The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, July 06, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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next time. You will want no other kind after
you try one of these $1.50 to $2.50 each.
You Get the Best Values at this Store
just in. We can save you money on your TRUNK
purchase. ::::::::::::::
Cprngbl igOQ br Htn Schaffner & Mars
Perhaps you have never tried one of HART,
SCHAFFNER & MARX SUITS to see what big
values they contained. If you never have, now
is a good time to start in, when we are offering
them at a
from our already low price. We are closing out
our Summer Styles, to make room for our Fall
Stock, and you can now buy our
$18.00 Suits for $15.00
$20.00 Suits for 6.50
$22.00 Suits for $17.75
5r r9 ZWJQ SrJff T5P- TJe-HypUSU
Other Makes of 1910 Styles
and Patterns
Our $16.50 Suits for $11.75
Our $15.00 Suits for $11.50
Our $12.00 Suits for $ 9.50
Our $10.00 Suits for $ 8.50
Our$ 8.00 Suits for $ 7.00
Summer weight, with knickerbocker and
plain pants, at
Boys extra pants, all ages and grades,
plain knee. The biggest kind of values at
the prices they are going at
their Regular Value
Men's Summer
Broken lots that we are anxious
to clean up on.
Men's fine Balbriggan Under
wear, blue, ecru and pink; about
all sizes. Big values at 50c a suit.
Special to clean up on this gar
ment 1 9c
Men's fancy Balbriggan Under
wear, worth 50c and COc a gar
ment; black and white, mixed and
plain colors.
Special, the garment 35c
Nature will provide the beautiful hair
you have longed for. All you need to
do is simply to keep your scalp perfect
ly clean and healthy by using
Clarke9 s Shampoo Jelly
It means clean hair, a perfectly clean
and healthy scalp, and best of all a
chance for nature to work, so a strong
growth of manageable hair is the result
Uje ClarKe's Shampoo Jelly, 25c
Hood River :: :: Oregon
In all lives, the highest and hum
blest, there is a crisis in the forma
lion of character and in the vent of
disposition. It comes from many -sources
and from some which on
the surface are apparently trivial.
It may be a book, a speech, a ser
mon, a great misfortune or a burst
of prosperity. But the result is the
same a sudden revelation to oui
selves of our secret purpose and
recognition of our perhaps long
shadowed but now masterful convictions.
The Limitation of Science.
Johnny was sent to study matbcmat
tea, and tbe teacher told Dim tbat It
was true aclence.
"For Instance," abe aatd, "If It takes
on man twelve days to build bouse,
then twelve men can build It In one
Johnny replied: "And 288 men will
build It In an hour, 17,280 In a minute,
1,036,800 men will put It up In a sec
ond. Now, I don't believe they could
build Ten a single brick In tbat time.
A sain. If one ship can cross tbe Atlan
tic In twelve days, twelve ships should
be able to cross It tn one day. I don't
believe that either, ao I'm not going to
study mathematics." And Johnny left
the teacher studying It herself. Ex
change. Defining an Art Patron.
"If your husband fo very fond of
"Art! lie doesn't know a Raphael
from a haircut"
"Why, 1 understood him to say that
be waa an art patron."
"Patron! Tbat man wouldn't trade
club sandwich for a Bouguereau!
What doea be mean by calllDg himself
an art patron V
"Why. be aays It costs him ten
thousand a year to pay for tbe bogus
masters tbe smooth dealers coax you
to bay and tbat maket blra ao art
patron."-Cleveland I'laln Dealer.
Ths Sllt'Ontr.
"Stationery" bus eij luuiOKlouily as
much to do wlili Mtiimliuj; u Ims "sta
llouury. J tie oninui I lum-i-s. or
stutluQuril, were soi-nllt-d Ini-iime thry
sold t Ijc-tr books un u or "ta
tlons" Id London romul iihoul old SI.
Paul's ratticdrul. In Nome cast's npiinl
tbe walls of the -a I ln-drn I Iiwlf. Th H
is one of many iruiJrs I he uumert ot
wbicb bare do (J i rift allusion to tbe
corurnodlili-s sold, (Jrw-ers," for In-
Hanre, were so railed Hi tier Imh-h iip
tbey sold "en gMt," wholesale, or le
cause tbey were pnerossor.'' monop
ollaers. I-ondon Chronicle.
Tbe .true bnsls of economics Is that
laid down by Mr. Mlcawber. If you
spend sixpence n year more than your
Income, you are miserable; If sixpence
less, the result In happiness. This Is
entirely toe simple for most persona.
They run Into debt gleefully anil have
a hard time Kcttlng out. If there were
a modern Hen Kraoklln who could
wield the proportionate Influence that
the sage did In bis own day. tie would
be the greatest of Americans. Spend
lesM than you earn and buy nothing
because It Is cheap -Rxchantre.
How to 80 Under Watsr.
A lens for seeing under water Is de
scribed as producing an effect which
Is both astonishing and delightful. It
gives distinct vision to objects from
twenty to thirty feet below the sur
face which are usually out of ordinary
eye range. Tbe eye's loss of extending
vision when under water Is owing to
the fact tbat sn entirely different focus
Is required. Tbe spectacles which can
adjust this focus are made by putting
two watch crystals bark to back or
with the concavities outward. Try It
and be surprised
Not at All Angry.
Dorothy-I'm afraid papa was angry
wbeu you asked bim for me, wasn't be.
Jack, dear? Jack-Not at all. Us
akLed It 1 knew auy more respectable
young men who would be" likely to
marry your Ave sisters If properly
Copy for advertisements should be
In the office by Monday morning.
But the New Arrival Realized at Last
Just Whtrt Sho Was.
A modern lady died and went to
hades. Ills majesty met her deferen
tially at tbe gate.
"Will It be possible for me to secure
an establishment here?" she said.
"Certainly, madam."
"In a desirable location?"
"I think so."
"I don't care to be near the riffraff,
and I should like to be sure to get
BUltable servants."
"You should experience no difficulty
There are several good agencies."
"I could give dinner parties when I
"Dear me, yes."
"And make a splurge at it?"
"Ob, certainly."
"I should expect to spend my sum
mers abroad."
"Quite right, lleturn tickets free."
"You have operas?"
"Several, devoted to tbe haut ton."
The lady lifted her lorgnette. She
smiled slightly.
"Do you kuow," she eald, "1 am
agreeably surprised. I was afraid this
place was not kept up to conform to
the best staudards. It troubled me to
think I might possibly have to asso
ciate with my inferiors. I am glad
to see tbat you have such sense of the
fitness of thli4. I am very glad to
have renewed our brief acquaintance
made on esrt!i, and I will trouble you
to see that my arrival Is chronicled In
the society columns of the papers."
His majesty bowed respectfully.
"Sorry, madam, but that will be Im
She gazed at hi in haughtily.
"How Is that?" she asked sternly.
"There are no papers here; there
are no society columns. No matter
what you are doing, the public Is In
absolute ignorance of it."
And, sinking back, she muttered soft,
ly to herself:
"This is Indeed helll"-Life.
It Was the Only On ths Crank Mad
During th Gams,
At a whist club In Itrooklyn was an
ld fellow who enjoyed the reputation
of being a great crank, and bis an
imadversions against his partners were
so severe and Ills manners generally
o bad that It was rare. Indeed, tbat
be could get any one to play with
One night, however, a man happen
ed In from the west, and the avoided
one promptly assailed bim with a re
quest to "sit In." The western man
was about to comply when he was
juietly taken aside by one of the mem
bers of the club, who told him the
reputation of the crank.
"I don't care," he said. "I can stand
it, I guess."
At the end of the evening he was
ipproached once more by the curious
"Well," said the member, "how did
you manage?"
"First rate."
"Didn't he Insult you?"
"Why, no."
"Didn't he browbeat you?"
"Not nt all."
"Didn't he say anything?"
"Nothing special. He only spoke
snce during the whole course of the
ga me."
"What did he say then?"
"Why, I didn't get the cards out
right In the last round, and be looked
aver at me very pleasantly and said,
'Why, you can't even deal, can you?"
A Tory's "Tip."
A good story Is told of the times of
the first reform bill In England, when
the popular cry was "The bill, the
whole bill and nothing but the bill."
(n those days the various bostelrles
tlong the coaching roads were patron
ized according to the political leanings
of tbe landlord. One night Tory ar
rived, a certain Inn and found to
Moral courage is more worth
having than physical courage. It is
more worth having not only be
cause it is a higher virtue, but be
cause the demand for it is more con
stant. Physical courage is a virtue
which is almost always put away
in the lumber room. Moral cour
age is a virtue thai is wanted day
by day. Charles Buxton.
Lotteries are almost as old as his
tory Itself. It Is certain tbat tbey
were known to tbe Greeks and Ro
mans, and tbe custom descended,
through Italy, to modern times. In tbe
Italian republics of tbe sixteenth cen
tury tbe lottery principle was applied
to encourage the sale of merchandise,
tbe lotto of Florence and that of Ven
ice being well known. Tbe first lot
teries In France were licensed In 1C50
by Francis I. In England the earliest
lotteries sanctioned by tbe government
were for such purposes aa tbe repair
of harbors and docks, about 15C9. By
tbe Virginia company of 1612 tbe lot
tery was brought to America. New
York American.
Boy's Apt Roply.
"One of the prettiest compliments I
have ever bad paid to me." said Mme.
Melba, "was at one of the smaller Aus
trallan tons-Mounl Morgan byname.
Two tittle boys were unable to gain
admission to tbe ball, and I let them
come In and sit behind the orchestra.
At tbe end of tbe concert I told them
that tbey owed me a guinea apiece.
Tbe older of the two rose to bis feet,
saluted, and said: 'Madame, we owe
you much more than that.' Don't you
think tbat was a great compliment?"
aatd Mme. Melba.
Tbe history of hatmaking In tbe
United States datea back to very early
colonial days. In 1CG2 tbe assembly
of Virginia enacted a law offering ten
pounds of tobacco for every good
wool or fur bat made in tbe colony.
Delaware in 1753 offered a prize of
40 shillings for the neatest and best
bat manufactured In tbe lower coun
ties. Soon after tbe close of the Inv
olution the manufacture of bats bad
become of great Importance In Fenn
ylvanla, and from tbat time tbe In
dustry has continued to flourish.
Woodon Watsr Tanks.
Cypress water tanks have been
known to last for a quarter of a cen
tury and white pine ones two decades.
"lie's Argus eyed."
"Cao't an oculist help him?" New
York Press.
oa its.
Tbe average number of gales tbat
sweep tbe world In a year Is about
Well Drilling:
Offict, No. 9 Osk Street
Phonts. 26 sr 2002 -X
White :: River :: Flour
Makes Whiter, Lighter Bread
Little White Salmon Valley
120 tcres on the White Salmon river, five
miles from the Columbia; 500 one-year-old trees, 40
acres improved, 12 acres under plow, 50 acres brush
land, fine stream of water through place, east side
of valley-all good soil, no waste. Owner will sell
at a sacrifice if taken at once. See owner through
Van Vorst WelU
While .Salmon, Wash.
Livery, Feed and Draying
Horses Bought, Sold or Exchanged. Pleasure
parties can secure first class rigs. Special at
tention given to moving furniture and pi
anos. Everything done that horses can do
Hood River
i a ivrK i.,m;- .
Gvery man ikes Kis Wife
to be admired. Why not adorn yours with
one of our Handsome Necklaces or a pretty
Locket and Chain? Our Jewelry is first of
all Reliable. Its beauty you can judge for
yourself. Its quality we guarantee.
Opposite Butler Bank
In Brosius Block