Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1861)
Ei)crcgonCirgu0. W. It. Adam, JT'J i fore Hu m OSXaOXV CXTYs SATL'UDAV, FE!JIlLrAKV2, 18CI Fmti.yo. Iiucliunun lad Iy issued proclamation to tiie Ainer.cuii penp' recommending Juri. 4 (wo believe) lo be observed in s duy of lusting ami prayer mixed uji witli omo hypocritical emit ubout Vv: sins of the pnoplo. Ai fr wu have cliervcd, tljo Amuricnn people pent-mlly very properly puiil no attention lo hi r' c iii Herniation. Tlio Mariposa Guzuttr, nlhidiii:r to tlio l'iciih ill's proclamation for prayer as a despcrato remedy for exist ing troubles, toy: "TI19 people of th North will hard'y sny much lo tlio Lor on tlin subject, for liny consider Ira good providence Miinikubly manifest In tlio elec- lion of Lincoln." OiiitooN Cirr Sr.ui.vAnr. .Miw Stroud who has lately lieen tcacbinjr ill tliU IiiHli In I ion, left a few days siren for tlio Knst. We lire informed (hut tlie Trusters hud meeting this, week, nnd secured tlio Her vices of Mrs. C. S. Kinsley, of Portland who will take charge of tlie Seminary, un til a toucher ran be procured from the Knit. Tlie experience of Mm. Kinsley ii sufficient guaranty tlmt the interests of tlie school will bo well cored for in lie hands. Tlio term will commence on Mou (I. iy, the II tli Inn. LvcHi'M. Tlieru was a hpiritcd dubute nt tho Lyceum on Wednesdny evening last on tiio Wonnin'i Rights question. Tlie roam wus well lilted, mid anion;? the most pleimnt f. utiiru of tlio occasion wus tlio presence of " Ldie fair, nilli pretty fncee," who seemed inncli interested In the discus' (ion, and who-e presence no doubt served to encourage tlio speukcrs on the nfl'inna tivo side, nnd correspondingly depress those on the negative. The Lyceum meets every Wednesdny evening. Fi:r;tir. Owing to tlio iniibilily of t lie touts to get into the basin below the Fulls, u large quantity of freight from tlio nppc country linn accumulated at the warehouse waiting shipment below. On Friday morning the water had (alien so us to hI low tlie Rival lo enter the JJasin. We i.niice that little or no freight is transport cd up the. river. C.y Tho old and favorite stenmer Jennie (.'I nk, so lung running between this city nnd Portland, in now laid up at the latter place. I'ler popular office r, dipt., nod A. Holland, Clerk, remain on thin route, in char-io of the Rival, which Ims taken tho place of the Jennie. 1 KJircKAXCE Li:tTtiti;. ev. Mr. At- kiihon will deliver u lecture nt tho Cougre gntiomd Church in this city on Monday i vniiiig next. Tho Kiilijcct will bo, Malt Liquors especially Lnger !it r. A coiTci;poiideut writes to the. Statesman from Coos that tho coal mines In that county nre being extensively work ed, and that u large amount of coal has been shipped to San Francisco this winter Tun Conn Commission. Tho Commis sion appointed by the lust Legislative As scin'ily to rcvUi and codify tho luwi of the tjtate met ut ror.'hind on tho 17th. Col. Jan. K. Kelly nnd A. C. Gibbs, Ksq., nt lendfdj Amory Holbrnok, Iq., declined to net, in consequence of business demanding his presence in the Knst. The Commission un-ured the services of IIoii. M P. Dundy, nnd hail proceeded with their duties. The Times says that the prnctico in the Circuit nnd Justice' Courts will undergo no male rial change, but that tlu prnctico in County iiinl Probate Courts will bo reviewed. itiT J. 15. Armstrong, near Milwnukie, will plenso take notico tlmt the paper we lenve in the post-office here, is not fur him, but for J. 11. Armstrong who resides on Harlow's place near Molallu, J. 11, A near Milwnukie, can have the paper sent to him by ordering it, and paying for it. CUT Petitions have been in circulation otnu time in this vullcj for signatures, ask ing that Oregon bo constituted a separate Military Department, ns lately has been tho esse. Upon the recall of lien. Harney, this Department was merged into tlmt of California. Un. A nor: In dime (In v of " war and rumor of wnrs," it may not be uniii teresling lo your ri-in!-rn lo hav laid ! a few of tho statistic, of the Army of the 'American devolution, by whose uncompromising patriotism nnd in domilublu valor, in the hand ol the gn at Ruli r of the Universe, the people of this nation enjoy u degreu of genuiue liberty, prosperity, nnd liiipplnc, such ns, we have every rcunou lo believe, wus never possessed ly nuy nation or icopi before. From (hi! first enrollment to I he memo ruble day on which it wus disliniulfd, when ihu glorious consummation of its object had been obtained, the whole Continental nrmy of (he Revolution numbered 231,0'i9 men Of this number, the Statu of Mu-suchir sells is credited with huving raised 07,007, which is something over 28 per cent, of I he whole nrmy, wh Ut nil the States south of Pennsylvania raised only 64,493 or 8,414 less than Massachusetts alone. Thu mini her contributed by Souih Carolina amount ed lo something less limn 4,000 men. The New Ko-hind Slates lilted out and maintained 1 18,350 men more than hall of the whole Iluvoluiionary Army. During the yenrs 1777, '78, "81, '82, the quotas of Mussiiehuselts ami Virgiuiu were equal in battalions mid men. Y t in those years .Massachusetts raised 22,981 men, I'quipped lor the field, while Virginia, although bound to raise the same number, fell short no less than 9,578, having given Washington only 13,403 men. This 9,578 is a d IT reuce of no small magnitude be- Iween two States, and in those limes would have made u formidable urmy of itsell. Times nre changed, however; ihose putn . . i . . ouo neroes nave pusseii nwy, auU n new Kcncruuon may uc sum to nave stimni; nil to enjoy the fruit of that glorious Tree of Liberty which they planted with their valor mid watered will) I heir blood. What n himeutublo spectacle, then, would it be, in the sight of men uud of nngch, to see the direct o(T-pring of those men, fdlow citizens of different States, rise up in civil war, and imbrue their hands in each other's blond. Forbid it, every motive of phihiu ihropy, patriotism, Immunity, wisdom!- I'orbid it, lien ven I Amici'8, iKUuM nl'i; K'd'ii tit i IK ItiiiAV J xev& uv run poxy. Changes in the Culiiw tWnh inton Threatened -Forts Pu- ItiMki, Jackson, and Morgan ta- & laiiai.iriiina FiniuiriBara i i... zrw bv Minkeii nnd lh Governor liu AxAs'i cireer us Unirpi r i I'.ciuior w sonvdle Sentinel: nifived I he ofT t of 10,000 volunteers out nl'llie Iff toll'. I .Movnni ids nre on fiml In Peiunylvuiila, Iniulla and Viimoiit to nut the ken U. S. Arbciml ut Moliile , nl (Jin eminent, litury mi wur looting In uid of llie Fvder- in the hanU of the Scciiun into Fort Stiinitcr liesii-geil Military Preparatioiw, tc, itc, t-uf A friend sends us thu following ns his sentiments on the treasonable project of I ncilio Republic talked of by a few fon in California. No one in Oregon lliinks of such n thing, unless it is some brainless squirt of Democracy who is not able lo pny his board bill. Such fellows would bu chawed up' worse than the lories wero (In ring the Revolut.oii. Rut tu our friend's article: 11 I a mi r.u. .lrgus; mere is not a snno man m Oregon, of honest intentions, that would iiilvonitesiieli a treasonable nlot as n Pa cilie. Kepuhlir, and who nre so fur lost to honest principles should lie damned until ncre ami liciviiilcr. Tho deeoest nit ol the infernal regions is n perfect heaven in comparison to wlmt such u low-lived cul prit would richly deserve. Tho man who Hunks there is no In II must confess thai Un re is u link out of joint, uud I lint that institution is becoming ind spensably neees saiy. It is tivus n us very tliomrht. nnd the man lhat would dream of the like hould never iro to le( nr nllow himself to loze in Ins chair. Nine hundred nnd nine ly-iune men out of every thousand on mis coast would spit in a man's luce that would npproaeli tin in m favor of such u d imuaiil ... n'. . ..... .i . i. i in. no just iniiiK wnai n siiittoon reeen. Mil .. ... iiun UIU .JO would meet w i w Ry the stage lust ( Wednesday) eve ning, wr received tho Red niuu Indepen dent of Jan, 22, contniirrijr I lie following ne brought by the pony Express: Four Ciicrcmii i., Jan. 20. The Pony Express nrr.ved lu reai 4 a u., with ieiieral hvici'S to Jan. 1st, nnd special ilispHtehis lo the Union, by trhgr-iph to I'ort Kearny, 10 tlie night ol Jan. 4th. It appears trout Washington reiorts that there was a m w yesterday. 8v retar es Tlioiniioii and Tlminus resigned; snd Qui. Scott whs nppoiuted Secretary of War. I ills crewteil great lliil-cuutioil niuoiiir the secession ts, who were nware that Scott whs In favor of extensive mil itary pri-pariilious. Subsequently tin d IT-rences were recon ciled, by I he w.thilruw d of Scott's mime, and pi icing thu Wur Department in charge of Holt. It is said that Thompson will now si nod by I he Pres dent, and that troojis have been orih red lo Cliarleslon. Gen. Seolt was n itln-r nt the Wur Di-- piirtmeut nor tlie President's house yester day. Thompson and Thomas attended thu Cabinet meelinv on Monday. 1 he Charleston Conner pronounces Muj. Anderson's uct nii us the opening of civil wur between American citizens, by an act of (Truss breach of laitli; says lie has viola teil u solemn pledge tivcu ley Ins chief, nnd that he lux I the HSMirnuce ol South taio liua that his honor, position m-d iluty would lie rcoiiectcil, until n proner uud open d ilarat'cii of war; also, that he had tort 'fie himself in Fort Molirie, into which he could hare retired with safely, uud hnvo blow up the oilier forts when In hud n muni t', and laid trains ready for tin-application or a match. Ji nl-o says, nu Christmas M-i Anderson d uel with the uuthoritii-s Charleston, nn l retired in good fecliujr.- riiis cans d tlie authorities to relax the viir lance, nod fuvortd him in carrying out his plans. I lie Onm ttei of Iuvi'stigiilinn on til Rniley fruuils organized Dee. 30. There are no new iievcioiun 'ills. Hie iionils missiinr have been recovered. cuneus of Maryland Senators have is sum un miiiress to tin unvernnr, iirginir an early convention of tlie Legislature. is s'gned by eleven Senators, who profess to speuk fur five others, m .knur sixteen nut of iweuty-iwoSenalors ot the Slate. Tli profess lo desire tne preservation of the L tiion, nud think the tini" has arrived fur Maryland to express an opinion. They re fi r to the fact lhat Virginia, Keulmky ninl leuni'ssen Convent ous meet next Monday, nnd suv, although they cannot diviim the net ion of t'toc States wdl be, it is impnssilile for Marylaml to net with them unless It is put in condition to lo so. 1 le y promise to consider no other mutters thui) wliut relate to the national crisis. . Tlie l.a4 Pktriu. Land OrricR, Oregon City, ) Jan. SO, 1801. ) En. Aimr: This Ofllce is in receipt of PutouU issued on Military Rouuty Laud Warrants, and nre reudy for delivery, to Stephen liiaiik, John Leonard, Thomas Stimincr, Lemuel D. Reckeit, Anthony L. Cannon, John II. Kill, William McCoy, Lucius A. Seely, David C. lUr, Sidney Callahan, Lucius A. Seely, John Foursyth, and James J. Bcueticld. R. Jkn.sisos, Register. Pacific Railroad. Intelligence lias reached this coast that tho passage of the I aciuc Railroad Udl through the Senate Is almost certain. The 2d of January was the day fixed for the consideration of the bill. BenJ. F. Harding, of Marion county, at preaeut at Washington, is uanud as one of the CorpnratOM of the PaciGe Railroad, id tho bill passed by the House of Repre sentative! Dr. IUbe ia 'named at out of the Corporator for California. ('.osuioiiaUliin Arl AgclUua Sew York. w leuicvcr wo see tin enterprise, or nn association, llie results of which nre elcvat- if and ennobling to our fellow men, we nre ry sure to find it to be conducted upon goml principles. I he D rectory of tho Cosmopolitan Art "social 'on can scarcely be charged wilh greediness of gain, when in add lion to n Quarterly Art Journal, (of itself worth the full subscription price) a magnificent sled iigraving, which, in thu hands of private publishers would cost subscribers at least 20, is included. Add to this lhat at the expiration of each year the snriilns iirofits over n sp filled amount urn distributed among thesuhrcribers in t'ie shape of priz , niul llie snliscnber who pays $3,50 for nil this, may foil pretty confident tho Associa tion will not get rich too fast. J lie name of Messrs. II. II. Rancroft A Co , Rooksell.-rs, Sail Francisco, being connected with the enterprise, ns Genera! Agents for the Pacific Coast, is enouifli to satisfy us ns lo the character of the Asso ciation. Tho Association has been in ex- istence six years, sustaining a higher repu tation each year. The Engraving now brought out for tho subscribers of the Seventh year is entitled " Fai.stakf Mi s- tfrixo his Rkcri its." Shukip'are Sir on I I'urt ll-nry I'., Act III, S.'tnf II. Certificates of Membership, entitling the holder to tho Art Journal, Engraving, nnd all the advantages of the Association can bo ubtained from Joll.v Fl.KUINO, at the Post-Office Dunk Store in this city, ut $3,50 each. The name of the subscriber is at once transmitted to the books of the Association in New Vork nnd the Art Journal mailed from New Vork d ruv t lo .i . i . -i .... me suumtimt. Mioulil suhscrilH-rs prefer I hem, or wish to inaka more than oue sub scription, either of the elegant engravings, "Sluikspearo nnd his Friends, or "The Village Rlaiksmith," may be taken. We lay to all, encourage whatever tends to make the highest order of Literature and Arl cheap and popular. COXfinRSStOXAf.. Til the House, yesterday, R;nghnm, of Ohio, (Republican,) introduced n bill to further prnv.ile for collection of Duties, It looks to nu increase of th Pr sidciit's power lo enforce the Revenne Laws. In Hie course of the proceedings, D mx, of Iudinna, ( Anti-Leconiptoii Democrat,) a.-keil h ave to off r u preamble reciting the secession ordinance of South Carolina. with a resolution iiis'rnctiug the Committer nu the Judiciary to report what leg station, if nuy, is neeei.S'i'y i i consequence of tin nos'tioii of South Carolin i. Lnv-jny, of III no a, (Reimhlirun,) nnd liirksil.ilc, of .Mississippi, (Democrat,) ob jected. Divs moved ft sibpens nn of the rules. Holniiin, of Iiidiiui'i, (D-'iuocrat.) wish- I to oII't n substitute nsserting that no State has a right to withdraw; that inilher the President nor Congress has nnthnrily to recognize sneh St'ite; that the Govern ment is invested W ill power lo collect rev enue and protect public property and di recting the Coiuni'tten to inquire il addi tional legislation is necessary for the purpose.. II II, of Georgia, American.) moved to lay the subject on the table. Lost. Without, coining to n conclusion, the Honsp adjourned t II Wednesday. Other proceedings wero had, but of no deliicte i'li ir-ieter. The proposal of dm Committee of Thirty- three was adopted Dee-mber 29tll. Messrs. M'UT'II, of erinont, Robinson. Washburn. ninl Tappan. of New II imp-shin, voted ngainst it. Morse, of Maine, declined lo vole. Stanton, of X-w Jersey, was tilt sent. The other seven Repiiblicuns voted aye. It provides un enabling act for Xew MexVo us a State thus fctlling the Ter ritorial question. D siiiiielies wi re forwarded, Jan. 2, l'7 ; fi .1 . 1 l.ll ...!.... ..I l',... Ill IHO lie 'liniieiiil III ..,......- , II .rP.Jii.i-r le the friends III the L'lf- I " I Ulntliri In po.loiiK for the present, M proprinl nns for in liimy pnr o-is. S'othinif lni"irtani Irmu Ch irh'sinn. MaJ. Ander,nii Informs the Government that nu reinforcements are needed ut Fort bumpier. The proceedings of Congress, Jan, 2, with nu mporiiiiit. 11 k r, in the Semite, made a eloquent Republican speech. St. I.ons, J in. 4 r. u. The prom'es of pence nre not eoi flrnv"l. It is fen nd that the report was a stock jobbing (lpr it'nll. Forts Pol- k m.d Jin knil hv been necup'i d I y the State trnois of Georgia, by iirih r of llie Gov- rnor, nud, it ia said, on purpose to prevent a spontaneous up rising of the populace. The Revenue Cut ler wns se:zed, bill returned. 1 1 is believed tlio Mrci Mioidsts hare car- red G nrgin. There are rumors nt Charleston that Anilerson'sciimaiuircal'iai has been cut oft"; that Fort Sumpl'r was licsiegi il, and Fort Moultrie repa n d mid ready to open fire on Fort Summer. Doubtful, suvi the report. 1 Tlie rumors are renewed lint then Is a combination to forcible posession of Washington. Gen. Scott has in nle prep arations for the emergency, by ordrrof the President. The F'oridn Convention met yesterday, With N feelillg difldedly S!'Ci-s:OII. Tin order for the removal of the cannon from Pittsburg, has been rescinded. The Governor of South Carolina lias npciilei his Cabinet. Tne D -l-iwure Legislature rejiclcd tin1 si-cession overtures of Mississippi. Gov. B oik, of Massachusetts, in his valedictory address, denounces s cession and ndv;ses the repeal of the Personal Lile-ny R IN. Gov. Jackson's Inmgural Address, of Mi-sour: , iidvocut-s a Convention, and to opera I on nrNiiithrrii Stiles. Senator Raker concluded his speech, on Jan. 3 I. Sennter Douglas spoke, nnd said I ho is sue was compromise or war he preferred coinprnniise. The troops nt Leavenworth have been ordered by Gen. Sentf to be in readiness lo proceed to Fort McIIeiiry, nt R dtimore, nl a moment s notice. Senator Cameron, of Pennsylvania, il is thought will be appointed Secretary of tlio Treusury by Mr. Lincoln. Latest Dispatch. St. Lnris. Jan. 410 r. m The United States Arsenal nt Mobile, was taken this morning by Alabama Stale troops without, resistance. It is rumored that Fort Morgan was taken lust night. froiolh,, true to ibe lifcs-" For four yenrs pint our The digglngi ti.. .Ilm... . . government Iim Ihvii extravagant in the Jacksonville are quit, gentTuT ? extreme. Il h fome corrupt to the few paying ,lg, wagM, ,,ld tJJH I core. I.O"k to Washington. Venality n(, fllir mil The 7"'i sils eulhroiied III the Executive mansion. tmw 0f ,l0 .mt W(.ek j ,,,0 114 fiuvy nv- pu out of the window of the benefit, and with a few days f V uriineiils. Rotleiimiw oozei out of claim along the .L I.... "w3' tlm crevices of tlie CupHol. Peculation b, yti.,nll'y worked. and robbery pirvude every lirnncli or the Tho Williamsburg mMt r( . public service. The corruption w hich water plentifully for present Uu,,, have been proved, by couiH tent t' atimo- miners realize quite 11 linnjsome'j uv imnii tin Adiirni.lratioii of I)iichaiian, former dura. Ilia . . l . . ., . ... . ,., . ' 1 i-i-n-Tora, nlinn.t wiiliont a iiuriillcl ill the history ,nnlv nf wni.-i- rPn .1.. . . '"t of civd government. Rend its iniquiliea In belter part of thn dry leu. 1. . the reports of the Investigating Cominlltees At Apvlegnle, some new hi,...: ' . i,t lliu nres. lit CoinreSS. IIoW llieV TCfk rmwi.ll l.unn ,li.... , .. " .. . " """-""-mi m the .in ... wiih Rut tho veuulily or the along the upper Waters of the Mersl A din'iiisi ration is paralh lnl byiurciklcss streams, which prospect flulterlii-l' extravagance. Ai in nmi.uim wiimeu 111 willow Springs several of the el .1,, ... t. ...... -si... ,-1. .1 1 nk,t mr 11 x it. rji.Miv iii.fii. 1 v j "i I rijuu wujceri, ami II water Wert had Ii kausas, iis fruitless attempt to urivo me IOrii than probulilo H at the WCl.j. Mormons out of Utah; it foolbh rxjiedi- duct would abuuduntly nrov. 1 :.. m 1. lid. a nillrv i.rivatn dismite in I I. ...i . . . ""' - I J 1 - , - 1 nilliwil in rrwnu IU Done In COIUefl tin. Paraguay. Il has run up nn immense debt, ti,0 ri.)or (fm ,( , has nrovided no iiienns for ill parincnt. has ,1 l,j !., il,. i . fml 1 ' 1 - B- n - j i 1 i.ODIHX tli! k I'iiuiI frn 11 mniilli 1 1 ninnlli bv a nroci ss of I r.... i- ' mi-'1 --" " . I ..iiii 11. ".I inni'iiir reilUUIfi iniru. . "sl.inu iu" thai would disfruce a curbstone nssiirnnie tlmt no richer mines are w U broker in Wall street, uud, at the close of m tW) cou,,rr 'liera water!.!.! its four years of incompetency and improv ideiice, will coolly turn ortr iis obligations to lie liquidated by its successor." Public to thn country. Where water U U trnviignnt wages nre made, and tl,... or tho gold deposit ia sufficient 0 illM good mining to hundreds whenevfr .i shall be furnished plentifully. On Sam'a Creek, evm profitubly employed. The digging lre . no means thoroughly prosnecd i,.i.l.. ""iiiioie who own them are confident tlittt trt tin V"IUIIJ the thpgings beyond Rognu river, slonjH, Oregon road, ulthongh they m t,, with hydraulic npplioucca. The Pni:sinKXT. The "Old Functio.inry,'' though hardly up nut 1 k hi li s treatment of tho secession ques tion, appears to be wise enough about some lirngs. uud to bn getting wisdom about others. Tim Washington correspondent of lUfJ wi" I""09 extensive and prodntti,. the New Vork Commercial Advertiser W l''',r rather niiruvornblcrtiioruof say " The President ridicules the idea thai England will m ke ony fuvnruble commer cial treaty wilh th" cotton States. He is "", "J l"" "i" " T Camfoiinia LEB.8UTlr..Th. AMn, li .1 rii imj 1 v nun 1 nu mvuiurin 111 iiir ami. . . Ilritish Giiv-riiuicnt on this subject, not to '' (-"l'rr"ln. " rduom iirnR, know that no ircnliia could b made be- of ten days, on the 100th ballot clrcltil R tweu the perties without 11 provision re- Rnrnell, of Amador county fT)oni.. quiring Iho grudu .l einuncipalion ofsluves Spiakcr. He was the IWlai nn,!.- nun iiir pnuiiii 11011 01 ine siave 1 muc king Cotton will la without allies, abroad or nt home, alter lie has withdrawn from the protection of the Fedenl Union." Tho following from the Washington cor- rifpoudcnt of the Philadelphia Press is also in loint: There is no dnnbt tlmt the President f -els tiie nw'ul responsibility now d 'Volving upon him, nud begins to look with distrust upon his old advix-rs. I have it from n goml source that he was visit-d last night by Senators Slidell and (J win, and thu! thiy had not long been in conference be fore Mr. Riichaiian cxprisscd his belief that they were both ilisumonisls, nud lhat In greatly regretted that he had ever been governed by their advice. He also expressed the opinion that Douglas was rght 111 tlie portion he had taken on the I.ccomptn.; question, nnd his mistake had inen 111 quarreling wnli lum. for in was 11 omigM after Conness withdrew, nud wis elected hy a vote of 40 to 80 for Wood. It it. help of republican votes. In F.eanaiit Vullrt. t:iekaiiiu 20, IHil, W. D..IOII. Ki. Jir At.wsv. i.f Una City, to .Mi Maiuu Buti,T of I'll ufual Vulk-y. May haupiueag ilimj Um' Niilliaa ! Oct. 25, ISliO, at MeCny'i Slmioa, Mn W l!ev. Win. IVikiiw, Mr. Osioas Too. i Uri-m-buig, In , ,,is of Ureeon, to Mm Ziua mivuifOi urrrihourg. Blackwood's Magazine A.VIl TIIK British Reviews. Fiioji The letter of our corn-. spnndeiit " Allyu" came too late for iuser- p 'triot, nud love il h's country. Tho two ...... . . 1 ix 1 : tv lion m full this wult. Wumuko ouu or two extracts; Senators left in angi r." Items. Fort Moultrie wus evnennted T in Ladies' rcc pl inn wliVh eam off v ihe TT S t , i). ..:,.i. r .1.- , ,i... ..... I.. ...j.. P. 1 : I . ' 1 l"1- tii iii . hi 1- inmi- uii 1 iii-niiiijr mifiii prtlV' ed to In highly entertaining lo t' e 200 per Great Inducements to Subscribe M PREMIUMS AXD REDUCTIONS. L Ralph Furuhain, the old IUrolutiooary icUUr, ii Ua& Sr. 1,0ns. Jan. 3 6 p. 11. Yesterday this city was grat fied by the reception of 11 dispatch, stating that Winter Davis hail written a letter saving that the Committee of riiirty-threp hud grmted all the demands of the South, and the whole question would be at once submitted. llie regular Committee will present a unanimous report, i mbr icing an act Inr New Mexico, providing that no new Stites lie admitted without the consent of other Mates, and advocating the repeal of the l..n....l I :!..... 11 11. r -.. i ,i.. ijr I), lis. Republicans hcri suy the terms irn nnt eorn-ctly staled; but express the belief tlmt the difficulty will be settled. Wiishitigion dispatches iud'catc a change of policy on the part of the Administrniion towards Son III Carolina, to be conciliatory, but firm in the execution of the laws. Tin sloop of war Rrooklyn ami another vessel have been ordered to Norfolk to be in readiness for immediate ct:on. In the Senate, Jan. 2. the President sent in the nomin it nu nl W Ilium Mi-Intvre of Penn., for the offi 0r Culleeior in the iieighborhiVKl of Ch irl.-stou hurlmr. Iv pnlil cins wished to gn into nn extra session. Imt the Democrat except Lath am. U.glcr, and Powell curried an ad joiiriuneiit. latest accoonta from Charleston sons in intend itice. Tiie Lmlii s cmc nu d I -serve great endit for the i-iteriirisi. 1 iste ot tin highest order Was displayed nnl 11 111 tiie iieeoruiii n ami i he Miiuier. For one dollar, o.y ti-iuk what pleasant limirs wen spent in social intercourse hy me too instant citizens of our city. My own experience tench' s nu that the fir qii"iii commingling 01 men ami women in such innocent past mcf, is productive of a oelter stale ol leelmg in society 111 short, the lieullh nl society. i.riminii tc uo . it ni'miit liooKSe Icr.s. Iisposeil ol in.iiiy books here. ' Tiik Last Sot-niKRy " Comi-romisk."- 1 .. .1 . ... new ami miller Startling series 01 " coinprom'se" measures is proposed by the Montgomery (Alabuuui) .Mail. The foe lowing are fine specimens: " Mukit a full and Complete surrender of 11 lilgilive slaves to the South, and also II that urn in Canada, nud nay two linn. 1 . . .. . - nreii uoiiars tier iiuuuui lure lor the men nnd one hundred nnd fifty do'lars hiru fur the women, from the time of thsir escape to 1 ie 01 sui reuiicr. Surrender immediately, dead or ulire the confid'Tutcs of Joliu'llrown. Hung Lincoln and llaml 11 on the same gallows on which John Urown was luin-'eil. Congress to ms a law niakinirit treusnn for any man to introduce the subject, either iy peiuion or othcrws '. into is ha s. and mikii the punishment imprisonment for me. 2fith, nnd snvu four nvn I"ft in charge, the troops proceeded to Fort Sumpter. Refore leaving, they spiked the gnus nnd set fire to the gun carriages. n ... nr.. .1 .... . . ucu. 11 um Hii:nmi fliaj. Anderson in two li tters, nnd urges n firm stand ngninst rebellion. He says that if Fort Sumpter is surrendered to the secessionists, in twen ty Hays two hundred thousand men will take vengeance on those who betray the Lniou into the hands of its enemies. lii'iijnm ii made n secession speech. He su'd the South never would submit. Al I.. !..-!... .1 . iic ru.ii-iiiMiin, mere was great npplanse in the giller'cs nnd much excitement. O.i motion of Mason, the galleries were ord red cleared. R.ik'T obtained the floor, and the Sen ate adjourned. The South Carolina Convention Dec. scorr & co.. hew YonK.M.ii.n. .J to jmiI.ImIi the lead ng llriitli ft- , v,z nerviiiivi). 'I. THE F.UlXIttRU RK.MKW (Whi -.. IttE UIIVVIMH UKVIKW (Fire Clnirclil. . TBE WKSTHIXSTUIV RV1GW ( Ill,.l-KV00D1S tDiBiatm Mi.V.lU i,Tury). iri... .1 . 1 . ukd i no l.Man.i 01 oan J nan, Riys tlie I .oaerr and, that so lately Drought to the mind images ol war, is rap- id'y liecom ug a peaceful Arcadia. Th re are about 60 settlers, all oftrlwm, wn be- Ifff, are Aw'chhs, opening farms mid engaging in industrial pursuits. Lime manufacturing is carried on to n considera ble extent, thn most of it being exported. The Rritish and American troops nre still in camp on the Island. Tiie most friendly intercourse subsists between them. W A letti-r in the Mountaineer, dated 30th Nov. from Fort Owen, in the Ritter Root country, m ikes an earnest appeal for protection ugainst the Indians in that vicin- ";H was horned last sommer, b 29th, passed an ordinanco making State "l'lSil,ul '-'""as. currency receivable for customs. The Governor has culled nu extra ses sion of the Texas Legislntirc for 17th Jan. The Speaker of the House has ordered the names of the South Carolina members kept nu the roll. He does not recognize the secession of that Stntc. Mitchell, Secessionist, was elected to the United States Senate from Arkunsas over Hempstead, Conservative. Gen. Albert S. Johnston arrived on tlie Uncle Sam, to take charge of the Pacific i 1 . rv . .ii.i.uiiy icpanmeiii. He was comman der ol tlia famous Utah expedition to Salt Lake, three years ago. Mr. Stout, of Oregon, introduced a bill in th House asking that Congress may m ike some some appropriations to be ex pended in the removal ol obstructions lo tne navigation of the Columbia and MissU. sippi nvers, for the purpose of facilitating The present Rritieal IhI of Europe. ilFiim will miilrr lln-iie pub iciit-ona iimu-uaHy iiiim nig iliiring llie tiirlliciiui ug year. '1'lir'v will oe- viiiy 11 iiiiiltile f round belwemllie Inieiily wrilira iieim-iieiiii, erud rculutioni, nail flying nf the daily Journal, ami the p-nilimiM luine ot ine inline iietoran. wrille uliur the l.v.iif lairf- eel ninl e.M'ileniein of the great pnl.lical rvrnt of the t me shall huve inn-ri) away. It ia tolhm I'er.iKl c-ils line leaileia nmrt luok for ll eiil; rally inielligilile nnd rrUiile II atory ef cnrtrul eveiiln, Had us audi, in tuldilion lo tliefr wcll-n-1 11 In ulit-d liiemrv. scirnlifio. and theological char acter, we urge them upon llie couaideKiiiui of lb l ending puhl 13. I lie ri'criit or Advance ttbeelt freia lb riritiali pabliahera givi-a addilional value le thte liei r nu, iiiuaniucli aa they van now be pliced in Hie huiiil nf eubsciibera about ts a u lot travel by that route. that 1,009 tgraei art eapiJ in thel nwrdtrvd. iiy, witimi 100 miles of the Fort there are 200 to 250 lodge, of Ind.aiw. The I'lilouse, Cour d'Ahne and other trilie are iinpndeiit, while the Xex Perces, even, are not to be trusted. A pi t.tion has been circulated, that the Commander of the De partment order troops then ut the earliest practical mouiciit, but as nil uch things must now be arruuged in Culilorniu. there i i no telling how long it will be before the I muttter ivceiveH the proper attention; not any probably before lome of our citizen arc oAt.EM. W ithm the nnst few mnntha in Salem a large number of dwelling i,,i -.1 1 .... . . n - omer iniini ng nave Uen erected. As im portant to the country, we mention the iron foundry of Messrs. JCutinn & Drake, now in I'lH'ranon. iiir u ,, . . - - - . -IIW-T P1IW liua lintlt nuoiner inncli more safe and substantial limn his old one. We learn that many persons contemplate hnildin.' nert annum... The complaint of " dull times" ia mill kept np, but people seemed to have learned to do pretty well without much money. Slatrtman. QraRTZ Discovr.Rv.We have received two pieces of gold quartz, wet tons by 11 over j . tvans, which were taken from a vein lately discovered hy him in Josephine county. Gold ia visilde in each p-ere, and the rot k closely 1mblla that found in fowler'a ApiilegaU tele, which basnrored 1 10 rkbin product Senlinrl, . Tfclt.TIS. (RfBular Priree.) Per in. For any one of the four Revii'Wi 9 1 l'ir any luo of 1I10 f.ur Keviewa S w Fur any three of ihu lour Keviewe " W For all four of llie Reviowe Fur BiafkwoiM.,'e Jfainizine 3 M Fur Ulaekivoud and one Review i For lllai kwiHiil and two Review! - 7 f For Blackwood and three Reviewa . For liluckwuod and llie four Revivwa 10 Ot POSTAGE. The PnrrAoa to any nirt of the UuiteJ Slat will be but 'l'wealy-fnur r.eau a year for lilnckwoiKl," and but k'twrleea UeaU treat for eaeh of the Reviews. Al the above pricei the Periodicals will be tar nished fur 1861. AMD ai a Premium to STew Subscriber, llie Nini. nt Hie earns Period eale fur I8.')V iU furnislied complete, without udditutfl tkagt. Uuhke llie more rpheoieral Alegaiiqt-e af lit day, (heae Perindi -ale lose little by age. Haaee, a lull year uf the Noe. for 18j9, may be reftreel nearly 11a valuable aa for 1861. ., 6ubfcnbna wialiinir also the No, for ihb,wi be aupplied al lb following axvacMlLV uuWUTO Splendid Offers for For 1859, '60, and '61 together. Fur Blackwood'a Magazine, tlie three yeai,! r or any one Key ew " For any two Kevi. wa J For Hla. kvood and one Review, ' For BlackwoiKl and two Revitere ' J Knr three Review ' 5 For Ulackwood and three Reviewa For ihe four Review...... ' 11 5 For Blackwood and the four Review, ' Any of the above woika will alto be fiirawM to Nnt Subteriiert for th yar 1855. '57. At am kalf tkr Rtgular Suitriftitm rnctt. Thu a New Suotcriier may oklaia lb Rep"" of th Four Reviewe aad Blackwood Sl r.ailvo Vim far lit t W'kich a'Mia the prk.- of llie trigimal n year. . Aa we ahull never afaia be lik!y to Oar iadue- neii as iho here reatntW, XTow Is th Xi&M to Sotaci' tW l.emiibnti-e moat, ia all eaw. m dirttt to tht PuiluUrt, far at ike" v' " cwniamioB nth allowed Adibe- I EUNARl SCOTT tW. .