Image provided by: Hood River County Library District; Hood River, OR
About The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1913)
THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1913 No Old Goods on our Shelves We have a Complete Line of Fresh Groceries, Vegetables, Fruits, Etc. We;invlte your inspection GCite grocery Store Vuon FREE DELIVERY: East 9:30 a.m., 3:30 p. m.; tkAtn West 8 a. m., 10 a. m. 4 p. m. - JVf M.urt - UPPER VALLEY NOTICE List your places forspecial attention with WARD IRELAND CORNELL Upper Valley Real Estate .'. Insurance Improved and Unimproved OrchardjLand Hood River Connection UUY Y. EDWARDS & CO. Phone Please telephone your orders for MILK AND CREAM Fresh and Clean; to bo delivered from the Valley Ranch Dairy. Phone No. 5794. H. G. ZILLIACUS : a choice Lot of mt idccdv QTrrv In Standard Varieties to offer for the Season 1912-13. Also some Select PEONA BULBS C. D. THOMPSON Phone 5808 R. R. No. 2 HoocT River, Ore. nAVING purchased the entire interest of E. Brayford in the Rockford Store about three months ago, we are now in a position i to serve you with all the highest class Groceries at reasonable prices. We invite your patronage and will serve you to the best)f our ability. c;ivi: us a thiai- I MERCER & CO. PHONE NO. 4111 WAREHOUSE ON FIRST STREET Transfer and Livery Company Freight, Express and Baggage Transferred Furniture Moved, Stored or Packed for Shipment I HOOD RIVER. e t ee t 4etHtK4Mfrt P. B. SNYDER Hood River Plumbiny Company Phona IS44 Sanitary Plumbing and Heatinc. Tinning and Sheet Metal Work. Repairing Promptly Attended. ESTIMATES FURNISHED CASCADE AVENUE 4-&444&P For Lime, Cement and House Plaster See I STRANAHAN & CLARK 4, ZShai U NO JOB TOO LARGE OR The NEWS JOB PR 11 J U. C. M. Ranch. I'arkdale J 337-Odell Upper Mood River fillejr, Ore. f i 1 - - OREGON. J 4- B. B. POWELL T IRC VU1 Vrinting X TOO SMALL FOR DEPARTMENT CLAIMS ALLOWED Bualneea transacted by the county court at 1U February, 1913, session. S W Curran, salary road supervisor, S52.50 J II Fredrlcy, fare for Indigent, 95c. II M Francis, extending tax roll, 175.25. Edward Jeppesen, 1 bobcat scalp and coyote scalp, $3.50. John A Saxon, fees court reporter. $105.00. W II Martin, 1 bobcat scalp, $2.00. Allen Hart, court bailiff, $28.00. E S Olinger, court bailiff. $28.00. Wm Ganger, Court bailiff, $14.00. Perry E Wells, 1 coyote scalp, $1.50. W A Bell, filing brief Supreme Court, $10.00. II J Fredrlcy, fare for Indigent, $64.40. T A Reavls, viewing road, $6.40. W L, Clark, viewing road, $6.40. Harry CoBhow, cbalnman,$3.75. W T Eddy, chalnman,$5.00. Murray Kay, fees county surveyor, $34.70. F J Brady, boarding prisoners, $15.50. Burroughs Adding Mcb. Co., pay ment on machine, $50.00. A C Buck, justice fees, $13.65. Wm Ganger, fees deputy sheriff, $2. 80. E S Olinger, constable fees, $11.65. Robert Lewis, fees for deputy sheriff, $2.50. Boyce's Cafe, meals for Jurors, $7. 65. Bus hong & Co., collection register for sheriff, $33.50. Mt Hood Hotel, boarding prisoners. $20.20. Cottage Hospital Association, care of indigent, $126.00. J M Culbertson, premiums on bonds, $53.10. J W Dickinson, meals for Jurors, $6.75. Fashion Livery & Dray Co., team hire for sheriff and fruit Inspector, $25.00. Hood River Abstract Co, premiums on bonds, $113.48. Glass & Prudhomme Co, office sup plies, 54 cents. Howe, Davis Co, cash book for treas urer, $26.50. Hood River News Co, printing and supplies, $12.00. E 11 Hartwig, premium on bond, $13.50. J F Hendrick, supplies for Indigent, 2 months, J30. 00. Home Telephone Company, phone rent and calls, $6.15. J H Hellbronner, office rent for fruit inspector, $26.00. City of Hood River, water rent, 75c. E E Kaesser, supplies for indigent, $5.00. P M Morse, phone rent, $1.60. Pacific Printing and Stationery Co, office supplies, $1.95. Parker Bros, meals for jurors, $5.40. C A Plath, drugs for indigent, 6.25. Roberts & Simms, bond premium, $31.50. Geo I Slocum, office supplies, $2.00. Snow & Upson, blacksmithing, $3.00. Transfer & Livery Co, cartage and freight, $7.68. C G Van Tress, preparing Grand Jury report, $2.60. Wind River Lumber Co, lumber for roads, $1.97. Ortha Waters, typewriting brief, $4.15. J Wickham, Incidentals, $1.10. R R Bartlett, plat of city, $3.50. Dr Jesse Edgingtou, salary health officer, $38.35. Thos F Johnson, care of prisoners and incidentals, $36.76. Dr H L Dumble, coroner's fees,$5.00. The Chronicle Publishing Co, print ing brief,$l4.00. W E Hanson, stamps, $5.00. Boys' and Girls' Aid Society, Janu ary allowance, $10.00. Mrs J B of indigent,$15.00. Wm Davidson, care of indigent,$8.00. J F Hendrick, salary road supervis or, $125.00. Carrie Satterlee.refund on fine, $8.00. Hood River Glacier.printing and sup plies, $40.25. Taft Transfer Co, salt, 35 cents. H C Johnson, foee deputy sheriff at election, $6.00. W H Lawrence, livery hire, $19.00. George A McCurdy, fees commission er and expenses, $39.00. John R Putnam, fees commissioner and expenses, $35.80. O H Rhoades, fees commissioner and expenses, $10.70. Electric Wiring & Supply Co, repair ing crusher, $12 05. G R Castner, expenses convention of county courts, $11.30. GRAND JURORS W II Taft $16.00 L R Gano 16.70 W A Isenberg 15.00 A W Monosmith 15.00 Charles Trout 16.20 W Auhagen 15.90 OHcar Vanderbllt 16.30 CIRCUIT COURT JURORS W F Andrews $25.20 H A Messenger 24.00 J H Ferguson 24.00 W II Furrow 24.60 John West 25.80 George Callaway 24.60 Sam Freeman 25.20 August Guinard 24.50 C II Beltx 16.00 W M Stauffer 24.70 A S Kelr 24.00 II M Vannler 24.90 D Sandman 27.20 J H Hellbronner 24.00 A W Isbell 24.20 Jesse Davidson 27.20 J M Chitty 25.60 L D Boyed 25.80 John D Fletcher 24.40 Robert Jones 24.60 James F Carnes 15.00 Clem Wheeler 2.00 E M Hoi man 2.00 W T Forrey 15.60 C S Jones 15.00 F H Miller 2.60 Joe Dobson 2.00 WITNESSES CfRCUIT COURT Herman Kresse $ 2.00 R E Johnson 2.00 Mable Satterlee 2.00 L M Karstetter 6.70 Lloyd Satterlee 13.20 Wm Satterlee . . 13.20 Ray Elcholtx 4.00 Joseph Clarke 6.00 S B Wheeler 4.60 Ida Ellner . 6.00 Murton Whitney 2.00 Charles Foster 2.00 March Morse 4.00 I U Dakln 4.00 C U Dakln 2.00 Charles Loser 4.00 Milo Fredrick 6.00 Hugh Copple 4.00 CIRCUIT COURT WITNESSES E R Parker $ 4.00 George Martin 3.20 F M Slavena 4.00 J M Hatch '. 4.00 George Stranaban 4.00 W L Carson 4.00 Louie Pregge 6.40 Claude Collins 6.00 Frank Young 7.10 The resignation of W. H. Lawrence as county fruit inspector and plant pathologist was accepted. C. K. Marshall was appointed Road Master of Hood River County. In the matter of the viewers' report on the road petitioned for by A. O. Adams and others, it appearing to the court that said report is Incomplete, and it is ordered that the Board of County Road Viewers again view said proposed road on the 18th day of February, 1913, or within five days thereafter. THE COUNTY COURT, By W. E. Hanson, Clerk. WHITE SALMON (from the Enterprise) John Thompson, recently of Hood River, now of Portland, was in White Salmon Saturday calling on friends. C. W. Recker writes that they are now sojourning at Santa Barbara and will be back to White Salmon the early part of March, the rest of the "White Salmon colony" remaining a little longer. ' Dr. Sayer expects his family in about ten days and will move into the house be bought of Dr. Russell, the Russells taking temporary head quart ers elsewhere. Some days ago three of four solicit ors for personal aid to the weary and afflicted mostly weary happened In to town the same day. One was a rath er respectable looking fellow, "deaf and dumb" he said, and appeared as though he might be genuinely afflicted. He touched several of us. The Enter prise addressed a letter to the preach er at Woodlawn, with whom the dum my said he had lived, but no answer has come from the preacher. The fel low was doubtless another faker. Robert Scott, the Intrepid captain of the British Navy who reached the South Pole and perished on the return trip to his boat the Terra Nova, was a brother of Bruce Scott, who occupies the Pabst fruit ranch ten miles up the White Salmon valley. When call ed up by the Enterprise Mr. Scott had not heard of the misfortune. He had not heard from the expedition for many months. He could not believe that his brother had perished "for Bob had knocked around in the polar reg ions for years, was a cautious Scot, and well knew how to take care of himself." UNDERWOOD Mrs. P. I. Packard returned Tues day from Portland where she spent a few days. After taking the short course at Cor vallis, Henry Love returned home last week. George Hewett r turned home Wed nesday night from Portland. Mr. and Mrs. H O. Lowden are home again after spending a few weeks In White Salmon. Mrs. H. S. Adams has gone to Port land for a short time. W. O. Det wilier and A. R. Hedrlck were Hood River visitors last week. The Ladles'lAd Society of the Union Chapel Association met with Mrs. G. A. Cooper Thursday. The Utill Dulce Club held a meeting at the residence of Mrs. George Hew ett Friday the 14th. The program con sisted of a short talk on the origin of Saint Valentine and a vocal selection by Mrs. W. O. Det wilier. The decora tions for the luncheon were also car ried out appropriately. Roland Cash of the Underwood school and Ieola Broughton of the Chenowlth school were the winners among the pupils of the two schools at the Spelling Bee Saturday evening. February 8. Mr. Hedrlck, Mrs. Broughton and Mix Hedrlck won the highest points among the parents and friends of the students. Miss Herald expects to spend a few days in Portland. Mrs. H. A. Hussey and Mrs. II. S Adams will entertain next Friday in honor of Miss Mary Hedrlck. While making a turn on the Under wood hill recently the leaders of an eight-horse team went over the bluff but escaped without injury. Mrs. W. A. Wendorf gave a card party last week. What Is a house without some kind of music In It? What will a Music House be 'n Hood River without your patronage? Waggener's Music House has the goods, and Waggener wants your trade." For Sale or Rent A piano. Phone 2193. 6tfc Calling for Bids for Divisions 2 and 5 of the General Water System of the Hood River City. Notice is herby given that pursuant to a resolution of the Common Council duly and regularly adopted on the 17th day of February, 1913, the under- signed.C'ity Recorder, will receive seal ed proposals for the construction as well as for furnishing necessary labor and material for Divisions 2 and 5, of the General Water system of the City of Hood River, at his office In said city of Hood River up to and including eight o'clock p. m., March 10th, 1913. Said improvement will be let in two contracts, each division separately, and bids shall be made separately for each division, the city reserving the right to reject any and all bids. Each proposal must be accompanied by certified check In favor of the City of Hood River in a sum at least five per cent of the amount of the bid to be furnished In the City of Hood River as liquidated damages in case the suc cessful bidder fails to enter into said contract awarded him, and shall fur nish bond of at least twenty-five per cent of the estimated cost of the im provement to be approved by the Com mon Council, which bond shall be fur nished within ten days after awarding said contract to such bidder by the city. Complete plans and specifica tions are on file in the office of the City Recorder governing said improve ment and may be seen there and ex amined by Interested parties. Full and complete copies of the same will be furnished to prospective bidders upon deposit of $5.00 to insure return of same to the city after the letting of the contract. All labor and material shall In all respects be done and fur nished in accordance with said plans and specifications. Each of such contracts for the construction of each of said divisions of said Water System will be required to be completed on or before June 1st, 1913. All proposals will be opened and considered by the Council at the Council Chambers in the City of Hood River, at the hour of eight o'clock p. m., March 10th, 1913. This notice is published in three suc cessive issues in the Hood River News, a newspaper of general circula tion in the City of Hood River, begin ning with the issue of February 19th, 1913. H. L. HOWE, 8-10c City Recorder. NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE Whereas in a certain suit then pend ing in the Circuit Court of Hood River County, Oregon, wherein Harry G. Claassen was plaintiff, and R. W. Hay ward and Marie Hay ward, husband and wife, and R. H. Hayward were defend ants, an execution and order of sale was Issued thereout on January 24, 1913, upon a judgment entered in said cause and suit on January 21, 1913, in favor of the plaintiff, Harry G. Claassen, and against the defend ants, R. W. Hayward and Marie Hay ward; which said execution and order of sale is to me directed aad com mands me to sell the real property hereinafter described for the purpose of satisfying said judgment which was and is in the sum of fill. 61, with inter est thereon at the rate of 8 per cert per annum from January 21, 1913, and the further sum of $38.05 costs an 1 disbursements including attorney's fee, and the further costs and dis bursements incurred and to be incur red upon said w rit of execution. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that In compliance with said execution and order of sale, I will, on the 1st da of March, A. D., 1913, at the hour of 11 o'clock in the forenoon of said day. at the North front door of the Court House In the City of Hood River, Hood River County, Oregon, sell at publi: auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand for the purpose of satisfying said judgment aud accruing costs and expenses the following described real property, to-wlt: Lots numbered Three (3) and Twen ty two (22) In Block numbered Seven (7) in Idlewild Addition to the City of Hood River, Oregon. Dated this 24th day of January, A. D., 1913. THOMAS F. JOHNSON, Sheriff of Hood River 5 9 County, Oregon. LILLY CO, mttla " Send Now f. " T. for Free CATALOG I Copy . . SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Hood River Countr. Gilford D. Wood worth, and Rose Wood worth, Plaintiffs' vs. Hose E. liotch- Klss, standard urcnard Company, a corporation, Anson W. Stone, Defend ants. To Rose E. Hotchklss, Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the Complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before the last day of six consecutive weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fall so to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiffs herein will take a decree against you for the sale of the hereinafter describ ed real property situated in Hood Riv er county .Oregon, for the foreclosure of that certain mortgage thereon, dated November 22nd, 1909, made and exe cuted by defendant, Standard Orchard Company, a corporation to the above named plaintiffs to secure the sum of Seven Thousand Dollars ($7000.00), and interest, which said mortgage was duly filed in the office of the County Clerk of said Hood River County, Ore gon, on January 18th, 1910, at 9 o'clock a. m. and recorded in Book 3 of Mort gages on pages 627-8 and 9, pursuant to default made in the payment of in-i terest secured by said mortgage and all as follows, to-wlt: 1. For Judgment against the said defendant Standard Orchard Company for the sum of Two Hundred and Five and 53-100 Dollars ($205.53), together with interest thereon from Jan. 2nd, 1913, and for the further sum of One Hundred Twenty Five Dollars ($125.- 00), as and for attorney's fees, togeth er with plaintiff's costs and disburse ments herein. 2. For the usual decree for the fore closure of said mortgage and for the sale of the following described real property, situated in the County of Hood River and State of Oregon, to- wlt: All that part of the Northeast quarter (N. E. &) of Section Twenty-nine (29), in Township One (1) North, Range Ten (10) East of Willamette Meridian, ly ing west of the right of way of the Mount Hood Railroad Com pany, and containing about 80 acres, according to the United States Government Surveys there of. by the Sheriff of Hood River County, Oregon, according to law and the prac tice of this court; that said sums afore Baid be made a specific and subsisting lien upon the said real property, at taching as of November 22nd, 1909, and prior and superior to any claim, right, title or Interest of any or all of the above named defendants, or any or all persons claiming under, by or thru them or any of them; that the said real property be sold as afore said, to pay the said sum at Two Hun dred and Five and 53-100 Dollars ($205.63), together with Interest there on, the said sum of One Hundred Twenty-five Dollars ($125.00) as and for attorney's fees and plaintiff's said costs and disbursements, herein; that upon the said sale, Sheriff pay the proceeds to the County Clerk of said Hood River County,' and the said County Clerk apply the proceeds as by law provided; that said de fendants and each of them and all persons claiming by, through or under them and each of them be forever barred and foreclosed of and from all equity of redemption from Bald sale and in and to said real prop erty as by law provided; that said plaintiffs be entitled to become a pur chaser at said sale, and that upon such sale the purchaser be entitled to enter into possessiot of said real property and hold the same as by law provided; and that plaintiffs be entitled to have the said sale of real property confirm ed by the above named court. That plaintiffs may have such other and further relief as to the court may seem just and equitable in the premises. You are hereby served by publica tion of this summons by virtue of an order of the Hon. W. L. Bradshaw, Judge of the Circuit Court of Hood River County, Oregon, duly made. granted and dated on the 18th day of January, 1913, for the service of this summons upon you by the publication thereof and in accordance therewith, and which order prescribes that the time for publication shall be for six consecutive weeks, and the 22nd day of January, 1913, as the date of the first publication of this summons, and you are hereby further notified that said date is and will be the date of the first publication of this summons. Dated January 18th, 1913. L. A. & A. P. REED. Attorneys for Plaintiffs. 4-10 Hood River, Oregon. T. I. i'WKKII V Mutual Inauranc at (SO t'er Ont of Old Lin Kate. Kir Insurance on ttuildinira in Course of Construction. Kre. NOTARY Pl'BI II- ON THR HRIOHT Kent & Garrabranl Confectionery, Cigars Fishing Tackle Spaulding's Sporting 6oods All Kinds of Soft Drinks Oak Street, oppoaita Smith Block, Hood Rirer NEW SCHEDULE IHcutit Mcctl RaitVead I Kffcctiva 12-01 AM. 2 Sunday. Sept. Sth i mi ' V STATIONS A. rt '.n. I X l L. il.ul Kivrr Ar. . t !-' I X l I'owenlale . I W 15 Switchback i i X ss Van Horn 2 1" I K 40 Mohr 1 OA ' 06 tMell . t I" l.S Summit i . 1 Al Rloucher .. 1 ! I V ... Winana . . I 10 10 l-r . 1 30 10 1ft Trout l're'k I 15 10 40 Womlworth . 1 10 4A Ar. fark.lale !.. I '. A. w ILSON, Ag.nt. BABY CHICKS AND ECUS FOR HATCHINU FROM S. C. White Leghorns W. P. Rocks S. C. Rhode Island Reds and Indian Runner Ducks ARE YOU PARTICULAR? WE ARE! That's why our Chicks and Ducklings are in such demand. They Live! They Grow! They Pay! HOOD RJVER POULTRY YARDS J. I. NICKELSEN, Proprietor Set Poultry Yards it f nnktoa. Pbooe 5929 J. C. John Home of GOOD SHOES Where the Best Values Come From KELLY BROS. MAY and OATS Rolled Barley, Bran, Shorts and Straw Phone 44-43 Fourth Street between Oak and State COAL! Rock Springs COAL TRANSFER & LIVERY COMPANY Cottage Hospital Hood River's Medical In stitution. Open to the public for the treatment of Medical and Surpical cases. Rates on applica tion. Address, COTTAGE HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION UNITED 'J3S DIVIDED WE (Z?l WE STAND FALL W. J. BAKER Real Estate Loans Insurance APPLE AND STRAWBERRY LAND A SPECIALTY Correspondence Solicited WE FURNISH FRUIT PICKERS AND PACKERS And All Kinds of Ilmployees... N1GUMA & CO. Phone 2 4.11 4 Oak Street IIixhI Klver, Or. Thf Ni'vn fur llii" prlnhiiK