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About The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1912)
THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 21. 1912 3 ii SCHOOL TOPICS Edited by E. K. Co AD A Question Oliver Wendell llolmeH once hmM that each individual Iiiih tlireu per Bonalltles: "Klrnt, there Is the real John, known only to hi Maker. "Second, John' Ideal John, never the real John und often unlike lit m. Thin, Thulium' ldeul John, never the rent John, nor John's John, and often unlike either.." From the teacher's standpoint the pupil's personality Is even more com plex. There 1m the real John; John's Ideal John; Thomas' Ideal John; Su nan' Ideal John; the Hchool'ti com poxtte ol John; mother' John; fath er's John; John's adult friend' John; and the teacher's John. All of which doubtless contlrms you In the belief that John lit an Individual of varied personality. He In. More than that, each of these personalities has to he reckoned with. Even John has more than a K'lnimerlug of the Idea that he hus nine lives. And he counts upon his multiple personality. Often he Is a hydra-faced actor who glories In his rnpld change repertoire. "We ure a part of all those with whom we associate." l'areuts who take a serious Interest In the educa tive Influences which react upon their children realize this. As a mat ter of fact parents often cannot do as they would like to do In rearing their children. They are morn or less At the mercy of the community standard. The more complex and Intricate the social life of the com munity becomes the lens freedom do parents enjoy or exercise In guiding the activities ol their children. A composite of parental guidance evolves from the factors of commun ity life that to a large measure de termines the social, moral and ethi cal activities of the youth of the community. Skillful adepts are these boys and girls In pointing out the other home variances In an effort to pull down their own home barriers and restrictions that suit not their pleasure. An Influential home that allows Its children unwarranted freedom and almost utirest rained liberty of action Is a radical community menace. The cry, "The simple life," or "Back to the farm," hits a great deal more to It than appears on the surface. In our headlong rush to get away from Puritanical Ideas Is It not possible that some of us have rushed too far? OAK GROVE CLUB I DOINGS IN UPPER I ELLIS ANNOUNCES IS BEING ORGANIZED! When In need of printing remember the News. At a recent meeting of Ouk drove residents It was decided to ortfaulze a mutual benetlt organization to In clude all residents of that section and the Itarrett district and to hold monthly meetings. Horticultural subjects and other matters of mutual Interest will lie discussed and It Is proposed to make the organization a power In the development of this rapidly growing section. eorge I. Sargent was at the meeting and made the proposal that a permanent club Ite organized. This met with hearty response and a committee composed of Ueorge (!. (iladen, E.G. Hutchinson and ('. W. Hooker was named to draw up a constitution anil by-laws. They will report at a meetlog to be held ut Oak (Irove hall Friday, March 1. The plan Is to hold meetings, alter nating between the Oak (irove and Barrett districts, or any other place convenient to members. All residents of the valley who consider themselves conveniently located will lie cordially welcomed. A feature of each of these meetings will be a paper prepared by a mem ber and dealing with u subject of common Interest. A committee composed of O. T. Wedemeyer, W. H. (ioodenough and I.. A. C'oM'land, who were appoluted to Investigate the condition ami op eration of the local union, presented a comprehensive and very satisfac tory report. The next meeting will lie held at the Oak (irove hall at 2 p. m. Friday, March 1, when the organization of the society will be discussed. Mr. Sargent will speak on "Pruning." OAK GROVE SCHOOL WILL GIVE PATRIOTIC PROGRAM A patriotic program will be given by the pupils of Oak (irove school on Friday evening, Feb. 211, at 8 p. in. at the Oak (irove hall A small admis sion will be charged and the proceeds will lie used to purchase basketball supplies. Supper will be served after the entertainment. We Oil Harnesses We have Just received a harness oiling tank. Bring your harness In anil let us give It a good oiling be fore the Spring work starts. K. 0 Yowell & Co. A FUvdation. Wife I haven't a gown fit to wear. Uunbaud Jove! That's the reason none of the servants will stay bere. VALLEY SECTION About two hundred people attend ed the special meeting of the I'ro gresslve Association on Saturday, February 10th, In Mclsaac's hall, Parkdale. The meeting was called for the purpose of reconsidering the vote on the roud committee's report and after considerable discussion the report was reconsidered and the fol lng route decided upon: The N'eal creek road to Orlbble's store, thence west on the old stage road to Turn tlson'g corner, thence south to the base line, thence west oil the base line to I'urkdale, thence beginning at the base line and Kodeuhetser's east corner south to Valley Crest. UPPER VALLEY HENS ARE NOW DOINGSOME CROWING The hens of the lower valley have nothing on those of the Upper Val ley In laying ability. The records that count are those thut produce when eggs are lifty cents per, and that Is when such fanciers as Mcin tosh, Toley, Rogers and Stelnhauser send them to market In van loads. FORECASTER'S RESERVOIR FLOATS OFF ON FLOOD Slduey Bubson, the local fore caster, has Issued the following me teorological report: "Italn followed by rain, then some more rain. The bureau," he states, "Is unable to give the precipitation In feet, owing to the fact that, the reservoir which Is used to Impound the rain drops floated off and was found on Tobey's Boost a half mile distant." CRAYON ARTIST WILL BE ENTERTAINER ON MARCH 2 With the last entertainment still lingering In our memory as most en joyable, along comes the announce ment that litt Parker, the crayon wizard, Is to give one of his Inimita ble crayon recitals at dribble's hall, Mt. Hood, on Saturday evening, March 2, this lielng the sixth number In the Progressive Association's lyceutn course. More people read the want column in the pnpr than read the news. When you make your wants known through that column of the News, be assured your purpose will be accom p llshrd. We print our paper MONDAYS and TUESDAYS. Copy required Monday THAT HE WILL RUN The announcement In Sunday's Oregonlan that V. It. Fills will be a candidate for renomlnatlon for con gress In the second district has prob ably Injected Into the campaign one of the strongest aspirants for the place yet aunounced. Mr. Kills served the state acceptably for sev eral terms In this position and on that account will undoubtedly re ceive the support of a large number, of the voter of this district. Mr. Kills lives at Pendleton, where for several years he wus a lawyer of prominence and a Judge of the circuit court. In public ami private life his record has lieen a dean one and his entrance Into the race for congress will odd considerably to what prom ises to be a spirited contest. If you want to buy anything from a guinea hen to a fruit farm adver-( tlse In the Newsaud you will find It. m A Kl uRkI TllflE TL PT. Relishes in Bulk... Olives, Sweet Pickles Sour Pickles, Dill Pickles Chow-Chow Sweet Relish Mince Meat Sauer Kraut Dates Dried Peaches Dried Apricots, Dried Apples Fresh Eastern Oysters AH new and fresh at... THE STAR GROCERY "6000 THINGS TO EAT" Perigo & Son lectric Energy Bargains Still Open To You C The Hood River Gas & Electric Company has added many patrons to its list of electricity users during the past week on its flat rate basis. The secret of this is in- the fact that patrons are given many conveniences in the way of not only lights; but flatirons, toasters and other appliances Now is the time to take advantage of our LOW FLAT RATE OFFER CWhy not get the benefit of these things at once instead of hesitating. You can phone us and have our representative call; or step into our office and secure the advantages of our unequalled service at the lowest cost. CTime is the essence of this offer and we are using every effort in our power to impress patrons with this fact. Communicate with us CODA, we are prepared to serve you in any way within the limits of our business. Remember that this bargain in electric energy may not last always, therefore be guided by that short but terse admonition to Do It Jots HOOD RIVER GAS & ELECTRIC CO. AT FACTORY PRIDES lllpt The original and only "side hill" perambula tor. A highchair, bas sinet and jumper, too. YoiTll surely like them. New line just in ... . 8.00 Upward CTe JVappanee KITCHEN CABINET I ill L !;J IT? If A complete kitchen in lpiece. See the tilting flour bins; full nickel sliding top, with no wood moulding, sani tary construction thru out. In stock in wax golden, fumed and early English $25.00 Upward New Rugs, Linoleums and Curtains Have just opened up a fine assortment from eastern mills. Note these sample prices. I Inlaid Linoleum, per yd 95c 9x12 Brussels Rugs... .$12.75 9x12 Wilton Rugs... 37-50 Couch Covers $3.50 up NEW PRINCESS Draperies $3'75 $5.00 up Itching if the skin anywhere on the body stops Instantly when rub bed with I'.allard's Snow Liniment, one or two applications cures per manently. Trice 2.V. .".0e nnd $1.00 per hot tie. Sold by Chan. X. Clarke. Better Baking With Crescent A Better Baking Powder it Acme of SERVICE at LOWEST COST" PHONE 55 Office 214 Cascade Ave. When you meet a stylish turnout that is in j rood repair, you may wish to know where the best horse- j shoeinp is to be found. You may need the... Services of a Horseshoer any day. We do that work ex clusively and with the great est skill. Come here when you require our services. Our chanros are moderate. SHIVELY & DRISCOLL I'honr V-X ! Notice to Architects The school board of school district Xo. 11, Hood Klver county. State of Oregon, will lie In session at Oak (irove hall at Ma. in. on February -V, to consider plans for a four room brick sehoolhouse complete at an estlmatad cost not to exceed $lt,onO. Plans for a one and two story with full basement to be con sidered. The board reserves the right to reject anv or nil plans Jt II. M. I'liAM is, Clerk. .IOO Reward, $100 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In nil Its stages, and that Is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to th;' medical fraternity, catarrh beluga constitutional dis ease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foun dation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature In doing Its work. The proprietors have so much faith In Its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Hollars for any case that It falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address 1'. ,1. Cheney Co., Toledo, O. Sold by nil druggists, 7-V. Take Hall's Family Fills f..r constipation. Chest pains nnd a dry, hacking-cough should be treated with Itallurri'n Horehound Syrup t.tki'ti Internally, and a derrick's Ked lvpper Porous. Plaster applied to the chest. IJuy the dollar size Horehound Syrup; you get a porous plaster fret1 with each bottle. Sold by Chas. N. Cl irke.' Truc-To-INcimc Nursery Wishes to announce that they have only a few thousand of those guaranteed trees left. Hotter order now before it's too late. Address, TRUE-TO-NAME NURSERY, Phone 2002-k Hood Rier. Ore. We Repair Motor Cycles Bicycles Lawn Mowers Sewing Machines Type Writers Cash Registers Moving Picture Machines Small Motors OVr1) All kinds of Locks All kinds of Fire Arms Saw Filing &c. BERGMAN & BRITTAIN Gun and Locksmith GENtkU RtPAIR WOKRS S-Uewiirt Hardware Co. IluiMum Phono 1 1