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About The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1912)
THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 21. 1912 ITleat tfiat is Sweet That is the kind that we carry and that, too, is the secret of our satisfied customers. You take no chances in ordering from us. "Onty tfi Br j is our motto, and we live up to it every day in the year. Trade with us and enjoy GOOD MEAT. Kooel Rtoer flTarftet 'AVING purchased the entire interest of E. lirayford in the Kockford Store about three months ago, we are now in a position to serve you with all the highest class Groceries at reasonable prices. We invite your patronage and will serve you to the best of our ability. GIVH US A TRIAL, MERCER & CO. GEO. W. DIMMICK Real Estate and Insurance Room J, Smith Block Phone 168-M Hood River, Ore. PHONli mo. 5 WAREHOUSE ON FIRST STREET Transfer and Livery company Freight, Express and Baggage Transferred Furniture Moved, Stored or Packed for Shipment MOOD RIVER, OREOON. Well Drilling Quick Successful Satisfactory DONE WITH A STAR WELL DRILLING OUTFIT FOR PARTICULARS ADDRESS APPLE LAND & ORCHARD COMPANY HOOD RIVER, OREGON Otic. . Oik Strut Phono. 26 or 2002-1 H 4 DRAYING ExPBES9 "p Baggage jj 3 Furniture and Tianoj MonJed All Kinds of Light and Heavy Work Wood Yard and Feed Store in Connection Office Phone 29 Residence 2J8K TAFT TRANSFER CO. J. M. SCHMELTZER F. A. BISHOP HOOD RIVER ABSTRACT COMPANY ABSTRACTS Insurance Conveyancing Surety Bonds "Accuracy" is Our Motto Office In New Mellbronner Building Phone 13 Hood River, Oregon LOW FARES WEST DAILY MARCH let to APRIL 10th to All Points on the NORTH BANK ROAD FROM St. Paul $25.00 Kansas City 25.00 Omaha 25.00 Dos Moines 27.85 Indianapolis 35.05 Denver 25.00 Prom other eastern points In proportion Tell jrmir friends In the Kant of thin opportunity of moving West at low rate. Pireet train service via llurllnvton Route. Northern Pacific, (irrat Northern and "North Hank" lino. You ran depwit with mo and ticket! will ba furnished people in the Kant. Details will be furnished on request, W. H. COWAN, E. A. (IILIUiRT, (1. P. A T. A., Port laud, Ore. Agt. S. P. A S., White Salmon.Wn. Chicago $33.00 Cincinnati 37.90 Milwaukee 31.50 St. Louis 32.00 New York 50.00 Detroit 38.00 vyr V -V LOB ranby Post. G. A. R.-MwU at the K. of P. hall the second and fourth Saturdays of the month at X p. m. Ceo. I'. Crowell, commander; a, V. Wythe, adjutant. Canby W. R C. No. 16-Meet second and fourth Saturday! of each month in K. of 1'. hall at 2 p. m. Mm. Ahbie Baker, president; Mm. Kath- ryn til II, aecretjtry. rourt Hood River. No. 42, F. of A., meet every '-'Thursday evening- in K. of P. hall. Visiting oreatere alwaye welcome. W m. r lemming. C.K.; f. C Hrosiua. F. 8. TTood River Lodi-e No. 106. A. F. A A. M. AXMeets Saturday ewninit on or before each full moon. ueo. aiocom. w. M.; u. McDonald, secre- tary. T-Iood River Camp. No. 7702. M. W. A.-MeeU in AiK. of P. hall first and third Wednesday nuchta. C. 3. Jones, V. C; C. U. Dakin. clerk. Tlood River Camp. No. 770. W. O. W.-Meet at AAK. of P. hail the second and fourth Wednesday nights of each month. A C. Staton. C. C; Kent Shoemaker, clerk. II ood River Valley Humane Society Phone 2. H. Hartwur, president: Harold Uershner, secretary; Leslie butler, treasurer. Tdlewilde Lodge. No. 107. I. O. O. F.-Meets in FraternaJ hall every Thursday evening at 7:00, at the eoruer of Fourth and Oak streets. Visiting brothers welcomed. A. K. Crump, N. G ; G. W Thompson, secretary. Temp Lodire. No. M. I. O. O. F.-Meets in "the Odd Fellows hall at Odell every Saturday night. Visiting brothers cordially welcomed. O. H. Roades. N. G.; F. L. Kelso, secretary. T aural Rebeka Lodge No. 87. I. O. O. F.-Meets J-'first and third Mondaya in each month, Ldith Wilson, N. G.; Nettie Moses, secretary. Tount Hood Lodge. No. 205. I. O. O. F.. meets A"Aevery Saturday evening in Gribble'a hall. Mt. Huod. K. M. Gribbie, N. G.; J. B. Doggett. secretary. Mountain Home Camp. No. 34T,9, R. N. A. Meets at K. of P. hall on the second and fourth Fridays of each month. Mrs. Lulu Cary, O.; Mrs. Ella Uakin, recorder. Oleta Assembly. No. 10S. U. A.-MeeU in their hall the first and third Wednesdays, work; second and fourth Wednesdays, social. C. D. Hen rich. M. A.; W. H. Austin, secretary. Riverside Lodge. No. (W, A. O. U. W.-Meets In K. of P. hall the first and third Wednesday night of the month. Visiting brothers cordially welcomed. Newton Clark, M. W.; Chester Shute, recorder. 'aucoma Lodge. No. 30. K. of P. Meet in their Castle Hall every Tuesday night, when visiting brothers are fraternally welcomed. S. W. Stark, C. C; Lou. S. Isenberg, hi. of H. ft S. Wauna Temple Pythian Sisters, No. 8 Meet the third and fifth Tuesday of each month at K. of P. hall. Kate Frederick. M. E. C; Gertrude Stark. M. of R. A C. Ws Colonist Fares DAILY March ist to April 15, 1912 From the Middle and Kutern portion! of the United State, and Canada to all point in the Northwest on the.... Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Company From CH1CAOO $33.00 ST. LOUIS 32.00 OMAHA 25.00 KANSAS CITY 25.00 ST. PAUL 25.00 Proportionately low fares from all other points. Direct service from Chi cago, St. Paul, Omaha and Kansas City over the C. & N. W., UNION PACIFIC, OR COON SHORT LINE and O.-W. R. Lines Protected by Automatic Block Signal YOU CAN PREPAY FARES While these rates apply Westbound only, fares may be prepaid by depositing value of the ticket with your local agent, and an order will be tele graphed to any address given. Aid in telling of our vast resources and wonderful opportunities for Home Building. Illustrated and reliable printed matter will be mailed anyone to whom you wish it sent, by ad dressing, WM.McMURRAY,Gen.Pass.Agt.,Portland,Ore. ftfeunt Kood Railroad Time Table No. 10, Effective April 17th. I2:CI A. M. A.M. SewTM Ne.TM P.M. 8.00 Hood River 3.10 8.05 Powerdale 3.05 8.15 Switchback 2.55 8.35 Van I lorn 2.30 8.40 Mohrs 2.25 8.55 Odell 2.15 9.10 Summit 205 9.20 Hloucher 2.00 9.40 Winans 1.50 9.45 Ar. Dee Lv. 1.45 10.15 Lv. Doe Ar. 1.25 10.25 Troutcreek 1.20 10.40 Woodworth 1.05 10.50 Ar. Parkdale Lv. 1.00 Sundav. north bound train will run two hourt lite, above Khcdulc, leaving Pmkdak J p. m. A. WILSON, Agent. CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND J7 LADIKS t A y.r Irswg4t for Cni-CHKS-TKR'S piiaun 1 HkAND TILLS In RD andA Ooio metallic boim, sealed with BIuKO Klbbon. Tin no (ithii. Day ef ya.r V Dnrtlil a4 h f..e (' a V ltHH l It H M It PI 1. 1. a, for Iwrntv-fiTa years regarded as Best, Safest, Alwar RrlisMe. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS Timk rurDVWUCDC worth L1l.llllllll.IIL TKSTKU TfcUatU Avithanhc and valuable infonnatioai about brerrlmf. hatchint. fedinf and houting poultry m Cntsineri is trie laiett veil ton el lly i Poultry Book ju pnnfd. Wnd fof copy rr. rU Otaa. H t iffv Ca , anla m We print our paper MONDAYS and TUESDAYS. Cop required Monday rvorsxs or Tars Ajnr uax rTATXafxaT or rai ST. PAUL FIRE & MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY OK HT. PA I 1., IN TlIK rlTATK OK MINNWuTA. On the llt day of Depeniber. laii, made to the InHuranoe Commissioner of the state of Oregon pursuant to low CAPITAU Amount of capital paid up $ 600,000.09 INCOME. Premiums received during the year.... t5.675.M4.T Interest, dividend, and r-nta received d'Tlng year. int. 1 12.84 Income from other auurctM received during year.... 27, "64. 70 Total Income $ M0T.T4I.41 CISBUMEMXKTS. Loaaea paid during the year, in .ludiim aiijunlmeiit expeiiHeH. eto 2, 782.6)14.64 tlvidendi4 paid during the year on eupt:l stock ... Co.noo.uO ConimlxMlonH and aalarlea during the year.... l,7S!M7.kS Taxes, llcennes and feea paid during the y-ur 147.wo9.74 Amount of all other expenditures 17S.11S.71 Total expenditures ASSETS. Value of real estate owned 290.S28.1T t 4,2S,167.S etc Value of stock and bonds (juried. Italia on mortgagea and collateral, t aah In Lanka and on hand Premluma In rourae of collection and In truiiHniisslon Interest and rent due and accrued S,i:,!)01.62 bXo.auu.on 330,468 055 23 S4.233.01 Total assets' 1S,032.S4 . Less special deposit In any state (If any there be).. 216,180.00 Total assets admitted In Orevon iUABxi,rnxB. Gross claims for losses unpaid t 897,088.62 Amount or unearnea premiums on an oiitKtanning risks Due for commission and brokeraKo. All other liabilities, taxes accrued., Reinsurance 4.665.S27 6S 6.497.67 90,000.00 24,348.08 Total liabilities Total premiums In force TW.-mtier 31. 1111 BXT8HVX88 I If OmcaOBT rOR TEE TEAS. Total risks written duriiiK the year flross premiums received during the year Premiums returned during the year Losses paid during the year LosKes Incurred during the year Total amount of premiums outstanding In Oregon Deo. 31, 1911. IT,SlT,84f I 6.183.461 0 65S.S74.697.00 t 11,168,760.60 7.119 61 12,720.7 44,888.60 44.136 86 1,936.662.60 ST. PAUL FIRE & MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY Ky A. w. PERRY. Secretary. Statutory resident general agent and attorney for service: H. W. RANDALL, Portland. Or. Yiropsxs or tmb aithcil state me itt or tm AMERICAN CENTRAL INSURANCE CO. OK ST. LOL'IS, IN THE STATE OF MISSOURI. On the 81st day of December, 1911, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the Slate of Oregon, pursuant to law: CAKTAL. Amount of capital paid up 12,000,000.00 IWCOMX. Premiums received during the year In cash 12, f!9. 617.70 Interest, dividends and rents received during the year 23W.k50.12 Income from other sources received during the year.. 14,966.95 Total income $2,854,424.77 SISBirmSEaCENTS. Losses paid during- the year $1.6n. 017.98 Dividends paid during the year on capital stock 260,000.00 C'nmmlssloiiH and salaries paid during the year 66.!7 .58 Taxes licenses and fees paid during the year 7", 179.27 Amount of all other expenditures 27S, 766. 21 Total expenditures 12,980.161. 01 ASSETS. Value of stocks and bonds owned $4,37,218 00 Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc 4i3.092.91 Catih In banks and on hand 162.322.73 Premiums In course of collection and In transmission 622,939.11 Interest and rents due and accrued 24.530.64 66.411,451 21 Total assets 3,5.ri0.103 .29 Less special deposits In any state (If any there be).. 83.650 00 Total assets admitted In Oregon X.XABXXJTTES. Gross claims for losses unpaid 1 2"6.471.99 Amount of unearned premiums on all outstanding risks 2, 265, 278. 87 Due for commission and brokerage 79.7S1.14 All other liabilities 2,914,926 29 Total 111. Il!tlel 1 8, 466, 453.2! Total Insurance In force December 31. 1911 $424,569,407.00 Bxrsnrxss nr obeoon fob the teas.. Total risks written during the year $1,727,268.00 Gross premiums received during the year 39,042 67 Premiums returned during the year 8,844 76 losses paid during the year 2'i5T5; Losses Incurred during the year 10,016-61 Total amount of risks outstanding in Oregon December 31, 1911 1,288,391. Of AMERICAN CENTRAL INSURANCE CO. by B. G CHAPMAN. Secretary. Statutory resident general agent and attorney for service: H. W. RANDALL. Portland, Oew rrwopsis or the akhual statement or the LLOYDS PLATE GLASS INSURANCE COMPANY OK NEW YORK. IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK. on the 31st day of December, 1911, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the slate of Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL Amount of capital paid up $160,000.00 INCOME. Premiums receive.! during the year $665,843 41 Interest, dividends and rents received during the ye:ir. 44.717 63 Income from other sources received during the year... 80,226.09 Total income $710,717.16 Disarms emeitts. Lonscs paid during the year. Including adjustment ex penses, etc $245,967.97 Dividends paid during the year on capital stock 60.000.00 Commissi. .n.i and salaries paid during the vear 265.363.17 Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year 23.126 78 Amount of all other expenditures 128.2l6.81 Total expenditures $811,171.6 ASSETS. Value of real estate owned $265,000.00 Value of stocks and bonds owned 6u6. 794.06 Loans on .nortiMges and collateral, etc l6.000.00 Cash In I-anks an. I on hand 34.460.11 Premiums in course of collection and in transmission.. 86.868.17 Interest and rents due and accrued 3,491.72 Total assets admitted in Oregon $910,604.00 INABILITIES. Gross claims for losses unpaid $ 33.130 $9 Amount of unearned premiums on all outstanding risks 350.131.21 Due for commission and brokerage 2S.618.71 All other liabilities 8.295.76 Total liabilities $410,176.07 Total premiums In force Dec. 31, 1911 $701,011.66 BUSINESS IV OBEOON -FOR THE YEAH, Total risks written during the year No amounts specified In Cross premiums received during the year $ I'remlums returned d..rtng the year ss.a raid .lui Inn the year ses incurred during the year i-S in. u.ii.ii ,ue 7 I amount of premiums outstanding In Oregon, Deo. 31, 1911.. policies 3,909.99 97 09 1,216 04 I MS 04 3.812.90 LLOYDS PLATE GLASS INSURANCE COMPANY t..ry resident general agent l!y II K. Wiol.8. President, rid uttornev for service: UARllY W. RANDALL, Portland. Notice ol Guardian'! Sale. By virtue ef an order ..f license to sell real prop erty duly made and tiled I. the County Judire of the County Court of ll.l K.ver County. State of Oregon, dated the 2' tli day ..f January. l!l'i in the matter of the siiHrdiansliip of Uwrvncf O. Jones and Nellie K. Jones, minors, now pending in said court. Notice is hereby given, that I will on the 1st day of March, 1912, at the fp.nt door of the Court House, in the City of II. ! Kner. in said County and State at 9 o'clock in the forenoon of said day. sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, an undivided one-tifth tl-.S) interest in and to the following described real property situated n the County of Hood Kiver, State of Oregon. to-wit The Kast one-half IK' ...) of ti e Southwest quar ter (SW1 1) ami lots three CO and four t4.) all in Section Seven (7.) Township One ID South. Range Ten 110) pjwt of A'lllamette Meridian, containing 149.20 acres more or less. Aho three shares each of the capital stock of Muldie Fork Irrigating Company, par value 10 -hare, which ahould he treated as appurtenant tosaidVeal property and which has been heretofore sold and conveyed as a part of the same. Dated January 27th. 1912. Jkssu I.. Smith. Ctiardian nf I Awrence O. Jones and Nellie K. Jones, Minors. I.. A. A A. r. Rrm 6-9-c Attorneys. licnt I Garrabrant Confectionery, Cigars Fishing Tackle Spaulding's Sporting Goods All Kinds ol Soft Drinks Oak Stn-ot. opinwitft Smith Hl.-rk, II.nkI Kivr Notlc of final Settlement In the Cotintj Gmrt of the Stat of Orepron for the toiinty of Html Kivor. In the Mutter of the Lstate of Frank S. Clark. )tHWtti. Notice in hereby niven that the untlorsin-ned ex ecutrix of the entate of Frank S. CLark. d?ce$Me(., ha filed her final account and report ax such ex ecutrix in the County Court of the State of Ore Ron for Hood River County, and that ivid Court has fixed and appointed the hour nf ten o'clock in the forenoon on the 21t day of March, ll'li a the time ftr hearinir mid final account and report and net t lenient thereof. All heir, creditors or other penon interented in Maid entate are hervhy rniuired to appear on or before the time fixed for mud hearing and tile their objection!., if any. to raid account and report, or any particular item thereof, specifying the particular of such objec tions. The date of the first publication hereof is the 21it day of February, NANNIE E. CI. ARK. S. W. STAKK. Executrix. Attorney for Executrix. (1-12 Notice ot Final Settlement In the County Court of the State of Ortvn to the County of Hood River. In the Mutter of the Estate of Phillip SpanRler. dCOA54iHl. Notice is hereby jriven that the underifnel ad ministratrix of the estate of I'hillip Spanler. de ceased, has tiled her final account and report as such administratrix in the County Court of the State of Orotron for Hood River County, and the said Court has fixed and appoint, the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon on Thursday, the 21st day of March. M2. as the time for hearing said final account and report, and settlement thereof; all heir, creditors or other persona interested in Saul estate are hereby required to appear on or before the time fixed for said hearing and to file their objection to said account anil report or any pnrticular item thereof specifying the particulars of such objections. The date of the first publication hereof ic the 21st day of February, lit 12. IDA M. SPANCI.KR. 8. W. STARK. Administratrix. Attorney for Administratrix. (M2 Wlim In iummI nf printing rt'iiu-mlHT tilt NfWK. Central Oregon Red m o nd and Bend Reached via the Deschutes Branch Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Go, ThroughJCar Service Between Portland and.Bend Lv. Portland Lv. The Dalle Lv. Ileschutes Jc Ar. Madras Ar. Metohus Ar City-. Ar. Redmond Ar. bend Daily Train Schedule 7:50-10:00 A M. Lv. Bend . .12:40 KM. .. 1:30 P.M. .. 6:45 P.M. .. 6:00 P.M. .. 7:06 P.M. .. 7:45 P.M. .. 8:40 P.M. Lv. Redmond Lv. Opal City Lv. Metoliua Lv. Madras Ar. Ileaohutert Jc. Ar. The Dalle Ar. Portland 6:30 A M. 7:21 A.M. B liO.A.M. 8:4:! A.M. :00 A.M. 1:15 P.M. 16 P.M. 5:45 P.M. The Direct, Quick and Natural Route to Central Oregon. Autornd regular ntatre connections to La Pine. Fort Rock. Silver Lake, Prineville. Burns, Klamath r all& and other inland points. Call'on any(0.-W. R. N. 'Agent for any information desired, or address WM. McMURRAY GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT PORTLAND, OREGON For Lime, Cement and House Plaster See STRANAHAN & CLARK NEW MODEL OLIVER The old reliable visible type writer with new printype.and other improvements. The ma chine that writes print that'.is print and is always ready for business. For sale or rent on easy terms. A. VV. ONTHANK, Agt. 109 Oak St. Hood River, Ore. 4th & State St. Phone 248K 0. P. DABNEY I SONS FURNITURE, FURNITURE, FURNITURE, STOVES AND RANGES We buy, sell and exchange everything " in House Furnishings, Campers Supplies, etc. Don't forget the placc-Cor. 4th & State GARAGE-We have the agency for BRUSH and CARTERCAR Automobiles. Let us give you a ride. p You are going to have your Auto over- hauled this'winter let us.figure'on your work. VUlCSniZl'llE D0n6ils' Gasoline "and Auto Accessories, Tubes, Casings and Batteries. Visit our Garage for repairs and supplies. J. F. VOLSTORFF 1216 C Street. Hood River Heights Telephone 263K CQc arc now taking ordcro for Hpplc Stanteii-Siiiitli .iiiii('cr Co. sV. H M M M M M M I M