The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, December 13, 1902, Image 5

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Eitabllihed 1896. A. D.OrlOln, Manager.
Office, 2i24 Stark Street, Concord Building,
Portland, Oregon,
C.'A. Rlttcr Portland, Oregon
K. II. Holmes -Spokane, Washington
"F. Frltr. Kcelilo and) 915 I'aclllc Av ,
E,H. Ilrtlce -...I Tacimia, Wash'
Waldo llogcl - Walla Walla, Wash.
To Insure publication, all local news must
reach us not later than Thursday Morning of
each week,
Subscription price, otic year, payable In ad-
c, fi.oo.
Miss Blancho Crawford Is reported
to bo still qulto 111.
Ye that havo tears prepare to Bhed
them (or W. M. Emerson has left the
W. Burnetto, tho tonsorlal artist,
has sold out his Interest in tho bar
bor shop and Is now Installed nt tho
Portland In tho capacity of waiter.
Mr. Will Rutherford left on tho
13th for his old home In Columbus,
S. C, where ho will bo married. Ho
carries with him the best wishes of
an his associates.
Mr. Hooper's llttlo son Is quite
with an attack of pneumonia.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Thompson nro
now domiciled nt 113 N. Seventh.
Mrs, Joel, who has been slightly In
disposed, Is ablo to bo around ngaln.
!t Remember tho fair on the 23d and
, ',' '24th . of Docombor at tho A. M. E.
:'Zibn church.
Mr. C. A, Lucas returned homo this
week from an extended tour of tho
Northwestern States.
Mm. .Anna Dickenson leaves next
i'week for n visit to frlonds and roln
tives'In Oakland, Cnl.
, 'Washington French, who sovcrcly
cut 0. W. .Johnson, was fined $300
In tho state circuit court.
Wo lnndvortently omitted the nnmo
of Mrs. 'J. Green from nmongHt Mrs,
A. Duncan's guests Thanksgiving.
MIsb Ruby Paris, a nlcco of Mrs.
Chns. Bcssollnn, Is tho guest of Mrs.
Lulu Eastou of 411 Sovonth street.
Phil. Asby Is on the sick list.
E. M. Johnson Is running on the O.
It. & N. In tho capacity of waiter In
tho dining car.
Head Walter J. C. Logan has taken
several days of much needed rest
this week and in his absonco Cnptnln
Goodwin ably assisted Thomas John
son, tho second waiter, In the dis
chargo of his duties.
Messrs. LUithlcum & Laslngcr havo
superseded tho whlto boys in the
clonk room.
Would It not bo a wlso Idea for
some of our pooplo to ask for a place
in tho city administration; such as
policeman, Janitor, watchmnn or a
clorkshlp, or In fact any thing that
carries with It a recognition of our
loyalty to tho (republican party, if
not that as a citizen of Portland.
WALDO BOQLE, Correspondent.
Mr. Geo. Montnra and sister, Mm.
Goo. Carter, left for their homo In
Victoria, D. C, aftor a visit of a wook
In our city.
Tho mcotings of tho Paul L. Dun
bar literary society havo been dis
continued until tho second Thursday
In January.
The sowing clrclo for tho benoflt of
tho A. M. E. Zlon church will meet
Monday ovonlng at tho residence of
Mrs. E. A. West, No. C27 Front Btrcot.
All invited to nttond.
Do not forgot thnt you nro Invited
to moot Now Northwest Lodgo, No.
2554. O. U. of O. F., at their hall
Bouthcast cornor Second nnd Yamhill
on Tucsdny, Docombor 1C, on tho oc
casion of their 19th anniversary.
A very pleasant reception was ten
dered to Miss Ella Slcdgo of Tncoma,
nt tho resldenco of Mr. and Mrs. W.
H. Holds on Woanosdny ovonlng. A
largo number of young pcoplo wore
present and a vory onjoynblo ovonlng
Mr. McCantB Stewart paid our city
a visit with n view to locating hero
if tho outlook scorns favorablo to him.
Mr. Stowart Is ono of Michigan's
prominent Inwyers and would bo. n
dcslrablo addition to our pcoplo in
this city.
"Tho Bachelors' Excluslvo Sot"
will givo a comedy play In threo acts
on Docombor 19 under tho auspices
of tho "Phyll8 Whoatloy Progressive
MRS. W. B.- PLUMMER, Pros.
MRS. S. J. DAY. Sec.
MRS. ,F. A. ESTELLE, Treas.
Walla -VnlIo, Wash, Dec. 11, '02.
Charles Prlco, of WcBton, was a
visitor to tho city Inst week.
Mrs. R. A. Boglo who has been id
with tho grip is much Improved.
Elva Spro nndJ.C. Lawronco nro
visitors to Walla Walla from Pendle
ton, v
J. H. Ryan, of tho Scnttlo Rpub
llcnn, Is In luo city to nttond to lcgul
R. E. Porter nrrlvod In Walla
Walla . yesterday nftcrnoon from
Ed. Brown, tho prlnco of Walla
Wfllla at times seems to got so busy
and looking as glnd.
Society lms been principally occu
pied with bazaars and Christmas
shopping during tho week. Tho only
socinl functions being a fow Informal
homo nffalrs nnd a fow small thentor
Mr. and Mrs. John Blueford gavo
an informal at homo at tholr resi
dence, 11C Poplar street, last Thurs
day ovonlng. Tho parlors woro gay
ly decorated with autumn leaves and
Chrysanthemums. In a cozy nook In
tho hall delicious punch wab served.
After a delicious supper was derved
at 10:30 dancing was enjoyed till n
lato hour. About soventy friends
woro presont.
Tho Vallorl Slstors, now with "Tho
Telephone Girl" Company, nro two
pretty and vivacious soubrettcs, who
Introduco a now and startling act,
which captures tho audience nnd
novor falls to bring sounds of ap
plause "Tho Telephono Girl" Com
pany opens at Cordray's Theater
Thursday, Docombor 18, and will bo
HE question of occupations for
omen Is one of Individual inter
est, ns well as of economic Impor
tance, nnd therefore the remarks of one
speaker nt the Furmcrs Congress re
cently held In Mneon, Gn have attract
ed special attention. He urged that
women should consider farming as a
life-work, and he mnue out a good case.
The old-fashioned fnrmcr guided
himself by tradition largely, and con
ducted most of his operations by main
strength. Successful fanning at the
present dny Is n mutter of machinery
and method. Much of the work a
farmer does Is ns easy ns many Indus
trial processes. A woman who could
tend a loom or run n sewing mnchlno
can guldo n harvester, aud bo tho bet
ter for It, physically.
A precedent In this field was estab
lished long ngo. Women havo suc
ceeded ns farmers. When they havo
figured as 'fruit growers, florists, boo
keepers or poultry raisers no one has
Intimated that theirs was not "wom
en's work," nnd there Is little dispo
sition to belittle tho achievements of
widows or daughters who havo made
wise uso of an Inherited farm. In no
way Is the gool old profession of agri
culture fenced In, andlt seems to offer
a spcclnl welcome to the self-supporting
women who long for that free nnd
wholesoiuo life which no city can
Such women might regenerate many
a rural community thnt seems now to
be going down hill. Tho telephone,
tho trolley and freo mnll delivery pro
vldo them with resources thnt wero
unknown to the last generation, nnd
with the help of these they can In
vlgornto the social llfo of any region,
and thus becomo public benefactors,
probably to bo recognized nnd honored
as such. But, thnt aside, the happi
ness they would 11 nd In health and In-,
dependence would bo Uioir own sum
clout reward.
tho attraction threo nights, with
udunl Saturday matinee.
Tho Now Ago is always pleased to
publish all of tho now of tho doings
of our peoplo that aro of Interest and
would bo pleased at any and all
times to recelvo contributions of tho
social happenings. All communica
tions should reach us not later than
12 o'clock Thursday If deslrod to bo
printed tho same week.
Miss Graco Duncan has tho honor
of being tho 1st grndunto from tho
Sowing School carried on by tho
Jewish Ladles' Aid Society. In ad
dition to a diploma, tho society pre
sented ner witn a sliver tnimoio,
scissors and emory bag, whilst her
teachers present was a silver darn
ing egg and a handsome silk work
Wjo learn of a case in this city
whero a widow Is considering a pro
posal of marriage from a gentleman
who promises if she will consent that
her children by a former marriage
shall have all their desires gratified.
She is undecided as in the case of a
friend of hers similarly situated the
step-father is now insisting that tho
girl quit school and earn her own
living. , t
Here wo are, at the First A. M. E.
Zlon church, 13th and Main streets.
At 11:00 a. m. preaching by the pas
tor, the text, Jno. 6:66-68, The doc
trine: "Many who seem to be dis
ciples of Christ go back and walk no
more with Jesus." And at 8: p. m.
tho pastor will take for his text,
Isa. 42:5-8: the doctrine: "God has
provided tho Savior and alone can
reveal him; and he will keep this
glory to hlmfcelf." AIbo special song
service All cordially Invited.
O. B. F. MOORE, Padtor.
Try green pepper sandwiches for a
luncheon dainty.
Rub a bit of soda over meat or poultry
that socuis ovcrrlpo and wnah lu cold
For sweet potato waffles, mash cup
ful of potatoes; add four tcnspoonfuls
of flour, ono each of sugar and butter,
half toaspoonful salt, aud milk to make
thin batter.
Cream chceso toast is nn'excollent
savory, and a very good way of using
J up n small piece of cream cheeso. Cut
thin slices from a roll, lightly spread
with dissolved butter, season with
cnyenno and salt. Put a sllco of cream
descended to her from her mother, tho
tiny Swiss watch her father had given
her, her solo golden possessions. She
had money enough to take her to the
next port, nnd was confident theru she
could enrn sufficient to lake her to the
one beyond.
And tho friends she made she could
accept ns seeking her for her own
worth; she had not wealth nor power
to uso ns decoys. And friends not a
few there were she gathered to herself
on her travels; men and women attract
ed by her truthful, buoyant personal
ity, whoso contagion they sought ns
the moth the flame, but with happier
results. Tho last I heard of her she
was half way round the world, still
with a light purse and a light heart.
This friend lncked tho possession of
beauty, yet wherever she went sho
won her way to the hearts of those
about her. Observing her sot mo phil
osophizing thus: Hnpplncss Is the most
attractive holding ono can have. It
Is better than beauty for beauty Is ns
a flower of the grass, while a hnppy
spirit Is ono of the things that Tlmo
need not corrupt. Knthorlno Popo in
tho Pilgrim.
Economical Hint In Dressing.
Tho llrst great economy to practico
Is to tako care of the existing ward
robe. When removing a coat, dress
or hat, brush It mid let It nlr a llttlo
beforu putting It away. Let there be
at least two loops with which to hang
up a skirt, and for bodices nnd- coats n
loop at each urmholo. A basket work
skirt dummy will bo found of great
use, not only In dressmnklng, hut when
n skirt Is damp, ns putting it on tho
dummy to dry will prevent Its wrink
ling. When purchnslng n dress length
get an extra yard or so; this will bo
found Invaluable In enso of accidents,
and If tho dress Is to bo altered at any
tlmo nn extra pleco Is a necessity. '
Tho most economlcnl dress for even
lug wear In a black one, to which va
riety can be given by wearing differ
ent colored sashes, or flchu or lnco col
lar. It Is by no menus economical to
buy very cheap things they do not
wear well nor really look well when
they aro now; but especially and uboe
nil eschew cheap boots, shoes and
gloves. Undcrllnou must always ho"
kept In repnir. Dainty underskirts may
bo mndo of zephyr or muslin for sum
mor, or satin nnd moreen for winter.
But perhaps tho most Important, nnd
It may bo the most difficult, wny to
economize Is to avoid nil Indiscriminate
buying of "bargains," nnd to strenu
ously refrain from purchnslng things
or which there Is renlly no need. To
be neat Is to bo well dressed.
Warning Note Calling; tha Wicked to
ETTER crnwl to
heaven than fly
to hell.
To reject cor
rection Is to re
fuse wisdom.
Secret sins nro
tho secret of
nearly all sin.
Dlnlectlc darts
will never deter
tho devil.
All methods fall without right mo
tives. Throwing old crusts to the poor Is
not casting bread on tho witters.
The best evidence of Christianity la
Christ made evident In tho Christian.
Ho who Is wise lu his own conceits is
npt to bo foolish in his own concerns.
He who loves Him leans on Him
nnd ho who lcnns loves Him nioro nnd
It Is no uso nsklng God to warm your
heart while you aro living In tho Arctic
of situ
The grnco to do smnll things may bo
greater thnu tho gift of doing great
Tho wlso mnn will hldo his knowl
edge whero fools uro Inylng out their
Every gronn on God's grindstono
may nienii a greater glisten In Ills pol
ished stone.
Tho prospect of n big Sunday dlnnor
has spoiled tho preaching of many n
good sermon.
Some men nro klcklmr tin n dimt in
tho church to hldo tho dirt they make
In tho world.
If wo nro nothing but snoniros deiiond
upon it God will sends us tho presstiro
of pnln to squeeze us.
God's heroes nro known In heaven
whether their pictures nppear lu tho
papers of earth or not.
t. Boeder. It. Marquart
Choice Wln, Motion and Cigars. Bollwood
r.cer. Phone ('lay tii 115 N. 7th St., Portland
mllK OAK CAFE. P. W. PICK, Prop.
Choice Line of Wlnc, Llquora and Cigars.
Oregon Phono Hood 82ft.
Cor. Fourth and Oak bu. Portland, Or.
For a good social tlmo call and sco
Kino Wines, Liquors nnd Clgan.
Telephone Clay 03. 4C0 flllsnn 8t., Portland. Or
Ocneral Inrnep A cent. Fire and Marine.
nottUli Union A National Int. Co., Edlnbttrg
nnd London; Western F. and M. Aurance Co.,
Toronto, Can. ICJf Third it., Columbian llldg.
P. r. HALL.
Cor. Commercial and Htantnn 8t., Portland
Ore. lne, Lliiuoti und I'ltto Clgan. Oregon
Phouu Pink 413.
CIlOCEItlK". Free dclUcry to all partnof the
City. vco IjirrnU'c Hi., corner Ilamalo.
Portland, Or. 'Phone Scott 871.
Oceanic. Exchange. Cholco Wlnci, Liquors
Slid ("learn. Frco Lunch,
Cor ItiiKtoll nnd llreudte Sts., Portland, Or.
onicot Seventeenth and Front Street.
Portland, Oregon.
Ocorgo Bobcckl.
101 Third Street North.
riAI.Ii AT Kit FIltST 8T,
For 1'rcili Dread, CaVci nnd Piss Pally.
Undoubtedly tho greatest scenic
American" stage, ThlcST certainly?-80 " f,""" ta
takes foremost place In tho list of ,tho ovcn Servo hot
now mclodramaa, is "The Jamea Haw oysters enter frequently into a
Boys In Missouri," which Is to bo pre- salad combination of which tho other
aented hero shortly nt Cordray's Tho-1 component parts nro broken walnut
ntor. John Abbott nnd Harriott Lees . nicut8 nui celery cut Into dice those
nnd a great company aro In tho cast.
Noatly furnished rooms at reason
ablo rates apply to Mrs. Annlo Yates,
307 Couch Btreet.
Always ask for the famous General
Arthur cigar. Esbcrg-Gunst Cigar
Co., general agents, Portland, Or.
For first class dental work and
Erompt attention, go to the New York
lental Parlors, Fourth and Morrison
Money to loan, on furniture, pianos,
or any good securities. Notes and
znoragages bought. 8. W. King, room
45 Washington building.
The Enterprise Lodge, No. 47, A.
F. and A. M., will have their annual
address delivered by Rev. Geo. W.
Tolson at Bethel A. M. E. church,
on December 28. Walter L. B. Plum
jner. W. M,; G. J. Gardner, Sec. All
Mnsona In good Btandlug are Invited.
Services at Bethel A. M. E. church:
Preaching at 11:00 a. m. and at 8:00
p. m; class meeting at 12:15 p. m.;
Sunday school at 1:00 p. m. Tho
sacrament will bo administered. The
Presiding Elder Rev. Geo. A. Bailey
will bo present. All are cordially In
vited. REV, GEO. W. TOLSON,
Call at Etinson & Watltins, dealers in
cigars, tobacco and confections, soda
water, etc. 03 Sixth etieet, Portland,
The Yakima Market, H. A. Brasen,
manager, fresh and cured meat and
poultry, 149 First street Oregon
'phone Main 989.
Ford & Laws, successors to J. T.
WllBon.auctloncers, household furni
ture and bankrupt stocks bought and
sold. Office and salesrooms 182 First
Btreet, Portland, Oregon. Columbia
'phone 505; Oregon 'phone South 261,
French Dyeing and Gleaning Works.
All work done at very modreate prices.
Dyeing and cleaning of all kinds of
ladies' and gent's clothing. Morn
ing cloth dyed in 48 hours. J. De
leau, proprietor, 455 Gliaan street.
We want your trade. Music half
price; musical instruments of all
kinds, cash or installments. II. II.
Wright, wholesale and retail dealer in
music and musical merchandise.
The Music building, 349 Wosighnton
street, Portland, Oregon.
Tho Pioneer Paint Company, make a
specialty of selling tho best things inado
in paints. Houce Paint, Floor Paint,
Barn Paint, Fenre Paint and Roof Paint ;
Enamels, Varnishes, Colors, Stains,
Cementico KaUomine nnd general build
ing material. 135 First St., N, W, cor
Aluer, Portland, Oregon.
arranged on a bed of lottuco hearts
with a Freuch dressing poured over tho
whole. A necessity for the success of
this salad Is that tho oysters should bo
very cold, and tho celery aud lettuce of
crisp perfection.
If when making a fruit tart you make
a llttlo opening In tho center of the
crust and Insert either a straw or a lit
tle paper funnel, tho steam will escape
through It as through a chimney, nnd
all tho Julco will be retained In tho plo.
Tho great thing In baking a custnrd
Is to prevent It from boiling, becnuso If
It bolls It Is full of holes, and the np
poarance Is completely spoiled. To pre
vent this, placo tho dish tho custnrd Is
in In a larger dish half full of water.
The water will boll, but not tho custard,
and It will cook qulto satisfactorily.
Tako out as soon as It is sot
Ou Children's Dress.
It does not seem to bo sufficiently
recognized that soon after babyhood
Is forsaken children of both sexes usu
ally begin to bo sensible of their out
ward appearance. And their half un
conscious satisfaction In being cleanly
and appropriately dressed has un
doubted intluenco upon their manners.
Not a few mothers, wise nnd sensblo
women, If a trltlo short-sighted, hesi
tate to accept this view from . fear of
stimulating vanity. But a certain nnd
proper vanity Is Innate in many na
tures, and It Is far better to encourago
It than to awaken a feeling of resent
ment In sensitive children who seo
their playmates more carefully dressed
than themselves.
Do not dress a child extravagantly;
neatness, comfort, aud caro that noth
ing should be worn lu a manner to re
tard development are the Important
essentials; daintiness and thought as
to "becomlngness" of color and style
make up tho rest
Some Great Men's Wives.
Tho, wives of great men havo, In
some Instances, not contributed to tho
happiness of their tnleutcd partners,
though It must bo added that this was
not nlwnys tho fault of tho womnn.
Tho poet Heine, on tho day after his
tuarrlago, drew up a will, In which ho
bequeathed all ho possessed to his
wife, on condition thnt sho married
again. He desired, ,ho said, that nt
least ono mnn should regret IiIh death.
Fielding, the novelist, married n serv
ing maid. Sir Thomas More' wife
scolded him on tho eve of IiIh execu
tion. Milton had trouble with both
of his wives. Hnzlttt's wlfo cared
nothing for his ability. Her tempor
was Intense, nnd tho tragedy of the
unsympathetic played Itself to tho bit
ter end. Colerldgo left his wlfo nnd
children without an apology or fare
well, and never would seo them ngaln.
Mollere, nt tho ngo of 40, married nn
nctress, aged 17. 8ho ran awny from
htm. Shelley married nn Innkeeper's
daughter. Ho soon desorted her and
sho committed suicide.
BtraiiKO Career of Undo of lieu Jam lit
Harrison's Widow.
Col. John II. Lord, for thirty years
a recluse, died nt ltlo, n mountain set
tlement ten miles west of Port Jervls,
recently, nt tho ngo of 85 years. Ho
was bom nt Rome, N. Y nnd bcennio
a protego of tho well-known civil en
gineer, Johu 11. Jervls, nftcr whom
Port Jervls was mimed, nnd assisted
him lu tho construction of the Crotou
aqueduct, Now York City.
Nearly fifty years ngo Col. Lord's
family was among the most prominent
In northeastern politics, nnd ho exer
clsed a tremendous power lu tho policy
of tho Keystono State. Ho wns n mem
ber of tho Pennsylvania mllltln, nnd
belonged to Gov. W. F. Packer's staff.
At the tlmo his brother, Russell F.
Lord, wns at tho head of tho mnniiiro-
ment of tho now abandoned Delawuro
and Hudson cnnnl. Col. Lord wns his
lleutennnt, nnd next to him In author
Ity. Ho wits nn uncle by marriage of
President Benjanilii Harrison's llrst
wife uud a blood undo of his widow.
Some eighty years ngo n bank wns
established In Honesdnle, Pit., and
John Neal was Its llrst cashier. Ho
had n daughter who afterward became
the wife of Col. Lord. Mrs. Neal's sis
ter was tho wife of tho Rev. Dr, Scott
professor in Washington College,
Washington, Pn nnd they hnd two
daughters, Carrlo nnd Elizabeth. Thov
visjiwi tneir aunt, Mrs. John F. Lord,
i.. it. I..,.. .... ... ...
A I'rcnli Lino of Qroccrlci, Teaa, Coffcen, Etc.
MItH. E. N. I1UCHANAN, Proprietress.
JL KILLS ,t OHL8, Tropt.
Cyriu Nollo Whtilcoy. dialing Ilranda ot
Wlnci nnd Cholco Clgnra.- 'Hpoclalty, Olympla
Oregon 'Phono Bouth 1071.
41 N, Hlxth Ht.. Cor. Couch. POIITI.AND, Oil.
John Evcnon, Proprietor,
Dealer In
Choice Wlnei, Liquor and Clgan.
18 Allilua uremic, comer lllver ttreet
Albliia, Oregon.
Dealer In Grocerlei, Fruits, Confectionery and
Corner of Ninth and Gllian Btresta
Out Mankerti, Prop.
AH Klndi of llread, Cake and 1'lei, Home
in ado Dread a Hpeclalty. BatUfactlon
tOO Wllllami Aro.
Portland, Ors.
LII.US .V OHLB, Props.
Oregon Phone, Kouth 1071.
Leading Ilraudaof
The Happiest Woman.
I think the most serenely happy per
son I have ever known was a young
woman starting out to travel around
the world with very little scrip in her
purse, and no appreciable amouut of
luggage In the ship's hold. Hho was an
nearly care-free as it Is given us to be
In these days of civilization. Hho could
leavo her stateroom with no fear her
bag of Jewels would bo discovered and
abstracted sho had no bag of Jewels;
wore on her person the brooch that had
Health and Iieuutr Hints,
Benzoin In sufllelent quantities to
make the water milky will aid In tight
ening tho sklu.
Rough soaps obtained from the kitch
en are not such bad skin bleachers. Tho
skin can bo scrubbed with this sonp,
which very often contains powerful
nclds, aud then can be Immediately
washed again, so that the acids aro not
left to cat Into the skin.
Tho physical culture doctors those
who guuriinteo to ralso tho height de
clare that there is a great deal In the
slinplp straightening of the figure. They
hold that tho body Is built upon a
framework which often bends from
lack of care or twists from somo physi
cal defect
An excelent reclpo for the cure of
chapped hands and lips Is as follows;
Dissolve In equul quantities of whlto
wax and sweet oil a small piece of cam
phor. It should be put In a stone Jar
on the hob nnd melted. It must then
be kept closely covered. To bo applied
to tho hands after washing and pre
vious to drying them.
A surface burn which only scorches
the outer skin, shriveling It, causlug
much pain, but not Injuring the under
tissues, is a first-degree burn. No blister
forms under tho skin of a bum of this
sort, which a water treatment should
cure entirely. A rub with olive oil for n
couple of days will usually send every
trace of It away.
Very often a dark neck will bo light
ened from ono to five shades by scrub
bing with n flno scrubbing brush nnd
yellow soap of the kind that Bridget
uses. Do not, by any means, let It re
muln on the skin, but after using the
soap bathe tho neck with ono quart of
hot water In which there lu a table
spoon of powdered borax dissolved.
Bavaria Beer Hall.
LOUI8 KLUa, Proprietor.
Cor. Becond and Oak Sti.
W.'nmm mntl Ohalam Olgmrm.
In Honesdnle, and ono of them. LIz.le ronT,,:-''''''''''...,,
uvi-iiiiiuuy mnrrieu kuhscii i Lord.
who nud becomo a widower nnd wus
several years her senior. The other
sister wus visited In Honesdule by
President Harrison, then a young In
diana lawyer, aud their acquaintance
ripened into mnrrlage. Mr. nnd Mrs.
Russell Lord had a daughter, who Is
now tho widow of President Harri
son nnd nleco of his first wlfo.
After tho Civil Wnr the Lords lost
their prestige nnd tho decedent bccailiu
Irregular In his habits und finally lost
his wealth. For a number of years ho
worked ut odd Jobs nt the Into Win
throp W. Gllman's tannery lu Kulllvnu
County, and In lumber mills, aud sud
denly disappeared from bis family nud
lived npart from his fellow man In an
Isolated cablu In the mountains west of
Port Jervls. A few ycaro ago tho
cabin wns burned, snys a Now York
Times special, and Col. Lord resided
with residents of Wo,. Ho Is survived
by ono son, n wealthy retired merchant
of Philadelphia, whoso repeated offers
of a homo to his father were refused.
Chanco visitors to his cabin found It
well supplied with books, and wero
surprised at his cxtenslvo knowledge.
Northern corner of Gllian
and Hoyeulh Bli,
A Choirs Collection ol Wlnct and Liquors.
Imported and Domcitlo Cigars,
Nono Open Now,
Weary Wiggles Lady, can't yer
help a poor feller w'nt do coul strlko
has knocked out of his llvlu'?
Mrs. Klndurt Here, tuko this quar
ter; and so you're a miner, ehV
Weary Wiggles No, ma'am. I mnko
a specialty o' falllu' down open coal
holes nn' sum' fur damuges. Philadel
phia Press.
IBS fllilh Strict,
lletucen (Jlliau and Hoyt.
Portland, Oregon
Jtnportort aud Jobbers.
SUS-aug Becond 8t.,
Doth Telejihonca Main US. Portland, Or.
Appropriate Kxprosslon.
"I'm at a. loss for the proper word,"
walls the novelist.
"To express what?"
"To Indicate the splendor of tho heir
ess' eyes to express their richness."
"Why not say 'coal-black' eyes tho
word 'coal' will express costliness per
sonified," Baltimore Herald,
Not Good for Anything'.
Cholly Doctor, I waut something for
my head.
Dr. Grullly My dear fellow, I would
n't take It for u gift Judge.
KomctliiicH tho woman that's rattled
jets in the best work.
A, II. IIUUQEIt, Prop.
Imported and Domeitlo Wlnci, Liquor
and Clgara. Wtiluhard' fleer,
Phone Oregon Ulask 19L)
B. E. Corner Becond and Oak Streets,
Wners can bo found llneit of Linuori, Wines
aud Clgan,
Oregon Phono Clay COT,p
Corner Sixth aud Flandort, Portland. Or
JOHN ECKLUND, Proprietor,
Telephone! : Oregon Hed83lj Columbia U.
I2i Flnt Btreet. Portland, Oregoaw