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About The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 2018)
7A THE DAILY ASTORIAN • TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2018 Penny Wise: Liquidation sale lasts until Sept. 15 Continued from Page 1A Colin Murphey/The Daily Astorian Staff and volunteers with The Nature Conservancy and the North Coast Land Conservancy use canoes to work in a wetland area. Plants: Purple loosestrife can produce upwards of 1 million to 2 million seeds Continued from Page 1A available to wildlife. Its roots trap sediment, drastically changing the elevation of a site over time. “When that happens, you can see changes in the plant community from plants that really depend on the lower elevation and more frequent inundation with the tide com- ing in to plants that can occupy drier elevations,” Hutmacher said. “That can have cascad- ing effects in the food chain.” For a plant rooted in place, purple loosestrife can be incredibly mobile. This mobility is the primary chal- lenge in trying to control the spread. Each plant can pro- duce upwards of 1 million to 2 million seeds the size of black pepper flakes. Water and animals carry the tiny seeds throughout an area. The properties The Nature Conservancy and the North Coast Land Conservancy own are impacted by upstream sources of purple loosestrife. The Columbia River is a mas- sive system and the properties the groups worked on over the weekend are small. “We’re doing what we can,” Hutmacher said. But, she added, “it’s nice to do what we can even in these small areas to provide patches of high quality habi- tat for migrating salmon, for birds.” The Fesslers sold the property to Marlin Larsen, who died earlier this year. The property passed into a family trust, and the Fesslers are waiting to see whether Heaven Sent Boarding House continues long-term. The liquidation sale at Penny Wise lasts until Sept. 15. Clothing is free, and other items have been heav- ily marked down. The store is also looking for volunteers to help move items. The imminent closure of Penny Wise follows simi- lar announcements by local thrift stores supporting non- profit groups. Impact Thrift Store, opened to support Clatsop Animal Assistance, North Coast Food Web and veterinary bills, recently closed along Marine Drive. The Harbor, a regional advo- cacy group for victims of sexual and domestic assault, recently announced the clo- sure next month of its fund- raising thrift store, Deja Vu, citing the financial losses. The profits from Penny Wise barely covered the alli- ance’s informational mate- rials, Peter Fessler said. The couple also invested the prof- its in furnishing the boarding house. But aside from sup- porting the alliance, the store had also become an informal support center for those liv- ing with depression and bipo- lar disorder. The Fesslers are hoping to find another facili- tator to keep the group going and seek grant funding. “It’s to help people living with bipolar or depression, to help them cope, (to) learn to live with it,” Peter Fessler said. The Daily Astorian Peter and Patricia Fessler are closing the Penny Wise Thrift Store in Warrenton after nearly a decade in operation. Girls Build: ‘It’s important for girls to learn this stuff’ Continued from Page 1A Hughes said 8 to 14 years old is old enough for girls to work safely, but young enough to influence them to enter the trades in high school. She remembers teaching in a high school construction pro- gram where there was only one female in several classes. “I taught construction for two years at a high school — juniors and seniors — and the kids who didn’t walk in the door with it at least as an idea didn’t go into (trades), no mat- ter how excited they were,” Hughes said. “And what I also saw was the people who walked in the door, of the girls I had, most had never touched a tool before.” Many of the girls at the local camp said they had helped out on minor construction projects and learned to use basic tools. But the imbalance in the trades was not lost on them. “It’s important for girls to learn this stuff,” said 11-year- old Reese Long. “Boys are always doing this.” Olivia Merila, 10, said she primarily wanted to take the camp to build cool stuff. But she also understands the need to equalize the gender makeup in the trades. By the end of the camp on Friday, girls had finished planter boxes, stools and sheet metal lamps to take home as mem- ories. The crown jewel was a green-and-white playhouse that will be donated to a local Head Start preschool program. “They did the framing, sheet- ing; they painted everything,” said Stevia Eldritch, who works for a general contractor in Ash- land and helped teach work- shops. “We started with a pile of building materials.” CLASSIFIEDINDEX classifieds NOTICES MARINE RENTALS Special Notices ............................. 104 Boats for Sale................................. 251 Public Notices ............................... 107 Boating Parts & Accessories ..... 254 Announcements .......................... 110 Boats Wanted ................................ 257 Boat Trailers ................................... 260 PERSONALS Marine Supplies & Equip. .......... 266 Lost & Found ................................. 181 Boat/RV Storage ........................... 269 Personals ........................................ 184 Fund-raisers ................................... 188 RVs & Trailers RVs & Travel Trailers ............ 301-307 AUTOMOTIVE Campers, Utility Trailers .... 310-313 Antiques/Classic Vehicles ......... 201 Automobiles .................................. 204 REAL ESTATE SUVs/Trucks .......................... 207-210 Open Houses ................................. 501 4WD .................................................. 213 For Sale ................................... 504-513 Vans .................................................. 216 Lots & Acreage .............................. 516 ATVs/Motorcycles ........................ 219 Income Property .......................... 519 Truck/Auto Parts .......................... 222 Manufactured Homes ................ 522 Detailing ......................................... 225 Commercial Property ................. 525 Tires & Wheels ............................... 228 Real Estate Wanted ..................... 531 A small-town newspaper with a GLOBAL OUTLOOK 107 Public Notices REWARD For information leading to arrest + conviction of person or persons that stole nets + equipment from 4797 Birch St, Astoria Leave message at 503-888-4957 Go. Do. ERROR AND CANCELLATIONS Please read your ad on the first day. T HE D AILY A STORIAN One of the Pacific Northwest’s great small newspapers If you see an error, The Daily Astorian will gladly re-run your ad correctly. We accept responsibility for the first incorrect insertion, and then only to the extent of a corrected insertion or refund of the price paid. To cancel or correct an ad, call 503-325-3211 or 1-800-781-3211 FIND IT, TELL IT, SELL IT! 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Also huge selection of shelves, display cases, fixtures. Sale dates: 8/1 - 9/15 In need of some volunteers! In a hurry? Placing a classified ad is fast and easy! Call 503-325-3211 to place your ad order today! THE DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS is 1 p.m. the day before your ad is scheduled to run 181 Lost & Found Missing 14 y/o Tabby male cat Skeeter very friendly, smallish, loud meower, no collar missing since Aug 9th Seen last on 5th and Klaskanie If you’ve seen him or know his whereabouts call Linda (503)791-2051 204 Automobiles 2004 Ford Freestar SEL 1 Owner - Great Shape W/Extras $3,000 OBO Don @ 503-738-6866 If You Live In Seaside or Cannon Beach DIAL 503-325-3211 F OR A Daily Astorian Classified Ad 504 Homes for Sale House For Sale By Owner Beautiful house with a million dollar view. Equipped with solar panels. Price Reduced: $475,000 Call (503)440-8918 All classifieds require pre-payment 504 Homes for Sale 604 Apartments Emerald Heights 2 & 3 bedroom apartments available (503)325-8221 PUBLISHER’S NOTICE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “Any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians; pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD at 1(800)669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1(800)927-9275. Use our classified ads to get results fast! Call 503-325-3211 to place your ad today! 651 Help Wanted Full or part-time Driver needed. Wages DOE, CDL required, North West Ready Mix. 950 Olney Avenue 503-325-3562 Peace Learning Center has an opening for a Preschool Teacher. Apply in person between 8am and 4pm. 591 12th Street Astoria, Oregon WE DELIVER! Please leave a light on or install motion detector lights to make your carrier’s job easier. Thanks! THE DAILY ASTORIAN Full-Time Employment Housekeeper/Front Desk $15/hr DOE Tradewinds Condo/Hotel Seaside, OR. 503-738-9468 info@sea-