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About The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1912)
6 THE Hood river news, Wednesday, October ig, 1912 PENDLETON PUTS BAN ON RAG DANCES A recent dlopatcb from IVudletou "Ilairglos." a form of ternwlclio rvan accorapltHhiuent, hati lvn Iilacml under a ban at the popular Saturday night danct given tn t'en dleton. The "Turkey Trot," the "Ilunny Mug." the "(irlnly Hour," the "Anglewtirm Wiggle," and nil their kindred, will no more lie toler ated where the weekly crowds gather (or an Indulgence In their periodical pHHtlme. Lmit Saturday night. if when the throng collected, they were met ly a placard announcing that hereafter 'Tagging" and walk ing tn twotepH, thexaine Ix lnir hi "raggj" Kiiccecnor to the gli-le. would tie prohibited. The edict wa received w ith nun-h illnappohit melit, lnnHiiiiitli im I he craie for the Ituweiy horn dance I. ad nelieil upon the IiH-mI dU-lple o( the dauclng inline aud It tullenl develop meut had almoMt Ihvii reached here Kven niH-lety folk "had fallen" for it lilj'Bterloim nioveinent, and whether or not they will o!mv the mandate of the dainv promoter remain to le well, for thene name danie pro tnoterw have no voice In the manage meut of exclusive partlen. Bolster Springs Vehicles Plows Lap Robes Rams Gas Engines Spray Hose Water Systems Picking Ladders Oils Auto Supplies GILBERT Implement Company RECENT VISITOR HEREJS KILLED While on her war to California after a vlnlt with her daughter, Mr. Samt:el Freeinan. at I'lne (irove. Mm, Mary A um hum of Woodliiwn. Wiiitli., wax killed the limt of the we'k tiy falling off a Htreeteur In Cortland. Mrs. Aiisinuri went to Portland with Mrs. Freeman and wan visit ing a few days liefore going south, where she intended sieudlng the win ter with another daughter. It was 1M Wagons Cider Mill;;; Harrows Harness Well Pumps Sprayers Spray Fittings Packing Tables Auto Tires Greases Stump Pullers while alighting from a Sunnyslde car ou F.ast Morrlaou street tH ween East Seventeenth and Kluhteenth streeta, that she fell and sustained Injuries I1I1I1 resulted In her death at the tiood Samaritan hospital soon after helng taken there. . Mrs. Ausmiis. with Mrs. Freeman was stopping at the home of friends ter on Kast Side. While oue daugh ter wan iittendlng a wedding at the home ol .1. II. Iiuhoff, at 1W Fast Seventeenth street, and the other was shopping, Mrs. Atismus, who had tieen calling on frelnds on Forty eighth street, started for town. It Is believed that when she passed Eighteenth street she thought It wan the Ktreet at which she should leave the car and without waiting she jumped off. She was picked up unconscious ami was rushed to the (lood Samar llan hospital In the Itcd Cross am bulance. She died without recover lug consciousness. It wait found that she had sustained a fractured skull. WOULD PREVENT WASTE OF FRUIT Utlllxatlon of thej by products of the fruit Industry as well as of the fruit which Is not marketable Is now being urged more strongly than ever liefore, ns the fruit Industry Id the Northwest Is every year assuming larger proportions. A pertinent statement on this Important subject by an exchange Is given herewith: It saddens one to read each year of tons of valuable and health-giving fruit gotug to waste In the Pacific Northwest. It Is an economic hurt to the Inland Empire that this oc curs and that by-product Industries are not built up to prevent the waste of fruit and to enrich the com munity with Its by-products. The Spokesman Review almost a year ago discussed this subject edi torially and urged the establishment of plants for the canning and pre serving of fruit. That thtre is great need of the industry Is showu again by the loss of surplus fruit this year. The situation f the Northwestern fruit Industry today Is not unlike that which formerly held tn meat packing, says the Spokane paper. The packers once saved onlv the meat anil the hide, but now they do not waste even a drop of blood and th" by-products of the bnsluesi bring in immense profits. The fruitgrow ers market or use only the best qual ities of fruit, and tint all of thexc either, and thus lose large amounts of money annually. Would Benefit Fruitgrower The fruitgrower must be enabled to market all he produces. What Is needed to care for such fruit as U not marketed for eating Is the Invest men I of capital In canneries, cider mills, evuporators, vinegar works and the like, no that the .-urpluo fruit shall be couserved and profits ob tallied from the by-products. There exists a considerable demand for apple butter, fruit jellies, dried fruits, preserved peaches and a dozen other forms and varieties of fruit con served, and the exjierleiice of Califor nia in canning its peaches, which are distinctly Inferior to those of this state, shows how successful and prolltable the business may be made. Flitting experts and practical men In charge of by-products factories would be necessary to commercial success, but tills precaution once taken, local capital could easily lie Interested to tiuance the respective local enterprises and local help ob tallied, thus turning new streams of revenue Into the several parts of the Inland Empire. HIRING OF A ROAD MASTER CONSIDERED At the next meeting of the county court the recommendation made by the grand jury that a county road master Is; employed w ill be consid ered. Judge Cast tier says that he Is Inclined to favor the proposal, the only question being the matter of the added expense. The recommen dation as made by the grand Jury was as follows: "The attention of this body has been called to various defects In the county highways, and while the grand jury does not wish to usurp the functions of the county court, yet It has considered the question to some extent and suggests and rec ommends to- the county court that the question of employ lug a county road master, as provided by sections 6.a and 6l"J3 of Lord's Oregon Eaws, be taken up and considered by that body, and as at present ad vised the grand Jury Is of the opinion that If the control of all the county roads were centralized In one com petent road master the responsibility would also be centralized and that whatever work found necessary to be done upon the county highways, Including roads and bridges, could lie done In accordance with one gen eral uniform system anil that In the end It would lie found more ecotiom cat and satisfactory." LOCAL TRANSFERS OF JREAL ESTATE E. .1. JMnple to Nellie W. Meld, 40 acres west of Wlnans, $1."K), F. ('. UrosliiH and wife to Estclln M. Clarke, lot 7, block 3, lllvervlew I'nrk. O. E. Oernert, trustee, to Frank Menefee, 40 acre In Middle Valley, Mrs. Elna McCann makes all kinds of hair goods from roinblngs. I'hone Ik 0 f - .ii- !:"? '1 A' i i Till THEY WILL LOOK LIKE NEW WHEN WE GET THROUGH Don't throw away your soiled clothes or hang them up to be moth-eaten and for gotten. Bring themjto us. We make a specialty of cleaning and pressing clothes F. T. ANDKRSOX 1219 12th Street On the Heights Phone 223-1- Qtitiouiiceitient VT WISH to announce to the pub--- lie and all my old patrons that I have bought a complete line of new GROCERIES and have opened my store in the Bell Building. Everybody is cordially in vited to call and inspect my goods. GCite grocery Store J. R. KINSEY - Phone 231 FREE DELIVERY: Last 9:30 a.m., 3:30 p. m.; West 8 a. m., 10 a. m., 4 p. m. We give S & M Green Stamps. A Complete Line of... F" PCS h Groceries At Honest Prices Can always be found at this Up-to-date Store Kinnaird & Larwood Cor. 2nd and Oak Sts. CLUB HATES WEEKLY 0RE60NIAN AND HOOD For One Year SUNSET MA6AZINE AND HOOD RIVER NEWS l 1 C For One Year VJL.AD The regular subscription rate of each of these publications is $1.50 a year. CALL AT THIS OFFICE LOW FARES WEST Fall Colonist Period Daily Until Oct. 10th FROM Chicago $38.00 Cincinnati 42.85 Milwaukee 3G.70 St. Louis 37.00 New York 55.00 Detroit 43.00 From other eastern points in proportion. Tell yonr friend. In the Rut of thia opportunity of movina Wmt at low rate. Direct train aeryle rla Burlington Kouta, Northern racidc and Great Northern Kallwaya and tha North Bank Road. You can fundi with me and weatbound ticket, will bo furnl.hed pcnpkt In tha Eaat. Detaila furnl.hed on reque.t. A BOOK ABOUT OREGON-WAS niNQTON A fifty pas Illustrated bonk dearrfbin tha diatrlrt. on tha North Hank Rd will ba forwarded to yon or your friend. If you will writ W. E. toman. General freight A font, Portland. E. A. (ill.UKKT. Amt, W. E. COMAN Whlu B,l(nont wh GmI Frt. and Paaa. Act., Portland, Ora. Dr. M. A. Jones DENTIST Formerly of Hood klver, In now located at 24 12 Washing ton St., I'ortlanp, Ore At. S. DENTAL COMPANY Phone 78 RIVER NEWS . . . $2.25 to all points on the SPOKANE, PORTLAND & SEATTLE RY. St. Paul $30.00 Kansas City 30.00 Omaha 30.00 DesMoines 32.83 Indianapolis 40.60 Denver 30.00 17 X. :!IMl!p