Image provided by: University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR
About The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 2015) Hood River News, Saturday, January 3, 2015 H APPENINGS Happenings may be edited for length. Listings may also be found online at; click the Events tab. CALL TO ARTISTS ■ KOOBDOOGA: An Exhi- bition — Entry deadline Jan. 24, 2015. Exhibition at White Salmon Library; artists’ reception Jan. 31, 2-4 p.m. Artwork, pho- tographs, bead work, fiber arts, mediums to relate to the library’s first Community Reads Event featuring book “Short Nights of the Shadow Catcher.” Interested artists may pick up a copy of the book, exhibition details, display agreement and registration form at the library. KOOBDOOGA Committee reserves the right to reject works that do not meet the exhibition criteria. More info at 509-493-1132. FOR CHILDREN ■ Story Time at Hood River Library: To better meet the needs of different age groups, the library is offering two different story times: Music and Movement is perfect for infants and toddlers who aren’t quite ready to sit still for long and love to move; Song and Stories is ideal for older children who have an awareness of reading and can sit for longer stories. Both story times are held at 10:30 a.m. on Thursdays in the Children’s library. ■ New Parent Services Playgroups For parents and their children ages newborn to 5; for more info contact Nancy Johanson Paul at 541-436-0319 or nan- Tuesdays, 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Cascade Locks City Hall gym. Tuesdays, 9-10:30 a.m. at Hood River Alliance Church, 2650 Montello Ave. (Contact the church at 541-386-2812 for de- tails.) Fridays, 10-11:30 a.m. at HR Early Childhood Center (former Pine Grove School), bilingual, with developmental specialists available (follows school calen- dar). For more info call 541-386- 4919. COMMUNITY EVENTS ■ Jan. 3 — Lyle Lions Club breakfast, 7-10 a.m. at the Lyle Lions Community Center, corner of 5th St. and Hwy. 14. Pancakes; choice of omelet or eggs & ham; blueberry compote, orange juice, tea or coffee. Proceeds to benefit Christmas food boxes. More info at 509-365-2872. ■ Jan. 3 — Leos Club can and bottle drive, 9-1 p.m. in the Rosauers parking lot. Re- deemable containers accepted. Proceeds to go to HEALTH Media Club, to purchase new sweat- shirts and t-shirts. ■ Jan. 3 — Wild Bill’s Bingo at the Elks Lodge, fundraiser for Elks scholarship programs, 7 p.m. Open to the community. Minimum $250 pro- gressive blackout each week. Hosted by the Elks and the Mid- Columbia Knights of Columbus. Dinners, starting at $8.50, are available from 5-7 p.m. ■ Jan. 5 — Tai Chi for Bal- ance, 1-2 p.m. in the Mount Hood Town Hall’s Mount Hood Room. Classes are free and for any level. No experience neces- sary; donations accepted. ■ Jan. 6 — Senior meals, noon at the Lyle Lions Communi- ty Center, corner of 5th St. and Hwy 14. Public always welcome. ■ Jan. 6 — Big Bingo at the HR Valley Adult Center, 2010 Sterling Place, off Brook- side Drive. Doors open and food available at 5 p.m.; games begin promptly at 6 p.m. Funds raised support the Meals on Wheels program. ■ Jan. 7 — Sense of Place lecture: Native American Art of Oregon with Dr. Tracy Prince, 6:30 p.m. at Columbia Center for the Arts. Oregon’s Native Ameri- can history and how Oregon’s Native art differs from that of British Columbia and Alaska. Sponsored by Oregon Humani- ties and KE Designs. Cost: $8 GO! members, $10 general. ■ Jan. 8 — Growing Gorge Farms, 5:30-7:30 p.m. at Springhouse Cellars. Part of Gorge Grown Feeding the Gorge Community Conversation. Topics to include issues releavent to creating resilient local family farms to feed people of the Gorge. Free; food and drink available for purchase. More info at ■ Jan. 9 — Friday Fun Lunch with Jack Shepherd & Friends, 11-1 p.m. at HR Valley Adult Center, 2010 Sterling Place, off Brookside Drive on the Heights. Dancers and listeners welcome. ■ Jan. 9-10 — Glow in the dark mini-golf, 5:30 p.m. Fri. and 2 p.m. Sat. at Immanuel Lutheran Church, 9th and State. $5 per person for 18 holes. Pro- ceeds to middle and high school youth ministries. ■ Jan. 10 — Second Sat- urday at WAAAM Air and Auto Museum, 9-5 p.m. at the museum on 1600 Air Museum Rd. Activities 10-2; lunch 11-1; air beacons talk at 11 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Free parking. More info at 541-308-1600 or waaa- ■ Jan. 10 — Author read- ing, Ellen Morris Bishop, 1 p.m. at the Hood River Library. Free. Bishop will discuss her new book “Living with Thunder: Ex- ploring the Geologic Past, Pre- sent, and Future of the Pacific Northwest.” Co-sponsored by the Hood River County Library District, The Columbia Gorge Chapter of the Ice Age Floods In- stitute and Waucoma Bookstore. More info at 541-386-2535, or ■ Jan. 10 — Wild Bill’s Bingo at the Elks Lodge, fundraiser for Elks scholarship programs, 7 p.m. Open to the community. Minimum $250 pro- gressive blackout each week. Hosted by the Elks and the Mid- Columbia Knights of Columbus. Dinners, starting at $8.50, are available from 5-7 p.m. ■ Jan. 11 — Parkdale Grange monthly breakfast, 7-11 a.m. at the Grange Hall. Scrambled eggs, sausage, pan- cakes and/or biscuits and gravy, applesauce and beverage; $6 for adults, $4 for children 5-12, and free for kids under 4. ■ Jan. 12 — Tai Chi for Balance, 1-2 p.m. in the Mount Hood Town Hall’s Mount Hood Room. Classes are free and for any level. No experience neces- sary; donations accepted. ■ Jan. 13 — Friends of the Hood River County libraries meeting, noon in the Gaulke Meeting Room at the Hood River County Library. Anyone interest- ed in joining the Friends and/or volunteering is invited to attend. For more info contact Ruth Tsu at 541-386-5465 or Lani Roberts at 541-250-9027. ■ Jan. 13 — Senior meals, noon at the Lyle Lions Communi- ty Center, corner of 5th St. and Hwy 14. Public always welcome. ■ Jan. 13 — Big Bingo at the HR Valley Adult Center, 2010 Sterling Place, off Brook- side Drive. Doors open and food available at 5 p.m.; games begin promptly at 6 p.m. Funds raised support the Meals on Wheels program. ■ Jan. 14 — Gentle yoga for beginning seniors 50 and over, 10:30-11:30 a.m. at the Hood River Care Center, 729 Henderson Rd. Free. Taught by certified yoga instructor Christine Shannon. Wear loose, comfort- able clothing; bring yoga mat and water bottle; some mats available onsite. No experience necessary. ■ Jan. 14 — Free car seat check, 11-1 p.m. at HR Fire Sta- tion, 1785 Meyer Parkway. Ex- pectant parents, grandparents and parents of children under 4 feet 9 inches are encouraged to attend to have seat installations checked by car seat technician Elizabeth Stillwell. Second Wednesday of each month. ■ Jan. 14 — The Mellow Guitar of Bill Davis, 11:30- 12:30 p.m. at HR Valley Adult Center, 2010 Sterling Place, off Brookside Drive on the Heights. ■ Jan. 15 — Panel on do- mestic violence and sexual assault, 11-12:30 p.m. at the OSU Extension Office, 2990 Ex- periment Station Dr. Several local agencies will discuss the preva- lence of domestic violence and sexual assault. History Museum benefit Jan. 16 Do you want to help save the History Muse- um’s most iconic arti- f act? Do you love movies? On Friday, Jan. 16, T he Hood River County History Museum will be show- ing “Maverick.” The movie features Mel Gibson as Brett Maverick, a gambler in need of money for a poker tournament. He encounters many com- ical mishaps and chal- lenges, including fac- ing a charming female thief played by Jodi Foster. It also features James Gar ner, who played Maverick in the 1950s television series. The paddlewheel is not only a movie icon, but also the largest ar- tifact on display at the Hood River History Museum. The paddle- wheel stands in the front of the museum acting as an extraordi- nary symbol of an im- portant part of Hood River’s historical sig- nificance. Last spring, the Hood River High School students gener- ously donated $2000 to- ward the painting and repair of the paddle- wheel. The movie is free with regular museum admission: $5 for adults and children 10 and under are free. Museum members and active military are free. The museum is located at 300 East Ma- rina Drive. Doors will open at 5:30 p.m. and the movie will start at 6 p.m. A3 ENTERTAINMENT U pdate HRVHS benefit show Jan. 10 A variety show of current high school students and re- turning performing arts alumni will be presented on Sat- urday, Jan. 10, at Hood River Valley High School’s Bowe Theatre, from 7-8:30 p.m. The show will feature songs, dances, and a stage combat performance. Admission is $5 adults, $3 children 12 and under. The show is being pro- duced by Junior Miguel Vasquez as an Extended Applica- tion Project. All proceeds will benefit both the music and the theatre programs. mile marker 6 returns Jan. 6 The Backroom music shows at Springhouse Cellar re- turn on Tuesday, Jan. 6, with a long-overdue reunion show from Gorge alt-rockers mile marker 6. Join Matt Mesa, Jim Drake, Char Mayer, Matt Swihart and Susan McCourt as they recreate the sonic landscape from 2005. The family-friendly show starts at 6 p.m. Springhouse Cellar, 13 Railroad Ave, Hood River; 541-308-0700. Entertainment listings can be e-mailed to jdrake@ Happy Holidays from RV Doc... Bruce Henderson HOOD RIVER NEWS (ISSN 07465823) is published twice weekly, every Wednesday and Saturday. Subscription rates: $42 per year prepaid ($36 for senior citizens, 65 and over) in Hood River County and western Wasco County, Oregon; and Klickitat and Skamania counties,Washington. Elsewhere, $68 prepaid per year. Known office of pub- lication, 419 State Ave., Hood River, OR 97031-2031. Periodicals postage paid at Hood River, Oregon. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to HOOD RIVER NEWS, P.O. Box 390, Hood River, OR 97031-0103. Gas Appliances • Electrical Repair • Solar Panels • More! State Fire Marshal Certification # 001242-08 541-993-5982 Service & Repair. I come to you! 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Shadow pork chop, Buckwheat pancake stack, maple Bourbon Stout steal cut oats, port wine reduction PAIRED WITH AMBER River City TRIO OF COFFEE CAKE Coffee cakes of vanilla, crimson beet and chocolate topped with marshmallow cream, and Oatmeal Stout accompanied by Session Black caramel and raspberry coulis PAIRED WITH 27 WHEATWINE ALE Wishing You a Safe & Happy Holiday Season Fourth Course Tom Jenkins 541-490-6045 Your Oregon & Washington Broker HOODRIVERHOMES.COM $40 PER PERSON Quantities are Limited SERVING FROM 5:00 PM 506 COLUMBIA STREET HOOD RIVER, OR OPEN DAILY 11:00AM – 9:00 PM 541-386-2247