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About The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 2018)
THE DAILY ASTORIAN • TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2018 FEATURES TOMORROW’S HOROSCOPE Upset by screaming child Dear Annie: I was recently shop- and scream in her stroller. Every- ping in a department store, when one in the store could hear her as I heard the very loud screams of a the family casually strolled from child. Because the screaming was so department to department. I finally finished with what I was abnormal, I wanted to seek the child out to see what was causing it. When there to get and left as quickly as I I found the screamer, she was being could because I couldn’t bear to hear the screaming any longer. pushed in a stroller by her DEAR The reason I am writing mother, with a man (possi- bly her father) and two other this is to plead with parents ANNIE women walking alongside. to have some common cour- tesy when in public places As the screaming and crying with your children. Per- continued, none of the adults haps when you know you made any attempt to talk will be out of the house lon- to, interact with or hush the ger than your child can toler- child. It appeared as if they ate, be prepared with a bot- were in full ignore mode. Lane tle, a snack and a small book As a mother, I know that Annie Creators Syndicate Inc. children have these types or toy to keep him or her of meltdowns when they’re occupied. You may be used hungry, they’re tired or a request to hearing your child’s screams, but for something shiny or sparkly has it can be annoying and disruptive to not been met. However, when my others who are nearby. children were young and I found Thank you for allowing me to myself in a public place when they vent. — Mind Your Manners, Please began to get cranky, I immedi- Dear Manners: You offer great ately removed them from the store suggestions for parents preparing and took them outside until they for outings with their young kids. Of calmed down. To me, this was the course, one of the adults should have polite thing to do so I did not sub- taken the little girl outside, for her own ject other shoppers to the subse- sake and for the sake of other cus- quent crying that was sure to come. tomers. I surveyed a group of young The store was quite large, and as moms, and they defended the adults in the group moved away from where I your scenario. I understand their feel- was, the child continued to cry, kick ing that you just can’t win and that it 5A By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc. is a mistake to give in to your child’s every whim. But allowing the little girl to scream uncontrollably — as if everything were normal — is quite absurd. You are right, and they are wrong. Thank you for writing. Dear Annie: Perhaps this will help you: The definition of “gross” is “144 of anything.” I’ve asked you before to stop using that word as a definition of something terrible. My children and I have had that unfor- tunate last name for too many years, and legally changing one’s name is complicated and expensive. Picture yourself as a child with this last name, and think of other chil- dren and even adults using it as a pejorative to make fun of you, which has happened to my children and me. As a syndicated columnist, you should know that words hurt when used this way. — Speak Carefully Dear Speak Carefully: I’m sorry that my usage hurt you, but that wasn’t my intention. The first defini- tion for “gross” listed in my dictionary refers to the way in which I and many others use it. But that doesn’t mean it has anything to do with your surname. Though I can’t promise you I’ll never use that word again, I can prom- ise you that anyone who is cruel and immature enough to deliberately rid- icule your name is the ridiculous one. ARIES (March 21-April 19). It’s a strange day in which enjoyment has little to do with success at the task. All the fun belongs to those who are willing to be bad at something. If you’re tone-deaf, sing! If you’re colorblind, paint! If you’re shy, orate! TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You’ll learn who keeps his word and who doesn’t — knowledge that should help you navigate in the future. You only have time for those you can count on. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Your intuitive methods will serve you well today. That doesn’t mean you won’t ask for guidance; it just means you’ll have a strong feeling about from whence the best advice will come. CANCER (June 22-July 22). You can give your story a positive spin and cover it in frosted sugar, too, but the people who know you will still want to hear the real deal. Help and honesty go hand in hand. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). There are no guarantees today, but have a little faith anyway. The ones who will win under this sky are those who are able to tolerate uncertainty and even find a way to get comfortable inside it. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Artists will be on fire with inspiration today — and everyone is an artist at something. Whatever you’re willing to practice will be a conduit for your passion. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You’re looking at the kind of problem that can’t be solved by money or anything it can buy. You know what the real solution is. It’s love, of course. You’ve plenty of it to give. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Don’t FRANK AND ERNEST BLONDIE THATABABY SALLY FORTH PHOEBE AND HER UNICORN B.C. LOLA DILBERT SIX CHIX BIZARRO MUTTS NON SEQUITUR BABY BLUES WIZARD OF ID ZITS ROSE IS ROSE worry if you’re running out of excitement for a project. It is possible to fly without a motor (then again, that’s really called gliding), and there’s no shame in it. Rest. You’ll feel different tomorrow. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Would you like a second chance at what you thought was a one-time deal? Such cosmic grace is indicated now. The day will bring a reversal of misfortune, miscommunication and other mischief. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You have excellent instincts about people and can tell right away who’s going to be your close friend. For this reason, you may slow the social pace so you can enjoy getting to know others. What’s the rush? AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You’ll see a change because you made a change. It has, in fact, brought you such satisfaction that you no longer feel the need to com- plain about anything. Instead, you decide whether to make a change or not. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Discipline is your success secret. It is at the core of every win. Discipline happens through planning and through making your environment a place that’s conducive to creating your best life. TOMORROW’S BIRTHDAY (Aug. 29). You have the clarity of mind and the courage to really listen to yourself — past the voices of influence you’ve lived with your whole life and into a small but mighty chamber of your heart that holds a purpose that until now has spoken only in whispers. You’ll hear it loud and follow. Your best life awaits. Aries and Libra adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 7, 4, 44, 38 and 2.