success. Vessels being fitted out for the slave trade have been seized and condemned. Two masters engaged in the trade, and one person who equipped a vessel as a slaver, have been convicted and subjected to the penaltihs of fine and imprisonment; and one captain, taking up a cargo of Africans on hoard of his vessel, has been convicted of the higest grade of offense in our laws the puutshment of which is death. THE TERRITORIES. The territories of Colorado, Dacotah and Ne vada, created by the last Congress, have been organized, and civil administration has been in- augnrated there, nnder auspices especially grat ifying, when it is considered that the leavea of treason was found existing in some of these new countries when the Federal officers arrived there. The abundant resources of these Territories, with the security and protection offered by the organ ized Government, will doubtless invite to them a large immigration when peace shall restore the business of the country to its accustomed channels. I received the resolutions of the Legislature of Coloradowhich evinced the patriotic spirit of the people of the Territory. . So far the au thority of the United States ha been upheld in all tbe Territories, as it is hoped it will be in future. I commend their interest and defence to the enlightened and generous care of Congress. I recommend to the favorable consideration ot Congress the interests of the District of Colum bia. Tbe insurrection has been the cause of much suffering and sacrifice to the inhabitants, and as they have no representative in Congress, that body should not overlook their just clsims upou (Cnnrluded on frnrlh Pup.)