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About The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1913)
8 THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1913 i 8i Save: Money Now! I i x i Ladies' Cloaks Men's & Boys' Suits and Furs Suits & Overcoats Everything Reduced Including all Singie Now and until after Trousers. They are Annual Inventory offered at BIG RE- AU Modern Styles. DUCTIONS . . . . . : t x S kjf LOCALSPERSONALS Lime and Spray Kelly Bros., phone 227-M. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Bone are spend ing a week visiting friends in Portland. Miss Ruth Cooper of Underwood was here Friday to attend the Guild dance. Attorneys L. A. and A. P. Reed spent the last of the week in Porland on a local suit. Dr. W. M. Post has returned from Walla Walla, w here he has been spend ing several weeks. Mrs. E. E. Stanton and Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Earle of Earlcrest Ranch were passengers to Portland Saturday. Rev. E. T. Simpson and family left Sunday evening for their new home on their ranch near Vancouver, Wash. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. McVay have rent ed the C. P. Ross house on Cascade Avenue for the winter. Dr. McVay Is owner of a place on Willow Flat. Mrs. W. L. Mason of the Upper Val ley entertained very pleasantly Mon day, when she gave an anagram and musical evening. S. A. Miller, mayor of Milton and manager of the Milton Nursery, spent Thursday in town visiting their repre sentative, R. T. New hall. J. G. Earle has his famous Persian cat. Smudge, on exhibition at the cat show in Portland and Smudge's friends are sure that be will make the other cats look like the proverbial 20 cents. A most successful series of dances was terminated Friday evening when the ladies of St. Mark's Guild enter tained at Heilbronner Hall. Chand ler's orchestra furnished music and about 60 couples were present. Miss Hazel Stanton took about 15 of her pupils from the Oak Grove school bobsled riding Friday evening, after which they all enjoyed an oyster stew at the Oak DH1 Ranch and indulged in music and games until midnight. During the remainder of January and also during February the public library will be open every day from 10 to 12 a. m., from 1 to 5 p. m., and on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 7 to 9 in the evening. The hours on Sunday are from 2 to 5 for reading only. Mrs. Carrie Satterlee and Wayne Mack, who pleaded guilty to a statu tory charge, were sentenced by Judge Dradshaw last week, she to pay a fine of ISO or spend a month in prison, he to pay a fine of $100 or spend two months in jail. Both were taken to The lall-, but Mrs. Satterlee subse quently paid ber fine and has been released. :! Insure with Reerj & Fire, Accident, Life, Automobile, Plate Glass, Burglary, Employer's Liability, including FARMERS and 0RCHARD1ST5. Also Judicial, Official and Indemnify Bonds Resident Agent for: U. S. Northern Assurance uo., 01 London Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ltd., of London Hanover Fire Insurance Co. of New York Pelican Assurance Co. of New York I Heat Estate Loans Investment sX c J. E. Robertson is making additions to and remodeling his residence on Columbia street. For Rent Three furnished light housekeeping rooms. Phone 234-M. 3tfc Mrs. H. A. Hollingshead of Portland spent the week end here as the guest of her sister, Miss Geraldine Eastman. Charles T. Early left the first of the week for Ogden to attend the annual meeting of the Eccles interests. He expects to be gone all week. Jack Morrison is remodeling his shooting gallery on Second street and improving it with a plate glass front It has been rented for restaurant pur poses. Among those from here who went to Portland to see David Warfield were Dr. and Mrs. Bronson, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Culbertson and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Vaughan. Mrs. S. B. Carlisle is spending the week in Goldendale looking after busi ness interests in that city. She will return by way of Portland, visiting her daughter, Mrs. M. L. Lamond. It will be worth your while to attend the two comedies to be presented by the ladies of the Valley Christian church next Friday evening 'The Spinsters' Convention" and Smythe vs. Smith." Dr. Benjamin Young of the First Methodist Episcopal church of Port land will deliver one of his popular lectures at the M. E. church Friday evening, February 7. The subject will be announced later. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Van Horn ex pect to leave tomorrow for Niagara Falls. Ned, who has been spending the winter on their ranch here, will enter the University of Washington, and Miss Marion will continue her studies at St. Helens Hall. A Get-together Club was organized In the Upper Valley last week to pro mote the sooial and educational wel fare of that section. Ward I. Cornell was elected president, Mr. Ricketts, vice president and Mr. Craven, Jr., secretary and treasurer. The club was formed at a meeting held at the United church Wednesday evening. According to the Capital Journal of Salem. "Senator Butler of Wasco and Hood River, is the only senator, or even member of the whole legislature from Eastern Oregon, who succeeded In getting one of his constituents elect ed to an office at this session. J. I. Moreland of Hood River being the only one elected to office who comes from Eastern Oregon." Hemta, lllC. Fidelity & Guaranty Co. I FRANK A. Miss Anna Fisher, a nurse from the Good Samaritan Hospital in Portland, is the guest of Miss Margaret Nickel sen. R. II. Myers of Parkdale had one of his fingers badly crushed last week while working at the Hay & Culbert son mill. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Van Allen, who was in critical condition last week following an opera tion, is now recovering. H. G. Col ton and daughter, Miss Gretchen, were here from Portland ov er tha week end to visit their ranch in the Frankton district. Enjoy some good laughs by seeing the two comedies to be presented by the Valley Christian Church Friday ev ening, January 31, at the church. Newton Clarke, who has been under going treatment in a Portland hospital for several weeks, returned to his home here Monday much improved. Mrs. Ross Sherwood, who has been a patient at the hospital for a couplo of weeks following an operation, has recovered sufficiently to return to her home. Mrs. Guy Y. Edwards and daughter went to Portland Monday after closing up their affairs here. Mr. Edwards and family expect to make their home in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Rand, the Misses Seabrook and Miss Benson were among those from here who went to Portland the last of the week to see David Warfield. R. L. Rorden, a poultrman of Peta luma, Cal., has been visiting his cous in, J. R. Nickelsen, at Alder Brook Ranch. Victor McFarland of Portland has also been Mr. Nickelsen's guest. It is announced that Professor Fred erick Dunne, head of the Latin de partment at the State University, will give an illustrated lecture at the High School building Friday evening. His lecture will deal with stories from early Roman history. A charge of 15 cents admission will be made to cover expenses and all are invited. A new research association is in the process ot being organized for the pur pose of continuing the research work in plant pathology under the direction of Professor Lawrence. It is not till Intention to leave out anyone who i.isiy wish to become a member of this asso ciation. Anyone wishing to become a member should make his wants known at once to the secretary of the Com merclal Club. L. M. Karstedder, an orchardist of the Summitt district, appeared before Justice of the Peace Buck Wednesday and plead guilty to the charge of hav ing venison in his possession during the closed season. The orchardist was apprehended by Deputy Game Warden William Ganger. It is the opinion of the officers that Karstedder did not shoot the deer, but that the animal was killed by some friend, whose nam he would not divulge. The carcass of the animal was found by Officer Gang er In a room under the bed. He was fined $30. A Portland paper says: Mrs. Chas. Allen Reed of Hood River, who is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charl' B K. Donohue, was the compli mented guest of Miss Isabelle Beck with at her Irvington home yesterday afternoon, who entertained a few guests Informally at tea. Those pres ent were: Mrs. Harold Johnston, (Corlne Cook), Mrs. B. E. Duncan of Hood River, Mrs. Allan McCurtaln, Mrs. I-e Martin, Miss Alda Broughton and Miss Jessie' Beckwith, who has jut returned home from a two months visit In Sacramento with Mrs. Burton C, Fox. Mr. and Mrs. Fox and their little son returned to Portland with Miss Beckwith and are guests of Mrs. Fox' mother, Mrs. William Turner, Mrs. E. C. Smith, who has been seriously ill, is now convalescing. Mr. and Mrs. K. II. Green of Dee were Portland visitors over the week end. . Dr. J. F. Beaumont of Portland spent the week end tuTu inspecting his ranch. Mrs. Mary H. Sob urn of Indianapolis daughter, Mrs. Mary Coburn Allen, and son Henry. R. G. Masiker and wife have return ed to Hood River and will again make their home at Odell. John W. Weaver spent the week end in the city, coming from Portland, where he is now working. R. E. Harbison came from Hillsboro the last of the week to spend some time at his ranch at Odell. Dr. M. E. Welch has received word that his son's newspaper plant at New Richmond, Wis., has been totally de stroyed by a fire. Carroll McFarland of New York City will engage in the poultry business on the Potter place at Belmont. He ex pects to be here March 1. N. L. Weldener, who has been man ager of C. H. Sproat's and also at one time of the Vanderbilt orchard, has given up horticultural work and returned the last of the wek to Phila delphia. Three engineers in the employ of the Pacific Power & Light Company D. F. McGee, H. W. Sulliger and P. L. Pierce arrived Monday to make final preparations for the beginning work on the big power plant here. Mr. and Mrs. Will Frasler entertain ed their parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Dietz, and their cousin, Mrs. A. C. Lender and family, Saturday evening, the occasion being the celebration of the 73rd birthday of Mr. Dietz, Mrs. Lender's birthday also falling on that date. The house and table decora tions bore the national emblems red, white and blue. Charles L. Coke, who has been mak ing his home at Cascade Locks, was in the city Monday while en route to Elmira, N. Y., his former home, where he w ill be employed in a large print ing establishment. Mr. Coke was tak ing with him some pussy willows which have already made their appear ance in order to give his friends opti cal proof of the early Oregon spring. Don't forget to come to the Woman's Club meeting today (Wednesday), Jan uary 29, at the Commercial Club rooms at 3 .p m. for the benefit of the scholarship Loan Fund. Included in the program will be a debate: "Resolv ed, that the school rather than the home provide for the entertainment of the child after school hours." A dainty luncheon will be served and a good time for all. Bring along your loose change for the cause. All are invited. Next Friday two receptions will be given in order that all who desire may meet Rt. Rev. Robert Paddock, Epis copal Bishop of Eastern Oregon. In the afternoon Mrs. W. J. Baker will open her home to all the women of the church and any others who may wish to meet the bishop. In the even ing Dr. Kanaga will entertain the men and all friends of Bishop Paddock or those who would like to meet him are Invited to this Informal gathering. The gathering at Mrs. Baker's will be at 3 o'clock. GIVES INSTANT ACTION Charles N. Clarke, Druggist, reports tha A SINGLE DOSE of simple buck thorn bark, glycerine, etc., as com pounded In Adler 1 ka, the German ap pendicitis remedy, stops constipation or gas on the stomach INSTANTLY. Many Hood River people are being helped. The News for fine printing. CRAM) I LIBRARY NOTES Library is open every day, 10 12 a. m. and 1 5 p. m., and on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 7 9 p. m. ..Notice windows from day to day for new books and those of especial interest. These books may be taken out by having them charged at the desk. Interesting state documents are being received at the library from time to time. Among those reecntly accessioned are the following: 1. Attorney General. Biennial re port, 1912. 2. Board of Tax Commissioners. Computation and apportionment of state levy of taxes for the year. 3. Board of Sheep Commissioners. Biennial report, 1912. 4. Conservation Commission. Re port. 1912. 5. Dairy and Food Commissioner. Biennial report, 1912. 6. Governor's (Oswald Wist) Bien nial Message. 7. Institute for the Blind. Bien nial report, 1912. 8. Oregon Almanac, 1913. 9. State Board of Health. Biennial report, 1912. 10. 1912. 11. State Forester. Annual report. State Treasurer. Report, 1911- 12. 12. State Insane Asylum. Biennial report, 1912. An effort is being made to make these available to all citizens of the county. They may be taken out as other books. Purifying the Air In Rooms. To purify the air of ottices or sick rooms souk u few pieces of brown pa per in n solution of saltpeter ami allow them to dry. When desired for use lay a handful of flowers of lavender, which cm he got nt nny drug store, on a tin pan with a few pieces of the paper mid liKhL The aroma Is re freshing and agreeable and drives a way Inserts. If hot water is procura ble a few drops of oil of lavender in a glass of very hot water is rikmI. It pitrKles the air nt once nnil effectually rids the room of Mies and Insects of all kinds.-Silent itic American. Motorist's Luck. "Well. Blithers, what luck did you hove with your new car?" asked Jor rowny. "More than I ever expected," said Blithers. "Just three minutes after the durned thing blew up another car came along with a busted tire, and the owner bought my old tires for $10 apiece." Harper's Weekly. No Help. "I admit that the architecture of this bouse Is something Oerce." said the agent, "but Just see how hnndy the place Is only a stone's throw from the station." "I see It is," said Tomklns wearily, "but I'm such n rotten shot It wouldn't be nny satisfaction to me." Harper's Weekly. Bit of a Wag. "I've bought a bulldog," said PnrsnlfT to his friend Lessup, "and I want a motto to put over his kennel. Can yon think of something?" "Why not use n dentist's sign, 'Teeth Inserted here? " suggested Lessup. St. Louis (Kobe-Democrat Talent Is that which Is In a man's power: genius is that In whose power a man Is. WANTED The address of a citizen at Hood River Interested in Bible Study along lines of the International Bible Students' Association -Mlllenlal Dawn Series. F. McKerrher, 210 Stark St., Portland, Oregon. fc Regular Sunday excursion to Park dale. Pleasant trip for yourself and friends. The News for goodprlntlng. i mlmwAm "Fi,-Form" Things We Should Not Do By Mrs. HETTY GREEN. Richest Woman In the World DON'T snvy your neighbors. Don't ovordrsst that is, don't dreis flashily whsthar you hav tht means or not, for that will causa anvy and jealousy to ba aroused in others. Don't fail to dress warmly. In cold weather low cut gowns and the vanity of some women cause many deaths. Don't fail to go to church. The church needs you, and you need the church. Don't eat anything but good, wholesome food. Home cooking is the beet. Don't cheat in your business dealings, for sooner or later your con science will begin to trouble you, and later you will worry yourealt into your grave. Don't fail to be fair in all things, business and otherwise, and never kick a man when he is down. Don't forget to be charitable and don't falsify. Don't forget to take a lot of exercise, ot which walking is tne beet. Work Is Most Interesting Thing In the World By WILLIAM LOWE BRYAN, President of Indiint University TrTfiOli I Q TUC MrtQY IMTCDCOTlim TUlkm ui -Vtsa- . The first mistake into manhood the boy l LhLb LIKE IT, anil the second mistake is the jack of all trades. The failures in lifo arc nearlv all men who can DO MANY TIIIN'C.S TOLERAPJ.V WELL No real prongs can be made in any prraf undertaking without the tuition of the past. One of the rewards which come of work is the e.-ne.,.- and prowth of DISCRIMINATING JUDGMENT. on ONE-HALF MILLION DOLLARS Represents in round numbers the amount of land which we have succeeded in disposing of during the past two years for our clients in Hood River Valley. Not at all bad we are thinking considering the rather unsettled condition of the general real estate market of the country during that time. We are rather proud of the record which accounts for our "blowing our horn" in this manner. In view of the fact that so much property has been sold from our lists we find that we are short on some few classes of places, and we would be very glad to have listings on any good properties that are for sale in the valley, which we do not now have. We are now making up our lists for the coming season's work which we anticipate will be a good one, and would be glad to have those who have their propert listed and those who wish to give us new listings, call on us as soon as con venient. INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS IN STANDARD COMPANIES ONLY MONEY TO LOAN ROBERTS & SIMMS SUCCISSOSS TO G. Y. EDWARDS 4. CO. PHONE 3111 HOTEL OREGON BUILDING f I X X fU A 'll If, Erhcimer ; v ' iw 1 1 SI' Stein & c- in tliia lifo i the tramp, who carries habit of QITTTTIXCJ WHEN HE We are offering some fine bargains in WATCHES and Hand Painted China See Our Windows Arthur Clarke Jtwtltr and Optician Opp IlutWe Bank )