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About The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1913)
fHE HOOD KIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 1913 POPE PIUS X. We have some splendid bargains in Lawns, Dimities, Etc. that we have out, Special, the yd.... 5 Agents for. Queen Quality Shoes for Ladies Agents for Nemo Corsets the best you can buy Agents for Marcella Underwear for Ladies f Pope Plus X, whose condition was reported improved, suffered a relapse, due to reluctance to submit to strict medical regime. ONE IN EVERY EIGHT IS HURT Of 145,000 Engaged In Hazardous Work 19.226 Injured. Olympia. In the state of Washing ton one man In every eight who are engaged In hazardous or extra hazard ous occupations, as defined by the industrial insurance law, is injured, and one in every SO who are injured is injured fatally. These astounding figures are discovered in the report of the state commission for the first 17 months of its work. During that period 145,000 persons were engaged in hazardous work. The accidents brought before the commis sion totalled 19,226, and the deaths re sulting 406. An average of $2000 per day is paid by the industries of the state to In Jured workers or their heirs. I. W. W. Take Train. Colorado Springs. Commandeering a Rock Island freight train that left Pueblo Sunday night, 102 Industrial Workers of the World recently order ed out of Grand Junction, Colo., ob tained transportation to this city, where they were met by the entire police department. They were herded to the police station for the .night and, after being supplied with breakfast, were escorted from the city STATE TROOPS CAPTURE NACO Naco, Ariz. General Pedro OJeda, commanding the remnants of his fed eral garrison of 300 troopers at Naco, Sonora, surrendered to the United States troops on border patrol here, after having withstood a siege of state troops which lasted for five days, and in which more than half his troopers were killed. The surrender was hastened by the attack on the federal garrison by the band of Yaqui Indians under General Alvaro Obregon, commanding state troops. The dead on both sides has been estimated at 200, and the fortlfl cations at Naco, Sonora, are veritable slaughter pens. About the buildings are strewn more than 100 bodies, shot. cut and horribly mutilated. General Ojeda, true to his promise, refused to surrender. While the fight ing was at its height he attempted to march across the border with his small band. The fire from the enemy was demoralizing, and OJeda and his men ran and became scattered. Captain 11. A. Sievart, Company k. Ninth United States cavalry, ran alone to OJeda's assistance. The American officer grasped the Mexican general by the arm. Togeth er they ran in a hall of lead to where an automobile was awaiting. Frost and His Four Associates Free. Chicago. Albert C. Frost, former president and promoter of the Alaska Central railroad, and his four co-defendants, George M. Seward, Pierre G. Beach, Frank Watson and George C. Ball, all Interested in the development of the road, were found not guilty in the federal court here of conspiracy to obtain Illegally millions of dollars' worth of coal lands in the Matanuska Valley, Alaska. .' THE MARKETS. Portland. Wheat Club, 8c; bluestem, 17c; red Russian, tic. Hay Timothy. flS; alfalfa, $11;. Butter Creamery, 27c. Egg Candled, 21c. Hops 112 crop. 16c. Wool Eastern Ort-goa. lie; Wll lamette valley, 20c. tattle. Wheat Bluestem, 97V4C; club, 8Cc; red Russian, 86c. F.ggs 20c. Butter Creamery, 87c. Hay Timothy, $16 per Ion; al'alfa, 12 per toa. Co,yr!bt Hut Schlifuci & Vlui When You Buy Your Suit This Season just remember that you are probably going away on a vacation some time during the summer and you'll want a Suit that not only looks well when it is new and fresh, but that has the quality and style, and above all the tailoring that will keep it looking well all summer. Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes are made that way lively styles, advanced styles, the best of all wool fabrics, the highest type of good tailoring. If you take any sort of care of such clothes by pressing them and changing to another suit now and then, they'll be good for several seasons. H. S. & M. Suits for $18.00. $20.00, $22.00 and $25.00 Clothcraft Guaranteed All-Wool Suits For the gentleman that does not feel like paying more than $10.00, $11.00, $12.00 and up, these will give you the very best of wear and we will stand back of the guarantee that you get with the suit so you are taking no chances at all. Boys' Suits THE LARGEST and BEST LINE IN THE CITY Suits for $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 and up. Come in and see them. Ladies Suits and Coats Our showing of Spring and Summer Styles In Ladies' New Spring Suits and Coats is the largest and best in the ity and are marked at the very lowest prices. All are tailored as you would have them In a perfect man ner. Materials are English Mixtures, Shepherd checks. Serges, Bed fords, Diagonals, Worsteds, Hairline Novel ties, etc. They are shown with the nobby new coats in 27 to 32-inch lengths, with cutaway front, round corners, or perfectly straight. Thej come in plain tailored or with neat trimmings and the shirts are shown in various styles to match the coats. Call and see them. Second Floor Specials This Week Ladles' Plain Black Hose, fast colors, double heel and toe, well made Hose that will give you the best of wear and satisfaction. The pair 5c Ladies' and Misses' Pumps and Ox fords, Kids, Patents, Gun Metals and Tans. Values up to $4.00 a pair, your choice the pair 98c Ladies' Dress Skirts good values at the regular price of $3.00, $4.00, $5.00, -etc. A good assortment of mostly dark colors. Your Choice One-Half Price New Idea FubIiIou Book, the best fash Ion book Issued. The copy 5c Irish Embroidered pillow cases with neat embroidered initials. Special . . . 75c Indies' Sleeveless Vests Taped Neck and Armholos. Your choice 5c Men's Half Hose, Pure Japan Thread Silk, assorted colors. Your choice 15c Men's Hats Soft and Stiff Styles, just the thing for knock-about wear. Val ues in this lot up to $3.00. Your choice . . . ' 50c Uhe PARIS FAIR Hood V.Vcr'j Largest and Hest Store Correspondence ; OAK GROVE Mrs. Charles G. Lemmon left last week for a visit of a week or ten days with her daughter, Mrs. Robert Snow, in Portland. Arthur L. Cunning of Cooks, Wash spent a few days last week at th home of his brother, H. Cunning. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Dyer are here to spend the summer on their ranch having lived in Portland for the past year and a half. Miss Bella Steel and Miss Mary Montgomery came down Saturday from the Middle Valley to attend the meeting in the school house and re mained in Oak Grove until Sunday Miss Steel staying with Miss Gertrude Irwin and Miss Montgomery being the guest at the Allen ranch. County Superintendent CD. Thomp son visited the Oak Grove school while in session on Tuesday afternoon of last week. , , Work is commencing around the logging camps at Green Point, the Stanley-Smith teams and several men having made the trip there within the Past few weeks though the snow is still too deep to begin active work in the mill. , Good weather, a large turn-out of people, a delicious lunch served by the ladies of Oak GrOve, an excellen program by the school children and interesting and inspiring addresses by prominent men all helped to make the meeting in the new school house Sat urday the success that it was. Sunday School will convene hereaf ter at lu:lo In the morning every Sunday instead of in the afternoon Church services will be held every other Sunday at 11 o'clock. As there was church last Sunday there will be none next week. ODELL Mrs. Betty Blount was visiting in Odell last week. Next Sunday at the M. E. church Sunday School will be held at 10 a.m. and Rev. Carson will preach at night after the Epworth League. Sunday School will be held at the Union church at 10:30 next Sunday and preaching at 7:43. Endeavor as usual. Miss N-ll Shelley has returned from a visit with Miss Phela McDuff ey at Portland. The Ferguson Bible Class will have group picture taken next Sunday and all members are urged to be present. The Sunshine Guild meets Thursday at Mrs. Connoway's. A small white square wool shawl was lost about two weeks ago between he Union church and depot, prob ably near Mark Cameron's. Though not of much Intrinsic value It Is a keepsake and the finder will do a great favor by phoning to 293-Ode'l. Miss Vida Smith visited her aunt, Mrs. E. E. Gould last week on her way from Alberta to California. Mrs. M. J. Lutidy, mother of Mrs. V.. K. Gould, celebrated her 81st birth day laBt Tuesday. The day was made delightful by gifts and remembrances from many friends who appreciate a lovable old age. Mr Lundy's ances tors, coming from Pennsylvania and New York, settled at Niagara Falls on the Canadian side. Her husband's people are from the stock of those who fought at "Lundy's Lane." They moved to North Dakota over thirty years ago and about 12 years ago to the Pacific Coast. Mrs. Lundy attend ed the Chautauqua at Gladstone Park last summer and no one seeing her could believe her age to be 81; Will Sherman's big apple hou.j is the scene of much activity. He is having his apples, which have been in cold storage through the viuter, packed for the Portland market. J. M. Shelley is also packing his New towns that are stored there. Glenn Young started home from Post where he has spent the winter, on the 9th He will come by way of Shaniko and should arrive by this date. His experience with stock this trying winter has been unusual. We are all glad to welcome him home. Mrs. Crockett and Mrs. Poole re turned from their California trip Sun day. Mrs. Crockett surprised every one by appearing at church when it was not known that she had arrived home. She is looking unusually well. Dane Kemp is in Santa Barbara and is much better but is waiting until spring has come to stay. He and Mrs. Kemp and daughter will then return for the summer. The ladies of the Federated church will give a hot supper Friday evening beginning at six o'clock and continu ing as long as supper is desired at Odd Fellows' Hall. Supper for adults 25 cents; for children, 10 cents. After supper a social time will be enjoyed and Mr. Hargreaves will give a short talk. He will preach next Sunday night. Last week, Louis Baldwin, well known throughout this country, re ceived word of the serious illness of his wife, who with her mother, was wintering in California. Before he could start another telegram inform ed him of her death. He met the re mains at Portland. Mrs. Baldwin, be fore her marriage, was Miss Koontz, granddaughter of Peter Ruefner, a pioneer of Mill Creek. Her funeral was held from the Hood River Imman uel Church Monday afternoon. The death of bo young a wife and mother appeals powerfully to our sympathy. The little child of Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson was very ill last Thurs day but is happily recovered. The Sunday School Institute held at the M. E. church last Thursday was well attended and very successful. Mr. Phipps does much to increase Inter est In Sunday School work and had a good meeting. dining room shower at her home last Saturday afternoon. A merry time was had at Miss Zena's expense. The rooms were beautifully decorated with daffodils and tritiums. A dainty luncheon was served by Mrs. Shoe maker, assisted by Miss Metcalf of Hood River. Among those present were Mesdames Maloy, Pape, Jarvis, Johnson, E. E. Lage, John Mohr, Shoe maker, Dragseth, Misses Zena Miller, Luella Hunt, Katie Walker, Paula Kel lar, Grace Perry. Gertie Johnson, Edith Winchell and Mildred Metcalf. Dick Lester and family have moved from the Marshall house In the Gove house. Mr. McCoy, Miss Godbersen, Misses Turney and Mlss Elsie Wells attend ed the local Institute at Oak Grove Saturday. Mrs. J. D. MoCully entertained the Ladies' Aid Society right royally last Friday afternoon at Nestledyn. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Mark a week from Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Dragseth entertained at dinner Sunday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Thomsen, who expect to leave for Denmark in the near future. Plates were laid for ten. A very en joyable time was bad. John Deere i Ironclad arm Wagon PINE GROVE Joe Porter is up from Portland on business. H. F. I -age spent Sunday in Port land. Mrs. Dane Thorn was a Portland visitor last week. J. P.Thomsen went to The Dalles on business Monday. He was In Portland last week. Miss Helen Brosl spent the week end visiting relatives at Oak Grove. Miss Zena Miller spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents. Mrs. Hans Lage- returned from a trip to Portland last Friday. Mrs. Mildred Walker, who has been quite 111 with pneumonia. Is able to be up again. Eddie Wells Is quite 111 again with appendicitis. A number of the friends of Miss Zena Miller, who expects to cease walking the paths of single blessed ness in the near future, gave ber a BARRETT Parents' and Teachers' meeting at the school house next Friday evening, Gilbert Robblns Is a business visit or in Oregon City. The Ladies' Aid met with Mrs. Will Plog. The ladies decided to hold an other of their delightful teas, Thurs day, April 1", at the home of Mrs Wm. Stauffer. Mr. and Mrs. Green of Portland are guests at the J. J. Gibbons home. Frank Wilson of Cooks,Wash.,8pent Saturday and Sunday with William Stauffer. Mrs. Sweaney has been ill, but is able to be out again. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Peugh spent Sunday with E. Smallwood at Willow Flat. Will Stauffer returned from Lexing ton, Oregon, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Furrow spent Sun day with their son, Harry, at Willow Flat. Mrs. John Walters, who has been visiting at the home of her sister in Tygh Valley, is expected home Tues day. OREGON RAISING LIVESTOCK Since last August not a hog has been imported Into this state. This is the encouraging news made public the past week by C. C. Colt, head of the Union Meat Company, Portland, who says Oregon farmers are going extensively into the business of stock raising. During 1911, more than half the total number of hogs received at the Portland market came from Nebraska. Last year, this number decreased to a remarkable extent and now It appears that Oregon will not need to Import any more pork in order to feed its own people. On the other hand, we may soon be in a position to make substantial shipments outside the state. Mr. Colt submitted figures showing that the livestock industry in Oregon Is five times greater than fruit grow ing and greater than wheat, wool and dairy products combined. A soft answer may not turn away wrath, but It saves a lot of useless talk. John Deere Ironclad Wagons "Ironclad Where There's Wear" Careful consideration, when buying a wagon, must be riven to mate rial, workmanship and special feature. Material and workmanship determine durability and special features serviceability. Material Because rood hickory ts scarce and hard to get, many attempts have been made to substitute some other wood for hickory in wagon axles. Nothing has been found, as yet, that will compare with hickory for strength and resiliency. While oak, which is conceded best for hubs, hounds and spokes, ts more plentiful than hickory, there is a tendency to put woods of Inferior grades into wagons, on account of high prices of both hickory and oak. Only selected air-seanoned hickory and oak are used In the gears of John Ieere Ironclad Wagons. The supply comes from thousands of acres of hardwoods, maintained by scientific and conservative cutting. Long leaf yellow pine bottoms reinforced with Ave oak sills or cleats are uned in the boxes. Hard and tough wood carefully selected and tested for the purpose forms the boa sides. Workmanship Good workmanship Is absolutely necessary. Material alone will not make a wagon durable. I'r's muiit b constructed correctly as well as proportioned right to stand the vea and strain put upon them. Only after a feature h&s been thoroughly tried out and proven advan tageous, b It put on John TVere Ironclad Wagons. There U a practical reason for every part being made as It is. Tatterns and templates are used everywhere In our shops. Axles must hsve the right amount of pitch and gather in relation to the dish of the wheels. This insures light draft. Felloes are connected with dowel pfns at the tofnta. Before any !nn ! placed on the wheels they are immersed in boilwi linaeed oil. Tiij fills pores and penetrate joints, making wheel moisture proof. Painting ia done by experienced painters with paint ground and mixed especially lor the purpose. Special Feat are Ten Clips on axles (four on the front gear and six on the rear gear) distribute the load evenly. This means strength. Extra long, heavy and wide wrought iron RoInUtr Hates cannot corns loose or break. Not furnished on other wagons. Wrought Steel Skeins, receiving practically full size ot axles, are set perfectly tif.hU Skeins cannot come loose. Talented King Bolt Bushing arts as a pivot for the gear and prevents wear. A great improvement over the old style. Solid Reach Box, the Rwh thst will never wear out. Specist Ironing on the Hox and the Reinforced Tongue, are more ot the superior John Jjeer Ironclad Features. Remember, It's quality that gives you sLf action, after years of use. GILBERT IMPLEMENT COMPANY St. Mark's Church Notes Word has been received that the new minister. Rev. Mr. MacNamara, will not be able to be here for next Sunday, but he will arrive from Glen dive, Montana, the last of the month Bishop Paddock will arrive tomor row (Thursday.) lie will conduct a baptismal service for Infants at five o'clock that afternoon. There will be evening services with address Thurs day evening at eight o'clock. Iioth of these services have changed from Friday. Confirmation services will be held Sunday with Bishop Paddock In charge. These services will begin at 10:30 o'clock instead of 11 as usual COLLEGE COW PRODUCTIVE Nine Hundred Pounds Milk and 47 of Butter Yielded in Month Unitarian Church Next Sunday morning at the Unitar ian church the subject will be "Unl tarlanism and the Poets." The ser mon will show a close analogy be tween the spirit of the great poets and liberal Christianity. Since Mil ton, the orthodox system of theology has never been embodied In any great poem. The poets are concerned with both practical and spiritual religion. The greatest poets are the deepest thinkers and deep thinking leads to permanent reform. This sermon also will deal with doubt and progress. Kvenig service at. 6:30 with musical program. Christian Science Christian Science services arc held In the Reading Room, Room 2, David son Building, Sunday at 11 a. m. lubject, "Doctrine of Atonement." Sunday School will be held as usual at 10 a. m. Wednesday meeting at I m. The reading room Is open daily from 2 to S p. m. Students of dairy husbandry at O. A. C. who have been keeping records of the milk and butter fat production of a number of the younger cows in the college herd have just closed a month's test on Amy's Euybria Daugh ter (260822),a 3-year-old Jersey, and the report showing that she produc ed 46.77 pounds of butter fat per month plainly indicates that she may easily establish a record making her eligible for the Jersey register of mer it. The requirement of butter fat from a Jersey of this age lg 292.8 pounds during the year, an average of 24.4 pounds per month. Amy's Kuybrla Daughter has given 22.37 pounds above the standard. Her total produc tion during the month was 975 pounds CALLING FOR BIDS Notice Is hereby given that pursu ant to Instructions of the City Coun cil of April 7, 1913, sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned City Recorder tip to 5 o'clock p. m., April 28th, 1913, for th6 erection and alteration of a one-room annex to be erected In the rear and adjoining the present City Hull. All material and labor Khali be In accordance with the plans and specifications now on file In the office of the city recorder. The Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. This notice is published In the Hood River News for two consecutive Issues thereof, the date of the first publica tion being April lGth, 1913. II. L. HOWK, 16-17 City Recorder. of milk with an average percentage of fat amounting to 4.797. This Is equivalent to 55.02 pounds or 85 per cent butter. This test was supervised by K. R. Stockwell, of the department of dairy husbundry, who says that the record is not remarkable, but above the aver age of many dairy cows which return good profit for their keep. NOTICK Before ordering your Bur bank and Vermont Gold Coin seed po tatoes you had better call the U. C. M. Ranch, Phone Odell 337. 11 18c NOTICE OF FILING OF REPORT BY CITY SURVEYOR Pursuant to Chapter 9 of the Chart er of the City of Hood River, notice Is hereby given that the City Survey or has heretofore on the 7th day of April, 1913, filed with the undersign ed City Recorder, his report and plat of the proposed change In Sherman Avenue in front of and extending along Ixt 4, Block 1, Waucoma Addi tion to the City of Hood River, con taining a plat of the survey and change appropriated for such change, and of said street and the portion of each lot, part of lot or tract required to be that the same will be presented to the Common Council of the City of Hood River, along with proof of pub lication of this Notice at Its next reg ular meeting after the completion thereof, and all persons having any Interest In said matter, or objections to file thereto, are required to present tho same at said meeting of the Com mon Council, to-wlt: At Its meeting on the 5th day of May, 1913. This notice Is dated and first pub lished this 16th day of April, 1913. II. L. HOWE, 16 18 City Recorder.