The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, March 16, 1901, Image 7

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Spring Medicine
There's no 6eason when good
medicine is so much needed-as in
Spring, and there's no medicine
which does so much good in Spring
as Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Do not delay taking it.
Don't put it off till your health
tone gets too low to bo lifted.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
"Will giye you a good appetite,
purify and enrich your blood, over
como that tired feeling, givo you
mental and digestive strength and
steady nerves.
Bo sure to ask for HOOD'S, tho
best medicino'money can buy. It is
Peculiar to Itself
Bad Footings In Spring' "In tho
spring I wns feeling very badly. My blood
was very poor. I began taking Hood's
Snrsaparilla. It did mo much cood. I
think It Is a wonderful sprint; mcdlclnoand
recommend It to all sick and suffering."
Ethel L. Bkan, Baton Center, N. II.
"What noiisoiiBo," oxolniined Mr.
Mcoktou, na lio tossed aside the heart
to-henrt talks pugo. "What utter nou
'To what are you referring," in
quired' his wife.
"To tho nssortlon thnt rotnan
need not cxpoot n man to pny her as
much attention nitor tlioy ate married
s ho did before. I am absolutely
mro, Honriottn, that I ralnd quicker
now than I ever did.
With local Application, a they cannot reach
theacatof thodlaeaso. Catarrh Is a blood or
conitlUitIonaldltaee,and In order to euro It
. rou must tako Internal rcmodlci. Hall'i Ca.,
tarrh Curo la taken micruallr, and actadirectly
on the blood and raucoaa aurlacri. Hall's Ca
tarrh Curn It not a quack mcdiolne. It vrni
preicrlbcd by ono of tho belt physicians In thlt
country for years, and isareirular preac-rlptlon.
ItUcompoicdot tbobcit tonlct known, com
bined with tho beat blood jiurlflera, actlnir dl
ractly on tho miicoue aufticca. lho perfect
combination of tho two Ingredients U what pro.
duces inch wonderful rciuita In curlngoatarrn.
Band for tcatlmnnlala, free.
F. J. CHUNKY A CO., Proprs., Toledo, 0.
Bold by driiKiflita, prlco 76c.
Ualli Family 1'illa aro tho beat.
f" He Wanted TeW Know.
Ticket Scllor (In tlioator box ofllco)
Soata In tho parquctto aro $3, and
In tho dross clrclo $2,
Uncle Pumpktndustor (of Swamp
Junction) Say! bo that your "askln'
prlco," or what you oxpoct tow get?
An Inarttra Urer, Stomach Dis
order". Hick Headache and other
11U nrUlnR Irom an Impcrfettt
dlxeitlon are cured bv tllKIKLD
TKA which la made from HKIUW.
Encouragement for tht Struggling.
"Well, asked the artist, rubbing hit
bands, "what did your wife think of
,your portrait when you got homo?
"Oh, sulci old Mr. Packenham,
handing out a cbeok for tho amount he
had agreed to pay, "she told mo alio
still had confldouoo iu me ami didn't
believe I wus half as bud as I was
This atg-naturo la on every box of tho cenulne
Laxative BromoQuininc Tabieta
the remedy that cure n cold la one day
Armament of New Ships.
Tho armament of tho new British
battleships Qucon and Prince of Wales
will be of a very powerful charactor,
and In each caso tho guns will cost
75,000. When roady for tho pon
,nant oach ship will hayo cost 1,
000,000. Montreal Horald and Star.
Of Particular Interest to Thruhermen and
Russell & Co., of Portlaud, Ore., the
largest dealers iu muohiuery on tho
Pacific Coast, have just issued at couv
iderable expense a neat and voiy ooni
plate account book for up-to-date
thresheimcn, -eto. Tho hooks are tor
free distribution, and all peoplo who
want them should wrlto immediately
to Russell & Co., Portland, Ore.
Police Judges In Porto Rico.
Mayors of the different towns In
Porto Rico at present have exclusive
Jurisdiction In police court cases,
whether or not they know a word of
law; and from their decisions there
Is no appeal.
rUo'a Cure 1 the best medicine we ever
uird for all Affections of-tbe throat and
Jungs. Wm. 0. Emdslcy, Vaubureu, lud.,
Feb. 10. 1000.
Well Enough.
"Didn't I tell you to let well enough
lone?" Bald the doctor to the con
valescent who bad disobeyed and was
suffering a relapse.
"Yes, doctor," whined the patient,
"but I wasn't well enough."
Ike Bait Prescription for Materia
Chills and Fever it a bottle of 0 rove's Taateleas
Ckllt Tonic. ItlaaUaply iron and quinine In
a tasteless form. No Cure, No fay. Price tOc.
A Long River.
Long, rivers drain a large territory
of country. Tho Ganges la nearly 1600
miles in length, and dralna an area of
760,000 square miles.
Bwt Cove Syrup. TaaMsQuod. wtB
Weird Ceremonies Observed at the
l'aialtisr of n l'rlest.
It Is nil exceedingly mro thing for u
foreigner to be permitted to witness
the death of n Buddhist priest, nml It
wns only ufter a' residence of nearly
twelve yenrs In China thnt tho oppor
tunity came to me.
Old Ting Ho-Shong, hend priest of
the "Temple of the Spirit of Light,"
I hnd known by sight for several years,
ntid had a more Intimate acquaintance
with hlin the summer he died, but 1
did nut expect to be n witness of his
death nor to sec him die sitting up. Not
only did "Old Ting" die sitting up. but
he was put Into Ills collln and burled
that way.
Disease and native treatment had al
ready placed tho seal of death upon
the old man, io that at my second-visit
I could only tell the attendants thnt
his hours were few. Returning to the
old priest's room a little later, I found
hlin sitting on a board stool facing the
outer door, clnd In his fine priestly
robes of yellow silk. Uclng long pnst
consciousness, ho wns supported by
his attendcuts In this position, with his
leys crossed, each foot resting upon
the opposite thigh, solo directed upward
an exceedingly dlillcult, nml, in fact,
almost Impossible position to nssurno
Iu life. Tho hands were placed, palms
together, up beforo his face, tho whole
uttltudo being thnt which represents
Buddha In the stnto of Is'lrvnnn and
the old man wns very near Jhnt stnto.
The great nnxlety of those In attend
ance was that he should not be placed
In his collln until ho wns really dead.
Although I could not bring him bnck
to life, they were willing that I should
Judge when he wns dead. Holding n
small mirror In front of his face, I
waited until there was no moisture de
posited upon It.
In the meantime preparations were
continually going on around me for fur
ther ceremonies. A largo pile of paper
"cash" hnd been placed outside tho
door, on top of which was a document
I was not allowed to see, but, from
what I could learn, wns his history as
related to his nccesslon to tho priest
hood and life In t.
Upon being pronounced dead a flam
ing torch was applied to tho "cash" by
a young priest, former disciple nml
now successor to the lands and build
Jugs of tho old mnn sitting beforo him.
No sootier was tho paper, well nblnzo
thnu the young mnn prostrated' him
self before It, bumping his head on the
ground the requisite number of times,
for every movement In every cero
mony of the Chlnoso Is rcgulnted by
rites as Inflexible as law.
Tho next step In this strange death
scone was the placing of tho body In
Its upright collln, The front ntid top
wero removed nnd yellow silk cush
ions put In tho bottom, on which tho
old mnn wns placed ns gently as pos
sible consistent, with tho nwkardness
of his position. Numerous smnll cush:
Inos nnd wads of thin paper wero put
In nround him, n pillow under each el
bow to sustain tho arms In their up
right position, and then the front was
slid Into place. Moro packing wns douo
from tho top until his body wns Im
movable and tho collln tilled, tho yel
low silk knot of his lint being tho Inst
I ever saw of old Ting Ho-Sheijg, who
will sit nnd wait until time arid decay
do their work In altering his position.
Leslie's Weekly.
Not HtroiiK KnouKti.
At ono of tho clubs the other day
two members wero arguing about will
Tho conceited man, who wns In tho
hnblt of boring all present with his
pointless tales, said thnt his will was
stronger than his friends'.
"You are wrong there," snld tho quiet
man, "nnd I will prove It In tills way:
You go and stand in that corner, and I
will will you to como out of It, You
will against me, nnd I bot you that I
will have you from that corner beforo
I have commanded you a second time."
Tho smart one took tho bet and put
himself In tho corner. Tho quiet man
said In a commanding volco:
"Como out of that corner!"
Tho other grinned and shook his
hend. Tho q. m. sat down and looked
at him steadily. Five minutes passed,
and then the mnn of will said, with a
sneer: "Ilndn't you better glvo It up?
I don't feel any Influence at all, and I
enn't stand hero all the evening."
"There Is no hurry," snld tho q. m.,
"nnd I havo a very comfortable seat
There Is no time limit, except that you
are to como out before I ask you twice,
and. ns I don't Intend to ask you again
until this day week, I think you will
feel tho Influence before then."
The smart ono came out looking very
ForKCtrulneu Turned fo Profit.
"The cldslng of three banks In Haiti
mare and tho consequent unseemly
rush of the depositors on others to get
their money out reminds me of a queer
experience," said at young lawyer.
"It was back In the days of tho fail
ure of tho Nicholsons' private bank on
Ilaltlmore street, near Sharp. I waB a'
mere youngster, but I was .frequently
sent by mother to the bank. One day
I came home from school and was told
by my mother to go down and deposit
n check for $10O, which she had Just
received. I hud a previous engagement
to play baseball that afternoon, and I
went to tho bank errand with such a!
rush that I forgot whether my mother
had told me to draw or deposit I
drew, nnd when I returned home with
the money thero was trouble. Besides
corporal puulshmeut I got the greatest
lecture you ever heard. Something
prevented my returning tho money
next day, and when I took It down the'
second day the bank was closed. My
forgetfulness had turned to profit"
Some writers suffer from cramp In
tbe Angers and others from cramp of
the brain.
Compisltlon of a Penny.
Pennies do not consist of copper
nlono, thoro being In them 2 por cont
d tin and 3 por cent of zinc to 95 of
copper. They cost tho goVornmont
about 42 cents a pound, exclusivo of
stamping, nnd there nro 148 In n
pound, so that tho governmont malice
a fair profit on qvc-y pound mitt""
bIhco. whllo they nio roduemnb.v la
gold, but fow nio. . "r pi dented.
Loyalty to.llls Employer.
TlmtrouiiK limn wlm eunviited to hnv
n portion of III bluiiil .lit nut tu save 111
cmplin it. fct n remarkable example of
liprolm. The incident hitri what power
there I In good blood Tnero 1 on I v una
natural May tu :et )ioiid blood, and that Is
from the stiimacli. If the stomach tieciU
iisMstiiurp, try HoiPtliTN SUiinaeh Hit
ter?. Thl u underfill medicine cures
ppila, indlp-Mlou, constipation, nml
malvcs rich red bldud. -
Dogs Being Supplanted by Donkeys.
Dorlln now contains 1000 donkoys
which havo been imported in tho Inst
18 months to tako tho plnco of dogs
as beasts of draft. The chango Is duo
to tho agitation of tho S. P. C. A.
Victim I.ont the Sllit of On Rye""'' Was
Unable to WMlk Vlalon 'iteatoreil
and the Use afLlmtia Itngnhied
A Strom Htntemrlit.
A recent euro that scorns almost a
miraclo wns that of Samuel Curnock,
of 62 Twenty-second avenue, Melroso
Park, 111. Tho story is best told in
his own words. Ho says:
"Early in 1898 I began to expo
rlonco a worn-out feeling and noticed
that I becamo tired after very slight
oxertton. I continued at my work in
tho mnchlno shop until July 2, 1898,
when I sufforcd from a fall, and nftor
that ttmo grow rapidly worso. A phy
sician was called and pronounced my
troublo locomotor ataxia. Ho treated
mo for four months and thoro was no
Improvement In my condition. I was
tald that my caso was Incurable, and
that I would continue to grow worso
until doath relieved mo. I was not
confined to my bed, although I spent
much of my tlmo lying down, and
was entirely unnhjo to work. I could
hardly stand; It seemed nB if my logs
would glvo out from under mo, and
my movemonts wero llko thoso of a
drunken man. A cold numbnesB came
In my right side, and I lost tho
strength of my right arm. Then my
eyes .began to blur so that I could see
nothing distinctly, and in a short
tlmo I becamo totally blind In my
right oyo.
"Last Docombor I began taking Dr.
WllllamB' Pink Pills for Palo Peoplo
and within a month I was bo much
improved that I dotormined to persist
In the.,troutmcnt At tho ond of tho
second month I was ablo to return to
my work and havo not lost a day on
account of Illness since that' tlmo.
Slnco I began taking tho pills I havo
gained 30 pounds In weight, can walk
almost as well as over, and my sight
Is fully restored. I firmly bollovo that
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo Peo
pa savod my Ufo and enabled mo to
again earn my livelihood.
Subscribed and sworn to beforo me
this first day of August, 1900.
(Seal) Pollco Magistrate
At all druggists or direct from Dr.
Williams Modlclno Co., Schenectady,
N. Y. Prlco, 50 cents per box; 6
boxes, 2,E0.
Public Baths In England.
Out of 34 towns in England and
Wales, one-third maintain ono"br moro
public baths. Thoy aro crowdod by
factory and shop hands.
When vou take Qrore'a Taateleas Chill Tonic,
kb urorea luieicm unm -ionic,
formula Is plainly printed on every
ii that It li limply Iron and Qui
toieasforra. No Cure, No l'ajr. toe
became tne formula is
bottle anowlnu
nine In a taatel
A Rare Fish.
Tho rarest AbU In British waters Is
tho rlbbonflsh. Only 16 specimens
have been recorded In tbe last con
tury. It 1b an Inhabitant of the groat
depths of tho ocean.
i. ,.
There la an end to
acute suffering when
St Jacobs Oil
promptly cares
How the l'lienomcna Aro Hyptalncd on
c(o title linals.
Tho feat of the young Illinois stud
ent who walked twenty miles while
nslcep Is cettalnly a remarkable one of
Its kind. Usually nomuatubullsts make
short trips and, unlike the subject Iu
question, awake to lltul themselves In
curious nnd ofttlmcs iilannlug posi
tions. The welrdiiess of the exploit
ntid the uuuaturaliiess of Its nccom
pllshuient give that becoming air of
mystery which naturally uppenls to
the Ignorant and the superstitious.
In reality, however, the phenomena
nro very satisfactorily explained on
the assumption that certain mens of
tho brain are for the time being
awnke, whlo the other portions are
Thus, tho speaking center may bo
active and the dreamer tuny carry on
a connected conversation with it listen
er nnd be perfectly oblivious to nny
other Impressions. Very often, under
such clrcuuistnuccH, a secret most
carefully guarded during waking hours
may bo disclosed to an alert nnd In
quisitive roommate. Not Infrequently,
nlso, poems havo been thus composed
and mathematical problems solved
when tho respective cerebral lobes In
volved nre on extra sentinel duty.
The same can be said for somnam
bulism In many of Its forms, the mus
cular sense pertaining to walking
belpg In ii curious condition of cxnltcd
activity. Strange to say, the victims
of this distressing malady have no re
collection of their ndventurcs, al
though it is nmliitulncd thnt they ap
pear to sco obstacles and nvold them
nnd their various movements Indlcnto
Intelligence nnd reason. In mnny re
spects the condition represents somo
of tho varieties of hypnotism, differ
ing from them only tu the mutter of ab
solute auto-suggestion, ns ngnliiBt tho
domination of nn outside party.
The causes of tho troublo arc quite
obscure at least no dellnltc ones nro
given by medical authorities. It Is
reasonable to Infer, however, that In
tho aggravated cases tho disorder has
n cerebral origin akin to some of tho
varieties of epilepsy and requires tho
usual treatment applied to the latter
affection. New York Herald.
Tho Dying- Cadet.
A youth, n would-lni soldier, Iny wound
ed at West Point,
Ills chin was badly shuttered, his noso
was out of Joint;
Ills brcnth cnuio hard and Jerky, at times
bunched Into hIrIih,
And dnrksotuo wns tho color thnt hung
about his eyes.
A kneeling comrade nsked him what mes-
snge lie should take
Unto his distant kinsfolk, nnd thus tho
victim Mpnko:
"Go break It to them gently that when
ho died their Hob
Was thinking of old Podunk, old Podtink
on tho Wnb.
"Tell them In tender manner I died a
soldier's death,
Tho fumes of hot tobnsco entiiiigled with
my breath,
My none c lenr off Its bearings, my eyes
as big ns moonx,
My hulr shampooed with mustard, my
stomach Bluffed with prunes.
Thoy fed mo on hot olives served in cold
nxlo grease,
And when I inmlo wry fuccs thoy hissed
llko horrid geese,
And during the proceeding they laughed
to hear me sob,
And wish myself hi Podunk, In Podunk
on tho Wab,
"Thoy fed mo plaster pnrls, I think al
most a peck,
Then inndo me drink hot water till full
up (o the neck,
And my digestive organs, though always
prompt ami pat,
Wero not prepared to linmllo n contract
such its that,
And then, they snld, to teach mo to bear
tho Ills of war,
They forced between my palo lips a
ChrlstniHtf-tltno cigar;
Then well I knew tho sequel I'd Jump
my earthly Job,
And And n gravo at Podunk, at Podunk
ou tho Wnb.
"I laughed at their approaches with scorn
when they begun
To make of mo an olllcer ntid army gen
tleman, I polished up tho rlllcs, swept out the
stumps and quids
And blacked tho army brogaus of Uncle
Sammy's kids;
Dut when I reached tho hardships of war
I had to squeiil,
My body wns not armored with Carno-
glu's fnmed steel,
And, comrade, plenso express me, when
my heart has (-eased to throb,
With military honors to Podunk on tho
Denver Evening Post,
Although tho cultivation of mush
rooms Is on tho Increase, the prices are
still ydl maintained, uh their uu also
s Increasing, A J-ong Island grower
says there Is profit in them, evpn when
the wuolesnlo prlco Is twenty-five
cents a pound or less, nnd some have
gone Into the business In pita or caves
made fpr tho purpose, nml others In
cellars under burns ami even In the
house cellar. Experts claim that a bed
fifteen feet long can be made for ten
dollars and should yield nlmut sevepty
dollars worth of mushrooms In three
mouths. t'o should want t'eso figures
verified before going Into the business,
but It Is said that many women have
engaged In It. the work being light,
suitable to their strength, nnd If she
takes them to market In u basket on
her arm sbo would receive about as
much ns her husband would for u
horse load of heavy produce.
A Ilaohelor'a Idea.
During tho first six mouths after a
man gets married his wife expects him
to tell all her friends that he knows he
can never be worthy of such hnpplueus.
New York Press.
The linbiltly to disease is greatly
ler seitcd when the blood is m good con
dition, nnd the circulation healthy nnd
vigorous. For then nil refuse matter
is promptly carried out of the system ;
otherwise it would rapidly accumulate
fermentation would tnke place, the
blood become polluted nnd tiie consti
tution so weakened thnt a simple
malady might result seriously.
A healthy, active circulation means
good digestion nnd strong, healthy
Aa a blood purifier and tonic S. S. S.
has no equal. It is the safest nnd best
remedy for old people nttd children
because it contains no minerals, but is
made exclusively of roots nnd herbs.
No other remedy so thoroughly andi
effectually cleanses the blood of im-'
purities. At the
same time it builds
up the weak nnd de
bilitated, nnd reno
vates the entire sys
tem. It cures permanently all manner
of blood nnd skin troubles.
Mr. n. n. Kolly, of Urbana, O., wrltost
"I had Ectoma on my hands and faoo for
flvo yours. It would broak out In little
whtto puatuloa, oruats would form. and
dropoff, leaving the akin rod nnd Inflam
ed. Tho dootorn dtd mo no stood. I used
all tho modlcatod soaps and salvoa without
bonellt. 8, 8. 8. oured mo, and tny akin
Is as olear and smooth aa any one's."
Mrs. Henry Siegfried, of Capo May. It,
J,, says that ttvanty-one bottles of B. H. 8.
ouroclhorof Oanoer of the broaat. Doc
tors and Xrionds thought her caso hope
less. Richard T. Gardner, riorenoe, 8. O.,
uiforod for rears with Bolls. Two bot
ties of 8. 8. 8. put his blood In good con
dition and the Uotls dlaappoarod.
Send for our free book, nnd write
our physicians about your cose.
Medical advice free.
For Telephone Girls.
Shower baths aro being put In tho
Paris telephone exchanges for tho uso
of tho telophono girls. It Is thought
that this will aid them In keeping
their health, In America tho girls In
mnny telophono exchanges havo long
enjoyed this comfort.
Absurd Sayings.
Do Tnnquo Conventional saluta
tions nro absurd. A mnn will often
say absent mtndedly thnt It's a nlco
day, whon It's raining cats nnd dogs,
O'Soaquo Yes; I .treated a blind
man to a drink yestorduy, and ho Bald:
"Horo's looking at you." Philadelphia
Not Hard to Suit.
Executive I would appoint your
man, but ho Is too Ignorant for tho
pollco forco.
Heeler Don put him on do school
board. Moonshine
To Increase Governor's 8alary.
A proposition Is being urged in Ton
nesseo to Increase tho salary of tho
govornor to S5000 a year. It Is now
14000. It Is thought nlso that tho
stnto should supply an executive man
sion for his uso.
Pain From a Hornet'a Stlno.
Tho pain produced by n hornet's
sting Is caused by a poison Injectod
Into tho wound and so Instantaneous
In Its offoct as to causu tho attack of
this Insect to rcsomblu a violent blow
In tho fnco.
New Zealand War Medals.
Tho Now Zoaland government in strlko 140,000 war commem
oration moduls, and to dlstrlbuto thorn
among tho school children of tho col
ony. .Tho cost will bo about 12,000.
Circumference of England and Wales.
If a cyclist wero to rldo around the
coast of England and Wales, he would
cover a distance of about 2C00 miles.
Manufacture of Glucose,
aiucoso Is now manufactured large
ly from corn starch. Its commercial
vuluo lies In Its uso as an adulterant
of cano and beet sugar.
Spheres of Influence.
"Sphorcs of Influenco" embrace
pretty much all that Is worth appro
priating of Africa, territorially six
sovenths of tho continent.
No Sunday Shines In Boston.
Bootblacks may not do business In
Doston on Sunday.
Negro Official In a Trade Union,
It Is tho custom of the Alabama
district of tho United Mlno Workers
to elect a negro as vice-president.
Ahead of Time.
Hostler What was that man talk
lag about?
Livery Proprietor Ho said h
merely camo In to ask If wo were
going to havo any automobile sleighs
to hire out. Indianapolis Journal,
The Smalltit SalarY Paid a Governor,
The smallest salury paid to uny
governor o( a state in the United Stnte
is that of the governor ol Vermont,
who receives only $1,600 a year.
The Art.Boa.
"Why, Madge, where are all tht
tassels on your new toa?"
"Ob, I stepped on om of them nuH
other people stopped ou the rest."
Exhibit nt Pnrla Kxpotltlon Feci" In il
ly Answers All Kt-nnlrcitictits.
At the Paris exposition was n very
curious exhibit In the form of u clock
which attracted much attention from
visitors. It wns placed In n glass caso
to protect Its delicate working parts
from meddlers. It was self-moving
nnd It ran two months during the expo
sition without stopping nml without
having been wound up by any outside
force surreptitiously. There wns' no
reason why It should havo stopped,
says Electricity, for It was a true form
of perpetual movement within the lim
it, however, of the wenrlng out of its
Its Inventor was cunblcd to obtain
these results by very Ingeniously com
bining n Bystcm of levers, or hinged
residual magnetic armatures, which
moved n wheel continuously nround Its
axis for the purpose of winding up a
spring, consequently the clock was
only nn nccessory, for tho apparatus
could be used for other purposes and
the construction of the wheel or mov
ing mechanism nloue contains tho In
teresting features of tho Invention,
There nre two circles composed of
levers which arc placed on the two sldo
faces of tho rim of a large wheel.
These two sets of levers form an nnglo
of -15 degrees with each other, and nt
their outer ends counterweights nro
attached to the longer arm of each lev
er. From the start wo conclude that
the counterweights on the side farthest
from the center of tho wheel would
give n preponderating turning force to
tho wheel, causing t to turn with a cir
cular movement. '
Tho wheel mnUes four turns per min
ute, nnd Its moveineni'ls rcgulnted by
a centrifugal governor put In motion
through an endless cllaln.
When tho wheel In Its movement
brings the short arm of one of the lov
ers, which may be called an armature,
to the face of the pill ley the phenom
enon of magnetic repulsion takes place,
which causes the long arm of tho lover
with the counterweight to rlso to n
vertical position, while the further mo
tion of the wheel causes It to fall to
the other side from the vertical posi
tion, thus making It add Its weight 'to
each of the others which have preceded
It to keep tho wheel In mot Inn,
'V-'ie motion of the wheel Is transmit
ted to the clock spring through a pin
ion placed on the axle which meshes
Into a toothed wheel, which at' Its cen
ter has an endless screw acting on an
other smaller wheel, whose axle pin
Ion rests ou the wheel of the drum
which winds ;tp thu spring.
Woes .f a Now Member.
Wall street gossip Iiiih attributed tho
palm for hard luck to a recjntly elect
ed member of the Stock nnciiange who
purchiiM'd n lot of valuable experlonco
at a very high price, Ho paid nearly
$50,000 for his seat, and although ho
wiih not Violl versed1 Iu the business
douo on tho lloor he plunged Into It
with n courage commensurate to his
Ignorance. He misunderstood his or
ders and ho neglected occasionally to
inako a memorandum of his salos.
When ho found that- n customer hud
nsked hlin to sell a certain stocky In
stead of buy It. ns hu had done, ho
tried to make good lls losses from his
blunder by taking a small gamble on
his own account. Business on thu
Stock Kxchaiigu Is done Iu a rush In
these days, Mid thu man who hesitates
or who Is slow-witted II mis himself
outclassed. This new member nt thu
end of his tlrst mouth ou tho exchange
balanced up his business and found
that his losses duo to his own blunder
In executing orders for his custotnerH
had cost him nearly $50,000. Wall
street Is now speculating ns to
whether or not this broker Is going to
demonstrate thnt his experience was
worth the money. Now York Hun.
Ilnr Hweet Iiikoiiiioumiichh.
"Clmrloy, dear," said young Mm.
Torklus, "1 am going to turn over a
new leaf."
"In what connection?"
"I'm going to quit being superstiti
ous. I liitve always disliked to begin
unythlug ou Friday."
"Yes. It Is very silly of you."
"Well, your arguments havo con
vinced mo. You know that new dress
I was making to you about?"
"Well, I'm going to start out and buy
the material ou Friday, Just to show
I'm not afraid." Washington Star.
Mining fur Timber.
One of the most curl ous mines that
Is worked Is in Tonkin, China, where '
In a sand formation at a depth of from
1-1 to 'JO feet there Is a deposit of tho
stems of trees. Tho Chinese work
this mine for the tlmler, which Is
found In good condition and Is used'ln
milking troughs ami for curving uud
other purpobes,
We have an Idea that u woman has
to bo uiiBcltlsh to llvo comfortably
through that period when her oiiu pre
fer young girls to her, and her hus
band begins to take his daughters our
aud leave her at home.
' '?!
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