The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, October 30, 2018, Page 5A, Image 69

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His girls come first before her
Dear Annie: I’ve been dating month later. It was also my birth-
a gentle, kind and loving man for day. We discussed doing some-
a while. He goes to church, con- thing together for my birthday and
stantly reads his Bible and plays then having dessert with my par-
Christian music. We get along great. ents so I could see my dad for a
We have conversations for hours, bit. His daughters decided to cook
and we laugh and cry together. But lunch for him at noon, which was
fine with me, as we could
the problem is that he is so
still be at my parents’ place
close to his three grown
by 3 or 4 in the afternoon
daughters, especially his
for dessert and my birth-
youngest, that I feel com-
pletely left out at times.
day cake. When we were
For instance, we
with his daughters, the
recently went out to dinner,
time kept passing, and
and his youngest daugh-
nothing was said. I finally
ter happened to come into
asked him when we would
the restaurant. We had not
be going. He told me that
been dating long at that Annie
no woman would inter-
Syndicate Inc.
fere with his relationship
point, and I was used to
with his daughters and that
him looking at me as we sat
across from each other. She came in he was not going to tell them that
and sat down beside him, and that he had plans. I reminded him that
was the end of our date. He turned we had made an agreement to see
in his chair to face her and talked my parents. His only response was
and smiled at her the whole time. that his girls will always come first.
His smile was bigger than I had I also told him they are old enough
ever seen. It was almost like watch- to understand that we have to share
ing a schoolboy with his new girl. him. He still refused.
But they had just had lunch together
Is this a red flag, or am I being
the day before. They have lunch selfish? His daughters are 22, 38
together at least three times a week. and 40. I forgot to mention that the
He was ignoring me so much, with youngest daughter left after an hour
his attention centered only on her, to spend time with her mom and
that it was extremely awkward.
stepdad and her boyfriend and his
Father’s Day came about a dad. — Are Red Flags Flying High?
Dear Red Flags: It sounds
as if you two are ships sailing in
completely different directions.
You began your letter by saying
that you are in a relationship with
a gentle, kind and loving man, but
your stories about him show that
his gentle, kind and loving side is
reserved for his daughters, espe-
cially the youngest, even if it is at
your expense. Seeing as he clearly
stated that his girls come first and
you don’t like that — understand-
ably — it is probably time to
move on.
Dear Annie: This is in response
to “On My Own in Georgia,”
who regrets not having children.
This woman should check out the
schools in her city. There are so
many children who could bene-
fit from her knowledge. There are
also boys and girls clubs that could
use her knowledge and wisdom.
My husband and I could not have
children, so we adopted a 5-year-
old boy from Korea. I would do it
again. — No Regrets
Dear No Regrets: I’m happy to
print this letter, as it’s great advice.
A 2016 report by the Stanford
Center on Longevity found that
children and older adults benefit
equally and greatly from spending
time together.
By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). Patience is a flat-
tering emotion. It looks good on everyone, and
it especially suits you today. Halloween alter
ego: Your warrior spirit could shine through Jon
Snow or Daenerys Targaryen.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). A loved one will
lean on you, and you’ll likely be glad for the op-
portunity to be of service. Halloween alter ego:
A character from the cartoon “Bob’s Burgers”
speaks to the bovine in you.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Today’s main
feature will arrive with a humble presence and
continue to grow in importance. Halloween al-
ter ego: A couple’s costume is the ideal for the
twins, for instance, the two sides of an Oreo or
a pair of sneakers.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). No one is
expecting you to fix all the problems, only to
make facing them a little less lonely. Hallow-
een alter ego: A seaside classic is perfect for
the crab. Consider the realm of mermaids or
“SpongeBob SquarePants.”
or a famous judge would be ideal.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Expect big
things from those in your inner circle. Hallow-
een alter ego: A character from a Halloween
movie such as the classic monster Michael
Myers or Mavis from “Hotel Transylvania.”
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You’ll notice
a change in your reasons for doing a job. Hal-
loween alter ego: You will be most satisfyingly
complete with a group costume. For instance,
going out as the cast of “Stranger Things.”
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You will
upgrade yourself in small but meaningful incre-
ments. You identify with the intelligent forces
of the universe so your Halloween alter ego
is perfectly aligned with Einstein or Edna from
“The Incredibles.”
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). There is magic
in your voice, so speak up. You’re likely to
influence a decision or make a difference. Hal-
loween alter ego: a game character such as
Brite Bomber or Dark Voyager from “Fortnite.”
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). When you believe
something is going to be easy, you make it
easy for yourself. So think a good thought, and
then open the door. Halloween alter ego: Black
Panther, Hello Kitty or any number of feline
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). If you step back
and throw up your hands, you’ll be amazed
at how things sort themselves out. Halloween
alter ego: A peaceful mood prevails, pointing
costume options toward a gentle unicorn or a
Bob Ross painting.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Loved ones are
the best at pushing your buttons because
experience has taught them where said
buttons are. Halloween alter ego: an earthy
nurturer like Mother Earth, Little Bo Peep or
Farmer John.
Dream big because the smooth way life runs
will make this one of your best years, espe-
cially if there’s a shining goal to slide toward.
The things that are not aligned with who you
really are get uncomfortable, and you either
shake them off or find an adjustment to make
your life work better. Capricorn and Taurus
adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 8, 2, 22,
19 and 40.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Kindness and
acceptance are not only virtues; they are your
most useful habits. Halloween alter ego: A
political character like lawyer Saul Goodman